FLX35 & FLX55 Series Rotary Sprinklers

Installation and Service Instructions


The FLX35 and FLX55 series full and part circle rotary sprinklers are designed specifically for golf course applications.

Manufactured from durable, high-strength engineering plastic and stainless???steel components, these sprinklers incorporate many innovative and time-proven features for lasting, maintenance-free operation.

Prior to installing the sprinkler, read through the recommended installation and start-up procedures. Please observe all Warnings and Cautions when installing and operating this equipment.

??? Not recommended at these pressures. Radius shown in feet. Toro recommends the use of a 11???4" swing joint at flows over 25???GPM (95???LPM). Sprinkler radius data collected in Toro???s zero wind test facility per ASAE standard S398.1.

Actual site conditions must be considered when selecting the appropriate nozzle. All sprinklers are equipped with the selectable pilot valve that allows settings at 50, 65, 80 and 100 PSI.

Sprinkler Spacing Guidelines

??? Square Spacing

??? Triangular Spacing

??? Single-Row Spacing

Note: Designing for zero (0) mph wind conditions is not recommended. Design for worst wind conditions.

For additional information, refer to Toro Technical Data Manual, form number 490-1737.

Precipitation Rate Formulas

??? Square-spaced sprinklers in pattern:

GPM of full circle x 96.3 (Spacing)2

??? Triangular-spaced sprinklers in pattern:

GPM of full circle x 96.3 (Spacing)2 (0.866)

??? Area and flow:

Total GPM of zone x 96.3

Total irrigated

Square feet of zone

??? Single row:

GPM of full circle x 96.3 (Spacing) (Scallop)

CAUTION: ACME fittings incorporate an o-ring seal that requires no additional sealant.

Sprinkler fitting installation - Thread the ACME fitting into the sprinkler body and hand tighten until it stops. No additional tightening or loosening is required.

CAUTION: Loosening beyond 270?? will result in a thread leak.

Lateral/Mainline pipe installation - Thread the ACME fitting into the lateral/main line service tee and hand tighten until it stops, then loosen up to one full turn to ensure flexible movement of the swing joint.

CAUTION: Communication cable or station wire connections will deteriorate when exposed to moisture and earth ground causing shorts or open circuits resulting in improper system operation.

All direct burial wire connections must be done with approved waterproof connections installed in compliance with the manufacturer specifications. Contact your Toro Golf Distributor for approved waterproof connectors.

Always provide a wire service loop for each splice to ensure sufficient wire is available should future servicing be required.

*- All hydraulic connections on Toro valves are 1/4" insert type.

-Control line pressure must be equal to or greater than mainline pressure.

-Control line pressure range is 40 to 150 PSI.

WARNING! Never stand or lean over the sprinkler while the irrigation system is being filled, during manual or automatic operation or when performing sprinkler service procedures. Direct contact with irrigation spray, a failed

or improperly installed sprinkler connection or sprinkler components forcibly ejected upward under pressure can cause serious injury.

The following is a recommended procedure that will protect system components during system start-up. The procedure is based on a velocity fill rate of less than 2' (.61 m) per second. See Table 3 below.

Step 1 ??? Use a jockey pump only to fill the system at a velocity fill rate of less than 2' (0.61 m) per second. CAUTION: Failure to comply with recommended fill rate will increase line pressure resulting in a water

hammer effect that could damage sprinklers and piping components. See Warning above.

Step 2 ??? Use quick coupler keys at all tees and greens with quick coupler valves to bleed air from the system lines during the filling process. For best results, do not compress air and then relieve it ??? bleed the air continuously while filling the system.

Step 3 ??? After water has filled all lines and all air is removed, remove the quick coupler keys.

Recommended System Fill Rate

Figure 2


Winterizing the irrigation system is required in freezing climates to prevent damage from water expansion when it freezes. Following are three key points for successfully winterizing the system, however, Toro provides a complete ???Winterization and Pressurization Guide??? (P/N 373-0849) that is available from your local Toro Distributor.

???Open low point drains, vent high points and allow the system to drain naturally several days prior to using compressed air.

???Attach compressor to the highest point possible and use the compressed air to force remaining water out of the low points and close vents and drains working from high points to low points when clear air is observed.

???Regulate compressed air to 50 psi and cycle each sprinkler ONCE until clear.

Arc Adjustment Procedure

The FLX35 and FLX55 sprinkler models can be operated in full-circle or part circle operation. In part-circle operation, the sprinkler arc can be adjusted from 40????? 330??. When full-circle (360??) operation is selected, the sprinkler will rotate in a clockwise direction only. The arc is factory preset at 180??. The left side of the arc, located at the end of the counterclockwise rotation, is non-adjustable (fixed). Therefore, all arc adjustments, whether increasing or decreasing, will change the right side of the arc, located at the end of the clockwise rotation.

Step 1 ??? Using the sprinkler tool, pull the sprinkler riser up from the body. See Figure 2.

Step 2 ??? Find the sprinkler left stop by rotating the turret counter clockwise until it stops. The left stop indicates the fixed stop of the arc. See Figure 3.

Step 3 ??? Check the left stop alignment with the left most area being irrigated. Adjust as follows by ratcheting the riser clockwise or counterclockwise until the sprinkler left stop points to the correct area. See Figure 4.

1. If the left stop falls short of the desired border, rotate the turret counterclockwise to the stop, then ratchet the riser until it is aligned with the left watering border. See Figure 4.

2.If the left stop exceeds the border, rotate the turret clockwise to the right stop. Continue to advance the turret the same distance that the left stop exceeded the border. See Figure 5.

Step 4 ??? Find the sprinkler right stop by rotating the turret clockwise until it stops.

See Figure 5.



Note: If the sprinkler is set at 360?? (full-circle), it will rotate clockwise only.

Step 5 ??? Adjust the arc while the turret is pointing at the right stop. Hold the

sprinkler riser firmly while pressing the release on the adjustment band. Rotate the turret counterclockwise or clockwise to the desired right stop. See Figure 6.

Step 6 ??? Activate the sprinkler to check proper arc setting and adjust as necessary.

For reference, the adjustment band of the FLX35 and FLX55 has markers at predetermined arcs. By aligning the adjustment band indicators to the turret arrow, you can set the sprinkler arc to 90??, 180??, 270?? or 360??. The arc is adjustable from 40?????330?? in 5?? increments. See Figure 7.

The FLX35 and FLX55 sprinkler models are designed with a dual-trajectory main nozzle. Use the following procedure to select the sprinkler trajection of 15?? or 25??.

Step 1 ??? Using the multi-purpose tool (P/N 995-83), pull the riser from the provided slot in the cap. Pull the riser assembly until there is enough clearance for handling and hold onto the riser body.

Step 2 ??? Remove cap screw and cap to unlock the main nozzle.

Step 3 ??? Use a 5/8" nut driver (P/N 995-99) to turn the main nozzle assembly. Turn the main nozzle assembly clockwise until the angle indicator points towards the right to set 25?? trajection. Continue turning the main nozzle clockwise until the angle indicator points towards the left to set 15?? trajection. See Figure 8 and 9.

Step 4 ??? Replace the cap. Make sure the main nozzle is secured and retained by the cap. Step 5 ??? Secure the cap with the cap screw.


Radius Reduction - FLX34/54 and FLX35/55 Only (Not for FLX35-6/55-6)



Possible equipment failures with causes and corrective action are listed below.

Sprinkler won???t rotate

???Debris wedged between stator and turbine

???Remove obstruction

???Drive assembly defective

???Replace drive assembly

???Nozzle base assembly defective

???Replace riser assembly

Head sticks up

??? Dirt in riser assembly

??? Flush out. (See Flushing Sprinklers)

??? Damaged or missing return spring

??? Replace

??? Damaged riser

??? Replace

Poor distribution pattern

???Nozzle plugged with debris

???Clean or replace nozzle

???Nozzle orifice damaged

???Replace nozzle

???Low operating pressure

???Determine why system overloaded and correct

Valve won???t close (Electric)

???Continuous 24 VAC to sprinkler

???Check controller for voltage source

???Debris in Pilot Valve

???Disassemble and remove all debris

???Leak in pilot valve assembly

???Replace pilot valve assembly

???Plugged supply screen on piston

???Clean or replace screen

???Manual control selector on pilot valve assembly turned to ???ON??? position

???Turn to ???AUTO??? position

???Plunger movement restricted

???Inspect and clean or replace

???Valve cylinder misaligned with sprinkler body communication tube

???Remove valve assembly and install correctly

???Foreign object keeping valve from seating

???Remove, clean and check valve for damage. Replace if necessary

???Damaged piston seal or piston assembly

???Replace valve assembly

The FLX35 and FLX55 series sprinklers are designed to provide the user trouble-free operation for many years without scheduled maintenance. If it becomes necessary to disassemble the sprinkler to correct a malfunction or replace a component, all internal parts of the sprinkler can be accessed from the top. Refer to the Troubleshooting Procedure in this manual in the event of a malfunction. Some special tools are required for disassembly and/or maintenance of the sprinkler and are available from your Toro dealer.

Servicing Sprinkler Mechanism

WARNING! Never stand or lean over the sprinkler while the irrigation system is being filled, during manual or automatic operation or when performing sprinkler service procedures. Direct contact with irrigation spray, a failed

or improperly installed sprinkler connection or sprinkler components forcibly ejected upward under pressure can cause serious injury.

Servicing Sprinkler Mechanism

Note: Refer to Figure 12 for the following procedure.

Step 1 ??? Insert the hooked end of the multi-purpose tool (P/N 995-83) into the slot in the cap (2) and pull the riser assembly up until there is enough clearance to handle.

Step 2 ??? Insert the hooked end of the tool into the snap ring slot (3). Pull the snap ring inward towards the sprinkler assembly, then upward to remove from the groove in body. Hold onto the riser body (13) and carefully extract it from the sprinkler body.

Figure 14

Servicing Main Valve

WARNING! If the valve snap ring is difficult to remove, residual water pressure may be remaining in the system. To prevent possible serious injury due to valve being ejected upward under pressure, confirm the following

conditions exist prior to removing the snap ring and valve.

A.Water supply to sprinkler is shut off at source.

B.All pressure is bled from system, including control tubes.

C.AC power is disconnected at source.

???Load snap ring onto insertion tool carrier with stepped side against carrier as shown in Figure 17. While holding snap ring in compressed position, slide retainer clip in to hold snap ring ears

???Load valve assembly on carrier as shown.

???Locate position of communication tube in bottom of sprinkler body and orient insertion tool accordingly.

???Insert tool straight down into sprinkler body aligning bosses on t-handle with holes on sprinkler body flange. When valve assembly clears vertical side wall ribs inside body, pull up on snap ring release mechanism (FLX55 models only) and press valve assembly into position. Snap ring will lock into groove when properly installed. Remove insertion tool and check snap ring to confirm that it is fully seated in groove.

Servicing Pilot Valve

WARNING! Never stand or lean over the sprinkler while the irrigation system is being filled, during manual or automatic operation or when performing sprinkler service procedures. Direct contact with irrigation spray, a failed

or improperly installed sprinkler connection or sprinkler components forcibly ejected upward under pressure can cause serious injury.

Step 10 ???Thoroughly clean and inspect all parts. Replace damaged parts as necessary and reassemble in reverse order.

Note: For service part numbers, refer to www.toro.com and click Parts. Select the ???Irrigation??? category and search for ???Pilot Valves???.

Flushing Sprinklers

WARNING! Never stand or lean over the sprinkler while the irrigation system is being filled, during manual or automatic operation or when performing sprinkler service procedures. Direct contact with irrigation spray, a failed

or improperly installed sprinkler connection or sprinkler components forcibly ejected upward under pressure can cause serious injury.

Step 1 ??? With sprinkler operating, carefully step down on center of cap several times. Water will flow around riser and flush out debris.

Step 2 ??? Cycle sprinkler on and off several times to check for proper retraction. Cap should be even with top of body flange when fully retracted. If riser sticks in up position, check for debris lodged between riser and body.

Flush out all debris. Remove sprinkler mechanism if necessary.