PMCS 6.11a Interface Toolkit

Installation Guide


GE Power Management Control System 6.11a


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The PMCS Interface Toolkit is a POWER LEADER Power Management Control System (PMCS) version 6.11a tool that provides a custom toolkit to efficiently create flexible, accurate, and friendly user interfaces to your power management data. With the PMCS Wizards (accurate graphical representations of power management devices and other commonly encountered objects), you can create applications to provide a customized interface that accurately represents physical, electrical, and geographical plant layouts. The wizards can significantly cut new system development time, providing results in less than an hour.

The PMCS Interface Toolkit allows you to create one-line diagrams, elevation views, and floor plans that you can combine with tabular data screens and three-dimensional device wizards to create a virtual representation of your facility and equipment. With this graphical user interface, you actually see and control devices on the screen, without having to make a trip out to the meter or trip unit.

The Toolkit, which consists of the Wonderware InTouch development environment coupled with GE???s wizards, is easy to use, taking advantage of state-of-the-art drag- and-drop technology. Wizards are provided for all the devices most commonly used with the PMCS DDE Server. Creating a custom interface is as easy as selecting wizards for the devices installed in a facility and placing them on the screen.

Here???s what you???ll find in this guide:

???Chapter 2 explains the kinds of PMCS Wizards, their use and configuration ??? Small Faceplate wizards, Large Faceplate wizards, Tabular Data Screen wizards, One- Line wizards, Elevation wizards, and Floor Plan wizards.

???Chapter 3 illustrates the use of the GE wizards described in Chapter 2 to create animated displays of the facility floor plan, switchgear elevations, and system one- line diagrams.

???Chapter 4 gives an example of application development, using the wizards described in Chapters 2 and 3 to create an actual PMCS application.

???Chapter 5 describes the functions available with each of the GE Large Faceplate wizards. These wizards are accurate graphical representations


of power management devices, complete with working controls that are linked to the corresponding devices in your facility.

???Chapter 6 describes the Tabular Data wizards. These wizards list the data and setpoints of power management devices in a tabular format. Simply point and click to select the appropriate tab of information to display and view the related data.

The examples and references in this guide enable you to create custom interfaces for your PMCS system, and allow you to access power management data in the way that best suits you.

How should I use this manual?

How you use this book depends on your level of expertise with Wonderware

InTouch. Consult the table below to determine where you should start.


You will find this book easy to use if you look for these simple conventions:

???Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select.

???Monospace type indicates an example or text that is displayed on the screen.

???UPPERCASE type indicates a file name, command name, or acronym.

About the Interface Toolkit

The Interface Toolkit consists of the Wonderware InTouch development environment and a special set of wizards developed for use with the power management devices supported by PMCS.


To install the Interface Toolkit from the CD-ROM, refer to the instructions provided in GEH-6514, Read This Book First.

When InTouch is successfully installed, you must add the PMCS wizards to InTouch???s library of available wizards.

To add the wizards to InTouch, start InTouch and enter Development mode. Pull down the Special menu and select Configure > Wizard.


From the InTouch Configuration menu, select Install Wizards.

The Wizard Installation dialog displays two list boxes, showing the currently installed wizards and the wizards available for installation. Select the desired wizards from the bottom box and click Install. When the installation is complete, click Done.

Exit from the InTouch Configuration dialog box by clicking OK. The PMCS wizards should now be loaded and ready for use.

Using and Configuring

PMCS Wizards

About the Wizards

The wizards contained in the PMCS Interface Toolkit allow you to quickly build accurate and friendly user interfaces with InTouch. In addition to the various wizards standard with InTouch development systems, the Interface Toolkit provides six types of powerful GE wizards:

???GE Small Faceplates

???GE Large Faceplates

???GE Tabular Screens

???GE One-Line Tools

???GE Elevation Wizards

???GE Floor Plan Wizards

The five-step procedure below outlines how to use InTouch wizards.

1.From InTouch, either create a new window or open an existing window to modify.

2.Select the wizards button from the floating toolbars. The Wizard Selection dialog box pops up.

3.Select the class of wizard from the list of wizards on the left side of the Wizard Selection dialog. Several classes contain too many devices to fit on one palette and have been broken up into several palettes; for example; Small Faceplates 1 and Small Faceplates 2.

4.Double-click on the desired wizard, then click on the window to place the wizard.

5.Once the wizard has been placed, double-click anywhere on the wizard to open a configuration dialog (if appropriate), and complete any necessary configuration based on the instructions later in this chapter.

The remainder of this chapter is devoted to describing and illustrating the various kinds of wizards included in the PMCS Interface Toolkit.


Small Faceplate Wizards


The Small Faceplate wizards are icon-sized graphics typically used to create accurate elevation views and one-line diagrams. These wizards are provided with logic to open another window, typically either a Large Faceplate or Tabular Data Screen wizard. There are two palettes of Small Faceplates to choose from.


In development mode, after placing the Small Faceplate, double-click on the icon to open the Small Faceplate Dialog box, as illustrated below. Typically, a Small Faceplate wizard is linked to a window containing either a Large Faceplate or a Tabular Data Screen wizard. You can move or resize Small Faceplate wizards in the window as desired.

Enter the name of the window to open when the icon is clicked on during runtime.


Large Faceplate Wizards


Large Faceplate wizards are three-dimensional representations of device faceplates that can be used to display data from the device. These three-dimensional wizards include extensive logic that provides an accurate reproduction of the actual display and keys of the device. Large Faceplate wizards are typically placed in overlay windows.


Place the Large Faceplate wizard into an open window, then double-click on it to display the Large Faceplate Dialog box. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

The figure shown below is the dialog for a typical wizard. Some wizards have additional features which may be configured. See the section titled Features of GE Large Faceplate Wizards for more details.

Enter the unique eight-character name matching the appropriate Topic in the PMCS DDE Server.

Enter the application name of the PMCS DDE Server (GE32MODB or GE32MTCP) for most PMCS devices; ION_LINK for EPM 7700 devices).

Enter the minimum security level for enabling remote command functions.

Enter the name of the window to open when the device display is clicked on during runtime.

You can move and resize Large Faceplate wizards as desired.

Special Considerations

The button controls on the 3-D representation emulate the controls of the actual device. This may be useful for reducing software training time for personnel already familiar with device operation. The detailed features of each of the Large Faceplate wizards are described in the section titled Features of GE Large Faceplate Wizards .

EPM 7700

The EPM 7700 Large Faceplate Dialog box contains an extra field, which must be completed during configuration. The Node Name field requires that you enter the name of the computer running the Communications Server that connects to this particular device. Depending on the configuration of the EPM7700 network, this can be either the Primary node computer, or a computer setup as a "Full Station" Secondary node. Refer to DEH-40035, the GE 7700 Gateway Users Guide, and GEH-6514, PMCS Read This Book First, for more information on network configuration. The Node Name field is required because the EPM7700 does not use the same DDE server as the rest of the standard PMCS devices, and the wizard must be directed to the location of the correct Communications Server for proper configuration of DDE topic names.


Also, the Application Name field must be completed as ION_LINK rather than GE32MODB or GE32MTCP for the EPM7700 device. The ION LINK program is installed during initial PMCS 6.11a setup if the EPM7700 software option is selected.

When configuring Wizards on Secondary nodes, the Application Name field entry does not follow the PMCS wizard convention of ???\\RemoteComputer\ION_LINK???. EPM7700 Secondary nodes run a local copy of the ION LINK server, thus the application name for EPM7700 Large Faceplate wizards is always ???ION_LINK??? whether the wizard is installed on the Primary node or a Secondary node. The Node Name entry determines if the wizard is on a Secondary node.

Finally, the EPM 7700 device type requires special InTouch scripting for the large faceplate wizard. Refer to the section at the end of this chapter titled Special Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700.

Tabular Data Screen Wizards


Tabular Data Screen wizards contain organized, comprehensive, tabular layouts of device parameters including additional configuration and remote control features. Depending on the device, there may be multiple file-tabs beneath the tabular data section. These switch among various pages relating to data and setpoints.

Each Tabular Data Screen wizard contains buttons for activating the help file, trend window, setup window (if applicable), Event Logger, Waveform Capture, and for closing the window.

You can move and resize Tabular Data Screen wizards as desired.


In development mode, after placing a wizard into an open window, double-click on it to display the Tabular Data Dialog box. The figure below shows the dialog box for a typical Tabular Data wizard. Some wizards have additional features which may be configured. See the section titled Features of Tabular Data Screen Wizards for more details.


Enter the unique eight- character name matching the appropriate Topic in the PMCS DDE Server.

EPM 7700

Use the Group Name field to logically group devices, if desired. Enter the name of the group to which the device belongs.

Enter the application name of the PMCS DDE Server (GE32MODB or GE32MTCP).

Enter the minimum security level for enabling remote command and setup functions.

Enter the name of the window to be opened when the Trend button is clicked on during runtime.

Enter the name of the window to be opened when the Setup button is clicked on during runtime.

The EPM 7700 Tabular Data Dialog box is slightly different from the other PMCS device types, containing two extra fields and requiring minor differences in configuration. The Tabular Data Dialog for the EPM 7700 is shown below, followed by the special configuration requirements.

The Node Name field requires that you enter the name of the computer running the Communications Server that connects to this particular device. Depending on the configuration of the EPM7700 network, this can be either the Primary node computer, or a computer setup as a ???Full Station??? Secondary node. Refer to DEH-

40035, the GE 7700 Gateway Users Guide, and GEH-6514, PMCS Read This Book First, for more information on network configuration. The Node Name field is required because the EPM7700 does not use the same DDE server as the rest of the standard PMCS devices, and the wizard must be directed to the location of the correct Communications Server for proper configuration of DDE topic names.

Also, the Application Name field must be completed as ION_LINK rather than GE32MODB or GE32MTCP for the EPM7700 device. The ION LINK program is installed during initial PMCS setup if the EPM7700 software option is selected.

When configuring Wizards on Secondary nodes, the Application Name field entry does not follow the PMCS wizard convention of ???\\RemoteComputer\ION_LINK???. EPM7700 Secondary nodes run a local copy of the ION LINK server, thus the application name for EPM7700 Tabular Data Wizards is always ???ION_LINK??? whether the wizard is installed on the Primary node or a Secondary node. The Node Name entry determines if the wizard is on a Secondary node.

The Gateway Name field must be completed with GE77GTWY, the application name of the GE 7700 Gateway Server program. When configuring the EPM7700 Tabular wizard on a Secondary node, the Gateway Name does follow the PMCS wizard convention of ???\\RemoteComputer\GE77GTWY??? in the Gateway Name field, where ???RemoteComputer??? is the name of the PC where the GE 7700 Gateway application is running ??? the Primary Node. The following example shows a Tabular Data Dialog box as it would appear when configuring a Tabular Data wizard on a Secondary node. The Node Name field contains the name of the Primary Node computer, the Application Name field is ION_LINK (as it is for ALL EPM7700 wizards on ANY node) and the Gateway Name field points to the GE 7700 Gateway Server running on the Primary Node PC.

Finally, the EPM 7700 device type requires special InTouch scripting for the tabular data screen wizard. Refer to the section at the end of this chapter titled Special Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700.

Refer to DEH-40035 for information on the Communications Server and 7700 Gateway Server.

369 Motor Management Relay

The 369 Motor Management Relay offers an optional Remote RTD module, which can provide support for up to 12 additional RTDs. Accordingly, the 369 Tabular


Data Dialog box has an extra field for indicating when the RRTD option is installed. Be sure to select the correct RRTD option when completing the 369's Tabular Data Dialog window. If you are not planning to use an RRTD module with your relay, select the "No" button. This minimizes the number of I/O tags created by the wizard, providing better performance.

Universal Relay

The Universal Relay device comes in several different models, and each model supports different capabilities, which are reflected by the various tabs available for each model. When configuring a Universal Relay device, you first select the UR Model, then choose which tabs will be displayed for the particular device.

The UR devices are also capable of communicating with a different type of PMCS DDE Server than the other PMCS Advanced Wizards. By selecting the UCA/MMS checkbox, you indicate that you wish the UR wizard to retrieve its data for display from the MMS Server whose name is entered in the Application Name field.

Complete the Application Name field; typically GE32MODB or GE32MTCP.

Special Note:

The UCA/MMS is not supported in this version. So don???t Check this checkbox.

Select the Model of UR which you are configuring. This determines the contents of the Available Tabs list.

Highlight the tabs you wish to display on the Tabular Data Screen wizard. Use the control key to select multiple tabs.


One-Line Wizards


You can use one-line wizards to create animated one-line diagrams that represent an electrical schematic of the devices monitored by the software. These wizards are provided with logic to either open another window or display device status.

One-Line wizards are divided into five functional groups according to the type of animation:

???Horizontal and Vertical Meter wizards display another window, such as a 3-D faceplate.

???Transformer, Fuse, Ground Symbol, and Motor Symbol wizards have a discrete color-change animation indicating the On/Off state of the device.

???Horizontal and Vertical Relay wizards also have discrete color-change animation indicating the On/Off state of the device.

???Horizontal and Vertical Switch wizards have four discrete animations; two are color changes indicating the On/Off state of the device and two are used for a three-state display (Open, Closed, and Error conditions).

???Circuit Breaker wizards have two discrete color-change animations for On/Off status display and one analog animation for a five-state display (Open, Closed, Out, Trip, and Error conditions).

???Lockout/Tagout symbols have discrete visibility animations for various tags. Refer to the section Using and Configuring PMCS Wizards: Lockout/Tagout Wizard for more information.


In development mode, after placing the one-line device icon, double-click on the icon to open its configuration dialog box. All one-line wizards have two configuration items in common:

???Line Size is a number between 1 and 20 that sets the pixel width of the lines in the wizard.

???Size configuration consists of three radio buttons (Small, Medium, and Large) that determine the overall size of the wizard on the screen.

Use the snap-to-grid feature in InTouch to quickly align One-Line wizards. Configuration of each of the five classes of One-Line wizards is described below.

Meter One-Line Wizards

After placing a meter wizard in a window, double-click on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

Enter the name of the window to open when the icon is clicked on during runtime.

Select the color of the meter wizard.


Transformer, Fuse, Ground, and Motor One-Line


After placing a Fuse, Ground, or Motor wizard in a window, double-click on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the state of the line colors during runtime.

Specify the colors of the lines when the Bus Status is On and Off. The wizard is displayed in the On Color when the Bus Status Tagname = 1, Off Color when the Bus Status Tagname = 0.

The dialog box for the Transformer wizard has an extra check box that specifies either an air-core or iron-core transformer, as shown below.

Click on the check box to specify an air-core transformer.

Horizontal and Vertical Relay One-Line Wizards

After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Relay wizard in a window, double-click on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the right (or top) of the relay symbol during runtime.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the left (or bottom) of the relay symbol during runtime.

Click the check box to display a slash through the contacts (normally closed contact).

Specify the colors of the wizard elements when the contact status and connection discrete tags are On or Off.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the relay symbol during runtime.


Horizontal and Vertical Switch One-Line Wizards

After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Switch wizard in a window, double-click on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the right (or top) of the switch symbol during runtime.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the left (or bottom) of the switch symbol during runtime.

Enter the names of the InTouch discrete tags that determine the state of the switch during runtime.

Specify the colors of the wizard elements when the connection and switch discrete tags are On and Off and when there is an Error condition. The switch symbol color is determined by the following logic:

Circuit Breaker One-Line Wizards

After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Circuit Breaker wizard in a window, double- click on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into each of the boxes.

Enter text to display next to the breaker graphic during runtime (optional).

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the right (or top) of the breaker symbol during runtime.

Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that determines the color of the line to the left (or bottom) of the breaker symbol during runtime.

Enter the name of the InTouch analog tag that determines the color of the circuit breaker symbol, the state of the breaker, and the status text displayed next to the breaker icon during runtime.

Specify the colors of the wizard elements and status text for the breaker states during runtime.

See the table below for default status/color mappings.

The breaker status values and the associated default colors are listed in the table below. Error status indicates that the breaker status inputs create an indeterminate state for the breaker.

Breaker status values & display colors.


Elevation Wizards


Elevation wizards are graphical elements that represent switchgear components useful for creating 3-D elevation views. These wizards are not associated with any logic or animation, but are provided to create more visually accurate screens and representations of equipment. Device icon wizards are typically placed on the Elevation wizards to show the breakers, trip units, and meters and provide navigation to device 3-D wizards, tabular displays, or arbitrary windows.


After placing an Elevation wizard in an open window, it may be moved or resized, but no other configuration is possible. Elevation wizards are not provided with logic for opening another window.

Floor Plan Wizards


Floor Plan wizards are graphical elements that are useful for creating accurate representations of a facility layout. You can use a floor layout as an overview display of an entire plant, with animated areas for navigation to various switchgear elevation views or one-line diagrams. You can paste miniature elevation views as bitmap objects onto the floor layout, sized to fit, and then animate them as push buttons to display elevation views or one-line diagrams (see Chapter 3).


After placing a Floor Plan wizard in an open window, it may be moved or resized, but no other configuration is possible. Floor Plan wizards are not provided with logic for opening another window.


Toolbar Wizard


The Toolbar wizard is a navigational tool which allows the user to move between recently-used or frequently-used windows, and provides a clock for quick reference.

The first/last arrows jump to the first or last window in the windows list (see Configuration below); the inner forward and back arrows move to the next or previous window in the list. The window buttons to the right of the arrows provide quick access to the windows assigned to each button.


The arrow buttons on the Toolbar wizard operate by maintaining a list of windows for access by the toolbar navigational controls. To allow a window to be added to the windows list when viewed by a user, a call to WLAddWindow( ) must be placed in the OnShow window script. This call must be placed in each window that you want to have on the window list.

The eight hot buttons are configured by double clicking on the wizard, and completing the Toolbar Wizard Edit dialog box:

For each button, you can set the top and bottom caption, and specify the window to be opened when that button is clicked.

Annunciator Panel Wizard


The Annunciator Panel wizard provides an industrial-style annunciator display panel, consisting of a bank of 48 indicator lights which change colors and blink to indicate various device conditions. For instance, a circuit breaker could be associated with an annunciator panel wizard to display grey when closed and change to red if it trips.

This wizard requires the PMCS Event Logger software to be installed and properly configured before it can be used, because it operates by monitoring special DDE tags which change state based on alarms or events recorded by the Event Logger.

The panel consists of an array of 48 buttons (six columns by eight rows), each of which may be labeled with up to three lines of text, and each of which is associated with a particular device (topic) at the PMCS DDE Server.

The annunciator panel wizard provides buttons for acknowledging alarms, resetting acknowledged alarms, and for viewing an alarm summary via the PMCS Event Logger.

Annunciator Panel Theory of Operation

The Annunciator Panel wizard provides a screen full of indicator tiles, each relating to a particular device, event, or group of events. These tiles are displayed in different colors to indicate different alarm conditions. The Annunciator Panel wizard monitors selected DDE items in the Event Logger and responds to changes of state in these items by changing the colors of individual indicator tiles. For example, you might configure a relay trip event to have a tile in the Annunciator Panel wizard. The wizard monitors a DDE tag at the Event Logger corresponding to the trip status of the relay and displays a grey indicator if the relay is operating properly, and a red indicator if the relay has tripped.


From the Event Logger???s perspective, there are two parts to configuring the Annunciator Panel. First, each DDE Item that will be displayed on the Annunciator Panel wizard must be added (using the Add Items dialog). For the example we???re discussing, we???ll assume you???ve created a DDE Item named Trip1. Each DDE item will connect to an individual tile in the Annunciator Panel wizard.

The second part consists of defining events which will turn individual DDE items ON or OFF. Each DDE item (or Annunciator Panel tile) can be turned on or off by any number of device events you define. The events are logically ORed together to determine ON or OFF conditions; i.e., if any of the events occurs, the DDE item is ON; if none of the events have occurred, the DDE item remains OFF.

We???ll continue the relay example we began above. For example, you might configure the Trip1 DDE Item to be ON if any of the following events occurs: the relay is tripped, or the relay reports an error condition, or the relay senses an overvoltage condition. The Annunciator Panel wizard displays a grey indicator tile for the relay for as long as the DDE item remains in the OFF condition. If the Annunciator Panel wizard sees the DDE Item change from OFF to ON, it reacts by changing the indicator tile from grey to red. The Event Logger Annunciator Panel logic will also change the state of a DDE Item in response to actions performed at the Annunciator Panel Wizard. The user can both acknowledge and reset individual Annunciator DDE Items. The following diagram shows the relationship of the Annunciator Panel wizard, the Event Logger, and the PMCS DDE Server.

In the upper illustration, the Event Logger watches for any of the three events configured to cause a change of state to the Trip 1 DDE Item. None of these three events have occurred, so the status of the Trip 1 DDE Item is at OFF. The Annunciator Panel wizard is monitoring the configured DDE Items at the Event Logger, but all DDE Items are ???OFF??? so the Annunciator Panel displays green indicator tiles.

In the lower illustration, the Event Logger has recorded a ???Trip??? event for the unit in question, and changed the state of the Trip 1 DDE Item to ???ON???. The Annunciator Panel wizard sees this change, and responds by changing the color of the annunciator panel tile for Relay 1 to red.


Each "Alarm indicator" as defined by the Event Logger will appear to InTouch as a DDE Integer item which can have the following values/states:

Each panel button displays one of five different colors, based on the states defined above. A fill color animation link controlled by an indirect integer tag is used to change colors. The fill color link is set as follows:

<= 9: Dark Grey

10 -> 19: Grey

20-> 29: Grey (will also have a flashing Red animation link)

30 -> 39: Red

>= 40: Yellow


Note: Prior to configuring an Annunciator Panel Wizard, you should have completed configuration of the Annunciator Panel Items at the PMCS Event Logger. Refer to GEH-6512, PMCS Event Logger Users Guide, for details.

When the Annunciator Panel wizard is dropped, it appears as a blank panel of 48 indicators:


Double-click on the wizard to display the Annunciator Panel


Complete the Annunciator Panel Name field (up to 8 characters), and the Security Access Level (level of security required to Reset any Acknowledged alarms. The color codes for different alarm states can be modified by clicking on each color. Note that the color codes apply to all 48 indicators on the annunciator panel wizard.

Finally, click on an indicator to display the configuration dialog for that individual button:

Enter the text to display on any of the three lines available for the selected button. It is not necessary to enter text on all three lines. Click OK when you have finished assigning text labels to the button.

As each annunciator panel button is labeled, the Annunciator Panel Dialog reflects these changes by showing the Row/Column coordinates of the labeled buttons:

When you have finished labeling your annunciator panel buttons, click OK to close the Annunciator Panel Dialog box. When you close this dialog box, InTouch automatically creates indirect analog tags for each panel button. These tags are named xxx_R1C1 through xxx_R8C6, where xxx is the name assigned to the wizard (for example, Panel1), and R1C1 indicates the row and column position on the annunicator panel.


Two steps remain after the wizard has been configured.

First, InTouch DDE Integer tags must be created for the DDE items configured in the Event Logger corresponding to the Alarm Panels. Make sure the DDE Item names created in InTouch match the DDE Item names configured in Event Logger. (If you are unsure of how to create DDE tags in InTouch, please refer to WonderWare???s documentation.) The DDE Access name for the Event Logger should be configured in InTouch as follows:

Second, an InTouch script must be written to associate the InTouch indirect tags created by the wizard with the InTouch DDE tags created for DDE Items in Event Logger. Typically, this script is placed in the InTouch ???On Startup??? application script.

An example of a simple script is shown below:

Panel1_R1C1.Name = ANN_P_1A.Name;

Panel1_R1C2.Name = ANN_P_1B.Name;

Panel1_R1C3.Name = ANN_P_2A.Name;

At run-time, InTouch will receive DDE data from the Event Logger which will control the colors of all indicators that have been configured properly.


Troubleshooting Tips for the Annunciator Panel Wizard

???Make sure that all DDE Items associated with the annunciator panel have been created in the Event Logger.

???You must create associated InTouch DDE Integer Tags by hand in the InTouch tagname database. The DDE Access name for the tags should use ???EVENTLOG??? for the Application Name and ???SYSTEM??? for the Topic Name. Make sure the ???Request Initial Data??? option is selected for this DDE Access name.

???Check the WWLogger at runtime for possible DDE errors.

???Make sure your application script is mapping the proper DDE tags with the proper indirect tags.

???Make sure the Event Logger is running before starting InTouch Windowviewer.

Custom Table Wizard


The Tabular Data Screen wizards provide the ability to view extensive device data in tabular form. However, they do not allow you to select the data to view - you must view all the data presented and locate the particular data points you are interested in.

The Custom Table wizard differs from the Tabular Data wizards by providing an easy-to-use, highly-flexible way to view a limited number of registers for a particular device. It presents only the data you are interested in, displaying it in a convenient table format as shown above. Each table consists of 1 to 12 rows of information, one register per row.

Each table takes up approximately one-quarter of an average display, so up to four Custom Table wizards may be placed on a screen.


When the Custom Table wizard is dropped, it appears as a blank screen. Double- click on the wizard to display the Custom Table Dialog:


Begin configuring the Custom Table by completing the following fields:

EPM 7700 Users Only: When the EPM 7700 device type is selected, an additional field appears in the Custom Table Dialog box, adjacent to the Device Name (shown below).

The Node Name field requires that you enter the name of the computer on which the meter???s Communications Server is located, either the Primary Node or a Full Station Secondary Node. This field is required because the EPM 7700 does not use the same DDE Server as the rest of the standard PMCS devices, and the wizard must be directed to the location of the correct Communications Server for proper configuration of DDE topic names. For more information on configuring EPM7700 networks, refer to DEH-40035, the GE 7700 Gateway Users Guide, and GEH-6514,

PMCS Read This Book First.

Also, the Application name field must be completed as ION_LINK rather than GE32MODB or GE32MTCP for the EPM7700 device. The ION LINK program is installed during initial PMCS setup if the EPM7700 software option is selected.

When configuring Custom Tabular wizards on Secondary nodes, the Application Name field entry does not follow the PMCS wizard convention of ???\\RemoteComputer\ION_LINK???. EPM7700 Secondary nodes run a local copy of the ION LINK server; thus the application name is always ???ION_LINK??? whether the wizard is installed on the Primary node or a Secondary node.

Finally, the EPM 7700 device type requires special InTouch scripting for the custom tabular wizard. Refer to the section at the end of this chapter titled Special Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700.


When these fields are completed, click the Select Multiple Tags button to select several tags at once, or click the Select Tag X button to assign tags one at a time. The Select Device Tags dialog appears:

The Select Device Tags dialog shows a list of all the pre-configured tags which the Custom Table wizard supports for the selected device type, sorted by address, and displaying the tagname and description. Most tags are metering value registers.

Select up to twelve tags from the list by clicking (high-lighting) each one. To de- select a tag, simply click it a second time. When you have selected up to 12 tags, click OK to return to the Custom Table dialog box. The selected tags will now be displayed as shown in the following example:

You may select OK to select this table configuration, or you may edit the tags one at a time using the Select Tag X buttons (for instance, if you wish to change the order the tags appear in).

The tag descriptions and units may also be edited (useful for non-English applications), but caution is urged when modifying descriptions or units; it may be difficult to remember what they were originally if needed.

Note for users of the MDP device type: This device uses a memory tag to scale many

of the data values displayed in the wizard.: "DeviceName_CTRatio" (where DeviceName is the name entered for the device within the wizard). The wizard creates this tag within InTouch (memory tag with a format type of "Real"). The InTouch application must provide a value for this tag (usually entered by the user at run-time). If no value is entered at runtime, a value of zero will be used as the default value for this tag, and many of the metering data registers (AMPS A, B, C, etc) on this device type will appear as zero as well. See the MDP Tabular Data wizard for additional information. If the application has a Tabular Data Screen Wizard with the same device name as this wizard, then the end user can set the CTRatio tag value via the MDP Tabular Data Screen wizard.

Note for users of the EPM7300 device type: The custom table wizard will display

N/A for certain metering values when the PM Volts Mode parameter is set to Demo in the device. Please use the EPM 7300 Tabular Data Wizard to view these values when the device is in Demo mode.


System Statistics Wizard


The System Statistics wizard is an informational tool which allows the user to view detailed statistics about the system, including port information from the DDE Server and disk information.

The wizard consists of a single screen displaying Port Statistics on the top portion and disk information on the bottom. Statistics on up to eight COM ports are displayed. The user may page forward or backward eight ports at a time by clicking the Prev 8 Ports or Next 8 Ports button.

Whenever a new DDE Server name is entered, the user must click the Refresh button to update the DDE links to correspond to the new parameters.


When the wizard is dropped, the following dialog box appears:

The System Statistics wizard requires a name itself, and also the name of a DDE Server to access.

By default, the System Statistics wizard assumes that the DDE Server is located locally and is named GE32MODB. You may change this to access a DDE Server located on a networked PC by entering the name as \\NODENAME\SERVER, where NODENAME is the name of the host PC and SERVER is the name of the PMCS DDE Server, which will be GE32MODB.

During runtime, the default drive letter is C, corresponding to the local hard drive. You may change this value to any valid drive letter corresponding to either a fixed local drive or a mapped network drive.


Lockout/Tagout Wizard


The Lockout/Tagout provides a method for assigning danger or ground tag graphics to various one-line diagrams or wizards.

On-screen tags and indicators are for informational purposes only and DO NOT represent real-world conditions! Actual lockout status must be verified prior to performing any work. Failure to follow appropriate lockout procedures can result in SEVERE INJURY or


The Wizard consists of a single screen (shown above) displaying the presence or absence of danger and ground tags for a particular device. The user installs or removes Danger and/or Ground Tags using the Install/Remove buttons on the Tag Assignment window shown above. Any wizards belonging to the same Status Group will display Danger and/or Ground Tag indicators mirroring the tags installed in the Tag Assignment window.

Supported Devices

Several PMCS breaker management devices support the Lockout/Tagout Wizard in their Large Faceplate and Tabular Data Screen wizards. These devices are:

???750 / 760 Feeder Management Relay


When Lockout/Tagout wizard is dropped and double-clicked, the following dialog box appears:

Complete the following fields to configure the Lockout/Tagout Panel Display:

???Enter a name for this panel. The Panel Name is used to distinguish the tags used internally by a particular instance of a panel from other panels within an application. Each panel within an application should have a unique Panel Name.

???Enter the name of the Status Group associated with this Lockout/Tagout Panel. The Status Group is the name that links this panel to Lockout/Tagout Online Symbols and the breaker management device wizards that can support it. It is important to remember the Status Group assignment since it must be used to configure the associated Oneline Symbols and IED wizards.

???Enter the minimum Security Level required to add and remove Danger or Ground tag symbols within the application.

The second part of the Lockout/Tagout wizard that can be configured is the Oneline Tagout Symbol.

The Oneline Tagout Symbol is a small wizard for placement in oneline diagrams, to be associated with a circuit breaker. It displays the presence or absence of any Danger or Ground tag symbols assigned to the breaker symbol by the PMCS user. After dropping the Oneline Tagout Symbol wizard onto a oneline diagram, associate it with a particular circuit breaker and any other devices you wish to have the tags displayed at by making it a member of a Status Group. The Oneline Tagout Symbol Dialog box is displayed when you double-click the wizard:


Complete the following fields:

???Enter the name of the Status Group associated with this Lockout/Tagout symbol. The Status Group is the name that links this symbol to the Lockout/Tagout panel and the breaker management device wizards that can support it. It is important to remember the Status Group assignment since it must be used to configure the associated panel and IED wizards.

???Enter the name of the window to open when the Oneline Tagout Symbol wizard is clicked on during runtime. It should be the name of the window in which the Lockout/Tagout Panel is located.

Example of Lockout/Tagout Wizard

The following example may help clarify the use of the Lockout/Tagout wizard.

Suppose that we have a breaker being monitored by a redundant pair of ML 750/760 devices in our system. We wish to be able to display Lockout/Tagout symbols for this breaker.

We create a oneline diagram in InTouch which represents this configuration, placing the circuit breaker wizard, then each of the ML 750/760 small faceplate wizards, then a Lockout/Tagout wizard for each ML 750/760 device. It looks like this:

When configuring the Lockout/Tagout wizard in the oneline diagram, we complete the Oneline Tagout Symbol dialog as follows:

Breaker_Group_1 is the name of the Status Group we???ll assign to all wizards associated with this breaker; Tag Window is the name of the window we want to appear when someone clicks on the Oneline Tagout wizard during runtime.

Next, we create separate screens containing Large Faceplate wizards and Tabular Data screen wizards for each ML 750/760 device. While configuring each wizard, we make sure that each one is given the Status Group ???Breaker_Group_1???. This ensures that any Danger or Ground tag symbols present will be shown on any large faceplate, tabular data screen, or oneline wizards associated with this group. An example of the Tabular Data configuration dialog box is shown below; note that the Status Group field is assigned to Breaker_Group_1, the same Status Group as our Oneline Tagout Symbol wizard. Do not confuse the Status Group parameter with the Group Name parameter. The Group Name parameter is not used for configuring Lockout/Tagout Status Groups.

We drop and configure our Lockout/Tagout Wizard next; double clicking this wizard, the Lockout/Tagout Panel dialog appears:


We name the Lockout/Tagout panel Panel_1. We associate the Panel with the same Status Group as our other wizards, Breaker_Group_1. Finally, we set the minimum security level required to add or remove tags.

Now in Runtime mode, when the Tag Assignments dialog is displayed, it appears as follows:

Clicking Install Danger Tag checks our security level, and if we have sufficient access, displays a Danger Tag for the breaker as follows:

The Installed By field on the tag shows the name of the current operator who installed the tag; the Installed At field shows the time and date stamp of the tag???s installation.

When we view a wizard which belongs to this group, for example the Large Faceplate wizard of one of our ALPS devices, the Danger tag shows up as a red indicator with a ???D??? in it, as shown below:


Special Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700

This section describes the special InTouch scripting which is required for the EPM 7700 device???s Large Faceplate, Tabular Data Screen, and Custom Tabular wizards. The EPM 7700 is a powerful and highly flexible device, supporting hundreds of discrete data items. This scripting is required due to the large number of DDE items available for this device type. For performance reasons, not all DDE items are kept active simultaneously by the EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen wizard; at any given moment, DDE items which are not used may be disconnected to save the Server the additional overhead of monitoring unused items. The scripts described in this section automatically configure the DDE links used by the Tabular Data Screen wizard when it is displayed, and enable the Large Faceplate wizard to re-connect to items which may have been disabled by the Tabular Data Screen wizard.

NOTE: Failure to install these scripts for the Large Faceplate and Tabular Data

Screen wizards may result in faulty behavior of the wizard!

Templates for the required scripts are automatically installed in the InTouch directory when PMCS is installed with the EPM 7700 Software Components option selected. You may use the Notepad accessory program to open the files, then copy the text from the file to InTouch when appropriate.

There are three scripts described in this section. The first script is an InTouch Application Script that is required whenever a Large Faceplate or Tabular Data Screen wizard is installed for a given device. The purpose of this script is to provide communication status indication on the wizard. If the application script is not installed, the ???Communications Failed??? indicator on the Large Faceplate and Tabular Data wizards will not function. The second script, the EPM 7700 Large Faceplate/Custom Table Script, is an InTouch Window Script that must be applied to each Large Faceplate and Custom Tabular wizard window. This script ensures that any tags which were disabled by the Tabular Data wizard are properly restored when switching to a Large Faceplate or Custom Table screen. The third script, the Tabular Data Screen Script, also an InTouch Window Script, applies only to the EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen wizard. Its purpose is to automatically initialize the wizard for optimum performance whenever its window is displayed.

Note that the application script is required whenever a Large Faceplate or Tabular wizard is installed. The Windows scripts are required whenever your application uses Tabular Data wizards.

Installing the Application Script

1.After configuring the EPM 7700 Large Faceplate wizard or Tabular Data Screen wizard, select ???Special \ Scripts \ Application Scripts?????? from the WindowMaker main menu. The Application Script Dialog box opens:

2.Select ???While Running??? from the Condition Type drop down list, and enter ???30000??? in the ???Every ??? Msec??? text box next to the Condition Type drop down list.

3.Use Notepad.exe to open the file ???EPM7700 Application Script.txt???, located in the Intouch directory of the PC. Select (highlight) all the file text and copy it to the clipboard using the CTRL-C keyboard command.

4.Switch back to WindowMaker and paste the clipboard contents into the Application Script dialog text box, using the CTRL-V keyboard command.

5.From the dialog box menu, select Edit \ Find??? to bring up the Replace dialog box as shown in the example below. In the ???Find What??? field, type in ???DeviceNm???. In the ???Replace With??? field type in the Device Name used to configure the Large Faceplate wizard. Click the ???Replace All??? button to modify the text, then click the Cancel button to close the Replace dialog.


1.Click the OK button to close the Application Script Dialog.

NOTE: The application script text is only needed once for each configured device. If you are installing more than one wizard for a particular EPM7700 device (for example, a Large Faceplate and a Tabular Wizard), you only need to copy the application script once. If you are installing more than one EPM7700 device in your InTouch application, the application script window must contain a copy of the application script text for each configured device. See the example below:


EPM 7700 Large Faceplate or Custom Table Wizard Scripting

Configuring the Large Faceplate/Custom Table Script

1.After configuring the Large Faceplate or Custom Table wizard, and with its window displayed, select ???Special \ Scripts \ Window Scripts??? from the WindowMaker main menu. The Window Script Dialog box opens:

2.Select "On Show" from the Condition Type drop down list.

3.Use Notepad.exe to open the file ???EPM7700 Non-Tabular Window Script.txt???, located in the Intouch directory of the PC.

4.Select (highlight) all the file text and copy it to the clipboard using the CTRL-C keyboard command.

5.Switch to WindowMaker and paste the clipboard contents into the Window Script dialog text box, using the CTRL-V keyboard command.

6.From the dialog box menu, select Edit \ Find??? to bring up the Replace dialog box as shown in the following example. In the ???Find What??? field, type in ???DeviceNm???. In the ???Replace With??? field, enter the Device Name used to configure the Large Faceplate wizard. Click the ???Replace All??? button to modify the text. Click the Cancel button to close the Replace dialog. Click the OK button to close the Window Scripts Dialog.


EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen Scripting

All EPM7700 Tabular wizards require the creation of a Window Script in InTouch. The Window Script automatically configures DDE Links used by the Tabular Wizard when it is displayed. The script must first be configured, then installed, per the following procedures.

Configuring the Tabular Data Screen Script

1.After configuring the Tabular wizard, and with its window displayed, select "Special \ Scripts \ Window Scripts??? from the WindowMaker main menu. The Window Script Dialog box opens.

2.Select ???On Show??? from the Condition Type drop down list.

3.Use the Notepad.exe accessory program to open the file ???EPM7700 Tabular Window Script.txt???, located in the Intouch directory of the PC. Select (highlight) all the file text and copy it to the clipboard using the CTRL-C keyboard command.

4.Switch back to WindowMaker and paste the clipboard contents into the Window Script dialog text box, using the CTRL-V keyboard command.

5.From the dialog box menu, select Edit \ Find??? to bring up the Replace dialog box, as shown in the example below. In the ???Find What??? field, type in ???DeviceNm???. In the ???Replace With??? field type in the Device Name used to configure the Tabular wizard. Click the ???Replace All??? button to modify the text. Click the Cancel button to close the Replace dialog. Click the OK button to close the Window Scripts Dialog.

Creating Floor Plans, Elevation

Views, and One-Line Diagrams


This chapter illustrates how to use the GE wizards described in Chapter 2 to create animated displays of the facility floor plan, switchgear elevations, and system one- line diagrams. These examples are typical, but are not intended to display the limits of creative system design.

Elevation Views

Elevation views of switchgear and switchboards are typically created first, because miniature bitmaps of the elevations can be conveniently placed in floor plans as navigation items.

To build an elevation view, place GE Elevation and Small Faceplate wizards into the window, as follows:

1.Place the appropriate cabinet.

2.Place panels onto the cabinet.

3.Add nameplates, louvers, handles, and fasteners to create the desired level of detail.

4.Place GE Small Faceplate wizards representing the components installed in the equipment on top of the elevation wizards, as shown in the figure on the following page.

5.Configure each of the Small Faceplate wizards to open a window containing an appropriate Large Faceplate or Tabular Data Screen for the device.


6.You can add additional navigation buttons (using standard InTouch controls) to open windows containing one-line views or other information.

7.If the switchgear shown in the elevation view is fed from or feeds another lineup, you can add buttons to navigate to elevation views representing those lineups.

Floor Plans

A floor plan should be a recognizable overhead representation of a facility. These windows are built using the GE Floor Plan wizards, described in Chapter 2. They can be made as detailed or as simple as desired. The example below shows an overview of a facility, showing all of the areas containing equipment.

You can link each of these areas in the main window to a more detailed window by adding a labeled navigation button (using standard InTouch controls) that is configured to show that window. In this way, you can provide paths to move up and down through a complete floor plan hierarchy.

Floor plans may be as detailed as you desire and may include miniature bitmaps of equipment elevations. The procedure for creating a miniature bitmap in a floor plan view is as follows:

1.In the floor plan window, use the toolbox to create a bitmap object with the desired size of the miniature switchgear.

2.Switch to the desired elevation window.

3.Select and copy the elevation view.

4.Switch back to the floor plan window.

5.In the floor plan window, use the Paste Bitmap command to insert the elevation view into the bitmap object.

6.Double-click on the miniature elevation bitmap to configure a link to the full- sized elevation view window.

7.You can add additional buttons, using standard InTouch controls, to navigate to windows containing one-line views of the switchgear or other information.


Electrical One-Line Diagrams

One-line diagrams are built by placing and linking circuit elements using the One- Line wizards, then creating scripts to provide animation for those wizards whose status can be determined or controlled, such as breakers and switches.

A one-line diagram is drawn by placing GE One-Line wizards into a window. All animated One-Line wizards have at least one discrete tag to indicate the status of the bus feed to the device, while others may have tags for in and out connections and for device status. If you do not require animation, link the wizard???s discrete tags to a constant tag with a value of true.

After the device wizards have been placed and configured, they may be connected by standard InTouch line graphics. Double-click on lines to configure them for animation. You can link a line to a discrete variable, with the colors set to indicate on (typically green) and off (typically red). If several lines are used to indicate one section of bus, animate them together with the Make Symbol toolbox selection.

When a one-line diagram is too large to comfortably fit into a single window, place navigation buttons with links to other windows near each bus line that continues to another screen. This allows intuitive navigation up and down a distribution system hierarchy.

To accurately animate your one-line diagram once all the graphics are in place, condition scripts must be written with the logic for the distribution system. See the InTouch documentation for details of the scripting language. The following example shows a simple double-ended substation with a tie breaker and the scripting that animates it.

An example of the scripting for this one-line diagram is shown below:

{Set values of local discrete variables based on state of integer status of breaker. This section sets the breaker status memory discretes to true if the breaker???s analog status value is 3 (closed).}

brk1_s = (brk1 == 3 OR brk1 ==9); brk2_s = (brk2 == 3 OR brk1 ==9); brk3_s = (brk3 == 3 OR brk1 ==9); brk4_s = (brk4 == 3 OR brk1 ==9); brk5_s = (brk5 == 3 OR brk1 ==9); brk6_s = (brk6 == 3 OR brk1 ==9);

{set the bus status for the incoming feeds to the dependent bus above in the

distribution hierarchy. This section sets the dependencies of the bus pieces to other sections of the one-line diagram and resets pieces of the bus located entirely on this screen to false.}

bus1 = feed1; bus2 = feed2;

{set the bus status for the incoming feeds to the dependent bus above in the

distribution hierarchy. This section sets the dependencies of the bus pieces to other sections of the one-line diagram and resets pieces of the bus located entirely on this screen to false.}

bus1 = feed1; bus2 = feed2;

{reset internal bus pieces to off for computations }

bus3 = 0; bus4 = 0; bus5 = 0;

{set the bus status for the incoming feeds to the dependent bus above in the

distribution hierarchy. This section sets the dependencies of the bus pieces to other sections of the one-line diagram and resets pieces of the bus located entirely on this screen to false.}

bus1 = feed1; bus2 = feed2;

{reset internal bus pieces to off for computations }

bus3 = 0; bus4 = 0; bus5 = 0;

Sets the breaker status memory discretes to true if the breaker???s analog status value is 3 (closed).

Sets the dependencies of the bus pieces to other sections of the one- line diagram and resets the pieces of the bus located entirely on this screen to false.

IF???THEN statements traverse the hierarchy from top to bottom, left to right, and then bottom to top, right to left.


{set the bus status for the incoming feeds to the dependent bus below in the

distribution hierarchy. The IF_THEN statements in this section traverse the hierarchy from top to bottom, left to right, and then bottom to top, right to left.}

bus6 = 0; bus7 = 0;

{two main feeds }

IF (bus1 AND brk1_s) THEN bus3 = 1;


IF (bus2 AND brk2_s) THEN bus4 = 1;


{left to right across tie breaker } IF (bus3 AND brk3_s) THEN

bus4 = 1;


IF (bus4 AND brk4_s) THEN bus5 = 1;


{two outgoing feeders }

IF (bus3 AND brk5_s) THEN bus6 = 1;


IF (bus5 AND brk6_s) THEN bus7 = 1;


{back feed from two outgoing feeds } IF (bus7 AND brk6_s) THEN

bus5 = 1;


IF (bus6 AND brk5_s) THEN bus3 = 1;


{right to left across tie breaker } IF (bus5 AND brk4_s) THEN

bus4 = 1;


IF (bus4 AND brk3_s) THEN bus3 = 1;


{two incoming feeds }

IF (bus5 AND brk2_s) THEN bus2 = 1;


IF (bus3 AND brk1_s) THEN bus1 = 1;


Sample Application

Creating a basic interface

We???ve learned about the various parts and pieces of the Interface Toolkit; now let???s put it to work.

Suppose we have a very basic power management system installed at our corporate home office. The system consists of four trip units and a PQM (Power Quality Meter). We???d like to set up a computer in the front office to provide a front end to this system, allowing us to monitor all these devices at one station without having to walk back to the individual devices on the plant floor.

We plan the application on paper first so that we know how many screens to create and what each screen will look like. This will help us save time when in development by providing a starting point and a map of what we???re trying to create. This ???storyboard??? for our application looks something like this:

As shown above, for this basic application, we???ll need 12 screens ??? an introduction screen, a shot of the panelboard showing all five of our power management devices, and then a large faceplate and tabular screen for each device. We???ll link the Large Faceplate screen for each unit to the Small Faceplate wizard shown on the Panelboard screen, and, from the Large Faceplate, we can click on the device???s display to jump to the Tabular data screen for that device. To make it easier to navigate the screens, we???ll create extra buttons on the bottom of the Faceplate and Tabular screens that will jump back to the Panelboard screen.

With our plan in hand, and after completing the installation procedures described in Chapter 1, we???re ready to begin development. Launch InTouch and select the button to create a new file, then click the Development button.


First, we???ll create all our new windows and name them, then we???ll go back and flesh them out with their contents and add links between them. Create the following twelve windows:

Select the window named Main Screen, and use the Wonderware tools to sketch a floorplan of the facility, as shown below.

In the Manufacturing Floor area, we place a button labeled ???Click here to begin???,??? and give it an animation link to the window named Panelboard.

Select the Panelboard window. Use the PMCS Elevation wizards to create a mock-up of the panelboard, then use the PMCS Small Faceplate wizards to populate the panelboard with our PQM meter and the four trip units. The Panelboard screen should look like this:

We???ll include a note about the panelboard???s location, describing where to find the real panel, and also a note of instruction: ???Click a device to see the large faceplate screen.???

Create the links to the device screens by double-clicking on each small faceplate and entering the name of the device???s Large Faceplate screen. For example, double-click on the PQM???s Small Faceplate on the panelboard; then, in the resulting dialog box, type the name of the PQM_Face window. Complete these links for the remaining devices.

Next we???ll develop the device screens. For the purposes of this chapter, we???ll just walk through the two PQM screens. The development of the trip unit screens follows the same procedure.

Select the PQM_Face window, then use the Wonderware Button tool found on the Toolbox to create two new buttons, ???HOME??? and ???Go back to Panel.??? Use the Animation Links command to tie these buttons to the Main Screen and Panelboard windows, respectively. Now use the Wizards tool to place the PQM Large Faceplate wizard on the PQM_Face window. The screen should look similar to the following:


Now we???ll develop the PQM Tabular data screen. Select the PQM Tab window and use the Wizards tool to place the PQM Tabular Data wizard on the screen. Double click the wizard and fill in the Device Name and the Trending windows as shown below. Click OK.

Finally, add some navigation buttons to the Tabular screen for returning to the Main Screen (HOME), to the Panelboard (Go to Panel), or to the Large Faceplate screen (Go back to Faceplate). Link each button to the appropriate screen, and you???re all set!

Complete the application by developing the Faceplate and Tabular screens for each of the four trip units and that???s it ??? we???ve just developed a PMCS application using the GE Wonderware Wizards.


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Features of GE Large Faceplate


About the Large Faceplate Wizards

This chapter contains descriptions of the functions available with each of the GE Large Faceplate wizards. While a majority of the most popular data available at each device have been made available in the Wizards, some functions available with the actual devices are not provided in the Large Faceplate representations, such as the following:

???Test Mode or Simulation Mode on some devices is not fully supported

???Details on status/alarm/trips other than the information displayed by the front LEDs and a brief text message (see Tabular Data Screens for detailed status/alarm/trip information)

???Any flashing status messages which may be produced by a device

???Some actual values are not displayed on the Large Faceplate Wizard, but can be found on Tabular Data Screen Wizards

Users should be aware that not all values displayed by the GE Large Faceplate Wizards are automatically updated. Also, some rapidly changing values, especially those requiring calculation, cannot be displayed as rapidly on the wizard as on the actual device???s screen.

For a more detailed description of the functions of a device, see the user???s guide for that device.



The large faceplate representation of the POWER LEADER EPM provides the following animated functions:

Table 1. PLEPM Faceplate animated functions.

The electrical parameters and status information displayed by the EPM are listed below for both the normal and alternate scrolls. Note that the displayed parameters

differ depending on whether the EPM is configured as Wye or Delta. Please note that the Normal Scroll Delta and Alternate Scroll Delta lists contain several parameters marked with an asterisk; these parameters were included in the wizard for programming reasons, but are not valid for Delta configurations and should not be used.


Spectra MicroVersaTrip Trip Unit

The large faceplate representation of the Spectra MicroVersaTrip trip unit provides the following animated functions:

Table 2. Spectra MVT Faceplate animated functions.


Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-C Trip Unit

The large faceplate representation of the Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-C trip unit provides the following animated functions:

Table 3. EMVT-C Faceplate animated functions.


Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-D Trip Unit

The large faceplate representation of the Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-D trip unit provides the following animated functions:

Table 4. EMVT-D Faceplate animated functions.



The large faceplate representation of the POWER LEADER Meter provides the following animated functions:

Table 5. PL Meter Faceplate animated functions.


Spectra ECM

The large faceplate representation of the Spectra ECM provides the following animated functions:

Table 6. Spectra ECM Faceplate animated functions.

The modes and the parameters available in each mode are as follows:


EPM 3710 Meter

The large faceplate representation of the EPM 3710 provides the following animated functions:

Table 7. EPM 3710 Faceplate animated functions.

The parameters displayed by the PHASE button are listed in the following table.

The parameters displayed by the FUNCTION button are listed in the following table. If any of the import or export values are zero, they are not displayed and the next nonzero value is shown. When any of these parameters are displayed, the AMPS portion of the display window is used to allow display of the complete value.


EPM 3720 Meter

The large faceplate representation of the EPM 3720 meter provides the following animated functions:

Table 8. EPM 3720 Faceplate animated functions.

The parameters displayed by the PHASE button are listed in the following table.


EPM 7700 Meter

The large faceplate representation of the EPM 7700 meter provides the following animated functions:

Table 9. EPM 7700 Faceplate animated functions.

The parameters displayed by the various data screen buttons are listed in the following table.


**NOTE: If the Sliding Demand Reset is initiated, or a SWD setup register is changed, SWD values are ???N/A??? in the meter until the number of sub-intervals specified in the #sub intervals setup register have expired. The 3D faceplate and Tabular wizard will display 0 for these values during this state.

269 Plus Motor Management Relay

The large faceplate representation of the 269 Plus provides the following animated functions:


Table 10. 269+ Faceplate animated functions.

The following table lists the pages that can be accessed with the PAGE buttons, with the parameters available in each page that can be accessed with the LINE buttons.



565 Feeder Management Relay




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Features of Tabular Data Screen



This chapter describes the features available with tabular data screens. The set of features basic to all tabular data screens is described first, then any unique features are described for each device.

Features of Tabular Data Screens

The upper left-hand area of every tabular data screen contains a 3-D graphic of the device faceplate. This graphic is simply to verify identification and is not animated.

The middle area on the left-hand side displays common information about the device. It provides a quick indication of how the device is configured and contains no animation.

The buttons on the lower-left of the screen provide features described below. Not all devices support all of these buttons, so on some screens one or more of the buttons may be grayed out.

???The Help button calls up the PMCS help file with regard to the current device.

???The Exit button closes the tabular data screen.

???The Events button starts or jumps to the PMCS Event Logger client program and displays its window in the foreground.

???The Trend button displays the trend window that was specified in the configuration dialog. The button will be disabled if no trend window was specified during configuration of the Wizard.

???The Wave button runs the PMCS Waveform Capture client program for that device. This button is only enabled for devices supporting waveform capture.

???The Setup button displays the trend window that was specified in the configuration dialog. The button will be disabled if no setup window was specified during configuration of the Wizard.


The right side of the screen contains a display of the device data. The tabs at the bottom enable you to select among the various data tables which can be displayed. The number of tabs (screens) varies according to the type and amount of data available from the device. The two main types of data are metering, which shows the data being monitored by the device, and setup, which is used to configure the device. Other tabs may be available depending on the device???s capabilities.

Some devices have push buttons that reset events or clear accumulated data; these will be discussed below in the individual device sections. These functions are represented by 3-D push buttons on the tabular data screens. When a button is pressed, a dialog box appears that either asks for confirmation of the action or states that the operator has an insufficient access level to perform the operation. If security is enabled in your InTouch application, the current operator must have an Access level greater than or equal to the Access level configured for each tabular wizard in order to issue device commands. See the Wonderware InTouch documentation for more information on how to use security features within InTouch.

Power Leader EPM

The Power Leader EPM Tabular Data Screen wizard provides the following command buttons:

Table 12. PLEPM Tabular data screen commands.

Another feature to bear in mind when working with the PLEPM tabular wizard is:

???The Normal Metering screen displays one of two tables depending on whether the meter is configured as Delta or Wye.


Spectra MicroVersaTrip

The Spectra MicroVersaTrip Tabular Data Screen wizard provides the following command buttons on the Setup screen:

Table 13. Spectra MVT Tabular data screen commands.

Another feature to bear in mind when working with the Spectra MicroVersaTrip tabular wizard is:

???The data entry field for the energy demand interval can be set to values of 5 to 60 minutes in increments of 5 minutes.

Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-C Trip Unit

The Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-C Tabular Data Screen provides six push buttons on the Setup screen:

Table 14. EMVT-C Tabular data screen commands.


Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-D Trip Unit

The Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-D Tabular Data Screen provides six push buttons on the Setup tab:

Table 15. EMVT-D Tabular data screen commands.


The POWER LEADER Meter Tabular Data Screen wizard provides three push buttons on the Command screen:

Table 16. PL Meter Tabular data screen commands.


Spectra ECM

The Spectra ECM Tabular Data Screen wizard performs the following actions with push buttons on the Command screen:

Table 17. Spectra ECM Tabular data screen commands.

MDP Digital Overcurrent Relay

The feature to bear in mind when working with the MDP tabular wizard is:

???On the Setup screen, you must enter a value into the CT Ratio box. This value is multiplied by the values in the amp registers to convert the latter into user units. If you do not enter a value for the CT Ratio, the message ???CT Ratio has not been entered??? appears on the bottom of the Tabular Data Screen and on the Large Faceplate wizard.

Monitoring Tab

The MDP Monitoring Screen shows the following:

???Metering values of RMS Current, RMS Trip Current and Phase Trip Status

???Trip Time


???External Inputs

The message ???CT Ratios has not been entered!??? will appear when no CT Ratio entered on the Setup tab. Click on Setup Screen Tab to enter the CT Ratio.


Command Tab

The MDP Tabular Data Screen wizard has three command buttons:

Table 18. MDP Tabular data screen commands.

The MDP Command Screen shows 3 buttons:

???Open Breaker: Opens the Breaker

???Close Breaker: Closes the Breaker

???Reset Fault: Clears the Event Table in the MDP

The screen also shows the Breaker Status, for example OPEN.

Setup Tab

The MDP Setup Screen shows:

???Phase Settings Configuration

???Ground Settings Configuration

You must enter CT Ratio in the relevant field.


PQM (Power Quality Meter)

All six function buttons under the Info box are enabled for the PQM.

The PQM Tabular Data Screen wizard has nine command buttons, described below.

Table 19. PQM Tabular data screen commands.

See the PQM Instruction Manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.

Metering Tab

The Multilin PQM Metering tab shows:

???Metering values: For A, B, C and 3 Phase

???Energy: In various values

???Output Relays: Alarm, Aux 1, Aux 2 and Aux 3

The Clear Energy button, when clicked, will clear all energy values. The Reset Device button, when clicked, will reset the Device.


Status Tab

The Multilin Status tab shows the status of Alarms, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3 Relays.

Demand Tab

The Multilin PQM Demand screen shows :

???Demand Current & Power

???Peak Demand

???Minimum and Maximum Frequency and their Time Stamps.

The Clear Max Demand Values button, when clicked, will clear all the maximum demand values. The Clear Frequency Values button, when clicked, will clear all the frequency values.


IV Range Tab

The Multilin PQM IV Range tab shows the Minumum and Maximum Current, Voltage Values.

The Clear Current Min/Max button, when clicked, will clear all the minimum and maximum values of the current. The Clear Voltage Min/Max button, when clicked, will clear all the minimum and maximum values of voltage.

P Range Tab

The Multilin PQM Power Range screen shows the Power minimum and maximum values.

The Clear Power Min/Max button, when clicked, will clear all the minimum and maximum values of the power.


Analysis Tab

The Multilin PQM Power Analysis screen shows:

???Power Quality Values

???Total Harmonic Distortion

???THD Max

The Clear Max THD Values button, when clicked, will clear all maximum THD values.

IO Tab

The Multilin PQM Inputs and Outputs screen shows:

???Digital Input Switches

???Output Relays

???Analog Input

???Switch Input Pulse Counters

The Reset Pulse Counter button, when clicked, will reset all the pulse counter values.


Setpoints Tab

The Multilin PQM System Setpoints screen shows:

???Current Demand Type

???Current Demand Time Interval (m)

???Power Demand Type

???Power Demand Time Interval (m)

???Energy Cost Per kWh (cents)

???Neutral Current Sensing

???Analog Input Main Relay

???Analog Input Alt Relay

???Switch A Function

???Switch B Function

???Switch C Function

???Switch D Function

Motor Manager II (MMII)

Five of the six function buttons under the Info box are enabled for the MMII; the

Wave button is not supported for the MMII.

The MMII Tabular Data Screen wizard has four command buttons, described below.

Table 20. MMII Tabular data screen commands.

See the MMII's Instruction Manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.


EPM 3710 Meter

The EPM 3710 Tabular Data Screen wizard provides the following special features:

???The Normal Metering Values screen has a label that displays either kVA Demand or Amps Demand, depending on how the meter is configured.

???The Setpoints screen has two scroll buttons that determine which setpoint is displayed.

???The Setup tab contains a field "Iout Key" corresponding to the Iout Key display on the actual device. On the actual device, this field displays text messages such as "Voltage A" or "Current C". In the Tabular Data Screen wizard, these messages are presented as a numeric code and must be referenced against the following table.

EPM 3720 Meter

The EPM 3720 Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup 1, Setup 2, and Setpoints screens to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Some are changed by clicking on the displayed value, while others provide scroll buttons, and some have both.

???The Download and Refresh buttons on the Setup 1 and Setup 2 screens upload and download the values for all of the setup parameters.

???The Download and Refresh buttons on the Setpoints screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

???The Reset Energy Integrators and Reset All Min/Max buttons on the Setup 1 screen provide the named functions.

???The Sliding Demand tab supports downloading of up to 10 sliding demand measurements to the device. See Appendix B for information on setting the sliding demand keys.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the Refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired, then press the Download button to send all setpoints to unit.

When you first open the EPM 3720 Tabular Data Screen, you may see values of zero in all fields. The EPM 3720 Tabular Data Screen requires some user interaction (such as pressing a key) to update its values.


EPM 7300 Meter

The EPM 7300 Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup screen to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Some are changed by clicking on the displayed value, while others are changed by clicking on the associated scroll button. The Download and Refresh buttons on the setup screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired, then press the download button to send all setpoints to the unit.

The EPM 7300 Tabular Data Screen???s command buttons are described below:

Table 21. EPM 7300 Tabular data screen commands.

Metering Tab

The 7300 ION Normal Metering Values screen shows the metering values:

???A, B and C

???Three Phase Values

???Voltage Imbalance

???Current Imbalance

???Frequency (Hz)

???Phase Reversal


The Reset Energy button will reset the energy.


Min/Max Tab

The 7300 ION Min/Max/Demand Values screen shows:

???Minimum and maximum metering values

???Digital Outputs

1.By clicking on the Text box provided, a popup box will be appeared where text can be entered.

2.By clicking on Force ON and Force OFF the status can be seen as ON or OFF respectively.

???Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Windows Demand

The Reset Sliding Demand button, when clicked, will reset all Sliding Demand values in the device. The Reset Min/Max button, when clicked, will reset all Min/Max values in the device.

Setup Tab

The 7300 ION Setup screen shows various setup values of the device such as Volts Mode, Phase Order, PT Secondary and CT Secondary.

The Download button, when clicked, will download all relevant values in the device.

The Refresh button, when clicked, will refresh all the values coming from the device.


EPM 7330 Meter

The EPM 7330 Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup screen to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Some are changed by clicking on the displayed value, while others are changed by clicking on the associated scroll button. The Download and Refresh buttons on the setup screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired, then press the download button to send all setpoints to the unit.

The EPM 7330 Tabular Data Screen???s command buttons are described below:

Table 22. EPM 7330 Tabular data screen commands

Metering Tab

The 7330 ION Normal Metering Values screen shows the metering values:

???A, B and C

???Three Phase Values

???Voltage Imbalance

???Current Imbalance

???Frequency (Hz)

???Phase Reversal


The Reset Energy button will reset the energy.



The 7330 ION Min/Max/Demand Values screen shows:

???Minimum and maximum metering values

???Digital Outputs

1.By clicking on the Text box provided, a popup box will be appeared where text can be entered.

2.By clicking on Force ON and Force OFF the status can be seen as ON or OFF respectively.

???Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Windows Demand

The Reset Sliding Demand button, when clicked, will reset all Sliding Demand values in the device. The Reset Min/Max button, when clicked, will reset all Min/Max values in the device.

Setup Tab

The 7330 ION Setup screen shows various setup values of the device such as Volts Mode, Phase Order, PT Secondary and CT Secondary.

The Download button, when clicked, will download all relevant values in the device.

The Refresh button, when clicked, will refresh all the values coming from the device.


EPM 7500/7600 Meter

The EPM 7500/7600 Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup screen to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Some are changed by clicking on the displayed value, while others are changed by clicking on the associated scroll button. The Download and Refresh buttons on the setup screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired, then press the download button to send all setpoints to the unit.

In the following pages, each of the 7500/7600 Meter???s Tabular Data Screen Wizards??? tabs will be displayed and detailed.

Metering Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Metering Data Screen

The Metering tab displays the following metered values from the EPM 7500/7600.

???Vln A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vln C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Vln Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vll AB

???Vll BC, CA, and Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???I A, B, Neutral, and Avg

???I C: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???KW A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KW C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KW Total

???KVA A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KVA C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KVA Total

???KVAR A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KVAR C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KVAR Total

???Power Factor Lead A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lead C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE or PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lead Total: n/a when PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lag A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or PF is Leading

???Power Factor Lag C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE or PF is Leading

???Power Factor Lag Total: n/a when PF is Leading

???Power Factor Total A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Power Factor Total C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Power Factor Total

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Voltage A, B, and C: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Current A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???K Factor A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

Three-Phase Values

???Vab, Vbc, Vca

???Voltage Unbalance

???Current Unbalance


???Phase Reversal (On, Off) : n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE


Min/Max Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Min/Max Tab

The Minimum/Maximum Values tab displays a variety of minimum and maximum values recorded by the EPM 7500/7600. Select Show Minimum or Show Maximum buttons to display either the minimum or maximum values for the displayed parameters. To reset all min/max values, select the Reset Min/Max button.

Min/Max values may be displayed for the following parameters:

Phase A, B, C, Neutral and Average Values

???Vln A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vln C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Vln Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vll AB

???Vll BC, CA, and Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???I A, B, Neutral, and Avg

???I C: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Voltage A, B, and C: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Current A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???K Factor A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

Three-Phase Values

???Vab, Vbc, Vca

???Power Factor Lead Total: n/a when PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lag Total: n/a when PF is Leading

???Voltage Unbalance


Power Quality Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Power Quality Tab

The Power Quality tab displays the following power quality values from the EPM 7500/7600.

Symmetric Components

???Zero Sequence Phase and Magnitude for Current and Voltage

???Positive Sequence Phase and Magnitude for Current and Voltage

???Negative Sequence Phase and Magnitude for Current and Voltage

Disturbance Counts

???Sag / Swell Counter

Relative Setpoints

???Over KW Sliding Window Demand Status

???Over Current Phase A Status

???Over Current Phase B Status

???Over Current Phase C Status

???Over Voltage Unbalance Status

*Note: no color code is used for the Relative Setpoint Status.

The Power Quality tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Reset Sag Swell Disturbance Counter ??? Resets Sag Swell Counter.


Enable/Disable Sag Swell ??? Enables or Disables Sag Swell Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over KW SWD ??? Enables or Disables Over Real Power Sliding Window Demand for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over Current ??? Enables or Disables Over Current for Phases A, B, and C for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over Vunb ??? Enables or Disables Over Voltage Unbalance for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Demand Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Demand Tab

The Demand tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7500/7600.


???Real Energy Import, Export, Total, and Net

???Reactive Energy Import, Export, Total, and Net

???Apparent Energy Total


???Real Power Sliding Window Demand, Predicted Demand, and Thermal Demand

???Reactive Power Sliding Window Demand, Predicted Demand, and Thermal Demand

???Apparent Power Sliding Window Demand, Predicted Demand, and Thermal Demand

???Average RMS Current Sliding Window Demand, Predicted Demand, and Thermal Demand

Minimum/Peak Demand

???Minimum or Peak Real Power Sliding Window Demand, Total Demand, and Thermal Demand

???Minimum or Peak Reactive Power Sliding Window Demand, Total Demand, and Thermal Demand

???Minimum or Peak Apparent Power Sliding Window Demand, Total Demand, and Thermal Demand

The Demand tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands: Reset Energy ??? Resets Energy Demand values identified above.

Reset SWD??? Resets Sliding Window Demand values identified above. Reset Thermal ??? Resets Thermal Demand values identified above. Reset Peak ??? Resets Peak Demand values identified above.

The Minimum/Peak panel's Show Maximum and Show Minimum buttons can be used to toggle the display between minimums and peaks.

Inputs Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Inputs Tab

The Inputs tab displays the following values from the EPM 7500/7600.

Digital Inputs


???Status (On, Off) for Status Inputs (SI) 1-8. (Color Code: Green ??? ON, Grey ??? OFF).

???Counters for SI1-8.

The Inputs tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands: Reset Counters ??? Resets Digital Input Status Counters for SI1-8.

The Inputs tab also provides retentive memory inputs for the following:

Digital Input Names for SI1-8.

Setup 1 Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Setup 1 Tab

The Setup 1 tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7500/7600.

Power Settings

???Volts Mode

???Phase Order

???Voltage Polarity for A, B, and C

???Current Polarity for A, B, C, and Neutral

Transformer Ratio Settings

???PT and CT Primary

???PT and CT Secondary

???Neutral CT Primary and Secondary


???Baud Rate for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Unit ID for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Protocol for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Mode for Comm 1.

???IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

The Setup 1 tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Download ??? Executes a script to check for values that have changed and downloads those values to the device via the GE 7700 Gateway.

Refresh ??? Executes a script to upload all of the meter values for the settings on the screen.

Note: Be sure to click the Refresh button prior to changing or downloading any settings to the EPM7500 or EPM7600, as the latest settings may not be displayed.


Setup 2 Tab

EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Setup 2 Tab

The Setup 2 tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7500/7600.

Sliding Window Demand Settings

???Sliding Demand Sub Interval Settings for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

???Sliding Demand Number of Sub Intervals for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

???Sliding Demand Predicted Response for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

Waveform Recorder Settings

???Depth of Waveform Recorder

Sag / Swell / Transient Settings

???Sag / Swell Nominal

???Sag Limit

???Swell Limit

???Change Criteria

Relative Setpoint Settings

???Nominal value for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Under Dropout for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Over Dropout for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Under Pickup for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Over Pickup for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Time On for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Time Off for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

The Setup 2 tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Download??? Executes a script to check for values that have changed and downloads those values to the device via the GE 7700 Gateway.

Refresh??? .Executes a script to upload all of the meter values for the settings on the screen.

Note: Be sure to click the Refresh button prior to changing or downloading any settings to the EPM7500 or EPM7600, as the latest settings may not be displayed.


EPM 7700 Meter

The EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup screen to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Some are changed by clicking on the displayed value, while others are changed by clicking on the associated scroll button. The Download and Refresh buttons on the setup screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired, then press the download button to send all setpoints to the unit.

In the following pages, each of the 7700 ION Meter???s Tabular Data Screen Wizards??? tabs will be displayed and detailed.

Metering Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Metering Data Screen

The Metering tab displays the following metered values from the EPM 7700.

???Vln A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vln C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Vln Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???I A, B, Neutral, and Avg

???I C: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???Vll AB

???Vll BC, CA, and Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???KW A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KW C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KW Total

???KVAR A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KVAR C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KVAR Total

???KVA A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???KVA C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???KVA Total

???Power Factor Lead A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lead C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE or PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lead Total: n/a when PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lag A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or PF is Leading

???Power Factor Lag C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE or PF is Leading

???Power Factor Lag Total: n/a when PF is Leading

???Power Factor Total A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Power Factor Total C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Power Factor Total

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Voltage A, B, and C: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Current A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???K Factor A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Voltage Unbalance

???Current Unbalance


???Phase Reversal (On, Off) : n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE


Min/Max Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Min/Max Tab

The Minimum/Maximum Values tab displays a variety of minimum and maximum values recorded by the EPM 7700. Select Show Minimum or Show Maximum buttons to display either the minimum or maximum values for the displayed parameters. To reset all min/max values, select the Reset Min/Max button.

Min/Max values may be displayed for the following parameters:

???Vln A, B: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???Vln C: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA or SINGLE

???Vln Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is DELTA

???I A, B, Neutral, and Avg

???I C: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???Vll AB

???Vll BC, CA, and Avg: n/a when Voltage Mode is SINGLE

???KW Total

???KVAR Total

???KVA Total

???Power Factor Lead Total: n/a when PF is Lagging

???Power Factor Lag Total: n/a when PF is Leading

???Power Factor Total Total

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Voltage A, B, and C: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Total Harmonic Distortion ??? Current A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???K Factor A, B, C, and Neutral: n/a when Source is n/a.

???Voltage Unbalance


Power Quality Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Power Quality Tab

The Power Quality tab displays the following power quality values from the EPM 7700.

Disturbance Monitoring

???Sag / Swell Counter

???Transient Counter

???Over KW Sliding Window Demand Status

???Over Current Phase A Status

???Over Current Phase B Status

???Over Current Phase C Status

???Over Voltage Unbalance Status

*Note: no color code is used for the Relative Setpoint Status.

Symmetric Components

???Zero Sequence Magnitude for Current and Voltage

???Zero Sequence Phase for Current and Voltage

???Positive Sequence Magnitude for Current and Voltage

???Positive Sequence Phase for Current and Voltage

???Negative Sequence Magnitude for Current and Voltage

???Negative Sequence Phase for Current and Voltage


The Power Quality tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Reset Disturbance Counters ??? Resets Sag Swell and Transient Counters. Enable/Disable Sag Swell ??? Enables or Disables Sag Swell Tracking. Enable/Disable Transient ??? Enables or Disables Transient Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over KW ??? Enables or Disables Over Real Power Sliding Window Demand for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over Amps ??? Enables or Disables Over Current for Phases A, B, and C for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Enable/Disable Over Vunb ??? Enables or Disables Over Voltage Unbalance for Relative Setpoint Tracking.

Demand Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Demand Tab

The Demand tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7700.


???Real Energy Import, Export, Total, and Net

???Reactive Energy Import, Export, Total, and Net

???Apparent Energy Total

Sliding Window Demand (SWD)

???Real Power Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Demand

???Reactive Power Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Demand

???Apparent Power Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Demand

???Average RMS Current Sliding Window Demand and Predicted Demand

Thermal Demand

???Real Power Thermal Demand

???Reactive Power Thermal Demand

???Apparent Power Thermal Demand

???Average RMS Current Thermal Demand

The Demand tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands: Reset Energy ??? Resets Energy Demand values identified above.

Reset SWD??? Resets Sliding Window Demand values identified above. Thermal Demand ??? Resets Thermal Demand values identified above.

Inputs Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Inputs Tab

The Inputs tab displays the following values from the EPM 7700.

Digital Inputs

???Status (On, Off) for Status Inputs (SI) 1-8. (Color Code: Green ??? ON, Grey ??? OFF).

???Counters for SI1-8.

Analog Inputs

???Zero Scale Setting for AI1-4. : n/a when doesn???t exist on the meter


???Full Scale Setting for AI1-4. : n/a when doesn???t exist on the meter

???Scaled Value for AI1-4. : n/a when doesn???t exist on the meter

The Inputs tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands: Reset Counters ??? Resets Digital Input Status Counters for SI1-8.

The Inputs tab also provides retentive memory inputs for the following:

Digital Input Names for SI1-8.

Analog Input Names for AI1-4. : n/a when doesn???t exist on the meter

Setup 1 Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Setup 1 Tab

The Setup 1 tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7700.

Power Settings

???Volts Mode

???Phase Order

???Voltage Polarity for A, B, and C

???Current Polarity for A, B, C, and Neutral

Transformer Ratio Settings

???PT and CT Primary

???PT and CT Secondary

???Neutral CT Primary and Secondary


???Baud Rate for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Unit ID for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Protocol for Comm 1, 2, and 3.

???Mode for Comm 1.

???Ethernet Protocol, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

The Setup 1 tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Download ??? Executes a script to check for values that have changed and downloads those values to the device via the GE 7700 Gateway.

Refresh ??? Executes a script to upload all of the meter values for the settings on the screen.

Note: Be sure to click the Refresh button prior to changing or downloading any settings to the EPM7700, as the latest settings may not be displayed.


Setup 2 Tab

EPM 7700 ION Meter - Setup 2 Tab

The Setup 2 tab displays the following demand values from the EPM 7700.

Sliding Window Demand Settings

???Sliding Demand Sub Interval Settings for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

???Sliding Demand Number of Sub Intervals for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

???Sliding Demand Predicted Response for KW, KVAR, KVA, and Iavg.

Waveform Recorder Settings

???Depth of Waveform Recorder

Sag / Swell / Transient Settings

???Sag / Swell Nominal

???Sag Limit

???Swell Limit

???Change Criteria

???Transient Threshold

Relative Setpoint Settings

???Nominal value for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Under Dropout for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Over Dropout for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Under Pickup for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Over Pickup for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Time On for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

???Time Off for Over KW, Over Current, and Over Vunbal.

The Setup 2 tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Download??? Executes a script to check for values that have changed and downloads those values to the device via the GE 7700 Gateway.

Refresh??? .Executes a script to upload all of the meter values for the settings on the screen.

Note: Be sure to click the Refresh button prior to changing or downloading any settings to the EPM7700, as the latest settings may not be displayed.


Universal Relay

The Universal Relay devices are a highly-flexible family of power management devices based on the concept of a backplane and CPU supporting a wide variety of plug-in modules. These modules provide metering, monitoring, protection and control functions, and other abilities.

A UR tabular wizard can display between one and eight screens of data ??? the number of screens is determined by the user during wizard configuration. There are a total of Twenty Three screens available, depending on the type of UR device connected. For example, the C30 device does not support any metering functions, so the metering an source tabs are not available for this device.


The UR wizard supports connection to the PMCS Modbus and Ethernet servers and third party MMS servers. A UCA/MMS check box is provided on the wizard configuration dialog to correctly set up the Intouch tag names for use with MMS.

Special Note: UCA/MMS support for PMCS 6.11a is removed. Do notcheck this checkbox.


Note: If WindowViewer is running when the wizard configuration dialog is called up, a message appears warning that any changes made to the UR wizard configuration will not take effect until WindowViewer is shut down and restarted. For example, if a user elects to change the number of tabs configured for a device, the changes will not be reflected in the runtime environment until WindowViewer is restarted.

In the following pages, each of the Tabular Data Screen Wizards??? tabs will be displayed and described.

Metering Tab

Universal Relay - Metering Data Screen

The Metering tab displays the following metered values from the B30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 devices: Actual Values for Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor, and Frequency. These values are detailed below.


RMS Current for each phase, ground, and neutral

Phasor magnitude and angle for each phase, ground and neutral


RMS voltage for each phase-to-phase, phase-to-neutral, and auxiliary voltage value.

Phasor magnitude and angle for phase-to-phase, phase-to-neutral and auxiliary voltage value.

Phase-to-neutral voltages are displayed as "N/A" if derived from a source wired in a delta configuration.


Shows Real (Watts), Reactive (VAR), and Apparent (VA) power values per phase and 3-phase.

By default, all power values are displayed in terms of kW, kVAR, and kVA. These values will scale as appropriate to MW, MVAR, and MVA.

Power values derived from a source wired in a delta configuration are displayed as "N/A".


Power Factor

Shows the signed power factor value in percent.

Power Factor values derived from a source wired in a delta configuration are displayed as "N/A".


Frequency is shown in units of hertz.

Frequency is only displayed if the Frequency Tracking Reference setpoint is set to a non-zero value.

Power Quality Tab

Universal Relay - Quality Tab

The Quality tab provides six buttons labeled S1 ??? S6. These buttons enable you to select the source (1 ??? 6) for display. The text in the upper left corner of the tab indicates which source is currently displayed. Buttons are disabled for sources that have not been configured or enabled in the attached device. The Voltage parameters displayed are dependent on CT/VT configuration of the device hardware.

For the selected source, the Quality tab displays actual values for Zero Sequence, Positive Sequence, and Negative Sequence currents and voltages. The following devices are supported: B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60. The displayed values are described below.


Phasor magnitude and angle for negative, positive and zero sequence currents.


Phasor magnitude and angle for negative, positive and zero sequence voltages.

Voltage values derived from a source wired in a delta configuration will appear as "N/A".

Protection Control Tab

Universal Relay - Protection Control Tab

The Protection Control tab is supported for the following devices: B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60. The Protection Control tab provides the features described below.

Grouped Protection Settings

There are eight identical groups of protection settings in the UR - this tab provides an enable/disable status indication of selected protection elements, as well as a pushbutton to change the enable/disable status of those elements in each group. Function availability is determined by the Order Code read from the device ??? those functions that are not available in the connected device will be grayed out and disabled, as shown below:


Button to enable or disable the indicated function.

Status indicator: gray = disabled, amber = enabled.

The label color indicates the function???s availability on the connected device: gray = not available, black = available.

To use this tab, the user selects one of the eight settings groups for editing using the control labeled "Select Settings Group". The status of the settings in the selected group will then be displayed, and the user can enable/disable functions without affecting settings in the other seven groups. Note that the displayed group may not be the active group currently in use by the relay???s protection algorithms. The pushbuttons are subject to user level security in Intouch.

Phase TOC and IOC Settings

The Phase, Neutral, and Ground buttons in this section may be used to select the display of the TOC and IOC values.

Power System Configuration Tab

Universal Relay - Power System Configuration Tab

The Power System Configuration tab supports the B30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows the source CT and VT configuration of the entire relay. The supported UR devices can be configured with one to three DSP cards containing voltage and/or current transformers for measurement purposes.

Current Transformers (CT)

Primary: indicates the current rating of the CT primary.

Secondary: indicates the output current of the CT secondary, either 1A or 5A.

Displays "N/A" if the Order Code indicates no CT is installed in the affected location.

Voltage Transformers (VT)

Secondary: indicates the output voltage of the VT.

Ratio: the turns ratio of the VT.

Displays "N/A" if the Order Code indicates no VT is installed in the affected location.

Synchrocheck 1/2 Delta

The Delta values for Synchrocheck 1 and 2, voltage frequency, and phase.

IRIG-B Signal Type

Displays the IRIG-B signal type in use, if applicable.

Normal Frequency

The system nominal frequency in hertz.

Phase Rotation

The system phase rotation, ABC or ACB.

Frequency Tracking Reference

A numerical setpoint value associated with a specific source. The indicated source is used by the relay for developing frequency metering information. A value of zero indicates that the relay is not intended to meter frequency.

Hi-Z Function

Enable or Disable the device's High Impedance (Hi-Z) function, if equipped.


Transformer Tab

Universal Relay - Transformer Tab

The T60 device alone supports a Transformer Tab on its wizard. This tab is unique to the T60 device type. The following values are shown:

Differential Current

Phasor magnitude and angle.

Differential 2nd Harmonic

Phasor magnitude and angle

Differential 5th Harmonic

Phasor magnitude and angle

Restraint Current

Phasor Magnitude and angle

Transformer Winding Reference

Indicates which of the six possible transformer windings will serve as the reference winding.

Elements Tab

Universal Relay - Digital Elements Tab

The Elements tab displays user-defined name and current status of the sixteen digital elements in the UR. The status indicator color is amber if an element is enabled, gray if it is disabled. The B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 devices are supported.


Digital Counter Tab

Universal Relay - Digital Counter Tab

The digital counter tab supports B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 device types, showing information about the eight digital counters provided in each UR.

Status ??? this indicator is amber if the counter is enabled, gray if disabled.

Enable/Disable ??? this button gives the user the ability to enable or disable the specified counter.

Name ??? displays the user-defined name assigned to the counter. Frozen Value ??? shows the counter???s value when last frozen.

Time Stamp ??? shows the time and date when the frozen count was acquired.

Virtual Inputs Tab

Universal Relay - Virtual Inputs Tab

The Virtual Inputs (VInputs) tab allows the user to enable/disable all configured virtual inputs in the connected device and provides indication of their status. The 32 virtual inputs can be manually operated with the pushbuttons provided at the bottom of the screen. This tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 devices.

Virtual Inputs

The enable/disable controls and status indicators are presented as a series of pages. To view the virtual inputs, the use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate between the pages. The arrow keys are disabled when the virtual inputs are not being displayed.

The state of each virtual input can be controlled with the pushbuttons along the bottom of the screen. Clicking one of these buttons toggles the status of the virtual input, changing its state as shown in the indicator blocks associated with each button. Note that a virtual input must be enabled before the toggling action will take effect in the relay.


Virtual Outputs Tab

Universal Relay - Virtual Outputs Tab

The Virtual Outputs (VOutput) tab allows the user to view the status (energized/de- energized) of all available virtual outputs on the device. The user can also assign a textual name to each of the outputs. Up to 64 virtual outputs can be diplayed. This tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 devices.

Virtual Outputs

The outputs and their status indicators are presented as a series of pages. To view the virtual outputs, the use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate between the pages.

To assign a name to a virtual output, click in the text field to the right of the output number label. The field becomes editable; make any desired changes, then press Enter.

Contact Inputs Tab

Universal Relay - Contact Input Tab

The Contact Input tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows the contact inputs installed on the selected relay. Up to 96 contact inputs may be displayed.

Contact Inputs

The contacts are presented as a series of pages. To view the contact inputs, use the Prev(ious) and Next keys provided to navigate among the pages. The number of contact inputs available is determined from the Order Code read from the device, and is dependent on the number of digital I/O cards installed in the relay. If a contact input is not available in the connected relay, the associated control button is grayed and disabled, and the input name field shows "N/A". If the corresponding Contact Input State is Energized then the LED is lit with an amber color; otherwise the LED remains gray (un-energized).


Contact Output Tab

Universal Relay - Contact Output Tab

The Contact Output tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows the contact outputs installed on the selected relay. Up to 64 contact outputs may be displayed.

Contact Output

The contacts are presented as a series of pages. To view the contact outputs, use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate among the pages. The number of contact outputs available is determined from the Order Code read from the device, and is dependent on the number of digital I/O cards installed in the relay. If a contact output is not available in the connected relay, the associated control button is grayed and disabled, and the output name field shows "N/A".


Universal Relay - DCMA Tab

The Direct Current MilliAmperes (DCMA) tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows the state of the relay's DCMA inputs. DCMA inputs are analog inputs used to read external transducer values. An example might be rotational speed on a generator, translated into a 4-20 mA current loop. Up to 24 inputs may be enabled or disabled.

DCMA Inputs

The DCMA inputs and their parameters are presented as a series of pages. To view the inputs, the use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate between the pages.

For each DCMA input, its ID number, value, and units are displayed as read from the device. To enable or disable a selected input, click the Enable button next to its ID number.


Source Tabs

Universal Relay - Source Tab Example

Similar in operation to the metering tab (except that frequency information is not displayed), there are five identical "Source" tabs (2 ??? 6) which display actual values information specific to the indicated source. There is no "Source 1" tab, since the Metering tab serves as the "Source 1" display. The B30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR device types are supported.

The display rules for the metering tab also apply to each Source tab.

Demand Tab

Universal Relay - Demand Tab

The Demand tab supports the B30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows a variety of energy measurements and demand parameters for a selected source.

These values are displayed for up to six sources, which may be toggled between using the S1 - S6 buttons. The Clear Demand button clears the values for the selected source. Note: Energy data is displayed as N/A for the L90 and L60 device types, and data logger data is displayed as N/A for the B30 device type.

Demand Values

The Demand panel shows the Data Logger parameters, which may be cleared using the Clear Data Logger button, the time/date stamps of the oldest and newest samples available, and information on the Demand Current and Demand Power Methods, and Demand Interval (if applicable).

Source (x) Energy

Displays positive and negative Watthour and Varhour values for the selected source.

Source (x) Demand, Peak Demand, Peak Demand Date

Displays Demand, Peak Demand, and Peak Demand Date values for a variety of measurements for the selected source.


Line Tab

Universal Relay - Line Tab

The Line tab supports the D60, F30, F60, G60, L60, L90 and UR devices, and shows a variety of energy measurements and demand parameters for a selected source.

These values are displayed for up to six sources, which may be toggled between using the S1 - S6 buttons. The Clear Demand button clears the values for the selected source.

Line Tab

Displays (for Remote 1, Remote 2, Local, and Differential) the magnitude and angle on phase A, B, and C.

Also displays information on various Direct Inputs, L90 Channels 1 and 2, and Line Position and Line Zero values.

Control Functions

The Control Functions panel displays status (enabled/disabled) and allows control of various relay elements, for example 87L and 87PC protection elements. Elements are greyed out if not installed or applicable to the device type. Each element's may be enabled or disabled by clicking the button next to its name.

Breaker Tab

Universal Relay - Breaker Tab

The Breaker tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows a variety amperage measurements and breaker status, as well as allowing control of breaker functions and auto reclosers.


Amperage at Breaker 1 and 2 is displayed for Phases A, B, and C. The Clear Current Arcing functions allow current arcing conditions to be cleared.

Breaker Arcing Current features are available for Breakers 1 and 2. This element calculates an estimate of the per-phase wear on the breaker contacts by measuring and integrating the current squared passing through the breaker contacts as an arc.

These per-phase values are added to accumulated totals for each phase and compared to a programmed threshold value. When the threshold is exceeded in any phase, the relay can set an output operand to "1". The accumulated value for each phase can be displayed as an actual value.

Breaker Functions

Breaker control can be enabled or disabled using these controls, and the Breaker Arcing Amp function can be enabled or disabled for Breakers 1 and 2. These controls will be disabled if the connected device does not support breaker control.

Breaker Status

Selecting a settings group changes the display of functions. Up to 8 settings groups are available for display.


Auto Reclose

If the breaker is so equipped, the status of and reclose count for up to six Auto Reclose functions can be displayed, and each recloser may be enabled or disabled. Click the button next to each ID number to enable/disable the autorecloser.

Contact Output Current States Tab

Universal Relay - Contact Output Current States Tab

The Contact Output Current State tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and indicates the current state of the contact outputs installed on the selected relay. Up to 64 contact outputs may be displayed.

Contact Output Current State

The Current, Voltage, and Detect buttons enable the user to shift the viewing mode of the contacts displayed.

The contacts are presented as a series of pages. To view the contact outputs, use the Page arrow keys provided to navigate among the pages. The number of contact outputs available is determined from the Order Code read from the device, and is dependent on the number of digital I/O cards installed in the relay. If a contact output is not available in the connected relay, the associated control button is grayed and disabled, and the output name field shows "N/A".

Remote Temperature Detection Tab

Universal Relay - Contact Output Tab

The RTD tab supports the B30, C30, C60, D60, F30, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, M60 and T60 UR devices, and shows the RTD sensors installed on the selected relay. Up to 48 input sensors may be displayed.


Each RTD sensor's status, function (name), and current temperature are shown. Individual RTD's may be disabled or enabled using the control button next to the RTD number.

The sensors are presented as a series of pages. To view each page of RTD's, use the Prev(ious) and Next keys provided to navigate among the pages. The number of parameters displayed is determined from the Order Code read from the device, and is dependent on the number of RTD sensors wired to the relay. If a sensor is not available in the connected relay, the associated control button is grayed and disabled, and the name field shows "N/A".


Bus Tab

Universal Relay - Bus Tab

The Bus tab is supported for the B30 UR device only. It displays Phase Magnitude and Angle measurements on Bus 1 and Bus 2 for phases A, B, and C.

Current direction is shown in degrees for each phase, and the Zone function can be enabled or disabled on each Bus.

239 Motor Protection Relay

The 239 does not support Waveform Capture or Event generation, therefore these buttons are disabled beneath the Info box.

The 239 Tabular Data Screen???s command buttons are described below:

Table 23. 239 Tabular data screen commands.

???The Status tab displays 35 Pickup LEDs (amber) and 35 Alarm LEDs (red), along with a text string for each alarm condition on the Status tab.

See the 239 Motor Protection Relay Instruction Manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.

Metering tab

The Multilin 239 Metering screen shows:


???RTD Status and Temperature

???Motor Status


???Output Relays


The Reset Device button, when clicked, will issue a RESET command to the 239.

The Emergency Restart button, when clicked, will issue a RESTART command to the 239.

Status Tab

???The Status tab displays Alarm, Trip, Auxilary Status Pickup is shown in Amber color and Active Alarm shown in Red, along with a text string for each alarm condition.

???See the 239 Motor Protection Relay Instruction Manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.

Trip Data

The Multilin 239 Last Trip Data screen shows:

???Cause of Last Trip and their corresponding currents and RTD Temperatures at the time of trip.

???Trip Record

The Clear Trip Data button, when clicked, will clear all the trip data.


Setpoints Tab

The Multilin 239 System Setpoints screen shows:

???CT Inputs

???Motor Data

???Phase Current Overload

???Breaker Failure

???Immediate Overload

???Mechanical Jam

269 Plus Motor Management Relay

The 269 Tabular Data Screen wizard provides two reset push buttons on the Setup 6 tab.

Table 24. 269+ Tabular data screen commands.

For complete explanations of parameters, refer to the 269+ Users Guide.


369 Motor Management Relay

Metering Tab

369 - Metering Data Screen

The Metering tab displays the following metered values from the 369 device: Actual Values for Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor, and Frequency. These values are detailed below.


???Per phase magnitude and angle

???Phase average

???Ground current

???Motor Load as a percentage of the Full Load Current rating defined in setpoints.

???Thermal Capacity used in percent

???Estimated time to trip

???Current Unbalance ratio


Voltage values are only displayed if the Metering or Backspin option is installed in the relay, and if a voltage transformer (VT) connection has been programmed in the relay.

Line - Line voltage magnitude. Average Line-Line voltage.

Line ??? Neutral voltage magnitude and angle (only shown for wye configurations)

Average Line-Neutral voltage. (only shown for wye configurations)


Power values are displayed only if the Metering or Backspin option is installed in the relay and a VT connection has been programmed.

???Real power

???Reactive power

???Apparent power

???Power Factor

Motor Status

The current status of the motor is shown in a colored indicator block

Timer Functions & Learned Values

The lower right quadrant of the metering tab has two pages ??? Timer Functions and Learned Values. You can toggle between these two displays by clicking on the button located in the bottom right corner of the metering tab display.

Timer Functions: this section displays the current values of several internal timers within the device. Most of these functions must be programmed in the relay in order to function. Refer to the device manual for specific usage details.

Learned Values: this section displays items tracked by the relay. For full details on their usage, consult the relay manual.

Backspin features ??? these are only enabled when the Backspin option is installed in the relay.

Learned cool time constants ??? these are enabled only if the "Enable Learned Cool Times" feature is programmed.

Learned k factor is only enabled by setting the unbalance biasing of thermal capacity to on/learned.

Clearing Motor Data (see control tab) will set all these values to their defaults.


Alarms Tab

369 Relay - Alarms Tab

The Alarms tab consists of three pages ??? Status, Trip Data, and Trip Counters. You can navigate between pages by clicking the buttons located along the lower edge of the tab display.

Alarm Status

This page displays the current status of the alarm functions within the relay.

If a function is disabled or not programmed, its label appears as dark gray text, and its associated indicator will be dark gray at all times.

If a function is enabled, its label appears as black text, and its indicator will show the current status of that function.

Trip Data

This page displays information about the last trip event.

Voltage, power, and power factor values are only indicated if the Metering or Backspin option is installed and a VT connection has been programmed in the relay.

Line-Neutral voltages are only displayed when the VT is connected in a wye configuration.

The Hottest Stator RTD field is only shown if a Stator RTD is programmed.

Trip Counters

This page displays information about the accumulated trips experienced by the relay. Data on this page can be cleared using the Clear Last Trip Data button on the Control tab.

Demand Tab

369 Relay - Demand Tab

This tab displays current and power demand metering information. Current demand is indicated regardless of options/VT settings.

Power demand values are only available when the Metering or Backspin option is installed on the relay and a VT connection is programmed.

Peak demand values may be cleared using the Clear Peak Demand Data button on the Control tab.


Local RTD Tab

369 Relay - Local RTD Tab

This tab displays information about any RTD temperature probes connected directly to the device. Information on this tab is only available if the RTD option is installed in the relay.

Information and alarm indication for each RTD is only available when that RTD is programmed for operation. If an RTD???s Application is set to "none" then all fields for that RTD display "N/A".

The hottest Stator RTD indicates which RTD is currently returning the highest temperature. This condition is indicated by red text in the Temperature field.

Only one alarm condition can be displayed at a time ??? highest priority alarms are displayed in the alarm indicator. For example, if a "High Alarm" was triggered and latched and the RTD value returned to the "Alarm Active" state, the "High Alarm" latched indicator would persist.

Remote RTD Tab

369 Relay - Remote RTD Tab

This tab displays information about any RTD temperature probes connected to one or more Remote RTD units. These external accessories connect via Modbus to the 369 relay. A maximum of four RRTD modules can be connected to a 369 relay ??? each module is assigned a page on this tab. Use the RRTD Selection buttons in the lower left corner of the tab to navigate between pages. Information on this tab is only available if an RRTD module is connected to the relay.

Information and alarm indication for each RTD is only available when that RTD is programmed for operation. If an RTD???s Application is set to "none" then all fields for that RTD display "N/A".

The hottest Stator RTD indicates which RTD is currently returning the highest temperature. This condition is indicated by red text in the Temperature field.

Only one alarm condition can be displayed at a time ??? highest priority alarms are displayed in the alarm indicator. For example, if a "High Alarm" was triggered and latched and the RTD value returned to the "Alarm Active" state, the "High Alarm" latched indicator would persist.

The Status indicators are dedicated to the indicated RRTD module, except for the Comm. Failure indicator ??? this will be energized if any configured RRTD module stops communicating.


Control Tab

369 Relay - Control Tab

This tab provides limited control functionality over Modbus.

Status ??? indicates the current status of the output relays and general digital inputs.

Preset Values ??? shows the current value of the indicated field. Note that these values are only updated when the tab is first displayed ??? not continuously. To preset a new value, click the white box containing the value you want to change. The Intouch Calculator window appears ??? type in the new value and click OK. The new value is now displayed in the Control tab, but has not yet been sent to the device. Click the Set button to store the new value in the device.

Control ??? These buttons are disabled unless the Serial Communications Control setpoint in the relay is programmed to "On". These buttons are subject to Intouch user level security. The security level is set during wizard configuration.

Clear Data ??? These buttons clear the designated values within the device. All buttons are subject to Intouch user level security which is set during wizard configuration.

Setup Tab

369 Relay - Setup Tab

This tab displays selected setpoints from the device. All fields on this tab are read- only. Setpoints may be changed via the relay???s own setup program or manually via the front panel.


SR469 Motor Management Relay

All six function buttons under the Info area are enabled for the SR469.

The SR469 Tabular Data Screen wizard has nine command buttons, described below.

Table 25. SR469 Tabular data screen commands.

See the SR469 Motor Management Relay manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.

Metering Tab

The Multilin SR469 Metering Values screen shows the metering values, for example, Amps A, Amps B and Amps C; and

Volts AB, Volts BC and Volts CA. Also shows Power, Energy, Motor Data and RTD information. The Clear Peak Demand button will clear all Peak Demand data

The Clear MWh & Mvarh button will clear all MWh and Mvarh values. The RESET Device button will issue a RESET command to the SR469.

Status Tab

The Multilin SR469 Status screen shows:

???Start Blocks

???Motor Status

???Real Time Clock

???RTD Maximums

The Clear RTD Maximums button will clear all maximum RTD values.


Alarms Tab

The Multilin SR469 Alarm Status screen shows the status of various alarms such as Overload Alarm and Underpower Alarm.

Trip Tab

The Multilin SR469 Trip screen shows the values of last trip data.

The Clear Last Trip Data button will clear all values of the last trip data.


IO Tab

The Multilin SR469 Inputs & Outputs screen shows values related to:

???Output Relays

???Digital Input Switches

???Analog Inputs

The Clear Analog I/P Min/Max button will clear all minimum and maximum values of Analog I/P.

Maintenance Tab

The Multilin SR469 Maintenance screen shows values related to:

???Trip Counters


???General Counters

The Clear Trip Counters button will clear all values of trip counters and the Preset Digital Ctr will preset trip counters.


Analog Tab

The Multilin SR469 Analog Input Differential screen shows:

???Analog Input Diff 1-2

???Analog Input Diff 3-4


The Multilin SR469 HI Alarm Status screen shows various RTD values.

Setpoints Tab

The Multilin SR469 System Setpoints screen shows values of Thermal Model, Current, Voltage Sensing, Power System


SR489 Generator Management Relay

All the SR489???s function buttons below the Info box are enabled.

The SR489 Tabular Data Screen wizard has nine command buttons, described below.

Table 26. SR489 Tabular data screen commands.

See the SR489 Generator Management Relay manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.

Metering Tab

The Multilin SR489 Metering Values screen shows various metering values:





???RTD Information

???Motor Data

The Clear Peak Demand button clears all peak demand values. The Clear MWh & Mvarh button clears all MWh and Mvarh data The Clear Max RTD Data button clears the maximum RTD data and

The RESET Device button will issue a RESET command to the device.

Pickup Tab

The Multilin SR489 Pickups screen shows:

???Phase Differential Trip

???Overvoltage Trip

???Volts/Hertz Trip


Alarms Tab


The Multilin SR489 Alarm Pickups screen shows all the Alarms.

Trip Data Tab

The Multilin SR489 Last Trip Data screen shows the values of last trip data and the corresponding values at the time of trip.

The Clear Last Trip Data button clears all values of the last trip data.

IO Tab

The Multilin SR489 Inputs & Outputs screen shows:

???Digital Input Switches

???Analog Inputs

???Output Relays

???Learned Data Values

The Clear Analog I/P Min/Max button clears all the minimum and maximum analog I/P.


Maintenance Tab

The Multilin SR489 Maintenance screen shows:

???General Timers & Counters

???Trip Counters

The Clear Trip Counters button will clear all values of trip counters; the Clear General Info button will clear all general information; and the Clear Breaker Info button will clear all breaker information from the memory.

Setpoints Tab

The Multilin SR489 System Setpoints screen shows various values related to the setpoints such as Phase CT Primary, Ground CT Type, VT Connection Type, Voltage Transformer Ratio etc.


565 Feeder Management Relay

The 565 Tabular Data Screen wizard has the following buttons on the Command tab:

Table 27. 565 Tabular data screen commands.

The Setup 2 tab has two data input areas. Analog Input Title creates a user label for the analog input used in the device. Analog Input Units performs the same function for the units of the analog input. These labels appear on the Metering tab and on the Large Faceplate wizard when the analog input is displayed. The analog input can be

scaled to display any desired units from the front of the device, but these labels are not sent to the DDE Server.

For complete explanations of parameters, refer to the 565 Users Guide.


735 Feeder Relay

The Events and Wave function buttons below the Info box are disabled since the 735 does not support Waveform Capture or Event generation.

The 735 Tabular Data Screen wizard has two command buttons, described below.

Table 28. 735 Tabular data screen commands.

Metering Tab

The 735 Metering screen shows:

???Current and Output Relays

???Time Overcurrent Trip and Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip


The RESET/CLEAR Device button will issue a RESET command to 735.

Trip Data Tab

The 735 Trip Data screen shows trip data information such as:

???Last Trip Data

???Trip Record

The Clear Last 5 Trip Causes button will clear values of last 5 trip causes.


Setpoints Tab

The 735 System Setpoints screen shows setpoints information such as:

???Dial Settings

???Option Switches

SR745 Transformer Management Relay

Under the Info area, the SR745???s function buttons are all enabled.

The SR745 Tabular Data Screen wizard has three command buttons:

Table 29. SR745 Tabular data screen commands.

See the SR745 Transformer Management Relay Instruction Manual (Chapter 6, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A. When configured for only 2 Windings, the Winding 3 fields on the Tabular Data wizard are not visible.

Metering Tab

The Multilin SR745 Metering Values screen shows:


???Sequence Current

???Status Flags

The RESET Device button will issue a RESET command to the device.


Flags Tab

The Multilin SR745 Element Flags screen shows the state and phases of various elements.

IO Tab

The Multilin SR745 Inputs & Outputs screen shows:

???Logic Inputs

???Virtual Inputs

???Output Relays

???Virtual Outputs

???Analog Input

Demand Tab

The Multilin SR745 Demand Data screen shows:


???Present Values


The Clear Max Demand Data button will clear all maximum values of the demand data.


Harmonic Tab

The Multilin SR745 Harmonic & Misc Data screen shows:

???Harmonic Data


The Reset Loss of Life button will clear loss-of-life data from the SR745???s memory.

Setpoints Tab

The Multilin SR745 System Setpoints screen shows information such as Nominal Phase to Phase Voltage, Rated Load (MVA), Transformer Type and Analog Outputs.


Power Tab

The Multilin SR745 Power & Energy screen shows:



???Aging Factor

???Tap Changer

SR750/760 Feeder Management Relay

The SR750 and SR760 are very similar devices and share a common Tabular Data Screen wizard. During wizard configuration, select which type of device the wizard represents (SR750 or SR760) by selecting the corresponding radio button in the Tabular Data Screen Configuration dialog box.

Under the Info area, the SR750/760???s function buttons are all enabled. The SR750/760 Tabular Data Screen wizard has eight command buttons:

Table 30. SR750/760 Tabular data screen commands.

The SR750/760 Tabular screen offers a tab labeled LOGIC. This tab allows you to access the SR750/760's 20 logic inputs. You can use these logic inputs to operate a variety of logic functions for circuit breaker control, external trips, blocking of protection elements, etc., and use the PCMS Wizard to monitor the status of the logic inputs. For more information, refer to the SR750 or SR760 user manual, in the section titled Setpoints - S3 Logic Inputs.

The SR750/SR760 Tabular Data Screen Wizard supports the Lockout/Tagout wizard. Please refer to the section titled Using and Configuring PMCS Wizards: Lockout/Tagout Wizard for details.

If a Danger or Ground Lockout/Tagout symbol is installed on this wizard, attempts to issue a Breaker Open or Breaker Close command will generate an error message.

See the SR750/760 Feeder Management Relay Instruction Manual (Chapter 5, Actual Values) for information on the display of data values under different device configurations. Values not configured for use are displayed as N/A.


Metering Tab

The SR750/760 Metering screen shows:





The Clear Energy Data button will clear all values of energy data. The RESET Device button will issue a RESET command to the device.

Status Tab

The SR750/760 Status screen shows Active Conditions.

Fault Tab

The SR750/760 Fault & Maintenance Data screen shows:


???Fault Locations

???Total Arcing Current

The Reset Arcing Current button will reset all values of the arcing current.

Trip Tab

The SR750/760 Trip Data screen shows:

???Last Trip Data

???Trip Counters

The Reset Trip Counters button will reset all values of the trip counters.

Demand Tab

The SR750/760 Demand screen shows details of:



The Reset Max Demand button will reset all maximum values of demand.


Logic Tab

The SR750/760 Logic screen shows:

???Contact Inputs

???Virtual Inputs

???Logic Input States

IO Tab

The SR750/760 Inputs & Outputs screen shows:

???Output Relays

???Analog Input

???Hardware Input Coils

???Breaker Operation

The Open Breaker button will issue an Open Breaker command. The Close Breaker button will issue a Close Breaker command.

Setpoints Tab

The SR750/760 System Setpoints screen shows:

???System Setup

???Analog Output Configuration


Fanuc 90/30

The Fanuc 90/30 Tabular Data Screen wizard is blank. This allows any desired data to be placed on the screen.

Fanuc 90/70

The Fanuc 90/70 Tabular Data Screen wizard is blank. This allows any desired data to be placed on the screen.

Fanuc Micro 90

The GE Fanuc Micro 90 Tabular Data Screen is blank. This allows for any desired data to be placed on the screen.



The MX 200 device is an Automatic Transfer Switch. The Tabular Data Screen wizard has several special features. You can use the Setup screen to change the meter configuration. Values displayed in white boxes are changeable. Clicking on the displayed value changes some, while clicking on the box changes others. The Download and Refresh buttons on the setup screen upload and download all of the setpoints from the device.

To change setpoints at the device, first press the refresh button to upload current setpoint values from the device (otherwise the defaults are shown and used for download). Modify setpoints as desired then press the download button to send all setpoints to the unit. In the following pages, each of the MX 200 Meter???s Tabular Data Screen Wizards??? tabs will be displayed and detailed.

Metering Tab

The Metering tab displays the following metered values from the MX 200 device.


Normal and Emergency Voltage values for all the phases.

Timer Functions

???Timer Active

???Timer Countdown Value

???Time on Emergency

???No. of Transfers

???Nominal FS Vol. Value

???ATS Mode

???Fault Present

???Exerciser Enabled

???Load Test Running

???Load, No Load, Fast Load Status


???MX-200 ??? Modcard ??? Communication Status

Displays communication status, for example, Comm OK


???Q3 Input

???Auxiliary 2 Input

???Auxiliary 1 Input

???Automatic Transfer Relay

???SN Limit Switch

???SE Limit Switch

???SNO Limit Switch

???SEO Limit Switch

???S5 Selector

???S12 Selector

???Load Shed Input

???Q7 Input

The status is either ON or OFF. If the relay is ON, the status is displayed in green and if relay is OFF, it is displayed in red.



The tab shows frequency and number of phases on source:

???Position Status

???Phase Rotation

The status for Source is displayed as Available (displayed in green) or Not Available (displayed in red). The Position Status is displayed as Normal (displayed in green) or Emergency (displayed in red). The Phase Rotation is displayed as ON (displayed in green) or OFF (displayed in red).

Setup Tab

The Setup tab displays the following demand values from MX 200 device.




???No Load Test

???Load Test

???Fast Load Test








The legend is ON and OFF. If ON, it is indicated by amber and if OFF by gray color.


???T3 Timer Bypass

???T3 Timer

???W3 Timer Bypass

???W3 Timer

???T Timer Bypass

???W Timer Bypass

???In Ph. Mon/Closed Trans

???ATS Type

???S12 Auto/Manual

???S5 Auto/Manual Bypass

???Phase Sequence Check

???Emg Over Frequency

???Emg Over Voltage

???Normal Over Frequency

???Normal Under Frequency

???Normal Over Voltage

The value against each option is displayed as either as Confirmed or Not Confirmed.

Voltage (Volts)


???Normal Pickup

???Normal Dropout

???Emer Pickup

???Emer Dropout

The user can enter values against each parameter.

Frequency (Hz)

???Normal Pickup

???Emer Pickup

The user can enter values against each parameter.

Time (Seconds)

???P Time

???W Time

???W3 Time

???DW Time

???T Time

???T3 Time

???DT Time

???U Time

The Setup tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:

Download ??? Executes a script to check for values that have changed and downloads those values to the device Refresh ??? Executes a script to upload all of the meter values for the settings on the screen.

Note: Be sure to click the Refresh button prior to changing or downloading any settings to the MX 200, as the latest settings may not be displayed.


The Generator Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a specially programmed PLC with specific number of I/O modules, controlled by a Master PLC program up to maximum number of 16 Generators.

GEN PLC Tabular wizard mainly have 3 tabs as described below.

Master Tab

The Master PLC lists 16 generators displaying status for each generator separately. The status types are:




???Runtime (in hours)

???Lead Value

If a particular generator is stopped, it is displayed in gray color; if a generator is running, in green; if there is an alarm, in amber; and shutdown of a generator in red.

The parameters of generators are:

???Engine Crank Time (In seconds)

???No. of Cranks

???Cool Down Time (In seconds)


Generator Tab

This tab displays generator parameters for 16 generators represented as G1 to G16 (buttons). When a button is clicked, the parameters of that generator are displayed on the screen. The parameters are:


???Gen Brkr Aux Contact

???Breaker Close Ready

???Not in Auto

???CPU Running

???Engine in Cooldown

???Engine Run Contact

If a generator is running, the status is displayed in gray and if it is Status Stop, it is displayed as green. The status Not In Auto is displayed in red.



???Hi Water Temp Warn

???Battery Charger Failure

???Low Fuel Day Tank

???Oil Pressure Warning

???Low Water Temp

???Low Water Level

???Day Tank Critically ??? Low Fuel Level

???Day Tank Hi Fuel Level

???Day Tank Fuel Leak

???Summary Alarm

Any alarm in generator???s status is displayed in amber. Otherwise the status is displayed in gray.




???High Water Temp

???Oil Pressure


???Reverse Power

???Breaker Locked Out

???Fail to Synchronize

???General Failure

???Emergency Stop

???EMCP Diagnostic Failure

???Gen Set Breaker

???Air Damper Switch

???Lock Out 489 Relay

???Fail Safe 489 Relay

Note: Any kind of shutdown is displayed in red.


The screen shows Paralleling SwitchGear Status of generators.



???Latched Under Frequency

???Latched Over Frequency

???Communication Failure

???Main Tank Low Fuel Level

???Main Tank Critical Low Fuel Level

???Main Tank High Fuel Level

???Main Tank Fuel Leaked

???Load Bank Breaker Bell Alarm

???System Not in Auto

???System Under Test

???Remote Start Signal Received

???System in Load Demand Mode

???System Test With Load Bank

???Remote Peak Shave Signal Received

???Load Add Priority

???Load Add Priority 3

???Load Add Priority 4

???Load Shed Priority 2

???Load Shed Priority 3

???Load Shed Priority 4

Note: Any alarm is displayed in amber, otherwise normal status is shown in gray color.


This device belongs to Electro Industries family, which is tightly integrated device in to PMCS product. This device contains the following tabs.

Metering Tab

The screen explains various parameters of the device:

Current (Amps)

???Phase (A, B, C and Neutral)




Voltage (Volts)

???Phase (AN, BN, CN, AB, BC and CA)


???THD Current

???THD Voltage


???WATT Hour

???VA Hour

???VAR Hour


???Real (WATT)

???Reactive (VAR)

???Apparent (VA)


Setup One Tab

The screen explains various parameters in relation with Relay 1 and Relay 2 such as:


???Kilo Volt Inputs

???Kilo Amp Input

???Mega Watt Input

???Phase Reverse Limits

???Meter Setup

???Limits Set By

Relay 1 / Relay 2

???Phase Reversal

???Phase Imbalance

???Delay On

???Delay Off

Decimal Placement

???Volts Decimal Placement

???Amps Decimal Placement

???WATT Decimal Placement

???VOLTS Full Scale

???AMPS Full Scale

???Lim. Threshold for lmb (%)



???WATT Hour

???VAR Hour

???VA Hour

If it is kilo volt inputs, the decimal placement is 2 (as shown in the screen); if kilo amp input the decimal placement is 3 and if mega watt input, it is 1.

Note: Configured is displayed in green, Enabled in red and Reset in Amber.

Setup Two Tab

The screen explains various parameters related to Limits and Triggers:

Brief explanation of each of the columns is described below


???Phase A

???Phase B

???Phase C

















This device belongs to Electro Industries family, which is tightly integrated device in to PMCS product. This device contains the following tabs.

Metering Tab

The screen explains various parameters of the device:

Current (Amps)

???Phase (A, B, C, Neutral)



Voltage (Volts)

???Phase (AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA)


THD Current/THD Voltage

???Displays Phase A, Phase B and Phase C THD Current and Voltage values.


???WATT Hour

???VA Hour

???VAR Hour


???Real (WATT)

???Reactive (VAR)

???Apparent (VA)


Setup One Tab

The screen explains various parameters in relation with Relay 1 and Relay 2 such as:



???Kilo Volt Inputs

???Kilo Amp Input

???Mega Watt Input

???Phase Reverse Limits

???Meter Setup

???Limits Set By

Relay 1 / Relay 2

???Phase Reversal

???Phase Imbalance

???Delay On

???Delay Off

Decimal Placement

???Volts Decimal Placement

This value decides the precision. User can change the values from 1 to 4.

???Amps Decimal Placement

This value decides the precision. User can change the values from 1 to 4.

???WATT Decimal Placement

???VOLTS Full Scale

If kilo volt inputs value is set then Voltage full-scale value is divided by 1000, showing the value in Kilo Volts.

??? AMPS Full Scale

If kilo Amp inputs value is set then Amps full-scale value is divided by 1000, showing the value in Kilo Amps.


???WATT Hour

???VAR Hour

???VA Hour

Note: Configured is displayed in green, Enabled in red and Reset in Amber.


Special Note: This device supports GE32MTCP Server ONLY.

This device belongs to Electro Industries family, which is tightly integrated device in to PMCS product. This device contains the following tabs.

Metering Tab

The screen explains various parameters of the device:

Current (Amps)

???Phase (A, B, C and Neutral)



Voltage (Volts)

???Phase (AN, BN, CN, AB, BC and CA)



???THD Current

???THD Voltage


???WATT Hour

???VA Hour

???VAR Hour


???Real (WATT)

???Reactive (VAR)

???Apparent (VA)


Setup One Tab

The screen explains various parameters in relation with Relay 1 and Relay 2 such as:


???Kilo Volt Inputs

???Kilo Amp Input

???Mega Watt Input

???Phase Reverse Limits

???Meter Setup

???Limits Set By

Relay 1 / Relay 2

???Phase Reversal

???Phase Imbalance

???Delay On

???Delay Off

Decimal Placement

???Volts Decimal Placement

???Amps Decimal Placement

???WATT Decimal Placement

???VOLTS Full Scale

???AMPS Full Scale

???Lim. Threshold for lmb (%)


???WATT Hour

???VAR Hour

???VA Hour

If it is kilo volt inputs, the decimal placement is 2 (as shown in the screen); if kilo amp input the decimal placement is 3 and if mega watt input, it is 1.

Note: Configured is displayed in green, Enabled in red and Reset in Amber.

Setup Two Tab

The screen explains various parameters related to Limits and Triggers:

Brief explanation of each of the columns is described below



This device belongs to the Electro Industries family, which is a tightly integrated device in to the PMCS product. The device contains the following tabs:


The screen explains various parameters related to metering and status.

Power (WATT): Instantaneous, Average, Maximum and Negative Maximum.

Relay 1/Relay 2: Positive Limit 1, Negative Limit 1, Positive Limit 2 and Negative Limit 2. Delay On is displayed too. If the relay is on, it is displayed in green. If the relay is off, it remains in gray.

Energy (kWh): WATT Hour and Negative WATT Hour. Interval is displayed.

Power Full Scale: This value internally depends on the Power Displacement Value. Based on this the value the number of decimals will be displayed. For example

If the Power Decimal Placement is set to 1, the value will have only one decimal place.

If the Power Decimal Placement is set to 2, the value will have two decimal places, and so on and so forth. The maximum value allowed is 4.



The screen explains various parameters related to configuration and setup.

Configuration: Mega WATT, Leading Zero, Reset Protection, Open Delta, KYZ Output for positive WH, KYZ Output for negative WH.

Protocol: Relay 1, Relay 2, Communications and DC Output.

Status/Value: The user can set the values in the Status and Value fields. Under Positive WATT and Negative WATT, the status is shown as Above/Below for Limit 1 and Limit 2. The user can directly set the status to the device by clicking on the arrow buttons on respective fields to change the value from Above to Below or from Below to Above. The user can enter the set values by clicking on the field that contains the rectangular box that filled with White color on respective fields by entering the desired set values. Once the user enters the set value, by clicking on the Set button of the respective field, will set the value in to the device. Against these settings the wizard will prompt user for the conformation.

Legend: The Legend is applicable for Configuration parameters. Enabled status is displayed in red, Otherwise the status is displayed in gray.


This device belongs to the Electro Industries family, which is a tightly integrated device in to the PMCS product.

The device comes with 2 versions ??? EPM9450Q and EPM9650Q. The EPM9450Q device does not support Waveform feature. The EPM9650Q supports Waveform features.

The device offers the following features:

???Max/Min integration: Offers Maximum and Minimum values for every measured reading.

???8 Built-in Digital High-Speed Status Inputs: The device offers 8 High speed digital inputs.

???Demand: Measures Fixed window, Sliding window, Predictive and Themal demands.

???4 Communication Ports: There are 4 ports ??? Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 and Port 4.

The device contains the following tabs:


The Metering tab shows following various parameters:

???Voltage Normal/ High Speed: This tab displays the voltage values of AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA and Aux.

???Current Normal/ High Speed: Displays currents of Phase A, B, C, measured and calculated.

???THD Normal/ High Speed: Displays THD values of Phase A, B, C for Voltage and Current an d K Factor.

???Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Real (Watt), Reactive (VAR), Apparent (VA) and



???Frequency Normal/ High Speed: Displays Frequency in Hz.


The tab displays Maximum and Minimum values of various parameters. The user can get maximum and minimum values by clicking on respective buttons labeled Show Max and Show Min.

???Voltage: This tab displays the voltage values of AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA and Aux.

???Current: Displays currents of Phase A, B, C, measured and calculated.

???THD : Displays THD values of Phase A, B, C for Voltage and Current an d K Factor.

???Power Factor : Displays PF of Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase of 4 Quadrants namely Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.

???Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Positive Watt, Coincendence VAR for Postive Watt, Negative Watt, Coincedance VAR for Negative Watt, Positive VAR, Negative VAR and VA.


The screen explains various parameters related to demand values:

???Sliding Window Demand: Displays Average and Maximum Sliding window demand for Positive Watt, Coincendence VAR for Maximum Postive Watt, Negative Watt, Coincedance VAR for Maximum Negative Watt, Positive VAR, Negative VAR and VA. User can click on Sliding Window button to see the Sliding window Demand.

???Fixed Window Demand: Displays Average and Maximum Sliding window demand for Positive Watt, Coincendence VAR for Maximum Postive Watt, Negative Watt, Coincedance VAR for Maximum Negative Watt, Positive VAR, Negative VAR and VA. User can click on Fixed Window button to see the Fixed window Demand.

???Predictive Sliding Window Demand: Displays Predictive Sliding Window demand for WATT, VAR and VA.

???Energy: Displays Energy values for the parameters namely Positve kWh, Negative kWh, Positve kVARh, Negative kVARh and kVAh.


Thermal Average

The screen explains about various parameters related to thermal average:

???Current (Amps): Displays the current readings for the phases A, B, C, Mea. (measured) and Cal. (calculated).

???Voltage (Volts): Displays the Voltage readings for the phases AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA and Aux.

???Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Real (Watt), Reactive (VAR) and Apparent (VA).

Digital Inputs

The Digital Inputs tab displays the following parameters of 8 digital inputs. They are Name: Displays the name of the Digital Input. The maximum allowed is 16 Character string.

Open/Close Label: Based on the Digital input status, the corresponding label will be displayed. For example if the digital input status is OPEN then label for Open condition is displayed or if the digital input status is CLOSED then label for Closed condition is displayed.

Status: The status is displayed Open/Closed. Open status showed in green and Closed status in gray.

Counter: Displays the corresponding digital input counter value.



The screen explains various parameters related to setup.

Current Set Points: Above and Below Current Setpoints are shown for Phase A, B, C, Measured and Calculated.

Voltage Set Points: Above and Below Voltage Setpoints are shown AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA and Aux.

PT Ratio: Displays Phase and Auxiliary values for Numerator and Denominator.

CT Ratio: Displays Phase and Neutral values for Numerator and Denominator.

Communication Parameters: Displays Port Addresses and Baudrate for each of the 4 Ports.

Reset: This wizard allows user to reset the following Parameters.



???Maximum and


Voltage Phase Sequence: Displays Phase sequence as either C-B-A or A-B-C, based on the register value.


These devices belong to the Electro Industries family, which is a tightly integrated device in to the PMCS product. These devices communicate through EI Protocol (Electro Industries Protocol). The server used for these devices is


The device comes with 2 versions ??? EPM7430D and EPM7450D. Both the devices does not support Waveform and events features. So these two buttons will be disabled.


The Metering tab shows following various parameters:

???Voltage: This tab displays the voltage values of AN, BN, CN, AB, BC and CA.

???Current: Displays currents of Phase A, B, C and neutral.

???THD Current/THD Voltage: Displays THD values of Phase A, B and C for current and voltage.

???Energy: Displays values for Positive kWh, Negative kWh, Positive kVARh, Negative kVARh and kVAh,.

???Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Real (kW), Reactive (kVAR), Apparent (kVA) and PF.

The wizard also displays the parameters Frequency (Hz), Phase Imbalance (%) and Phase Reversal. If Phase Reversal is ON, the wizard shows CBA, if not then shows ABC.



The tab displays Maximum and Minimum values of various parameters. The user can get maximum and minimum values by clicking on respective buttons labeled Show Max. Values and Show Min. Values.

???Voltage: This tab displays the voltage values of AN, BN, CN, AB, BC and CA.

???Current: Displays currents of Phase A, B, C and Neutral.

???THD : Displays THD values of Phase A, B, C for Current and Voltage.

???Power: Displays Phase A, B, C and 3 Phase Power Values for Positive kW, Negative kW, Positive kVAR, Negative kVAR, kVA, Positive PF and Negative PF.

???Frequency: Displays frequency in Hz.


The screen explains various parameters related to Limits and Triggers:

Limit 1 Trigger/Limit 2 Trigger (Relay 1, Relay 2 and Relay 3)

Relay 1, Relay 2 and Relay 3 are triggered depending upon the Limit 1 and Limit 2 values. The screen also displays whether the Limit 1 and Limit 2 are set above or set below.

Relay 1, Relay 2 and Relay 3 of Limit 1 and Limit 2 are displayed either as Not Triggered or Triggered. If the relay is triggered, the LED fills with amber, if not then gray.

If Limit 1 or Limit 2 are set above, then the status is displayed in red, if not gray, meaning the Limits are set below, The Limit 1 and Limit 2 Parameters that are shown on the tab are

Current: Phase A, Phase B, Phase C and Neutral.

Voltage: AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA

Power: VA, VAR, WATT, PF and Frequency

Brief explanation of each of the columns is described below



The screen shows the following parameters in relation with Relay 1, Relay 2 and Relay 3 such as:

Configuration: The Parameters under configuration are Kilo Volt Inputs, Kilo Amp Input, Mega Watt Input, Phase Reverse Limits. If any of the above parameters are configured the LED shows Green otherwise LED shows Gray in color. Meter Setup: If this parameter is set then text displayed as Open Delta, if not then shows Non Open Delta.

Limits Set By: If this parameter is set then text displayed as Average, if not then shows Instantaneous.

Relay 1 / Relay 2/ Relay 3: This section shows the parameters Phase Imbalance, Delay On and Delay Off of Realy 1, Relay 2 and Relay 3.

The Legend applicable Phase Imbalance is if any of the above parameters are Enabled the LED shows RED otherwise LED shows Gray in color.

Full Scale Values: Displays Full Scale Voltage values for phases AN, B and CN; and Full Scale current values for phases A, B and C. Also shows Decimal Placement values of Volts, Amps and Power.

Reset of Min and Max: Resets Minimum and Maximum values. For example:

To reset Minimum values, when the button is clicked, a dialog box will appear asking ???Reset minimum values????. The dialog box contains Ok and Cancel buttons. If the Ok button is clicked, all the minimum values of parameters are reset. If the Cancel button is clicked, no Reset will occur.

Reset of WATT Hour, VAR Hour and VA Hour:

In resetting the above parameters 2 dialog boxes will prompt user to implement the functionality.

For example:

Dialog box 1: To reset Watt Hour, when the button is clicked, a dialog box will appear asking ???Do you want to reset Watt Hour????. The dialog box contains Ok and Cancel buttons. If the Ok button is clicked, then another dialog box prompts the user. If Cancel button is clicked the Dialog box 2 will not appear and no Reset will occur.

Dialog box 2: Asking ???Confirm the reset within 10 seconds???. If the Ok button is clicked the parameter is reset. If Cancel button is clicked no Reset will occur.



Assertion Error

Q: While switching between InTouch's Runtime and Development modes, the program crashed with an Assertion Error.

A: This is a problem with InTouch Wonderware, not the GE PMCS Wizards. It occurs rarely during the development phase, and is not seen once a stable application has been developed and put into use. Reboot the computer and restart the application.

EPM 3710/EPM 3720 ??? no data or incorrect data displayed

Q: The values on the EPM 3710/3720 wizards come up showing zeros or incorrect data.

A: The EPM 3710/3720 wizards require you to click the Refresh button on the wizard before the display is updated. Also, the first time the wizard is displayed, it may take a few moments for the DDE conversation to be established and data to be displayed.

EPM 3720 ??? KVAH import values incorrect

Q: On the EPM 3720 Tabular data screen, the KVAH import value does not equal the value of KVAH total or KVAH net when KVAH export equals zero.

A: Some rapidly changing values and/or values requiring extensive calculations cannot be updated on the wizards quickly enough to reflect the data displayed on the device in real time. Be patient while the software catches up with the device.

Long update when changing setpoints

Q: I attempted to change a device setpoint (such as changing the VT connection type from WYE to DELTA). It took a long time to update the Wizards setpoint tab to reflect the changes.

A: When changing setpoints, which are polled very slowly, the display may take a long time (a minute or more) to update. This means the metering data will be postponed while the display updates. Setpoint changes are a relatively rare change to make - please be patient during the delay.

PLEPM ??? Wrong Metering tab displayed

Q: When I double-click the display on the PLEPM's Large Faceplate wizard to go to the Tabular data screen, the DELTA metering tab is displayed, even though the PLEPM is configured as WYE.

A: Click another tab and then click back to the Metering tab. The correct configuration will now be displayed.

InTouch applications ??? Windows not displayed properly

Q: When an InTouch application containing PMCS Wizards has its resolution changed, the fonts in the wizard are not sized correctly. For instance, if I develop an application in 600 x 480 resolution and then convert it to 800 x 600 resolution, the screens look terrible, things extend off the screen, text formatting is changed, etc.

A: First, make sure that the TrueType fonts option is turned on in Windows 2000 SP2. If this option is off, it can cause font display problems even if windows have not been resized. Next, any time you change the resolution of an InTouch application containing PMCS Wizards, you'll need to delete the wizards from any converted Windows, and then add the wizards back in. When you add the wizard back in, it will display correctly.


Appendix A:

EPM 3720 Sliding Window

Demand Keys

Downloading Sliding Demand Window Keys to the EPM 3720

The EPM 3720 supports up to 10 sliding demand measurements that are user- programmable via the Tabular Data screen wizard. The Sliding Demand tab offers a set of adjustable fields, into which a user can enter a key (a unique string of values) which, when downloaded to the EPM 3720, will trigger a measurement.

For explanations of what the EPM 3720's various parameters mean, refer to the EPM 3720 Users Guide, in the section titled Sliding Window Demand.

To set the EPM 3720's sliding demand keys, follow the procedure below: Locate the key code for the parameter you wish to measure in the table below.

1.Open the EPM 3720 Tabular Data screen wizard and select the Sliding Demand tab.

2.Enter the appropriate sliding demand window key by clicking the on- screen thumbwheels up or down until the key code from the table below is displayed.

3.Press the Download button to send the key to the device.

4.Allow several seconds for transmission time, then press the Refresh button to verify that the device has accepted the setup parameter. The values displayed should be those downloaded. When it receives the downloaded key, the meter will perform a sliding demand measurement for the parameter selected by the key.




Table A-1. EPM 3720 Sliding Window Demand Keys.


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Appendix B:

Automatic Waveform Capture and Waveform Retrieval on EPM3720

Using a setpoint to trigger waveform capture or record on the EPM 3720

When a Setpoint is programmed from the MMI, the EPM3720 has the ability to automatically capture or record waveforms based on the value of a specified parameter. In order to display a Waveform Capture, the meter takes 128 samples from a full cycle of any single selected channel. For a Waveform Record, the meter takes 16 samples per cycle from multiple cycles on all 8 inputs simultaneously. The device will store 36 cycles of 1 event, 18 cycles of 2 events, or 12 cycles of 3 events, depending on the Record Depth programmed by the user. Please follow the instructions below to use a Setpoint to trigger a waveform capture or record on the EPM3720.

For explanations of what the EPM 3720's various parameters mean, refer to the EPM 3720 Users Guide, in the section titled Sliding Window Demand.

1.In the EPM3720 MMI tabular screen, click on the Setpoints tab.

2.Choose an unassigned setpoint number. Either Standard or High Speed may be used, but High Speed is recommended for quicker response. (See Section 6 of the 3720 ACM Installation & Operation Manual for more details on configuring Setpoints.)

3.Based on the parameter that will be set in the Trigger Key, select the Setpoint Type.

4.Set the Trigger Key. The Trigger Key is a code for the parameter that, when its value passes a set limit, triggers an Action. Refer to the table in this section for a list of Trigger Key codes.

5.Enter the High and Low Limits as well as any Time Delays to operate and release.

6.Select the required Action. To record a waveform, choose Waveform Recorder. For Waveform Capture, remember that the waveform of only one input may be automatically captured. Choose Waveform


Capture Channel X where X represents an integer between 1 and 8. Following are the Channel assignments for Wye and Delta systems.

7.Press the Download key. This will transmit the values entered into the Setpoints tabular screen for the selected setpoint number to the device. After several seconds press the Refresh button and scroll to the selected setpoint to verify that the device has accepted the setpoint entered parameters.

8.For waveform record, open the Waveform Capture program from within the MMI. On the main screen, select the appropriate Topic or device name and click on the Record radio button. Then, under the menu Waveform>Configure>Record Depth, select a depth of either 1 event x 36 cycles, 2 events x 18 cycles, or 3 events x 12 cycles. Press OK. The Trigger, Arm, and Retrieve buttons will become inactive as the depth is downloaded to the meter. For waveform capture proceed directly to step 9.

9.Once the Trigger, Arm, & Retrieve buttons become active, press the Arm button. The Trigger, Arm, & Retrieve buttons will momentarily become inactive. When the buttons become active, the meter is now ready to record/capture a waveform when the setpoint conditions are reached.

10.Once the waveform has been automatically captured or recorded and the event has been logged, choose the appropriate Topic and function; i.e., in the main screen of the Waveform Capture program, press


11.View and save waveforms as desired.

12.To rearm the meter and clear the waveform data out of the device???s memory, press Arm on the main screen of the Waveform Capture program.







Table B-1. EPM 3720 Trigger Keys.

Action keys marked with STD are supported by Standard Setpoints (1???11), action keys marked with HS are supported by High Speed Setpoints (1???6).


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Appendix C: EPM 7700 - Special


EPM 7700 Tags Subject to Deactivation by Tabular Data Screen Wizard

This appendix lists the EPM 7700 tags which may be activated or deactivated by the EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen wizard. This information is of use for developers creating their own wizards to access the EPM 7700???s data. If you wish to use a tag in a custom wizard you are developing, check this table to see if it is subject to deactivation by the Tabular Data Screen wizard. If it is, you may wish to create a duplicate tag with a unique name to access the same register. Otherwise, it is possible that the tag may be deactivated by the Tabular Data Screen wizard, and the data will be unavailable for use by your custom wizard.

NOTE: It is important to keep in mind that tags which may be deactivated by the Tabular Data Screen Wizard will not work properly with InTouch???s trending features.

NOTE: _Anlg or _Msg indicate Internal Tags for display use; _GWY indicates I/O

Tags which talk to GE77GTWY. All others tags talk to ION_LINK










239 Motor Protection Relay, 171

269 Plus Motor Management Relay, 87, 88, 175


369 Motor Management Relay, 176


565 Feeder Management Relay, 92, 198


735 Feeder Relay, 200


90/30, 216 90/70, 216


alarm, 88, 95

Annunciator Panel wizard, 25


Custom Table wizard, 35


Elevation views, 1, 6, 22, 23, 55, 56

Elevation Views, 55

Elevation wizards, 5, 22, 55

EPM 3710 Meter, 80, 120

EPM 3720 Meter, 82, 121

EPM 7300 Meter, 84, 122, 126

EPM 7500 Meter, 130

EPM 7700 Meter, 140

event, 96, 99


Fanuc, 216, 217

Floor Plan wizards, 5, 23

Floor Plans, 55, 57


Interface Toolkit, 1, 3, 5


Large Faceplate Wizards, 8

Lockout/Tagout wizard, 42


MDP Digital Overcurrent Relay, 107

Micro 90, 217

MMII (Motor Manager II), 119


PMCS Interface Toolkit, 1


POWER LEADER Meter, 76, 105


Sample Application, 61 Small Faceplate Wizards, 6 Spectra ECM, 78, 106 Spectra MVT trip unit, 71, 102

SR469 Motor Management Relay, 184 SR489 Generator Management Relay, 192 SR745 Transformer Management Relay, 203 SR750 Feeder Management Relay, 209 System Statistics wizard, 40



Tabular Data Screen Wizards, 11, 99 Toolbar wizard, 24


Universal Relay, 150

Universal Relay Devices, 150

UR, 150


waveform capture, 99

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