Quick Connection Guide Guide de connexion rapide
How you connect the Network Media Receiver to your computer depends on your system environment. Refer to the
Also refer to ???Setup??? in the supplied Operating Instructions (page 13).
For information on how to view the Operating Instructions PDF file, refer to the printed Quick Start Guide.
Refer to ???5 Configure wireless LAN settings??? in the Operating Instructions (page 30).
Open LAN port is available
Connect the Network Media Receiver to the open port.
Go to A
No open LAN port available
A hub is required.
Go to B
Go to C
Go to D
Go to E
Go to F
Go to G
Perform the proper connection for your system environment.
For details, refer to ???Setup??? in the supplied Operating Instructions (page 13).
Network Media
???To check whether your ADSL/cable modem has router capability, consult the instructions that came with the modem, or contact our ADSL or cable internet provider.
???The default setting of the Network Media Receiver is ???Obtain an IP address automatically (using router)???. Depending on your system environment, this setting may have to be changed. For information on how to do this, refer to page 33 of the Operating Instructions.
Proc??dez au raccordement correspondant ?? votre environnement syst??me.
Pour obtenir davantage d???informations,
Network Media
???Pour v??rifier si votre modem ADSL/c??ble dispose d???un routeur,
???Le r??glage par d??faut du Network Media Receiver est ?? Obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement (?? l'aide d'un routeur) ??. Selon votre environnement syst??me, ce r??glage peut n??cessiter une modification. Pour plus d???informations sur la proc??dure ?? suivre,