This Package Contains the Following:




+ 1 2 V


Step 1: Set the DPR-RDS1???s FM transmission frequency

The frequency selector switch is located on the interface unit and is used to set the optimal transmitting frequency. Incorrect dip switch settings may cause the interface not to work properly or not to operate at all. Disconnect the vehicle harness from module and cycle ignition off for 5 seconds after changing the switches!

After making changes to the frequency selector be sure to tune to the correct FM frequency on which the iPod will be heard.

Step 2: Install the DPR-RDS1 in the vehicle

1.Pull vehicle into the service bay.

2.Make sure that the radio code is available before disconnecting the battery.

Disconnect both battery terminals. These cables must be disconnected during installation for proper initialization of the module when its connected.

3.Pull out the radio by removing surrounding trims and screws to access the factory antenna connector. Most trims can be removed by carefully pulling on the piece or using trim removal tools. trim is usually held in place by snap-in clips. Consult your dealership if additional information is needed on removing the radio.

???frequency selector???

NOTE: Try to select a transmitting frequency that is not occupied by a local FM radio station.

Frequency configuration settings

Intruction d???installation

Phase 1: Ajustez le choix de fr??quence

Les commutateurs sont situ??s sur l'unit?? et sont utilis??s pour placer la meilleure fr??quence pour l'??mission. Les arrangements incorrects peuvent faire ne pas fonctionner correctement ou ne pas fonctionner l'unit?? du tout. D??connectez le c??ble d'alimentation pendant 5 secondes apr??s changement les positions de commutateur.

Apr??s avoir apport?? des modifications, accordez ?? la radiofr??quence sur votre radio pour entendre l'iPod

Phase 2: Installez le DPR-RDS1 pour v??hicule

1)S???arr??ter le v??hicule en le aire de r??paration

2)Notez le code radio avant de commencer. D??connectez les bornes de batterie pour s'assurer l'unit?? initialise correctement.

3)Enlevez les panneaux de v??hicule pour acc??der au connecteur de radio et d'antenne.

Enlevez les panneaux en tirant doucement et ?? l'aide des outils appropri??s pour ne pas les endommager. Consultez votre agence si les informations suppl??mentaires ou l'aide sont n??cessaire.

Step 3: Install the DPR-RDS1 in the vehicle (continued)

4.You can access the factory antenna port located on the back of the radio. If the factory antenna cable is connected, unplug it and plug the universal antenna connector into the receptacle. Connect +12 volt, ground and remote wire leads to their proper sources.

5.Connect the power/antenna cable and the iPod docking cable to the interface unit.

Apply cable ties to secure the cables.

6.Verify that all connections have been properly made.

7.Reconnect the car???s battery. Test the unit before seating the cables and

reinstalling the panels/trim.



factory antenna connector

Note: antenna adapters sold separately may be required with certain radios.

Yellow wire - "+12V" - connect to +12V


Red wire - "REM" - connect to switched power

Black wire - "GND" - connect to ground

Phase 2: Installez le DPR-RDS1 pour v??hicule(suite ???)

4)Vous pouvez acc??der au connecteur d'antenne derri??re la radio. D??branchez l'antenne et branchez le connecteur universel d'antenne dans la radio. Reliez le 12V+, BATT et de REM ?? leurs raccordements corrects

5)Connectez le c??ble d'antenne /puissance et le c??ble d' iPod ?? l'unit?? et fixez l'unit?? avec des serres-c??ble

6)Inspectez que les raccordements sont corrects

7)Connectez la batterie. Test the function of unit before finish the installation of the panels

Using the DPR-RDS1

Select the FM radio source on the radio and tune to the frequency that was selected on the interface unit. As soon as the radio is tuned to the appropriate frequency, audio from the iPod will be heard.

About RDS

Radios with RDS capability allow the currently playing song title and album name to be displayed on the screen of the radio. To find out if a radio has RDS, tune to a popular radio station and if the station name is displayed then the radio has RDS capability.

iPod and iPhone charging

The iPod or iPhone will charge whenever the vehicle???s ignition is on

Charging icon will appear on the upper right corner of the iPod screen to indicate charging.

FM frequencyRDS text

Utilisant le RDS1???

Choisissez la source de FM sur la radio et veuillez changer de fr??quence ?? la station de pr??r??glage que vous avez choisie sur l'unit??. L'acoustique sera entendue du syst??me audio.


Les radios capables du RDS montrent l'information de station de radio sur l'??cran de la radio. Pour

v??rifier les possibilit??s de la radio, choisissez une station de radio populaire et voyez si l'information est

affich??e sur l'??cran

Chargement de iPod et iPhone

Votre iPod ou iPhone chargera quand votre ingition de v??hicule est allum??