

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Seftware

Version 8.7.4

Enterprise Series Routers

Administrator???s Handbook


Copyright ?? 2007 by Motorola, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation or adaptation) without written permission from Motorola, Inc.

Motorola reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of Motorola to provide notification of such revision or change. Motorola provides this guide without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Motorola may make improvements or changes in the product(s) described in this manual at any time. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Me, and Windows NT are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S and/or other countries. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. Firefox is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

Motorola, Inc.

1303 East Algonquin Road

Schaumburg, Illinois 60196


Version 8.7.4

Part Number



Contents iii

iv Administrator???s Handbook

Contents v

vi Administrator???s Handbook

Contents vii

viii Administrator???s Handbook

Contents ix


x Administrator???s Handbook

Introduction 1-1

Chapter 1


This Administrator???s Handbook covers the advanced features of the Motorola Netopia?? ENT Enterprise-Series Router family.

Your Motorola Netopia?? equipment offers advanced con???guration features accessed through the Main Menu of the Telnet con???guration screen. This Administrator???s Handbook documents the advanced features, including advanced testing, security, monitoring, and con???guration. This Administrator???s Handbook should be used as a companion to the Quickstart Guide and the Getting Started Guide. You should read the Quickstart Guide and the Getting Started Guide before reading this Administrator???s Handbook.

What???s New in 8.7.4

New in Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 are the following features:

???Specify Source Address of Outbound Router Traf???c. See ???Enhanced Dead Peer Detection??? on page 6-15.

???Ability to support multiple networks over the same IPSec tunnel. See ???Multiple Network IPsec??? on page 6-17.

???Backup timer can now be set in seconds instead of minutes. Minimum failure setting has been reduced to 10 seconds. See Chapter 8, ???Line Backup.???

???USB-equipped models now support Macintosh Mac OS X on the USB port.

???VLAN enhancements. See ???VLAN Con???guration??? on page 3-11.

???IP multicast to layer 2 unicast mapping. See ???IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)??? on page 3-52.

Corresponding commands have been added to the Command Line Interface (CLI). In addition:

???DHCP Generic Options support.

???DHCP ???ltersets support.

???Support for router generated packets with their source address outside the local member range for IPSec force all tunnels.

See the Command Line Interface Commands Reference available on the Motorola Netopia?? website.

1-2 Administrator???s Handbook

Telnet-based Management

Telnet-based management is a fast menu-driven interface for the capabilities built into Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. Telnet-based management provides access to a wide variety of features that the Router supports. You can customize these features for your individual setup. This chapter describes how to access the Telnet-based management screens. This section covers the following topics:

??????Motorola Netopia?? Telnet Menus??? on page 1-2

??????Motorola Netopia?? Models??? on page 1-3

??????Connecting through a Telnet Session??? on page 1-4

??????Navigating through the Telnet Screens??? on page 1-5

Motorola Netopia?? Telnet Menus

Telnet-based management screens contain the main entry points to Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 con???guration and monitoring features. The entry points are displayed in the Main Menu shown below:

Netopia 3366 V 8.7.4

Easy Setup...

WAN Configuration...

System Configuration...

Utilities & Diagnostics...

Statistics & Logs...

Quick Menus...

Quick View...

???The Easy Setup menus display and permit changing the values contained in the default connection pro???le. You can use Easy Setup to initially con???gure the Router directly through a Telnet session.

Easy Setup menus contain up to ???ve descendant screens for viewing or altering these values. The number of screens depends on whether you have optional features installed.

The Quickstart Guide describes the Easy Setup menus to get you up and running quickly.

Introduction 1-3

???The WAN Con???guration menu displays and permits changing your connection pro???le(s), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and default pro???le, creating or deleting additional connection pro???les, and con???guring or recon???guring the manner in which you may be using the Router to connect to more than one service provider or remote site. See ???WAN Con???guration,??? beginning on page 2-1. See also Chapter 5, ???Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).???

???The System Con???guration menus display and permit changing:

and more. See ???System Con???guration Features,??? beginning on page 3-1.

???The Utilities & Diagnostics menus provide a selection of the various tools for monitoring and diagnosing the Router's behavior, as well as for updating the software and rebooting the system. See Chapter 11, ???Utilities and Diagnostics.???

???The Statistics & Logs menus display several sets of tables and device logs that show information about your Router, your network, and their history. See ???Statistics & Logs,??? beginning on page 9-3.

???The Quick Menus screen is a shortcut entry point to a variety of the most commonly used con???guration menus that are accessed through the other menu entry points.

???The Quick View menu displays at a glance current real-time operating information about your Router. See

???Quick View Status Overview??? on page 9-1.

Motorola Netopia?? Models

This Administrator???s Handbook covers all of the Motorola Netopia?? ENT Enterprise-Series Router models. However some information in this guide will only apply to a speci???c model.

Screen differences

Because different Motorola Netopia?? ENT Enterprise-Series models offer many different features and interfaces, the options shown on some screens in this Administrator???s Handbook may not appear on your own particular model???s Telnet screen.

These differences are noted throughout the manual.

1-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Connecting through a Telnet Session

Features of Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 can be con???gured through the Telnet screens.

Before you can access the console screens through Telnet, you must have:

???A network connection locally to the Router or IP access to the Router.

???Telnet software installed on the computer you will use to con???gure the Router

Configuring Telnet software

If you are con???guring your device using a Telnet session, your computer must be running a Telnet software program.

???If you connect a PC with Microsoft Windows, you can use a Windows Telnet application or run Telnet from the Start menu.

???If you connect a Macintosh computer, Mac OS X users can use the Terminal application that comes with Mac OS X in the Utilities folder.

Introduction 1-5

Navigating through the Telnet Screens

Use your keyboard to navigate the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4???s con???guration screens, enter and edit information, and make choices. The following table lists the keys to use to navigate through the Telnet screens.

To help you ???nd your way to particular screens, some sections in this guide begin with a graphical path guide similar to the following example:

This particular path guide shows how to get to the Network Protocols Setup screens. The path guide represents these steps:

1.Beginning in the Main Menu, select System Con???guration and press Return. The System Con???guration screen appears.

2.Select IP Setup and press Return. The IP Setup screen appears.

To go back in this sequence of screens, use the Escape key.

1-6 Administrator???s Handbook

WAN Con???guration 2-1

Chapter 2

WAN Configuration

This chapter describes how to use the Telnet-based management screens to access and con???gure advanced features of your equipment. You can customize these features for your individual setup. These menus provide a powerful method for experienced users to set up their Router???s connection pro???les con???guration.

This section covers the following topics:

??????WAN Con???guration??? on page 2-1

??????WAN Ethernet Con???guration screen??? on page 2-1

??????ADSL Line Con???guration screen??? on page 2-4

??????Creating a New Connection Pro???le??? on page 2-8

??????Advanced Connection Options??? on page 2-15

??????Con???guration Changes Reset WAN Connection??? on page 2-15

??????Scheduled Connections??? on page 2-16

??????Backup Con???guration??? on page 2-21

??????Diffserv Options??? on page 2-22

??????Priority Queuing (TOS bit)??? on page 2-25

??????VRRP Options (WAN Link Failure Detection)??? on page 2-26

WAN Configuration

To con???gure your Wide Area Network (WAN) connection, navigate to the WAN Con???guration screen from the Main Menu and select WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup.

The Line Con???guration screen appears. The Line Con???guration screen will be appropriate to the type of WAN interface supported by your particular Router model.

WAN Ethernet Configuration screen

The WAN Ethernet Con???guration screen appears as follows:

2-2 Administrator???s Handbook

WAN Ethernet Configuration

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Ethernet Module in this screen.

???Address Translation Enabled allows you to specify whether or not the router performs Network Address Translation (NAT) on the Ethernet WAN port. NAT is enabled by default.

???Obtain WAN address via DHCP allows you to toggle WAN DHCP Off and On. DHCP is On by default. so that if you do not change the setting, the Router will acquire its WAN IP address automatically. By default, the router acts as a DHCP client on the Ethernet WAN port and and attempts to acquire an address from a DHCP server.

???The Local WAN IP Address ???eld allows you to manually con???gure an IP address for use on the Ethernet WAN port. This ???eld only becomes visible if you toggle Obtain WAN address via DHCP to Off.

???The Local WAN IP Mask ???eld becomes visible if you specify a Local WAN IP Address. This allows you to manually con???gure an IP subnet mask for use on the Ethernet WAN port. This item is visible only if you have con???gured a non-zero Ethernet IP Address; otherwise, the router obtains a subnet mask via DHCP.

???The NAT Map List and NAT Server List options are set to the defaults, Easy-PAT List and Easy-Servers. These provide standard NAT mappings. For more advanced NAT con???gurations, see ???Multi-NAT??? on page 4-1.

???NAT Options allows you to specify IP Passthrough, allowing a single PC on the LAN to have the router???s public address assigned to it. See ???IP Passthrough??? on page 4-27.

???If you set Stateful Inspection Enabled to Yes, you can enable a security feature for computers on your LAN when NAT is disabled. See ???Stateful Inspection??? on page 3-3.

???The Filter Set pop-up allows you to associate an IP ???lter set with the Ethernet WAN port. See ???About Filters and Filter Sets??? on page 10-20.

???Remove Filter Set allows you to remove a previously associated ???lter set.

???The WAN Ethernet Speed Setting is con???gurable via a pop-up menu. Options are:

??? Auto-Negotiation (the default)

WAN Con???guration 2-3

???100 Mbps Full Duplex

???100 Mbps Half Duplex

???10 Mbps Full Duplex

???10 Mbps Half Duplex

???100 Mbps, Full Duplex, Fixed

???100 Mbps, Half Duplex, Fixed

???10 Mbps, Full Duplex, Fixed

???10 Mbps, Half Duplex, Fixed

This may be useful in mixed networks, where multiple routers have different ethernet speed capability. If you want to maintain a single speed setting for compatibility with multiple routers on your LAN, you can select a speed/duplex combination that all of your routers can match.

???The Wan Ethernet MAC Address is the hardware address of the Motorola Netopia?? device. Some service providers require a speci???c MAC address as part of their authentication process. In such a case, you can enter the MAC address that your service provider requires. If your service provider doesn???t use this method, you don???t need to change this ???eld.

???The DHCP Client Mode setting depends on the type of access concentrator equipment your service provider uses. Most use Standards-Based. Alternatively, your provider may instruct you to select Copper Mountain Speci???c.

???The RIP Options selection displays the WAN Ethernet RIP Parameters screen.

???The Receive RIP pop-up menu controls the reception and transmission of Routing Information Protocol (RIP) packets on the Ethernet WAN port. The default is Both.

2-4 Administrator???s Handbook

The Transmit RIP pop-up menu is hidden if NAT is enabled.

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is needed if there are IP routers on other segments of your Ethernet network that the Motorola Netopia?? Router needs to recognize. Set to ???Both??? (the default) Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept information from either RIP v1 or v2 routers. Alternatively, select Receive RIP and select v1, v2, or v2 MD5 Authentication from the popup menu. With Receive RIP set to ???v1,??? the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s Ethernet port will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from other routers that use the same subnet mask. Set to ???v2,??? the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from other routers that use different subnet masks.

For more information on v2 MD5 Authentication, see ???RIP Options??? on page 7-9.

If you want the Motorola Netopia?? Router to advertise its routing table to other routers via RIP, select Transmit RIP and select v1, v2 (broadcast), or v2 (multicast) from the popup menu. With Transmit RIP v1 selected, the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets only to other RIP v1 routers. With Transmit RIP v2 (broadcast) selected, the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets to all other hosts on the network. With Transmit RIP v2 (multicast) selected, the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets only to other routers capable of recognizing RIP v2 packets.

ADSL Line Configuration screen

The ADSL Line Con???guration screen is shown below:

ADSL Line Configuration

1.Select Circuit Type and from the pop-up menu choose the type of circuit to which you will be connecting: Multimode, T1.413, G.dmt, or G.lite.

2.Select Trellis Coding Enabled. Toggle it to On (the default) or Off.

3.Select Signaling Mode and choose Echo Cancellation or FDM (the default).

4.If you selected Multimode Circuit Type, the Fast Retrain Enabled ???eld appears. Toggle it to On (the default) or Off.

WAN Con???guration 2-5

5.For model 3341 and 3366C ADSL modems, a Wiring Type pop-up menu allows you to choose the type of copper pair wiring in use at your location. For all other models this option is preset and does not appear.

Usually, the default AutoSense will detect the type and adjust itself accordingly. If you want to set it yourself, and you know the type of wiring you have, choose either Tip/Ring (Inner Pair) or A/A1 (Outer Pair) from the pop-up menu.

6.Select Data Link Encapsulation and press Return. The pop-up menu will offer you the choice of PPP or RFC1483.

7.Toggle Annex Modes enabled to On only if your service provider supports it. The embedded software has the ability to support Annex M mode. However, Annex M mode may affect the training timing in some cases. Consequently, the default is Off. Not all services support this feature for all subscribers.

ATM Circuit Configuration

On ADSL WAN interfaces, the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) connection between the router and the central of???ce equipment (DSLAM) is divided logically into one or more virtual circuits (VCs). A virtual circuit may be either a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) or a switched virtual circuit (SVC). Motorola Netopia?? Routers support PVCs.

VCs are identi???ed by a Virtual Path Identi???er (VPI) and Virtual Channel Identi???er (VCI). A VPI is an 8-bit value between 0 and 255, inclusive, while a VCI is a 16-bit value between 0 and 65535, inclusive.

???Circuits support attributes in addition to their VPI and VCI values. When con???guring a circuit, you can specify an optional circuit name of up to 14 characters. The circuit name is used only to identify the circuit for management purposes as a convenience to aid in selecting circuits from lists. The default circuit name is ???Circuit <n>???, where <n> is some number between one and eight corresponding to the circuit???s position in the list of up to eight circuits.

???You can also individually enable or disable a circuit without deleting it. This is useful for temporarily removing a circuit without losing the con???gured attributes.

???In order to function, each circuit must be bound to a Connection Pro???le or to the Default Pro???le. Among other attributes, the pro???le binding speci???es the IP addressing information for use on the circuit. Each circuit must be bound to a distinct Connection Pro???le.

ATM VPI/VCI Autodetection. You can bind multiple circuits to the same Connection Pro???le. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 allows you to have a standard con???guration that uses, for example, four VCs (0/35, 0/38, 8/35, 8/38) pointing to the same pro???le.

The unit will now automatically select the active VC on networks with a VPI/VCI of any of these four values without any custom con???guration of the unit. You must, however, manually create these VCs and associate them with the pro???le you desire.

You con???gure Virtual Circuits in the Add/Change Circuit screen.

2-6 Administrator???s Handbook

ATM Circuits Configuration

Show/Change Circuit...

Add Circuit...

Delete Circuit...

8.To add a circuit, select Add Circuit and press Return. The Add Circuit screen appears.

???Enter a name for the circuit in the Circuit Name ???eld.

???Toggle Circuit Enabled to Yes.

???Enter the Virtual Path Identi???er and the Virtual Channel Identi???er in the Circuit VPI and Circuit VCI ???elds, respectively.

???The Peak Cell Rate ???eld is editable. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports three ATM classes of service for data connections: Unspeci???ed Bit Rate (UBR), Constant Bit Rate (CBR), and Variable Bit Rate (VBR). You can con???gure these classes of service on a per VC basis. The

WAN Con???guration 2-7

default ATM class of service is UBR.

Quality of Service (QoS) settings

Note: QoS settings are not available on Ethernet-to-Ethernet WAN models.

???Select the QoS (Quality of Service) setting from the pop-up menu: UBR. CBR, or VBR.

UBR: No con???guration is needed for UBR VCs. Leave the default value 0 (maximum line rate).

CBR: One parameter is required for CBR VCs. Enter the Peak Cell Rate that applies to the VC. This value should be between 1 and the line rate. You set this value according to speci???cations de???ned by your service provider.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

VBR: This class is characterized by:

???a Peak Cell Rate (PCR), which is a temporary burst, not a sustained rate, and

???a Sustained Cell Rate (SCR),

???a Burst Tolerance (BT), speci???ed in terms of Maximum Burst Size (MBS). The MBS is the maximum number of cells that can be transmitted at the peak cell rate and should be less than, or equal to the Peak Cell Rate, which should be less than, or equal to the line rate.

VBR has two sub-classes:

a. VBR non-real-time (VBR-nrt): Typical applications are non-real-time traf???c, such as IP data traf???c. This class yields a fair amount of Cell Delay Variation (CDV).

b. VBR real time (VBR-rt): Typical applications are real-time traf???c, such as compressed voice over IP and video conferencing. This class transmits cells with a more tightly bounded Cell Delay Variation. The applications follow CBR.

???Then, select a Connection Pro???le for the Circuit. To use the Default Pro???le, select Use Default Pro???le for Circuit and press Return. For other options, select a pro???le from the Use Connection Pro???le pop-up menu.

2-8 Administrator???s Handbook

Note: With multiple VCs you must explicitly statically bind the second (and all subsequent) VCs to a pro???le. The ???rst VC will automatically statically bind according to pre-de???ned dynamic binding rules when you add the second VC. It will revert back to dynamic binding if the number of VCs is reduced to one; for example, by deleting previously de???ned VCs.

When the link comes up the router binds the VC dynamically to the ???rst suitable Connection Pro???le or to the Default Pro???le if there is no Connection Pro???le con???gured.

???If you factory default the router, the VC binds to the Default Pro???le.

???If you delete a Connection Pro???le that is statically bound to a VC, the VC binding is set back to the Default Pro???le. If there is only one VC de???ned, the VC dynamically binds to the ???rst suitable pro???le or to the Default Pro???le. If there are multiple VCs de???ned, it binds to the Default Pro???le.

???If you add a second VC, it is initialized to the Default Pro???le, and the menu screens display the VC Connection Pro???le-related items, allowing you to bind to a speci???c Connection Pro???le instead of the Default Pro???le. In addition, the router statically binds the ???rst VC according to the rules used to select a pro???le for dynamic binding. At this point, each pro???le uses static binding when the link is brought up.

???If there are no VCs when you add a VC -- for example, if you deleted all your previous VCs and started adding them again -- dynamic binding will occur when the link comes up. If you delete a VC, leaving only one VC, that VC resumes dynamically binding again.

??? Select ADD Circuit NOW and press Return.

9.To display or change a circuit, select Display/Change Circuit, select a circuit from the pop-up menu, and press Return. The ???elds are the same as those in the Add Circuit screen.

10.To delete a circuit, select Delete Circuit, select a circuit from the pop-up menu, and press Return. In the con???rmation window, select CONTINUE and press Return.

11.Press Escape to return to the WAN Setup menu.

Creating a New Connection Profile

Connection pro???les are useful for con???guring the connection and authentication settings for negotiating a PPP connection. If you are using the PPP data link encapsulation method, you can store your authentication information in the connection pro???le so that your user name and password (or host name and secret) are transmitted when you attempt to connect.

Connection pro???les de???ne the networking protocols necessary for the Router to make a remote connection. A connection pro???le is like an address book entry describing how the Router is to get to a remote site, or how to recognize and authenticate a connection. To create a new connection pro???le, you navigate to the WAN Con???guration screen from the Main Menu, and select Add Connection Pro???le.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes. Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

1.Select Pro???le Name and enter a name for this connection pro???le. It can be any name you wish. For example: the name of your ISP.

2.Toggle Pro???le Enabled to Yes or No. The default is Yes. You can toggle it to No, if you want to disable it later.

3.Select Encapsulation Type and press Return. The pop-up menu offers the possible data link encapsulation methods for connection pro???les used for a variety of purposes: PPP, RFC1483, ATMP, PPTP, IPsec, L2TP.

Multiple Data Link Encapsulation Settings

4.Select Encapsulation Options and press Return.

??? If you selected ATMP, PPTP, L2TP, or IPSec, see Chapter 5, ???Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).???

2-10 Administrator???s Handbook

???If you selected PPP or RFC1483, the screen offers different options:

Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

???If you selected RFC1483, the screen allows you to choose Bridged 1483 or Routed 1483.

???If you selected PPP, the screen allows you to choose PPPoE or None as the Underlying Encapsulation.

???If you choose None, the PPP Mode offers the choice of VC Multiplexed or LLC SNAP.

If you are using PPP, when you select Encapsulation Options, the Datalink (PPP/MP) Options screen appears. (RFC1483 does not require these options and does not offer the menu selection.)

WAN Con???guration 2-11

Datalink (PPP/MP) Options

Datalink (PPP/MP) Options

Return to the Add Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

5.Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

2-12 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

6.Toggle or enter your IP Parameters. For more information, see:

??????IP Setup??? on page 7-1

??????Network Address Translation (NAT)??? on page 3-2

??????Stateful Inspection Options??? on page 3-8

??????Filter Sets??? on page 3-2

???The RIP Pro???le Options selection displays the RIP Pro???le Parameters screen.

???The Receive RIP pop-up menu controls the reception and transmission of Routing Information Protocol (RIP) packets on the WAN port. The default is Both v1 and v2.

A Transmit RIP pop-up menu is hidden if NAT is enabled.

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is needed if there are IP routers on other segments of your Ethernet network that the Motorola Netopia?? Router needs to recognize. Set to ???Both??? (the default) Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept information from either RIP v1 or v2 routers.

Alternatively, select Receive RIP and select v1, v2, or v2 MD5 Authentication from the popup menu. With Receive RIP set to ???v1,??? the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s Ethernet port will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from other routers that use the same subnet mask. Set to ???v2,??? the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from other routers that use different subnet masks.

For more information on v2 MD5 Authentication, see ???RIP Options??? on page 7-9.

PPPoE/PPPoA Autodetection

Beginning with Software Version 8.5, if you are using PPP, and you have selected PPPoE as the Underlying Encapsulation, you can further enable the ability to connect automatically to your ISP???s central of???ce equipment whether they are using PPP over Ethernet or PPP over ATM.

Note: This feature applies only to ATM-based WAN connections.

7.Select PPPoE Options and press Return. The PPPoE Options screen appears.

2-14 Administrator???s Handbook

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Toggle PPPoA Autodetect to On.

If your ISP is using PPPoE, the connection will be made normally. If your ISP is using PPPoA, when the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway detects this, it will automatically switch to PPPoA transparently.

8.Return to the Add Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

9.Select COMMIT and press Return. Your new Connection Pro???le will be added.

If you want to view the Connection Pro???les in your device, return to the WAN Con???guration screen, and select Display/Change Connection Pro???le. The list of Connection Pro???les is displayed in a scrolling pop-up screen.

WAN Con???guration 2-15

You can also delete Connection Pro???les by selecting them in the same manner using the Delete Connection Pro???le option in the WAN Con???guration screen.

Advanced Connection Options

Depending on your model, the Advanced Connection Options screen offers a variety of powerful options for advanced users. Screens shown in this section may vary from what your particular model displays.

Configuration Changes Reset WAN Connection

The menu supports delaying some con???guration changes until after the Motorola Netopia?? Router is restarted.

If your Motorola Netopia?? Router is precon???gured by your service provider, or if you are not remotely con???guring the router, you can leave this setting unchanged.

The purpose of this feature is to defer con???guration changes only when remotely con???guring or recon???guring the Motorola Netopia?? Router to prevent premature Telnet disconnection. When this feature is enabled, no changes to the WAN setup, datalink encapsulation, Connection Pro???les, or Default Gateway will take effect until after the Motorola Netopia?? Router is restarted. Until the Motorola Netopia?? Router is restarted the WAN link and the routing table remain unaffected.

A single setting in the Advanced Connection Options screen controls this feature, as shown below.

Advanced Connection Options

Scheduled Connections...

Backup Configuration...

Prioritize Delay-Sensitive Data: No

Diffserv Options...

VRRP Options...

Return/Enter to configure SA Backup Parameters.

When you toggle Con???guration Changes Reset WAN Connection either to Yes or No using the Tab key and press Return, a pop-up window asks you to con???rm your choice.

2-16 Administrator???s Handbook

Toggling from Yes to No makes the router ready to be con???gured. If you toggle from No to Yes after any con???guration changes have been entered (and con???rm the reboot), your changes are committed and the router comes up using the newly created con???guration.

Scheduled Connections

Scheduled connections are useful for PPPoE, PPTP, and ATMP connection pro???les.

To go to the Scheduled Connections screen, from the WAN Con???guration screen select Advanced Connection Options and then select Scheduled Connections.

WAN Con???guration 2-17

Scheduled Connections

Display/Change Scheduled Connection...

Add Scheduled Connection...

Delete Scheduled Connection...

Navigate from here to add/modify/change/delete Scheduled Connections.

Viewing scheduled connections

To display a table of scheduled connections, select Display/Change Scheduled Connection in the Scheduled Connections screen. Each scheduled connection occupies one row of the table.

The ???rst column in the table shows a one-letter representation of the Days of the week, from Monday (M or m) to Sunday (S or s). If a letter representing a day is capitalized, the connection will be activated on that day; a lower-case letter means that the connection will not be activated on that day. If the scheduled connection is con???gured for a once-only connection, the word ???once??? will appear instead of the days of the week.

The other columns show:

2-18 Administrator???s Handbook

???The time of day that the connection will Begin At

???The duration of the connection (HH:MM)

???Whether it???s a recurring Weekly connection or used Once Only

???Which connection pro???le (Conn. Prof.) is used to connect

???Whether the scheduled connection is currently Enabled

The Router checks the date and time set in scheduled connections against the system date and time.

Adding a scheduled connection

To add a new scheduled connection, select Add Scheduled Connection in the Scheduled Connections screen and press Return. The Add Scheduled Connection screen appears.

Follow these steps to con???gure the new scheduled connection:

???To activate the connection, select Scheduled Connection Enable and toggle it to On. You can make the scheduled connection inactive by toggling Scheduled Connection Enable to Off.

???Decide how often the connection should take place by selecting How Often and choosing Weekly or Once Only from the pop-up menu.

???The Schedule Type allows you to set the exact weekly schedule or once-only schedule. Options are:

???Forced Up, meaning that this connection will be maintained whether or not there is a demand call on the line.

???Forced Down, meaning that this connection will be torn down or blocked whether or not there is a demand call on the line.

WAN Con???guration 2-19

???Demand-Allowed, meaning that this schedule will permit a demand call on the line.

???Demand-Blocked, meaning that this schedule will prevent a demand call on the line.

???Periodic, meaning that the connection is retried several times during the scheduled time.

???Random Retry, which operates as follows:

First, it will wait 0 to 60 seconds before starting, then it will try three times to bring the connection up as quickly as possible;

Second, on each successive retry after these ???rst three attempts it will wait a random number of seconds between zero and a user-speci???ed maximum.

Should the connection come up, and subsequently go down, the Scheduled Connection will start over with three retries. Switched connections have a variable redial back-off time depending on the interface type. Consequently, the ???rst three attempts for such connections will be slower. Once the connection is up it will be forced to remain up.

???If How Often is set to Weekly, the item directly below How Often reads Set Weekly Schedule. If How Often is set to Once Only, the item directly below How Often reads Set Once-Only Schedule.

Set Weekly Schedule

If you set How Often to Weekly, select Set Weekly Schedule and go to the Set Weekly Schedule screen.

???Select the days for the scheduled connection to occur and toggle them to Yes.

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

???Select Scheduled Window Start Time and enter the time to initiate the scheduled connection.

???You must enter the time in the format H:M, where H is a one- or two-digit number representing the hour and M is a one- or two-digit number representing the minutes. The colon is mandatory. For example, the entry

2-20 Administrator???s Handbook

1:3 (or 1:03) would be accepted as 3 minutes after one o???clock. The entry 7:0 (or 7:00) would be accepted as seven o???clock, exactly. The entries 44, :5, and 2: would be rejected.

???Select AM or PM and choose AM or PM from the pop-up menu.

???Select Scheduled Window Duration Per Day and enter the maximum duration allowed for this scheduled connection, per call.

???Retry interval (minutes) becomes visible if you have selected Random Retry. This option allows you to set the upper limit for the number of minutes to use for the retry time (the attempts after the ???rst three attempts). It accepts values of 1 ??? 255 minutes; the default setting is 5 minutes. With a setting of 5 minutes it will try every 0 ??? 300 seconds after the ???rst three retries to bring up the connection.

You are ???nished con???guring the weekly options. Return to the Add Scheduled Connection screen to continue.

Set Once-Only Schedule

If you set How Often to Once Only, select Set Once-Only Schedule and go to the Set Once-Only Schedule screen.

???Select Place Call On (Date) and enter a date in the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year).

Note: You must enter the date in the format speci???ed. The slashes are mandatory. For example, the entry 5/7/98 would be accepted as May 7, 1998. The entry 5/7 would be rejected.

???Select Scheduled Window Start Time and enter the time to initiate the scheduled connection.

WAN Con???guration 2-21

Note: You must enter the time in the format H:M, where H is a one- or two-digit number representing the hour and M is a one- or two-digit number representing the minutes. The colon is mandatory. For example, the entry 1:3 (or 1:03) would be accepted as 3 minutes after one o???clock. The entry 7:0 (or 7:00) would be accepted as seven o???clock, exactly. The entries 44, :5, and 2: would be rejected.

???Select AM or PM and choose AM or PM.

???Select Scheduled Window Duration and enter the maximum duration allowed for this scheduled connection. Use the same format restrictions noted above.

You are ???nished con???guring the once-only options. Return to the Add Scheduled Connection screen to continue.

???In the Add Scheduled Connection screen, select Use Connection Pro???le and choose from the list of connection pro???les you have already created. A scheduled connection must be associated with a connection pro???le to be useful. The connection pro???le becomes active during the times speci???ed in the associated scheduled connection, if any exists.

???Select ADD SCHEDULED CONNECTION to save the current scheduled connection. Select CANCEL to exit the Add Scheduled Connection screen without saving the new scheduled connection.

Modifying a scheduled connection

To modify a scheduled connection, select Display/Change Scheduled Connection in the Scheduled Connections screen to display a table of scheduled connections.

Select a scheduled connection from the table and press Return. The Change Scheduled Connection screen appears. The parameters in this screen are the same as the ones in the Add Scheduled Connection screen (except that ADD SCHEDULED CONNECTION and CANCEL do not appear). To ???nd out how to set them, see ???Adding a scheduled connection??? on page 2-18.

Deleting a scheduled connection

To delete a scheduled connection, select Delete Scheduled Connection in the Scheduled Connections screen to display a table of scheduled connections.

Select a scheduled connection from the table and press the Return key to delete it. To exit the table without deleting the selected scheduled connection, press the Escape key.

Backup Configuration

See ???Line Backup??? on page 8-1.

2-22 Administrator???s Handbook

Diffserv Options

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers Differentiated Services (Diffserv) enhancements. These enhancements allow your Router to make Quality of Service (QoS) decisions about what path Internet traf???c, such as Voice over IP (VoIP), should travel across your network. For example, you may want streaming video conferencing to use high quality, but more restrictive, connections, or, you might want e-mail to use less restrictive, but less reliable, connections.

When you select Diffserv Options, the Diffserve Options con???guration screen appears.

Diffserv Options

???Differentiated Services is disabled by default. To enable Differentiated Services, toggle Diffserv Enabled to Yes and press Return.

The Diffserv options are displayed.

WAN Con???guration 2-23

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

???Enter a value from 60 to 100 (percent) in the Lo/Hi Ratio ???eld.

Differentiated Services uses the low-to-high priority queue ratio to regulate traf???c ???ow. For example, to provide the least possible latency and highest possible throughput for high priority traf???c, you could set the ratio to 100(%). This would cause the Router to forward low priority data only after the high priority queue is completely empty. In practice, you should set it to something less than 100%, since the low priority traf???c might have to wait too long to be passed, and consequently be subject to time-outs.

When the LoHi value is 50 or below, it is equivalent to turning off the service.

Note: Low to High Priority Queue Asymmetry Field (lohi-asymmetry)

This parameter is a percentage between 50 and 100 used to regulate the level of packets allowed to be pending in the low priority queue. It can be used to some degree to adjust the relative throughput bandwidth for low vs. high priority traf???c.

For example, to provide for least possible latency and highest throughput for high priority packets, you can set the lohi-asymmetry to 100%. This will cause the gateway to forward low priority packets only when the high priority queue is completely empty. If the high priority stream throughput is such that it fully loads the Gateway, the low priority stream will in this case be completely suppressed. If it is a TCP stream, it probably will time out. To keep low priority TCP connections ???alive??? with minimal throughput while other applications are loading the Gateway with high priority traf???c, you might try setting the parameter to 90%. The means a low priority packet will be forwarded whenever the relative packet count asymmetry, de???ned as (low)/(high + low) with is greater than .90.

Lowering the lohi-asymmetry value will lower the throughput and widen the latency distribution of the high priority streams, so for best results, especially during heavy high priority loading, the value should be left high. Setting the ???eld to 50%, for example, is almost equivalent to turning off the service as far as the Gateway's behavior is concerned.

Much of the bene???t of DiffServe is a cumulative one observed as packets traverse the nodes on a network from endpoint to endpoint. A small improvement in the latency distribution for the ???ow through a single network node (such as a Motorola Netopia?? ???edge??? Gateway) may not be especially noticeable in a VoIP conversation, for example. If the latency for the VoIP packets in a stream can be minimized through 10 or 20 nodes in the route to the other end of the conversation, however, the cumulative difference may be very noticeable.

In general, a VoIP call, for example, is low bandwidth ??? bi-directional UDP streams totaling about 20 packets/sec, or

2-24 Administrator???s Handbook

bandwidths from 20 kbps to 90 kbps, depending on the CODEC setting ??? compared to the total throughput bandwidth of the Gateway and the network. There will usually be fewer than two or three packets pending in the Gateway in any queue in the Gateway during the conversation. If, during the call, however, a user is sur???ng and decides to download, or upload, a ???le through the Gateway, it is possible that during the ???le transfer the voice quality of the VoIP call could be degraded. A higher setting for the lohi-asymmetry will prevent this from occurring.

On the other hand, if 10 or 20 VoIP calls are simultaneously being handled by the Gateway, for example, in an of???ce setting, then 1000-2000 packets/sec are being throughput at high priority. If one or several of the callers in the of???ce then attempt to download, 10-15 packets may be pending in the low priority receive queues, with perhaps 2-3 pending in the high. The corresponding asymmetry in this case would be around 80-86%. If it were found in this situation that the ???le transfers were too sluggish, then the lohi-asymmetry threshold could be set to 80%. This would cause more of the low priority traf???c to be throughput, at the expense of the high priority streams. As a result, the ???le downloads might proceed at a more satisfactory rate, while the degradation to the 10 or 20 VoIP calls might not be noticeable.

The lo-hi asymmetry parameter is therefore one means of balancing the traf???c load to satisfy everyone.

You can then de???ne custom Rules. If your applications do not provide Quality of Service (QoS) control, rules allow you to de???ne streams for some protocols, port ranges, and between speci???c end point addresses.

???To de???ne a Rule, select Add Rules and press Return.

(Once you have added one or more rules, you can edit any of them by returning to this screen and selecting

Show/Change Rules.)

The Diffserv Rule screen appears.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

???Name ??? Enter a name in this ???eld to label the rule.

???Protocol ??? Select the protocol from the pop-up menu: TCP (default), UDP, ICMP, or Other. ???Other??? is appropriate for setting up rules on protocols with non-standard port de???nitions. IPSEC and PPTP are common examples.

WAN Con???guration 2-25

???Priority ??? This is the Quality of Service setting for the rule, based on the TOS bit information. Select assure, expedite, or off (default) from the pop-up menu. The following table outlines the TOS bit settings and behavior:

???Numerical Protocol ??? If you select ???Other??? protocol, this ???eld appears for you to provide its actual protocol number, with a range of 0 ??? 255.

???Direction ??? Choose outbound (default), inbound, or both from the pop-up menu.

???Start Port ??? For TCP or UDP protocols, you can optionally specify a range of ports. Enter the starting port here.

???End Port ??? Enter the ending port here.

???Inside IP Address/Netmask ??? For outbound ???ows, specify an IP address and subnet mask on your LAN. For inbound ???ows, this setting is ignored.

???Outside IP Address/Netmask ??? If you want traf???c destined for and originating from a certain WAN IP address to be controlled, enter the IP address and subnet mask here. If you leave the default all-zeroes, the outside address check is ignored.

For outbound ???ows, the outside address is the destination IP address for traf???c; for inbound packets, the outside address is the source IP address.

When you are ???nished, select COMMIT and press Return. You will be returned to the Diffserv Options screen and your settings will take effect.

Priority Queuing (TOS bit)

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers the ability to prioritize delay-sensitive data over the WAN link on DSL connections.

Certain types of IP packets, such as voice or multimedia packets, are sensitive to latency introduced by the network. This means that if such packets are not received rapidly, the quality of service degrades. If you expect to route signi???cant amounts of such traf???c you can con???gure your router to prioritize this type of traf???c using the priority queuing feature.

To con???gure your router to prioritize delay-sensitive data, navigate to the Advanced Connection Options screen in the console menu.

2-26 Administrator???s Handbook

The Advanced Connection Options screen appears.

Advanced Connection Options

Scheduled Connections...

Backup Configuration...

Prioritize Delay-Sensitive Data: No

Diffserv Options...

VRRP Options...

Return/Enter to configure SA Backup Parameters.

The Router will recognize a delay-sensitive packet as having the low-latency bit set in the TOS ???eld of the IP header.

If you toggle Prioritize Delay-Sensitive Data to Yes the router will place these packets at the front of the transmission queue to the WAN link, overtaking non-delay-sensitive traf???c. Accepting the default No will allow the normal sequential queue of data packets.

VRRP Options (WAN Link Failure Detection)

Beginning with Software Version 8.5.1, the software offers VRRP Options to detect Layer 3 link failures on the WAN. When you enable this feature, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will continuously Ping one or two hosts that you specify to determine when a link fails, even if the physical connection remains established. If Layer 3 WAN Link Failure Detection is enabled, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will send continuous Pings, so the WAN link will stay up and idle timeout will not occur.

See ???Virtual Router Redundancy (VRRP)??? on page 7-34 for a detailed description of VRRP and how to create Virtual Routers.

To enable WAN Link Failure Detection, select VRRP Options in the Advanced Connection Options menu. The VRRP Options menu appears.

WAN Con???guration 2-27

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Toggle Ping Enable to On and press Return. The Ping settings options appear.

???The Ping Host Name or IP Address #1 and Ping Host Name or IP Address #2 ???elds allow you to enter the fully-quali???ed host name(s) or IP address(es) in standard dotted-quad format of the hosts you want to Ping for connection validation. If no ICMP echo(es) are returned from these hosts, the connection is assumed to be lost, and the Virtual Router will relinquish Master status.

???The Delay (s) ???eld allows you to specify the time in seconds between Pings. The default is ???ve (5) seconds.

???The Ping failures ???eld allows you to specify the number of Ping time-outs or failures after which the connection is assumed to be lost. The default is ten (10).

2-28 Administrator???s Handbook

System Con???guration 3-1

Chapter 3

System Configuration

This chapter describes how to use the Telnet-based management screens to access and con???gure advanced features of your equipment. You can customize these features for your individual setup. These menus provide a powerful method for experienced users to set up their Router???s system con???guration.

System Configuration Features

The Motorola Netopia?? Router???s default settings may be all you need to con???gure. Some users, however, require advanced settings or prefer manual control over the default selections. For these users, Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 provides many advanced system con???guration options.

This section covers the following topics:

To access the system con???guration screens, select System Con???guration in the Main Menu and press Return.

The System Con???guration menu screen appears:

3-2 Administrator???s Handbook

System Configuration

IP Setup...

Filter Sets...

IP Address Serving...

Network Address Translation (NAT)...

Stateful Inspection...

VLAN Configuration...

Date and Time...

Wireless Configuration...

Console Configuration

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)...


Upgrade Feature Set...

Router/Bridge Set...Router

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)...


Use this screen if you want options beyond Easy Setup.

IP Setup

These screens allow you to con???gure your network???s use of the IP networking protocol.

???Details are given in ???IP Setup??? on page 7-1.

Filter Sets

These screens allow you to con???gure security on your network by means of ???lter sets and a basic ???rewall.

???Details are given in ???Security??? on page 10-1.

IP Address Serving

These screens allow you to con???gure IP address serving on your network by means of DHCP, WANIP, and BootP.

???Details are given in ???IP Address Serving??? on page 7-17.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

These screens allow you to con???gure the Multiple Network Address Translation (MultiNAT) features.

???Details are given in ???Multi-NAT??? on page 4-1.

System Con???guration 3-3

Stateful Inspection

Stateful inspection is a security feature that prevents unsolicited inbound access when NAT is disabled. Stateful inspection can be enabled on a Connection Pro???le whether NAT is enabled or not. You can con???gure UDP and TCP ???no-activity??? periods that will also apply to NAT time-outs if stateful inspection is enabled on the interface. Stateful Inspection parameters are active on a WAN interface only if enabled on your Gateway.

Return/Enter goes to new screen.

Return/Enter to configure Xposed IP addresses.

???UDP no-activity time-out: The time in seconds after which a UDP session will be terminated, if there is no traf???c on the session.

???TCP no-activity time-out: The time in seconds after which an TCP session will be terminated, if there is no traf???c on the session.

???DoS Detect: If you toggle this option to Yes, the device will monitor packets for Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Offending packets may be discarded if it is determined to be a DoS attack.

???Add Exposed Address List: Accesses the Add Exposed Address List screen. See ???Add Exposed Address List??? on page 3-3.

???Exposed Address Associations: Accesses the Exposed Address Associations screen. See ???Exposed Address Associations??? on page 3-7. The hosts speci???ed in Exposed addresses will be allowed to receive inbound traf???c even if there is no corresponding outbound traf???c. This is active only if NAT is disabled on a WAN interface. An Exposed Address List can be associated with a Connection Pro???le only if NAT is disabled and Stateful Inspection is enabled on the pro???le.

Add Exposed Address List

You can specify the IP addresses you want to expose by selecting Add Exposed Address List from the Stateful Inspection menu and pressing Return.

Return/Enter goes to new screen.

Return/Enter to configure Xposed IP addresses.

The Add Exposed Address List screen appears.

Add Exposed Address List

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

Enter a descriptive name for the list and press Return. A new ???eld Add Exposed Address Range appears.

System Con???guration 3-5

Add Exposed Address List

Add Exposed Address Range...

Return/Enter goes to new screen.

Select Add Exposed Address Range and press Return.

The Exposed Address Range screen appears.

Add Exposed Address Range ("xposed_list_1")

Enter the First and Last Exposed Addresses in dotted-quad format for the range of IP addresses you want to expose,

The pop-up Protocol menu offers the type of protocols to be assigned to this range.

3-6 Administrator???s Handbook

Add Exposed Address Range ("xposed_list_1")

Add Exposed Address Range ("xposed_list_1")

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

???First Exposed Address: Start IP Address of the exposed host range.

???Last Exposed Address: End IP Address of the exposed host range

???Protocol: Select the Protocol of the traf???c to be allowed to the host range from the pop-up menu. Options are Any, TCP, UDP, or TCP and UDP.

???Port Start: Start port of the range to be allowed to the host range. The acceptable range is from 1 - 65535.

???Port End: End port of the range to be allowed to the host range. The acceptable range is from 1 - 65535.

System Con???guration 3-7

You can edit or delete exposed address lists by selecting Show/Change Exposed Address List or Delete Exposed Address List. A list of previously con???gured exposed addresses appears. This allows you to select an exposed address list for editing or deletion.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Note: Add, Edit, or Delete exposed addresses options are active only if NAT is disabled on a WAN interface. The hosts speci???ed in exposed addresses will be allowed to receive inbound traf???c even if there is no corresponding outbound traf???c.

Exposed Address Associations

Enable and con???gure stateful inspection on a WAN interface.

3-8 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Profile Parameters

When you create or modify a Connection Pro???le, the IP Pro???le Parameters screen allows you to enable Stateful Inspection on that pro???le by toggling Stateful Inspection Enabled to Yes. By default, this is turned off (No). If you enable Stateful Inspection, the Stateful Inspection Options ???eld appears.

Stateful Inspection Options

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

Select Stateful Inspection Options and press Return. The Stateful Inspection Parameters screen appears.

System Con???guration 3-9

Stateful Inspection Parameters

Enter max. allowed TCP sequence number difference (1 - 65535), 0 to disable.

???Max. TCP Sequence Number Difference: Enter a value in this ???eld. This value represents the maximum sequence number difference allowed between subsequent TCP packets. If this number is exceeded, the packet is dropped. The acceptable range is 0 ??? 65535. A value of 0 (zero) disables this check.

???Enable default mapping to router: This is disabled by default. Toggling this option to Yes will allow the router to respond to traf???c received on this interface, for example, ICMP Echo requests.

Note: If Stateful Inspection is enabled on a base connection pro???le (for example, for PPP, RFC1483 bridged/routed, or PPPoE), Enable default mapping to router must be yes to allow inbound VPN terminations. (for example. for PPTP/ATMP client access to the router)

???Deny Fragmented Packets: Toggling this option to Yes causes the router to discard fragmented packets on this interface.

???You can apply these parameters to your Exposed Address lists by selecting your Exposed Address List from the pop-up menu,

3-10 Administrator???s Handbook

System Con???guration 3-11

VLAN Configuration


A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a network of computers or other devices that behave as if they are connected to the same wire even though they may be physically located on different segments of a LAN. You set up VLANs by con???guring the Gateway software rather than hardware. This makes VLANs very ???exible. VLANs behave like separate and independent networks.

Beginning with Version 8.7.4, VLANs are now strictly layer 2 entities. They can be thought of as virtual Ethernet switches, into which can be added: Ethernet ports, router IP interfaces, ATM PVC/VCC interfaces, SSIDs, and any other physical port such as USB, HPNA, or MOCA. This allows great ???exibility in how the components of a system are connected to each other.

VLANs are part of Motorola???s VGx Virtual Gateway technology which allows individual port-based VLANs to be treated as separate and distinct ???channels.??? When data is passed to a Motorola Netopia?? VGx-enabled broadband gateway, speci???c policies, routing, and prioritization parameters can be applied to each individual service, delivering that service to the appropriate networked device with the required level of quality of service (QoS). In effect, a single Motorola gateway acts as separate virtual gateways for each distinct service being delivered.

Motorola???s VGx technology provides service segmentation and QoS controls, and supports delivery of triple play applications: voice for IP Telephony, video for IPTV, and data.

Your Gateway supports the following:

???Global VLANs - these are used when trunking/tagging is required on any port member of the VLAN. Trunks are used to interconnect switches to form networks. The VLANs can communicate with each other via a trunking connection between the two switches using the router.

-Supports 802.1q and 802.1p; both are con???gurable

???Port-based VLANs - these can be used when no trunking is required

???Routed VLANs

-WAN-side VLAN with Multiple WAN IPoE/PPPoE interface support and IP interface-to-VLAN binding

-LAN-side VLAN with IP interface-to-VLAN binding

-Inter-VLAN routing groups to extend VLAN segmentation up through the IP routing layer.

???Bridged VLANs - these VLANs are used to bridge traf???c from LAN to WAN

???Prioritization per VLAN and per port

3-12 Administrator???s Handbook

Ethernet Switching/Policy Setup

Before you con???gure any VLANs, an uncon???gured Gateway is set up as a router composed of a LAN switch, a WAN switch, and a router in the middle, with LAN and WAN IP interfaces connected to their respective switches. These bindings between Ethernet switch ports, IP LAN interface, IP WAN interface and WAN physical ports are automatically created.

When you con???gure any VLANs, the default bindings are no longer valid, and the system requires explicit binding between IP interfaces and layer 2 interfaces. Each VLAN can be thought of as a layer 2 switch, and enabling each port or interface in a VLAN is analogous to plugging it in to the layer 2 switch.

Thereafter, in order for devices to communicate on layer 2, they must be associated in the same VLAN. For devices to communicate at layer 3, the devices must be either on the same VLAN, or on VLANs that have an Inter-VLAN routing group enabled in common.

When con???guring VLANs you must de???ne how traf???c needs to be forwarded:

???If traf???c needs to be bridged between LAN and WAN you can create a single VLAN that encompasses the WAN port and LAN ports.

???If traf???c needs to be routed then you must de???ne four elements:

???LAN-side VLANs

???WAN-side VLANs

???Associate IP Interfaces to VLANs

???Inter-VLAN Routing Groups: con???guration of routing between VLANs is done by association of a VLAN to a Routing Group. Traf???c will be routed between VLANs within a routing group. The LAN IP Ethernet Interface can be bound to multiple LAN VLANs, but forwarding can be limited between an Ethernet LAN port and a WAN VLAN if you properly con???gure Inter-VLAN groups.

Inter-VLAN groups are also used to block routing between WAN interfaces. If each WAN IP interface is bound to its own VLAN and if you con???gure a different Inter-VLAN group for each WAN VLAN then no routing between WAN IP interfaces is possible.

???Example: to route between a VCC and all the LAN ports, which effectively is similar to the default con???guration without any VLANs:

Create a VLAN named "WAN" consisting of your Connection Pro???le and Inter-VLAN-Routing Group-1

Create a VLAN named "LAN" consisting of Eth 0/1, Eth 0/2, Eth 0/3, Eth 0/4, SSID 1, SSID 2, SSID 3, SSID 4 (etc.), and Inter-VLAN-Routing Group-1

System Con???guration 3-13

An example of multiple VLANs, using a Netopia Router with VGx managed switch technology, is shown below:

A VLAN Model Combining Bridging and Routing

3-14 Administrator???s Handbook

To con???gure VLANs, select VLAN Con???guration in the System Con???guration screen and press Return. The VLAN Con???guration screen appears.

VLAN Configuration

Set Up VLAN from this and the following Menus.

Toggle VLAN Enable to On and press Return.

The Add VLAN selection appears.

VLAN Configuration

Add VLAN...

Authentication Server Configuration...

Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Set Up VLAN from this and the following Menus.

Select Add VLAN and press Return.

System Con???guration 3-15

The Add VLAN screen appears.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes. Configure a new VLAN and its associated ports.

You can create up to 16 VLANs, and you can also restrict any VLAN, and the computers on it, from administering the Router.

???VLAN ID ??? The VLAN ID ???eld allows you to enter a VID. This must be a unique identifying number between 1 and 4094. (A VID of zero (0) is permitted on the Ethernet WAN port only.)

???VLAN Type ??? LAN or WAN Port(s) can be enabled on the VLAN. See ???Adding Port interfaces??? on page 3-20 for more information. You can choose a type designation as follows:

port-based: Traf???c sent to this port will be treated as belonging to the VLAN, and will not be forwarded to other ports that are not within a common VLAN segment.

global: Indicates that the ports joining this VLAN are part of a global 802.1q Ethernet VLAN. This VLAN includes ports on this Router and may include ports within other devices throughout the network. The VID in this case may de???ne the behavior of traf???c between all devices on the network having ports that are members of this VLAN segment.

???VLAN Name ??? A descriptive name for the VLAN.

3-16 Administrator???s Handbook

???VLAN Network ??? From the VLAN Network pop-up menu select None, Primary LAN, a Connection Pro???le (for the IP networking con???guration) or, if you have con???gured an Additional LAN (ALAN), an Additional LAN. See

???Additional LANs??? on page 7-38.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.

???802.1x ??? This option is only available for Router models with VGx technology. Otherwise, it does not appear. If you are con???guring a VLAN for a Motorola Netopia?? Router model with VGx technology (wired or wireless), you can specify a RADIUS server for user authentication by toggling 802.1x to Yes. See ???Adding a RADIUS Pro???le??? on page 3-18. The default is No.

System Con???guration 3-17

Associating Inter-VLAN Routing Groups

Note: You must ???rst ADD the VLAN before associating the Inter-VLAN-Routing Groups or the Port Interfaces. Once you have added the VLAN, you access the Inter-VLAN-Routing screen and the Add Port Interface screen by selecting Display/Change VLAN from the VLAN Con???guration screen.

???Inter-VLAN-Routing ??? Inter-VLAN groups allow VLANs in the group to route traf???c to the others as discussed on page 3-12; ungrouped VLANs cannot route traf???c to each other.

When you select Inter-VLAN-Routing, the Inter-VLAN-Routing screen appears.

For each VLAN Group that you want to route traf???c to each other, toggle VLAN Group-n Enabled to On and press Return.

Press Escape to return to the Add VLAN screen.

3-18 Administrator???s Handbook

Adding a RADIUS Profile

???Authentication Pro???le ??? If you toggle 802.1x to Yes, this option displays. Select Authentication Pro???le and press Return.

If you have RADIUS server pro???les already de???ned, the pop-up menu allows you to select one for use with this VLAN. If none are de???ned, the pop-up menu offers the option to con???gure a RADIUS Pro???le.

Caution!If you enable 802.1x for a VLAN that includes a wireless SSID, you must access the Wireless LAN Con???guration menu and set Enable Privacy to WPA-802.1x as well. See ???Enable Privacy??? on page 3-41. If multiple SSIDs are split across several VLANs, the VLANs must either:

???all have 802.1x enabled with WPA-802.1x enabled in Wireless Privacy, or

???have the VLANs set to 802.1x disabled and Wireless Privacy set to some other privacy setting. In that case Wireless Privacy can be any setting. Wireless does not currently support separate privacy modes per SSID.

When enabling WPA-802.1x, wireless will default to the RADIUS con???guration speci???ed in Advanced Security Options (see ???Advanced Security Options??? on page 10-5), unless it is part of a VLAN. If it is part of a VLAN it will use the VLAN authentication pro???le's speci???ed RADIUS server.

Select Add RADIUS Pro???le and press Return.

The Add Server Pro???le screen appears.

The Add Server Pro???le screen allows you to specify the RADIUS server and its authentication credentials to be associated with your VLAN.

???Pro???le Name ??? Enter a descriptive name for the pro???le, up to 35 characters.

???Remote Server Addr/Name ??? Enter the IP address or fully quali???ed server name.

???Remote Server Secret ??? Enter the server CHAP secret.

???Alt Remote Server Addr/Name ??? If you have an alternate RADIUS server, enter the IP address or server name here, as above.

???Alt Remote Server Secret ??? If you have an alternate RADIUS server, enter the server CHAP secret here, as above.

???RADIUS Identi???er ??? Enter the RADIUS Network Access Server (NAS) identi???er. The default NAS identi- ???er is an ASCII representation of the server???s base MAC address.

???RADIUS Server Authentication Port ??? Ordinarily, the RADIUS server port number is 1812. If you are using a different port number, enter it here.

Select ADD PROFILE and press Return. You will be returned to the Add VLAN screen.

3-20 Administrator???s Handbook

Adding Port interfaces

Note: You must ???rst ADD the VLAN before associating the Inter-VLAN-Routing Groups or the Port Interfaces. Once you have added the VLAN, you access the Inter-VLAN-Routing screen and the Add Port Interface screen by selecting Display/Change VLAN from the VLAN Con???guration screen.

Once you have created a VLAN entry you must associate it with a port interface. This interface may be either a physical port, such as USB or Ethernet, or a Network ID (SSID) of a wireless LAN. If you have a Motorola Netopia?? Router model that offers Motorola???s VGx technology, you can also associate a VLAN with each of the physical Ethernet managed switch ports.

When setting up a VLAN, typically you will add one or more physical ports, such as an Ethernet port or a wireless SSID.

Note: You can associate two VLANs, one of which is 802.1x authenticated and the other is not, with the same port. This allows you to have authenticated access for PCs on the wired-or wireless LAN to non-authenticated devices such as print servers.

Return to the VLAN Con???guration screen, select Display/Change VLAN, and from the pop-up menu, select the VLAN ID to be modi???ed.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

The Display/Change VLAN screen appears.

System Con???guration 3-21

Add Port Interface...

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

Select Add Port Interface and press Return.

The Add Port Interface screen appears. The Add Port Interface screen varies depending on the types of ports available on your Motorola Netopia?? Router. (The example below shows the four Ethernet ports, four wireless SSIDs, and the Easy Setup Connection Pro???le that was created in your initial con???guration of a 4-port wireless VGx model.)

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

From the Port Interfaces pop-up menu, select the port(s) that you want to associate with this VLAN.

You specify the characteristics of the VLAN by setting the next three parameters:

???Tag ??? The Tag option is only available on global type ports. Packets transmitted from this port through this VLAN must be tagged with the VLAN VID. Packets received through this port destined for this VLAN must be tagged with the VLAN VID by the source.

3-22 Administrator???s Handbook

???TOS-Priority ??? Use any 802.1p priority bits in the VLAN header to prioritize packets within the Gateway???s internal queues, according to DiffServ priority mapping rules. See ???Diffserv Options??? on page 2-22 for more information.

???IPTOS-Promote ??? Write any 802.1p priority bits into the IP-TOS header bit ???eld for received IP packets on this port destined for this VLAN. Write any IP-TOS priority bits into the 802.1p priority bit ???eld for tagged IP packets transmitted from this port for this VLAN. All mappings between Ethernet 802.1p and IP-TOS are made according to a pre-de???ned QoS mapping policy. The pre-de???ned mapping can now be set in the CLI. See the Command Line Interface Commands Reference for more information.

Select COMMIT and press Return. Your VLAN settings will be associated with the port you have selected.


Add Port Interface...

Change Port Interface...

Display/Delete Port Interface...

Return/Enter to Add Port Interface to VLAN.

Note: VLAN changes require a reboot to take effect. See ???Restarting the System??? on page 11-8.

System Con???guration 3-23

Changing or Deleting a VLAN

You can change or delete a VLAN by returning to the VLAN Con???guration screen and selecting Display/Change VLAN or Delete VLAN. In either case, select the VLAN that you want to change or delete from the pop-up menu, and press Return.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

3-24 Administrator???s Handbook

Changing or Deleting an Authentication Server Configuration

You can change or delete a RADIUS or TACACS server pro???le by returning to the VLAN Con???guration screen and selecting Authentication Server Con???guration, then Display/Change Server Pro???le or Delete Server Pro???le. In either case, select the Server Pro???le that you want to change or delete from the pop-up menu, and press Return.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

If you are deleting a pro???le, you will be challenged to be sure that you want to delete the pro???le that you have selected.

If you select CONTINUE, the pro???le will be deleted.

System Con???guration 3-25

Configuring additional Authentication Servers

You can con???gure additional (or your ???rst) Authentication Server from the main VLAN Con???guration screen.

VLAN Configuration

Display/Change VLAN...

Add VLAN...

Delete VLAN...

Authentication Server Configuration...

Set Up VLAN from this and the following Menus.

Select Authentication Server Con???guration and press Return.

Authentication Server Configuration

Display/Change Server Profile...

Add Server Profile...

Delete Server Profile...

Return/Enter to modify an existing server profile.

Set Up Authentication Server Profiles from this and the following Menus.

Select Add Server Pro???le and press Return. The Add Server Pro???le screen appears.

3-26 Administrator???s Handbook

Add Server Profile

Remote Server Addr/Name:

Remote Server Secret:

Alt Remote Server Addr/Name:

Alt Remote Server Secret:

RADIUS Identifier:

RADIUS Server Authentication Port: 1812

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes. Configure a new RADIUS or TACACS profile.

Con???gure your pro???le in the same way as described in ???Adding a RADIUS Pro???le??? on page 3-18.

Note: VLAN changes require a reboot to take effect. See ???Restarting the System??? on page 11-8.

System Con???guration 3-27

VLAN Example

The following is a simple example of how you might con???gure some VLANs:

You want to con???gure a 3347NWG-VGx Gateway with two SSIDs (see ???Multiple SSIDs??? on page 3-45 for more information) for two VLANs, allowing both access to the Internet, which will be via a third VLAN.

???One SSID will be in the same VLAN as the four ports of the Ethernet Switch, so that those two networks can communicate.

???The second VLAN will be for a different SSID.

???The third VLAN will be for communication with the Internet (WAN).

This setup might be useful if you have a doctor???s of???ce or a coffee shop, and you want to keep your customers separated from the rest of the network.

1.In the VLAN Con???guration screen, toggle VLAN Enable to On, select Add VLAN, and press Return.

VLAN Configuration

VLAN Enable:

Add VLAN...


Authentication Server Configuration...

Set Up VLAN from this and the following Menus.

3-28 Administrator???s Handbook

2.Enter a VLAN ID (1 ??? 4094) and enter the VLAN Name you would like.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Configure a new VLAN and its associated ports.

For example, call it Network A. This VLAN will be for SSID 2, which is a "closed system" SSID, and the Ethernet ports.

3.For the VLAN Network select the Primary LAN from the pop-up menu.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


4.Select ADD VLAN and press Return.

This creates the VLAN and returns you to the VLAN Con???guration screen.

5.In the VLAN Con???guration screen select Display/Change VLAN, and from the pop-up menu select Network A (which you have just created).

System Con???guration 3-29

Then select Inter-VLAN-Routing. The Inter-VLAN-Routing screen appears.

Toggle VLAN Group-1 Enabled to On and press Return. Press Escape to return to the previous screen.

6.Select Add Port Interface and press Return.

Add Port Interface...

Return/Enter to Add Port Interface to VLAN.

In the Add Port Interface screen, you add the Port Interfaces you want associated with the VLAN.

In this case, select all of the physical Ethernet ports: Eth 0/1 through Eth 0/4, and wireless SSID 2. You must select the interfaces one at a time and press COMMIT for each one.

3-30 Administrator???s Handbook

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Once you have added all the ports for this VLAN, the Display/Delete Port Interfaces pop-up window in the Display/Change VLAN screen will show the ports you have selected.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

System Con???guration 3-31

7.In the Add VLAN screen, create your second VLAN.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Configure a new VLAN and its associated ports.

The VLAN Name must be given another unique name. For example, call it Network B. This will be for SSID 1.

8.For the VLAN Network select the Primary LAN from the pop-up menu.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


9.Select ADD VLAN and press Return.

This creates the VLAN and returns you to the VLAN Con???guration screen.

10.In the VLAN Con???guration screen select Display/Change VLAN, and from the pop-up menu select Network B (which you have just created).

3-32 Administrator???s Handbook

11.Select Inter-VLAN-Routing and press Return. Toggle VLAN Group-2 Enabled to On and press Return.

Since we do not want this VLAN to communicate with the other LAN ports, it must be made part of a different Inter-VLAN-Routing group, Group-2.

Press Escape to return to the previous screen.

12. Select Add Port Interface and press Return.

Add Port Interface...

Change Port Interface...

Display/Delete Port Interface...

System Con???guration 3-33

In the Add Port Interface screen, you add the Port Interfaces you want associated with this VLAN.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Select the SSID 1 port interface.

Add Port Interface...



Add A Port Interface to a VLAN.

13. Select COMMIT and press Return. Press Escape.

3-34 Administrator???s Handbook

14. Next, create a VLAN to provide the Inter-VLAN-Routing Groups access to the Internet (WAN).

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Configure a new VLAN and its associated ports.

For example, call it WAN VLAN.

For the VLAN Network, select your Connection Pro???le ??? in this example, the Easy Setup Pro???le.

Once a VLAN has been successfully added, configure ports using the "Add Port Interface" option of the "Display/Change VLAN" menu.


Note: For an Ethernet WAN router, e.g. a 3387NWG, the WAN port might be called Eth 2. This is different from the internal LAN switch port Eth 0/2.

Select ADD VLAN and press Return.

System Con???guration 3-35

15.In the VLAN Con???guration screen select Display/Change VLAN, and from the pop-up menu select WAN VLAN (which you have just created).

For Inter-VLAN-Routing, toggle VLAN Group-1 Enabled and VLAN Group-2 Enabled to On and press Return.

Press Escape.

Select Add Port Interface and press Return.

16. Now add the port interface for the WAN VLAN.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

For the WAN VLAN, choose your Connection Pro???le ??? in this case the Easy Setup Pro???le.

Select COMMIT and press Return.

3-36 Administrator???s Handbook

Add Port Interface...

Change Port Interface...

Display/Delete Port Interface...

Return/Enter to Add Port Interface to VLAN.

Members of Groups 1 and 2 will now be able to communicate with the Internet (WAN), but not with each other.

17. Once you have ???nished with the VLAN con???guration restart the Motorola Netopia?? Router.

System Con???guration 3-37

Date and time

You can set the system???s date and time parameters in the Set Date and Time screen. Date and Time parameters govern the reporting of system events. These events are recorded in the system logs.

Select Date and Time in the System Con???guration screen and press Return. The Set Date and Time screen appears.

By default, Network Time Protocol (NTP) is enabled, allowing your Router to obtain Date and Time information periodically over the Internet. You do not have to reset the system clock manually.

However, manual control is available if you desire it.

Follow these steps to adjust the system???s date and time parameters manually:

1.Toggle NTP (Network Time Prot.) Enabled to On to synchronize the Router???s time and date with a network server. Toggle this ???eld to Off to manually set the time and date; the options in this screen will change to allow you to manually enter the time and date parameters. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 updates timestamps reported in the system logs with new timestamps as these are updated via NTP. See ???Statistics & Logs??? on page 9-3.

Note: If time and date are manually set, that information will be lost upon reboot or loss of power.

2.Enter the IP address of the time server in the ???eld Time Server 1 Host Name/IP Address and, alternatively, Time Server 2 Host Name/IP Address, if you prefer to use server(s) different from the defaults.

3.Select the Router???s time zone from the Time Zone pop-up menu and press Return.

4.In the NTP Update Interval ???eld, enter how often to synchronize with the time server, using the format HHHH:MM where H is hours and M is minutes.

3-38 Administrator???s Handbook

5.Select a System Date Format; the options are MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, and YY/MM/DD, where M is month, D is day, and Y is year.

6.Select a System Time Format, either AM/PM or 24hrs.

7.Press Escape to return to the System Con???guration menu.

Note: NTP can be blocked by some ???rewall con???gurations. To ensure that this feature works, create a ???lterset rule to allow UDP port 123 to be open.

Wireless configuration

If your Router is a wireless model (such as a 3347NWG) you can enable or disable the wireless LAN by selecting Wireless Con???guration. The Wireless LAN Con???guration screen appears.

Wireless LAN Configuration

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

Turn on WEP or WPA encryption to protect your network.

Enable Wireless is set to Yes by default. When Enable Wireless is disabled (No), the Gateway will not provide or broadcast any wireless LAN services. If you toggle Enable Wireless to No or Yes, you must restart the Gateway for the change to take effect. See ???Restarting the System??? on page 11-8.

???SSID (Wireless ID): The SSID is preset to a number that is unique to your unit. You can either leave it as is, or change it by entering a freeform name of up to 32 characters, for example ???Ed???s Wireless LAN???. On client PCs??? software, this might also be called the Network Name. The SSID is used to identify this particular wireless LAN. Depending on their operating system or client wireless card, users must either:

???select from a list of available wireless LANs that appear in a scanned list on their client

???or, if you are in Closed System Mode (see ???Closed System??? on page 3-39), enter this name on their clients in order to join this wireless LAN.

You can then con???gure:

System Con???guration 3-39

???Block Wireless Bridging: Toggle this setting to Yes to block wireless clients from communicating with other wireless clients on the LAN side of the Gateway.

???Channel: (1 through 11) on which the network will broadcast. This is a frequency range within the 2.4Ghz band. Channel selection depends on government regulated radio frequencies that vary from region to region. The widest range available is from 1 to 14. However, in North America only 1 to 11 may be selected. Europe, France, Spain and Japan will differ. Channel selection can have a signi???cant impact on performance, depending on other wireless activity close to this Gateway. Channel selection is not necessary at the client computers; the clients will scan the available channels seeking access points using the same ESSID as the client.

???AutoChannel: (only available for 802.11G models). AutoChannel is a feature that allows the Netopia Router to determine the best channel to broadcast automatically.

Three settings are available from the pull-down menu: Off, At Startup, and Continuous.

???Off is the default setting; the Netopia Router will use the con???gured default Channel selected from the previous menu.

???At Startup causes the Netopia Router at startup to brie???y initialize on the default channel, then per- form a full two- to three-second scan, and switch to the best channel it can ???nd, remaining on that channel until the next reboot.

???Continuous performs the at-startup scan, and will continuously monitor the current channel for any other Access Point activity. If Access Point activity is detected on the same channel, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will initiate a scan of the other channels, locate a less active one, and switch. Once it has switched, it will remain on this channel for at least 30 minutes before switching again if a new Access Point is detected.

Note: Channel scans can be disruptive to normal wireless activity and may take a few minutes.

???Closed System: If you toggle Closed System to Closed, the wireless network is hidden from the scanning features of wireless client computers. Unless both the wireless clients and the Router share the same SSID in Closed System mode, the Router???s wireless LAN will not appear as an available network when scanned for by wireless-enabled computers. Members of the Closed System WLAN must log onto the Router???s wireless network with the identical SSID as that con???gured in the router.

Closed System mode is an ideal way to increase wireless security and to prevent casual detection by unwanted neighbors, of???ce users, or malicious users such as hackers.

If you toggle it to Open, it is more convenient, but potentially less secure, for clients to access your WLAN by scanning available access points. You must decide based on your own network requirements.

3-40 Administrator???s Handbook

Note: Enabling Closed System Mode on your wireless Gateway provides another level of security, since your wireless LAN will no longer appear as an available access point to client PCs that are casually scanning for one.

Your own wireless network clients, however, must log into the wireless LAN by using the exact SSID of the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway.

In addition, if you have enabled WEP encryption on the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway, your network clients must also have WEP encryption enabled, and must have the same WEP encryption key as the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway.

Once the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway is located by a client computer, by setting the client to a matching SSID, the client can connect immediately if WEP is not enabled. If WEP is enabled then the client must also have WEP enabled and a matching WEP key.

Wireless client cards from different manufacturers and different operating systems accomplish connecting to a wireless LAN and enabling WEP in a variety of ways. Consult the documentation for your particular wireless card and/or operating system.

Wireless Multimedia (WMM)

Wireless Multimedia is an advanced feature that allows you to prioritize various types of data travelling over the wireless network. Certain types of data that are sensitive to delays, such as voice or video, must be prioritized ahead of other, less delay-sensitive types, such as email.

Wireless Multimedia implements wireless Quality of Service (QoS) by transmitting data depending on Diffserv priority settings. See ???Diffserv Options??? on page 2-22. These priorities are mapped into four Access Categories (AC), in increasing order of priority:

???Background (BK),

???Best Effort (BE),

???Video (VI), and

???Voice (VO).

It requires Wireless Multimedia (WMM)-capable clients, usually a separate feature enabled at the client network settings, and client PC software that makes use of Differentiated Services (Diffserv). Refer to your operating system instructions for enabling Diffserv QoS.

System Con???guration 3-41

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

To enable the Wireless Multimedia custom settings, select diffserv from the pull-down menu.

Enable Privacy


???WPA-PSK: (Wi-Fi Protected Access) The easiest way to enable Privacy on your Wireless network is by selecting WPA-PSK - (Pre-Shared Key) from the pop-up menu.

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

The Pre Shared Key ???eld becomes visible to allow you to enter a Pre Shared Key. The key can be between 8 and 63 characters, but for best security it should be at least 20 characters. Clients wishing to connect must also be con???gured to use WPA with this same key.

3-42 Administrator???s Handbook

Wireless LAN Configuration

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

Select an 8 to 63 character passphrase. At least 20 is ideal for best security.

???WPA - 802.1x: If you select WPA - 802.1x you can then con???gure a RADIUS server to authenticate users of the wireless network. To do this, you must return to the Security menu, Advanced Security Options to specify the RADIUS server you want to use. See ???Advanced Security Options??? on page 10-5 and ???VLAN Con???guration??? on page 3-11.

Wireless LAN Configuration

Configure a RADIUS server in the Security menu, under Advanced Security Options, to authenticate using 802.1x. If the SSID is part of a VLAN, it will use the VLAN's

configured RADIUS server in the Authentication Profile instead.

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

???WPA Version: If you select either WPA-802.1x or WPA-PSK as your privacy setting, the WPA Version pop-up menu allows you to select the WPA version(s) that will be required for client connections. Choices are:

??? All, for maximum interoperability,

System Con???guration 3-43

???WPA Version 1, for backward compatibility,

???WPA Version 2, for maximum security.

All clients must support the version(s) selected in order to successfully connect.

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

???WEP: Alternatively, you can provide a level of data security by enabling WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) for encryption of network data. You can enable 40-, 128-, or 256-bit WEP Encryption (depending on the capability of your client wireless card) for IP traf???c on your LAN.

Wireless Multiple SSID Setup...

MAC Address Authentication...

3-44 Administrator???s Handbook

You select a single key for encryption of outbound traf???c. The WEP-enabled client must have an identical key of the same length, in the identical slot (1 ??? 4) as the Gateway, in order to successfully receive and decrypt the traf???c. Similarly, the client also has a ???default??? key that it uses to encrypt its transmissions. In order for the Gateway to receive the client???s data, it must likewise have the identical key of the same length, in the same slot. For simplicity, a Gateway and its clients need only enter, share, and use the ???rst key.

The pop-up menu for enabling WEP offers these settings: On - Automatic or On - Manual.

???On - Automatic uses a passphrase to generate encryption keys for you. You enter a passphrase that you choose in the Passphrase ???eld. The passphrase can be any string of words or numbers.

Note: While clients may also have a passphrase feature, these are vendor-speci???c and may not necessarily create the same keys. You can passphrase generate a set of keys on one, and manually enter them on the other to get around this.

Select the Default Key (#1 ??? #4). The longer the key, the stronger the encryption and the more dif???cult it is to break the encryption.

???On - Manual allows you to enter your own encryption keys manually. This is a dif???cult process, but only needs to be done once. Avoid the temptation to enter all the same characters.

Default Key (#1 ??? #4): Speci???es which key the Router will use to encrypt transmitted traf???c. The default is key #1.

Key (#1 ??? #4): The encryption keys. You enter keys using hexadecimal digits. For 40/64bit encryption, you need ten digits; 26 digits for 128bit, and 58 digits for 256bit WEP. Hexadecimal characters are 0 ??? 9, and a ??? f. The longer the key, the stronger the encryption and the more dif???cult it is to break the encryption.


40bit: 02468ACE02

128bit: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789

System Con???guration 3-45

256bit: 592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F21A09C

Multiple SSIDs

???Wireless Multiple SSID Setup: This feature allows you to add additional network identi???ers (SSIDs or Network Names) for your wireless network.

To enable it, select Wireless Multiple SSID Setup and press Return. The Multiple SSID Con???guration screen appears.

Configure additional wireless SSID's that clients can associate with.

Toggle Enable Multiple SSIDs to Yes, and enter names or other identi???ers for up to three additional SSIDs you want to create.

3-46 Administrator???s Handbook

You can then specify a Privacy mode for each one from the pop-up menu. Privacy modes available from the pull-down menu for the multiple SSIDs are: WPA-PSK, WPA-802.1x, or Off.

You can also specify a WPA Version from the pop-up menu in the same way as the primary SSID.

Multiple SSID Configuration

Enter a string of characters (32 max) to identify this wireless network. Configure additional wireless SSID's that clients can associate with.

These additional SSIDs are ???Closed System Mode??? Wireless IDs (see page 3-40) that will not be shown by a client scan, and therefore must be manually con???gured at the client. In addition, wireless bridging between clients is disabled for all members of these additional network IDs. See Block Wireless Bridging on page 3-39.

System Con???guration 3-47

MAC Address Authentication

Enhanced in Software Version 8.5, MAC Address Authentication allows you to specify which client PCs are allowed to join the LAN by speci???c hardware address. Once it is enabled, only entered MAC addresses that have been set to Allow will be accepted onto the LAN. Alternatively, you can prevent access by certain client PCs by specifying only those to be denied.

To enable MAC Address Authentication, select MAC Address Authentication, and press Return.

The Authorized MAC Addresses screen appears.

Authorized MAC Addresses

Display/Change MAC Addresses...

Add MAC Address...

Delete MAC Address...

Return/Enter to select <among/between> ...

Add/View/Delete MAC addresses from this and the following Screens.

From the MAC Authentication Mode pull-down menu, select the mode you want to implement:

Delete MAC Address...

???Disabled - turns MAC Authentication off.

3-48 Administrator???s Handbook

???Allow only speci???ed addresses - limits access to only those addresses that you enter.

???Deny only speci???ed addresses - prevents access from only those addresses that you enter.

If you want to apply MAC Authentication to addresses on the wired LAN as well as the wireless LAN, toggle

Wireless Only to No.

Note: The Wireless Only option appears only on models equipped with a wireless interface.

Select Add MAC Address and press Return. The Add MAC Address screen appears.

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Configure a new MAC in this Screen.

Enter the MAC (hardware) address of the client PC you want to authorize for access to your wireless LAN. MAC Allowed is set to Yes (enabled) by default. Toggling this to No (disabled) speci???cally denies access from this MAC address.

Select ADD MAC NOW, and press Return.

Your entry will be added to a list of up to 32 authorized addresses. To display the list of authorized MAC addresses, select Display/Change MAC Addresses from the Authorized MAC Addresses menu.

The list is displayed as shown below.

You can continue to Add, Change, or Delete addresses to the list by selecting the respective menu options.

Console Configuration

For those models with a console port, if you are communicating with the Motorola Netopia?? Router via a terminal emulator application, you can change the default terminal communications parameters to suit your requirements.

To go to the Console Con???guration screen, select Console Con???guration in the System Con???guration screen.

Console Configuration

Follow these steps to change a parameter???s value:

3-50 Administrator???s Handbook

1.Select 57600, 38400, 19200, or 9600.

Console Configuration

2.Select SET CONFIG NOW to save the new parameter settings. Select CANCEL to leave the parameter unchanged and exit the Console Con???guration screen.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

These screens allow you to monitor and con???gure your network by means of a standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.

???Details are given in ???Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)??? on page 9-8.


These screens allow you to add users and de???ne passwords on your network.

???Details are given in ???Security??? on page 10-1.

Upgrade Feature Set

You can upgrade your Motorola Netopia?? Router by adding new feature sets through the Upgrade Feature Set utility.

See the release notes that came with your Router or feature set upgrade, or visit the Motorola Web site at for information on new feature sets, how to obtain them, and how to install them on your Router.

System Con???guration 3-51

Router/Bridge Set

For Motorola Netopia?? DSL Routers, this feature allows you to turn off the routing features and use your device as a bridge. It is not an option for Ethernet WAN models. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 further allows you to choose to have the Router both bridge and route IP traf???c. If you select either option, the device will restart itself, and reset all the settings to factory defaults. Any con???gurations you have made will be erased. Use this feature with caution. If you decide to change it again, you must recon???gure the device from scratch.

From the Main Menu, select System Con???guration.

Select Router/Bridge Set and form the pop-up menu, choose the option you want:

???Router ??? retains the full routing features and corresponding menus.

???Bridge ??? the device becomes a simple bridge, offering no routing features. Corresponding menus are hidden.

???Mixed-bridging-routing ??? allows concurrent bridging and routing and retains corresponding menus for routing features.

You will be challenged to con???rm your choice.

3-52 Administrator???s Handbook

If you chose CONTINUE, the device will reboot and restart in the selected mode. Routing features will be disabled or changed and the Telnet menus corresponding con???guration items, such as Easy Setup, will be removed.

Example of Bridge-only mode menus

Netopia Router

WAN Configuration...

System Configuration...

Utilities & Diagnostics...

Statistics & Logs...

Quick View...

If you decide to return to the previous mode, you can repeat the process. Remember that you will have to recon???gure all your previous settings.

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

Multicasting is a method for transmitting large amounts of information to many, but not all, computers over an Internet. One common use is to distribute real time voice, video, and data services to the set of computers which have joined a distributed conference. Other uses include: updating the address books of mobile computer users in the ???eld or sending out company newsletters to a distribution list.

Since a router should not be used as a passive forwarding device, Motorola Netopia?? Routers use a protocol for forwarding multicasting: Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).

Motorola Netopia?? Gateways support IGMP Version 1, Version 2 or Version 3. See ???Multicast Forwarding??? on page 7-32 for more information.

Unicasting multicast-streams for a wireless link aims at improving the receipt of multicast data by a wireless client. (The router replaces the multicast MAC-address with the physical MAC-address of the wireless client. If there is more than one wireless client interested in the same multicast group, the router will revert to multicasting the stream immediately. When one or more wireless clients leave a group, and the router determines that only a single wireless client is interested in the stream, it will once again unicast the stream.)

This feature is only available if IGMP Snooping is enabled.

IGMP ???Snooping??? is a feature of Ethernet layer 2 switches that ???listens in??? on the IGMP conversation between computers and multicast routers. Through this process, it builds a database of where the multicast routers reside by noting IGMP general queries used in the querier selection process and by listening to other router protocols.

System Con???guration 3-53

From the host point of view, the snooping function listens at a port level for an IGMP report. The switch then processes the IGMP report and starts forwarding the relevant multicast stream onto the host's port. When the switch receives an IGMP leave message, it processes the leave message, and if appropriate stops the multicast stream to that particular port. Basically, customer IGMP messages although processed by the switch are also sent to the multicast routers.

In order for IGMP snooping to function with IGMP Version 3, it must always track the full source ???lter state of each host on each group, as was previously done with Version 2 only when Fast Leave support was enabled.

To con???gure the IGMP options available in Motorola Netopia?? Routers, select IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) and press Return.

The IGMP Setup screen appears.

IGMP Setup

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

You can set the following options:

???IGMP Snooping ??? toggling this option to On enables the Motorola Netopia?? Router to ???listen in??? to IGMP traf???c. The Router discovers multicast group membership for the purpose of restricting multicast transmissions to only those ports which have requested them. This helps to reduce overall network traf???c from streaming media and other bandwidth-intensive IP multicast applications.

???Wireless M2U (Wireless Multicast-to-Unicast) ??? if IGMP Snooping is set to On, toggling this option to On permits mapping an IP multicast to a wireless unicast. If IGMP Snooping is set to Off, this option does not appear. Wireless M2U allows a higher wireless transmission rate to be used to "stream" IP multicast packets. This mapping is limited to a single stream to a single client per group, otherwise the router will revert to multicasting the stream immediately.

???Robustness ??? a way of indicating how sensitive to lost packets the network is. IGMP can recover from robustness minus 1 lost IGMP packet. The default value is 2.

???Query Interval(s) ??? the amount of time in seconds between IGMP General Query messages sent by the querier router. The default query interval is 125 seconds.

3-54 Administrator???s Handbook

???Query Response Interval (deci-sec) ??? the maximum amount of time in tenths of a second that the IGMP router waits to receive a response to a General Query message. The default query response interval is 10 seconds and must be less than the query interval.

???Unsolicited Report Interval(s) ??? the amount of time in seconds between repetitions of a particular computer???s initial report of membership in a group. The default unsolicited report interval is 10 seconds.

???IGMP Querier Version ??? select a version of the IGMP Querier from the pop-up menu: v1, v2 or v3. If you know you will be communicating with other hosts that are limited to v1 or v2, for backward compatibility, select accordingly; otherwise, allow the default v3.

If you have upgraded from earlier software versions, and had previously selected v2, v3 will be the new default.

Note: IGMP Querier version is relevant only if the router is con???gured for IGMP forwarding. If any IGMP v1 routers are present on the subnet, the querier must use IGMP v1. The use of IGMP v1 must be administratively con???gured, since there is no reliable way of dynamically determining whether IGMP v1 routers are present on a network. IGMP forwarding is enabled per IP Pro???le and WAN Connection Pro???le.

See ???Multicast Forwarding??? on page 7-32 for more information.

If you chose IGMP Querier Version v2 or v3, select V2/V3 Settings, and press Return.

The IGMP V2/V3 Settings screen appears.

Amount of time in deci-seconds that the IGMP router waits to receive a response

You can con???gure the following parameters:

???Last Member Query Interval (deci-sec) ??? the amount of time in tenths of a second that the IGMP router waits to receive a response to a Group-Speci???c Query message. The last member query interval is also the amount of time in seconds between successive Group-Speci???c Query messages. The default last member query interval is 1 second (10 deci-seconds).

System Con???guration 3-55

???Last Member Query Count ??? the number of Group-Speci???c Query messages sent before the router assumes that there are no members of the host group being queried on this interface. The default last member query count is 2.

???Fast Leave ??? Toggling this option to On enables a non-standard expedited leave mechanism. The querier keeps track of which client is requesting which channel by IP address. When a leave message is received, the querier can check its internal table to see if there are any more clients on this group. If there are none, it immediately sends an IGMP leave message to the upstream querier. By default, Fast Leave is set to Off.

Press Escape twice to return to the System Con???guration menu.


You can con???gure a UNIX-compatible (BSD syslog protocol - RFC 3164) syslog client to report a number of subsets of the events entered in the Router???s WAN Event History. See ???WAN Event History??? on page 9-4.

Select Logging from the System Con???guration menu.

The Logging Con???guration screen appears.

Logging Configuration

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

By default, all events are logged in the event history.

???By toggling each event descriptor to either Yes or No, you can determine which ones are logged and which are ignored.

???You can enable or disable the syslog client dynamically. When enabled, it will report any appropriate and previously unreported events.

???You can specify the syslog server???s address either in dotted decimal format or as a DNS name up to 63 characters.

???You can specify the UNIX syslog Facility to use by selecting the Facility pop-up.

3-56 Administrator???s Handbook

???The following three ???elds allow you to log exceptions based on your ???lter policies:

???Filter Violations,

???Accepted Packets, and

???Access Attempts

See ???About Filters and Filter Sets??? on page 10-20 for more information.

You will need to install a Syslog client daemon program on your PC and con???gure it to report the WAN events you speci???ed in the Logging Con???guration screen.

The following screen shows a sample syslog dump of WAN events:

Log event dispositions

Note: Syslog must be enabled to comply with Logging requirements mentioned in The Modular Firewall Certi???cation Criteria - Baseline Module - version 4.1 (speci???ed by ICSA Labs).

For more information, please go to the following URL:

System Con???guration 3-57

Message format

Protocol:<TCP/UDP> srcIP: <value> dstIP: <value> srcPort: <value> dstPort<value> <reason-string>

Protocol:<ICMP> srcIP: <value> dstIP: <value> type:<value> code:<value> <reason-sting>

Protocol:<value> srcIP: <value> dstIP: <value> <reason-sting>

The following syslog messages may be generated by the Router based on system-events:



3.administrative access authenticated and allowed

4.administrative access allowed

5.dropped - violation of security policy

6.dropped - invalid checksum

7.dropped - invalid data length

8.dropped - fragmented packet

9.dropped - cannot fragment

10.dropped - no route found

11.dropped - possible land attack

12.dropped - reassembly timeout

13.dropped - illegal size

14.dropped - invalid IP version

15.TCP SYN ???ood detected

16.Telnet receive DoS attack - packets dropped

17.administrative access denied - telnet access not allowed

18.administrative access denied - invalid user name

19.administrative access denied - invalid password

20.administrative access attempted

21.administrative access denied - web access not allowed

3-58 Administrator???s Handbook

The following syslog messages may be generated by the router if WAN Event Log Options are enabled:

1.Device Restarted

2.EN: IP up, WAN 1, gateway: <IP Address> local: <IP Address>

3.Received NTP Date and Time [mon][dd][hh][mm][ss][year]

4.NTP con???guration has been changed

5.System Date/Time con???guration changed

6.PPP: IPCP negotiated, session [sessionID], rem: [IP Address] local: [IP Address]

7.RFC1483-[ID]: IP up, gateway: [IP Address] local: [IP Address]

8.PPP: Channel [channelID] up [reason] Pro???le name: [name]

9.PPP: NCP up, session [sessionID] Channel [channelID] Final (fallback) negotiated auth: Local [IP Address], Remote [IP Address]

10.PPP: MP negotiated, session [sessionID] Remote EDO: [value]

11.PPP: CCP negotiated, session [sessionID], type: [type] Local mode: [mode], Remote mode: [mode]

12.* PPP:[sessionID] authentication failed, Channel [channelID] Reason: [reason]

13.PPP: [authentication type] remote accepted us, Channel [ChannelID] Remote name: [name]

14.PPP: [authentication type] we accepted remote, Channel [ChannelID] Remote name: [name]

15.PPP: NCP up (more) Remote (auth) name: [name]

16.* PPP: Remote auth name not found: [name]

17.PPP: BACP negotiated, session [sessionID] Local MN: [local], Remote MN: [remote]

18.PPP: IPCP down, session [sessionID]

19.PPP down:[reason]

20.IP: Demand call requested by [IP Address] to IP destination [IP Address]

21.PPP: Timeout, session [sessionID]

22.>>WAN: [ID} activated at [rate] Kbps

23.>>WAN: [ID] deactivated

24.* WAN: data link inactive, no valid pro???le

25.RFC1483-[ID]: IP up, gateway: [IP Address] local: [IP Address]

26.RFC1483-[ID]: IP down

27.RFC1483-[ID]: IP connection refused

28.RFC1483-[ID]: IP up, local: [IP Address]

29.PPPOE:[ID] pro???le [Pro???le Name]


31.PPPOE: PADO Received


System Con???guration 3-59

33.PPPOE: PADS Received

34.PPPOE: PADT Received


36.PPPOE: Discovery state started pro???le [Pro???le Name]

37.PPPOE: Session state started pro???le [Pro???le Name]

38.PPPoE: Auth. Failed with Server: [Server]

39.PPTP: IP up, rem: [IP Address], via: [IP Address] tunnel id: [ID]

40.PPTP: IP down, rem: [IP Address] tunnel id: [ID]

41.IPsec: VPN installed:pro???le: [Name], spi: [SPI], rem sg: [IP Address]

42.IPsec: VPN fail: pro???le: [Name]

43.IPsec: VPN removed: pro???le: [Name], spi: [SPI], rem sg: [IP Address]

44.IPsec: tx: spi not found, pro???le [Name]

45.IPsec: tx: no remote sg, pro???le [Name]

46.IPsec: tx: local vpn, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], src [IP Address]

47.IPsec: tx: remote vpn, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], dest [IP Address]

48.IPsec: tx: remote route, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

49.IPsec: tx: local addr, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

50.IPsec: rx: spi mismatch, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

51.IPsec: rx: auth fail, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

52.IPsec: rx: crypt fail, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

53.IPsec: rx: spi not found, protocol [Prot], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

54.IPsec: rx: sg mismatch, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

55.IPsec: rx: sa proto, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

56.IPsec: rx: unknown protocol, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

57.IPsec: rx: vpn host accepted, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

58.IPsec: rx: vpn host rejected, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

59.IPcomp: compression failure, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

60.IPcomp rx: IPcomp mismatch?, pro???le [Name], spi [SPI], sg [IP Address]

61.Last message repeated [Num.] times

62.IKE: no ph1 preferences assigned, sg [IP Address]

63.IKE: DNS lookup failure, pro???le [Name]

64.IKE: no matching ph1 pro???le: sg [IP Address]

65. IKE: no matching ph1 proposal sg [IP Address] pro???le [Name], sg [IP Address]

3-60 Administrator???s Handbook

74.L2TP: tunnel up, rem: [IP Address], via: [IP Address] id: [ID]

75.L2TP: tunnel down, rem: [IP Address], tunnel id: [ID]

76.L2TP: peer failed to authenticate, tunnel id: [ID]

77.L2TP: no matching pro???le for rcvd hostname, id: [ID]

78.L2TP: session up, session id: [SessionID], tunnel id: [ID]

79.L2TP: session down, session id: [SessionID]

80.L2TP: tunnel result code = [Result], error code = [Error]

81.L2TP: session result code = [Result], error code = [Error]

82.SCHED: Next retry in [Num.] seconds pro???le [Name]

Procedure for Default Installation for ICSA firewall certification of Small/Medium Business Category Module (ADSL Routers)

Note: The following installation procedure outlines steps needed to enable required features to comply with ICSA ???rewall certi???cation. For more information please go to the following URLs:

Install via the Console menu

1.Access the Router through the serial interface (if available) or telnet to the product from the private (LAN) side. DHCP server is enabled on LAN by default. See ???Connecting through a Telnet Session??? on page 1-4.

Set up a Connection Pro???le to con???gure WAN connectivity: (Follow the Easy Setup instructions in the Quickstart Guide, or create a new Connection Pro???le. See ???Creating a New Connection Pro???le??? on page 2-8.)

2.Go to Easy Setup???

3.Set Data Circuit VPI (0-255) to the desired value

4.Set Data Circuit VCI (32-65535) to the desired value


System Con???guration 3-61

6.Choose None as the value for Underlying Encapsulation???

7.Local WAN IP Address and Local WAN IP Mask can be left at if WAN interface can receive IP Address from a DHCP server


9.Primary Domain Name Server and Secondary Domain Name Server can be left at, if dynamic address is used on WAN


Set up administrative interface access restriction

(See ???Telnet Tiered Access ??? Two Password Levels??? on page 10-1 for more information.)

1.Go to System Con???guration???

2.Select Security??? and then Superuser Con???guration

3.Type desired username and password. You will be asked to re-enter password. Navigate to 'ADD SUPERUSER' to add 'Superuser' and restrict access to administrative console.

4.Once 'Superuser' is created, you can add further users, if desired, by going to Add Access Name/Pass- word...

5.Escape once back to Main Menu

Setting up an encrypted communication channel: (PPTP with MS-CHAP/MPPE)

(See ???Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)??? on page 5-1 for more information.)

1.From the Main Menu, Go to Quick Menus...

2.Select ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le

3.Set Answer ATMP/PPTP Connections: to Yes

4.Under PPTP Con???guration Options set Receive Authentication... to MS-CHAP

5.Escape once back to Quick Menus

6.Scroll up to Add Connection Pro???les and press Enter

7.Supply a descriptive Pro???le Name.

8.Set the Encapsulation Type... to PPTP and press Enter

9.Enter Encapsulation Options...

a.Enter the PPTP Partner IP Address - this can be set to

b.For Authentication... select MS-CHAP

c.For Data Encryption... select MPPE

d.Enter the Receive Host Name and Receive Secret the client will be entering as their username and password in their Dial-up Networking VPN pro???le.

e.Set Initiate Connections to No.

f.Adjust the Idle Timeout (seconds) to whatever you prefer. The default value is 300 seconds.

3-62 Administrator???s Handbook

g.Escape once back to the Add Connection Pro???le screen.

h.Press Enter on COMMIT to save this pro???le

10.Select Display/Change Connection Pro???le... and press Enter on the VPN pro???le you have just created.

11.Set Pro???le Enabled: to Yes

12.Select IP Pro???le Parameters...

a.Set Address Translation to No

b.If Stateful Inspection Enabled is set to Yes, make sure that Enable default mapping to router under Stateful Inspection Options... is enabled.

c.Set Remote IP Address: to a static private IP address on this Router???s network that is available and not being served via DHCP

d.Set Remote IP Mask: to Alternatively, you can leave the Remote IP Address: and Remote IP Mask: at, and your router can assign an IP address to the PPTP client.

e.Do not enable a ???lter set in the VPN pro???le. Ignore Rip Pro???le Options???

f.Escape to the Main Menu and go to Utilities and Diagnostics...

g.Select Restart System... and CONTINUE

The router is now con???gured for incoming PPTP from a remote Dial-Up Networking client.

Set up NTP

(See ???Date and time??? on page 3-37 for more information.)

1.NTP is enabled by default.

2.To change NTP Settings, Go to System Con???guration and select Date and Time???

3.Set Date and Time parameters, if desired

a.NTP Enabled can be set to On/Off

b.Time Server 1 Host Name/IP Address and Time Server 2 Host Name/IP Address points to the primary and secondary Time Servers respectively.

c.Time Zone??? can be changed (defaults to Paci???c Standard Time)

d.NTP Update Interval can be changed (defaults to one hour)

e.System Date Format can be changed (defaults to MM/DD/YY)

f.System Time Format can be changed (defaults to AM/PM)

g.Escape to the Main Menu and go to Utilities and Diagnostics...

h.Select Restart System... and CONTINUE

Set up Syslog

(See ???Logging??? on page 3-55 for more information.)

1.Go to System Con???guration and select Logging???

2.Under Syslog Parameters,

System Con???guration 3-63

a.Set Syslog Enabled to Yes

b.Set Hostname or IP Address to the Syslog Server

c.Facility??? can be changed (default to Local 0)

d.Set Log Filter Violations to Yes - this will log packets that are dropped by the Router due to violations

e.Set Log Accepted Packets to Yes

f.Set Log Access Attempts to Yes

g.Escape twice to the Main Menu and go to Utilities and Diagnostics...

h.Select Restart System... and CONTINUE

Enable the Stateful Inspection Firewall

See ???Stateful Inspection??? on page 3-3 for more information.)

1.Go to System Con???uration???, Select Stateful Inspection???

a.UDP no-activity timeout (sec) can be adjusted.

b.TCP no-activity timeout (sec) can be adjusted.

c.Set DoS Detect to Yes

d.Escape twice to get to the Main Menu

2.Go to WAN Con???guration???

3.Select Display/Change Connection Pro???le???

4.Select Easy Setup Pro???le (if available) or the desired Connection Pro???le you have created.

5.Go to IP Pro???le Parameters

6.Under IP Pro???le Parameters, Set Stateful Inspection Enabled to Yes

7.Select Stateful Inspection Options???

a.Under Stateful Inspection Parameters, con???gure Max. TCP Sequence Number Difference, if desired.

b.Set Enable default mapping to router to No

c.Deny Fragmented Packets can be set to Yes

8.Escape twice to Change Connection Pro???le menu, select COMMIT

9.Escape to the Main Menu and go to Utilities and Diagnostics...

10.Select Restart System... and CONTINUE

3-64 Administrator???s Handbook

Multi-NAT 4-1

Chapter 4


Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers advanced Multiple Network Address Translation functionality.

You should read this chapter completely before attempting to con???gure any of the advanced NAT features.

This chapter covers the following topics:

???Overview on page 4-1

???MultiNAT Con???guration on page 4-6

???Easy Setup Pro???le con???guration on page 4-6

???Server Lists and Dynamic NAT con???guration on page 4-7

???Adding Server Lists on page 4-15

???Binding Map Lists and Server Lists on page 4-21

???NAT Associations on page 4-25

???IP Passthrough on page 4-27

???MultiNAT Con???guration Example on page 4-30


NAT (Network Address Translation) is a means of mapping one or more IP addresses and/or IP service ports into different values. This mapping serves two functions:

???It allows the addresses of many computers on a LAN to be represented to the public Internet by only one or a few addresses, saving you money.

???It can be used as a security feature by obscuring the true addresses of important machines from potential hackers on the Internet.

To help you understand some of the concepts discussed here, it may be helpful to introduce some NAT terminology.

The term mapping refers to rules that associate one or more private addresses on the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s LAN to one or more public addresses on the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s WAN interface (typically the Internet).

The terms private and internal refer to addresses on the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s LAN. These addresses are considered private because they are protected or obscured by NAT and cannot be directly accessed from the WAN (or Internet) side of the Motorola Netopia?? Router unless speci???cally con???gured otherwise.

The terms public and external refer to the WAN (or Internet) side of the Motorola Netopia?? Router.

4-2 Administrator???s Handbook


MultiNAT features can be divided into several categories that can be used simultaneously in different combinations on a per-Connection Pro???le basis.

The following is a general description of these features:

Port Address Translation

The simplest form of classic Network Address Translation is PAT (Port Address Translation). PAT allows a group of computers on a LAN, such as might be found in a home or small of???ce, to share a single Internet connection using one IP address. The computers on the LAN can surf the Web, read e-mail, download ???les, etc., but their individual IP addresses are never exposed to the public network. Instead, a single IP address acts as the source IP address of traf???c originating from the LAN. The Motorola Netopia?? Router allows you to de???ne multiple PAT mappings, which can be individually mapped to different public IP addresses. This offers more control over the access permitted to users on the LAN.

A limitation of PAT is that communication must be initiated from the internal network. A user on the external side cannot access a machine behind a PAT connection. A PAT enhancement is the ability to de???ne multiple PAT mappings. Each of these can optionally map to a section or range of IP addresses of the internal network. PAT mapping allows only internal users to initiate traf???c ???ow between the internal and external networks.

Server lists

Server lists, sometimes known as exported services, make it possible to provide access from the public network to hosts on the LAN. Server lists allow you to de???ne particular services, such as Web, ftp, or e-mail, which are available via a public IP address. You de???ne the type of service you would like to make available and the internal IP address to which you would like to provide access. You may also de???ne a speci???c public IP address to use for this service if you want to use an IP other than the WAN IP address of the Motorola Netopia?? Router.

Static mapping

If you want to host your own Website or provide other Internet services to the public, you need more than classic NAT. The reason is noted under Port Address Translation above ??? external users cannot initiate traf???c to computers on your LAN because external users can never see the real addresses of the computers on your LAN. If you want users outside your LAN to have access, for example, to a Web or FTP server that you host, you need to make a public representation of the real IP addresses of those servers.

Static mappings are a way to make one or more private IP addresses fully accessible from the public network via corresponding public IP addresses. Some applications may negotiate multiple TCP connections in the process of communication, which often does not work with traditional PAT. Static mapping offers the ability to use these applications through NAT. Each private IP address is mapped, on a one-to-one basis, to a public IP address that can be accessed from the Internet or public network. As with PAT mappings, you may have multiple static mappings to map a range of private IP addresses to a range of public IP addresses if desired.

Multi-NAT 4-3

Dynamic mapping

Dynamic mapping, often referred to as many-to-few, offers an extension to the advantages provided by static mapping. Instead of requiring a one-to-one association of public addresses and private addresses, as is required in static mapping, dynamic mapping uses a group of public IP addresses to dynamically allocate static mappings to private hosts that are communicating with the public network. If a host on the private network initiates a connection to the Internet, for example, the Motorola Netopia?? Router automatically sets up a one-to-one mapping of that host???s private IP address to one of the public IP addresses allocated to be used for Dynamic NAT. As long as this host is communicating with the Internet, it will be able to use that address. When traf???c from that host ceases, and no traf???c is passed from that host for ???ve minutes, the public address is made available again for other private hosts to use as necessary.

When addresses are returned to the group of available addresses, they are returned to the head of the group, being the most recently used. If that same host requests a connection an hour later, and the same public address is still available, then it will be mapped to the same private host. If a new host, which has not previously requested a connection, initiates a connection it is allocated the last, or oldest, public address available.

Dynamic NAT is a way of sharing a range of public, or exterior, NAT addresses among one or more groups of private, or interior, hosts. This is intended to provide superior support for applications that traditionally have dif???culty communicating through NAT. Dynamic NAT is intended to provide functionality beyond many-to-one and one-to-one translation. Motorola Netopia?????s NAT implementation makes it possible to have a static mapping of one public address to one private address, thus allowing applications such as NetMeeting to work by assuring that any traf???c sent back to the source IP address is forwarded through to the internal machine.

Static one-to-one mapping works well if you have enough IP addresses for all the workstations on your LAN. If you do not, Dynamic NAT allows machines to make full use of the publicly routable IP addresses provided by the ISP as necessary, on demand. When these public IP addresses are no longer being used by a particular workstation, they are returned to a pool of available addresses for other workstations to use.

A common example is a DSL customer???s application. Most DSL ISPs only provide customers with a few IP addresses for use on their network. For networks with more than four or ???ve machines it is usually mandatory to use NAT. A customer may have 15 workstations on the LAN, all of which need Internet access. The customer is only provided ???ve IP addresses by their ISP. The customer has eight hosts, which only need to use email and have Web access, but another seven hosts, which use NetMeeting to communicate with clients once or twice a day. NetMeeting will not work unless a static one-to-one mapping exists for the machine running NetMeeting to use for communication. The customer does not have enough IP addresses to create a one-to-one mapping for each of the seven users. This is where dynamic NAT applies.

The customer can con???gure four of these addresses to be used for Dynamic NAT. The ???fth address is then used for the eight other machines that do not need one-to-one mappings. As each machine con???gured to use addresses from the dynamic pool tries to connect to the Internet it is allocated a public IP address to use temporarily. Once the communication has been terminated, that IP address is freed for one of the other six hosts to use.

4-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Available for Dynamic NAT Used for Normal NAT

WAN Network

Network Address Translation

LAN Network

Exterior addresses are allocated to internal hosts on a demand, or as-needed, basis and then made available when traf???c from that host ceases. Once an internal host has been allocated an address, it will use that address for all traf???c. Five minutes after all traf???c ceases ??? no pings, all TCP connections closed, no DNS requests, etc. ??? the address is put at the head of an available list. If an interior host needs an exterior address an hour later, and the previously used address is still available, it will acquire the same address. If an interior host that has not previously been allocated an exterior address needs one, it will be allocated the last, hence the oldest, exterior address on the available list.

All NAT con???gurations are rule-based. This means that traf???c passed through NAT from either the public or the private network is compared to the rules and mappings con???gured in the Motorola Netopia?? Router in a particular order. The ???rst rule that applies to the traf???c being initiated is used.

For example, if a connection is initiated from the public network and is destined for a public IP address con???gured on the Motorola Netopia?? Router, the following comparisons are made in this order.

1.The Motorola Netopia?? Router ???rst checks its internal NAT cache to see if the data is part of a previously initiated connection, if not???

2.The Motorola Netopia?? Router checks the con???gured server lists to see if this traf???c is intended to be forwarded to an internal host based on the type of service.

3.The Motorola Netopia?? Router then checks to see if there is a static, dynamic, or PAT mapping for the public IP address that the connection is being initiated to.

4.The Motorola Netopia?? Router answers the request itself if the data is destined for the Motorola Netopia?????s WAN interface IP address. Otherwise the data is discarded.

Complex maps

Map lists and server lists are completely independent of each other. A Connection Pro???le can use one or the other or both.

MultiNAT allows complex mapping and requires more complex con???guration than in earlier software versions. Multiple mapped interior subnets are supported, and the rules for mapping each of the subnets may be different. The ???gure below illustrates a possible multiNAT con???guration.

Multi-NAT 4-5

Public Addresses ??? 6 (possible later)


In order to support this type of mapping, you de???ne two address ranges. First, you de???ne a public range which contains the ???rst and last public address to be used and the way in which these addresses should be used (PAT, static, or dynamic). You then con???gure an address map which de???nes the private IP address or addresses to be used and which public range they should be mapped to. You add the address map to the list of address maps which are con???gured, creating a map list. The mappings in the map list are order-dependent and are compared in order from the top of the list to the bottom. If a particular resource is not available, subordinate mappings can be de???ned that will redirect traf???c.

Supported traffic

MultiNat supports the following IP protocols:

???PAT: TCP/UDP traf???c which does not carry source or destination IP addresses or ports in the data stream (i.e., HTTP, Telnet, ???r??? commands, tftp, NFS, NTP, SMTP, NNTP, etc.).

???Static NAT: All IP protocol traf???c which does not carry or otherwise rely on the source or destination IP addresses in the data stream.

???Dynamic NAT: All IP protocol traf???c which does not carry or otherwise rely on the source or destination IP addresses in the data stream.

Support for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) File Transfer

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 provides Application Level Gateway (ALG) support for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) ???le transfer. This allows AIM users to exchange ???les, even when both users are behind NAT. Previously, the ???le transfer function would work only if one or neither of the two users were behind NAT.

Currently there is a restriction that the remote user must be routed to via the WAN interface, otherwise the connections will fail. There is no restriction as to the number of connections.

There is no user con???guration required for this feature.

Support for Yahoo Messenger

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 provides Application Level Gateway (ALG) support for Yahoo Messenger. This allows Yahoo Messenger users to exchange ???les, even when both users are behind NAT. Previously, the ???le transfer function would work only if one or neither of the two users were behind NAT.

4-6 Administrator???s Handbook

Currently there is a restriction that the remote user must be routed to via the WAN interface, otherwise the connections will fail. There is no restriction as to the number of connections.

There is no user con???guration required for this feature.

MultiNAT Configuration

You con???gure the MultiNAT features through the Telnet menu:

???For a simple 1-to-many NAT con???guration (classic NAT or PAT), use the Easy Setup Pro???le con???guration, described below.

???For the more advanced features, such as server lists and dynamic NAT, follow the instructions in:

???System Con???guration, described on page 4-7

???IP pro???le parameters, described on page 4-21

Easy Setup Profile configuration

The screen below is an example. Depending on the type of Router you are using, ???elds displayed in this screen may vary.

Connection Profile 1: Easy Setup Profile

Enter basic information about your WAN connection with this screen.

The Local WAN IP Address is used to con???gure a NAT public address range consisting of the Local WAN IP Address and all its ports. The public address map list is named Easy-PAT List and the port map list is named


The two map lists, Easy-PAT List and Easy-Servers, are created by default and NAT con???guration becomes effective.This will map all your private addresses ( through to your public address. These map lists are bound to the Easy Setup Pro???le. See Binding Map Lists and Server Lists on page 4-21.

This is all you need to do if you want to continue to use a single PAT, or 1-to-many, NAT con???guration.

Multi-NAT 4-7

Server Lists and Dynamic NAT configuration

You use the advanced NAT feature sets by ???rst de???ning a series of mapping rules and then grouping them into a list. There are two kinds of lists -- map lists, made up of dynamic, PAT and static mapping rules, and server lists, a list of internal services to be presented to the external world. Creating these lists is a four-step process:

1.De???ne the public range of addresses that external computers should use to get to the NAT internal machines. These are the addresses that someone on the Internet would see.

2.Create a List name that will act as a rule or server holder.

3.Create a map or rule that speci???es the internal range of NATed addresses and the external range they are to be associated with.

4.Associate the Map or Server List to your WAN interface via a Connection Pro???le or the Default Pro???le.

The three NAT features all operate completely independently of each other, although they can be used simultaneously on the same Connection Pro???le.

You can con???gure a simple 1-to-many PAT (often referred to simply as NAT) mapping using Easy Setup. More complex setups require con???guration using the Network Address Translation item on the IP Setup screen.

An example MultiNAT con???guration at the end of this chapter describes some applications for these features. See the MultiNAT Con???guration Example on page 4-30.

In order to con???gure the Router to make servers on your LAN visible to the Internet, you use advanced features in the System Con???guration screens, described in System Con???guration.

System Configuration

To access the Network Address translation (NAT) con???guration screens, from the Main Menu navigate to System Con???guration:

4-8 Administrator???s Handbook

System Configuration

IP Setup...

Filter Sets...

IP Address Serving...

Network Address Translation (NAT)...

Stateful Inspection...

VLAN Configuration...

Date and Time...

Wireless Configuration...

Console Configuration

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)...


Upgrade Feature Set...

Router/Bridge Set...Router

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)...


Use this screen if you want options beyond Easy Setup.

Select Network Address Translation (NAT) and press Return.

The Network Address Translation screen appears.

Network Address Translation

Add Public Range...

Show/Change Public Range...

Delete Public Range...

Add Map List...

Show/Change Map List...

Delete Map List...

Add Server List...

Show/Change Server List...

Delete Server List...

NAT Associations...

Return/Enter to configure IP Address redirection.

Public Range de???nes an external address range and indicates what type of mapping to apply when using this range. The types of mapping available are dynamic, static and pat.

Map Lists de???ne collections of mapping rules. A rule maps interior range addresses to exterior range addresses by the mapping techniques de???ned in the map list.

Server Lists bind internal IP addresses and ports to external IP addresses and ports so that connections initiated from the outside can access an interior server.

Multi-NAT 4-9

NAT rules

The following rules apply to assigning NAT ranges and server lists:

???Static public address ranges must not overlap other static, PAT, public addresses, or the public address assigned to the Router???s WAN interface.

???A PAT public address must not overlap any static address ranges. It may be the same as another PAT address or server list address, but the port range must not overlap.

You con???gure the ranges of exterior addresses by ???rst adding public ranges.

Select Add Public Range and press Return.

The Add NAT Public Range screen appears.

Add NAT Public Range

???Select Range Name and give a descriptive name to this range.

???Select Type and from the pop-up menu, assign its type. Options are static, dynamic, or pat (the default).

???If you choose pat as the range type, select Public Address and enter the exterior IP address in the range you want to assign. Select First and Last Public Port and enter the ???rst and last exterior ports in the range. These are the ports that will be used for traf???c initiated from the private LAN to the out- side world.

Note: For PAT map lists and server lists, if you use the Public Address, the list will acquire its public IP address from the WAN IP address speci???ed by your WAN IP con???guration in the Connection Pro???le. If that is a static IP address, then the PAT map list and server lists will acquire that address. If it is a negotiated IP address, such as may be assigned via DHCP or PPP, the PAT map list and server lists will acquire that address each time it is negotiated.

???If you choose dynamic as the range type, a new menu item, First Public Address, becomes visible.

Select First Public Address and enter the ???rst exterior IP address in the range you want to assign.

Select Last Public Address and enter an IP address at the end of the range.

4-10 Administrator???s Handbook

???If you choose static as the range type, a new menu item, First Public Address, becomes visible. Select First Public Address and enter the ???rst exterior IP address in the range you want to assign. Select Last Public Address and enter an IP address at the end of the range.

???Select ADD NAT PUBLIC RANGE and press Return. The range will be added to your list and you will be returned to the Network Address Translation screen.

Once the public ranges have been assigned, the next step is to bind interior addresses to them. Because these bindings occur in ordered lists, called map lists, you must ???rst de???ne the list, then add mappings to it.

From the Network Address Translation screen select Add Map List and press Return.

The Add NAT Map List screen appears.

Add NAT Map List

Add Map...

???Select Map List Name and enter a descriptive name for this map list. A new menu item, Add Map, appears.

???Select Add Map and press Return. The Add NAT Map screen appears.

Multi-NAT 4-11

Add NAT Map ("my_map")

Use NAT Public Range...

???Select First and Last Private Address and enter the ???rst and last interior IP addresses you want to assign to this mapping.

???Select Use NAT Public Range and press Return. A screen appears displaying the public ranges you have de???ned.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to cancel, Return/Enter to Delete.

???From the list of public ranges you de???ned, select the one that you want to map to the interior range for this mapping and press Return.

4-12 Administrator???s Handbook

If none of your precon???gured ranges are suitable for this mapping, you can select <<NEW RANGE>> and create a new range. If you choose <<NEW RANGE>>, the Add NAT Public Range screen displays and you can create a new public range to be used by this map. See Add NAT Public Range on page 4-9.

???The Add NAT Map screen now displays the range you have assigned.

Add NAT Map ("my_map")

Public Range Start Address is:

???Select ADD NAT MAP and press Return. Your mapping is added to your map list.

Modifying map lists

You can make changes to an existing map list after you have created it. Since there may be more than one map list you must select which one you are modifying.

From the Network Address Translation screen select Show/Change Map List and press Return.

???Select the map list you want to modify from the pop-up menu.

Multi-NAT 4-13

Network Address Translation

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

The Show/Change NAT Map List screen appears.

Show/Change NAT Map List

Add Map...

Show/Change Maps...

Delete Map...

???Add Map allows you to add a new map to the map list.

???Show/Change Maps allows you to modify the individual maps within the list.

???Delete Map allows you to delete a map from the list.

Selecting Show/Change Maps or Delete Map displays the same pop-up menu.

4-14 Administrator???s Handbook

Scroll to the map you want to modify using the arrow keys and press Return.

The Change NAT Map screen appears.

Change NAT Map ("my_map")

Make any modi???cations you need and then select CHANGE NAT MAP and press Return. Your changes will become effective and you will be returned to the Show/Change NAT Map List screen.

Multi-NAT 4-15

Adding Server Lists

Server lists, also known as Exports, are handled similarly to map lists. If you want to make a particular server???s port accessible (and it isn???t accessible through other means, such as a static mapping), you must create a server list.

Select Add Server List from the Network Address Translation screen.

The Add NAT Server List screen appears.

Add NAT Server List

Add Server...

???Select Server List Name and type in a descriptive name. A new menu item, Add Server, appears.

???Select Add Server and press Return. The Add NAT Server screen appears.

4-16 Administrator???s Handbook

Add NAT Server ("my_servers")

???Select External Service and press Return. A pop-up menu appears listing a selection of commonly exported services.

???Choose the service you want to export and press Return.

You can choose a precon???gured service from the list, or de???ne your own by selecting Other. If you select Other, a screen is displayed that allows you to enter the port number range for your customized service.

Multi-NAT 4-17

???Enter the First and Last Port Number between ports 1 and 65535. Select OK and press Return. You will be returned to the Add NAT Server screen.

???Enter the Server Private IP Address of the server whose service you are exporting.

Since MultiNAT permits the mapping of multiple private IP addresses to multiple public IP addresses, your ISP or corporate site???s Router must be con???gured such that it knows that your multiple public addresses are accessible via your Router.

If you want to use static mappings to map internal servers to public addresses, your ISP or corporate site's Router must also be con???gured for static routes to these public addresses on the Motorola Netopia?? Router.

???Enter the Public IP Address to which you are exporting the service.

Note: For PAT map lists and server lists, if you use the Public Address, the list will acquire its public IP address from the WAN IP address speci???ed by your WAN IP con???guration in the Connection Pro???le. If that is a static IP address, then the PAT map list and server lists will acquire that address. If it is a negotiated IP address, such as may be assigned via DHCP or PPP, the PAT map list and server lists will acquire that address each time it is negotiated.

???Choose the protocol from the pop-up menu: TCP and UDP, TCP only, or UDP only.

4-18 Administrator???s Handbook

???Enter the Internal Port Start, if different from and not already preselected from the External Service type list.

???Select ADD NAT SERVER and press Return. The server will be added to your server list and you will be returned to the Add NAT Server List screen.

Note: In order to use CUSeeMe through the Motorola Netopia?? Router, you must export the ports 7648 and 7649. In MultiNat, you may use a port range export. Without the export, CUSeeMe will fail to work. This is true unless a static mapping is in place for the host using CUSeeMe. In that case no server list entry is necessary.

Modifying server lists

Once a server list exists, you can select it for modi???cation or deletion.

???Select Show/Change Server List from the Network Address Translation screen.

???Select the Server List Name you want to modify from the pop-up menu and press Return.

Multi-NAT 4-19

Network Address Translation

+-NAT Server List Name-+

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

The Show/Change NAT Server List screen appears.

Show/Change NAT Server List

Add Server...

Show/Change Server...

Delete Server...

???Selecting Show/Change Server or Delete Server displays the same pop-up menu.

4-20 Administrator???s Handbook

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Select any server from the list and press Return. The Change NAT Server screen appears.

Change NAT Server ("my_servers")

You can make changes to the server???s service and port or internal or external address.

Select CHANGE NAT SERVER and press Return. Your changes take effect and you are returned to the Show/Change NAT Server List screen.

Deleting a server

To delete a server from the list, select Delete Server from the Show/Change NAT Server List menu and press Return.

Multi-NAT 4-21

A pop-up menu lists your con???gured servers. Select the one you want to delete and press Return. A dialog box asks you to con???rm your choice.

Choose CONTINUE and press Return. The server is deleted from the list.

Binding Map Lists and Server Lists

Once you have created your map lists and server lists, for most Motorola Netopia?? Router models you must bind them to a pro???le, either a Connection Pro???le or the Default Pro???le. You do this in one of the following screens:

???the IP pro???le parameters screen (see below) of the Connection Pro???le con???guration menu

???the IP Parameters (WAN Default Pro???le) screen (see page 4-23) of the Default Pro???le con???guration menu

???the Binding Map Lists and Server Lists screen (see page 4-21)

IP profile parameters

To bind a map list to a Connection Pro???le, from the Main Menu go to the WAN Con???guration screen then the Display/Change Connection Pro???le screen. From the pop-up menu list of your Connection Pro???les, choose the one you want to bind your map list to. Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return.

The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

4-22 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

???Select NAT Map List and press Return. A pop-up menu displays a list of your de???ned map lists.

IP Profile Parameters

???Select the map list you want to bind to this Connection Pro???le and press Return. The map list you selected will now be bound to this Connection Pro???le.

???Select NAT Server List and press Return. A pop-up menu displays a list of your de???ned server lists.

Multi-NAT 4-23

IP Profile Parameters

+-NAT Server List Name-+

???Select the server list you want to bind to this Connection Pro???le and press Return. The server list you selected will now be bound to this Connection Pro???le.

Note: There is no interdependency between NAT and IP Addressing. Also, the Local WAN IP Address and Mask ???elds??? visibility are dependent only on the IP Addressing type.

IP Parameters (WAN Default Profile)

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 using RFC 1483 supports a WAN default pro???le that permits several parameters to be con???gured without an explicitly con???gured Connection Pro???le.

The procedure is similar to the procedure to bind map lists and server lists to a Connection Pro???le.

From the Main Menu go to the WAN Con???guration screen, then the Default Pro???le screen. Select IP Parameters and press Return.

The IP Parameters (Default Pro???le) screen appears.

4-24 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Parameters (Default Profile)

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

???Toggle Address Translation Enabled to Yes.

???Select NAT Map List and press Return. A pop-up menu displays a list of your de???ned map lists.

IP Parameters (Default Profile)

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

???Select the map list you want to bind to the default pro???le and press Return. The map list you selected will now be bound to the default pro???le.

???Select NAT Server List and press Return. A pop-up menu displays a list of your de???ned server lists.

Multi-NAT 4-25

IP Parameters (Default Profile)

+-NAT Server List Name-+

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

???Select the server list you want to bind to the default pro???le and press Return. The server list you selected will now be bound to the default pro???le.

Note: There is no interdependency between NAT and IP Addressing. Also, the Local WAN IP Address and Mask ???elds??? visibility are dependent only on the IP Addressing type.

NAT Associations

Con???guration of map and server lists alone is not suf???cient to enable NAT for a WAN connection because map and server lists must be linked to a pro???le that controls the WAN interface. This can be a Connection Pro???le, a WAN Ethernet interface, a default pro???le, or a default answer pro???le. Once you have con???gured your map and server lists, you may want to reassign them to different interface-controlling pro???les, for example, Connection Pro???les. To permit easy access to this IP Setup functionality, you can use the NAT Associations screen.

You access the NAT Associations screen from the Network Address Translation screen.

Select NAT Associations and press Return. The NAT Associations screen appears.

4-26 Administrator???s Handbook

???You can toggle NAT? On or Off for each Pro???le/Interface name. You do this by navigating to the NAT? ???eld associated with each pro???le using the arrow keys. Toggle NAT on or off by using the Tab key.

???You can reassign any of your map lists or server lists to any of the Pro???le/Interfaces. You do this by navigating to the Map List Name or Server List Name ???eld associated with each pro???le using the arrow keys. Select the item by pressing Return to display a pop-up menu of all of your con???gured lists.

NAT Associations

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

???Select the list name you want to assign and press Return again. Your selection will then be associated with the corresponding pro???le or interface.

Multi-NAT 4-27

IP Passthrough

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers an IP passthrough feature. The IP passthrough feature allows for a single PC on the LAN to have the router???s public address assigned to it. It also provides PAT (NAPT) via the same public IP address for all other hosts on the private LAN subnet. Using IP passthrough:

???The public WAN IP is used to provide IP address translation for private LAN computers.

???The public WAN IP is assigned and reused on a LAN computer.

???DHCP address serving can automatically serve the WAN IP address to a LAN computer.

When DHCP is used for addressing the designated passthrough PC, the acquired or con???gured WAN address is passed to DHCP, which will dynamically con???gure a single-servable-address subnet, and reserve the address for the con???gured MAC address. This dynamic subnet con???guration is based on the local and remote WAN address and subnet mask. If the WAN interface does not have a suitable subnet mask that is usable, for example when using PPP or PPPoE, the DHCP subnet con???guration will default to a class C subnet mask.

Note: Globally, only one dynamically-con???gured DHCP subnet is available. If you con???gure multiple Connection Pro???les to use IP Passthrough's DHCP option, when any of these pro???les is established, the dynamic DHCP con???guration will be overwritten. IP passthrough is restricted to the primary LAN.

In the case of an Ethernet WAN router the IP passthrough con???guration is located in the WAN Ethernet Con???guration menu. For all other routers, it is located in the Connection Pro???les' IP Pro???le Parameters.

The WAN Ethernet Con???guration screen, found under the WAN Con???guration menu, WAN Setup screen, appears as shown.

WAN Ethernet Configuration

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Ethernet Module in this screen.

The IP Pro???le Parameters screen, found under the WAN Con???guration menu, Add/Change Connection Pro???le screen, appears as shown.

4-28 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

If you select NAT Options, in either case, the NAT Options screen appears.

NAT Options

Toggle ON to allow local WAN IP address to be used on LAN in addition to NAT.

If you toggle IP Passthrough Enabled to Yes, additional ???eld(s) appear.

Multi-NAT 4-29

Enter MAC addr. of IP passthrough host, or zeroes for first come first serve.

Toggling IP Passthrough DHCP Enabled to Yes displays the IP Passthrough DHCP MAC address ???eld. This is an editable ???eld in which you can enter the MAC (hardware) address of the designated PC be used as the DHCP Client Identi???er for dynamic address reservation. The MAC address must be six colon-delimited or dash-delimited sets of hex digits ('0' ??? 'FF').

First Come First Serve Mode

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 IP Passthrough allows a ???rst come ???rst serve mode.

NAT Options defaults to an all-zeroes MAC address.

If you leave the default all-zeroes MAC address, the Router will select the next DHCP client that initiates a DHCP lease request or renewal to be the IP passthrough host. When the WAN comes up, or if it is already up, the Router will serve this client the IP passthrough/WAN address. When this client's lease ends, the IP passthrough address becomes available for the next client to initiate a DHCP transaction. The next client will get the IP passthrough address. Note that there is no way to control which PC has the IP passthrough address without releasing all other DHCP leases on the LAN.

Note: If you specify a non-zeroes MAC address, the DHCP Client Identi???er must be in the format speci???ed above. Macintosh computers allow the DHCP Client Identi???er to be entered as a name or text, however Motorola Netopia?? routers accept only strict (binary/hex) MAC address format. Macintosh computers display their strict MAC addresses in the TCP/IP Control Panel (Classic MacOS) or the Network Preference Pane of System Preferences (Mac OS X).

Once con???gured, the passthrough host's DHCP leases will be shortened to two minutes. This allows for timely updates of the host's IP address, which will be a private IP address before the WAN connection is established. After the WAN connection is established and has an address, the passthrough host can renew its DHCP address binding to acquire the WAN IP address.

4-30 Administrator???s Handbook

A restriction

Since both the router and the passthrough host will use same IP address, new sessions that con???ict with existing sessions will be rejected by the router. For example, suppose you are a teleworker using an IPSec tunnel from the router and from the passthrough host. Both tunnels go to the same remote endpoint, such as the VPN access concentrator at your employer???s of???ce. In this case, the ???rst one to start the IPSec traf???c will be allowed; the second one ??? since, from the WAN it's indistinguishable ??? will fail.

MultiNAT Configuration Example

To help you understand a typical MultiNAT con???guration, this section describes an example of the type of con???guration you may want to implement on your site. The values shown are for example purposes only. Make your own appropriate substitutions.

A typical DSL service from an ISP might include ???ve user addresses. Without PAT, you might be able to attach only ???ve IP hosts. Using simple 1-to-many PAT you can connect more than ???ve devices, but use only one of your addresses. Using multiNAT you can make full use of the address range. The example assumes the following range of addresses offered by a typical ISP:

Public IP addresses assigned by the ISP are through ( subnet mask).

Your internal devices have IP addresses of through ( subnet mask).

In this example you will statically map the ???rst ???ve public IP addresses ( - to the ???rst ???ve corresponding private IP addresses ( - You will use these 1-to-1 mapped addresses to give your servers ???real??? addresses. You will then map to the remaining private IP addresses ( - using PAT.

The con???guration process is as follows:

From the Main Menu go to the Easy Setup and then the Connection Pro???le screen.

Multi-NAT 4-31

Enter your ISP-supplied values as shown below.

Connection Profile 1: Easy Setup Profile

Return/Enter takes you back to previous screen.

Enter basic information about your WAN connection with this screen.

Select NEXT SCREEN and press Return.

Your IP values are shown here.

Set up the basic IP & IPX attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

Then navigate to the Network Address Translation (NAT) screen.

4-32 Administrator???s Handbook

Select Show/Change Public Range, then Easy-PAT Range, and press Return. Enter the value your ISP assigned for your public address (, in this example). Toggle Type to pat. Your public address is then mapped to the remaining private IP addresses using PAT. (If you were not using the Easy-PAT Range and Easy-PAT List that are created by default by using Easy Setup, you would have to de???ne a public range and map list. For the purpose of this example you can just alter this range and list.)

Change NAT Public Range

Select CHANGE NAT PUBLIC RANGE and press Return. This returns you to the Network Address Translation screen.

Select Add Public Range and press Return. Type a name for this static range, as shown below. Enter the ???rst and last public addresses your ISP assigned in their respective ???elds as shown. The ???rst ???ve public IP addresses ( -, in this example) are statically mapped to the ???rst ???ve corresponding private IP addresses ( -

Multi-NAT 4-33

Add NAT Public Range

Select ADD NAT PUBLIC RANGE and press Return. You are returned to the Network Address Translation screen.

Next, select Show/Change Map List and choose Easy-PAT List. Select Add Map. The Add NAT Map screen appears. (Now the name Easy-PAT List is a misnomer since it has a static map included in its list.) Enter in for the First Private Address and for the Last Private Address.

Add NAT Map ("Easy-PAT List")

Use NAT Public Range...

Select Use NAT Public Range and from the pop-up menu choose Static Range. Select ADD NAT MAP and press Return.

This will statically map the ???rst ???ve public IP addresses to the ???rst ???ve corresponding private IP addresses and will map to the remaining private IP addresses using PAT.

4-34 Administrator???s Handbook

Notes on the example

The Easy-Map List and the Easy-PAT List are attached to any new Connection Pro???le by default. If you want to use this NAT con???guration on a previously de???ned Connection Pro???le then you need to bind the Map List to the pro???le. You do this through either the NAT Associations screen or the pro???le???s con???guration screens.

The PAT part of this example setup will allow any user on the Motorola Netopia?? Router's LAN with an IP address in the range of through to initiate traf???c ???ow to the outside world (for example, the Internet). No one on the Internet would be able to initiate a conversation with them.

The Static mapping part of this example will allow any of the machines in the range of addresses from through to communicate with the outside world as if they were at the addresses through, respectively. It also allows any machine on the Internet to access any service (port) on any of these ???ve machines.

You may decide this poses a security risk. You may decide that anyone can have complete access to your FTP server, but not to your Router, and only limited access to the desired services (ports) on the Web and Mail servers.

To make these changes, ???rst limit the range of remapped addresses on the Static Map and then edit the default server list called Easy-Servers.

???First, navigate to the Show/Change Map List screen, select Easy-PAT List and then Show/Change Maps. Choose the Static Map you created and change the First Private Address from to Now the Router, Web, and Mail servers??? IP addresses are no longer included in the range of static mappings and are therefore no longer accessible to the outside world. Users on the Internet will not be able to Telnet, Web, SNMP, or ping to them. It is best also to navigate to the public range screen and change the Static Range to go from

???Next, navigate to Show/Change Server List and select Easy-Servers and then Add Server. You should export both the Web (www-http) and Mail (smtp) ports to one of the now free public addresses. Select Service... and from the resulting pop-up menu select www-http. In the resulting screen enter your Web server's address,, and the public address, for example,, and then select ADD NAT SERVER. Now return to Add Server, choose the smtp port and enter, your Mail server's IP address for the Server Private IP Address. You can decide if you want to present both your Web and Mail services as being on the same public address,, or if you prefer to have your Mail server appear to be at a different IP address, For the sake of this example, alias both services to

Now, as before, the PAT con???guration will allow any user on the Motorola Netopia?? Router's LAN with an IP address in the range of through to initiate traf???c ???ow to the Internet. Someone at the FTP server can access the Internet and the Internet can access all services of the FTP machine as if it were at The Router cannot directly communicate with the outside world. The only communication between the Web server and the Internet is through port 80, the Web port, as if the server were located on a machine at IP address Similarly, the only communication with the Mail server is through port 25, the SMTP port, as if it were located at IP address

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-1

Chapter 5

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers IPsec, PPTP, and ATMP tunneling support for Virtual Private Networks (VPN).

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

???"Overview" on page 5-1

???"About PPTP Tunnels" on page 5-4

???"About IPsec Tunnels" on page 5-7

???"About L2TP Tunnels" on page 5-7

???"About GRE Tunnels" on page 5-10

???"About ATMP Tunnels" on page 5-14

???"Encryption Support" on page 5-16

???"ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le" on page 5-17

???"VPN QuickView" on page 5-18

???"Dial-Up Networking for VPN" on page 5-19

???"Allowing VPNs through a Firewall" on page 5-23

???"Windows Networking Broadcasts" on page 5-30


When you make a long distance telephone call from your home to a relative far away, you are creating a private network. You can hold a conversation, and exchange information about the happenings on opposite sides of the state, or the continent, that you are mutually interested in. When your next door neighbor picks up the phone to call her daughter at college, at the same time you are talking to your relatives, your calls don't overlap, but each is separate and private. Neither house has a direct wire to the places they call. Both share the same lines on the telephone poles (or underground) on the street.

These calls are virtual private networks. Virtual, because they appear to be direct connections between the calling and answering parties, even though they travel over the public wires and switches of the phone company; private, because neither pair of calling and answering parties interacts with the other; and networks, because they exchange information.

Computers can do the same thing; it's called Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Equipped with a Motorola Netopia?? Router, a single computer or private network (LAN) can establish a private connection with another computer or private network over the public network (Internet).

5-2 Administrator???s Handbook

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 can be used in VPNs either to initiate the connection or to answer it. When used in this way, the Routers are said to be tunnelling through the public network (Internet). The advantages are that, like your long distance phone call, you don't need a direct line between one computer or LAN and the other, but use the local connections, making it much cheaper; and the information you exchange through your tunnel is private and secure.

Tunneling is a process of creating a private path between a remote user or private network and another private network over some intermediate network, such as the IP-based Internet. A VPN allows remote of???ces or employees access to your internal business LAN through means of encryption allowing the use of the public Internet to look ???virtually??? like a private secure network. When two networks communicate with each other through a network based on the Internet Protocol, they are said to be tunneling through the IP network.

Virtual Private Network

Unlike the phone company, private and public computer networks can use more than one protocol to carry your information over the wires. Several such protocols are in common use for tunnelling, Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP), IP Security (IPsec), Layer 2 Transport Protocol (L2TP), Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), and Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (ATMP). The Motorola Netopia?? Router can use any of these.

???Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is an extension of Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and uses a client and server model. Motorola Netopia?????s PPTP implementation is compatible with Microsoft???s and can function as either the client (PAC) or the server (PNS). As a client, a Motorola Netopia?? Router can provide all users on a LAN with secure access over the Internet to the resources of another LAN by setting up a tunnel with a Windows NT server running Remote Access Services (RAS) or with another Motorola Netopia?? Router. As a server, a Motorola Netopia?? Router can provide remote users a secure connection to the resources of the LAN over a dial-up, cable, DSL, or any other type of Internet access. Because PPTP can create a VPN tunnel using the Dial-Up Networking (DUN) (see "Dial-Up Networking for VPN" on page 5-19) utility built into Windows 95, 98, or NT, no additional client software is required.

???IPsec stands for IP Security, a set of protocols that supports secure exchange of IP packets at the IP layer. IPsec is deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). IPsec supports two encryption

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-3

modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPsec-compliant device decrypts each packet. The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports the more secure Tunnel mode.

DES stands for Data Encryption Standard, a popular symmetric-key encryption method. DES uses a 56-bit key. The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers IPsec DES encryption over the VPN tunnel.

???Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (ATMP) is the protocol that is implemented in many Ascend gateways. ATMP is a simple protocol for connecting nodes and/or networks together over the Internet via a tunnel. ATMP encapsulates IP or other user data without PPP headers within General Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol over IP. ATMP is more ef???cient than PPTP for network-to-network tunnels.

When used to initiate the tunnelled connection, the Router is called a PPTP Access Concentrator (PAC, in PPTP language), or a foreign agent (in ATMP language). When used to answer the tunnelled connection, the Motorola Netopia?? Router is called a PPTP Network Server (PNS, in PPTP language) or a home agent (in ATMP language).

In either case, the Motorola Netopia?? Router wraps, or encapsulates, information that one end of the tunnel exchanges with the other, in a wrapper called General Routing Encapsulation (GRE), at one end of the tunnel, and unwraps, or decapsulates, it at the other end.

Con???guring the Motorola Netopia?? Router for use with the different protocols is done through the Telnet-based menu screens. Each type is described in its own section:

???"About PPTP Tunnels" on page 5-4

???"About IPsec Tunnels" on page 5-7

???"About L2TP Tunnels" on page 5-7

???"About GRE Tunnels" on page 5-10

???"About ATMP Tunnels" on page 5-14

Your con???guration depends on which protocol you (and the gateway at the other end of your tunnel) will use, and whether or not you will be using VPN client software in a standalone remote connection.

Note: You must choose which protocol you will be using, since you cannot both export PPTP and use ATMP, or vice versa, at the same time.

Having both an ATMP tunnel and a PPTP export is not possible because functions require GRE and the Router???s PPTP export/server does not distinguish the GRE packets it forwards. Since it processes all of them, ATMP tunneling is impaired. For example, you cannot run an ATMP tunnel between two gateways and also have PPTP exported on one side.


A Virtual Private Network (VPN) connects the components of one network over another network. VPNs accomplish this by allowing you to tunnel through the Internet or another public network in a manner that provides the same security and features formerly available only in private networks.

VPNs allow networks to communicate across an IP network. Your local networks (connected to the Motorola

Netopia?? Router) can exchange data with remote networks that are also connected to a VPN-capable gateway.

5-4 Administrator???s Handbook

This feature provides individuals at home, on the road, or in branch of???ces with a cost-effective and secure way to access resources on remote LANs connected to the Internet with Motorola Netopia?? Routers.

About PPTP Tunnels

To set up a PPTP tunnel, you create a Connection Pro???le including the IP address and other relevant information for the remote PPTP partner. You use the same procedure to initiate a PPTP tunnel that terminates at a remote PPTP server or to terminate a tunnel initiated by a remote PPTP client.

PPTP configuration

To set up the Router as a PPTP Network Server (PNS) capable of answering PPTP tunnel requests you must also con???gure the VPN Default Answer Pro???le. See "ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le" on page 5-17 for more information.

PPTP is a Datalink Encapsulation option in Connection Pro???les. It is not an option in device or link con???guration screens, as PPTP is not a native encapsulation. Consequently, the Easy Setup Pro???le does not offer PPTP datalink encapsulation. See the "Creating a New Connection Pro???le" on page 2-8 for information on creating Connection Pro???les.

Channel 4 (and higher) events, such as connections and disconnections, reported in the WAN Event Histories are VPN tunnel events.

To de???ne a PPTP tunnel, navigate to the Add Connection Pro???le menu from the Main Menu.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-5

When you de???ne a Connection Pro???le as using PPTP by selecting PPTP as the datalink encapsulation method, and then select Data Link Options, the PPTP Tunnel Options screen appears.

PPTP Tunnel Options

???Enter the PPTP Partner IP Address. This speci???es the address of the other end of the tunnel.

If you do not specify the PPTP Partner IP Address the Router cannot initiate tunnels, i.e., act as a PPTP Access Concentrator (PAC) for this pro???le. It can only accept tunnel requests as a PPTP Network Server (PNS).

???If you specify the PPTP Partner IP Address, and the address is in the same subnet as the Remote IP Address you speci???ed in the IP Pro???le Parameters, the Tunnel Via Gateway option becomes visible. You can enter the address by which the Router partner is reached.

If you do not specify the PPTP Partner IP Address, the Router will use the default gateway to reach the partner and the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld is hidden. If the partner should be reached via an alternate port (i.e. the LAN instead of the WAN), the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld allows this path to be resolved.

???From the pop-up menu select an Authentication protocol for the PPP connection. Options are PAP, CHAP, or MS-CHAP. The default is PAP. The authentication protocol must be the same on both ends of the tunnel.

???You can specify a Data Compression algorithm, either None or Standard LZS, for the PPTP connection.

Note: When the Authentication protocol is MS-CHAP, compression is set to None, and the Data Compression option is hidden.

???When the authentication protocol is MS-CHAP, you can specify a Data Encryption algorithm for the PPTP connection. Available options are MPPE and None (the default). For other authentication protocols, this option is hidden. When MPPE is negotiated, the WAN Event History reports that it is negotiated as a CCP (compression) type. This is because the MPPE protocol uses a compression engine, even though it is not itself a compression protocol.

5-6 Administrator???s Handbook

Note: Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports 128-bit (???strong???) encryption. Unlike MS-CHAP version 1, which supports one-way authentication, MS-CHAP version 2 supports mutual authentication between connected gateways and is incompatible with MS-CHAP version 1 (MS-CHAP-V1). When you choose MS-CHAP as the authentication method for the PPTP tunnel, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will start negotiating MS-CHAP-V2. If the gateway you are connecting to does not support MS-CHAP-V2, it will fall back to MS-CHAP-V1, or, if the gateway you are connecting to does not support MPPE at all, the PPP session will be dropped.

???You can specify a Send Host Name which is used with Send Secret for authenticating with a remote PNS when the pro???le is used for initiating a tunnel connection.

???You must specify a Send Password (the CHAP and MS-CHAP term for password), used for authenticating the tunnel when initiating a tunnel connection.

???You can specify a Receive Host Name which is used with the Receive Secret for authenticating a remote PPTP client.

???You must specify a Receive Password, used for authenticating the remote PPTP client.

???You can specify that this Router will Initiate Connections (acting as a PAC) or only answer them (acting as a PNS).

???Tunnels are normally initiated On Demand; however, you can disable this feature. When disabled, the tunnel must be manually established or may be scheduled using the scheduled connections feature. See "Scheduled Connections" on page 2-16.

???Some networks that use Microsoft Windows NT PPTP Network Servers require additional authentication information, called Windows NT Domain Name, when answering PPTP tunnel connection requests. Not all Windows NT installations require this information, since not all such installations use this authentication feature. The Windows NT Domain Name is not the same as the Internet domain name, but is the name of a group of servers that share common security policy and user account databases. Your PPTP tunnel partner???s administrator will supply this Windows NT Domain Name if it is required. If you con???gure your Router to initiate PPTP tunnel connections by toggling Initiate Connections to Yes, the Optional Windows NT Domain Name ???eld appears. Enter the domain name your network administrator has supplied.

???You can specify the Idle Timeout, an inactivity timer, whose expiration will terminate the tunnel. A value of zero disables the timer. Because tunnels are subject to abrupt termination when the underlying datalink is torn down, use of the Idle Timeout is strongly encouraged.

???Return to the Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

???Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-7

IP Profile Parameters

???Enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which you want to tunnel.

About IPsec Tunnels

IPsec stands for IP Security, a set of protocols that supports secure exchange of IP packets at the IP layer. IPsec is deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). See "Overview" on page 5-1 for more information.

IPsec supports two encryption modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPsec-compliant device decrypts each packet. Motorola Netopia?? Routers support the more secure Tunnel mode.

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers IPsec 3DES encryption over the VPN tunnel. DES stands for Data Encryption Standard, a popular symmetric-key encryption method. DES uses a 56-bit key. Motorola Netopia?? Routers offer IPsec 3DES (triple DES) encryption as a standard option. Some models support built-in hardware acceleration of 3DES encryption at line speeds.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is an authentication and encryption key management protocol used in conjunction with the IPsec standard. IPsec key management offers a wide variety of options which are explained in

Chapter 6, ???Internet Key Exchange for VPNs.???

About L2TP Tunnels

L2TP stands for Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol, an extension to the PPP protocol. L2TP combines features of two other tunneling protocols: PPTP and L2F. Like PPTP, L2TP is a Datalink Encapsulation option in Connection Pro???les. It is not an option in device or link con???guration screens, as L2TP is not a native encapsulation. Consequently, the Easy Setup Pro???le does not offer L2TP datalink encapsulation. See the "Creating a New Connection Pro???le" on page 2-8 for information on creating Connection Pro???les.

5-8 Administrator???s Handbook

L2TP configuration

To de???ne an L2TP tunnel, navigate to the Add Connection Pro???le menu from the Main Menu.

When you de???ne a Connection Pro???le as using L2TP by selecting L2TP as the datalink encapsulation method, and then select Encapsulation Options, the L2TP Tunnel Options screen appears.

???Enter the L2TP Partner IP Address. This speci???es the address of the other end of the tunnel. If you do not specify the L2TP Partner IP Address the Router cannot initiate tunnels.

???If you specify the L2TP Partner IP Address, and the address is in the same subnet as the Remote IP Address you speci???ed in the IP Pro???le Parameters, the Tunnel Via Gateway option becomes visible. You can enter the address by which the Router partner is reached.

If you do not specify the L2TP Partner IP Address, the Router will use the default gateway to reach the partner and the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld is hidden. If the partner should be reached via an alternate port (i.e. the LAN instead of the WAN), the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld allows this path to be resolved.

???Toggle L2TP Tunnel Authentication to No or Yes.

If you set authentication on the tunnel, an editable Pass-phrase ???eld appears where you can specify a password between eight and 15 characters long.

???From the pop-up menu select a PPP Authentication protocol for the PPP connection. Options are PAP, or CHAP. The default is PAP. The authentication protocol must be the same on both ends of the tunnel.

???You can specify a Data Compression algorithm, either None or Standard LZS, for the L2TP connection.

???You can specify a Send Host Name which is used with Send Secret for authenticating with a remote PNS when the pro???le is used for initiating a tunnel connection.

???You must specify a Send Password (or Secret, the CHAP term for password), used for authenticating the tunnel when initiating a tunnel connection.

???You can specify a Receive Host Name which is used with the Receive Secret for authenticating a remote L2TP client.

???You must specify a Receive Password (or CHAP Secret), used for authenticating the remote L2TP client.

???You can specify that this Router will Initiate Connections (acting as a PAC) or only answer them (acting as a PNS).

5-10 Administrator???s Handbook

???Tunnels are normally initiated On Demand; however, you can disable this feature. When disabled, the tunnel must be manually established or may be scheduled using the scheduled connections feature. See "Scheduled Connections" on page 2-16.

???You can specify the Idle Timeout (in seconds), an inactivity timer, whose expiration will terminate the tunnel. A value of zero disables the timer. Because tunnels are subject to abrupt termination when the underlying datalink is torn down, use of the Idle Timeout is strongly encouraged.

???Return to the Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

???Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return.

???In the Pro???le Parameters screen, enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which you want to tunnel. Press Escape to return to the Connection Pro???le screen. Select COMMIT and press Return. The tunnel Connection Pro???le will be activated.

About GRE Tunnels

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol is another form of tunneling that Motorola Netopia?? routers support. A GRE tunnel is brought up when a valid GRE pro???le is installed, and brought down when the pro???le is disabled, or deleted.

GRE tunnels are not connection-based, but rather are installed and simply wait for GRE packets. There is no special startup initiation as with PPPoE or PPTP. GRE is best adapted to simple routing and/or tunneling, and is not for use with any sensitive data. GRE offers no encryption; and authentication of data integrity is limited to checksum veri???cation, if enabled.

To set up a GRE tunnel, you create a Connection Pro???le including the IP address and other relevant information for the remote partner.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-11

When you de???ne a Connection Pro???le as using GRE by selecting GRE as the Encapsulation Type, and then select Encapsulation Options, the GRE Tunnel Options screen appears.

GRE Tunnel Options

Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (

???Enter a GRE Partner IP Address in standard dotted-quad format to specify the address of the other end of the tunnel.

???You can optionally toggle Send Checksums to Yes to verify that no data corruption or loss is incurred in transmission. Ordinarily, it is not necessary to send checksums, and you can leave the default No.

5-12 Administrator???s Handbook

???Sequence Datagrams can also be left at the default No, unless you are otherwise instructed. Datagram sequencing is mainly needed if compression is being used.

???You can enter a 32- bit Key of up to 10-digits (numbers only). The receiver can use this key to identify the source of the packet. The key is a way to match a packet to a tunnel connection.

If you choose to enter a key, be sure that both tunnel endpoints' con???gurations have matching keys.

???If you enter a zero (0), the key ???eld is disabled.

???Return to the Add Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

???Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

???Enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which you want to tunnel.

???Press Escape to return to the Add Connection pro???le screen, select COMMIT and press Return. Your GRE Connection Pro???le will be enabled.

VPN force-all

GRE tunnelling supports ???VPN force-all,??? which forces all traf???c coming from the LAN onto the GRE tunnel. You accomplish this by setting the default route to go through the GRE tunnel. A secondary host route where all tunneled GRE packets route to the actual WAN interface can be con???gured as a static route when required.

The following table outlines various force-all con???gurations for different networking scenarios; all other options can safely use their default values:

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-13

Note: A GRE tunnel cannot transmit RIP routes over a force-all tunnel, or with a remote member IP with a host part of all zeros.

5-14 Administrator???s Handbook

About ATMP Tunnels

To set up an ATMP tunnel, you create a Connection Pro???le including the IP address and other relevant information for the remote ATMP partner. ATMP uses the terminology of a foreign agent that initiates tunnels and a home agent that terminates them. You use the same procedure to initiate or terminate an ATMP tunnel. Used in this way, the terms initiate and terminate mean the beginning and end of the tunnel; they do not mean activate and deactivate.

ATMP is a tunneling protocol, with two basic aspects. Tunnels are created and torn down using a session protocol that is UDP-based. User (or client) data is transferred across the tunnel by encapsulating the client data within Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE). The GRE data is then routed using standard methods.

ATMP configuration

ATMP is a Datalink Encapsulation option in Connection Pro???les. It is not an option in device or link con???guration screens, since ATMP is not a native encapsulation. The Easy Setup Pro???le does not offer ATMP datalink encapsulation. See "Creating a New Connection Pro???le" on page 2-8 for information on creating Connection Pro???les.

The WAN Event History screens will report VPN tunnel events, such as connections and disconnections, as Channel 4 (and higher) events.

To de???ne an ATMP tunnel, navigate to the Add Connection Pro???le menu from the Main Menu.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-15

When you de???ne a Connection Pro???le as using ATMP by selecting ATMP as the datalink encapsulation method, and then select Data Link Options, the ATMP Tunnel Options screen appears.

ATMP Tunnel Options

Note: An ATMP tunnel cannot be assigned a dynamic IP address by the remote server, as in a PPP connection. When you de???ne an ATMP tunnel pro???le, the Local WAN IP Address, assigned in the IP Pro???le Parameters screen, must be the true IP address, not, if NAT is enabled.

???ATMP Partner IP Address speci???es the address of the other end of the tunnel. When unspeci???ed, the Router can not initiate tunnels (i.e., act as a foreign agent) for this pro???le; it can only accept tunnel requests as a home agent.

???When you specify the ATMP Partner IP Address, and the address is in the same subnet as the Remote IP Address you speci???ed in the IP Pro???le Parameters, you can specify the route (Tunnel Via Gateway) by which the Router partner is reached. If you do not specify the ATMP Partner IP Address, the Router will use the default gateway to reach the partner and the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld is hidden. If the partner should be reached via an alternate port (i.e., the LAN instead of the WAN), the Tunnel Via Gateway ???eld allows this path to be resolved.

???You can specify a Network Name. When the tunnel partner is another Motorola Netopia?? Router, this name may be used to match against a Connection Pro???le. When the partner is an Ascend gateway in Gateway mode, then Network Name is used by the Ascend gateway to match a gateway pro???le. When the partner is an Ascend gateway in Gateway mode, leave this ???eld blank.

???You must specify a Password, used for authenticating the tunnel.

Note: The Password entry will be the same for both ends of the tunnel.

???For Netopia-to-Netopia connections only, you can specify a Data Encryption algorithm for the ATMP connection from the pop-up menu, either DES or None. None is the default.

Note: Ascend does not support DES encryption for ATMP tunnels.

???You must specify a Key String of up to (and including) 20 characters when DES is selected. When encryption is None, this ???eld is invisible.

5-16 Administrator???s Handbook

???You can specify that this Router will Initiate Connections, acting as a foreign agent (Yes), or only answer them, acting as a home agent (No).

???Tunnels are normally initiated On Demand; however, you can disable this feature. When disabled, the tunnel must be manually established through the call management screens.

???You can specify the Idle Timeout, an inactivity timer, whose expiration will terminate the tunnel. A value of zero disables the timer. Because tunnels are subject to abrupt termination when the underlying datalink is torn down, use of the Idle Timeout is strongly encouraged.

???Return to the Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape.

???Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

IP Profile Parameters

???Enter the Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask for the host to which you want to tunnel.

Encryption Support

Encryption is a method for altering user data into a form that is unusable by anyone other than the intended recipient. The recipient must have the means to decrypt the data to render it usable to them. The encryption process protects the data by making it dif???cult for any third party to get at the original data.

Motorola Netopia?? PPTP is fully compatible with Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) data encryption for user data transfer over the PPTP tunnel. Microsoft Windows NT Server provides MPPE encryption capability only when Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) is enabled. Motorola Netopia?? complies with this feature to allow MPPE only when MS-CHAP is negotiated. MS-CHAP and MPPE are user-selectable options in the PPTP Tunnel Options screen. If either the client or the server side speci???es encryption, then encryption becomes mandatory for both.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-17

Motorola Netopia?????s ATMP implementation supports Data Encryption Standard (DES) data encryption for user data transfer over the ATMP tunnel between two Motorola Netopia?? Routers. The encryption option, none or DES, is a selectable option in the ATMP Tunnel Options screen.

MS-CHAP V2 and 128-bit strong encryption


???Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports 128-bit (???strong???) encryption when using PPTP tunnels.

ATMP does not have an option of using 128-bit MPPE. If you are using ATMP between two Motorola Netopia?? Routers you can optionally set 56-bit DES encryption.

???When you choose MS-CHAP as the authentication method for a PPTP tunnel, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will start negotiating MS-CHAPv2. If the gateway or VPN adapter client you are connecting to does not support MS-CHAPv2, the Motorola Netopia?? Router will fall back to MS-CHAPv1, or, if the gateway or VPN adapter client you are connecting to does not support MPPE at all, the PPP session will be dropped. This is done automatically and transparently.

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile

The WAN Con???guration menu offers a ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le option. Use this selection when your Router is acting as the server for VPN connections, that is, when you are on the answering end of the tunnel establishment. The ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le determines the way the attempted tunnel connection is answered.

WAN Configuration

WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup...

Display/Change Connection Profile...

Add Connection Profile...

Delete Connection Profile...

WAN Default Profile...

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile...

Scheduled Connections...

To set the parameters under which the Router will answer attempted VPN connections, select ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le and press Return. The ATMP/PPTP Default Pro???le screen appears.

5-18 Administrator???s Handbook

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile

???Toggle Answer ATMP/PPTP Connections to Yes if you want the Router to accept VPN connections or No (the default) if you do not.

???For PPTP tunnel connections only, you must de???ne what type of authentication these connections will use. Select Receive Authentication and press Return. A pop-up menu offers the following options: PAP (the default), CHAP, or MS-CHAP.

???If you chose PAP or CHAP authentication, from the Data Compression pop-up menu select either None (the default) or Standard LZS.

If you chose MS-CHAP authentication, the Data Compression option is not required, and this menu item becomes hidden.

VPN QuickView

You can view the status of your VPN connections in the VPN QuickView screen.

From the Main Menu select QuickView and then VPN QuickView.

The VPN QuickView screen appears.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-19

Pro???le Name: Lists the name of the Connection Pro???le being used, if any.

Type: Shows the data link encapsulation method (PPTP or ATMP).

Rx Pckts: Shows the number of packets received via the VPN tunnel.

Tx Pckts: Shows the number of packets transmitted via the VPN tunnel.

Rx Discard: Shows the number of packets discarded.

Remote Address: Shows the tunnel partner???s IP address.

Dial-Up Networking for VPN

Microsoft Windows Dial-Up Networking software permits a remote standalone workstation to establish a VPN tunnel to a PPTP server such as a Motorola Netopia?? Router located at a central site. Dial-Up Networking also allows a mobile user who may not be connected to a PAC to dial into an intermediate ISP and establish a VPN tunnel to, for example, a corporate headquarters, remotely. Motorola Netopia?? Routers also can serve as a PAC at the workstation's site, making it unnecessary for the standalone workstation to initiate the tunnel. In such a case, the Dial-Up Networking software is not required, since the Motorola Netopia?? Router initiates the tunnel.

This section is provided for users who may require the VPN client software for Dial-Up Networking in order to connect to an ISP who provides a PPTP account.

Microsoft Windows Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is the means by which you can initiate a VPN tunnel between your individual remote client workstation and a private network such as your corporate LAN via the Internet. DUN is a software adapter that allows you to establish a tunnel.

5-20 Administrator???s Handbook

DUN is a free add-on available for Windows 95, and comes standard with Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows XP. The VPN tunnel behaves as a private network connection, unrelated to other traf???c on the network. Once you have installed Dial-Up Networking, you will be able to connect to your remote site as if you had a direct private connection, regardless of the intervening network(s) through which your data passes. You may need to install the Dial-Up Networking feature of Windows 95, 98, or 2000 to take advantage of the virtual private networking feature of your Motorola Netopia?? Router.

Note: For the latest information and tech notes on Dial-Up Networking and VPNs be sure to visit the Motorola Netopia?? website at and, for the latest software and release notes, the Microsoft website at

Installing Dial-Up Networking

Check to see if Dial-Up Networking is already installed on your PC. Open your My Computer (or whatever you have named it) icon on your desktop. If there is a folder named Dial-Up Networking, you don???t have to install it. If there is no such folder, you must install it from your system disks or CDROM. Do the following:

1.From the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.

2.In the Control Panel window, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. The Add/Remove Programs Properties window appears.

3.Click the Windows Setup tab.

4.Double-click Communications.

The Communications window appears.

5.In the Communications window, select Dial-Up Networking and click the OK button. This returns you to the Windows Setup screen. Click the OK button.

6.Respond to the prompts to install Dial-Up Networking from the system disks or CDROM.

7.When prompted, reboot your PC.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-21

Creating a new Dial-Up Networking profile

A Dial-Up Networking pro???le is like an address book entry that contains the information and parameters you need for a secure private connection. You can create this pro???le by using either the Internet Connection Wizard or the Make New Connection feature of Dial-Up Networking. The following instructions tell you how to create the pro???le with the Make New Connection feature. Do the following:

1.Double-click the My Computer (or whatever you have named it) icon on your desktop.

Open the Dial-Up Networking folder, and then double-click Make New Connection. The Make New Connection wizard window appears.

2.Type a name for this connection (such as the name of your company, or the computer you are dialing into).

From the pull-down menu, select the device you intend to use for the virtual private network connection. This can be any device you have installed or connected to your PC. Click the Next button. A screen appears with ???elds for you to enter telephone numbers for the computer you want to connect to.

3.Type the directory number or the Virtual Circuit Identi???er number.

This number is provided by your ISP or corporate administrator. Depending on the type of device you are using, the number may or may not resemble an ordinary telephone directory number.

4.Click the Next button.

The ???nal window will give you a chance to accept or change the name you have entered for this pro???le. If you are satis???ed with it, click the Finish button. Your pro???le is complete.

Configuring a Dial-Up Networking profile

Once you have created your Dial-Up Networking pro???le, you con???gure it for TCP/IP networking to allow you to connect to the Internet through your Internet connection device. Do the following:

1.Double-click the My Computer (or whatever you have named it) icon on your desktop.

Open the Dial-Up Networking folder. You will see the icon for the pro???le you created in the previous section.

2.Right-click the icon and from the pop-up menu select Properties.

3.In the Properties window click the Server Type button.

5-22 Administrator???s Handbook

From the Type of Dial-up Server pull-down menu select the appropriate type of server for your system version:

???Windows 95 users select PPP: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5, Internet

???Windows 98 users select PPP: Windows 98, Windows NT Server, Internet

In the Allowed network protocols area check TCP/IP and uncheck all of the other checkboxes.

Note: Motorola Netopia?????s PPTP implementation does not currently support tunnelling of IPX and NetBEUI protocols.

4.Click the TCP/IP Settings button.

???If your ISP uses dynamic IP addressing (DHCP), select the Server assigned IP address radio button.

???If your ISP uses static IP addressing, select the Specify an IP address radio button and enter your assigned IP address in the ???elds provided. Also enter the IP address in the Primary and Secondary DNS ???elds.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-23

5.Click the OK button in this window and the next two windows.

Windows XP Client Configuration

1.From your Windows XP desktop, click on Start ---> My Network Places and select View Network Connections from the Network Tasks area.

2.Click Create a New Connection in the Network Tasks area to start the New Connection Wizard. Click Next.

3.In the Network Connection Type box that appears, select the Connect to the network at my workplace radio button. Click Next.

4.In the Network Connection box that appears, select the Virtual Private Network connection radio button. Click Next.

5.In the Connection Name window's text box labeled Company Name, assign the name of the organization or connection to which you log in.

6.In the VPN Server Selection window's text box labeled Host Name or IP address, type the Local WAN IP address of the router to which you are connecting.

7.In the Connection Availability window, you can select the Anyone's Use radio button if you want to make this connection accessible to other users of your workstation. Otherwise, leave it set to the default My use only selection. Click Next.

8.Click Finish. This completes the VPN con???guration. Also, you can click the Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop checkbox to put an icon on the desktop.

Connecting using Dial-Up Networking

A Dial-Up Networking connection will be automatically launched whenever you run a TCP/IP application, such as a web browser or email client. When you ???rst run the application a Connect To dialog box appears in which you enter your User name and Password. If you check the Save password checkbox, the system will remember your User name and Password, and you won???t be prompted for them again.

Allowing VPNs through a Firewall

An administrator interested in securing a network will usually combine the use of VPNs with the use of a ???rewall or some similar mechanism. This is because a VPN is not a complete security solution, but rather a component of overall security. Using a VPN will add security to transactions carried over a public network, but a VPN alone will not prevent a public network from in???ltrating a private network. Therefore, you should combine use of a ???rewall with VPNs, where the ???rewall will secure the private network from in???ltration from a public network, and the VPN will secure the transactions that must cross the public network.

A strict ???rewall may not be provisioned to allow VPN traf???c to pass back and forth as needed. In order to ensure that a ???rewall will allow a VPN, certain attributes must be added to the ???rewall's provisioning. The provisions necessary vary slightly between ATMP and PPTP, but both protocols operate on the same basic premise: there are control and negotiation operations, and there is the tunnelled traf???c that carries the payload of data between the VPN endpoints. The difference is that ATMP uses UDP to handle control and negotiation, while PPTP uses TCP. Then both ATMP and PPTP use GRE to carry the payload.

5-24 Administrator???s Handbook

For PPTP negotiation to work, TCP packets inbound and outbound destined for port 1723 must be allowed. Likewise, for ATMP negotiation to work, UDP packets inbound and outbound destined for port 5150 must be allowed. Source ports are dynamic, so, if possible, make this ???exible, too. Additionally, PPTP and ATMP both require a ???rewall to allow GRE bi-directionally.

The following sections illustrate a sample ???ltering setup to allow either PPTP or ATMP traf???c to cross a ???rewall:

???"PPTP example" on page 5-24

???"ATMP example" on page 5-27

Make your own appropriate substitutions. For more information on ???lters and ???rewalls, see Chapter 10, ???Security.???.

PPTP example

To enable a ???rewall to allow PPTP traf???c, you must provision the ???rewall to allow inbound and outbound TCP packets speci???cally destined for port 1723. The source port may be dynamic, so often it is not useful to apply a compare function upon this portion of the control/negotiation packets. You must also set the ???rewall to allow inbound and outbound GRE packets, enabling transport of the tunnel payload.

From the Main Menu navigate to Display/Change IP Filter Set, and from the pop-up menu select Basic Firewall.

Select Display/Change Input Filter.

Display/Change Input Filter screen

Select Input Filter 1 and press Return. In the Change Input Filter 1 screen, set the Destination Port information as shown below.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-25

Change Input Filter 1

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

Select Input Filter 2 and press Return. In the Change Input Filter 2 screen, set the Protocol Type to allow GRE as shown below.

Change Input Filter 2

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

5-26 Administrator???s Handbook

In the Display/Change Filter Set screen select Display/Change Output Filter.

Display/Change Output Filter screen

Select Output Filter 1 and press Return. In the Change Output Filter 1 screen, set the Protocol Type and Destination Port information as shown below.

Change Output Filter 1

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

Select Output Filter 2 and press Return. In the Change Output Filter 2 screen, set the Protocol Type to allow GRE as shown below.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-27

Change Output Filter 2

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

ATMP example

To enable a ???rewall to allow ATMP traf???c, you must provision the ???rewall to allow inbound and outbound UDP packets speci???cally destined for port 5150. The source port may be dynamic, so often it is not useful to apply a compare function on this portion of the control/negotiation packets. You must also set the ???rewall to allow inbound and outbound GRE packets (Protocol 47, Internet Assigned Numbers Document, RFC 1700), enabling transport of the tunnel payload.

From the Main Menu navigate to Display/Change IP Filter Set, and from the pop-up menu select Basic Firewall.

Select Display/Change Input Filter.

Display/Change Input Filter screen

Select Input Filter 1 and press Return. In the Change Input Filter 1 screen, set the Destination Port information as shown below.

5-28 Administrator???s Handbook

Change Input Filter 1

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

Select Input Filter 2 and press Return. In the Change Input Filter 2 screen, set the Protocol Type to allow GRE as shown below.

Change Input Filter 2

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-29

In the Display/Change IP Filter Set screen select Display/Change Output Filter.

Display/Change Output Filter screen

Select Output Filter 1 and press Return. In the Change Output Filter 1 screen, set the Protocol Type and Destination Port information as shown below.

Change Output Filter 1

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

5-30 Administrator???s Handbook

Select Output Filter 2 and press Return. In the Change Output Filter 2 screen, set the Protocol Type to allow GRE as shown below.

Change Output Filter 2

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

Windows Networking Broadcasts

Motorola Netopia?? software provides the ability to forward Windows Networking NetBIOS broadcasts. This is useful for, for example, a Virtual Private Network, in which you want to be able to browse the remote network to which you are tunnelling, as part of your Windows Network Neighborhood.

Routed connections, such as VPNs, can not use NetBEUI to carry the Network Neighborhood information. They need to use NetBIOS, because NetBEUI cannot be routed. This feature will allow browsing the Network Neighborhood without any additional workstation con???guration.

You enable this feature in the IP Pro???le Parameters screen of your Connection Pro???le. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen varies slightly, depending on whether your model router connects directly to the Internet, or if it connects via an Ethernet connection through a cable or DSL modem. The enabling feature is the same for both:

Using the Tab key, toggle NetBIOS Proxy Enabled from the default No to Yes, and press Return. Your remote

Network Neighborhood becomes accessible from your Windows desktop.

Note: The remote IP address and subnet mask should strictly match the IP address and subnet mask con???gured on the LAN interface of the remote router. See the following example.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-31



When PC #A sends a Windows networking broadcast it sends it with a destination IP

When Router A receives this broadcast it translates the destination of this broadcast to match the remote IP of the NetBIOS Proxy-enabled VPN pro???les and it forwards the broadcast through the VPN tunnel.

5-32 Administrator???s Handbook

When Router B receives this broadcast, it sends it on its LAN.

Con???guration for Router A

IP Profile Parameters

Con???guration for Router B

IP Profile Parameters

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5-33

Note: Microsoft Network browsing is available with or without a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server. Shared volumes on the remote network are accessible with or without a WINS server. Local LAN shared volumes that have Port Address Translation (PAT) applied to them are not available to hosts on the remote LAN. For tunnelled traf???c, NAT on the WAN has no effect on the Microsoft Networking traf???c.

Make sure the NetBIOS ???lter is not enabled in your Internet Connection Pro???le.

Motorola includes the NetBIOS Proxy feature as an enhancement and convenience for our customers. It has been lab-tested and many customers use it successfully. However, Motorola cannot guarantee that this feature will automatically give you the networking functionality you expect. There are many possible issues with the various Windows operating systems that may prevent NetBIOS from functioning as described above. Motorola Technical Support does not troubleshoot problems customers may encounter with their Windows operating system

5-34 Administrator???s Handbook

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-1

Chapter 6

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs

IPsec stands for IP Security, a set of protocols that supports secure exchange of IP packets at the IP layer. IPsec is deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). See ???Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)??? on page 5-1 for more information.

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports Internet Key Exchange (IKE) for secure encrypted communication over a VPN tunnel.

This chapter covers the following topics:

??????Overview??? on page 6-1

??????Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Con???guration??? on page 6-2

??????Key Management??? on page 6-11

??????IPsec WAN Con???guration Screens??? on page 6-21

??????IPsec Manual Key Entry??? on page 6-22


IPsec supports two encapsulation modes: Transport and Tunnel. Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPsec-compliant device decrypts each packet. Motorola Netopia?? Routers support Tunnel mode.

DES stands for Data Encryption Standard, a popular symmetric-key encryption method. DES uses a 56-bit key. Motorola Netopia?? Routers offer IPsec 3DES (triple DES) encryption as a standard option.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is an authentication and encryption key management protocol used in conjunction with the IPsec standard.

IKE is a two-phase protocol for key exchange.

???Phase 1 authenticates the security gateways and establishes the Security Parameters (SPs) they will use to negotiate on behalf of the clients. Security Associations (SAs) are sets of information values that allow the two devices on the Internet to communicate securely.

???Phase 2 establishes the tunnel and provides for secure transport of data.

IPsec can be con???gured without IKE, but IKE offers additional features, ???exibility, and ease of con???guration. Key exchange between your local Router and a remote point can be con???gured either manually or by using the key exchange protocol.

6-2 Administrator???s Handbook

The advantage of using IKE is that it automatically negotiates IPsec Security Associations and enables IPsec secure communications without having to manually enter the lengthy encryption keys at both ends of the connection. You enter a human-readable pass phrase or shared secret English sentence, like ???my dog has ???eas??? on each end once. This pass phrase is used to authenticate each end to the other. Thereafter, the two ends periodically use a public key encryption method called Dif???e-Hellman to exchange key material and then securely generate new authentication and encryption keys. The keys are automatically and continually changing, making the data exchanged using the keys inherently secure.

It also allows you to specify a lifetime for the IPsec Security Association and allows encryption keys to change periodically during IPsec sessions. You can set this period for key generation to as often as your security requirements dictate.

A Security Policy Database (SPD) now de???nes the security requirements. This is a signi???cant change from earlier software implementations of IPsec. Traf???c with a source IP address that falls within the local member speci???cation of an IPsec tunnel and that is addressed to a destination IP address that falls within the remote member speci???cation of that tunnel is not routed using the normal routing table. Instead it is forwarded using the security policy database to the remote security gateway (remote tunnel endpoint) speci???ed in the IPsec tunnel con???guration. It is not possible to send traf???c outside the tunnel by bypassing the tunnel and the remote security gateway.

Note: To fully protect against IP address ???spoo???ng??? of local member addresses requires ???rewall rules to be installed on the WAN interface. These must prevent packets coming in through that interface with local member source addresses, since local member source addresses should only originate from the LAN. Otherwise it is theoretically possible for a malicious hacker to send packets through the tunnel by impersonating local member IP addresses. See the chapter ???Security??? on page 10-1 for more information.

Traf???c originating from local member LAN addresses that is not addressed to remote member addresses, as well as traf???c originating from local LAN IP addresses that do not match any local member speci???cations, is routed using the normal routing table. This means that if you want to restrict traf???c from local members from going out to the Internet and force it all to go through one or more tunnels you need to specify remote members of - or Traf???c originating from the gateway, for example, Telnet, ping, DNS queries, will not use the default VPN de???nition even if the source addresses match. Traf???c to and from the gateway is included in speci???c VPNs.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Configuration

IPsec tunnels are de???ned in the same manner as PPTP tunnels. (See ???Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)??? on page 5-1 for more information.) You con???gure the Connection Pro???le as follows.

From the Main Menu navigate to WAN Con???guration and then Add Connection Pro???le.

The Add Connection Pro???le screen appears.

???From the Encapsulation Type pop-up menu select IPsec.

???Then select Encapsulation Options. The IPsec Tunnel Options screen appears.

IPsec Tunnel Options

For Key Management you can use either IKE or Manual. If you choose Manual, skip to ???IPsec Manual Key Entry??? on page 6-22. If you choose IKE (the default) continue below.

???Select IKE Phase 1 Pro???le and press Return.

6-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

???A pop-up window displays a list of IKE Phase 1 Pro???les that you have con???gured. If you have not previously con???gured an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le, the selection ADD PH1 PROFILE allows you to do that now.

Adding an IKE Phase 1 Profile

IKE Phase 1 Pro???les contain the information that the two ends of a tunnel use to authenticate each other and the parameters that govern the public key cryptography exchanges that are required to generate new keys periodically. Make sure to add an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le. If an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le is not assigned to an IKE Connection Pro???le, all VPN traf???c for that pro???le will be discarded.

Select ADD PH1 PROFILE. The Add IKE Phase 1 Pro???le screen appears.

Add IKE Phase 1 Profile

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-5

???The Pro???le Name ???eld accepts any name of up to 16 characters. Sixteen IKE Phase 1 pro???les are supported, since each of the potential sixteen Connection Pro???les may be associated with a separate IKE Phase 1 pro???le.

???The Mode pop-up menu allows you to choose between Main Mode (the default) and Aggressive Mode.

???In Main Mode the Router hides the Local and Remote Identity Type and Value ???elds, defaults to the host address, and always uses the IPV4 Address and the local and remote tunnel endpoint address.

???In Aggressive Mode the Local and Remote Identity Type pop-up menus allow you to choose the type of Identity value to use: IPv4 Address, IPv4 Subnet, IPv4 Range, Host Name, E-Mail Address, Key ID (ASCII), and Key ID (HEX). The Local and Remote Identity Type and Value menus allow you to specify one of the following, based on what Local Identity Type you selected in the previous pop-up menu:

IPv4 Address: A single IPv4 address in the familiar dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d).

IPv4 Subnet: A single IPv4 network address in dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d) followed by a mask speci???ed either by a slash and a bit-count between 0 and 32 OR by a second dotted-quad.

IPv4 Range: Two IPv4 addresses in dotted quad notation (a.b.c.d) separated by a space.

Host Name: A fully-quali???ed domain name (FQDN).

E-Mail Address: An RFC 822 e-mail address in the form user@hostname.

Key ID (ASCII): An opaque string consisting of printable ASCII characters represented as a sequence of printable ASCII characters.

Key ID (HEX): An opaque string consisting of arbitrary 8-bit ASCII values represented as a sequence of hexadecimal digits, each of which corresponds to one nibble of the string value.

???The Authentication Method pop-up menu speci???es the IKE Phase 1 authentication method. The only currently supported authentication method is Shared Secret. Other methods may be supported in future software releases.

???The Shared Secret ???eld allows you to enter a shared secret phrase (between 1 and 48 characters long) that will be used to generate key material for IKE Phase 1.

???The Encryption Algorithm pop-up menu speci???es the IKE Phase 1 encryption algorithm, and may be either DES (the default) or 3DES.

???The Hash Algorithm pop-up menu speci???es the IKE Phase 1 hash algorithm, and may be either SHA1 (the default) or MD5.

???The Dif???e-Hellman Group pop-up menu speci???es the IKE Phase 1 Dif???e-Hellman key exchange size, and may be either Group 1 (768 bits), Group 2 (1024 bits) (the default), or Group 5 (1536 bits).

???If you select Xauth Options the Xauth Options screen appears.

6-6 Administrator???s Handbook

Extended Authentication (Xauth), is an extension to the IKE protocol, for IPSec tunnelling. The Xauth extension provides dual authentication for a remote user???s Motorola Netopia?? Gateway to establish a VPN, authorizing network access to the user???s central of???ce.

???From the XAuth mode of operation pop-up menu select: Disabled, Remote VPN client, or VPN concentrator.

???Disabled ??? The default value, hides all other options.

???Remote VPN client ??? This allows Xauth to send authentication credentials, and to possibly acquire VPN IP parameters. If you select Remote VPN Client, Xauth Recipient Auth. Check does not display.

When Xauth is set to Remote VPN Client, you can con???gure the IPSec pro???le with IP values that allow the Router to acquire its IP parameters:

???The NAT PAT IP address can now be left at the default, indicating that the address is to be requested from the remote address server and dynamically applied to the pro???le.

???Remote Members can be set to a subnet of, indicating that the network value is to be dynamically requested as well. The acquired value will be applied to all VPN remote member ranges whose value is exactly and whose type is ???subnet.??? This con???guration requires that Idle Timeout in the Advanced IP Pro???le Options menu be set to 0 (zero) sec- onds, specifying that the tunnel should be automatically initiated and permanently connected (???nailed up.???) See ???Multiple Network IPsec??? on page 6-17.

Note: If there is an error with the IKE connection, it will attempt to connect repeatedly.

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-7

???VPN concentrator ??? This con???gures Xauth to expect to receive authentication credentials, and to pos- sibly serve VPN IP parameters.

When Xauth is set to VPN concentrator, you can con???gure the IPSec pro???le to allow the Router to respond when the remote client requests an internal IP address:

Remote Members: If the Remote Members is a single address within the Local Members range, then the Router will respond with that address to incoming address requests from Xauth clients. For exam- ple a Local Range of, and a Remote Range of allows the response, when an internal address is requested.

Since the Local Range is not required to be of type ???subnet,??? and the Router might need to respond with an internal subnet mask, the subnet mask is set to an even multiple of 8 bits based on the num- ber of addresses in the local range. See ???Multiple Network IPsec??? on page 6-17.

???From the Xauth Recipient Auth. Check pop-up menu, select the database to be used for authentication:

???Local ??? If you choose this option, the Gateway will use the locally con???gured username and password, for both concentrator and client modes.

???RADIUS - If you choose this option, the Gateway will use the globally con???gured RADIUS server when acting in concentrator mode.

???Enter an Xauth Local Username, the locally con???gured username to be sent in client mode. This is used to check received authentication credentials when not checking them with RADIUS.

???Enter an Xauth Local Password, the locally con???gured password to be sent in client mode. This is used to check received authentication credentials when not checking them with RADIUS.

Advanced IKE Phase 1 Options

???If you select Advanced IKE Phase 1 Options the Advanced IKE Phase 1 Options screen appears.

6-8 Administrator???s Handbook

Normally it is not necessary to change the settings of the items on the Advanced IKE Phase 1 Options screen. Most of these settings exist for ensuring compatibility with remote IKE implementations that may have certain limitations.

???The Negotiation pop-up menu allows you to specify the way the device will respond to a connection attempt. Normal (the default) is a two-way mode; Initiate Only or Respond Only permit limiting the connection to one-way only.

???The SA Use Policy pop-up menu speci???es the policy that the Router will use to determine which Phase 1 SAs to use when multiple valid Phase 1 SAs are available for transmitting traf???c on an IPsec tunnel.

Because the Router normally re???keys prior to the expiration of the current Phase 1 SAs, multiple valid Phase 1 SAs may exist during the period of time after the Router has re-keyed and established new Phase 1 SAs and the time at which the old Phase 1 SAs expire.

???If you select Newest SAs Immediately, the Router will begin using the newly created Phase 1 SAs immediately after they are negotiated.

???If you select Old SAs Until Expired, the Router will continue using the old Phase 1 SAs until they expire and will begin using the newly created Phase 1 SAs only after the old ones are no longer valid.

???Allow Dangling Phase 2 SAs toggles whether or not Phase 2 SAs are permitted to survive the expiration of the Phase 1 SAs under which they were created. Phase 2 SAs ???dangle??? when the Phase 1 SA under which they were created expires before they do. There is no requirement that the Phase 1 SA exist for the duration of the Phase 2 SA???s lifetime, but it is convenient because a Delete message may be sent.

???Phase 1 SA Lifetime (seconds) speci???es the duration in seconds for which the SA will remain valid. The range of permissible values is the set of non-negative integer values between 0 and 2^32-1. The default value is 28,800 seconds. The value zero speci???es the default.

???Send Initial Contact Message toggles whether or not the IKE negotiation process begins by sending an initial contact message. The default is Yes.

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-9

???Include Vendor-ID Payload toggles whether or not the Router includes the vendor-ID payload in its IKE Phase 1 messages.

???Independent Phase 2 Re-keys toggles whether or not a Phase 2 re-keys requires a Phase 1 re-key. If this item is set to Yes (the default), Phase 2 re-keys will be performed independently when necessary without requiring a Phase 1 re-key. If this item is set to No, each Phase 2 re-key will be preceded by a Phase 1 re-key. This item should normally be set to Yes unless the device is communicating with a non-compliant remote IPsec peer that requires that a Phase 1 re-key precede each Phase 2 re-key.

???Strict Port Policy toggles whether or not IKE requires packets to originate from the IANA IKE port (500). Set to Yes, the Router will listen only to port 500 and source its packets from port 500. Set to No, the Router will return traf???c to whatever port originated it.

???Invalid SPI recovery

Toggling this option to Yes allows the Router to re-establish the tunnel if either the Netopia Router or the peer gateway is rebooted.

If an IPSec packet that does not have a valid SPI is received from the peer address, a new Phase 1 negotiation is initiated to the peer in order to securely transmit an invalid-SPI message. This will cause a renegotiation of new IPSec SAs.

???Traf???c based Dead Peer Detection

The default is No. Toggling this option to Yes allows IKE to negotiate RFC3706-based IKE ???keepalives??? with a remote security gateway (IKE peer) that supports them.

If this feature is enabled and negotiated with its peer, keepalive messages are sent when:

???the IPSec link has not received anything in DPD Keepalive Idle Time seconds (see below), and

???some IPSec traf???c is sent, and

???one second passes with no IPSec traf???c having been received.

If the IKE peer supports the keepalives, the tunnel will reset to allow for reestablishment when the peer does not respond to the keepalive.

This permits the router to maintain its IPSec session without the requirement of constant keep alive traf???c. Determination of peer liveliness is only needed during idle periods, since tunneled traf???c is itself evidence of liveliness. Once enabled and negotiated, all tunnels established by the IKE phase 1 instance when the peer no longer responds to IKE keepalive messages will be killed.

When you enable this option, the next option, DPD Keepalive Idle Time (seconds), appears.

???DPD Keepalive Idle Time (seconds) allows you to specify an interval, from 3 to 65535 seconds, during which IPSec traf???c may be idle before the router sends a keepalive message to its peer. The default is 20 seconds.

Changing an IKE Phase 1 Profile

To make changes to an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le, select IKE Phase 1 Con???guration from the WAN Con???guration menu, and press Return.

6-10 Administrator???s Handbook

WAN Configuration

WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup...

Display/Change Connection Profile...

Add Connection Profile...

Delete Connection Profile...

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile...

IKE Phase 1 Configuration...

Advanced Connection Options...

Return/Enter to configure IPSec tunnel configuration options.

From here you will configure yours and the remote sites' WAN information.

Selecting Display/Change IKE Phase 1 Pro???le or Delete IKE Phase 1 Pro???le displays an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le pop-up menu listing the names of all currently de???ned IKE Phase 1 pro???les:

IPsec Configuration

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Selecting Display/Change IKE Phase 1 Pro???le and choosing an IKE phase 1 pro???le name from the pop-up list displays the Change IKE Phase 1 Pro???le screen. This screen is identical to the Add IKE Phase 1 Pro???le screen shown on page 6-4.

Selecting Delete IKE Phase 1 Pro???le and choosing an IKE phase 1 pro???le name from the pop-up list displays a con???rmation alert asking you to con???rm that you really want to delete the speci???ed IKE phase 1 pro???le:

Key Management

You specify your IKE key management on a per-Connection Pro???le basis. You can do this in one of three ways:

???You can create your IKE Phase 1 Pro???le ???rst, and then associate it with an existing Connection Pro???le

???You can create a Connection Pro???le and then modify it to associate it with an existing IKE Phase 1 Pro???le

???You can create a new Connection Pro???le and add a new IKE Phase 1 Pro???le as you go

You can do this WAN Con???guration menus.

Refer to ???Creating a New Connection Pro???le??? on page 2-8 for instructions on creating a Connection Pro???le if you don???t already know how to do that.

You can access the Key Management menus from the Change Connection Pro???le menu under the WAN Con???guration screen for a Connection Pro???le you have already created,

or you can create a new Connection Pro???le with your IKE settings included, as you go.

The IKE Key management settings are part of the Data Link Options that you specify in the Add Connection Pro???le or Change Connection Pro???le menus. In this description, it is assumed that you are changing an existing Connection Pro???le.

6-12 Administrator???s Handbook

A Change Connection Pro???le screen is shown below.

Example #1: Change Connection Pro???le menu, showing Encapsulation Type pop-up:

Telco Options...

Note: The Change Connection Pro???le screen will offer different options, depending on the model of gateway you are using. You can associate an IPsec pro???le with the Primary, the Backup, or choose to apply it to Any Port of the WAN interface by choosing the interface from the Interface Group pop-up menu as shown below.

Example #2: Add Connection Pro???le menu, showing Interface Group pop-up:

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-13

From the Encapsulation Type pop-up menu, select IPsec. Then select Encapsulation Options and press Return.

The IPsec Tunnel Options screen appears.

IPsec Tunnel Options

The Key Management pop-up menu at the top of the IPsec Tunnel Options screen allows you to choose between IKE key management (the default for a new IPsec pro???le) and Manual key management.

If you select Manual, the IKE Phase 1 Pro???le option does not display, and you must enter your IPsec Manual Keys under the IPsec Manual Keys screen. See ???IPsec Manual Key Entry??? on page 22.

???The IKE Phase 1 Pro???le pop-up menu allows you to associate an IKE Phase 1 Pro???le with the IPsec tunnel. An IKE Phase 1 Pro???le speci???es the set of parameters that will be used for the IKE Phase 1 exchange. IKE Phase 1 Pro???les may be shared by multiple IPsec tunnels. The pop-up menu item displays the name of the currently associated IKE Phase 1 Pro???le, if any, or is blank if no IKE Phase 1 pro???le is associated with the tunnel.

The pop-up menu lists the names of all currently de???ned IKE Phase 1 Pro???les. The pop-up menu also includes an <<ADD PH1 PROFILE>> item to allow you to de???ne a new IKE Phase 1 Pro???le directly without ???rst going to the IPsec Con???guration screen, and a <<NONE>> item to allow you to dissociate an existing IKE Phase 1 Pro???le from the IPsec tunnel.

The remainder of the screen allows you to con???gure the IKE Phase 2 parameters that control the contents of the single IKE Phase 2 proposal sent by the Router. These same items specify the values that must be offered by one of the remote peer???s proposals.

???The Encapsulation pop-up menu allows you to select what IPsec encapsulations will be used: ESP only (the default), AH only, or AH+ESP (both AH and ESP).

???An AH Authentication Transform pop-up menu (which is visible only if you have selected AH or AH+ESP encapsulation) allows you to specify the type of AH authentication: HMAC-MD5-96 or HMAC-SHA1???96.

6-14 Administrator???s Handbook

???The ESP Encryption Transform pop-up menu (which is visible only if you have selected ESP or AH+ESP encapsulation) allows you to specify the type of ESP encryption: DES, 3DES, or NULL (no encryption).

???The ESP Authentication Transform pop-up menu (which is visible only if you have selected ESP or AH+ESP encapsulation) allows you to specify the type of ESP authentication: None, HMAC-MD5-96, or HMAC-SHA1???96.

Advanced IPsec Options

If you select Advanced IPsec Options, the Advanced IPsec Options screen appears.

Advanced IPsec Options

This screen allows you to specify the lifetime associated with each IPsec Security Association (SA) and control when the SA will expire and become invalid.

???SA Lifetime (seconds) speci???es the duration in seconds for which the SA will remain valid. The range of permissible values is the set of non-negative integer values between 0 and 2^32-1. The default value is 28,800 seconds (1 hour). The value zero speci???es the absence of an elapsed time lifetime.

???SA Lifetime (Kilobytes) speci???es the maximum number of kilobytes of data that may be secured (encrypted/decrypted or authenticated) using the SA before it expires and becomes invalid. The range of permissible values is the set of non-negative integer values between 0 and 2^32-1. The default value is 0 Kilobytes. The value zero speci???es the absence of a secured data lifetime.

Note: It is invalid to set both lifetime values to zero! This condition is not enforced by the console (in order to avoid order dependencies when con???guring the items), but rather is enforced at runtime and will cause the IPsec pro???le to assume the defaults. In such a case, the SA Lifetime (seconds) will default to 300 seconds.

???Perfect Forward Secrecy toggles whether or not Perfect Forward Secrecy will be used. Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy (the default) causes IKE to perform a new Dif???e-Hellman exchange with each Phase 2

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-15

re-key. Because the additional Dif???e-Hellman exchanges required for Perfect Forward Secrecy introduce additional overhead, it may be good to disable Perfect Forward Secrecy when security does not require it.

???Dead Peer Detection toggles whether or not the Router will detect a remote peer being of???ine.

Enhanced Dead Peer Detection

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 adds new Dead Peer Detection mechanisms.

In previous software versions, when Dead Peer Detection was enabled, a counter would begin in the router when any traf???c was sent through the tunnel. Determination of a dead peer could take up to eight minutes.

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 provides a new Dead Peer Detection mechanism. An IPsec IP net interface sends ICMP ping requests to a speci???c IP address on a Remote Member network. The ping is periodic, and the reply is expected within a certain amount of time. If the ICMP reply does not arrive within that time, the peer is considered dead, the current phase 2 SAs are torn down, and the IKE SA starts a new phase 1 negotiation, followed by the normal phase 2 negotiation, thereafter.

When you toggle Dead Peer Detection to Yes (on), new options appear.

Advanced IPsec Options

???Ping host allows you to specify the host IP address of the host to ping, and from which replies will be expected.

This ???eld is only available if you have previously con???gured, and committed, remote network IP data in the Add Network Con???guration screen under Advanced IP Pro???le Options. See ???Add Network Con???guration??? on page 6-18.

???Beginning with Software Version 8.7.4, Ping source address allows you to specify the source IP address of outbound router traf???c. This permits multiple IPSec tunnels to transmit and receive DPD packets via the correct tunnel.

???Ping retry interval and Ping reply timeout options appear.

6-16 Administrator???s Handbook

The defaults are 5 seconds and 90 seconds, respectively. You may adjust these to suit your network???s tolerances.


???ICMP Dead Peer Detection is not available when using manual re-keying.

???ICMP Dead Peer Detection does not initiate a series of phase 2 exchanges upon detecting a dead peer; it instead initiates a new phase 1 negotiation, followed by a new phase 2 negotiation once contact with the peer has been re-established.

???If you are using Multiple Network IPsec, the IP address of the ICMP Dead Peer Detection mechanism must be constrained to the set of network ranges de???ned for the IPsec pro???le.

Press Escape to return to the Add or Change Connection Pro???le screen, and select IP Pro???le Parameters. If you enable IKE key management the IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

IP Profile Parameters

Enter the IP Address or hostname of the remote tunnel endpoint.

???The Remote Tunnel Endpoint ???eld accepts either an IP address in the familiar dotted???quad notation a.b.c.d or a hostname to be resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS).

Note: When the Remote Tunnel Endpoint is an IP address, it will drop IKE packets if they are not sourced from the Remote Tunnel Endpoint IP address.

When the Remote Tunnel Endpoint is a hostname, there is no check on the source address of the packet; hostnames are used/resolved only for initiating outgoing connections.

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-17

Multiple Network IPsec

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers an enhancement to IPsec VPN tunnels allowing multiple network support. This feature enhances your Motorola Netopia?? Router???s Virtual Private Networking functionality.

This feature allows you to de???ne many local and remote network ranges for a given IPsec VPN pro???le. Each of these ranges has its own IPsec tunnel. However, each tunnel has a common tunneling endpoint and encryption policy. This is useful, for example, for branch of???ce management of multiple IP subnets over an encrypted VPN tunnel. The following diagram illustrates this feature:

Advantages of Multiple Network IPsec are:


??????exibility, by adding any combination of remote/local network ranges

???support for sub-netting, host and network range addressing modes

???works with manual keying and Internet Key Exchange (IKE), including Xauth IKE extension (see page 6-5).

???each IPsec network works under the same local/remote tunnel endpoints

???beginning with Software Version 8.7.4, you can specify more than one force-all tunnel in a single pro- ???le.

???Select Add Network and press Return. The Add Network Con???guration screen appears.

6-18 Administrator???s Handbook


???The Remote Member Format and Local Member Format pop-up menus allow you to choose a format for your network end points: Subnet, Range, or a single Host Address.

???If you choose Subnet, you must enter the Remote Member Address and the subnet mask that is the

Remote Member Mask.

Enter the Local Member Address and the Local Member Mask in their respective ???elds.

???If you choose Range, the next two ???elds become Remote Member 1st Address and Remote Member Last Address. You supply these values.

Complete the Local Member 1st Address and Local Member Last Address ???elds.

???If you choose Host Address, you need only supply the Remote Member Address and the Local Mem- ber Address; the other ???elds are hidden.

???Select COMMIT and press Return to add the con???guration. This returns you to the IP Pro???le Parameters screen. Select COMMIT and press Return in the IP Pro???le Parameters screen. This returns you to the Change Connection Pro???le screen. Select COMMIT and press Return in the Change Connection Pro???le screen.


???Any two IPsec tunnels differ only by the local/remote networks they are intended to reach; they have the same encryption policy, which is derived from the base pro???le.

???The feature is limited to 8 networks per tunnel.

If you return to the IP Pro???le Parameters screen, two new ???elds are displayed:

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-19

IP Profile Parameters

???Display/Change Network allows you to make changes to existing network con???gurations you have made. If you select Display/Change Network, a list of your con???gured networks displays.

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

???Scroll down and up with the arrow keys to select the one you want to change, and press Return. You will be returned to the Network Con???guration screen where you can make any required changes.

6-20 Administrator???s Handbook

???If you select Delete Network in the IP Pro???le Parameters screen, the same scrolling list will display. When you select one of the networks and press Return, a warning screen will ask you to con???rm your choice:

???Specifying IKE key management alters the Advanced IP Pro???le Options screen as follows:

Advanced IP Profile Options

Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (

???You can specify a Local Tunnel Endpoint Address. If not, this value must be one of the assigned interface addresses, either WAN or LAN. This is used as the source address of all IPsec traf???c.

???You can specify a Next Hop Gateway. If you specify the Remote Tunnel Endpoint Address, and the address is in the same subnet as the Remote Members Network you speci???ed in the IP Pro???le Parameters, the Next Hop Gateway option allows you to enter the address by which the Router partner is reached.

If you do not specify the Remote Tunnel Endpoint Address, the Router will use the default gateway to reach the partner. If the partner should be reached via an alternate port (for example, the LAN instead of the WAN), the Next Hop Gateway ???eld allows this path to be resolved.

???You can specify an Idle Timeout (seconds) value. The idle timeout tells the Router that if no traf???c passes through the tunnel for the speci???ed number of seconds, no automatic SA re-key should be performed. When new traf???c does pass through the tunnel, the idle timeout interval resets again when the current SAs expire.

If you set the value to zero, the Router will re-key the SA whenever the SA Lifetime interval speci???es, regardless of whether traf???c is passing through it or not. This will effectively ???nail up??? the tunnel.

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-21

???Maximum Packet Size permits you to modify the MTU setting for the tunnel. Some ISPs require a setting of e.g. 1492 (or other value). The default 1500 is the most common and you usually don???t need to change this unless otherwise instructed. Accepted values are from 100 ??? 1500.

This is the starting value that is used for the MTU when the IPSec tunnel is installed. It speci???es the maximum IP packet length for the encapsulated AH or ESP packets sent by the router. The MTU used on the IPSec connection will be automatically adjusted based on the MTU value in any received ICMP can't fragment error messages that correspond to IPSec traf???c initiated from the router. Normally the MTU only requires manual con???guration if the ICMP error messages are blocked or otherwise not received by the router.

IPsec WAN Configuration Screens

You can also con???gure IKE Phase 1 Pro???les in the WAN Con???guration menus.

The WAN Con???guration screen now includes IKE Phase 1 Con???guration as shown:

WAN Configuration

WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup...

ATM Circuits Configuration...

Display/Change Connection Profile...

Add Connection Profile...

Delete Connection Profile...

WAN Default Profile...

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile...

IKE Phase 1 Configuration...

Advanced Connection Options...

Establish WAN Connection...

Disconnect WAN Connection...

Return/Enter for WAN Line configuration.

From here you will configure yours and the remote sites' WAN information.

Select IKE Phase 1 Con???guration and press Return.

The IKE Phase 1 Con???guration screen appears.

6-22 Administrator???s Handbook

IKE Phase 1 Configuration

Display/Change IKE Phase 1 Profile...

Add IKE Phase 1 Profile...

Delete IKE Phase 1 Profile...

The IKE Phase 1 Con???guration screen allows con???guration of global (non-connection-pro???le-speci???c) IPsec parameters. This screen allows you to Display, Change, Add, or Delete an IKE Phase 1 pro???le.

IPsec Manual Key Entry

The Version 8.6 software has a redesigned layout and additional options for manual key entry. If you selected Manual Key Management in the IPsec Tunnel Options screen, you will need to enter your encryption keys in the IPsec Manual Keys screen.

IPsec Tunnel Options

Internet Key Exchange for VPNs 6-23

Select IPsec Manual Keys and press Return.

IPsec Manual Keys

SHA1 ESP Auth. Key:

SHA1 AH Auth. Key:

Depending on your selections of Encapsulation, Encryption Transform, and Authentication Transform in the IPsec Tunnel Options screen, the IPsec Manual Keys screen will display differing entry ???elds to enter authorization keys and encryption keys.

With Manual Keys, you must manually con???gure identical authentication and encryption keys at both ends of the tunnel. The authentication keys are either 32 (for MD5) or 40 (for SHA1) ascii hex characters, while the encryption keys are 16 (for DES) or 48 (for triple-DES) ascii-hex characters.

VPN Quickview

Statistics are displayed on the VPN Quick View screen.

The VPN Quick View screen has been modi???ed slightly in software version 8.6.

6-24 Administrator???s Handbook

VPN Quick View

If the remote tunnel end point is a hostname (or ??? is displayed until a Security Association is established. Previously the remote members network was displayed.

WAN Event History Error Reporting

The following events are logged and displayed in the WAN Event History screen:

6-26 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Setup 7-1

Chapter 7

IP Setup

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 uses Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate both locally and with remote networks. This chapter shows you how to con???gure the gateway to route IP traf???c. You also learn how to con???gure the gateway to serve IP addresses to hosts on your local network.

Motorola???s IP routing features Network Address Translation and IP address serving.

This section covers the following topics:

??????IP Setup??? on page 7-1

??????RIP Options??? on page 7-9

??????IP Address Serving??? on page 7-17

??????More Address Serving Options??? on page 7-23

??????DHCP Relay Agent??? on page 7-28

??????Connection Pro???les??? on page 7-30

??????Multicast Forwarding??? on page 7-32

Network Address Translation allows communication between the LAN connected to the Router and the Internet using a single (or a few) IP address(es) instead of a routed account with separate IP addresses for each computer on the network.

Network Address Translation also provides increased security by hiding the local IP addresses of the LAN connected to the Motorola Netopia?? gateways from the outside world.

The setup is simpler, so ISPs typically offer Internet accounts supporting Network Address Translation at a signi???cant cost savings.

For a detailed discussion of Network Address Translation, see Chapter 4, ???Multi-NAT.???

IP Setup

The IP Setup options screen is where you con???gure the Ethernet side of the Router. The information you enter here controls how the gateway routes IP traf???c.

Consult your network administrator or ISP to obtain the IP setup information (such as the Ethernet IP address, Ethernet subnet mask, default IP gateway, and Primary Domain Name Server IP address) you will need before changing any of the settings in this screen. Changes to these settings that you make in this screen will take effect only after the Motorola Netopia?? device is reset.

7-2 Administrator???s Handbook

To go to the IP Setup options screen, from the Main Menu, select System Con???guration, then IP Setup. The IP Setup screen appears.

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

Follow these steps to con???gure IP setup for your Router:

???Select Ethernet IP Address and enter the IP address for the Router???s Ethernet port.

???Select Ethernet Subnet Mask and enter the subnet mask for the Ethernet IP address that you entered in the last step.

???If you desire multiple subnets select De???ne Additional Subnets. If you select this item you will be taken to the IP Subnets screen. This screen allows you to de???ne IP addresses and masks for additional subnets. See ???IP subnets??? on page 7-3 for details.

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports multiple IP subnets on the Ethernet interface. You may want to con???gure multiple IP subnets to service more hosts than are possible with your primary subnet. It is not always possible to obtain a larger subnet from your ISP. For example, if you already have a full Class C subnet, your only option is multiple Class C subnets, since it is virtually impossible to justify a Class A or Class B assignment.

If you are using NAT, you can use the reserved Class A or Class B subnet.

???Select Default IP Gateway and enter the IP address for a default gateway. This can be the address of any major gateway accessible to the Router.

A default gateway should be able to successfully route packets when the Router doesn???t know how to route to the intended recipient???s IP address. Typically, a default gateway is the ISP???s gateway.

???If a backup gateway is available, select Backup IP Gateway and enter the IP address of a gateway that you want to use for backup in the event of a connection failure. See ???Backup Default Gateway??? on page 8-14 for con???guration details.

IP Setup 7-3

???Select Primary Domain Name Server and enter the IP address for a domain name server. The domain name server matches the alphabetic addresses favored by people (for example, to the IP addresses actually used by IP gateways (for example,

???If a secondary DNS server is available, select Secondary Domain Name Server and enter its IP address. The secondary DNS server is used by the Router when the primary DNS server is inaccessible. Entering a secondary DNS is useful but not necessary.

???Select Domain Name and enter your network???s domain name (for example, Motorola strongly recommends that you enter a domain name.

???Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is needed if there are IP routers on other segments of your Ethernet network that the Router needs to recognize. If this is the case select RIP Options and press Return. This will take you to the Ethernet LAN RIP options screen, where you can con???gure several parameters, including RIP v2 MD5 Authentication. See ???RIP Options??? on page 7-9.

???With Receive RIP set to v1, the Ethernet port will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from other routers that use the same subnet mask. Set to v2, the router will accept routing informa- tion provided by RIP packets from other routers that use different subnet masks. Set to Both, the router will accept information from either RIP v1 or v2 routers.

???With Transmit RIP v1 selected, the router will generate RIP packets only to other RIP v1 routers. With Transmit RIP v2 (broadcast) selected, the router will generate RIP packets to all other hosts on the net- work. With Transmit RIP v2 (multicast) selected, the router will generate RIP packets only to other rout- ers capable of recognizing RIP v2 packets.

???If you want to enable Multicast Forwarding, select Multicast Forwarding and from the pop-up menu, choose the type that you want to enable. See ???Multicast Forwarding??? on page 7-32 for detailed con???guration.

To con???gure multiple IGMP options, go to the IGMP Setup menu. See ???IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)??? on page 3-52.

???If you want to create Virtual Redundant Routers, select VRRP Options and press Return. You will be taken to the Ethernet LAN VRRP Options screens. See ???Virtual Router Redundancy (VRRP)??? on page 7-34.

???Select Static Routes to manually con???gure IP routes. See the section ???Static routes??? on page 7-6 below.

???If you select IP Address Serving you will be taken to the IP Address Serving screen (see ???IP Address Serving??? on page 7-17). Since no two hosts can use the same IP address at the same time, make sure that the addresses distributed by the Router and those that are manually con???gured are not the same. Each method of distribution must have its own exclusive range of addresses to draw from.

???If you select Additional LANs you will be taken to the Additional LAN Con???guration screen (see ???Additional LANs??? on page 7-38). Here you can create up to six additional local area networks that can be associated with any IP routed interface.

IP subnets

The IP Subnets screen allows you to con???gure up to eight Ethernet IP subnets on unlimited-user models, one ???primary??? subnet and up to seven secondary subnets, by entering IP address/subnet mask pairs:

7-4 Administrator???s Handbook







Note: You need not use this screen if you have only a single Ethernet IP subnet. In that case, you can continue to enter or edit the IP address and subnet mask for the single subnet on the IP Setup screen.

This screen displays up to eight rows of two editable columns, preceded by a row number between one and eight. If you have eight subnets con???gured, there will be eight rows on this screen. Otherwise, there will be one more row than the number of con???gured subnets. The last row will have the value in both the IP address and subnet mask ???elds to indicate that you can edit the values in this row to con???gure an additional subnet. All eight row labels are always visible, regardless of the number of subnets con???gured.

???To add an IP subnet, enter the Router???s IP address on the subnet in the IP Address ???eld in a particular row and the subnet mask for the subnet in the Subnet Mask ???eld in that row.

For example:

IP Setup 7-5




???To delete a con???gured subnet, set both the IP address and subnet mask values to, either explicitly or by clearing each ???eld and pressing Return to commit the change. When a con???gured subnet is deleted, the values in subsequent rows adjust up to ???ll the vacant ???elds.

The subnets con???gured on this screen are tied to the address serving pools con???gured on the IP Address Pools screen, and changes on this screen may affect the IP Address Pools screen. In particular, deleting a subnet con???gured on this screen will delete the corresponding address serving pool, if any, on the IP Address Pools screen.

If you have con???gured multiple Ethernet IP subnets, the IP Setup screen changes slightly:

Return/Select to view/configure IP Subnets.

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

7-6 Administrator???s Handbook

The IP address and Subnet mask items are hidden, and the De???ne Additional Subnets... item becomes Subnet Con???guration.... If you select Subnet Con???guration, you will return to the IP Subnets screen that allows you to de???ne IP addresses and masks for additional Ethernet IP subnets.

Static routes

Static routes are IP routes that are maintained manually. Each static route acts as a pointer that tells the Router how to reach a particular network. However, static routes are used only if they appear in the IP routing table, which contains all of the routes used by the Router (see ???IP Routing Table??? on page 9-6).

Static routes are helpful in situations where a route to a network must be used and other means of ???nding the route are unavailable. For example, static routes are useful when you cannot rely on RIP.

To go to the Static Routes screen, select Static Routes in the IP Setup screen and press Return.

The Static Routes screen will appear.

Static Routes

Display/Change Static Route...

Add Static Route...

Delete Static Route...

Configure/View/Delete Static Routes from this and the following Screens.

Viewing static routes

To display a view-only table of static routes, select Display/Change Static Route. The table shown below will appear.

IP Setup 7-7

Select a Static Route to modify.

The table has the following columns:

Dest. Network: The network IP address of the destination network.

Subnet Mask: The subnet mask associated with the destination network.

Next Gateway: The IP address of the gateway that will be used to reach the destination network.

Priority: An indication of whether the Router will use the static route when it con???icts with information received from RIP packets.

Enabled: An indication of whether the static route should be installed in the IP routing table. To return to the Static Routes screen, press Escape.

Adding a static route

To add a new static route, select Add Static Route in the Static Routes screen. The Add Static Route screen will appear.

7-8 Administrator???s Handbook

Add Static Route


Configure a new Static Route in this Screen.

???To install the static route in the IP routing table, select Static Route Enabled and toggle it to Yes. To remove the static route from the IP routing table, select Static Route Enabled and toggle it to No.

???Be sure to read the rules on the installation of static routes in the IP routing table. See ???Rules of static route installation??? on page 7-9.

???Select Destination Network IP Address and enter the network IP address of the destination network.

???Select Destination Network Subnet Mask and enter the subnet mask used by the destination network.

???Select Next Gateway IP Address and enter the IP address for the gateway that the Router will use to reach the destination network. This gateway does not necessarily have to be part of the destination network, but it must at least know where to forward packets destined for that network.

???Select Route Priority and choose High or Low. High means that the static route takes precedence over RIP information; Low means that the RIP information takes precedence over the static route.

???If the static route con???icts with a connection pro???le, the connection pro???le will always take precedence.

???To make sure that the static route is known only to the Router, select Advertise Route Via RIP and toggle it to No. To allow other RIP-capable gateways to know about the static route, select Advertise Route Via RIP and toggle it to Yes. When Advertise Route Via RIP is toggled to Yes, a new item called RIP Metric appears below Advertise Route Via RIP.

With RIP Metric you set the number of gateways, from 1 to 15, between the sending gateway and the destination gateway. The maximum number of gateways on a packet???s route is 15. Setting RIP Metric to 1 means that a route can involve 15 gateways, while setting it to 15 means a route can only involve one gateway.

???Select ADD STATIC ROUTE NOW to save the new static route, or select CANCEL to discard it and return to the Static Routes screen.

IP Setup 7-9

???Up to 32 static routes can be created, but one is always reserved for the default gateway, which is con???gured using either Easy Setup or the IP Setup screen in system con???guration.

Modifying a static route

To modify a static route, in the Static Routes screen select Display/Change Static Route to display a table of static routes.

Select a static route from the table and go to the Change Static Route screen. The parameters in this screen are the same as the ones in the Add Static Route screen (see ???Adding a static route??? on page 7-7).

Deleting a static route

To delete a static route, in the Static Routes screen select Delete Static Route to display a table of static routes. Select a static route from the table and press Return to delete it. To exit the table without deleting the selected static route, press Escape.

Rules of static route installation

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 applies certain rules before installing enabled static routes in the IP routing table. An enabled static route will not be installed in the IP routing table if any of the following conditions are true:

???The static route???s Next Gateway IP Address matches an IP address in the range of IP addresses being distributed by DHCP.

???The static route???s Next Gateway IP Address is determined to be unreachable by the Router.

???The static route???s route information con???icts with a connection pro???le???s route information.

???The connection pro???le associated with the static route has a disabled dial-on-demand setting, and there is no current connection using that connection pro???le.

A static route that is already installed in the IP routing table will be removed if any of the conditions listed above become true for that static route. However, an enabled static route is automatically reinstalled once the conditions listed above are no longer true for that static route.

RIP Options

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports RIP-2 MD5 Authentication (RFC2082 Routing Internet Protocol Version 2, Message Digest 5). The purpose of MD5 authentication is to provide an additional level of con???dence that a RIP packet received was generated by a reliable source. In other words, MD5 authentication provides an enhanced level of security that information that your PC receives does not originate from a malicious source posing as part of your network.


All participants in an authenticated RIP environment on a network must share an identi???er key. There is no key exchange protocol like IKE, so all keys must be manually entered by an administrator.

RIP-2 MD5 Authentication requires that an interface con???gured to receive authenticated packets ignore unau- thenticated packets or packets authenticated with an invalid key. An interface that is not con???gured for receiving authenticated packets ignores authenticated ones.

7-10 Administrator???s Handbook

On a Motorola Netopia?? router, every interface will be allowed to have up to two keys. RIP-2 MD5 authentication can be con???gured on the Ethernet LAN (all models), Ethernet WAN models, Connection Pro???les, and the Default Pro???le. Keys can have lifetimes, de???ned as a start date and time and an end date and time, or in???nite.

Key management

Typically, you con???gure only one key on a given interface and all of the interfaces that interact with that interface. RIP updates are sent every 30 seconds. Each RIP packet is authenticated using one key and sent. When the Motorola Netopia?? router receives an authenticated RIP packet from a device, it keeps track of that device (peer).

The longer it is in use, a single key becomes less secure. Therefore, RFC2082 speci???es that an interface must support at least two keys per interface to allow a transition from an old key to a new key. It is recommended that you specify an overlapping time of ???ve minutes for transitioning from one key to the next. Whenever two keys are valid at the same time, the Motorola Netopia?? router tries to determine if other peers (devices that it has received an authenticated packet from in the past three minutes) on its network are using the new key. If any of the peers have not used the new key yet, the Motorola Netopia?? router will send RIP updates twice, once with each key.

If the last valid key expires, the Device Event History logs a ???* RIP: last authentication key expired??? message, and continues to use that key as if it were still valid.

Authentication configuration

To con???gure RIP-2 MD5 authentication, from the Main Menu, select System Con???guration, then IP Setup.

The IP Setup screen appears.

Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

IP Setup 7-11

???Select RIP Options. The Ethernet LAN RIP Options screen appears.

???Select Receive RIP, and from the pop-up menu choose v2 MD5 Authentication.

RIP v2 Authentication Keys...

???You can also select Transmit RIP, and choose v2 MD5 (broadcast) or v2 MD5 (multicast) from the pop-up menu.

7-12 Administrator???s Handbook

???RIP v2 Authentication Keys is visible only if v2 MD5 Authentication is enabled for either Receive or Transmit RIP.


???All of the changes on this menu require a reboot. This is unique to the Ethernet LAN. RIP changes on all other interfaces are immediately effective.

???If you set the RIP Receive option to Both v1 and v2, the interface will ignore authenticated RIP packets since authenticated v1 packets do not exist. Only v2 packets can be authenticated.

???Select RIP v2 Authentication Keys.

The RIP v2 Authentication Keys screen appears.

IP Setup 7-13

RIP v2 Authentication Keys

Display/Change Key...

Add Key...

Delete Key...

Adding a key

Select Add Key. The Add Key Screen appears.

???The key identi???er Key ID can be any numeric value from 0 ??? 255, and must be unique per interface. You can not have two keys with the same key ID on an interface.

???The Authentication Key may consist of from 1 ??? 16 ASCII characters. These appear as asterisks when typed.

7-14 Administrator???s Handbook

???The Start Date and End Date formats are determined by the System Date Format, set on the Set Date and Time menu under the System Con???guration menus.

???The Start Time and End Time formats are determined by the System Time Format. The AM or PM pop-up menus do not appear if the time format is 24 hour time.

???The End Time Mode pop-up menu allows you to select either Date or In???nite. This determines whether or not the key will expire at a speci???ed time and date, or remain effective inde???nitely.

End Date, End Time, and AM or PM do not appear if the End Time Mode is set to ???In???nite???. In???nite means that the key begins when it begins, but it never expires. The acceptable year range is from 1904 ??? 2039.

???When you are satis???ed with your entries, select COMMIT and press Return.

This menu will not accept a non-unique Key ID on the same interface; failure to enter an authentication key; or a negative start date, end date, or start time and end time range.

Changes to RIP Keys on all interfaces are immediately effective. This differs from the remainder of the RIP con???guration on the Ethernet LAN, which requires a reboot. It is important that the keys be able to change dynamically, however, because the purpose of entering more than one key on an interface is to insure a smooth transition between keys with no network outages.

Changing or deleting a key

You change or delete a key by selecting it from a pop-up menu. In the RIP v2 Authentication Keys menu, select

Display/Change Key.

Delete Key...

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Note: The date and time formats are determined by the system date and time formats. If the current date and time fall within the range of dates and times, the Valid ???eld indicates ???yes???, otherwise it indicates ???no???.

You modify the Change Key menu in the same way as in the Add Key menu (see ???Adding a key,??? on page 13).

If you select Delete Key, a pop-up menu will ask you to con???rm your choice.

IP Setup 7-15

Connection Profiles and Default Profile

RIP-2 MD5 authentication may be con???gured in Connection Pro???les, as well. If you are not using NAT, your public Internet connection can bene???t from sending authenticated RIP packets as well as receiving them. To con???gure RIP-2 MD5 authentication for a Connection Pro???le, you can either change an existing Connection Pro???le, or create a new one.

The Default Pro???le Leased and Switched menus are the same as the Connection Pro???le RIP option and associated menus. For brevity, the following example shows only the Connection Pro???le RIP option and associated menus.

In either case, navigate to the RIP Pro???le Parameters screen under the IP Pro???le Parameters menu of the Display/Change (or Add) Connection Pro???le screen.

The connection pro???le RIP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

7-16 Administrator???s Handbook

RIP v2 Authentication Keys...

???Receive RIP is always visible. Here you select Off, v1, v2, Both v1 and v2, or v2 MD5 Authentication from the pop-up menu. For MD5 authentication, you must select v2 MD5 Authentication.

???If NAT is disabled, Transmit RIP is visible. Here you select Off, v1, v2 (broadcast), v2 (multicast), v2 MD5 (broadcast), or v2 MD5 (multicast) from the pop-up menu. For MD5 authentication, you must select v2 MD5 (either broadcast or multicast).

???If you chose any Transmit RIP option other than Off, TX RIP Policy is visible. Here you select Poison Reverse or Split Horizon from the pop-up menu. Unless otherwise instructed, leave the default Poison Reverse.

???If either Receive RIP or Transmit RIP is set to v2 MD5 Authentication, RIP v2 Authentication Keys is visible. Selecting RIP v2 Authentication Keys takes you to the RIP v2 Authentication Keys screen, where you can con???gure your keys in the same manner as in ???Adding a key,??? on page 13. After con???guring your key, press COMMIT in the Add or Change Key screen, then press Escape three times to return to the Add or Change Connection Pro???le screen.

???Select COMMIT in the Connection Pro???le screen and press Return. Your changes become effective for the speci???ed Connection Pro???le.

Power interruptions

Motorola Netopia?? 4000 Series routers use NTP updates to set the correct time. Consequently, the starting time after a power cycle, whether from power failure or deliberately switching power off and on, is in the year 1904. This could invalidate some keys that would otherwise be valid. To prevent this, if the system time is before the year 2000, all keys are considered valid regardless of their speci???ed date and time ranges.

IP Setup 7-17

IP Address Serving

In addition to being a gateway, the Router is also an IP address server. There are three protocols it can use to distribute IP addresses.

???The ???rst, called Dynamic Host Con???guration Protocol (DHCP), is widely supported on PC networks, as well as Apple Macintosh computers using Open Transport and computers using the UNIX operating system. Addresses assigned via DHCP are ???leased??? or allocated for a short period of time; if a lease is not renewed, the address becomes available for use by another computer. DHCP also allows most of the IP parameters for a computer to be con???gured by the DHCP server, simplifying setup of each machine.

???The second, called BootP (also known as Bootstrap Protocol), is the predecessor to DHCP and allows older IP hosts to obtain most of the information that a DHCP client would obtain. However, in contrast, BootP address assignments are ???permanent??? since there is no lease renewal mechanism in BootP.

???The third protocol, called Dynamic WAN, is part of the PPP/MP suite of wide area protocols used for WAN connections. It allows remote terminal adapters and NAT-enabled gateways to be assigned a temporary IP address for the duration of their connection.

Since no two hosts can use the same IP address at the same time, make sure that the addresses distributed by the Router and those that are manually con???gured are not the same. Each method of distribution must have its own exclusive range of addresses to draw from.

Go to the System Con???guration screen. Select IP Address Serving and press Return. The IP Address Serving screen will appear.

Follow these steps to con???gure IP Address Serving:

7-18 Administrator???s Handbook

???If you enabled IP Address Serving, then DHCP, BootP clients and Dynamic WAN clients are automatically enabled.

???The IP Address Serving Mode pop-up menu allows you to choose the way in which the Router will serve IP addresses. The device can act as either a DHCP Server or a DHCP Relay Agent. (See ???DHCP Relay Agent??? on page 7-28 for more information.) In most cases, you will use the device to serve its own pool of IP addresses, hence DHCP Server is the default. Address serving can also be disabled.

???Select Number of Client IP Addresses and enter the total number of contiguous IP addresses that the Router will distribute to the client machines on your local area network. Twelve-user models are limited to twelve IP addresses.

In the screen example shown above, ???ve Client IP addresses have been allocated.

???Select 1st Client Address and enter the ???rst client IP address that you will allocate to your ???rst client machine. For instance, on your local area network you may want to ???rst ???gure out which machines are going to be allocated speci???c static IP addresses so that you can determine the pool of IP addresses that you will be serving addresses from via DHCP, BootP, and/or Dynamic WAN.

Example: Your ISP has given your Router the IP address, with a subnet mask of The subnet mask allocated will give you six IP addresses to use when connecting to the ISP over the Internet. Your address range will be from .137 ??? .143. In this example you would enter as the 1st Client Address, since the gateway itself must have an IP address.

???To enable DHCP, select Serve DHCP Clients and toggle it to Yes. DHCP serving is automatic when IP Address Serving is enabled.

???The DHCP Next-Server ???eld allows you to enter the IP address of the next server in the boot process, which is typically a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.

IP Setup 7-19

???The default DHCP Lease time is one hour. This may be unnecessarily brief in your network environment. Consequently, the DHCP lease time is con???gurable. The DHCP Lease Time (Hours) setting allows you to modify the gateway???s default lease time of one hour. You can enter any number up to and including 168 hours (one week) for the DHCP lease.

Note: About DHCP Auto-con???guration:

Certain model gateways will allow the IP Address Server to auto-con???gure when the gateway is con???gured with a new IP Address and Subnet Mask. This applies according to the following guidelines:

???If you con???gure the gateway with a 24 bit Subnet Mask (Class C), the gateway will continue serving from 100-199, with the new IP Address.

???If you con???gure the gateway with a subnet smaller than a Class C subnet, the gateway will serve all available addresses.

???If you explicitly con???gure the DHCP pool, auto-con???guration of the DHCP pool is suppressed.

???If you con???gure the gateway manually and you would like the gateway to auto-con???gure DHCP, you must explicitly set the IP Address and Subnet Mask to and reboot.

If you have con???gured multiple Ethernet IP subnets, the appearance of the IP Address Serving screen is altered slightly:

IP Address Serving

Three menu items are hidden, and Con???gure Address Pools... appears instead. If you select Con???gure Address Pools... you will be taken to the IP Address Pools screen that allows you to con???gure an address serving pool for each of the con???gured Ethernet IP subnets. See ???IP Address Pools??? on page 7-19.

IP Address Pools

The IP Address Pools screen allows you to con???gure a separate IP address serving pool for each of up to eight con???gured Ethernet IP subnets:

7-20 Administrator???s Handbook

This screen consists of between two and eight rows of four columns each. There are exactly as many rows as there are Ethernet IP subnets con???gured on the IP Subnets screen.

???The Subnet (# host addrs) column is non-selectable and non-editable. It indicates the network address of the Ethernet IP subnet for which an address pool is being con???gured and the number of host addresses available on the subnet. The network address is equal to the gateway???s IP address on the subnet bitwise-ANDed with the subnet mask. The host address count is equal to the subnet size minus three, since one address is reserved for the network address, one for the subnet broadcast address, and one for the gateway???s interface address on the subnet.

You can edit the remaining columns in each row.

???The 1st Client Addr and Clients columns allow you to specify the base and extent of the address serving pool for a particular subnet. Entering for the ???rst client address or 0 for the number of clients indicates that no addresses will be served from the corresponding Ethernet IP subnet.

???The Client Gateway column allows you to specify the default gateway address that will be provided to clients served an address from the corresponding pool. The value defaults to the Router???s IP address on the corresponding subnet (or the Router???s default gateway, if that gateway is located on the subnet in question). You can override the value by entering any address that is part of the subnet.

DHCP, BootP, and dynamic WAN clients may receive an address from any one of the address serving pools con???gured on this screen.

Numerous factors in???uence the choice of served address. It is dif???cult to specify the address that will be served to a particular client in all circumstances. However, when the address server has been con???gured, and the clients involved have no prior address serving interactions, the Router will generally serve the ???rst unused address from the ???rst address pool with an available address. The Router starts from the pool on the ???rst row and continues to the pool on the last row of this screen.

Once the address server and/or the clients have participated in address serving transactions, different rules apply:

IP Setup 7-21

???When requesting an address, a client will often suggest an address to be assigned, such as the one it was last served. The Router will attempt to honor this request if the address is available. The client stores this address in non-volatile storage, for example, on disk, and the speci???c storage method/location differs depending on the client operating system.

???When requesting an address, a client may provide a client identi???er, or, if it does not, the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 may construct a pseudo-client identi???er for the client. When the client subsequently requests an address, the Router will attempt to serve the address previously associated with the pseudo-client identi???er. This is normally the last address served to the client.

???Otherwise, the Motorola Netopia?? will select the least-recently used available address, starting from the ???rst address in the ???rst pool and ending with the last address in the last pool.

Note: The address serving pools on this screen are tied to the IP subnets con???gured on the IP Subnets screen. Changes to the IP Subnets screen may affect this screen. In particular, deleting a subnet on the IP Subnets screen will delete the corresponding address serving pool, if any, on this screen.

DHCP NetBIOS Options

If your network uses NetBIOS, you can enable the Router to use DHCP to distribute NetBIOS information.

NetBIOS stands for Network Basic Input/Output System. It is a layer of software originally developed by IBM and Sytek to link a network operating system with speci???c hardware. NetBIOS has been adopted as an industry standard. It offers LAN applications a variety of ???hooks??? to carry out inter-application communications and data transfer. Essentially, NetBIOS is a way for application programs to talk to the network. To run an application that works with NetBIOS, a non-IBM network operating system or network interface card must offer a NetBIOS emulator. Many vendors either provide a version of NetBIOS to interface with their hardware or emulate its transport layer communications services in their network products. A NetBIOS emulator is a program provided by NetWare clients that allow workstations to run applications that support IBM???s NetBIOS calls.

???Select DHCP NetBIOS Options and press Return. The DHCP NetBIOS Options screen appears.

7-22 Administrator???s Handbook

DHCP NetBIOS Options

Configure DHCP-served NetBIOS options here.

???To serve DHCP clients with the type of NetBIOS used on your network, select Serve NetBIOS Type and toggle it to Yes.

???From the NetBIOS Type pop-up menu, select the type of NetBIOS used on your network.

DHCP NetBIOS Options

???To serve DHCP clients with the NetBIOS scope, select Serve NetBIOS Scope and toggle it to Yes. Select NetBIOS Scope and enter the scope.

IP Setup 7-23

???To serve DHCP clients with the IP address of a NetBIOS name server, select Serve NetBIOS Name Server and toggle it to Yes.

Select NetBIOS Name Server IP Addr and enter the IP address for the NetBIOS name server.

You are now ???nished setting up DHCP NetBIOS Options. To return to the IP Address Serving screen, press Escape.

???To enable BootP???s address serving capability, select Serve BOOTP Clients and toggle to Yes.

Note: Addresses assigned through BootP are permanently allocated from the IP Address Serving pool until you release them. To release these addresses, navigate back to the Main Menu, then Statistics & Logs, Served IP Addresses, and Lease Management.

IP Address Lease Management

Reset All Leases

Release BootP Leases

Reclaim Declined Addresses

Hit RETURN/ENTER, you will return to the previous screen.

Select Release BootP Leases and press Return.

???Back in IP Address Serving, the Serve Dynamic WAN Clients toggle

More Address Serving Options

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 includes a number of enhancements in the built-in DHCP IP address server. These enhancements include:

7-24 Administrator???s Handbook

???The ability to exclude one or more IP addresses from the address serving pool so the addresses will not be served to clients.

???The ability to reserve a particular IP address for a client with a particular Ethernet MAC address.

???The ability to view the host name associated with a client to which the gateway has leased an IP address.

???The ability for the gateway???s Ethernet IP address(es) to overlap the DHCP address serving pool(s).

???The ability to serve as a DHCP Relay Agent.

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports reserving an IP address only for a type 1 client identi???er (i.e., an Ethernet hardware address). It does not support reserving an IP address for an arbitrary client identi???er. (For more information on client identi???ers, see RFC 2131, section 9.14.)

Configuring the IP Address Server options

To access the enhanced DHCP server functions, from the Main Menu navigate to Statistics & Logs and then

Served IP Addresses.

The following example shows the Served IP Addresses screen after three clients have leased IP addresses. The ???rst client did not provide a Host Name in its DHCP messages; the second and third clients did.

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

Lease Management...

The rightmost column displays the host name supplied by the client if one was provided; otherwise it displays the client identi???er. (If a host name is displayed, the client identi???er is still accessible in a Details pop-up menu. See below.)

IP Setup 7-25

Note: The server does not query the client for its host name. Macintosh computers running versions of MacOS prior to MacOS version 8.5 (OT 2.0.1, TCP/IP 2.0.1) do not supply a host name option in their DHCP messages, so no host name will appear in the Served IP Addresses list.

You can select the entries in the Served IP Addresses screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the selection to one of the entries in the list of served IP addresses.

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

Lease Management...

Once you select an entry, pressing Return displays an action pop-up menu that lists operations that can be performed on that entry. Possible operations are Details???, Exclude, Include, Release, and Reserve??? The action popup is context-sensitive and lists only those operations that apply to the selected IP address in its current lease state.

???Details??? is displayed if the entry is associated with both a host name and a client identi???er.

Selecting Details??? displays a pop-up menu that provides additional information associated with the IP address. The pop-up menu includes the IP address as well as the host name and client identi???er supplied by the client to which the address is leased.

7-26 Administrator???s Handbook

???Exclude is displayed if the entry is not already excluded.

Selecting Exclude excludes the IP address from the address serving pool so the address will not be served to a client. If the IP address is currently leased to or reserved for a client, you will be presented with a warning dialog asking you to con???rm the operation.

192.1| that is currently in use. Are you sure you want to do this? |

???Include is displayed if the entry is either excluded or declined.

IP Setup 7-27

An IP address is marked declined when a client to whom the DHCP server offers the address declines the address. A client declines an address if it determines that a leased address is already in use by another device.

Selecting Include restores the selected IP address to the address serving pool so that the IP address is once again eligible to be served to a client.

???Release is displayed if the entry is currently offered, leased, or reserved.

Selecting Release puts the selected entry in the available state. You will be presented with a warning dialog asking you to con???rm the operation since the IP address is in use. There is no mechanism to notify the client to whom the address is leased that the lease has been terminated. Thus, the client will continue to use the address until the next time it attempts to renew its lease. In the interim, the server may lease the same IP address to a different client, thereby creating an address con???ict. For this reason, releasing an address that is actively being used by a client is generally not recommended.

???Reserve??? is displayed if the entry is available, declined, excluded, leased, offered, or reserved.

Reserving an IP address for a client with a particular Ethernet MAC address guarantees that a client with the speci???ed MAC address will be offered or leased the speci???ed IP address. Moreover, it prevents the speci???ed IP address from being offered or leased to any other client.

Selecting Reserve... displays a pop-up dialog box that displays the IP address and editable item in which you can enter an Ethernet MAC address. The pop-up dialog box includes OK and CANCEL buttons for con???rming or cancelling the operation. If the IP address is currently offered or leased to, or reserved for, a client, you will be presented with a warning dialog asking you to con???rm the operation. Reserving an IP address guarantees that the IP address will only be leased.

The gateway???s Ethernet IP address(es) will be automatically excluded from the address serving pool(s) on startup. Entries in the served IP address list corresponding to the gateway???s Ethernet IP address(es) that have been automatically excluded on startup are not selectable.

7-28 Administrator???s Handbook

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

Lease Management...

Hit RETURN/ENTER for available operations.

DHCP Relay Agent

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers DHCP Relay Agent functionality, as de???ned in RFC1542. A DHCP relay agent is a computer system or a gateway that is con???gured to forward DHCP requests from clients on the LAN to a remote DHCP server, and to pass the replies back to the requesting client systems.

When a DHCP client starts up, it has no IP address, nor does it know the IP address of a DHCP server. Therefore, it uses an IP broadcast to communicate with one or more DHCP servers. These broadcasts are normally limited to the network segment on which the client is located, and do not pass through gateways such as the Motorola Netopia?? Router. If the Motorola Netopia?? Router is con???gured to act as a DHCP server, it will assign the client an address from an address pool con???gured locally in the Motorola Netopia?? Router and respond to the client's request itself.

However, if the Motorola Netopia?? Router is con???gured to act as a DHCP relay agent, it does not satisfy the DHCP request itself, but instead forwards the request to one or more remote DHCP servers. These servers process the request, assign an address from an address pool con???gured on the remote server, and forward the response back to the Motorola Netopia?? Router for delivery back to the client. The agent then sends the response to the client on behalf of the DHCP server. This process is transparent to the client, which doesn't know that it is communicating through an intermediary rather than directly to a local server. Using DHCP relay, it is possible to centralize the con???guration information for the host computers at many remote sites at a single location, easing the burden of administering con???guration management for remote sites.

To con???gure the Motorola Netopia?? Router to act as a DHCP relay agent, from the Main Menu navigate to the System Con???guration menu.

IP Setup 7-29

Select IP Address Serving and press Return. The IP Address Serving screen appears.

Select IP Address Serving Mode. The pop-up menu offers the choices of Disabled, DHCP Server (the default), and DHCP Relay Agent.

If you select DHCP Relay Agent and press Return, the screen changes as shown below.

7-30 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Address Serving

Configure Address Serving (DHCP, BOOTP, etc.) here.

Now you can enter the IP address(es) of your remote DHCP server(s), such as might be located in your company???s corporate headquarters. Each time you enter an IP address and press Return, an additional ???eld appears. You can enter up to four DHCP server addresses.

In the example above, DHCP requests from clients on the LAN will be relayed to the DHCP servers at IP addresses,,, and

Note: The remote DHCP server(s) to which the Motorola Netopia?? Router is relaying DHCP requests must be capable of servicing relayed requests. Not all DHCP servers support this feature. For example, the DHCP server in the Motorola Netopia?? Router does not.

The DHCP server(s) to which the Motorola Netopia?? Router is relaying DHCP requests must be con???gured with one or more address pools that are within the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s primary Ethernet LAN subnet. (There is no mechanism for DHCP clients to receive an address on a secondary subnet via a relayed DHCP request.)

Connection Profiles

Since you will probably only have a single connection to your ISP over the DSL link, you may not need to create multiple connection pro???les. Additional pro???les may be useful for creating VPNs.

Connection Pro???les de???ne the line and networking protocols necessary for the gateway to make a remote connection. A connection pro???le is like an address book entry describing how the gateway is to get to a remote site, or how to recognize and authenticate a remote user connecting to the gateway. To create a new Connection Pro???le, you navigate to the WAN Con???guration screen from the Main Menu, and select Add Connection Pro???le.

IP Setup 7-31

The Add Connection Pro???le screen appears.

Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

On a Router you can add up to 15 more connection pro???les, for a total of 16, although only one can be used at a time, unless you are using VPNs.

1.Select Pro???le Name and enter a name for this connection pro???le. It can be any name you wish. For example: the name of your ISP.

2.Toggle the Pro???le Enabled value to Yes or No. The default is Yes.

3.Select IP Pro???le Parameters and press Return. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

7-32 Administrator???s Handbook

4.Toggle or enter any IP parameters you require and return to the Add Connection Pro???le screen by pressing Escape. For more information on NAT, see ???Multi-NAT,??? beginning on page 4-1.

The Local WAN IP Address is displayed for numbered or NAT pro???les. The Local WAN IP Mask is displayed for numbered pro???les. The Remote IP Address and Remote IP Mask are displayed for unnumbered pro???les.

5.Select ADD PROFILE NOW and press Return. Your new connection pro???le will be added.

If you want to view the connection pro???les in your gateway, return to the WAN Con???guration screen, and select Display/Change Connection Pro???le. The list of connection pro???les is displayed in a scrolling pop-up screen.

Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.

Multicast Forwarding

Multicasting is a method for transmitting large amounts of information to many, but not all, computers over an Internet. One common use is to distribute real time audio and video to the set of computers which have joined a distributed conference.

Multicasting is similar to radio or TV broadcasts in the sense that only those who have tuned in to a particular frequency receive the information. You see and hear the channel you are interested in, but not the others.

Since a router should not be used as a passive forwarding device, Motorola Netopia?? Routers use a protocol for forwarding multicasting. This protocol is Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). Motorola Netopia?? Routers can use either IGMP Version 1, Version 2, or Version 3, however, Multicast Forwarding will only work if your service provider supports it. Check with your service provider. IGMP forwarding is enabled per IP Pro???le and WAN Connection Pro???le.

You con???gure Multicast Forwarding in two Telnet menu screens:

???First, you enable Multicast Forwarding in the IP Setup screen in the System Con???guration menu,

IP Setup 7-33

???Then you associate it with a Connection Pro???le in the IP Pro???le Parameters screen in the

Add/Display/Change Connection Pro???le menus.

Navigate to the IP Setup screen.

By default, Multicast Forwarding is tuned off (None). You enable the gateway to transmit multicast data by selecting Tx. from the pop-up menu.

You can ???ne-tune IGMP options in the IGMP Setup menu. See ???IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)??? on page 3-52.

Navigate to the IP Pro???le Parameters screen.

7-34 Administrator???s Handbook

Typically, you will have a Connection Pro???le that you created in Easy Setup. You may have more. Select the Connection Pro???le that you want to use from the Display/Change Connection Pro???le menu, and then select IP Pro???le Parameters.

Note: The Multicast Forwarding option is only visible in this screen if Multicast Forwarding is set to Tx in the IP Setup menu. See ???IP Setup??? on page 7-1.

By default, Multicast Forwarding is turned off (None) on Connection Pro???les until you enable a speci???c Connection Pro???le to receive multicast data. You enable it by selecting Rx. from the pop-up menu.

Virtual Router Redundancy (VRRP)

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). A Virtual Router is a software abstraction consisting of a group of two or more hardware routers protecting one or more IP addresses. One of the routers is designated as the Master, while the others are backups. VRRP is a protocol that provides redundancy to routers within a local area network by allowing alternate paths for a PC without changing the IP address or MAC address by which the PC knows its gateway.

To con???gure Virtual Routers, from the IP Setup screen select VRRP Options and press Return.

The Ethernet LAN VRRP Options screen appears.

Each logical IP interface can have a maximum of two Virtual Routers.

IP Setup 7-35

Select Add Virtual Router and press Return.

The Add Virtual Router screen appears.

Add Virtual Router

Enter a value between 1 and 255.

???VRID ??? Enter a VRID value. Each logical IP interface can have a maximum of two Virtual Routers. A Virtual Router is identi???ed by its Virtual Router Identi???er (VRID). The VRID must be unique within the IP interface.

???Virtual IP Address ??? Enter a Virtual IP Address. Each Virtual Router can have one associated Virtual IP Address. The Virtual IP Address (VIP):

??? must be in the range of IP addresses covered by the IP interface or the subnets

7-36 Administrator???s Handbook

???must not match the IP address of any other VIP

If it matches the local IP address of that interface or the subnets, the Virtual Router will be defaulted to have a priority of 255. See below.

Note: A router currently in VRRP Master mode is the only device which will respond on the Virtual IP address. Consequently, a router using the Virtual IP address as its Ethernet address will be non-responsive when not in VRRP Master mode. Therefore, it is recommended that the Virtual IP address not be used as the unique Ethernet IP address of any network device.

???Priority ??? Assign a Priority in the range of 1 ??? 255 to the Virtual Router. The default is 100. The priority of a Virtual Router will default to 255 if the Virtual Router is the IP address owner. A priority of 255 indicates that the Virtual Router should operate in Master mode. Even a non-owner can have a priority of 255, and thus operate in Master mode. You can con???gure only one Virtual Router to be a Master by default (priority of 255) for an interface.

???Preempt Mode ??? Toggle Preempt Mode either Yes or No. This setting speci???es whether the router should preempt the current Master for the ID, if its priority is greater than the current Master.

Note: A Virtual Router will always preempt if it is the owner of the Virtual IP address, regardless of the Preempt Mode setting.

???Advertisement-Interval ??? Enter an Advertisement-Interval in seconds, after which the Master sends VRRP advertisement packets.

???Enable ??? Toggle Enable to Yes to enable this Virtual Router; or No to disable it.

Select ADD VIRTUAL ROUTER NOW and press Return. You are returned to the Ethernet LAN VRRP Options screen.

Note: When an additional LAN is created, or deleted, the Router must be restarted for proper VRRP operation.

IP Setup 7-37

???Monitor WAN ??? Toggle this option to Yes (the default) to enable VRRP routers on the interface to relinquish Master status if the WAN connection is down. If you do not want the VRRP routers to relinquish Master status, toggle this option to No. Also see ???VRRP Options (WAN Link Failure Detection)??? on page 2-26 for more information.

???Serve/Relay DHCP only if Virtual Router in Master state ??? If you toggle this setting to Yes, the router will stop DHCP services if Virtual Routers have been con???gured on the interface, and no Virtual Router is in Master state. Toggling this to No (the default) will sustain DHCP services even if there is no Virtual Router in Master state.

???DHCP Gateway IP Address ??? This ???eld allows you to enter a Virtual IP address. Entering a Virtual IP address causes the router to serve the Virtual IP address as the DHCP gateway and server IP instead of the con???gured DHCP gateway on the interface. This behavior only happens if the Virtual Router associated with the con???gured DHCP gateway address is in Master state.

Press Escape to return to the IP Setup screen.

Changing or Deleting a Virtual Router

To Display, Change or Delete any Virtual Routers you have con???gured, return to the Ethernet LAN VRRP Options screen and select the respective ???eld.

A pop-up window appears to allow you to select and edit or delete your Virtual Router entries.

7-38 Administrator???s Handbook

Additional LANs

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 includes support for creating additional logical local area networks. When used in combination with VLANs (see ???VLAN Con???guration??? on page 3-11), you can maintain separate functional end-to-end networks to support such services as voice-over-IP, point-of-sale applications, or audio and video services.

Multiple logical IP LAN support allows you to create additional IP routed LAN interfaces (ALANs). You can add, edit, or delete Additional LANs similarly to Connection Pro???les on the WAN connection. You then associate physical or logical Ethernet-encapsulated interfaces, such as wired Ethernet ports, wireless SSIDs, and ATM RFC 1483 bridged VCs, to these interfaces on platforms with more than one Ethernet-encapsulated interface.

The additional LAN IP routed interfaces duplicate all the same parameters that apply to the primary LAN interface, such as DHCP servers, ???ltersets, multicast forwarding, and RIP. You can con???gure up to six ALANs.

To con???gure an ALAN, select Additional LANs from the IP Setup screen and press Return.

The Additional LAN Con???guration screen appears.

IP Setup 7-39

Additional LAN Configuration

Add ALAN...

Select Add ALAN and press Return.

The Add Additional LAN screen appears.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

Supply the following information:

???Name ??? Enter a descriptive name for the ALAN or accept the assigned default.

???Enabled ??? Toggles whether the ALAN is active or not. The default is Yes.

???MAC Address ??? This ???eld contains the MAC address of the interface. This is assigned automatically by the system, and cannot be modi???ed.

7-40 Administrator???s Handbook

???Ethernet IP Address ??? The IP address of the additional LAN.

???Ethernet Subnet Mask ??? The IP subnet mask address of the additional LAN.

???De???ne Additional Subnets ??? Additional subnets for multi-homing (same as the primary interface). See ???IP Address Pools??? on page 7-19.

???IP Address Serving ??? Same as the global link to address serving. See ???IP Address Serving??? on page 7-17.

???RIP Options ??? Same as the primary interface. See ???RIP Options??? on page 7-9.

???VRRP Options ??? Same as the primary interface. Two Virtual routers can be added to each of the ALANs. See ???Virtual Router Redundancy (VRRP)??? on page 7-34.

???Multicast Forwarding ??? Same as the primary interface. See ???Multicast Forwarding??? on page 7-32.

???Filter Set ??? Attaches a de???ned ???lter set to the LAN. See ???About Filters and Filter Sets??? on page 10-20. When you are ???nished, select COMMIT and press Return. Your ALAN is con???gured.

Note: ALAN creation or deletion takes effect only upon reboot. See ???Restarting the System??? on page 11-8, if you don???t know how to do this.

Editing or Deleting ALANs

You can manage or edit your ALANs at any time. To modify or delete a con???gured ALAN, return to the IP Setup screen and select Additional LANs.

The Additional LAN Con???guration screen appears.

Additional LAN Configuration

Show/Change ALAN...

Add ALAN...

Delete ALAN...

If you select either Show/Change ALAN or Delete ALAN, a pop-up window allows you to choose the ALAN you want to modify or delete.

IP Setup 7-41

7-42 Administrator???s Handbook

Line Backup 8-1

Chapter 8

Line Backup

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers line backup functionality in the event of a line failure on the primary WAN link:

???to an internal V.92 modem (supported models) or

???to a backup default gateway.

This chapter covers the following topics:

??????Con???guring Backup??? on page 8-1

??????Connection Pro???les??? on page 8-2

??????WAN Con???guration??? on page 8-7

??????Using Scheduled Connections with Backup??? on page 8-12

??????Backup Default Gateway??? on page 8-14

??????Backup Management/Statistics??? on page 8-16

??????QuickView??? on page 8-18

The purpose of line backup is to provide a recovery mechanism in the event that the primary connection fails. A failure can be either line loss, for example by central site switch failure or physical cable breakage, or loss of end-to-end connectivity. Detection of one of these failures causes the router to switch from using the primary DSL WAN connection to using a built-in V.92 modem. Alternatively, you can choose backup to an alternate gateway on the Ethernet LAN. In the event of a loss of primary connectivity you have the option of switching back to the primary port automatically once it has recovered its connection.

Configuring Backup

The following menus support backup con???guration:

???the Add Connection Pro???le menus under the WAN Con???guration menus

Here you choose Encapsulation Type = PPP, ???ll out the correct IP Pro???le Parameters information, select

Backup as the Interface Group, and ???ll out the Telco Options. See ???Connection Pro???les??? on page 8-2.

???the MODEM (Wan Module 2) Setup menu under the WAN Con???guration, WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup menus

Here you con???gure the Internal Modem Setup that governs a number of general behavior settings for the internal V.92 modem. See ???WAN Con???guration??? on page 8-7.

???the Backup Con???guration menu under WAN Con???guration, Advanced Connection Options

8-2 Administrator???s Handbook

Here you can select Backup is = Automatic, and Recovery is Automatic. See ???Backup Con???guration screen??? on page 8-9.

???the Backup IP Gateway menu item in the IP Setup screen under the System Con???guration menu

Here you enter a Backup Gateway IP address. See ???IP Setup??? on page 8-6. Alternatively, you can choose a different backup gateway device; see ???Backup Default Gateway??? on page 8-14.

Detailed descriptions follow.

Connection Profiles

The dial backup feature allows you to con???gure a complete Connection Pro???le for the modem backup, just as you do for your primary WAN connection. In this way pro???les are associated with a particular interface. It should have switched characteristics for modem backup.

Navigate to the Add Connection Pro???le screen.

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes. Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

If you used Easy Setup to con???gure your DSL connection, you have already created one Connection Pro???le. For the backup modem, you create a second Connection Pro???le, and associate it with the backup modem interface.

???Pro???le Name: Give the pro???le a descriptive name, for example ???Modem Backup???.

???Pro???le Enabled: Ordinarily this is toggled to Yes. You can toggle it to No, if you want to disable it later.

Line Backup 8-3

???Encapsulation Type: From the pop-up menu select the encapsulation type. Usually, for modem dial-up connections, this will be PPP, but you can also select ATMP, PPTP, or IPsec for VPN connections. These are the options needed for dial-up.


Assuming you selected PPP, new ???elds appear.

Underlying Encapsulation and PPP Mode do not usually need to be changed for a PPP connection.

???From the Interface Group pop-up menu, select Backup.

???Select Encapsulation Options.

The Datalink (PPP/MP) Options screen appears.

8-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Datalink (PPP/MP) Options

PAP-- Password protection is used. Passwords are exchanged in clear text.

???Data Compression should remain set to Standard LZS.

???Usually, you use PAP Authentication, with a dial-up connection, but you can also use CHAP, or None.

For PAP Authentication, you enter your User Name and Password, and a User Name and Password for authorization of dial-in connections (if so con???gured). For CHAP Authentication, you enter a Host Name and


Unless otherwise instructed, you can leave the other defaults unchanged. Press Escape.

Add Connection Profile

Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

???Select IP Pro???le Parameters. The IP Pro???le Parameters screen appears.

Line Backup 8-5

IP Profile Parameters

RIP Profile Options...

Toggle to Yes if this is a single IP address ISP account.

Configure IP requirements for a remote network connection here.

???Unless otherwise instructed, accept the defaults, except the following:

???Set Remote IP Address to

???Set Remote IP Mask to

These allow your ISP to supply your IP address and subnet mask when you connect via dial-up. Press Escape to return to the Add Connection Pro???le screen.

???When you chose Backup for the Interface Group, Telco Options became visible. Select Telco Options. The Telco Options screen allows you to set the parameters for the modem connection.

8-6 Administrator???s Handbook

???From the Dial pop-up menu, you can choose whether to Dial Out Only, Dial In Only, or Dial In/Out (default).

???Dialing Pre???x: If you are connected to a Centrex or PBX phone system that requires you to dial a pre???x number (such as ???9??? for an outside line), enter it here.

???You can add the Number to Dial and an Alternate Site to Dial, if available.

???You can toggle Dial on Demand to Yes or No. This allows the router to determine whether or not to dial the backup number when there is traf???c that needs to be transmitted or received.

???You can set the Idle Timeout (seconds) to tear down the connection after some speci???ed period of inactivity.

???You can also toggle Callback to No or Yes. In most cases, since this is a backup connection, you can leave this set to the default No.

???In some cases, your service provider or corporate of???ce may use the CompuServe Login protocol. If so, toggle CompuServe Login Enabled to Yes. Otherwise, leave the default No.

When enabled, CompuServe Login requires that you enter a CompuServe Host Name, a CompuServe User Name, and a CompuServe Password. These options become visible only if you enable CompuServe Login.

Press Escape. You are returned to the Add Connection Pro???le screen.

Select COMMIT, and press Return. Your backup Connection Pro???le will be created and enabled.

IP Setup

Here, you set the IP address of the alternate gateway.

Navigate to the IP Setup screen under the System Con???guration menu.

Line Backup 8-7

Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

???Set Backup IP Gateway to

???Set Secondary Domain Name Server to the IP Address DNS of your dial-up ISP.

For information about the Backup Default Gateway option, see ???Backup Default Gateway??? on page 8-14.

WAN Configuration

To con???gure the modem characteristics, from the Main Menu select WAN Con???guration and then WAN Setup.

8-8 Administrator???s Handbook

WAN Configuration

WAN (Wide Area Network) Setup...

ATM Circuits Configuration...

Display/Change Connection Profile...

Add Connection Profile...

Delete Connection Profile...

WAN Default Profile...

ATMP/PPTP Default Profile...

IKE Phase 1 Configuration...

Advanced Connection Options...

Return/Enter to create a new Connection Profile.

From here you will configure yours and the remote sites' WAN information.

The Choose Interface to Con???gure screen appears. These settings govern the general modem behavior.

Choose Interface to Configure

ADSL Setup...

MODEM (Wan Module 2) Setup...

Choose the interface to con???gure for backup, MODEM (Wan Module 2) Setup. The Internal Modem Setup screen appears.

Line Backup 8-9

Internal Modem Setup

Enter the dialing prefix to be sent to all modems.

???Modem Dialing Pre???x: ATDT is the standard Hayes-compatible code for alerting the modem itself. You probably don???t need to change this, unless you have a good reason and are familiar with the Hayes modem command set.

???PBX Dialing Pre???x: If you are connected to a Centrex or PBX phone system that requires you to dial a pre???x number (such as ???9??? for an outside line), enter it here.

???Line Directory Number: Enter the telephone number for the line you are connected to.

???Speaker On: You can set how you want to hear dialing and connection tones generated by the modem, or

you can turn them off, from the pop-up menu. Options are: Never, Until Carrier, During Answer, Always.

???Speaker Volume: You can set how loud the modem tones will be from the pop-up menu: 1-Softest, 2-Medium, 3-Loudest.

???Answer Incoming calls: You can determine whether or not the modem will respond to incoming calls on

this line, from the pop-up menu: Always or Never.

???Country: Select your country from the pop-up menu.

When you are ???nished, press Escape.

Backup Configuration screen

Navigate to the Backup Con???guration screen.

8-10 Administrator???s Handbook

This screen is used to con???gure the conditions under which backup will occur, if it will recover, and how the modem is con???gured.

For the internal V.92 modem, the Backup Con???guration screen appears as follows, when all options are enabled (default screen shows fewer menu items until some are enabled):

Backup Configuration

Enter Information supplied to you by your telephone company.

???Select Backup is and from the pop-up menu, select Automatic (default), Manual, or Disabled. You enable line backup by selecting either Manual or Automatic. For fail-over purposes, choose Automatic.

???Select Requires Failure of (seconds) and enter the number of seconds that the system should wait before it assumes that a connection failure has occurred. After that period, the system would switch to backup mode and connect via the modem. Minimum value is 10 seconds.

Note: Backup and Recovery have resolutions of ???ve seconds. This is how often the router evaluates the state of the connections and makes decisions.

???Select Ping Host Name or IP Address #1 and #2 and enter IP address(es) or resolvable DNS name(s) that the Router will ping. These are optional items that are particularly useful for testing if the remote end of a VPN connection has gone down.

The Router will ping both addresses simultaneously at ???ve-second intervals, recording the ping responses from each host. The Router will proceed into backup mode only if neither of the con???gured remote hosts responds.

While the Router is in backup mode, it will continue to ping both hosts via the primary interface. If either host responds to a ping and Recovery is set to Automatic, the Router will revert to the primary interface.

Should this address become unreachable the router will treat this as a loss of connectivity and begin the backup timer. This loss is a Layer 2 loss.

Line Backup 8-11

Note: For best results, enter an IP address and not a host name. If a host name is used it may not be resolvable, and may keep the interface down.

Set the Ping Host Name or IP Address to the router's Default Gateway, or other reliable IP address elsewhere on the backbone ??? for example, a DNS server. This will ensure that the router will initiate backup connection on loss of Layer 3.

Note: If you want the router to initiate the backup connection on loss of Layer 1 or 2 only (Physical or Data link Layer), leave Ping Host Name or IP Address blank. Do not use in this ???eld. Hit the space bar or Delete key to CLEAR the ???eld totally. Leaving in this ???eld tells the router to ping an address that does not exist.

???Select Recovery to ADSL and press Return. Choose either Manual or Automatic to determine how the system will return to the primary WAN link when it becomes available again. If you choose Automatic, the next two menu items become visible.

Note: Automatic recovery only works upon loss of primary WAN connectivity.

???If you chose Automatic Recovery, select Requires Recovery of (seconds) and enter the number of sec- onds that the system should wait before it assumes that a connection has been re-established. This allows you to be sure that the primary WAN connection is well re-established before the router switches back to it from the backup mode. If the router's primary connection fails at layer 1, the Requires Recovery of (seconds) parameter determines the amount of time the primary layer 1 con- nection must be up (recovered) before the router will tear down the backup connection and revert to the primary interface. Minimum value is 10 seconds.

???Select Clear Backup Call only if idle. The default Yes will prevent the backup call from being torn down if there is activity on the backup connection when the primary connection comes back up. You can toggle this to No if you wish.

The Clear Backup Call only if Idle timer is a separate timer from the Requires Recovery of (seconds) timer. The router will ???rst reach the Requires Recovery of (seconds) counter and count down to zero. Then the router will consult the Clear Backup Call only if Idle timer to learn if the backup connection has been idle for the speci???ed seconds. If the connection has been idle for the speci???ed seconds, then the teardown process of the backup connection will begin.

???Requires idle time of (seconds) speci???es how long the device should wait before permitting the call to be torn down after a period of inactivity.

???Toggling Backup mode disables RIP/Primary to Yes (disabled) allows you to disable RIP services on the primary WAN interface when the Router is in Backup mode. RIP services ordinarily will continue to run on the primary interface when in Backup mode, attempting to determine ???layer 2??? connectivity.

Usually, the default No setting is desirable, since it may be required to ping the con???gured host that determines ???layer 2??? connectivity. However, RIP running on the recovering primary interface may cause problems speci???c to your application. When in Backup mode, RIP routes are still sent and received through the primary interface, even though that is not the active interface.

???Data Link Encapsulation is Async PPP ??? if it appears (not on all models) this ???eld is not editable.

8-12 Administrator???s Handbook

When you are ???nished, press Escape.

Using Scheduled Connections with Backup

The backup link is a PPP dial-up connection and only connects to the Internet service provider when traf???c is initiated from the LAN. If you want to use the backup link to provide redundancy for services, such as a Web service that you provide to the outside world, you must force the connection to stay up. You do this by creating a scheduled connection entry that will be a permanent ???forced up??? connection for the backup modem. The backup modem will be activated upon primary WAN link failure and remain active until primary WAN link recovery.

To con???gure a Scheduled Connection, from the Main Menu select WAN Con???guration and then Scheduled Connections.

The Scheduled Connections screen appears.

Scheduled Connections

Display/Change Scheduled Connection...

Add Scheduled Connection...

Delete Scheduled Connection...

Return/Enter to add a Scheduled Connection.

Navigate from here to add/modify/change/delete Scheduled Connections.

???Select Add Scheduled Connection and press Return. The Add Scheduled Connection screen appears.

Line Backup 8-13

Add Scheduled Connection

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Scheduled Connections dial remote Networks on a Weekly or Once-Only basis.

???Toggle Scheduled Connection Enable to On.

???From the How Often pop-up menu, select Weekly and press Return.

???From the Schedule Type pop-up menu, accept the default Forced Up and press Return.

???Select Set Weekly Schedule, and press Return. The Set Weekly Schedule screen appears.

Scheduled Window Duration Per Day: 24:00

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

???Toggle all the days of the week to Yes, and set the Scheduled Window Duration Per Day to 24:00. This guarantees a 24X7 connection. Press Escape to return to the Add Scheduled Connection screen.

8-14 Administrator???s Handbook

???Select Use Connection Pro???le, and press Return. A screen displays all of your Connection Pro???les. Select the one you want to apply this scheduled connection to and press Return. Your selection becomes effective.

Now, if your primary WAN link fails, the backup link will become active and remain active until the primary link recovers.

Backup Default Gateway

If your Motorola Netopia?? equipment does not have an internal modem, or if you do not want to use the internal modem for backup, the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers backup functionality to an alternate gateway typically connected to a LAN port.

A typical application would be to have a LAN connection from your ENT Enterprise-Series Router to another gateway that has, for example, an ISDN or analog modem connection to the Internet, and designating the second gateway as the backup gateway. Should the primary WAN connection fail, traf???c would be automatically redirected through your alternate gateway device to maintain Internet connectivity.

Two menus control the backup gateway feature:

???the Backup Con???guration screen in the WAN Con???guration menu Here, you enable the backup feature and set some parameters.

???the IP Setup screen in the System Con???guration menu Here, you set the IP address of the alternate gateway device.

Backup Configuration screen

To enable the backup feature, from the Main Menu select WAN Con???guration, Advanced Connection Options, and then Backup Con???guration.

The Backup Con???guration screen appears.

Line Backup 8-15

Automatically switches to Backup Port on loss of Layer 1 or 2.

This screen is used to con???gure the conditions under which backup will occur, if it will recover, and how the alternate gateway is con???gured.

???Select Backup is and press Return. A pop-up menu allows you to select Disabled, Manual, or Automatic. You enable backup by selecting either Manual or Automatic. If you enable backup, the subsequent menu items become visible.

???Select Requires Data Link Failure of (seconds). Enter the number of seconds you want the system to wait before the backup port becomes enabled in the event of primary line failure. This allows you to be sure the WAN connection is not merely brie???y interrupted before the gateway switches to backup mode.

???Select Ping Host Name or IP Address #1 and #2 and enter IP address(es) or resolvable DNS name(s) that the Router will ping. These are optional items that are particularly useful for testing if the remote end of a VPN connection has gone down.

The Router will ping both addresses simultaneously at ???ve-second intervals, recording the ping responses from each host. The Router will proceed into backup mode only if neither of the con???gured remote hosts responds.

While the Router is in backup mode, it will continue to ping both hosts via the primary interface. If either host responds to a ping and Recovery is set to Automatic, the Router will revert to the primary interface.

Note: For best results, enter an IP address and not a host name. If a host name is used it may not be resolvable, and may keep the interface down.

???Select Recovery to ???WAN_name??? (where WAN_name is the type of WAN connection you have, such as ADSL) and press Return. Choose either Manual or Automatic to determine how the system will return to the WAN link when it becomes available again. If you choose Automatic, the next two menu items become visible.

??? If you chose Automatic Recovery, select Requires Recovery of. Enter the number of seconds you want

8-16 Administrator???s Handbook

the system to wait before attempting to switch back to the WAN connection. This allows you to be sure that the WAN connection is well re-established before the gateway switches back to it from the backup mode.

???Press Escape twice to return to the Main Menu.

IP Setup screen

To con???gure the backup gateway, from the Main Menu select System Con???guration then IP Setup.

The IP Setup screen appears.

The IP Setup screen permits entry of a backup IP gateway address. This ???eld is always visible, even if the Default IP Gateway ???eld is not ???lled out, as in the case of a DHCP-acquired IP address and default gateway on the WAN interface.

Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (

Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.

For more information on IP Setup see the ???IP Setup??? on page 7-1.

Note: Backup and Recovery have resolutions of ???ve seconds. This is how often the gateway evaluates the state of the connections and makes decisions.

Backup Management/Statistics

If backup is enabled, the Statistics & Logs menu offers a Backup Management/Statistics option.

Line Backup 8-17

To view Backup Management/Statistics, from the Main Menu select Statistics & Logs then

Backup Management/Statistics and press Return.

The Backup Management/Statistics screen appears.

Backup Management/Statistics

???Current Gateway is a display-only ???eld that shows which port is currently in operation.

???Backup State is a display-only ???eld that shows the current state of Backup or Recovery.

???Reason becomes visible when a failure of or recovery to the Primary interface is in progress. During backup, the following reasons may appear:

8-18 Administrator???s Handbook

During recovery, the following reasons may appear:

Layer 2 Override

Indicates the backup occurred on layer 2, and ???Auto-Recovery on loss of Layer 2??? was set to YES

Layer 2 Recovery

Indicates that backup was on Layer 2 and the interface is fully restored (including Backup Ping)

???Time Since Detection is a display-only ???eld that is only visible if backup or recovery is in progress. It displays the elapsed time since detection of either WAN line failure or re-establishment of the connection.

???Switchover Time displays how high the Time Since Detection will count before the interface switches, either from Primary to Backup or from Backup to Primary.

This ???eld is only visible if Backup or Recovery is set to Automatic.

When the current interface is Primary and a backup condition exists Switchover Time will display one of two values:

???If the last backup event was on layer 2 and Auto-Recovery on loss of Layer 2 is set to YES, it will display the Layer 2 Failure Timer value.

???If this is the ???rst backup event, or the last backup event was on layer 1, it will display the Requires Failure of value.

When the current interface is the Backup interface and a recovery condition exists, it will display the

Requires Recovery of value.

The displayed value does not change. Rather it indicates how high the Time Since Detection must count before the switchover occurs.

???The FORCE BACKUP/FORCE RECOVERY option is a selectable option that, depending on the current state of backup, will force the switching of gateways. If you are currently in backup mode, the option will be FORCE RECOVERY. If you are currently in primary mode, the option will be FORCE BACKUP. Selecting either one and pressing Return will force the link to switch to the other mode.


The QuickView screen now has an information element to indicate which gateway is in use.

Monitoring Tools 9-1

Chapter 9

Monitoring Tools

This chapter discusses the Router???s device and network monitoring tools. These tools can provide statistical information, report on current network status, record events, and help in diagnosing and locating problems.

This section covers the following topics:

??????Quick View Status Overview??? on page 9-1

??????Statistics & Logs??? on page 9-3

??????Event Histories??? on page 9-4

??????IP Routing Table??? on page 9-6

??????General Statistics??? on page 9-6

??????System Information??? on page 9-8

??????Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)??? on page 9-8

Quick View Status Overview

You can get a useful, overall status report from the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 in the Quick View screen. To go to the Quick View screen, select Quick View in the Main Menu.

The Quick View screen has three status sections:

???General status

???Current DSL Status

???LED Status

9-2 Administrator???s Handbook

General status

Current Date: The current date; this can be set with the Date and Time utility (see ???Date and time??? on page 3-37).

Default IP Gateway: The gateway???s default gateway, which may be either manually con???gured or learned via DHCP. This is the value you assigned in the Default IP Gateway ???eld. If you are using the gateway???s defaults (DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you have assigned an IP address as your default gateway, it is shown here.

Primary DNS Server: If you are using the gateway???s defaults (DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you have assigned an IP address as your primary default gateway, it is shown here.

Secondary DNS Server: If you are using the gateway???s defaults (DHCP and NAT) this value will be If you have assigned an IP address as a secondary gateway, it is shown here.

Domain Name: The domain name you have assigned, typically the name of your ISP.

MAC Address: The Router???s hardware address, for those interfaces that support DHCP.

IP Address: The Router???s IP address, entered in the IP Setup screen.

Current status

The current status section is a table showing the current status of the DSL connection. For example:

Pro???le Name: Lists the name of the connection pro???le being used, if any.

Monitoring Tools 9-3

Rate: Shows the line rate for this connection.

%Use: Indicates the average percent utilization of the maximum capacity of the channels in use for the connection.

Remote Address: Shows the IP address of the connected remote gateway.

Est: Indicates whether the connection was locally (???Lcl???) or remotely (???Rmt???) established.

More Info: Indicates the NAT address in use for this connection.

Status lights

This section shows the current real-time status of the Router???s status lights (LEDs). It is useful for remotely monitoring the gateway???s status. The Quick View screen???s arrangement of LEDs corresponds to the physical arrangement of LEDs on the gateway. These LEDs and the corresponding display in the Telnet menu screen will vary by model.

Each LED representation can report one of four states:

???: The LED is off.

R: The LED is red.

G: The LED is green.

Y: The LED is yellow.

Statistics & Logs

When you are troubleshooting your Router, the Statistics & Logs screens provide insight into the recent event activities of the gateway.

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 updates timestamps reported in the system logs with new timestamps as these are updated via NTP. The restamp of the time is done in the background after NTP is received. It may take a few moments for the log to show up with the correct times added.

From the Main Menu go to Statistics & Logs and select one of the options described in the sections below.

9-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Event Histories

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 records certain relevant occurrences in event histories. Event histories are useful for diagnosing problems because they list what happened before, during, and after a problem occurs. You can view two different event histories: one for the gateway???s system and one for the WAN.

The gateway???s event histories are structured to display the most recent events ???rst, and to make it easy to distinguish error messages from informational messages. Error messages are pre???xed with an asterisk. Both the WAN Event History and Device Event History retain records of the 128 most recent events.

In the Statistics & Logs screen, select WAN Event History or Device Event History.

WAN Event History

The WAN Event History screen lists a total of 128 events on the WAN. The most recent events appear at the top.

05/02/06 17:57:05 >>WAN: data link deactivated

05/02/06 17:48:02 DSL: IP up, channel 1, gateway:

05/02/06 17:48:01 DSL: Channel 1 up

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

Clear History...

Return/Enter on event item for details or SCROLL [UP/DOWN] item for scrolling.

Each entry in the list contains the following information:

Date: Date of the event.

Time: Time of the event.

Event: A brief description of the event.

Ch.: The channel involved in the event.

Monitoring Tools 9-5

The ???rst event in each call sequence is marked with double arrows (>>).

Failures are marked with an asterisk (*).

If the event history exceeds the size of the screen, you can scroll through it by using the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN items.

To scroll up, select SCROLL UP at the top of the list and press Return. To scroll down, select SCROLL DOWN at the bottom of the list and press Return.

To get more information about any event listed in the WAN Event History, select the event and then press Return. A dialog box containing more information about the selected event will appear. Press Return or Escape to dismiss the dialog box.

To clear the event history, select Clear History at the bottom of the history screen and press Return.

Device Event History

The Device Event History screen lists a total of 128 port and system events, giving the time and date for each event, as well as a brief description. The most recent events appear at the top.

In the Statistics & Logs screen, select Device Event History. The Device Event History screen appears.

----------------------------------SCROLL UP-----------------------------------

01/22/06 02:03:11 IP address server initialization complete

01/22/06 02:03:11 --BOOT: Warm start v8.7.4 -------------------------------

01/22/06 02:02:32 IP address server initialization complete

01/22/06 02:02:32 --BOOT: Warm start v8.7.4 -------------------------------

01/22/06 01:59:50 * IP: Route not installed 01/22/06 01:59:50 IP address server initialization complete

01/22/06 01:59:50 --BOOT: Cold start v8.7.4 -------------------------------

01/22/06 01:55:07 * IP: Route not installed

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------

Clear History...

Return/Enter on event item for details or SCROLL [UP/DOWN] item for scrolling.

If the event history exceeds the size of the screen, you can scroll through it by using SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN.

To scroll up, select SCROLL UP at the top of the list and press Return. To scroll down, select SCROLL DOWN at the bottom of the list and press Return.

To obtain more information about any event listed in the Device Event History, select the event and then press Return. A dialog box containing more information about the selected event appears. Press Return or Escape to dismiss the dialog box.

To clear the Device Event History, select Clear History and press Return.

9-6 Administrator???s Handbook

IP Routing Table

The IP routing table displays all of the IP routes currently known to the Router.

---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------


The routing table screen represents a snapshot of the routing table information at the time the screen is ???rst invoked. To take a new snapshot, select Update at the bottom of the screen and press Return.

General Statistics

The General Statistics screen displays information about data traf???c on the Router???s data ports. This information is useful for monitoring and troubleshooting your LAN. Note that the counters roll over at their maximum ???eld width, that is, they restart again at 0.

Physical Interface

The top left side of the screen lists total packets received and total packets transmitted for the following data ports:



Network Interface

The bottom left side of the screen lists total packets received and total packets transmitted:

???IP (IP packets on the Ethernet)

The right side of the table lists the total number of occurrences of each of six types of communication statistics:

Rx Bytes. The number of bytes received

Tx Bytes. The number of bytes transmitted

Rx Packets: The number of packets received

Tx Pkts. The number of packets transmitted

Rx Err: The number of bad Ethernet packets received

Tx Err: The number of errors occurring when Ethernet packets are transmitted simultaneously by nodes on the


9-8 Administrator???s Handbook

System Information

The System Information screen gives a summary view of the general system level values in the Router.

From the Statistics & Logs menu select System Information. The System Information screen appears.

System Information

The information display varies by model, software version, feature set, and so on. You can tell at a glance your particular system con???guration.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 includes a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent, allowing monitoring and con???guration by a standard SNMP manager.

???Motorola Netopia?? Routers support SNMP-V1 and SNMP-V2c.

???Beginning with Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4, Motorola Netopia?? Routers implement the following in the Motorola Netopia?? enterprise-speci???c MIB:

???Wireless privacy objects support wireless con???guration and information about wireless clients associ- ated with the router.

???Virtual LAN (VLAN) con???guration objects

???remote authentication pro???le (RADIUS) objects

MIBs are available in a variety of formats. Load this MIB into your SNMP management software. Follow the instructions included with your SNMP manager on how to load MIBs.

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports the following management information base (MIB) documents:

Monitoring Tools 9-9

???MIB II (RFC 1213)

???Interface MIB (RFC 1229)

???Ethernet MIB (RFC 1643)

???Netopia MIB

???SNMP-v2 Traps: SNMP v2 MIB (RFC1907) v2 traps only; NPAV2TRAP.MIB (Motorola Netopia??-speci???c)

???ATM: ATM TC (RFC2514); ATM MIB (RFC2515)


You can obtain the latest SNMP MIBs from the Motorola Netopia?? anonymous FTP server. FTP to:

Load these MIBs into your SNMP management software in the order they are listed here.

The SNMP Setup screen

From the Main Menu, select SNMP in the System Con???guration screen and press Return. The SNMP Setup screen appears.

Follow these steps to con???gure the ???rst three items in the screen:

9-10 Administrator???s Handbook

1.Select System Name and enter a descriptive name for the Router???s SNMP agent.

2.Select System Location and enter the gateway???s physical location (room, ???oor, building, etc.).

3.Select System Contact and enter the name of the person responsible for maintaining the gateway.

4.The Noti???cation Type pop-up menu allows you to con???gure the type of SNMP noti???cations that will be generated:

v1 Trap ??? This selection will generate noti???cations containing an SNMPv1 Trap Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

v2 Trap ??? This selection will generate noti???cations containing an SNMPv2 Trap PDU. SNMP-V2c is a more feature-rich version, but is not supported by all vendors. Consult with your service provider.

Inform ??? This selection will generate noti???cations containing an SNMPv2 InformRequest PDU.

System Name, System Location, and System Contact set the values returned by the Router SNMP agent for the SysName, SysLocation, and SysContact objects, respectively, in the MIB II system group. Although optional, the information you enter in these items can help a system administrator manage the network more ef???ciently.

Community strings

The Read-Only Community String and the Read/Write Community String are like passwords that must be used by an SNMP manager querying or con???guring the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. An SNMP manager using the Read-Only Community String can examine statistics and con???guration information from the gateway, but cannot modify the gateway???s con???guration. An SNMP manager using the Read/Write Community String can both examine and modify con???guration parameters.

By default, the read-only and read/write community strings are set to public and private, respectively. You should change both of the default community strings to values known only to you and trusted system adminis- trators.

To change a community string, select it and enter a new value.

Setting the Read-Only and Read-Write community strings to the empty string will block all SNMP requests to the gateway. (The gateway may still send SNMP Traps if those are properly enabled.)

Previously, if either community string was the empty string, SNMP Requests specifying an empty community string were accepted and processed.

This change is designed to allow the administrator to block SNMP access to the gateway and to provide more granular control over the allowed SNMP operations to the gateway.

???Setting only the Read-Write community string to the empty string will block SNMP Set Requests to the gateway, but Get Requests and Get-Next Requests will still be honored using the Read-Only community string (assuming that is not the empty string).

???Setting only the Read-Only community string to the empty string will not block Get Requests or Get-Next Requests since those operations (and Set Requests) are still allowed using the (non-empty) Read-Write community string.

Even if you decide not to use SNMP, you should change the community strings. This prevents unauthorized access to the Router through SNMP. For more information on security issues, see ???Suggested Security Measures??? on page 10-1.

Monitoring Tools 9-11

SNMP traps

An SNMP trap is an informational message sent from an SNMP agent (in this case, the Router) to a manager. When a manager receives a trap, it may log the trap as well as generate an alert message of its own.

Standard traps generated by Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 include the following:

???An authentication failure trap is generated when the gateway detects an incorrect community string in a received SNMP packet. Authentication Traps Enable must be On for this trap to be generated.

???A cold start trap is generated after the gateway is reset.

???An interface down trap (ifDown) is generated when one of the gateway???s interfaces, such as a port, stops functioning or is disabled.

???An interface up trap (ifUp) is generated when one of the gateway???s interfaces, such as a port, begins functioning.

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 sends traps using UDP (for IP networks).

You can specify which SNMP managers are sent the IP traps generated by the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. Up to eight receivers can be set. You can also review and remove IP traps.

To go to the IP Trap Receivers screen, select IP Trap Receivers. The IP Trap Receivers screen appears.

IP Trap Receivers

Display/Change IP Trap Receiver...

Add IP Trap Receiver...

Delete IP Trap Receiver...

Return/Enter to modify an existing Trap Receiver.

Navigate from here to view, add, modify and delete IP Trap Receivers.

Setting the IP trap receivers

1.Select Add IP Trap Receiver.

9-12 Administrator???s Handbook

Add IP Trap Receiver

Receiver IP Address or Domain Name:

2.Select Receiver IP Address or Domain Name. Enter the IP address or domain name of the SNMP manager you want to receive the trap.

3.Select Community String if you enabled one in the SNMP Setup screen, and enter the appropriate password.

4.Toggle Send Heartbeat Trap on (Yes) or off (No). The heartbeat setting is used to broadcast contact and location information about your Router.

5.Select ADD TRAP RECEIVER NOW and press Return. You can add up to seven more receivers.

Viewing IP trap receivers

To display a view-only table of IP trap receivers, select Display/Change IP Trap Receiver in the IP Trap Receivers screen.

Modifying IP trap receivers

1.To edit an IP trap receiver, select Display/Change IP Trap Receiver in the IP Trap Receivers screen.

2.Select an IP trap receiver from the table and press Return.

3.In the Change IP Trap Receiver screen, edit the information as needed and press Return.

Deleting IP trap receivers

1.To delete an IP trap receiver, select Delete IP Trap Receiver in the IP Trap Receivers screen.

2.Select an IP trap receiver from the table and press Return.

3.In the dialog box, select Continue and press Return.

Security 10-1

Chapter 10


Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 provides a number of security features to help protect its con???guration screens and your local network from unauthorized access. Although these features are optional, it is strongly recommended that you use them.

This section covers the following topics:

??????Suggested Security Measures??? on page 10-1

??????Telnet Tiered Access ??? Two Password Levels??? on page 10-1

??????Advanced Security Options??? on page 10-5

??????RADIUS server authentication??? on page 10-6

??????TACACS+ server authentication??? on page 10-7

??????Warning alerts??? on page 10-8

??????Telnet Access??? on page 10-19

??????About Filters and Filter Sets??? on page 10-20

??????Working with IP Filters and Filter Sets??? on page 10-27

??????Policy-based Routing using Filtersets??? on page 10-35

??????Firewall Tutorial??? on page 10-38

??????Con???guration Management??? on page 10-45

Suggested Security Measures

In addition to setting up user accounts, Telnet access, and ???lters (all of which are covered later in this chapter), there are other actions you can take to make the Router and your network more secure:

???Change the SNMP community strings (or passwords). The default community strings are universal and could easily be known to a potential intruder.

???Set the answer pro???le so it must match incoming calls to a connection pro???le.

Telnet Tiered Access ??? Two Password Levels

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers tiered access control for greater security and protection against accidental or malicious miscon???guration. Service providers and network administrators can now limit the access of other users to the various con???guration screens to prevent miscon???gurations.

10-2 Administrator???s Handbook

The access privileges of various users that may be assigned are governed by a Superuser administrative account. The Superuser can assign different privileges to Limited users who will be accessing the gateway functions in some way.

Con???guration access names and passwords are speci???ed in the Security Options screen. From the Main Menu, select System Con???guration, then Security.

UPnP Support

UPnP Enabled: Universal Plug and Play (UPnP???) is a set of protocols that allows a PC to automatically discover other UPnP devices (anything from an internet gateway device to a light switch), retrieve an XML description of the device and its services, control the device, and subscribe to real-time event noti???cation.

By default, UPnP is enabled on the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway.

For Windows XP users, the automatic discovery feature places an icon representing the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway automatically in the ???My Network Places??? folder.

PCs using UPnP can retrieve the Gateway???s WAN IP address, and automatically create NAT port maps. This means that applications that support UPnP, and are used with a UPnP-enabled Motorola Netopia?? Gateway, will not need application layer gateway support on the Motorola Netopia?? Gateway to work through NAT.

You can disable UPnP, if you are not using any UPnP devices or applications.

You must reboot the Motorola Netopia?? device for this setting to take effect.

Security 10-3

Superuser configuration

The access privileges of the Superuser account are not modi???able. It is possible, however, to control who can log in as Superuser.

Select Superuser Con???guration and press Return.

The Superuser Con???guration screen appears.

Superuser Configuration

???Assign a Superuser Name. It can be up to 19 characters long. It is good practice not to use any easily-guessed combination such as your birthday.

???Assign a Password. Keep this password secure. If you lose or forget it, you will not be able to access the gateway without factory defaulting it, thereby losing all of your con???guration information.

???You can disable Telnet Access. This may be useful for extra security in preventing remote attempts to access the gateway.

???Select ADD SUPERUSER and press Return. The Superuser account is now con???gured.

You will be challenged for this name and password every time you attempt to log into the gateway.

Limited user configuration

The Add Access Name/Password and Show/Change Access Name/Passwords screens allow you to select which con???guration features a limited (non-Superuser) user can access. From the Security Options screen, select Add Access Name/Password. The Add Access Name/Password screen appears.

10-4 Administrator???s Handbook

???Assign a User Name and Password, and enable or disable Telnet and Web access as in the Superuser Con???guration screen.

???Select Access Privileges, and from the pop-up menu, choose which access privilege you want this user to have: All, LAN, or WAN.

If you assign any of these privileges, limited users will have full access to privileges associated with these interfaces. You can customize these privileges further, in order to limit access to only certain portions of those interfaces??? con???guration, by selecting Custom. If you select Custom, the Access Privileges (Custom) screen appears.

Access Privileges (Custom)

Preferences (Global) Configuration:Yes

Security 10-5

You can toggle the default user privileges for each user. The defaults are set to minimize the possibility of an individual user inadvertently damaging the WAN connection. Exercise caution in assigning privileges other than these defaults to limited users.

Advanced Security Options

The Advanced Security Options screen allows you to con???gure the global access privileges of users authenticated via a RADIUS server or a TACACS+ server.

From the Security Options screen, select Advanced Security Options. The Advanced Security Options screen appears.

Select RADIUS or TACACS+ from the pop-up menu. Con???guration information is given in the following sections:

??????RADIUS server authentication??? on page 10-6

10-6 Administrator???s Handbook

??? ???TACACS+ server authentication??? on page 10-7

RADIUS server authentication

???You select your desired mode by using the Security Databases pop-up menu.

???Choosing Local Only, the default, selects the local authentication database. The database consists of between one and four username and password pairs. This requires someone seeking menu console or command line interface con???guration access to log in with a username and password when at least one username and password pair have been con???gured locally in the router.

???Choosing Remote Only causes the router to ignore the local database and to authenticate users using the con???gured RADIUS server.

???Choosing Remote then Local causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user ???rst using a RADIUS server and then, if that fails, using the local authentication database.

???Choosing Remote then Lcl/Ser. Only causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user ???rst using a RADIUS server and then, if that fails, using the local authentication database. If RADIUS authentica- tion fails, the router will authenticate the user using the local authentication database only if the user is accessing the menu console or CLI through the built-in serial console port.

???Choosing Local then Remote causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user ???rst using the local authentication database, and then, if that fails using the con???gured RADIUS server.

Security 10-7

Note: In the latter two modes that involve both RADIUS and the local database, if the local database includes no username/password pairs, authentication will succeed only if the RADIUS server authenticates the user. This differs from the Local Only mode where no authentication is performed when the local database is empty.

If the primary RADIUS server responds with an access rejection or an access challenge, the alternate RADIUS server is not contacted. Only if the primary RADIUS server fails to respond at all is the alternate RADIUS server contacted.

Therefore, do not attempt to select any of the RADIUS options unless you have a RADIUS server correctly con???gured for this purpose. If you attempt to use RADIUS authentication without a RADIUS server, you will lose your con???guration access to the router.

The Advanced Security Options screen supports both a primary RADIUS server and an alternate RADIUS server. When the router is con???gured to authenticate using RADIUS, it will ???rst attempt to contact the primary RADIUS server; if the primary RADIUS server responds, RADIUS authentication succeeds or fails based on the response returned by the primary server. If and only if the primary server fails to respond, the router will attempt to contact the alternate RADIUS server to authenticate the user. The router makes two attempts per server, three seconds apart.

???You can specify the Remote Server Addr/Name and the Alt Remote Server Addr/Name either by using a hostname to be resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS) information con???gured in the router or by using an IP address in dotted-quad notation. The RADIUS Server Addr/Name items are limited to 63 characters.

???In addition to specifying the server???s hostname or IP address, you must also specify a Remote Server Secret and an Alt Remote Server Secret (if con???gured) known to both the router and the RADIUS server. The secret is used to encrypt RADIUS transactions in transit. The RADIUS Server Secret items are limited to 31 characters.

The router???s RADIUS client implementation supports passwords longer than 16 characters and properly encrypts such passwords per RFC 2138. Not all RADIUS server implementations handle passwords longer than 16 characters.

???RADIUS Identi???er can be either an IP address or an arbitrary string to be used as the identi???er in the router???s outgoing Access-Request packets. The RADIUS identi???er is limited to 63 characters.

???RADIUS Server Authentication Port speci???es the UDP destination port to which the router???s RADIUS authentication requests will be sent. The default value is 1812, the of???cial IANA-assigned UDP port number for the RADIUS authentication service.

TACACS+ server authentication

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports TACACS+ server authentication. Its application to a Motorola Netopia?? Router is to control access to the Router???s management interface, and to audit commands submitted by a user.

TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) protocol provides access control for Motorola Netopia?? Routers via a centralized server. TACACS+ provides separate authentication, authorization and accounting services.

TACACS allows a client to accept a username and password and query a TACACS authentication server.

10-8 Administrator???s Handbook

Advanced Security Options

Con???guration is similar to RADIUS server con???guration. An additional toggle option TACACS+ Accounting allows you to enable or disable the TACACS+ Accounting services feature.

Note: If the user is authenticated by a TACACS+ server, and TACACS+ Accounting is enabled, the session is switched into Command Line Interface (CLI) mode (see the Command Line Interface Commands Reference) and cannot be switched to console mode. If TACACS+ Accounting is enabled on the Motorola Netopia?? Router, each command is sent to the TACACS+ server in a TACACS+ Accounting transaction. The CLI command is then executed, regardless of the return code from the server.

Warning alerts

Certain security-related con???guration changes cause the router to display a warning alert. Choosing either Local then Remote or Remote then Local from the Security Databases pop-up menu when there are no con???gured username/password pairs causes the router to present the following warning alert:

Security 10-9

| You have no local passwords defined. If you continue you will |

Attempting to delete the last username/password pair from the local authentication database when the Security Databases pop-up menu is set to either Local then Remote or Remote then Local causes the router to present the following warning alert:

| continue you will be unable to configure this device unless |

10-10 Administrator???s Handbook

???Select RADIUS Access Privileges, and from the pop-up menu, choose which access privilege you want this user to have: All, LAN, WAN, or Custom.

If you assign any of these privileges, limited users will have full access to privileges associated with these interfaces. You can customize these privileges further, in order to limit access to only certain portions of those interfaces??? con???guration, by selecting Custom. If you select Custom, the Access Privileges (Custom) screen appears.

Access Privileges (Custom)

Preferences (Global) Configuration:Yes

Return/Enter accepts * Tab toggles * ESC cancels.

Since authentication via RADIUS server is, by de???nition, authentication of remote users, the WAN-related defaults are preset to Yes. Toggle any that should be changed.

Security 10-11

User access password

Users must be able to change their names and passwords, regardless of other security access restrictions. If a user does not have security access, then they will only be able to modify the password for their account.

When a limited-access user logs into the gateway. and accesses the System Con???guration menus, the only Security option displayed is Change Access Password.

System Configuration

IP Setup...

Filter Sets...

IP Address Serving...

Network Address Translation (NAT)...

Date and Time...

Console Configuration...

Change Access Password...

Upgrade Feature Set...


Use this screen if you want options beyond Easy Setup.

Selecting this option displays the Change Access Password screen.

Change Access Password

New Password:

When changing a password, you will be challenged to enter it again to be sure you have entered it correctly.

10-12 Administrator???s Handbook

User menu differences

Menus re???ect the security access level of the user. Consequently, con???guration menus will display differing options based upon the parameters a particular user is allowed to change. Some differences include:

???Limited users (non-Superusers) do not have access to Easy Setup.

???All users have access to System Con???guration, Quick Menus, and Quick View, but limited users have only limited access to con???guration elements in their descendant menus.

???Con???guration screen elements to which con???guration access is forbidden are usually hidden.

???The Quick Menus screen re???ects the security access level of the user. Menus to which con???guration access is forbidden are hidden.

Main Menu

The following is an example comparison of the Main Menu as seen by the Superuser and by a Limited user.

Based on access level, the Main Menu displays its con???guration options according to the following diagram:

Security 10-13

WAN Configuration screens

If a limited user is allowed WAN, Connection Pro???le, or PVC con???guration access, the WAN Con???guration option in the Main Menu is visible. If a limited user selects WAN Con???guration in the Main Menu, the WAN Con???guration screen displays its con???guration options according to the following diagram:

If a limited user selects Advanced Connection Options in the WAN Con???guration menu, the Advanced Connection Options screen displays its con???guration options according to the following diagram:

10-14 Administrator???s Handbook

Connection Profiles

WAN Scheduled Connections...

Connection Profiles

Connection Profiles

Backup Configuration...

Prioritize Delay-Sensitive Data: No

The Superuser can disallow limited user access to a particular Connection Pro???le. When adding a Connection Pro???le in the Add Connection Pro???le screen the Superuser can toggle the Superuser Accessible Only option to

Yes or No.

Add Connection Profile

Return/Enter to accept the profile.

Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished? COMMIT or CANCEL to exit.

This option is visible whether or not there are authorized username/passwords other than the Superuser.

The Superuser can also change the user accessibility after creating a Connection Pro???le or a limited user in the

Change Connection Pro???le screen.

Security 10-15

System Configuration menu

The System Con???guration menu is always available to all users. Based on access level, the System Con???guration menu displays its con???guration options according to the following diagram:

Note: Network Address Translation (NAT) is displayed in this screen in order to make access control simpler. Security becomes Change Access Password for non-Superusers, and provides access to the associated menu described previously.

IP Setup menu

In the IP Setup menu, users that do not have LAN Subnet Con???guration access will see a screen similar to the following:

10-16 Administrator???s Handbook

Utilities & Diagnostics menu

Based on access level, the Utilities & Diagnostics menu displays its con???guration options according to the following diagram:

User Access Level








Utilities & Diagnostics


Trace Route...


Log off Serial Console Session...

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)...

Statistics & Logs menu

The Statistics & Logs menu shown below is a composite of all the possible options on all Motorola Netopia?? gateways supported by the software. Substantial differences exist among screens on a given gateway. Here, all selection options are shown.

Based on access level, the Statistics & Logs menu displays its options according to the following diagram:

Security 10-17

10-18 Administrator???s Handbook

Quick Menus

Quick Menus vary considerably between models, features, and access levels. The following is an example comparison of the Quick Menu as seen by the Superuser and by a Limited user.


Limited user

Quick Menu

IP Setup

IP Address Serving Setup

Filter Sets

Static Routes

Network Address Translation

Note: Console Con???guration is always visible.

ATM Circuits Configuration menu

You select ATM Circuits Con???guration from the WAN Con???guration menu.


MenuWAN Configuration

The ATM Circuits Con???guration menu screen appears as follows:

ATM Circuits


Security 10-19

ATM Circuits Configuration

Display/Change WAN 1 Circuit...

Add WAN 1 Circuit...

Delete WAN 1 Circuit...

Display/Change WAN 2 Circuit...

Add WAN 2 Circuit...

Delete WAN 2 Circuit...

Note: Multiple ATM circuit con???guration is supported on multiple ATM-capable gateways. Although some of the parameters of the Circuit Con???guration screens pertain to Voice and Connection Pro???les, it is assumed that if the user has been granted PVC con???guration access, they are permitted con???guration access to all PVC parameters.

Telnet Access

Telnet is a TCP/IP service that allows remote terminals to access hosts on an IP network. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports Telnet access to its con???guration screens.


You should consider password-protecting or restricting Telnet access to the Router if you suspect there is a chance of tampering.

To password-protect the con???guration screens, select Easy Setup from the Main Menu, and go to the Easy Setup Security Con???guration screen. By entering a name and password pair in this screen, all access via Telnet and SNMP will be password-protected.

To restrict Telnet access, select Security in the Advanced Con???guration menu. The Security Options screen will appear. There are two levels of Telnet restriction available:

???To restrict Telnet access to the SNMP screens, select Enable Telnet Access to SNMP Screens and toggle it to No. (See ???SNMP traps??? on page 9-11.)

???To restrict Telnet access to all of the con???guration screens, select Enable Telnet Console Access and toggle it to No.

10-20 Administrator???s Handbook

About Filters and Filter Sets

Security should be a high priority for anyone administering a network connected to the Internet. Using packet ???lters to control network communications can greatly improve your network???s security.

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4???s packet ???lters are designed to provide security for the Internet connections made to and from your network. You can customize the gateway???s ???lter sets for a variety of packet ???ltering applications. Typically, you use ???lters to selectively admit or refuse TCP/IP connections from certain remote networks and speci???c hosts. You will also use ???lters to screen particular types of connections. This is commonly called ???rewalling your network.

Before creating ???lter sets, you should read the next few sections to learn more about how these powerful security tools work.

What???s a filter and what???s a filter set?

A ???lter is a rule that lets you specify what sort of data can ???ow in and out of your network. A particular ???lter can be either an input ???lter???one that is used on data (packets) coming in to your network from the Internet???or an output ???lter???one that is used on data (packets) going out from your network to the Internet.

A ???lter set is a group of ???lters that work together to check incoming or outgoing data. A ???lter set can consist of a combination of input and output ???lters.

How filter sets work

A ???lter set acts like a team of customs inspectors. Each ???lter is an inspector through which incoming and outgoing packages must pass. The inspectors work as a team, but each inspects every package individually.

Each inspector has a speci???c task. One inspector???s task may be to examine the destination address of all outgoing packages. That inspector looks for a certain destination???which could be as speci???c as a street address or as broad as an entire country???and checks each package???s destination address to see if it matches that destination.



A ???lter inspects data packets like a customs inspector scrutinizing packages.

Security 10-21

Filter priority

Continuing the customs inspectors analogy, imagine the inspectors lined up to examine a package. If the package matches the ???rst inspector???s criteria, the package is either rejected or passed on to its destination, depending on the ???rst inspector???s particular orders. In this case, the package is never seen by the remaining inspectors.


first filter



send to next filter




discard? discard (delete)


to network

If the package does not match the ???rst inspector???s criteria, it goes to the second inspector, and so on. You can see that the order of the inspectors in the line is very important.

For example, let???s say the ???rst inspector???s orders are to send along all packages that come from Rome, and the second inspector???s orders are to reject all packages that come from France. If a package arrives from Rome, the ???rst inspector sends it along without allowing the second inspector to see it. A package from Paris is ignored by the ???rst inspector, rejected by the second inspector, and never seen by the others. A package from London is ignored by the ???rst two inspectors, so it???s seen by the third inspector.

In the same way, ???lter sets apply their ???lters in a particular order. The ???rst ???lter applied can forward or discard a packet before that packet ever reaches any of the other ???lters. If the ???rst ???lter can neither forward nor discard the packet (because it cannot match any criteria), the second ???lter has a chance to forward or reject it, and so on. Because of this hierarchical structure, each ???lter is said to have a priority. The ???rst ???lter has the highest priority, and the last ???lter has the lowest priority.

How individual filters work

As described above, a ???lter applies criteria to an IP packet and then takes one of three actions:

???Forwards the packet to the local or remote network

10-22 Administrator???s Handbook

???Blocks (discards) the packet

???Ignores the packet

A ???lter forwards or blocks a packet only if it ???nds a match after applying its criteria. When no match occurs, the ???lter ignores the packet.

A filtering rule

The criteria are based on information contained in the packets. A ???lter is simply a rule that prescribes certain actions based on certain conditions. For example, the following rule quali???es as a ???lter:

Block all Telnet attempts that originate from the remote host

This rule applies to Telnet packets that come from a host with the IP address If a match occurs, the packet is blocked.

Here is what this rule looks like when implemented as a ???lter on the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4:

To understand this particular ???lter, look at the parts of a ???lter.

Parts of a filter

A ???lter consists of criteria based on packet attributes. A typical ???lter can match a packet on any one of the following attributes:

???The source IP address (where the packet was sent from)

???The destination IP address (where the packet is going)

???The type of higher-layer Internet protocol the packet is carrying, such as TCP or UDP

Port numbers

A ???lter can also match a packet???s port number attributes, but only if the ???lter???s protocol type is set to TCP or UDP, since only those protocols use port numbers. The ???lter can be con???gured to match the following:

???The source port number (the port on the sending host that originated the packet)

???The destination port number (the port on the receiving host that the packet is destined for)

By matching on a port number, a ???lter can be applied to selected TCP or UDP services, such as Telnet, FTP, and World Wide Web. The following tables show a few common services and their associated port numbers:

Port number comparisons

A ???lter can also use a comparison option to evaluate a packet???s source or destination port number. The comparison options are:

No Compare: No comparison of the port number speci???ed in the ???lter with the packet???s port number.

Not Equal To: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number cannot equal the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Less Than: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number must be less than the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Less Than or Equal: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number must be less than or equal to the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Equal: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number must equal the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Greater Than: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number must be greater than the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Greater Than or Equal: For the ???lter to match, the packet???s port number must be greater than or equal to the port number speci???ed in the ???lter.

Other filter attributes

There are three other attributes to each ???lter:

???The ???lter???s order (i.e., priority) in the ???lter set

???Whether the ???lter is currently active

???Whether the ???lter is set to forward packets or to block (discard) packets

Putting the parts together

When you display a ???lter set, its ???lters are displayed as rows in a table:

10-24 Administrator???s Handbook

The table???s columns correspond to each ???lter???s attributes:

#: The ???lter???s priority in the set. Filter number 1, with the highest priority, is ???rst in the table.

Source IP Addr: The packet source IP address to match.

Dest IP Addr: The packet destination IP address to match.

Proto: The protocol to match. This can be entered as a number (see the table below) or as TCP or UDP if those protocols are used.

Src. Port: The source port to match. This is the port on the sending host that originated the packet.

D. Port: The destination port to match. This is the port on the receiving host for which the packet is intended.

On?: Displays Yes when the ???lter is in effect or No when it is not.

Fwd: Shows whether the ???lter forwards (Yes) a packet or discards (No) it when there???s a match.

Filtering example #1

Returning to our ???ltering rule example from above (see page 10-22), look at how a rule is translated into a ???lter. Start with the rule, then ???ll in the ???lter???s attributes:

Security 10-25

1.The rule you want to implement as a ???lter is:

Block all Telnet attempts that originate from the remote host

2.The host is the source of the Telnet packets you want to block, while the destination address is any IP address. How these IP addresses are masked determines what the ???nal match will be, although the mask is not displayed in the table that displays the ???lter sets (you set it when you create the ???lter). In fact, since the mask for the destination IP address is, the address for Dest IP Addr could have been anything. The mask for Source IP Addr must be since an exact match is desired.

???Source IP Addr =

???Source IP address mask =

???Dest IP Addr =

???Destination IP address mask =

3.Using the tables on page 10-22, ???nd the destination port and protocol numbers (the local Telnet port):

???Proto = TCP (or 6)

???D. Port = 23

4.The ???lter should be enabled and instructed to block the Telnet packets containing the source address shown in step 2:

???On? = Yes

???Fwd = No

This four-step process is how we produced the following ???lter from the original rule:

Filtering example #2

Suppose a ???lter is con???gured to block all incoming IP packets with the source IP address of, regardless of the type of connection or its destination. The ???lter would look like this:

This ???lter blocks any packets coming from a remote network with the IP network address The 0 at the end of the address signi???es any host on the class C IP network If, for example, the ???lter is applied to a packet with the source IP address, it will block it.

10-26 Administrator???s Handbook

In this case, the mask, which does not appear in the table, must be set to This way, all packets with a source address of 200.233.14.x will be matched correctly, no matter what the ???nal address byte is.

Note: The protocol attribute for this ???lter is 0 by default. This tells the ???lter to ignore the IP protocol or type of IP packet.

Design guidelines

Careful thought must go into designing a new ???lter set. You should consider the following guidelines:

???Be sure the ???lter set???s overall purpose is clear from the beginning. A vague purpose can lead to a faulty set, and that can actually make your network less secure.

???Be sure each individual ???lter???s purpose is clear.

???Determine how ???lter priority will affect the set???s actions. Test the set (on paper) by determining how the ???lters would respond to a number of different hypothetical packets.

???Consider the combined effect of the ???lters. If every ???lter in a set fails to match on a particular packet, the packet is:

???Forwarded if all the ???lters are con???gured to discard (not forward)

???Discarded if all the ???lters are con???gured to forward

???Discarded if the set contains a combination of forward and discard ???lters

Disadvantages of filters

Although using ???lter sets can greatly enhance network security, there are disadvantages:

???Filters are complex. Combining them in ???lter sets introduces subtle interactions, increasing the likelihood of implementation errors.

???Enabling a large number of ???lters can have a negative impact on performance. Processing of packets will take longer if they have to go through many checkpoints.

???Too much reliance on packet ???lters can cause too little reliance on other security methods. Filter sets are not a substitute for password protection, effective safeguarding of passwords, caller ID, the ???must match??? option in the answer pro???le, PAP or CHAP in connection pro???les, callback, and general awareness of how your network may be vulnerable.

An approach to using filters

The ultimate goal of network security is to prevent unauthorized access to the network without compromising authorized access. Using ???lter sets is part of reaching that goal.

Each ???lter set you design will be based on one of the following approaches:

???That which is not expressly prohibited is permitted.

???That which is not expressly permitted is prohibited.

Security 10-27

It is strongly recommended that you take the latter, and safer, approach to all of your ???lter set designs.

Working with IP Filters and Filter Sets

This section covers IP ???lters and ???lter sets.

To work with ???lters and ???lter sets, begin by accessing the ???lter set screens.

Note: Make sure you understand how ???lters work before attempting to use them. Read the section ???About Filters and Filter Sets,??? beginning on page 10-20.

Filter Sets

Add Filter Set...

Display/Change Filter Set...

Delete Filter Set...

The procedure for creating and maintaining ???lter sets is as follows:

1.Add a new ???lter set.

2.Create the ???lters for the new ???lter set.

3.View, change, or delete individual ???lters and ???lter sets. The sections below explain how to execute these steps.

Adding a filter set

You can create up to eight different custom ???lter sets. Each ???lter set can contain up to 16 output ???lters and up to 16 input ???lters.

10-28 Administrator???s Handbook

To add a new ???lter set, select Add Filter Set in the Filter Sets screen and press Return. The Add Filter Set screen appears.

Add Filter Set...

Naming a new filter set

All new ???lter sets have a default name. The ???rst ???lter set you add will be called Filter Set 1, the next ???lter will be Filter Set 2, and so on.

To give a new ???lter set a different name, select Filter Set Name and enter a new name for the ???lter set.

To save the ???lter set, select ADD FILTER SET. The saved ???lter set is empty (contains no ???lters), but you can return to it later to add ???lters (see ???Adding ???lters to a ???lter set??? on page 10-29).

Security 10-29

Adding filters to a filter set

There are two kinds of ???lters you can add to a ???lter set: input and output. Input ???lters check packets received from the Internet, destined for your network. Output ???lters check packets transmitted from your network to the Internet.

Packets in the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 pass through an input ???lter if they originate in the WAN and through an output ???lter if they???re being sent out to the WAN.

The process for adding input and output ???lters is exactly the same. The main difference between the two involves their reference to source and destination. From the perspective of an input ???lter, your local network is the destination of the packets it checks, and the remote network is their source. From the perspective of an output ???lter, your local network is the source of the packets, and the remote network is their destination.

To add a ???lter, select Display/Change Filter Set in the Filter Set screen. From the pop-up menu, select the ???lter set to which you will add a ???lter. The Display/Change Filter Set screen appears.

10-30 Administrator???s Handbook

Display/Change Filter Set...

Add Input Filter to Filter Set...

Display/Change Input Filter...

Delete Input Filter...

Move Input Filter...

Add Output Filter to Filter Set...

Display/Change Output Filter...

Delete Output Filter...

Move Output Filter...

Note: There are two groups of items in this screen, one for input ???lters and one for output ???lters. In this section, you???ll learn how to add an input ???lter to a ???lter set. Adding an output ???lter works exactly the same way, providing you keep the different source and destination perspectives in mind.

1.To add a ???lter, select Add Input Filter to Filter Set and press Return. The Add Input Filter screen appears.

Add Input Filter

2.To make the ???lter active in the ???lter set, select Enabled and toggle it to Yes. If Enabled is toggled to No, the ???lter can still exist in the ???lter set, but it will have no effect.

Security 10-31

3.If you want the ???lter to forward packets that match its criteria to the destination IP address, select Forward and toggle it to Yes. If Forward is toggled to No, packets matching the ???lter???s criteria will be discarded.

4.Select Source IP Address and enter the source IP address this ???lter will match on. You can enter a subnet or a host address.

5.Select Source IP Address Mask and enter a mask for the source IP address. This allows you to further modify the way the ???lter will match on the source address. Enter to force the ???lter to match on all source IP addresses, or enter to match the source IP address exclusively.

6.Select Dest. IP Address and enter the destination IP address this ???lter will match on. You can enter a subnet or a host address.

7.Select Dest. IP Address Mask and enter a mask for the destination IP address. This allows you to further modify the way the ???lter will match on the destination address. Enter to force the ???lter to match on all destination IP addresses.

8.Select Protocol Type and enter ICMP, TCP, UDP, Any, or the number of another IP transport protocol (see the table on page 10-24).

Note: If Protocol Type is set to TCP or UDP, the settings for port comparison that you con???gure in steps 8 and 9 will appear. These settings only take effect if the Protocol Type is TCP or UDP.

9.Select Source Port Compare and choose a comparison method for the ???lter to use on a packet???s source port number. Then select Source Port ID and enter the actual source port number to match on (see the table on page 10-22).

10.Select Dest. Port Compare and choose a comparison method for the ???lter to use on a packet???s destination port number. Then select Dest. Port ID and enter the actual destination port number to match on (see the table on page 10-22).

11.When you are ???nished con???guring the ???lter, select ADD THIS FILTER NOW to save the ???lter in the ???lter set. Select CANCEL to discard the ???lter and return to the Add IP Filter Set screen.

Viewing filters

To display a table of input or output ???lters, select Display/Change Input Filter or Display/Change Output Filter in the Display/Change Filter Set screen.

Modifying filters

To modify a ???lter, select Display/Change Input Filter or Display/Change Output Filter in the Display/Change Filter Set screen. Select a ???lter from the table and press Return. The Change Filter screen appears. The parameters in this screen are set in the same way as the ones in the Add Filter screen (see ???Adding ???lters to a ???lter set??? on page 10-29).

10-32 Administrator???s Handbook

Change Filter

Enter the IP specific information for this filter.

Deleting filters

To delete a ???lter, select Delete Input Filter or Delete Output Filter in the Display/Change Filter Set screen to display a table of ???lters.

Select the ???lter from the table and press Return to delete it. Press Escape to exit the table without deleting the ???lter.

Moving filters

To reorganize the ???lters in a ???lter set, select Move Input Filter or Move Output Filter in the Display/Change Filter Set screen to display a table of ???lters.

Select a ???lter from the table and press Return. Then use the up or down arrow key to change the ???lter???s order in the ???lter set. Press Return to accept the new ???lter location.

Deleting a filter set

Note: If you delete a ???lter set, all of the ???lters it contains are deleted as well. To reuse any of these ???lters in another set, before deleting the current ???lter set you???ll have to note their con???guration and then recreate them.

To delete a ???lter set, select Delete Filter Set in the Filter Sets screen to display a list of ???lter sets.

Select a ???lter set from the list and press Return. Select CONTINUE and press Return to delete it.

A sample filter set

This section contains the settings for a ???lter set called Basic Firewall, which is part of Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4???s factory con???guration.

Security 10-33

Basic Firewall blocks undesirable traf???c originating from the WAN (in most cases, the Internet), but forwards all traf???c originating from the LAN. It follows the conservative ???that which is not expressly permitted is prohibited??? approach: unless an incoming packet expressly matches one of the constituent input ???lters, it will not be forwarded to the LAN.

The ???ve input ???lters and one output ???lter that make up Basic Firewall are shown in the table below.

Basic Firewall???s ???lters play the following roles.

Input ???lters 1 and 2: These block WAN-originated OpenWindows and X-Windows sessions. Service origination requests for these protocols use ports 2000 and 6000, respectively. Since these are greater than 1023, OpenWindows and X-Windows traf???c would otherwise be allowed by input ???lter 4. Input ???lters 1 and 2 must precede input ???lter 4; otherwise they would have no effect since ???lter 4 would have already forwarded OpenWindows and X-Windows traf???c.

Input ???lter 3: This ???lter explicitly forwards all WAN-originated ICMP traf???c to permit devices on the WAN to ping devices on the LAN. Ping is an Internet service that is useful for diagnostic purposes.

Input ???lters 4 and 5: These ???lters forward all TCP and UDP traf???c, respectively, when the destination port is greater than 1023. This type of traf???c generally does not allow a remote host to connect to the LAN using one of the potentially intrusive Internet services, such as Telnet, FTP, and WWW.

10-34 Administrator???s Handbook

Output ???lter 1: This ???lter forwards all outgoing traf???c to make sure that no outgoing connections from the LAN are blocked.

Basic Firewall is suitable for a LAN containing only client hosts that want to access servers on the WAN, but not for a LAN containing servers providing services to clients on the WAN. Basic Firewall???s general strategy is to explicitly forward WAN-originated TCP and UDP traf???c to ports greater than 1023. Ports lower than 1024 are the service origination ports for various Internet services such as FTP, Telnet, and the World Wide Web (WWW).

A more complicated ???lter set would be required to provide WAN access to a LAN-based server. See the next section, ???Possible modi???cations,??? for ways to allow remote hosts to use services provided by servers on the LAN.

Possible modifications

You can modify the sample ???lter set Basic Firewall to allow incoming traf???c using the examples below. These modi???cations are not intended to be combined. Each modi???cation is to be the only one used with Basic Firewall.

The results of combining ???lter set modi???cations can be dif???cult to predict. It is recommended that you take special care if you are making more than one modi???cation to the sample ???lter set.

Trusted host. To allow unlimited access by a trusted remote host with the IP address a.b.c.d (corresponding to a numbered IP address such as, insert the following input ???lter ahead of the current input ???lter 1:

???Enabled: Yes

???Forward: Yes

???Source IP Address: a.b.c.d

???Source IP Address Mask:

???Dest. IP Address:

???Dest. IP Address Mask:

???Protocol Type: 0

Trusted subnet. To allow unlimited access by a trusted remote subnet with subnet address a.b.c.d (corresponding to a numbered IP address such as and subnet mask e.f.g.h (corresponding to a numbered IP mask such as, insert the following input ???lter ahead of the current input ???lter 1:

???Enabled: Yes

???Forward: Yes

???Source IP Address: a.b.c.d

???Source IP Address Mask: e.f.g.h

???Dest. IP Address:

???Dest. IP Address Mask:

???Protocol Type: 0

Security 10-35

FTP sessions. To allow WAN-originated FTP sessions to a LAN-based FTP server with the IP address a.b.c.d (corresponding to a numbered IP address such as, insert the following input ???lter ahead of the current input ???lter 1:

???Enabled: Yes

???Forward: Yes

???Source IP Address:

???Source IP Address Mask:

???Dest. IP Address: a.b.c.d

???Dest. IP Address Mask:

???Protocol Type: TCP

???Source Port Comparison: No Compare

???Source Port ID: 0

???Dest. Port Comparison: Equal

???Dest. Port ID: 21

Note: A similar ???lter could be used to permit Telnet or WWW access. Set the Dest. Port ID to 23 for Telnet or to 80 for WWW.

Deleting a ???lter set does not delete the ???lters in that set. However, the ???lters in the deleted set are no longer in effect (unless they are part of another set). The deleted set will no longer appear in the answer pro???le or any connection pro???les to which it was added.

Policy-based Routing using Filtersets

Previous software versions routed IP packets only by destination IP address. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 now offers the ability to route IP packets using criteria other than the destination IP address. This is called policy-based routing. You are now able to route IP traf???c based on the following:

???source IP address

???source and/or destination protocol ???eld

???source and/or destination port numbers

???TOS ???eld

You specify the routing criteria and routing information by using IP ???ltersets to determine the forwarding action of a particular ???lter.

10-36 Administrator???s Handbook

In previous software versions, a ???lter would either pass or block the speci???ed traf???c. Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 adds a third option, force routing. You specify a gateway IP address, and each packet matching the ???lter is routed according to that gateway address, rather than by means of the global routing table.

In addition, the TOS ???eld has been added to the classi???er list in a ???lter. This allows you to ???lter on TOS ???eld settings in the IP packet, if you desire.

The new ???lterset screen appears as follows:

Change Input Filter 1

Return/Enter to set comparison of packet Port ID and Filter Port ID.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.

To use the policy-based routing feature, you create a ???lter that forwards the traf???c.

???Toggle Forward to Yes. This will display the Force Routing options.

???The Call Placement/Idle Reset setting is used to determine if a packet which matches the ???lter will cause an ???instant-on??? link to connect, if it is down; or reset its idle timer, if it is already up.

If you select No Change from the Call Placement/Idle Reset pull-down-menu, a match on this rule will keep the WAN connection alive by resetting the idle-timeout status.

If you select Disabled, a match on this rule will not reset the idle-timeout status.

For example, if you wanted ping traf???c not to keep the link up, you would create a ???lter which forwards a ping, but with the Call Placement/Idle Reset set to Disabled.

???Toggle Force Routing to Yes.

???Enter the Gateway IP Address in standard dotted-quad notation to which the traf???c should be forwarded.

???You can enter Source and Destination IP Address(es) and Mask(s), Protocol Type, and Source and

Destination Port ID(s) for the ???lter, if desired.

Security 10-37

TOS field matching

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 supports two additional parameters in an IP ???lter: TOS and TOS Mask. Both ???elds accept values in the range 0 ??? 255.

Certain types of IP packets, such as voice or multimedia packets, are sensitive to latency introduced by the network. A delay-sensitive packet is one that has the low-latency bit set in the TOS ???eld of the IP header. This means that if such packets are not received rapidly, the quality of service degrades. If you expect to route signi???cant amounts of such traf???c you can con???gure your router to route this type of traf???c to a gateway other than your normal gateway using this feature.

The TOS ???eld matching check is consistent with source and destination address matching.

Example: You want packets with the TOS low latency bit to go through VC 2 (via gateway instead of your normal gateway. You would set up the ???lter as follows:

Add Input Filter

Return/Enter to add this Filter to the Filter Set.

Enter the packet specific information for this filter.


Default Forwarding Filter

If you create one or more ???lters that have a matching action of forward, then action on a packet matching none of the ???lters is to block any traf???c.

Therefore, if the behavior you want is to force the routing of a certain type of packet and pass all others through the normal routing mechanism, you must con???gure one ???lter to match the ???rst type of packet and apply Force Routing. A subsequent ???lter is required to match and forward all other packets.

Management IP traf???c

If the Force Routing ???lter is applied to source IP addresses, it may inadvertently block communication with the router itself. You can avoid this by preceding the Force Routing ???lter with a ???lter that matches the destination IP address of the router itself.

10-38 Administrator???s Handbook

Firewall Tutorial

General firewall terms

Filter rule: A ???lter set is comprised of individual ???lter rules.

Filter set: A grouping of individual ???lter rules.

Firewall: A component or set of components that restrict access between a protected network and the Internet, or between two networks.

Host: A workstation on the network.

Packet: Unit of communication on the Internet.

Packet ???lter: Packet ???lters allow or deny packets based on source or destination IP addresses, TCP or UDP ports, or the TCP ACK bit.

Port: A number that de???nes a particular type of service.

Basic IP packet components

All IP packets contain the same basic header information, as follows:

This header information is what the packet ???lter uses to make ???ltering decisions. It is important to note that a packet ???lter does not look into the IP data stream (the User Data from above) to make ???ltering decisions.

Basic protocol types

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol. TCP provides reliable packet delivery and has a retransmission mechanism (so packets are not lost). RFC 793 is the speci???cation for TCP.

UDP: User Datagram Protocol. Unlike TCP, UDP does not guarantee reliable, sequenced packet delivery. If data does not reach its destination, UDP does not retransmit the data. RFC 768 is the speci???cation for UDP.

There are many more ports de???ned in the Assigned Addresses RFC. The table that follows shows some of these port assignments.

Security 10-39

Example TCP/UDP Ports

Firewall design rules

There are two basic rules to ???rewall design:

??????What is not explicitly allowed is denied.???


??????What is not explicitly denied is allowed.???

The ???rst rule is far more secure, and is the best approach to ???rewall design. It is far easier (and more secure) to allow in or out only certain services and deny anything else. If the other rule is used, you would have to ???gure out everything that you want to disallow, now and in the future.

Firewall Logic

Firewall design is a test of logic, and ???lter rule ordering is critical. If a packet is forwarded through a series of ???lter rules and then the packet matches a rule, the appropriate action is taken. The packet will not forward through the remainder of the ???lter rules.

For example, if you had the following ???lter set...

Allow WWW access;

Allow FTP access;

Allow SMTP access;

Deny all other packets.

and a packet goes through these rules destined for FTP, the packet would forward through the ???rst rule (WWW), go through the second rule (FTP), and match this rule; the packet is allowed through.

If you had this ???lter set for example....

Allow WWW access;

Allow FTP access;

Deny FTP access;

Deny all other packets.

10-40 Administrator???s Handbook

and a packet goes through these rules destined for FTP, the packet would forward through the ???rst ???lter rule (WWW), match the second rule (FTP), and the packet is allowed through. Even though the next rule is to deny all FTP traf???c, the FTP packet will never make it to this rule.

Binary representation

It is easiest when doing ???ltering to convert the IP address and mask in question to binary. This will allow you to perform the logical AND to determine whether a packet matches a ???lter rule.

Logical AND function

When a packet is compared (in most cases) a logical AND function is performed. First the IP addresses and subnet masks are converted to binary and then combined with AND. The rules for the logical use of AND are as follows:

0 AND 0 = 0

0 AND 1 = 0

1 AND 0 = 0

1 AND 1 = 1

For example:

Filter rule:




Incoming Packet:


If you put the incoming packet and subnet mask together with AND, the result is:


which matches the IP address in the ???lter rule and the packet is denied.

Implied rules

With a given set of ???lter rules, there is an Implied rule that may or may not be shown to the user. The implied rule tells the ???lter set what to do with a packet that does not match any of the ???lter rules. An example of implied rules is as follows:

Security 10-41

Established connections

The TCP header contains one bit called the ACK bit (or TCP Ack bit). This ACK bit appears only with TCP, not UDP. The ACK bit is part of the TCP mechanism that guarantees the delivery of data. The ACK bit is set whenever one side of a connection has received data from the other side. Only the ???rst TCP packet will not have the ACK bit set; once the TCP connection is in place, the remainder of the TCP packets with have the ACK bit set.

The ACK bit is helpful for ???rewall design and reduces the number of potential ???lter rules. A ???lter rule could be created just allowing incoming TCP packets with the ACK bit set, since these packets had to be originated from the local network.

Example filter set screen

This is an example of the Motorola Netopia?? ???lter set screen:

Change Input Filter 1

Filter basics

In the source or destination IP address ???elds, the IP address that is entered must be the network address of the subnet. A host address can be entered, but the applied subnet mask must be 32 bits (

The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 has the ability to compare source and destination TCP or UDP ports. These options are as follows:

10-42 Administrator???s Handbook

Example network

Input Packet



Security 10-43

This incoming IP packet has a source IP address that matches the network address in the Source IP Address ???eld (00000000) in the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. This will not forward this packet.

Example 2

This incoming IP packet (10000000) has a source IP address that does not match the network address in the Source IP Address ???eld (00000000) in the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. This rule will forward this packet because the packet does not match.

Example 3

10-44 Administrator???s Handbook

Since the Source IP Network Address in the Router is 01100000, and the source IP address after the logical AND is 1011000, this rule does not match and this packet will be forwarded.

Example 4

Since the Source IP Network Address in the Router is 01100000, and the source IP address after the logical AND is 01100000, this rule does match and this packet will not be forwarded.

Example 5

Security 10-45

Since the Source IP Network Address in the Router is 01100000, and the source IP address after the logical AND is 01100000, this rule does match and this packet will not be forwarded. This rule masks off a single IP address.

Configuration Management

Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers a Con???guration Management feature. Con???guration Management provides a way to store several gateway con???gurations in a single device for use at different times.

You can store up to 15 con???gurations in the router???s memory in addition to the currently running con???guration. The current con???guration is the one currently booted from and is updated whenever there is a change to the gateway (logged events, parameter changes).

Other con???gurations are stored along with the current con???guration. Whenever you choose, you can reboot into one of these con???gurations (the copy of which becomes the current con???guration).

You name the saved con???gurations, giving you a reference for identifying each one. The naming operation occurs when you decide to save a con???guration or when downloading a con???guration via TFTP.

The con???gurations that are saved will persist across a Factory Default (soft or NMI). The gateway will reboot with a Factory Defaulted con???guration, as usual, but the saved con???gurations are still available for use.

You save your con???gurations in the Con???guration Management screen in the Security menus.

Select Con???guration Management, and press Return. The Con???guration Management screen appears.

10-46 Administrator???s Handbook

Configuration Management

Save Current Configuration as...

Replace Existing Configuration...

Boot from a Configuration...

Delete a Configuration...

Return/Enter to select Factory Default Configuration.

Select Save Current Con???guration as, and press Return. The Save Current Con???guration screen appears.

Save Current Configuration


Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

Enter a descriptive name for your current con???guration, select SAVE, and press Return. Your con???guration will be saved to the ???ash memory, and you will be returned to the Con???guration Management screen.

If you choose to run one of your stored con???gurations, you can select it from a pop-up menu. If you select Boot from a Con???guration and select a different one, you can reboot the gateway with your selected con???guration.

Security 10-47

A warning screen will ask you to con???rm your choice.

Factory Default to a saved configuration

If you need to Factory Default the Router, it may be useful to be able to return to a previously saved con???guration, rather than to completely recon???gure all your settings. To do this, you designate one of your saved con???gurations as the Factory Default con???guration.

From the Factory Default from Con???guration pop-up menu, select the con???guration you want to designate as the Factory Default.

Up/Down Arrows to select, then Return/Enter; ESC to cancel.

10-48 Administrator???s Handbook

Once you make the selection, if you factory Default the Router, it will reboot with the saved con???guration you have selected.

Configuration Management

Save Current Configuration as...

Replace Existing Configuration...

Boot from a Configuration...

Delete a Configuration...

Return/Enter to select Factory Default Configuration.

To remove the saved con???guration from being the Factory Default, select Remove Factory Default Con???guration and press Return. This will remove the con???guration from being used as the Factory Default.

It does not, however, delete the con???guration, so you can still re-use it at any time.


You can also send or receive your stored con???guration ???les via TFTP. You select the stored con???guration ???les from pop-up menus in the TFTP File Transfer screen in the Utilities & Diagnostics menu, as shown.

Utilities and Diagnostics 11-1

Chapter 11

Utilities and Diagnostics

A number of utilities and tests are available for system diagnostic and control purposes.

This section covers the following topics:

??????Ping??? on page 11-2

??????Trace Route??? on page 11-4

??????Telnet Client??? on page 11-5

??????Factory Defaults??? on page 11-6

??????Transferring Con???guration and Software Files with TFTP??? on page 11-6

??????Restarting the System??? on page 11-8

Note: These utilities and tests are accessible only through the Telnet-based management screens. See the Getting Started Guide chapter, ???Telnet-Based Management,??? for information on accessing the Telnet-based management screens.

You access the Utilities & Diagnostics screens from the Main Menu.

Utilities & Diagnostics...


Trace Route...


Disconnect Telnet Console Session...

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)...

11-2 Administrator???s Handbook


The Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 includes a standard Ping test utility. A Ping test generates IP packets destined for a particular (Ping-capable) IP host. Each time the target host receives a Ping packet, it returns a packet to the original sender.

Ping allows you to see whether a particular IP destination is reachable from the Router. You can also ascertain the quality and reliability of the connection to the desired destination by studying the Ping test???s statistics.

In the Utilities & Diagnostic screen, select Ping and press Return. The ICMP Ping screen appears.

Enter the IP Address/Domain Name of a host to ping.

Send ICMP Echo Requests to a network host.

To con???gure and initiate a Ping test, follow these steps:

1.Select Name of Host to Ping and enter the destination domain name or IP address.

2.Select Packets to Send to change the default setting. This is the total number of packets to be sent during the Ping test. The default setting is adequate in most cases, but you can change it to any value from 1 to 4,294,967,295.

3.Select Data Size to change the default setting. This is the size, in bytes, of each Ping packet sent. The default setting is adequate in most cases, but you can change it to any value from 0 (only header data) to 1664.

4.Select Delay (seconds) to change the default setting. The delay, in seconds, determines the time between Ping packets sent. The default setting is adequate in most cases, but you can change it to any value from 0 to 4,294,967. A delay of 0 seconds forces packets to be sent immediately, one after another.

5.Select START PING and press Return to begin the Ping test. While the test is running, the START PING item becomes STOP PING. To manually stop the Ping test, select STOP PING and press Return or Escape.

While the Ping test is running and when it is over, a status ???eld and a number of statistical items are active on the screen. These are described below.

Utilities and Diagnostics 11-3

Status: The current status of the Ping test. This item can display the status messages shown in the able below:

Packets Out: The number of packets sent by the Ping test.

Packets In: The number of return packets received from the target host. To be considered on time, return packets are expected back before the next packet in the sequence of Ping packets is sent. A count of the number of late packets appears in parentheses to the right of the Packets In count.

In the example that follows, a Router is sending Ping packets to another host, which responds with return Ping packets. Note that the second return Ping packet is considered to be late because it is not received by the Router before the third Ping packet is sent. The ???rst and third return Ping packets are on time.

receive Ping packet 1

send return Ping packet 1 Netopia receive return Ping packet 1

send return Ping packet 3 Netopia receive return Ping packet 3







11-4 Administrator???s Handbook

Packets Lost: The number of packets unaccounted for, shown in total and as a percentage of total packets sent. This statistic may be updated during the Ping test, and may not be accurate until after the test is over. However, if an escalating one-to-one correspondence is seen between Packets Out and Packets Lost, and Packets In is noticeably lagging behind Packets Out, the destination is probably unreachable. In this case, use


Round Trip Time (Min/Max/Avg): Statistics showing the minimum, maximum, and average number of seconds elapsing between the time each Ping packet was sent and the time its corresponding return Ping packet was received.

The time-to-live (TTL) value for each Ping packet sent by the Router is 255, the maximum allowed. The TTL value de???nes the number of IP gateways that the packet can traverse. Ping packets that reach their TTL value are dropped, and a ???destination unreachable??? noti???cation is returned to the sender (see the table on the previous page). This ensures that no in???nite routing loops occur. The TTL value can be set and retrieved using the SNMP MIB-II ip group???s ipDefaultTTL object.

Trace Route

You can count the number of gateways between your Motorola Netopia?? Router and a given destination with the Trace Route utility.

In the Statistics & Diagnostics screen, select Trace Route and press Return. The Trace Route screen appears.


Enter the IP Address/Domain Name of a host.

Trace route to a network host.

To trace a route, follow these steps:

1.Select Host Name or IP Address and enter the name or address of the destination you want to trace.

2.Select Maximum Hops to set the maximum number of gateways to count between the Motorola Netopia?? Router and the destination gateway, up to the maximum of 64. The default is 30 hops.

3.Select Timeout (seconds) to set when the trace will timeout for each hop, up to 10 seconds. The default is 3 seconds.

Utilities and Diagnostics 11-5

4.Select Use Reverse DNS to learn the names of the gateways between the Motorola Netopia?? Router and the destination gateway. The default is Yes.

5.Select START TRACE ROUTE and press Return. A scrolling screen will appear that lists the destination, number of hops, IP addresses of each hop, and DNS names, if selected.

6.Cancel the trace by pressing Escape. Return to the Trace Route screen by pressing Escape twice.

Telnet Client

The Telnet client mode replaces the normal menu mode. Telnet sessions can be cascaded, that is, you can initiate a Telnet client session when using a Telnet console session. To activate the Telnet client, select Telnet from the Utilities & Diagnostics menu.

The Telnet client screen appears.


Resume Suspended Session...

Terminate Suspended Session...

???Enter the host name or the IP address in dotted decimal format of the machine you want to Telnet into and press Return.

???Either accept the default control character ???Q??? used to suspend the Telnet session, or type a different one.

???START A TELNET SESSION becomes highlighted.

???Press Return and the Telnet session will be initiated.

???To suspend the session, press Control-Q or whatever other control character you speci???ed.

???To go back to your Telnet session, select Resume Suspended Session. Select a session from the pop-up menu and press Return.

???To end a suspended session, select Terminate Suspended Session. Select a session from the pop-up menu and press Return.

11-6 Administrator???s Handbook

Factory Defaults

You can reset the Router to its factory default settings. In the Utilities & Diagnostics screen, select Revert to Factory Defaults and press Return. Select CONTINUE in the dialog box and press Return. The Router will reboot and its settings will return to the factory defaults, deleting your con???gurations.

In an emergency, you can also use the Reset switch to return the gateway to its factory default settings. Call Motorola Technical Support for instructions on using the Reset switch.

If you lose your password and are unable to access the Telnet screens, you can manually reset the gateway in an emergency. See Appendix A, ???Troubleshooting.???

Beginning with Software Version 8.5, you can avoid having to completely recon???gure the Router by saving a Factory Default con???guration. See ???Factory Default to a saved con???guration??? on page 10-47.

Transferring Configuration and Software Files with TFTP

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a method of transferring data over an IP network. TFTP is a client-server application, with the gateway as the client. To use the Router as a TFTP client, a TFTP server must be available. Motorola, Inc., has a public access TFTP server on the Internet where you can obtain the latest software versions.

To use TFTP, select Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) in the Statistics & Diagnostics screen and press Return. The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) screen appears.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

TFTP Current Transfer Bytes -- 0

The sections below describe how to update the Router???s software and how to download and upload con???guration ???les.

Utilities and Diagnostics 11-7

Updating software

Software updates may be available periodically from Motorola or from a site maintained by your organization???s network administrator. The software governs how the device communicates with your network and the WAN or remote site. Software updates are periodically posted on the Motorola Netopia?? website.

To update the gateway???s software, follow these steps:

???Select TFTP Server Name and enter the server name or IP address of the TFTP server you will use. The server name or IP address is available from the site where the server is located.

???Select Firmware File Name and enter the name of the ???le you will download. The name of the ???le is available from the site where the server is located. You may need to enter a ???le path along with the ???le name (for example, bigroot/con???g/my???le).

???Select GET GATEWAY FIRMWARE FROM SERVER and press Return. You will see the following dialog box:

???Select CANCEL to exit without downloading the ???le, or select CONTINUE to download the ???le. The system will reset at the end of the ???le transfer to put the new software into effect. While the system resets, the LEDs will blink on and off.


???Be sure the software update you load onto your gateway is the correct version for your particular model. Some models do not support all software versions. Loading an incorrect software version can permanently damage the unit.

???Do not manually power down or reset the Router while it is automatically resetting or it could be damaged.

???If you choose to download the software, the TFTP Transfer State item will change from Idle to Reading Firmware. The TFTP Current Transfer Bytes item will re???ect the number of bytes transferred.

Downloading configuration files

The Router can be con???gured by downloading a con???guration ???le using TFTP. Once downloaded, the ???le recon???gures all of the gateway???s parameters.

To download a con???guration ???le, follow these steps:

???Select TFTP Server Name and enter the server name or IP address of the TFTP server you will use. The server name or IP address is available from the site where the server is located.

11-8 Administrator???s Handbook

???Select Con???g File Name and enter the name of the ???le you will download. The name of the ???le is available from the site where the server is located. You may need to enter a ???le path along with the ???le name (for example, bigroot/con???g/my???le).

???Select GET CONFIG FROM SERVER and press Return. You will see the following dialog box:

| Are you sure you want to send a saved configuration to your Netopia? |

???Select CANCEL to exit without downloading the ???le, or select CONTINUE to download the ???le. The system will reset at the end of the ???le transfer to put the new con???guration into effect.

???If you choose to download the con???guration ???le, the TFTP Transfer State item will change from Idle to Reading Con???g. The TFTP Current Transfer Bytes item will re???ect the number of bytes transferred.

Uploading configuration files

Using TFTP, you can send a ???le containing a snapshot of the gateway???s current con???guration to a TFTP server. The ???le can then be downloaded by a different Router unit to con???gure its parameters (see ???Downloading con???guration ???les??? on page 11-7). This is useful for con???guring a number of gateways with identical parameters or just for creating con???guration backup ???les.

Uploading a ???le can also be useful for troubleshooting purposes. The uploaded con???guration ???le can be tested on a different Router unit by Motorola or your network administrator.

To upload a con???guration ???le, follow these steps:

1.Select TFTP Server Name and enter the server name or IP address of the TFTP server you will use. The server name or IP address is available from the site where the server is located.

2.Select Con???g File Name and enter a name for the ???le you will upload. The ???le will appear with the name you choose on the TFTP server. You may need to enter a ???le path along with the ???le name (for example, Mypc/Netopia/my???le).

3.Select SEND CONFIG TO SERVER and press Return. Motorola will begin to transfer the ???le.

4.The TFTP Transfer State item will change from Idle to Writing Con???g. The TFTP Current Transfer Bytes item will re???ect the number of bytes transferred.

Restarting the System

You can restart the system by selecting the Restart System item in the Utilities & Diagnostics screen.

You must restart the system whenever you recon???gure the Router and want the new parameter values to take effect. Under certain circumstances, restarting the system may also clear up system or network malfunctions. Some con???guration processes automatically restart the system to apply the changes you have made.

Troubleshooting A-1

Appendix A


This appendix is intended to help you troubleshoot problems you may encounter while setting up and using Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4. It also includes information on how to contact Motorola Technical Support.

Important information on these problems can be found in the event histories kept by the Router. These event histories can be accessed in the Statistics & Logs screen.

This section covers the following topics:

??????Con???guration Problems??? on page A-1

??????How to Reset the Router to Factory Defaults??? on page A-2

??????Power Outages??? on page A-3

??????Technical Support??? on page A-3

Configuration Problems

If you encounter problems during your initial con???guration process, review the following suggestions before calling for technical support. There are four zones to consider when troubleshooting initial con???guration:

1.The computer???s connection to the gateway

2.The gateway???s connection to the telecommunication line(s)

3.The telecommunication line???s connection to your ISP

4.The ISP???s connection to the Internet

If the connection from the computer to the gateway was not successful, verify that the following conditions are in effect:

???The Router is turned on.

???An Ethernet cable connects your PC???s Ethernet card or built-in Ethernet port to the Router.

???Telnet is available on your PC or Macintosh. (On a PC, it must be speci???ed in your system path. You can usually ???nd the application as ???c:\windows\telnet.exe???.)

???Your PC or Macintosh is properly con???gured for TCP/IP.

???Your PC or Macintosh has an IP address.

???Your PC or Macintosh has a subnet mask that matches or is compatible with the Router???s subnet mask.

A-2 Administrator???s Handbook

Note: If you are attempting to modify the IP address or subnet mask from a previous, successful con???guration attempt, you will need to clear the IP address or reset your Router to the factory default before reinitiating the con???guration process. For further information on resetting your Router to factory default, see

???How to Reset the Router to Factory Defaults??? on page A-2.

Network problems

Problems communicating with remote IP hosts

???Verify the accuracy of the default gateway???s IP address (entered in the IP Setup or Easy Setup screen).

???Use the Motorola Netopia?? Embedded Software Version 8.7.4???s Ping utility, in the Utilities & Diagnostics screen, and try to Ping local and remote hosts. See ???Ping??? on page 11-2 for instructions on how to use the Ping utility. If you can successfully Ping hosts using their IP addresses but not their domain names ( but not, for example), verify that the DNS server???s IP address is correct and that it is reachable from the Router (use Ping).

???If you are using ???lters, check that your ???lter sets are not blocking the type of connections you are trying to make.

Local routing problems

???Observe the Ethernet LEDs to see if data traf???c ???ow appears to be normal.

???Check the WAN statistics and LAN statistics screens to see more speci???c information on data traf???c ???ow and address serving. See ???Statistics & Logs??? on page 9-3 for more information.

How to Reset the Router to Factory Defaults

Lose your password? This section shows how to reset the Motorola Netopia?? Router so that you can access the con???guration screens once again.

Note: Keep in mind that all of your settings may need to be recon???gured.

If you don't have a password, the only way to access the Motorola Netopia?? Router is the following:

1.Referring to the diagram below, ???nd the round Reset Switch opening.

Example Motorola Netopia?? Router back panel

Factory Reset Switch: Push to clear all settings

Troubleshooting A-3

2.Carefully insert the point of a pen or an unwound paperclip into the opening.

3.Press this switch.

???If you press the factory default button for less than 1/2 a second, the unit will continue to run as nor- mal.

???If you press the factory default button for 3 seconds, when you release it, the Gateway will perform a factory reset, clear all settings and con???gurations, except those saved as Saved Con???guration(s). (See

???Factory Default to a saved con???guration??? on page 10-47.) The Router will then reboot.

???If you press the factory default button for 6 seconds, when you release it, the Gateway will perform a factory reset, clear all settings and con???gurations, including Saved Con???gurations, and reboot.

Power Outages

If you suspect that power was restored after a power outage and the Router is connected to a remote site, you may need to switch the Router off and then back on again. After temporary power outages, a connection that still seems to be up may actually be disconnected. Rebooting the gateway should reestablish the connection.

Technical Support

Motorola, Inc. is committed to providing its customers with reliable products and documentation, backed by excellent technical support.

Before contacting Motorola

Look in this guide for a solution to your problem. You may ???nd a solution in this troubleshooting appendix or in other sections. Check the index for a reference to the topic of concern. If you cannot ???nd a solution, complete the environment pro???le below before contacting Motorola Technical Support.

Environment profile

???Locate the Router???s model number, product serial number, and ???rmware version. The serial number is on the bottom of the gateway, along with the model number. The ???rmware version appears in the Motorola Netopia?? Router???s Main Menu screen.

Model number: Serial number: Firmware version:

???What kind of local network(s) do you have, with how many devices? Ethernet


A-4 Administrator???s Handbook

How to reach us

We can help you with your problem more effectively if you have completed the environment pro???le in the previous section. If you contact us by telephone, please be ready to supply Motorola Technical Support with the information you used to con???gure the Router. Also, please be at the site of the problem and prepared to reproduce it and to try some troubleshooting steps.

When you are prepared, contact Motorola Technical Support by e-mail, telephone, fax, or post:

Internet: (for technical support) (for general information)

Phone: 1 510-597-5400

Fax: 1 510-420-7601

Motorola, Inc.

Customer Services

6001 Shellmound Street

Emeryville, California 94608


Online product information

Product information can be found in the following:

Motorola Netopia?? World Wide Web server via

Internet via anonymous FTP to




add static route 7-7 Additional LANs 7-3, 7-38 ADSL Line Configuration 2-4 advanced configuration

features 3-1

ALANs 7-38

ATMP 5-17

tunnel options 5-14


Wireless 3-39


backup default gateway 8-14 backup, line 8-1

basic firewall 10-33 BootP 7-17

clients 7-23


change static route 7-9 community strings 9-10 configuration

troubleshooting PC A-1

configuration files downloading with TFTP 11-7 uploading with TFTP 11-8

Configuration Management 10-45 configuring

with console-based management 1-

2, 2-1, 3-1


configuring the console 3-49 Connection profiles 2-8 console

configuring 3-49 console configuration 3-49 console-based management

configuring with 1-2, 2-1, 3-1 Constant Bit Rate (CBR) 2-6


D. port 10-24

Data Encryption Standard (DES) 5-17 date and time

setting 3-37

dead peer detection 6-15 traffic based 6-9

delayed configuration 2-15 delete static route 7-9

DES 5-3, 5-7, 6-1

designing a new filter set 10-26 DHCP Lease 7-19

DHCP NetBIOS options 7-21 DHCP Next-Server 7-18 DHCP Relay Agent 7-28 Differentiated Services 2-22 Diffserv Options 2-22 display static routes 7-6

downloading configuration files 11-7 with TFTP 11-7

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 7-17

Dynamic WAN 7-17



navigating 1-5 encryption 5-2, 5-7, 5-16, 6-1 event history

device 9-5 WAN 9-4

Exposed Addresses 3-3 Extended Authentication 6-6


factory default A-3

Factory Default from Configuration 10-47 filter

parts 10-22 parts of 10-22

filter priority 10-21 filter sets

adding 10-27 defined 10-20 deleting 10-32 disadvantages 10-26 display 10-23

sample (Basic Firewall) 10-32 using 10-27

filtering example #1 10-24 filters

actions a filter can take 10-21 adding to a filter set 10-29 defined 10-20

deleting 10-32 disadvantages of 10-26 input 10-29

modifying 10-31 output 10-29 using 10-26, 10-27 viewing 10-31

firewall 10-32 firmware files

updating with TFTP 11-7 FTP sessions 10-35


general statistics 9-6

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) 5-



how to reach us A-4


IGMP Snooping 3-53 IKE 6-1

input filter 3 10-33

input filters 1 and 2 10-33 input filters 4 and 5 10-33 Internet Key Exchange 6-1

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) 5-7, 6-1 Internet Protocol (IP) 7-1

Invalid SPI recovery 6-9 IP address serving 7-17 IP setup 7-1, 7-2

IP trap receivers deleting 9-12 modifying 9-12 setting 9-11 viewing 9-12

IPsec 5-2, 5-7, 6-1


L2TP 5-7

latency 2-25, 10-37

Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol 5-7 LED status 9-3

LEDs 9-3


line backup 8-1

backup IP gateway 8-16 connection profiles 8-2 management and statistics 8-16 scheduled connections 8-12 WAN configuration 8-7, 8-8

Logging 3-55


MAC Address Authentication 3-47 MIBs supported 9-8 Mixed-bridging-routing 3-51 model numbers 1-3

MPPE 5-16 MS-CHAPv2 5-17

Multicast Forwarding 7-32 Multiple SSIDs 3-45 multiple subnets 7-3



adding server lists 4-15 Easy Setup Profile 4-6

IP profile parameters 4-21 map lists 4-8

modifying map lists 4-12 outside ranges 4-8 server lists 4-8


Easy Setup 1-5 NetBIOS 7-21 NetBIOS scope 7-22 Netopia

distributing IP addresses 7-17 models 1-3

monitoring 9-1

security 10-1

system utilities and diagnostics 11-1 Network Address Translation

see NAT 7-1 network problems A-2

network status overview 9-1


output filter 1 10-34


PAT (Port Address Translation) 4-2 permanent virtual circuit 2-5

ping 11-2

Ping Host Name 8-10 Ping source address 6-15

ping test, configuring and initiating 11-2 policy-based routing 10-35

port number comparisons 10-23

port numbers 10-22 PPPoA Autodetect 2-14 PPTP 5-16

tunnel options 5-4 priority queuing 2-25 PVC 2-5


quality of service 2-25, 10-37 Quick View 9-1


restarting the system 11-8 restricting telnet access 10-19 RFC-1483 Transparent Bridging 3-51

RIP 2-4, 2-13

RIP-2 MD5 Authentication 7-9

router to serve IP addresses to hosts 7-1


routing tables IP 7-6, 9-6


scheduled connections 2-16 adding 2-18

deleting 2-21 modifying 2-21 once-only 2-20 viewing 2-17 weekly 2-19


filters 10-20???10-35 measures to increase 10-1 telnet 10-19

Security Policy Database (SPD) 6-2 Simple Network Management Protocol, see SNMP


community strings 9-10 MIBs supported 9-8 setup screen 9-9

traps 9-11 SNMP-V2c 9-8 src. port


SSID (Wireless ID) 3-38 Stateful inspection 3-3 static route

rules of installation 7-9 static routes 7-3, 7-6 strong encryption 5-17 subnets

multiple 7-3 support

technical A-3 syslog 3-55


technical support A-3 telnet 1-4

access 10-19

terminal emulation software configuring 1-4


defined 11-6

downloading configuration files 11-7 transferring files 11-6

updating firmware 11-7 uploading configuration files 11-8

tiered access 10-1

TOS bit 2-26, 10-37

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 11-6 Trivial File Transfer Protocol, see TFTP troubleshooting A-1

configuration PC A-1

event histories 9-4 trusted host 10-34 trusted subnet 10-34 tunnel options

ATMP 5-14

PPTP 5-4 tunneling 5-2


Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) 2-6 updating firmware

with TFTP 11-7

updating Netopia???s firmware 11-7 upgrade 1-3


uploading configuration files 11-8 with TFTP 11-8

utilities and diagnostics 11-1


Variable Bit Rate (VBR) 2-6

viewing scheduled connections 2-17 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 5-1 Virtual Redundant Routers 7-3

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol 7-34 VPN 5-1

allowing through a firewall 5-23 ATMP tunnel options 5-14 default answer profile 5-17 encryption support 5-16

PPTP tunnel options 5-4 VRID 7-35

VRRP 7-34

VRRP Options 2-26, 7-3



event history 9-4

WAN Ethernet Configuration 2-1 WAN event history 9-4

WAN Link Failure Detection 2-26 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 3-43 Wi-Fi Protected Access 3-41 Windows NT Domain Name 5-6 Wireless Configuration 3-38 Wireless Multimedia (WMM) 3-40 wireless privacy 3-41

WPA 3-41


Xauth Options 6-5
