GB Read before use and retain for future reference


DE Bitte vor dem Gebrauch sorgf??ltig durchlesen und f??r einen sp??teren Bezug an einem sicheren Ort aufbewahren


FR A lire attentivement et bien assimiler avant tout emploi


NL Deze informatie lezen alvorens het product in gebruik te nemen en zorgvuldig bewaren


NO Les gjennom f??r bruk og oppbevar til fremtidig bruk


FI Lue ennen k??ytt???? ja s??ilyt?? tulevan varalle


SE L??s detta innan du anv??nder maskinen och spara f??r framtida anv??ndning


DK L??s f??r brug og gem til at kunne konsultere i fremtiden


ES L??ala antes de usar el aparato y gu??rdela como referencia futura


PT Leia antes de utilizar e guarde para consulta futura


IT Leggere prima dell???uso e conservare per futuro riferimento


HU Haszn??lat el??tt olvassa el, ??s tartsa meg k??s??bbi felhaszn??l??sra


PL Zapozna?? si?? z tre??ci?? niniejszej instrukcji przed u??yciem i zachowa?? j?? do dalszego u??ytkowania urz??dzenia


CZ Ne?? za??nete stroj pou????vat, p??e??t??te si pozorn?? tento n??vod a uschovejte jej pro dal???? pou??it?? v budoucnu


SK Pred pou??it??m si pre????tajte nasledovn?? inform??cie a odlo??te si ich pre bud??cu potrebu


SI Preberite pred uporabo in shranite za prihodnjo uporabo

???????????????????? ??????????????????????

GR ????????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????????? ??????????????


TR Kullanmadan ??nce okuyunuz ve ileride ba??vurmak ??zere saklay??n??z.

???????????? ????????????????????

RU ???????????????????? ?????????? ??????, ?????? ???????????????? ??????????????, ?? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????.


EEEnne seadme kasutuselev??tmist lugege kasutusjuhend l??bi ning s??ilitage see tuleviku tarbeks.


LV Pirms lieto|anas izlasiet un saglab???jiet turpm???k???m uzzi?????m





Please note: This manual covers various products. Please read carefully to identify which sections apply to your product. If not used properly your product can be dangerous! Your product can cause serious injury to the

operator and others, the warnings and safety instructions must be followed to ensure reasonable safety and efficiency in using your product. The operator is responsible for following the warning and safety instructions in this manual and on the product.

Hinweis: Dieses Handbuch bezieht sich auf verschiedene Produkte. Achten Sie deshalb bitte beim Durchlesen darauf, welche Abschnitte sich auf Ihre Maschine beziehen. Ihre Maschine kann bei einem

unsachgem????en Gebrauch eine Gefahr darstellen und zu ernsthaften Verletzungen des Bedieners und anderen Personen f??hren! Es m??ssen s??mtliche Warnhinweise und Sicherheitsvorschriften beachtet werden, um einen sicheren Gebrauch und eine angemessene Leistung Ihrer Maschine sicherstellen zu k??nnen. Der Bediener ist f??r die Einhaltung aller in diesem Handbuch und auf der Maschine angegebenen Warnhinweise und Sicherheitsvorschriften verantwortlich.

Remarque: Ce manuel couvre des produits vari??s. Veuillez le lire attentivement pour conna??tre les sections s'appliquant ?? votre produit. Mal utilis??, votre produit peut devenir dangereux! Votre produit peut occasionner de

graves blessures ?? l'utilisateur et aux autres; les conseils d'utilisation et de s??curit?? doivent ??tre scrupuleusement suivis pour un usage optimal et s??r de votre produit. L'utilisateur a la responsabilit?? du respect des conseils d'utilisation et de s??curit?? de ce manuel et concernant le produit.

Let op: deze handleiding is van toepassing op diverse producten. Lees deze informatie aandachtig door om vast te stellen welke hoofdstukken op uw product van toepassing zijn. Bij verkeerd gebruik kan dit product

gevaarlijk zijn! Het product kan de bediener en anderen ernstig verwonden. Om de veiligheid en doeltreffendheid van het product te garanderen is het derhalve belangrijk dat de waarschuwingen en veiligheidsinstructies gevolgd worden. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van de bediener om de waarschuwingen en veiligheidsinstructies in deze handleiding en op het product te volgen.








Vi gj??r oppmerksom p??: Denne brukermanualen dekker ulike produkter. Vennligst les den med omtanke for ?? identifisere hvilke avsnitt gjelder for ditt produkt. Hvis ditt produkt ikke blir brukt p?? forsvarlig m??te, kan det

v??re farlig! Ditt produkt kan for??rsake alvorlig personskade, b??de p?? deg selv og andre, og advarslene og sikkerhetsinstruksene m?? f??lges for ?? sikre en rimelig grad av sikkerhet og effektivitet ved bruk av produktet. Det er brukerens ansvar ?? f??lge advarsels- og sikkerhetsinstruksene i denne brukermanualen og p?? produktet.

Huom! T??m?? opas kattaa useita koneita. Lue huolella ne kohdat, jotka koskevat omaa konettasi. T??m?? kone voi v????rink??ytettyn?? olla vaarallinen! Se saattaa aiheuttaa vakavia vammoja sek?? k??ytt??j??lle ett?? muille ihmisille. Varoituksia ja turvallisuusohjeita t??ytyy noudattaa riitt??v??n turvallisuuden ja tehokkuuden varmistamiseksi. Koneenk??ytt??j?? on vastuussa t??ss?? oppaassa ja itse koneessa annettujen varoitusten ja turvallisuusohjeiden noudattamisesta.

Observera: Denna handbok beskriver olika produkter. L??s den noga f??r att se vilka avsnitt som g??ller f??r din maskin. Om du inte anv??nder din maskin p?? r??tt s??tt kan den vara farlig! Din maskin kan orsaka allvarlig

skada p?? anv??ndaren och andra. Du m??ste f??lja varningarna och s??kerhetsinstruktionerna f??r att vara s??ker p?? att du anv??nder din maskin p?? ett s?? s??kert och effektivt s??tt som m??jligt. Operat??ren ??r ansvarig f??r att f??lja varingarna och s??kerhetsinstruktionerna i denna handbok och maskinen.

Bem??rk: Denne manual d??kker flere produkter. L??s den n??je igennem for at identificere, hvilke sektioner der omhandler dit produkt. Hvis produktet anvendes forkert, kan det v??re farligt. Produktet kan for??rsage

alvorlige skader p?? brugeren og andre. Advarsler og sikkerhedsanvisninger skal overholdes for at sikre sikkerhed og effektivitet ved brug af produktet. Brugeren har ansvaret for at overholde advarsler og sikkerhedsanvisninger i denne manual og p?? produktet.

Nota: Este manual cubre varios aparatos. L??alo con cuidado para identificar qu?? secciones son aplicables a su aparato. ??Si no usa el aparato correctamente podr??a ser peligroso! Su aparato podr??a causar lesiones serias

al operario y a los dem??s. Deber?? seguir con cuidado las instrucciones de aviso y seguridad para asegurar una seguridad razonable y la eficiencia de funcionamiento de su aparato. El operario es responsable de seguir las instrucciones de aviso y de seguridad en este manual y en el aparato.

Note que: Este manual refere-se a v??rios produtos. Leia cuidadosamente para identificar as sec????es aplic??veis ao seu produto. O seu produto pode ser perigoso se n??o for utilizado com cuidado! O seu produto

pode causar les??es s??rias ao operador e a outros; os avisos e instru????es de seguran??a devem ser cumpridos para garantir seguran??a e efic??cia razo??veis ao utilizar o produto. O operador ?? respons??vel por seguir os avisos e instru????es de seguran??a deste manual e indicados no produto.

Si prega di notare: Questo manuale tratta con vari prodotti. Si prega leggerlo attentamente per identificare quale sezione si riferisce al proprio prodotto. Se non usato correttamente il prodotto potrebbe essere

pericoloso! Il prodotto potrebbe causare seri infortuni all???operatore ed agli altri, le avvertenze e le istruzioni di sicurezza devono essere osservate per garantire ragionevole sicurezza ed efficienza nell???uso del prodotto. L???operatore ?? responsabile per l???osservanza delle avvertenze e delle istruzioni di sicurezza descritte nel presente manuale e sul prodotto stesso.

Figyelem: Ez a haszn??lati utas??t??s k??l??nb??z?? term??kekre vonatkozik. Figyelmesen olvassa el, hogy HU meg??llap??tsa, mely r??szei vonatkoznak az ??n ??ltal v??s??rolt term??kre. A nem rendeltet??sszer?? haszn??lat

vesz??lyes lehet! A term??k s??lyos balesetet okozhat a kezel??nek ??s m??soknak, a figyelmeztet??seket ??s biztons??gi ??vint??zked??seket be kell tartani a term??k haszn??lata k??zben az ??sszer?? biztons??g ??s hat??konys??g biztos??t??sa c??lj??b??l. A kezel?? felel az e haszn??lati utas??t??sban ??s a term??ken felt??ntetett figyelmeztet??sek ??s biztons??gi utas??t??sok betart??s????rt.

Uwaga: Instrukcja ta omawia r????ne urz??dzenia. Prosz?? zapozna?? si?? dok??adnie z tre??ci?? instrukcji aby PL dowiedzie?? si?? kt??re rozdzia??y dotycz?? wybranego urz??dzenia. Przy niew??a??ciwym wykorzystaniu Twoje

urz??dzenie mo??e by?? niebezpieczne! Twoje urz??dzenie mo??e spowodowa?? powa??ne obra??enia operatora oraz innych os??b, nale??y przestrzega?? ostrze??e?? oraz instrukcji bezpiecze??stwa aby zapewni?? w??a??ciwe bezpiecze??stwo i efektywno???? podczas u??ytkowania wybranego przez Pa??stwa urz??dzenia. Operator odpowiedzialny jest za przestrzeganie ostrze??e?? i instrukcji bezpiecze??stwa opisanych w niniejszej instrukcji obs??ugi urz??dzenia oraz zamieszczonych na samym urz??dzeniu.

Pozn??mka: Tato p????ru??ka obsahuje informace t??kaj??c?? se r??zn??ch v??robk??. P??e??t??te si ji pros??m pozorn??, CZ abyste mohli ur??it, kter?? kapitoly se t??kal?? va??eho v??robku. Pokud se v??robek nepou????v?? ????dn??m zp??sobem,

m????e b??t nebezpe??n??! V??robek m????e zp??sobit v????n?? zran??n?? oper??tora a jin??ch osob. V??stra??n?? upozorn??n?? a bezpe??nostn?? pokyny je t??eba dodr??ovat, aby byla zaji??t??na p??im????en?? bezpe??nost a efektivnost p??i pou????v??n?? v??robku. Oper??tor zodpov??d?? za dodr??ov??n?? v??stra??n??ch upozorn??n?? a bezpe??nostn??ch pokyn?? uveden??ch v t??to p????ru??ce a na v??robku.



Pozn??mka: T??to pr??ru??ka zahr??uje inform??cie o rozli??n??ch v??robkoch. Pozorne si ju pre????tajte a ur??ite, ktor?? ??asti sa t??kaj?? v????ho v??robku. Ak sa v??robok nepou????va spr??vne, m????e by nebezpe??n??, m????e sp??sobi v????ne poranenia osobe, ktor?? ho obsluhuje, ako aj in??m. Dodr??ujte upozornenia a bezpe??nostn?? predpisy, aby ste zaistili potrebn?? bezpe??nos a v??konnos pri pou??it?? v??robku. Obsluha zodpoved?? za dodr??iavanie bezpe??nostn??ch predpisov, ktor?? s?? o v??robku uveden?? v tejto pr??ru??ke.

Opomba: Ta priro??nik pokriva razli??ne proizvode na??ega zelenega programa. Prosimo, da pazljivo preberete navodila in ugotovite katera podpoglavja se nana??ajo na Va?? izdelek. V primeru, da Va??ega izdelka ne boste uporabljali v skladu s temi navodili, je le-ta lahko nevaren! Va?? izdelek lahko povzro??i resne po??kodbe uporabniku in drugim osebam, zato je potrebno upo??tevati vsa opozorila in varnostne napotke, da bi se zagotovila ustrezna varnost in u??inkovitost med njegovo uporabo. Uporabnik je odgovoren za to, da se upo??tevajo opozorila in varnostni napotki navedeni v tem priro??niku in na proizvodu samem.

?????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????, ???? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????????! ???? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ????

GR ???????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ???? ????????????, ???? ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ?????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ??????. ?? ?????????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????????.

Do??ru kullan??lmad?????? takdirde bu ??r??n tehlikeli olabilir! Bu ??r??n, kullan??c??s??na ve ba??kalar??na ciddi bedensel zarar TR verecek kapasitede olup, ??r??n??n kullan??m?? s??ras??nda makul d??zeyde g??venlik ve verim sa??lanmas?? i??in uyar??lar??n ve

g??venlik talimatlar??n??n izlenmesi ??artt??r. Kullan??c??, bu elkitab??nda ??r??n hakk??nda verilen uyar??lar?? ve g??venlik talimatlar??n?? izlemekle sorumludur.

?????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????! ?????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? RU ?????????????? ?????????????????? ?? ???????????? ??????????, ?????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????????? ????

????????????????????????, ?????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?? ?????????????????????? ???? ????????????????????????, ?????????????????? ?? ???????? ?????????????????????? ?? ???? ????????????????.

Seade v??ib olla ohtlik, kui seda ei kasutata ??igesti! Seade v??ib vigastada kasutajat ja teisi isikuid ning selle EE kasutamisel tuleb m??istliku ohutuse ja t??hususe tagamiseks j??rgida hoiatusi ja t????ohutusjuhiseid. K??esolevas

kasutusjuhendis sisalduvate ja seadmel olevate hoiatuste ja t????ohutusjuhiste j??rgimise eest vastutab seadme kasutajal.

Ja ier??ce netiek izmantota pareizi, t??? var b??t b??stama! Ar |o ier??ci var nopietni savainoties gan operators, gan citas LV personas. Lai garant]tu pietiekamu dro|??bu un efektivit???ti ier??ces lieto|anas laik???, j???iev]ro br??din???jumi un dro|??bas

instrukcijas. Operators ir atbild??gs par |aj??? rokasgr???mat??? iek??auto un uz ier??ces nor???d??to br??din???jumu un dro|??bas noteikumi iev]ro|anu.


Explanation of Symbols on your Product (Check which symbols apply)


2.Read the user instructions carefully to make sure you understand all the controls and what they do.

3.Switch off! Remove plug from mains before adjusting, cleaning or if cable is entangled or damaged. Keep the cable away from the cutting parts.

4.Do not operate in the rain or leave the product outdoors while it is raining.

5.The use of eye protection is recommended to protect against objects thrown by the cutting parts.

6.Keep others, including children, pets and

bystanders outside the 10 metre hazard zone. Stop the trimmer immediately if you are approached.

???WARNING: The cutting line continues to rotate after the machine has been switched off (Trimmers).


1.Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions use the product. Local regulations may restrict the age of the operator.

2.Only use the product in the manner and for the functions described in the instructions.

3.Never operate the product when you are tired, ill or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicine.

4.The operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property.

5.Keep bystanders away. Do not operate whilst people, especially children or pets are in the area.

Electrical Safety

1.The use of a Residual Current Device (R.C.D.) with a tripping current of not more than 30mA is recommended. Even with a R.C.D. installed 100% safety cannot be guaranteed and safe working practice must be followed at all times. Check your R.C.D. every time you use it.

2.Before use, examine cable for damage. If there are signs of damage or ageging, it must be replaced by the manufacturers service agent or a similar qualified person to avoid hazard.

3.Do not use the product if the electric cables are damaged or worn.

4.Immediately disconnect from the mains electricity supply if the cable is cut, or the insulation is damaged. Do not touch the electric cable until the electrical supply has been disconnected. Do not repair a cut or damaged cable. Replace it with a new one.

5.Your cable must be uncoiled or unwound, coiled or wound cables can overheat and reduce the efficiency of your product.

6.Keep the cable clear of the cutting area and obstacles at all times.

7.Do not pull cable around sharp objects.

8.Always switch off at the mains before disconnecting any plug, cable connector or extension cable.

9.Switch off, remove plug from mains and

examine electric supply cable for damage or ageing before winding cable for storage. Do not repair a damaged cable, replace it with a new one. Use only Electrolux Outdoor Products replacement cable.

10.Always wind cable carefully, avoiding kinking.

11.Never carry the product by the cable.

12.Never pull on the cable to disconnect any of the plugs.

13.Use only on AC mains supply voltage shown on the product rating label.

14.Our products are double insulated to EN60335. Under no circumstance should an

earth be connected to any part of the product.


Use only 1.00mm2 size cable up to 40 metres length maximum.

Maximum rating:

1.00mm2 size cable 10 amps 250 volts AC

1.Mains cables and extensions are available from your local Electrolux Outdoor Products Approved Service Centre.

2.Only use extension cables specifically designed for outdoor use.




1.While using your product always wear substantial footwear and long trousers.

2.Before using the machine and after any impact, check for signs of wear or damage and repair as necessary.

3.Inspect the area to be cut before each use. Remove all objects such as stones, broken glass, nails, wire, string etc, which can be thrown or become entangled in the trimmer head.

4.Check that the cutting parts are fitted correctly.


1.Always wear suitable clothing, gloves and stout shoes. The use of safety glasses is recommended. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery which can be caught in moving parts.

2.Thoroughly inspect the area where the machine is to be used and remove all wires and other foreign objects.

3.Before using the machine and after any impact, check for signs of wear or damage and repair as necessary.

4.Always ensure the hand guard supplied is fitted before using the Hedgetrimmer. Never attempt to use an incomplete Hedgetrimmer or one with an unauthorised modification.









1.Use the trimmer only in daylight or good artificial light.

2.Avoid operating your trimmer in wet grass, where feasible.

3.Take care in wet grass, you may lose your footing.

4.On slopes, be extra careful of your footing and wear non-slip footwear.

5.Do not walk backwards when trimming, you could trip. Walk never run.

6.Keep cutting head below waist level.

7.Switch off before pushing the trimmer over surfaces other than grass.

8.Never operate the trimmer with damaged guards or without guards in place.

9.Never fit metal cutting elements.

10.Keep hands and feet away from the cutting means at all times and especially when switching on the motor.

11.Never pick up or carry a trimmer by the cable.

12.Do not lean over the trimmer guard - objects may be thrown by the cutting line.

13.Remove the plug from the mains:

-before leaving the trimmer unattended for any period;

-before clearing a blockage;

-before checking, cleaning or working on the appliance;

-if you hit an object. Do not use your trimmer until you are sure that the entire trimmer is in a safe operating condition;

-if the trimmer starts to vibrate abnormally. Check immediately. Excessive vibration can cause injury.


1.Use the Hedgetrimmer only in daylight or good artificial light.

2.Avoid operating your Hedgetrimmer on a wet hedge, where feasible.

3.Know how to stop the Hedgetrimmer quickly in an emergency.

4.Never hold the Hedgetrimmer by the guard.

5.Never operate the Hedgetrimmer with damaged guards or without guards in place.

6.Remove plug from mains before passing Hedgetrimmer to another person.

7.Avoid operating while people especially children are nearby.

8.Whilst using the Hedgetrimmer always be sure of a safe and secure operating position.

9.Keep hands and feet away from the cutting means at all times and especially when switching on the motor.

10.Do not use stepladders whilst operating the Hedgetrimmer.

11.Remove the plug from the mains:-

-before leaving the Hedgetrimmer unattended for any period;

-before clearing a blockage;

-before checking, cleaning or working on the appliance;

-if you hit an object. Do not use your Hedgetrimmer until you are sure that the entire Hedgetrimmer is in a safe operating condition;

-if the Hedgetrimmer starts to vibrate abnormally. Check immediately. Excessive vibration can cause injury.

-before passing to another person.




1.Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the product is in safe working condition.

2.Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.

3.Only use the replacement spare parts and accessories specified for your product.

4.Store in a cool dry place.


1.To avoid the risk of injury keep fingers and hands clear of the line cutter on the leading edge of the guard.

2.Inspect and maintain the trimmer regularly. Any repairs must be carried out by an authorised repairer.


1.Be careful during adjustment of the Hedgetrimmer to prevent entrapment of the fingers between moving blades and fixed parts of the machine.

2.After use the Hedgetrimmer should be stored using the cover/storage holder provided.


???Your product is uniquely identified by a silver and black product rating label.

???We strongly recommend that your product is serviced at least every twelve months, more often in a professional application.


If any part is found defective due to faulty manufacture within the guarantee period, Electrolux Outdoor Products, through its Authorised Service Repairers will effect the repair or replacement to the customer free of charge providing:

(a)The fault is reported directly to the Authorised Repairer.

(b)Proof of purchase is provided.

(c)The fault is not caused by misuse, neglect or faulty adjustment by the user.

(d)The failure has not occurred through fair wear and tear.

(e)The machine has not been serviced or repaired, taken apart or tampered with by any other person not authorised by Electrolux Outdoor Products.

(f)The machine has not been used for hire.

(g)The machine is owned by the original purchaser.

(h)The machine has not been used commercially. * This guarantee is additional to, and in no way

diminishes the customers statutory rights. Failures due to the following are not covered, therefore it is important that you read the instructions contained in the Operator???s Manual and understand how to operate and maintain your machine:

Failures not covered by guarantee

*Replacing worn or damaged blades and nylon line. (Check which parts apply to your product).

*Failures as a result of not reporting an initial fault.

*Failures as a result of sudden impact.

*Failures as a result of not using the product in accordance with the instructions and recommendations contained in the operator???s manual.

*Machines used for hire are not covered by this guarantee.

*The following items listed are considered as wearing parts and their life is dependent on regular maintenance and are, therefore not normally subject to a valid warranty claim:

Blades, Nylon Line, Spool and line, Electric Mains cable. (Check which parts apply to your product).


Electrolux Outdoor Products does not accept liability under the warranty for defects caused in whole or part, directly or indirectly by the fitting of replacement parts or additional parts that are not either manufactured or approved by Electrolux Outdoor Products, or by the machine having been modified in any way.


Electrolux Outdoor Products are manufactured under an Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) using, where practical, components manufactured in the most environmentally responsible manner, according to company procedures, and with the potential for recycling at the end of the products??? life.

???Packaging is recyclable and plastic components have been labelled (where practical) for categorised recycling.

???Awareness of the environment must be considered when disposing of ???end-of-life??? product.

???If necessary, contact your local authority for disposal information.

The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.

By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.

For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.


Electrolux Outdoor Products

Aycliffe Industrial Park


Co.Durham DL5 6UP


Telephone - (00) 44 1325 300303 Fax - (00) 44 1325 310339

UK Telephone - 01325 300303 Fax - 01325 310339

Our policy of continuous improvement means that the specification of products may be altered from time to time without prior notice. Electrolux Outdoor Products manufacture products for a number of well known brands under various registered patents, designs and trademarks in several countries.

?? Electrolux Outdoor Products Ltd. Registered Office, Electrolux Works, Oakley Road, Luton LU4 9QQ Registered number 974979 England

The Electrolux Group. The world???s No.1 choice.

The Electrolux Group is the world???s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
