MODEL G0562Z/G0562ZP/



OWNER'S Manual

(For models manufactured since 11/11)

Copyright ?? DECEMBER, 2011 By Grizzly Industrial, Inc.

Warning: No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape

Or form without the written approval of Grizzly Industrial, inc.

#BL14619 printed IN TAIWAN

This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators.

Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal injury???including amputation, electrocution, or death.

The owner of this machine/tool is solely responsible for its safe use. This responsibility includes but is not limited to proper installation in a safe environment, personnel training and usage authorization, proper inspection and maintenance, manual availability and compre- hension, application of safety devices, cutting/sanding/grinding tool integrity, and the usage of personal protective equipment.

The manufacturer will not be held liable for injury or property damage from negligence, improper training, machine modifications or misuse.












Table of Contents


Manual Accuracy

We are proud to offer this manual with your new machine! We've made every effort to be exact with the instructions, specifications, drawings, and photographs of the machine we used when writ- ing this manual. However, sometimes errors do happen and we apologize for them.

Also, owing to our policy of continuous improve- ment, your machine may not exactly match the manual. If you find this to be the case, and the dif- ference between the manual and machine leaves you in doubt, check our website for the latest manual update or call technical support for help.

Before calling, find the manufacture date of your machine by looking at the date stamped into the machine ID label (see below). This will help us determine if the manual version you received matches the manufacture date of your machine.

For your convenience, we post all available man- uals and manual updates for free on our website at Any updates to your model of machine will be reflected in these documents as soon as they are complete.

Contact Info

We stand behind our machines. If you have any service questions, parts requests or general ques- tions about the machine, please call or write us at the location listed below.

Grizzly Industrial, Inc.

1203 Lycoming Mall Circle

Muncy, PA 17756

Phone: (570) 546-9663

Fax: (800) 438-5901 E-Mail:

If you have any comments regarding this manual, please write to us at the address below:

Grizzly Industrial, Inc.

C/O Technical Documentation Manager

P.O. Box 2069

Bellingham, WA 98227-2069


Machine Description

This machine is designed to capture dust and wood chips from multiple woodworking machines at the same time.

A wide variety of accessories for setting up a stationary or mobile dust collection system are available through Grizzly.








3-Port Caster Inlet





To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations.

Paddle Switch

Figure 1. Rear view identification.

Figure 2. Model G0562Z/G1030Z2 identification.

MODEL G0562Z/G0562ZP, G1030Z2/1030Z2P



For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating this Machine

The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of impor- tance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures.

DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY.6alVnhY^h" XdccZXi bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg hjeean WZ[dgZ hZg" k^X^c\! VY_jhi^c\! dg X]Vc\^c\ Xjii^c\ iddah W^ih! WaVYZh! XjiiZgh! ZiX## BV`Z hjgZ hl^iX] ^h ^c D;; edh^i^dcWZ[dgZgZXdccZXi^c\idVkd^YVcjcZmeZXi" ZYdgjc^ciZci^dcVahiVgi#

APPROVED OPERATION. JcigV^cZY deZgVidgh XVc WZ hZg^djhan ]jgi Wn bVX]^cZgn# Dcan Vaadl igV^cZY dg egdeZgan hjeZgk^hZY eZdeaZ id jhZ bVX]^cZ# L]Zc bVX]^cZ ^h cdi WZ^c\ jhZY! Y^h" XdccZXi edlZg! gZbdkZ hl^iX] `Znh! dg adX`"dji bVX]^cZidegZkZcijcVji]dg^oZYjhZ ZheZX^Vaan VgdjcYX]^aYgZc#BV`Zldg`h]de`^Yegdd[

DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. 9d cdi jhZ bVX]^cZgn ^c lZi dg gV^cn adXVi^dch! XajiiZgZY VgZVh!VgdjcY[aVbbVWaZh!dg^cYVg`VgZVh#@ZZe ldg`VgZVXaZVc!Ygn!VcYlZaa"a^\]iZY#

ONLY USE AS INTENDED. Dcan jhZ bVX]^cZ [dg ^ih ^ciZcYZY ejgedhZ# CZkZg bdY^[n bVX]^cZ [dgVejgedhZcdi^ciZcYZYWni]ZbVcj[VXijgZg

USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.8dchjai i]^hdlcZg??hbVcjVadgi]ZbVcj[VXijgZg[dggZX" dbbZcYZY VXXZhhdg^Zh# Jh^c\ ^begdeZg VXXZh" hdg^Zhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[hZg^djh^c_jgn#





REMOVE ADJUSTING TOOLS. CZkZg aZVkZ VY_jhibZciiddah!X]jX``Znh!lgZcX]Zh!ZiX#^cdg dcbVX]^cZ ZheZX^VaancZVgbdk^c\eVgih#KZg^[n gZbdkVaWZ[dgZhiVgi^c\

SECURING WORKPIECE. L]Zc gZfj^gZY! jhZ XaVbehdgk^hZhidhZXjgZldg`e^ZXZ#6hZXjgZY ldg`e^ZXZegdiZXih]VcYhVcY[gZZhWdi]d[i]Zb iddeZgViZi]ZbVX]^cZ#

FEED DIRECTION.JcaZhhdi]Zgl^hZcdiZY![ZZY ldg` V\V^chi i]Z gdiVi^dc d[ WaVYZh dg XjiiZgh# ;ZZY^c\^ci]ZhVbZY^gZXi^dcd[gdiVi^dcbVnejaa ndjg]VcY^cidi]ZXji#

FORCING MACHINERY.9dcdi[dgXZbVX]^cZ# >i l^aa Yd i]Z _dW hV[Zg VcY WZiiZg Vi i]Z gViZ [dg l]^X]^ilVhYZh^\cZY#

GUARDS & COVERS. <jVgYh VcY XdkZgh XVc egdiZXi ndj [gdb VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] bdk^c\ eVgih dg [an^c\ YZWg^h# BV`Z hjgZ i]Zn VgZ egde" Zgan^chiVaaZY!jcYVbV\ZY!VcYldg`^c\XdggZXian WZ[dgZjh^c\bVX]^cZ#

NEVER STAND ON MACHINE.HZg^djh^c_jgndg VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] Xjii^c\ idda bVn dXXjg ^[ bVX]^cZ^hi^eeZY#BVX]^cZbVnWZYVbV\ZY#

STABLE MACHINE. JcZmeZXiZYbdkZbZciYjg" ^c\ deZgVi^dch \gZVian ^cXgZVhZh g^h` d[ ^c_jgn dg adhh d[ Xdcigda# 7Z[dgZ hiVgi^c\! kZg^[n bVX]^cZh VgZhiVWaZVcYbdW^aZWVhZ^[jhZY^hadX`ZY#

AWKWARD POSITIONS. @ZZe egdeZg [ddi^c\ VcYWVaVcXZViVaai^bZhl]ZcdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ# 9dcdidkZggZVX]6kd^YVl`lVgY]VcYedh^i^dch i]Vi bV`Z ldg`e^ZXZ Xdcigda Y^[[^Xjai dg ^cXgZVhZ i]Zg^h`d[VXX^YZciVa^c_jgn#


bVX]^cZgjcc^c\l]^aZjcViiZcYZY#IjgcbVX]^cZ OFFVcYZchjgZVaabdk^c\eVgihXdbeaZiZanhide WZ[dgZlVa`^c\VlVn#

MAINTAIN WITH CARE.;daadlVaabV^ciZcVcXZ ^chigjXi^dch VcY ajWg^XVi^dc hX]ZYjaZh id `ZZe bVX]^cZ^c\ddYldg`^c\XdcY^i^dc#6c^begdeZgan bV^ciV^cZYbVX]^cZ^cXgZVhZhg^h`d[^c_jgn#

CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. GZ\jaVgan ^cheZXi bVX]^cZ [dg YVbV\ZY eVgih! addhZ Wdaih! b^h" VY_jhiZY dg b^h"Va^\cZY eVgih! W^cY^c\! dg Vcn di]Zg XdcY^i^dch i]Vi bVn V[[ZXi hV[Z deZgVi^dc# 6alVnhgZeV^gdggZeaVXZYVbV\ZYdgb^h"VY_jhi" ZYeVgihWZ[dgZdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ#


^c\ XdgY"XdccZXiZY bVX]^cZh [gdb edlZg! \gVW VcYejaai]Zeaj\ CDIi]ZXdgY#Ejaa^c\i]ZXdgY bVn YVbV\Z i]Z l^gZh ^ch^YZ# 9d cdi ]VcYaZ XdgY$eaj\l^i]lZi]VcYh#6kd^YXdgYYVbV\ZWn `ZZe^c\^iVlVn[gdb]ZViZYhjg[VXZh!]^\]igV[[^X VgZVh!]Vgh]X]Zb^XVah!VcYlZi$YVbeadXVi^dch#

EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ Vi Vcn i^bZ ndj VgZ ZmeZg^ZcX^c\ Y^[[^Xjai^Zh eZg[dgb^c\ i]Z ^ciZcYZY deZgVi^dc! hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ 8dciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa Hjeedgi 9ZeVgibZci Vi *,%*)+".++(#

Additional Safety for Dust Collectors

INTENDED USE. I]^h Yjhi XdaaZXidg ^h dcan ^ciZcYZY[dgXdaaZXi^c\lddYYjhiVcYX]^eh[gdb lddYldg`^c\ bVX]^cZh# 9D CDI jhZ i]^h Yjhi XdaaZXidg id XdaaZXi bZiVa! Y^gi! eZWWaZh! YgnlVaa! VhWZhidh! aZVY eV^ci! h^a^XV! a^fj^Yh! VZgdhdah! dg Vcn[aVbbVWaZ!XdbWjhi^WaZ!dg]VoVgYdjhbViZg^" Vah#

HAZARDOUS DUST. 9jhi XgZViZY l]^aZ jh^c\ bVX]^cZgn bVn XVjhZ XVcXZg! W^gi] YZ[ZXih! dg adc\"iZgb gZhe^gVidgn YVbV\Z# 7Z VlVgZ d[ Yjhi ]VoVgYhVhhdX^ViZYl^i]ZVX]ldg`e^ZXZbViZg^Va! VcYValVnhlZVgVC>DH="VeegdkZYgZhe^gVidgid gZYjXZndjgg^h`#

DUST ALLERGIES. 9jhi [gdb XZgiV^c lddYh bVnXVjhZVcVaaZg\^XgZVXi^dc^ceZdeaZVcYVc^" bVah#BV`ZhjgZndj`cdll]ViineZd[lddYYjhi ndjl^aaWZZmedhZYid^cXVhZi]ZgZ^hVedhh^W^a^in d[VcVaaZg\^XgZVXi^dc#

WEAR RESPIRATOR. ;^cZ Yjhi i]Vi ^h idd hbVaaidWZXVj\]i^ci]Z[^aiZgl^aaWZWadlc^cid i]Z VbW^Zci V^g Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc# 6alVnh lZVg V C>DH=VeegdkZYgZhe^gVidgYjg^c\deZgVi^dcVcY [dgVh]dgii^bZV[iZgidgZYjXZndjgg^h`d[eZgbV" cZcigZhe^gVidgnYVbV\Z#

EMPTYING DUST.L]ZcZbein^c\Yjhi[gdbi]Z XdaaZXi^dcXdciV^cZg!lZVgVgZhe^gVidgVcYhV[Zin \aVhhZh# :bein Yjhi VlVn [gdb ^\c^i^dc hdjgXZh VcY^cidVcVeegdkZYXdciV^cZg#

DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY. Ijgc i]Z hl^iX] OFF! Y^hXdccZXi i]Z Yjhi XdaaZXidg [gdb i]ZedlZghjeean!VcYVaadli]Z^beZaaZgidXdbZ id V XdbeaZiZ hide WZ[dgZ aZVk^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ jcViiZcYZYdgYd^c\VcnhZgk^XZ!XaZVc^c\!bV^c" iZcVcXZ!dgVY_jhibZcih#

REGULAR CLEANING. GZ\jaVgan X]ZX`$Zbein i]Z XdaaZXi^dc WV\h dg Ygjb id Vkd^Y i]Z Wj^aYje d[[^cZYjhii]ViXVc^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[[^gZ#BV`Z hjgZidgZ\jaVganXaZVci]ZhjggdjcY^c\VgZVl]ZgZ i]ZbVX]^cZ^hdeZgViZY ZmXZhh^kZYjhiWj^aYje dc dkZg]ZVY a^\]ih! ]ZViZgh! ZaZXig^XVa eVcZah! dg di]Zg]ZVihdjgXZhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[[^gZ#

SUSPENDED DUST PARTICLES AND IGNITION SOURCES.9DCDIdeZgViZi]ZYjhiXdaaZXidg^c VgZVhlZgZZmeadh^dcg^h`hVgZ]^\]#6gZVhd[]^\] g^h`^cXajYZ!WjiVgZcdia^b^iZYid!VgZVhcZVge^adi a^\]ih!deZc[aVbZh!dgdi]Zg^\c^i^dchdjgXZh#

FIRE SUPPRESSION.DcandeZgViZi]ZYjhiXda" aZXidg^cadXVi^dchi]ViXdciV^cV[^gZhjeegZhh^dc hnhiZbdg]VkZV[^gZZmi^c\j^h]ZgcZVgWn#

IMPELLER HAZARDS. 9D CDI eaVXZ ndjg ]VcYhdgiddahcZVgi]ZdeZc^caZiYjg^c\deZgVi^dc [dgVcngZVhdc#I]ZedlZg[jahjXi^dcXdjaYZVh^an XVjhZVXX^YZciVaXdciVXil^i]i]Z^beZaaZgl]^X] l^aa XVjhZ hZg^djh eZghdcVa ^c_jgn dg YVbV\Z id i]ZbVX]^cZ#6alVnh`ZZehbVaaVc^bVahVcYX]^a" YgZcVlVn[gdbdeZcYjhiXdaaZXi^dc^caZih#

AVOIDING SPARKS. 9D CDI Vaadl hiZZa dg gdX`h id hig^`Z i]Z ^beZaaZg i]^h bVn egdYjXZ heVg`h# HeVg`h XVc hbdaYZg ^c lddY Yjhi [dg V adc\i^bZWZ[dgZV[^gZ^hYZiZXiZY#>[ndjVXX^YZc" iVaanXji^cidlddYXdciV^c^c\igVbebZiVacV^ah! hiVeaZh! he^`Zh! ZiX#! ^bbZY^ViZan ijgc OFF i]Z YjhiXdaaZXidg!Y^hXdccZXi^i[gdbedlZg!VcYlV^i [dg i]Z ^beZaaZg id hide i]Zc Zbein i]Z XdaaZX" i^dc XdciV^cZg ^cid Vc VeegdkZY V^gi^\]i bZiVa XdciV^cZg#

OPERATING LOCATION. Id gZYjXZ gZhe^gV" idgn ZmedhjgZ id [^cZ Yjhi! adXViZ eZgbVcZcian ^chiVaaZY Yjhi XdaaZXidgh VlVn [gdb i]Z ldg`^c\ VgZV!dg^cVcdi]Zggddbi]Vi^hZfj^eeZYl^i]V hbd`ZYZiZXidg#9DCDIdeZgViZi]ZYjhiXdaaZX" idg ^c gV^cn dg lZi adXVi^dch ZmedhjgZ id lViZg bVnXgZViZVch]dX`]VoVgYdgYZXgZVhZi]Za^[Z d[i]ZbVX]^cZ#

STATIC ELECTRICITY.EaVhi^XYjhia^cZh\ZcZg" ViZ]^\]Vbdjcihd[hiVi^XZaZXig^X^inVhYjhiX]^eh eVhhi]gdj\]i]Zb#6ai]dj\]gVgZ!heVg`hXVjhZY Wn hiVi^X ZaZXig^X^in XVc XVjhZ Zmeadh^dch dg [^gZ# Id gZYjXZ i]^h g^h`! bV`Z hjgZ Vaa Yjhi a^cZh VgZ i]dgdj\]an\gdjcYZYWnjh^c\V\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#




VW^a^inVcYegdm^b^ind[i]ZgZfj^gZYedlZghjeean X^gXj^i# >[ Vc Zm^hi^c\ X^gXj^i YdZh cdi bZZi i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih[dgi]^hbVX]^cZ!VcZlX^gXj^ibjhi WZ ^chiVaaZY# Id b^c^b^oZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZaZXigdXj" i^dc![^gZ!dgZfj^ebZciYVbV\Z!^chiVaaVi^dcldg` VcYZaZXig^XVal^g^c\bjhiWZYdcZWnVfjVa^[^ZY ZaZXig^X^Vc^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaVeea^XVWaZXdYZh VcYhiVcYVgYh#

Electrocution, fire, or equipment damage may occur if machine is not correctly grounded and connected to the power supply.

Full-Load Current Rating

I]Z [jaa"adVY XjggZci gVi^c\ ^h i]Z VbeZgV\Z V bVX]^cZYgVlhVi&%%d[i]ZgViZYdjiejiedlZg# Dc bVX]^cZh l^i] bjai^eaZ bdidgh! i]^h ^h i]Z VbeZgV\ZYgVlcWni]ZaVg\Zhibdidgdghjbd[Vaa bdidgh VcY ZaZXig^XVa YZk^XZh i]Vi b^\]i deZgViZ VidcZi^bZYjg^c\cdgbVadeZgVi^dch#

Full-Load Current Rating at 240V...... 12 Amps

I]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZci^hcdii]ZbVm^bjbVbdjci d[Vbehi]Vii]ZbVX]^cZl^aaYgVl#>[i]ZbVX]^cZ ^hdkZgadVYZY!^il^aaYgVlVYY^i^dcVaVbehWZndcY i]Z[jaa"adVYgVi^c\#

>[i]ZbVX]^cZ^hdkZgadVYZY[dgVhj[[^X^ZciaZc\i] d[i^bZ!YVbV\Z!dkZg]ZVi^c\!dg[^gZbVngZhjai ZheZX^Vaan ^[ XdccZXiZY id Vc jcYZgh^oZY X^gXj^i# IdgZYjXZi]Zg^h`d[i]ZhZ]VoVgYh!Vkd^YdkZg" adVY^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc VcY bV`Z hjgZ^i^hXdccZXiZYidVedlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi bZZihi]ZgZfj^gZbZcih^ci]Z[daadl^c\hZXi^dc#

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual.

Circuit Information

6 edlZg hjeean X^gXj^i ^cXajYZh Vaa ZaZXig^XVa

Zfj^ebZciWZilZZci]ZWgZV`ZgWdmdg[jhZeVcZa ^ci]ZWj^aY^c\VcYi]ZbVX]^cZ#I]ZedlZghje" eanX^gXj^ijhZY[dgi]^hbVX]^cZbjhiWZh^oZYid hV[Zan]VcYaZi]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZciYgVlc[gdbi]Z bVX]^cZ [dg Vc ZmiZcYZY eZg^dY d[ i^bZ# >[ i]^h bVX]^cZ ^h XdccZXiZY id V X^gXj^i egdiZXiZY Wn [jhZh!jhZVi^bZYZaVn[jhZbVg`ZY9#

For your own safety and protection of property, consult a qualified electrician if you are unsure about wiring practices or electrical codes in your area.

Note: The circuit requirements listed in this man- ual apply to a dedicated circuit???where only one machine will be running at a time. If this machine will be connected to a shared circuit where mul- tiple machines will be running at the same time, consult a qualified electrician to ensure that the circuit is properly sized for safe operation.

Circuit Requirements for 240V

I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h egZl^gZY id deZgViZ dc V ')%K edlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi]VhVkZg^[^ZY\gdjcYVcY bZZihi]Z[daadl^c\gZfj^gZbZcih/


Grounding Requirements

I]^h bVX]^cZ BJHI WZ \gdjcYZY# >c i]Z ZkZci d[XZgiV^cbVa[jcXi^dchdgWgZV`Ydlch!\gdjcY^c\ gZYjXZhi]Zg^h`d[ZaZXig^Xh]dX`Wnegdk^Y^c\V eVi]d[aZVhigZh^hiVcXZ[dgZaZXig^XXjggZci#


]VhVcZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZVcYV\gdjcY" ^c\ eaj\ h^b^aVg id i]Z [^\jgZ WZadl# I]Z eaj\ bjhidcanWZ^chZgiZY^cidVbViX]^c\gZXZeiVXaZ djiaZii]Vi^hegdeZgan^chiVaaZYVcY\gdjcYZY^c VXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaadXVaXdYZhVcYdgY^cVcXZh#

Figure 3. Typical 6-20 plug and receptacle.

No adapter should be used with the required plug. If the plug does not fit the available receptacle, or the machine must be reconnected for use on a different type of circuit, the reconnection must be made by a qualified electrician and comply with all local codes and ordinances.


>begdeZgXdccZXi^dcd[i]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZ XVc gZhjai ^c V g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX`# I]Z l^gZl^i]\gZZc^chjaVi^dcl^i]dgl^i]djinZaadl hig^eZh^hi]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#>[gZeV^g dggZeaVXZbZcid[i]ZedlZgXdgYdgeaj\^hcZX" ZhhVgn!YdcdiXdccZXii]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZidVa^kZXjggZciXVggn^c\iZgb^cVa#

8]ZX`l^i]VfjVa^[^ZYZaZXig^X^VcdghZgk^XZeZg" hdccZa^[ndjYdcdijcYZghiVcYi]ZhZ\gdjcY^c\ gZfj^gZbZcih!dg^[ndjVgZ^cYdjWiVWdjil]Zi]Zg i]Z idda ^h egdeZgan \gdjcYZY# >[ ndj ZkZg cdi^XZ i]ViVXdgYdgeaj\^hYVbV\ZYdgldgc!Y^hXdc" cZXi^i[gdbedlZg!VcY^bbZY^ViZangZeaVXZ^il^i] VcZldcZ#

Extension Cords

LZ Yd cdi gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# >[ ndj bjhi jhZ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY!dcanjhZ^i^[VWhdajiZancZXZhhVgnVcYdcan dcViZbedgVgnWVh^h#

:miZch^dc XdgYh XVjhZ kdaiV\Z Ygde! l]^X] bVn YVbV\ZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcihVcYh]dgiZcbdidg a^[Z#KdaiV\ZYgde^cXgZVhZhVhi]ZZmiZch^dcXdgY h^oZ\Zihadc\ZgVcYi]Z\Vj\Zh^oZ\ZihhbVaaZg ]^\]Zg\Vj\ZcjbWZgh^cY^XViZhbVaaZgh^oZh#

6cnZmiZch^dcXdgYjhZYl^i]i]^hbVX]^cZbjhi XdciV^c V \gdjcY l^gZ! bViX] i]Z gZfj^gZY eaj\ VcY gZXZeiVXaZ! VcY bZZi i]Z [daadl^c\ gZfj^gZ" bZcih/

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)


This machine presents serious injury hazards to untrained users. Read through this entire manu- al to become familiar with the controls and opera- tions before starting the machine!

Wear safety glasses dur- ing the entire setup pro- cess!

This machine and its com- ponents are very heavy. Get lifting help or use power lifting equipment such as a forklift to move heavy items.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Needed for Setup

The following are needed to complete the setup process, but are not included with your machine:

???Safety Glasses (for each person)............... 1

???Open End Wrench 12mm........................... 1

???Phillips Head Screwdriver........................... 1


Ndjg bVX]^cZ lVh XVgZ[jaan eVX`V\ZY [dg hV[Z igVchedgiVi^dc# GZbdkZ i]Z eVX`V\^c\ bViZg^Vah [gdb VgdjcY ndjg bVX]^cZ VcY ^cheZXi ^i# >[ ndj Y^hXdkZgVcnYVbV\Z! please call us immediately at (570) 546-9663for advice.

HVkZi]ZXdciV^cZghVcYVaaeVX`^c\bViZg^Vah[dg edhh^WaZ ^cheZXi^dc Wn i]Z XVgg^Zg dg ^ih V\Zci#

Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult.

L]ZcndjVgZXdbeaZiZanhVi^h[^ZYl^i]i]ZXdcY^" i^dcd[ndjgh]^ebZci!^ckZcidgni]ZXdciZcih#

SUFFOCATION HAZARD! Keep children and pets away from plastic bags or packing materials shipped with this machine. Discard immediately.



I]Z[daadl^c\^hVYZhXg^ei^dcd[i]ZbV^cXdbed" cZcihh]^eeZYl^i]ndjgbVX]^cZ#AVni]ZXdbed" cZcihdjiid^ckZcidgni]Zb#

>[ Vcn cdc"egdeg^ZiVgn eVgih VgZ b^hh^c\ Z#\# V cjidgVlVh]Zg!lZl^aa\aVYangZeaVXZi]Zb0dg [dgi]ZhV`Zd[ZmeZY^ZcXn!gZeaVXZbZcihXVcWZ dWiV^cZYVindjgadXVa]VgYlVgZhidgZ#

A.Upper Collection Bags (G1030Z2/Z2P)...... 2 Canister Filter (G0562Z/ZP)........................ 2

B.Canister Filter Handle (G0562Z/ZP)........... 2



Figure 4. Upper collection bag (G1030Z2/Z2P).



Figure 5. Canister filter items (G0562Z/ZP).


If you cannot find an item on this list, care- fully check the machine and the packaging materials. Some of these items may be pre- installed for shipping or become misplaced during unpacking.





Figure 6. Inventory items (1).








Figure 7. Inventory items (2).

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Site Considerations

Weight Load

GZ[Zgidi]ZMachine Data Sheet[dgi]ZlZ^\]i d[ndjgbVX]^cZ#BV`ZhjgZi]Vii]Zhjg[VXZjedc l]^X]i]ZbVX]^cZ^heaVXZYl^aaWZVgi]ZlZ^\]i d[i]ZbVX]^cZ!VYY^i^dcVaZfj^ebZcii]VibVnWZ ^chiVaaZYdci]ZbVX]^cZ!VcYi]Z]ZVk^Zhildg`" e^ZXZi]Vil^aaWZjhZY#6YY^i^dcVaan!Xdch^YZgi]Z lZ^\]i d[ i]Z deZgVidg VcY Vcn YncVb^X adVY^c\ i]VibVndXXjgl]ZcdeZgVi^c\i]ZbVX]^cZ#

Space Allocation

8dch^YZg i]Z aVg\Zhi h^oZ d[ ldg`e^ZXZ i]Vi l^aa WZ egdXZhhZY i]gdj\] i]^h bVX]^cZ VcY egdk^YZ Zcdj\]heVXZVgdjcYi]ZbVX]^cZ[dgVYZfjViZ deZgVidg bViZg^Va ]VcYa^c\ dg i]Z ^chiVaaVi^dc d[ Vjm^a^VgnZfj^ebZci#L^i]eZgbVcZci^chiVaaVi^dch! aZVkZZcdj\]heVXZVgdjcYi]ZbVX]^cZiddeZc dggZbdkZYddgh$XdkZghVhgZfj^gZYWni]ZbV^c" iZcVcXZ VcY hZgk^XZ YZhXg^WZY ^c i]^h bVcjVa#

See below for required space allocation.

Children or untrained people may be seriously injured by this machine. Only install in an access restricted location.

Physical Environment

I]Z e]nh^XVa Zck^gdcbZci l]ZgZ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^h deZgViZY^h^bedgiVci[dghV[ZdeZgVi^dcVcYadc" \Zk^in d[ bVX]^cZ XdbedcZcih# ;dg WZhi gZhjaih! deZgViZi]^hbVX]^cZ^cVYgnZck^gdcbZcii]Vi^h [gZZ [gdb ZmXZhh^kZ bd^hijgZ! ]VoVgYdjh X]Zb^" XVah! V^gWdgcZ VWgVh^kZh! dg ZmigZbZ XdcY^i^dch# :migZbZXdcY^i^dch[dgi]^hineZd[bVX]^cZgnVgZ \ZcZgVaan i]dhZ l]ZgZ i]Z VbW^Zci iZbeZgVijgZ gVc\Z ZmXZZYh )&????&%)??;0 i]Z gZaVi^kZ ]jb^Y^in gVc\ZZmXZZYh'%??.*cdc"XdcYZch^c\0dgi]Z Zck^gdcbZci ^h hjW_ZXi id k^WgVi^dc! h]dX`h! dg Wjbeh#

Electrical Installation

EaVXZi]^hbVX]^cZcZVgVcZm^hi^c\edlZghdjgXZ# BV`Z hjgZ Vaa edlZg XdgYh VgZ egdiZXiZY [gdb igV[[^X! bViZg^Va ]VcYa^c\! bd^hijgZ! X]Zb^XVah! dg di]Zg ]VoVgYh# BV`Z hjgZ id aZVkZ VXXZhh id V bZVch d[ Y^hXdccZXi^c\ i]Z edlZg hdjgXZ dg Zc\V\^c\VadX`dji$iV\djiYZk^XZ!^[gZfj^gZY#


A^\]i^c\ VgdjcY i]Z bVX]^cZ bjhi WZ VYZfjViZ Zcdj\]i]VideZgVi^dchXVcWZeZg[dgbZYhV[Zan# H]VYdlh!\aVgZ!dghigdWZZ[[ZXihi]VibVnY^higVXi dg^beZYZi]ZdeZgVidgbjhiWZZa^b^cViZY#



Figure 8. Minimum working clearances.


To assemble your dust collector:

1.Place the base upside down on a clean, flat surface (to avoid scratching the paint).

2.Attach the casters to the base with (16) 5???16"- 18 x 1???2" flange bolts, as shown in Figure 9.

x 16

Figure 9. Caster installed onto the base.

3.Turn the base over, align the motor and impeller assembly with the mounting holes, then secure the assembly with (4) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange bolts, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Motor and impeller assembly installed onto the base.

4.Place a rubber gasket around the impeller outlet rim, as shown in Figure 11.


Figure 11. Positioning impeller outlet gasket.

5.Secure the metal "Y" outlet to the impeller outlet with (8) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange bolts, as shown in Figure 12.

x 8

"Y" Outlet

Figure 12. Outlet connector installed.

6.Align each of the collector supports with the mounting holes on the base, as shown in Figure 13, then secure them in place with (4) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange bolts.



x 4

Figure 13. Collector support installed.

7.With assistance, place one of the rubber gaskets around the rim of the intake on one of the collectors, then secure the collector to the metal ???Y??? outlet with (8) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange bolts (see Figure 14).

Note: The collector attaches to each support bracket. The inside of the collector is fun- nel shaped and directs the air around in a cyclonic motion.

Figure 14. Collector installed.

8.Attach the top of the canister support to the collector with (2) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange screws, as shown in Figure 14.

G1030Z2/G1030Z2P only: Place the upper bag support over the canister support and secure it with (2) 5???16"-18 x 1???2" flange bolts, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Mounting collector to brackets.

9.Repeat Steps 7 & 8 for the other collector. The assembly should now look similar to

Figure 16.

Figure 16. Collectors installed (G0562Z shown).

10.Affix the wide foam strip around the outside top rim of the collector, as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Installing wide foam strip.

11.Trim the excess foam strip so the ends come together evenly, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Trimmed foam strip.

12.Secure the narrow foam strip around the out- side bottom rim of the collector and trim the excess, as shown in Figure 19.

Collector Hooks

Narrow Foam Strip

Figure 19. Trimmed foam strip and collector hook locations.


13.G0562Z/G0562ZP only:

a.Install the canister handle onto the top of the canister filter by tightening the bolt against the flat of the shaft (see Figure 20).


Figure 20. Installing canister handle.

b.Place the canister filter on top of the collectors.

c.Position the metal belt clamp around the bottom of the canister and latch it so it evenly compresses against the foam strip (see Figure 17).

Figure 21. Installed canister. d. Repeat a???c for the other canister.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

G1030Z2/G1030Z2P only:

a.Hook the top loop of the upper filter bags (fabric) over the upper bag sup- ports, as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Attaching upper filter bag.

b.Tighten the upper bags to the col- lector using the strap and clamp kits shown in Figure 23.

Note: DO NOT force the clamp. If it will not close, choose the next notch over, then clamp in place.


Figure 23. Upper collection bag secured.

14.Hook the clear collection bag on the hooks around the bottom of the collector to hold the bag in place for the next step.

15.Tighten the belt clamp around the narrow foam strip to seal and secure the lower col- lection bag (Figure 24).

Note: DO NOT force the clamp. If it will not close, choose the next notch over, then clamp in place.

Figure 24. Lower collection bag installed.

16.Insert the inlet over the impeller intake hole.

17.Secure the inlet in place with the Phillips head tap screw (Figure 25).

Figure 25. Installed inlet.

Power Connection

After you have completed all previous setup instructions and circuit requirements, the machine is ready to be connected to the power supply.

To prevent accidental damage to the power cord, make sure it is kept away from potential damage sources at all times???whether connected or not. Potential damage sources include high traffic areas, sharp objects, heat sources, harsh chemi- cals, water, damp areas, etc.

To avoid unexpected startups or property dam- age, use the following steps whenever connecting or disconnecting the machine.


Connecting Power

1.Turn the machine power switch OFF.

2.Insert the power cord plug into a matching power supply receptacle. The machine is now connected to the power source.

Figure 26. Connecting power.

Disconnecting Power

1.Turn the machine power switch OFF.

2.Grasp the molded plug and pull it completely out of the receptacle. Do not pull by the cord as this may damage the wires inside.

Figure 27. Disconnecting power.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Test Run

Once the assembly is complete, test run your machine to make sure it runs properly and is ready for regular operation.

The test run consists of verifying the following:

1)The motor powers up and runs correctly, and

2)the safety disabling mechanism on the switch works correctly.

If, during the test run, you cannot easily locate the source of an unusual noise or vibration, stop using the machine immediately, then review

Troubleshooting on Page 34.

If you still cannot remedy a problem, contact our Tech Support at (570) 546-9663 for assistance.

To test run the machine:

1.Make sure you have read the safety instruc- tions at the beginning of the manual and that the machine is set up properly, as previously described in this manual.

2.Make sure all tools and objects used during setup are cleared away from the machine.

3.Verify that the machine is operating correctly by turning it ON.

???When operating correctly, the machine runs smoothly with little or no vibration or rubbing noises.

???Investigate and correct strange or unusual noises or vibrations before operating the machine further. Always disconnect the machine from power when investigating or correcting potential problems.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

4.Turn the machine OFF.

5.Remove the switch disabling key, as shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Removing switch key from paddle switch.

6.Try to start the machine with the paddle switch.

???If the machine does not start, the switch disabling feature is working as designed.

???If the machine does start, immediately stop the machine. The switch disabling feature is not working correctly. This safety feature must work properly before proceeding with regular operations. Call Tech Support for help.




Always guard against static electrical build up by grounding all dust col- lection lines.

The Model G0562Z/G0562ZP and G1030Z2/ G1030Z2P can be operated as either a station- ary or a mobile unit. There are advantages and disadvantages to both set-ups. The advantage of the mobile system is eliminating the cost of many ducts and fittings. On the other hand, the station- ary system is more versatile and convenient.

If using this machine as a central dust collector system, put the dust collector in an out of the way location such as a corner or separate room. The dust collector is capable of collecting dust from up to three machines running simultaneously. Grizzly offers a complete line of dust collection accessories for setting up a stationary system. Additionally, Grizzly offers a complete guide book entitled Dust Collection Basics.

Whatever system you choose, always make sure there are no open flames or pilot lights in the same room as the dust collector. There is a risk of explosion if dust is dispersed into the air.


You have many choices regarding main line and branch line duct material. For best results, use metal duct for the main line and branch lines, then use short lengths of flexible hose to connect each machine to the branch lines.

Plastic duct is also a popular material for home shops. However, be aware that there is a fire or explosion hazard if plastic duct material is used for dust collection without being grounded against static electrical charge build-up. This topic will be discussed later in this section. Another problem with using plastic is that it is less efficient per foot than metal.

Metal Duct

Advantages of metal duct is its conductivity and that it does not contribute to static electrical charge build-up. However, static charges are still produced when dust particles strike other dust particles as they move through the duct. Since metal duct is a conductor, it can be grounded quite easily to dissipate any static electrical charges.

Figure 29. Examples of metal pipe and components.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

There are a number of options when it comes to metal duct, but metal duct that is specially manu- factured for dust collection is the best choice. When selecting your metal duct, choose high quality metal duct with smooth welded internal seams that will minimize airflow resistance. This type of duct usually connects to other ducts or elbows with a simple, self-sealing clamp, is very quick and easy to assemble, and can be readily dismantled and re-installed. This is espe- cially important if you ever need to change things around in your shop or add more tools.

Avoid inferior metal duct that requires you to cut it to length and snap it together. This type of duct is time consuming to install because it requires you to seal all the seams with silicone and screw the components on the ends with sheet metal screws. Another disadvantage is the rough internal seams and crimped ends that unavoidably increase static pressure loss.

Flexible Duct

Flexible hose is generally used for short runs, small shops, and at rigid duct-to-tool connections. There are many different types of flex hose on the market today. These are manufactured from materials such as polyethylene, PVC, cloth hose dipped in rubber, and even metal, including steel and aluminum.

The superior choice for flexible ducting is metal flex hose that is designed to be flexible and as smooth as possible to reduce static pressure loss See Page 29.

Figure 30. Example of flexible metal duct.

There are also many kinds of pure plastic flexible hose, such as non-perforated drainage type hose and dryer vent hose. Drainage type hose, while being economical, does not quite have the flex- ibility required for dust collection. The inside of the duct is also deeply corrugated and can increase the static pressure loss by as much as 50% over smooth wall duct. Dryer vent hose offers greater flexibility, but is non-resistant to abrasion and tends to collapse in a negative pressure system. We DO NOT recommend using dryer vent hose in your dust collection system.

If using flex-hose, choose one of the many types designed specifically for the movement of solid particles, i.e. dust, grains and plastics. However, the cost of specifically designed flexible duct can vary greatly. Grizzly offers polyethylene hose, which is well suited for the removal of particulate matter, especially sawdust, since it is durable and completely flexible. Polyethylene is also very eco- nomical and available in a wide variety of diam- eters and lengths for most applications.

Plastic Duct

The popularity of plastic duct is due to the fact that it is economical and readily available. It is also simple to assemble and easily sealed against air loss. The primary disadvantage of plastic duct for dust collection is the inherent danger of static electrical build-up.

Figure 31. Example of plastic duct and components.

System Design

Step 1. Decide Who Will Design

For most small-to-medium sized shops, you can design and build the dust collection system your- self without hiring engineers or consultants. We have included some basic information here to get you started on a basic design.

If you have a large shop or end up designing a complicated system, then we recommend addi- tional research beyond this manual, or that you seek the help of an expert.

Step 2. Sketch Your Shop Layout

When designing a successful dust collection system, planning is the most important step. In this step, you must sketch a basic layout of your shop.

Before you get out your pencil and paper, we rec- ommend you visit our FREE Workshop Planner available on our website at

Our Workshop Planner will allow you to quickly and easily draw and print a basic shop layout. Don't worry, non-Grizzly brand machines can be substituted with Grizzly machines for layout pur- poses. Note: After you're finished, make sure to save your layout for later modification.

Your sketch only needs the basic details of the shop layout, similar to Figure 32, including all your current/planned machines and your planned placement of the dust collector.


Figure 32. Basic sketch of shop layout.


Step 3. Sketch a Basic Duct Layout

For the next step, sketch how you will connect your machines to the dust collector. Consider these general guidelines for an efficient system:

1.Machines that produce the most saw dust should be placed nearest to the dust collector (i.e. planers and sanders).

2.Ideally, you should design the duct system to have the shortest possible main line and secondary branch ducts. See Figures 33 & 34 for ideas of good duct layouts vs bad duct layouts.

Figure 33. Good duct layout.

Figure 34. Bad duct layout.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

3.Directional changes should be kept to a mini- mum. The more directional change fittings you use directly increases the overall resis- tance to airflow.

4.Gradual directional changes are more effi- cient than sudden directional changes (i.e. use the largest corner radius possible when changing hose or pipe direction).

5.Each individual branch line should have a blast gate immediately after the branch to control suction from one machine to another.

6.The simpler the system, the more efficient and less costly it will be.

Step 4. Determine Required CFM of

Each Machine

Since each machine produces a different amount of sawdust, the requirements for the minimum amount of CFM to move that sawdust is unique to the machine (for example, a planer produces more sawdust than a table saw). Knowing this required CFM is important to gauging which size of duct to use.

Figure 35 gives you a close estimation of the airflow your machine requires. Keep in mind that machines that generate the most sawdust should be placed closest to the dust collector. If the machine has multiple dust ports, the total CFM required is the sum of all ports.

Figure 35. Approximate required airflow for machines, based on dust port size.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

If the machine doesn't have a built-in dust port, use Figure 36 to determine which size of dust port to install.

Figure 36. Dust port size and quantity per average machine.

Write the required CFM for each machine on your sketch, as shown in Figure 37.




Figure 37. CFM requirements labeled for each machine.


Determining Main Line Duct Size

The general rule of thumb for a main line duct is that the velocity of the airflow must not fall below 3500 FPM.

For small/medium sized shops, using the inlet size of the dust collector as the main line duct size will usually keep the air velocity above 3500 FPM and, depending on your system, will allow you to keep multiple branches open at one time.

Mark your drawing as in Figure 38, but using the inlet size for your dust collector as the main line.

Figure 38. Main line size labeled on sketch.

Determining Branch Line Duct Size

The general rule of thumb for a branch line duct is that the velocity of the airflow must not fall below 4000 FPM.

For small/medium sized shops, using the dust port size from the machine as the branch line duct size will achieve the correct velocity in most appli- cations. However, if the dust port on the machine is smaller than 4", make the branch line 4" and neck the line down right before the dust port.

Note: Systems with powerful dust collectors work better if multiple blast gates are left open. This also allows you to run two machines at once. Experiment with different combinations of blast gates open/closed to find the best results for your system.

Write your determined branch line sizes on your drawing, as shown in Figure 39.


Figure 39. Branch line sizes labeled on sketch.

Here are some frequently asked questions when determining branch line sizes:

How do I figure which size of branch line to use if the machine has two dust ports?

Simply add the total CFM given for each size from Figure 35 and refer that CFM number to Figure 40. Then, split the branch line just before the dust ports with matching duct sizes.

What if two machines share the same branch line? You have two options:

1.If both machines will be running at the same time, add the total CFM given for each size from Figure 35 and match the branch line given in

Figure 40.

2.If both the machines will never be run at the same time, reference the machine with biggest dust port to Figure 40 and add blast gates after the Y-branch to open/close the line to each machine.

Figure 40. Branch line sizing chart by total CFM (for use when multiple machines share line).

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Calculating Duct Resistance

Adding duct work, elbows, branches and any other components to a duct line increases airflow resistance (static pressure loss). This resistance can be minimized by using rigid (smooth) pipe and gradual curves, as opposed to flexible pipe and 90?? elbows.

To help you think about this resistance, imagine riding a bicycle in a tunnel that is an exact replica of your duct work. If the inside of the tunnel is very bumpy (flexible pipe) and has a lot of sharp turns (90?? elbows), it will take a lot more effort to travel from one end to the other.

The purpose of calculating the resistance is to determine if it is low enough from the machine to the dust collector to meet the given CFM require- ment for the machine. Use the charts in Figure 41 to calculate the resistance of duct work.

Figure 41. Static pressure loss charts.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

In most small/medium shops it is only necessary to calculate the line with the longest duct length or the most fittings (operating under the assumption that if the line with the highest resistance works, the others will be fine).

To calculate the static pressure of any given line in the system, follow these steps:

1.Make a list of each size duct in the line, includ- ing the length, and multiply those numbers by the static pressure value given in Figure 41.

2.List each type of elbow or branch and multiply the quantity (if more than one) by the static pressure loss given in Figure 41.

3.Add the additional factors from Figure 42 to your list.

Figure 42. Additional factors affecting static pressure.

4.Total your list as shown in the example in Figure 43 to come up with your overall static pressure loss number for that line.

Note: Always account for a seasoned filter, so you don't end up with a system that only works right when the filter is clean.

Main Line

+G^\^YE^eZ%#%(,Vi'% ################ %#,)%

Branch Line

)G^\^YE^eZ%#%,*Vi&% ################ %#,*% );aZmE^eZ%#'-Vi* ######################## &#)%%


+)*??N"7gVcX] ################################ %#('. ))*??:aWdl ######################################## %#''*

Additional Factors

HZVhdcZY;^aiZg ################################ &#%%%

Figure 43. Totaling static pressure numbers.


Note: When calculating static pressure loss to determine if multiple lines can be left open at the same time, only include the main line numbers once.

5.Compare the total static pressure loss for that line to the maximum static pressure loss found on the data sheet for your machine (located toward the front of this manual).

???If the CFM for your static pressure loss is above the requirement of the machine, then the line will most likely be successful. Congratulations! You've just designed your own dust system. Refer to Page 30 to start buying the components necessary to make your system a reality.

???If the CFM for your static pressure loss is below the requirement of the machine, then that line will not effectively collect the dust. You must then modify some of the factors in that line to reduce the static pressure loss. Some of the ways to do this include 1) installing larger duct, 2) reducing amount of flexible duct used, 3) increasing machine dust port size, 4) moving machine closer to dust collector to eliminate duct length, and

5)reducing 90?? elbows or replacing them with 45?? elbows.

System Grounding

Since plastic hose is abundant, relatively inex- pensive, easily assembled and air tight, it is a very popular material for conveying dust from woodworking machines to the dust collector. We recommend using flexible hose (flex-hose) to connect the woodworking machine to the dust collector. However, plastic flex-hose and plastic duct are an insulator, and dust particles moving against the walls of the plastic duct create a static electrical build up. This charge will build until it discharges to a ground. If a grounding medium is not available to prevent static electrical build up, the electrical charge will arc to the nearest grounded source. This electrical discharge may cause an explosion and subsequent fire inside the system.

To protect against static electrical build up inside a non-conducting duct, a bare copper wire should be placed inside the duct along its length and grounded to the dust collector. You must also confirm that the dust collector is continuously grounded through the electrical circuit to the elec- tric service panel.

If you connect the dust collector to more than one machine by way of a non-conducting branching duct system and blast gates, the system must still be grounded as mentioned above. We recom- mend inserting a continuous bare copper ground wire inside the entire duct system and attaching the wire to each grounded woodworking machine and dust collector.

Always guard against static electrical build up by grounding all dust collection lines.

Be sure that you extend the bare copper wire down all branches of the system. Do not forget to connect the wires to each other with wire nuts when two branches meet at a ???Y??? or ???T??? connec- tion.

Ensure that the entire system is grounded. If using plastic blast gates to direct air flow, the ground- ing wire must be jumped (Figure 44) around the blast gate without interruption to the grounding system.

Plastic Blast


Figure 44. Ground jumper wire when using plastic blast gates and metal duct.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)


Figure 45. Flex-hose grounded to machine.

We also recommend wrapping the outside of all plastic ducts with bare copper wire to ground the outside of the system against static electrical build up. Wire connections at Y???s and T???s should be made with wire nuts.

Attach the bare ground wire to each stationary woodworking machine and attach to the dust collector frame with a ground screw as shown in Figure 45. Ensure that each machine is continu- ously grounded to the grounding terminal in your electric service panel.



To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations.

Damage to your eyes and lungs could result from using this machine without proper pro- tective gear. Always wear safety glasses and a respirator when operating this machine.

Do NOT put hands or small objects near inlet openings during opera- tion. Objects sucked into the inlet will meet with the impeller blade. Failure to heed this warning could result in property damage or per- sonal injury.


If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, We strongly rec- ommend that you read books, trade maga- zines, or get formal training before begin- ning any projects. Regardless of the con- tent in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.



Operating the Model G0562Z/G0562ZP/G1030Z2/ G1030Z2P is simple and straightforward. Turn the dust collector ON, then turn the machine ON. When you are finished with the machine opera- tion, turn OFF the machine, then turn OFF the dust collector.

Blast gates can be used at the start of each branch line to control the air flow from the woodworking machine to the dust collector. If a machine is not being used, keep the blast gate closed to maintain higher levels of efficiency throughout the system.

Machine Storage

When the dust collector is not in use, unplug the power cord from the power source. Place the cord away from potential damage sources, such as high traffic areas, sharp objects, heat sources, harsh chemicals, water, damp areas, etc.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)



Some aftermarket accessories can be installed on this machine that could cause it to function improperly, increasing the risk of serious personal injury. To minimize this risk, only install accessories recommended for this machine by Grizzly.


Refer to the newest copy of the Grizzly Catalog for other accessories available for this machine.

T20543??? Plastic Bottom Bag

This 41" x 31" Flat (19.75" Diameter) Plastic Bottom Bag is for the G0525, G0548/Z/ ZP, G0562/Z/ZP, G1029/Z2/Z2P, G1030Z/Z2/ Z2P, and G1028Z/Z2 Dust Collectors.

H5783???Extra 1 Micron Canister

Replacement canister for Grizzly G0548Z/ G0548ZP, G0562Z/G0562ZP, G1028Z/Z2, G1029Z/Z2/Z2P, and G1030Z/Z2/Z2P Dust Collectors.

G1536???Black Flexible Hose 4" x 10'

G2974???Wire Hose Clamp 4"

G1843???Plastic Blast Gate 4"

G4679???Anti-Static Grounding Kit

We've hand picked a selection of commonly used dust collection components for machines with 4" dust ports.

Figure 47. 4" dust collection accessories.

G9956???Remote Controlled Heavy-Duty Double Air Filter

G0572???Hanging Air Filter with Remote

These Hanging Air Filters have convenient remote controls and feature a three speed motor, auto- matic shutoff timer and hang easily from the work- shop ceiling.

Figure 48. G0572 Dust Filter.

Figure 46. Replacement canister.

H5293???4" Metal Duct Starter Kit

H5295???5" Metal Duct Starter Kit

H5297???6" Metal Duct Starter Kit

Save over 20% with this great starter kit. Includes: (2) machine adapters, (10) pipe clamps, (3) 5' straight pipes, (1) branch, (3) pipe hangers, (1) end cap, (3) adjustable nipples, (1) 90?? elbow, and (1) 60?? elbow.

Figure 49. Metal Duct Starter Kit.

H5294???4" Metal Duct Machine Addition Kit H5296???5" Metal Duct Machine Addition Kit H5298???6" Metal Duct Machine Addition Kit

Save over 20% with this great machine addi- tion kit. Includes: (2) blast gates, (1) machine adapter, (10) pipe clamps, (2) pipe hangers,

(2) 5' straight pipes, (2) adjustable nipples, (1) branch, and (1) 60?? elbow.

Figure 50. Metal Duct Machine Addition Kit.


G6162???4" x 5' Straight Metal Pipe

G7346???5" x 5' Straight Metal Pipe

G7364???6" x 5' Straight Metal Pipe

These laser welded straight pipes ensure a super smooth internal seam. Ends easily clamp together for a sealed fit without screws or silicone.

Figure 51. Straight Metal Pipe.

H7215???4" x 5' Rigid Metal Flex Hose

H7216???5" x 5' Rigid Metal Flex Hose

H7217???6" x 5' Rigid Metal Flex Hose

This flex hose provides just enough flexibility to make difficult connections while still keep- ing the inside wall as smooth as possible to minimize static pressure loss.

Figure 52. Rigid Metal Flex Hose.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Metal Branches

We carry many different branches, all designed to minimize airflow resistance.

Figure 53. Metal Branches.

Reducers & Adapters

We carry a multitude of reducers and elbows to cover most applications from 4" through 9".

Figure 54. Metal Reducers & Adapters.

Metal Elbows

These industrial metal elbows are available from 4"???8" with 90??, 60??, 45??, or 30?? curves. Call (800) 523-4777 or visit www.grizzly. com for more information and pricing.

Figure 55. Metal elbow examples. Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

H2499???Small Half-Mask Respirator

H3631???Medium Half-Mask Respirator

H3632???Large Half-Mask Respirator

H3635???Cartridge Filter Pair P100

Wood dust has been linked to nasal cancer and severe respiratory illnesses. If you work around- wood dust everyday, a half-mask respirator can be a lifesaver. Also compatible with safety glasses!

Figure 56. Half-mask respirator with disposable cartridge filters.

T20501???Face Shield Crown Protector 4"

T20502???Face Shield Crown Protector 7"

T20503???Face Shield Window

T20452???"Kirova" Anti-Reflective S. Glasses

T20451???"Kirova" Clear Safety Glasses

H0736???Shop Fox?? Safety Glasses

H7194???Bifocal Safety Glasses 1.5

H7195???Bifocal Safety Glasses 2.0

H7196???Bifocal Safety Glasses 2.5



Figure 57. Eye protection assortment.



Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.


For optimum performance from your machine, follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any specific instructions given in this section.

Daily Check:

???Loose mounting bolts.

???Worn switch.

???Worn or damaged wires.

???Almost full collection bag.

???Any other unsafe condition.


Since all bearings are shielded and permanently lubricated, simply leave them alone until they need to be replaced. Do not lubricate them.


Always wear a respira- tor when emptying the dust collection bags on the dust collector. Sawdust may cause allergic reactions or respiratory problems.

Bag Cleaning

Always empty the collection bags on a regular basis. Emptying the collection bags allows the machine to operate at a much higher level of efficiency.

Always wear the appropriate respirator or dust mask and safety glasses when emptying the col- lection bags. Small dust particles can escape the bags during emptying, causing them to become airborne and easily inhaled. This microscopic air- borne dust is extremely unhealthy to breathe and can cause serious health problems.

While the Model G0562Z/G0562ZP/G1030Z2/ G1030Z2P excels at collecting the majority of wood dust produced by your machines, it is not an air filter; therefore, we strongly recommend the supplemental aid of a shop air filter such as the Grizzly G0572 or G9956. Air filters are designed to collect the smaller dust particles in the air that escape from the dust collector bags.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

Replacement plastic lower collection bags are available through Grizzly as Model T20543. Replacement upper collection bags are avail- able for the Model G1030Z2/G1030Z2P as Model G5556.

To replace the collection bag:


2.Make sure you are wearing safety glasses and a respirator.

3.Release the belt clamp securing the collec- tion bag, then unhook the bag from the col- lector.

4.Securely close the top of the bag and safely dispose of it according to local and federal standards.

5.Install a new collection bag.

Model G0562Z/ZP, G1030Z2/Z2P (Mfg. 11/11+)

To clean the canister filter on the Model G0562Z/ G0562ZP, move the canister cleaning handle back and forth to free the trapped dust particles from the filter pleats (see Figure 58). The particles will fall into the collection bag.

The replacement canister for the G0562Z/ G0562ZP is the Model H5783, which can also be installed on the G1030Z2/G1030Z2P.

Figure 58. Canister cleaning handle directions.


The use of compressed air or liquids to clean the canister filter will damage the filtration pleats of the filter. Use ONLY the cleaning handle or, if necessary, a soft brush to clean the inside of the canister filter.



Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section if a problem develops with your machine. If you need replacement parts or additional help with a procedure, call our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663.

Note: Please gather the serial number and manufacture date of your machine before calling.

To reduce the risk of serious personal injury or damage to the machine, any repairs not covered in this manual should only be performed by or with the assistance of qualified service personnel.


Motor & Electrical

Dust Collector Operation




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Wiring Safety Instructions

MODIFICATIONS. BdY^[n^c\ i]Z l^g^c\ WZndcY l]Vi^hh]dlc^ci]ZY^V\gVbbVnaZVYidjcegZ" Y^XiVWaZ gZhjaih! ^cXajY^c\ hZg^djh ^c_jgn dg [^gZ# I]^h^cXajYZhi]Z^chiVaaVi^dcd[jcVeegdkZYV[iZg" bVg`ZieVgih#

WIRE CONNECTIONS. 6aa XdccZXi^dch bjhi WZ i^\]i id egZkZci l^gZh [gdb addhZc^c\ Yjg^c\ bVX]^cZ deZgVi^dc# 9djWaZ"X]ZX` Vaa l^gZh Y^h" XdccZXiZYdgXdccZXiZYYjg^c\Vcnl^g^c\iVh`id ZchjgZi^\]iXdccZXi^dch#

CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS. Ndj BJHI [daadl i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih Vi i]Z WZ\^cc^c\ d[ i]^h bVc" jVa l]Zc XdccZXi^c\ ndjg bVX]^cZ id V edlZg hdjgXZ#

MOTOR WIRING. I]Z bdidg l^g^c\ h]dlc ^c i]ZhZ Y^V\gVbh ^h XjggZci Vi i]Z i^bZ d[ eg^ci^c\ WjibVncdibViX]ndjgbVX]^cZ#>[ndj[^cYi]^h idWZi]ZXVhZ!jhZi]Zl^g^c\Y^V\gVb^ch^YZi]Z bdidg_jcXi^dcWdm#

CAPACITORS/INVERTERS. HdbZ XVeVX^idgh VcYedlZg^ckZgiZghhidgZVcZaZXig^XVaX]Vg\Z[dg je id &% b^cjiZh V[iZg WZ^c\ Y^hXdccZXiZY [gdb i]Z edlZg hdjgXZ# Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ WZ^c\ h]dX`ZY!lV^iViaZVhii]^hadc\WZ[dgZldg`^c\dc XVeVX^idgh#

EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ndjVgZZmeZ" g^ZcX^c\Y^[[^Xjai^ZhjcYZghiVcY^c\i]Z^c[dgbVi^dc ^cXajYZY ^c i]^h hZXi^dc! XdciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa HjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++(#

The photos and diagrams included in this section are best viewed in color. You can view these pages in color at

Wiring Diagram




G0562Z/G1030Z2 Main Breakdown

See H5783 Parts


on Page 39 '*


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G0562Z/G1030Z2 Main Parts List

H5783 Canister Filter Assembly



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H5783 breakdown

5PH5783005 THRUST BEARING 12 X 14 X 6


19PH5783019 SPONGE GASKET 10 X 15MM



23PH5783023 FOAM STRIP 20MM X 156CM

24PH5783024 FOAM STRIP 42MM X 156CM

G0562ZP/G1030Z2P Main Breakdown

See H5783 Parts


on Page 39'*

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G0562ZP/G1030Z2P Main Parts List

Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again. Contact Grizzly at (800) 523-4777 or to order new labels.




The following information is given on a voluntary basis. It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of course, all information is strictly confidential.

10. 8dbbZcih/ _____________________________________________________________________








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