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Important Information
A This symbol indicates???dangerous
Lvoltage- inside tile product that
,presents a risk of electric Shock or personal injuv.
A This symbol indicates important instructions accompanfing the produa.
TO prevent fire 01 shock hazard, do not expose this VCR to rain or moisture.
CAUTION: To prevent &chic shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert,
MISE EN GARDE: Pour eviter les chocs &ctliques, introduire la lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqG au fond.
Do not defeat the safety feature of the plug. The wide blade fits into the wall socket only one way. If you need an extension cord, make sure it matches the plug of the VCR.
Operate VCR only on 120 volts, 60 Hz AC power (normal house power).
For safety reasons, make sure any equipment or accessories connected to this product bears the UL listing mark or, if purchased and used in Canada, the CSA certification mark. If in doubt, contact qualified service personnel.
FCC Regulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user???s authority to operate it.
Note To Cable TV Installer
This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article
Please fill out the product registration card and return it immediately. Returning this card allows us to contact you if needed.
Keep your sales receipt to obtain warranty parts and service and for proof of purchase. Attach it here and record the serial and model numbers in case you need them. The numbers are located on the back of the VCR.
Model No. VR663HF
Serial No.
Purchase Date:
11111 I
Table of Contents
Important Information
Warnings, Cautions, Note to Cable TV Installer
Product Registration
Hooking Up the VCR
Choosing a Hookup
Antenna 01 Cable System Without a Cable Box
Cable System With Cable Box to Unscramble AU Channels
Cable System With Cable Box to Unscramble Pay Channels
Connecting Two VCRs for Copying Tapes
Connecting a Stereo Amplifier/Receiver
Setting Up the VCR
Check Accessories With VCR Attach Power Cord to VCR Insert Batteries in Remote Turn on TV and VCR
Place Channels in VCR???s Memory
Add OI Erase Channels from VCR???s Memory Use N/VCR Button
Set the Time and Date
Using the Remote Control
Compor lent Buttons \KU Function Buttons TV Function Buttons
Controlling a VCR
Controlling a TV
Playing a Tape
Operating Instructions
Using the Playback Feahmes
Pause for
Slow Motion
Picture Search
Frame Advance and Commercial Scan
Time Search
Time Counter with
Auto Tracking and Manual Tracking
Recording a rrogram
Types of Recordings
Recording Speeds
Recording Pause
Basic Recording - Operating Instructions
Watch a TV Channel While VCR is Recording
Recording Broadcast Stereo TV or SAP
Recording while You???re Away
VCR Plus+ Recording
Timer Recording
Checking or Clearing VCR Plus+ or Timer Recordings
Express Recording
Additional Recording Information
Recording Audio Only
Using Two VCRs for Copying Tapes
Cleaning the VCR
Location of Controls
Front and Back Panel
Display Panel
Trouble Checks
Limited Warranty
1111I 1
Choosing a Hookup
The hookups on pages 3 through 5 are divided into two hookup types:
Basic (A) and Advanced (B).
The basic hookup shows the backs of TVs that have only an antenna/cable connection. It is the easier of the two and additional accessories may not be needed.
The advanced hookup shows the VCR hooked up to a monitor/receiver
(TV with audio and video jacks) using a signal splitter. This connection may improve the picture quality as well as convenience of operation.
Answer the questions to choose the hookup for your VCR.
1.How do you receive your TV signals? Chooseoneanswerfrombelow.
A. Outside antenna
B.Rabbit ears
2.What type of
Choose one answer from below.
A. Cable without a
Et. Cable box to unscramble all the
C.Cable box to unscramble only pay channels, such as HBO, Showtime, Cinema, etc.
*You may need to contact your local cable company for assistance.
Optional Hookups
How to hook up two VCRs for copying tapes?
A. Select a hookup by answering questions 1 and 2 above.
0.Then modify the connections as shown on page 6.
How to hook up a stereo amplifier/receiver?
A. Select a hookup by answering questions 1 and 2 above.
B. Then modify the connections as shown on page 7.
A. Basic hookup.
Use this hookup for a simple connection which requires fewer accessories.
1.Set the CH4 CH3 switch on back of VCR to either channel 3 or 4.
You will tu,e the TV to this channel and use the NNCR button on remote to watch the VCR.
2.Connect as shown.
This connection may require additional accessories not provided.
3.Plug in power cords of VCR and TV.
4.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.???
Use this hookup for slightly improved picture quality and more convenient operation
1.Connect as shown.
This connection requires additional accescries not provided.
2.Plug in power cords of VCR and TV.
3.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.??? You will tune the TV to its video input to watch the VCR.
Back of TV
cable systemwm cable
A.Basic hookup.
Usethis hookup for a simple connection which requires fewer accessories.
1.Set the CH4 CH3 switch on back of VCR to either channel 3 or 4.
You will tune the TV to this channel and use the TVNCRbutton on remote to watch the VCR.
2.Connect as shown.
This connection may requireadditional accessoriesnot provided.
3.Plug in power cords of VCR, TV, and cable box.
4.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.???
Box to unscramble All channels
Back of VCR
Cable Box RF$$*
rmtenna: UHF
Back of lV
Usethis hookup for slightly improved picture quality and more convenient
1.Connect as shown.
This connection requiresadditional accessories not provided
2Plug in power cords of VCR, TV, and cable box.
3.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.??? You will tune the TV to its video input to watch the VCR.
(such as
A.Basic hookup.
Usethis hookup for a simple connection which requires fewer accessories.
1.Set the CH4 CH3 switch on back of VCR to either channel 3 or 4.
You will tune the TV to this channeland use the NNCR button on remote to watch the ???CR.
2.Connect as shown.
This connedion may require additional accessoriesnot Provided.
3.Plug in power cords of VCR, TV, and cable box.
4.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.???
; i
: Cable/ i,
: Antenna
Back of TV
8. Advanced hookup.
Usethis hookup for slightly improved picture quality and more convenient
1.Connect as shorn.
This connection requiresadditionalaccessories not provided.
I- Back of VCR
2.Plug in power cords of VCR, TV, and cable box.
3.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.??? You will tune the IV to its video input to watch the VCR. All pay channelsareviewed through theVCR.
lmn I
Option A Hookup.
Usethis hookup for a simple connection which requires fewer accessories.
1.Select a hookup horn pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connection.
2.Set the CH4 CH3 switch on the playback VCR to either channel 3 OI 4.
You will tune ttle recording ???CR to this channel to receivethe signal from the Playback ???CR.
4.Plug in power cords of VCRs and TV.
5.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.???
Playback VCR
pages $4, or 5.
Option B Hookup.
1.Select a hookup from Pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connectton.
2.Connect as shown.
This connedian requiresadditional accessories not provided.
3.Plug in power cords of VCRs and TV.
4.Turn to page 8 for ???Setting Up the VCR.???
You WitIselectthe line (audio/video) input on the recording VCR to receive the signal from the playbackVCR.
Use the hookup to the N
Connectinga Stereo AmplicierlReceiver
Record on the VCR from an
Back of VCR
Connect your VCR to a stereo amplifier/ receiver to record stereo audio.
1.Select a hookup from pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connection.
2.Connect as shown.
Thisconnectionrequires additional accessories not provided.
3.Plug in power cords of amplified receiver, VCR, and TV.
4.Turn to page 25 for ???Recording Audio Only.???
You will selecttheline input (audio/video) on
the VCR to receive the audio signal born the ~lllplifiW/~K~iW.
Play Back Stereo Tapes or Receive a Stereo Broadcast Through an Amplifier/Receiver
Back of Amplifier/Receiver
.,, ., _,
Back of VCR
Connect your VCR to a stereo amplifier/receiver to receive stereo broadcasts or play back stereo tapes.
1.Select P hookup from pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connection.
2.Connect as shown.
This connectionrequiresadditionalaccessories not provided.
3.Plug in power cords of amplified rec&er, VCR, and TV.
4.Turn to page 13 for ???Playback Operation.???
Back of Amplifier/Receiver
1. Check accessories with VCR.
Contact your dealer if any items are missing.
2. Attach power cord to back of VCR.
3. Insert batteries in remote. on the TV.
A.Turn on the TV.
B.If you used one of the basic hookups, tune the TV to the channel selected with the CH4 Cti3 switch on back of VCR.
If you used one of the advanced hookups, t???ne the TV to the TV???s video input. (See TV???s owner???s manual for details.)
5.lWn on the VCR.
A.Press VCR1 (VCR2) on the remote.
6.Place channels in the VCR???s memory (AutoProgram).
Channels 2 through 13 are in the VCR???s memory when you first hxn it on. Pressing CHANNEL up or down stops on these channels. To get additional channels available on your antenna or cable system, you must AutoProgram the VCR.
C.When menu appears, press 5 to select SET UP VCR.
Wait until the channel numbers stop changing. This takes about
one to two minutes. The TV will then tune to the lowest channel found Pressing CHANNEL up or down will select only the active channels. The VCR automatically selects ANTENNA or CABLE. If you need to change the setting manually, press 3.
???CR fa*,N HEN???
on next page
lllrl 1
7. Add or erase channels from the VCR???s memory.
You may want to add or erase channels if some of the channels are not active, have weak signals, or you do not want to watch them.
A. Press VCR1 (VCR2).
6.Press PROGNCR+ on the remote to see the VCR MAIN MENU on the lr TV screen.
c.Press 5 to select SET UP VCR.
D.Press 2 to select ADD/ERASE CHANNELS.
E.Follow the directions on the screen.
F.Add or erase more channels by entering channel numbers or using
CHANNEL up or down.
8.Use TV/VCR button.
Skip this step if you used one of the advanced hookups.
When using one of the basic hookups, the TV/VCR button on the remote lets you switch between the picture coming from the VCR or the picture from the TV channel. This button allows you to record a program on the VCR while watching another channel on the TV. D&is are on page 18.
A. Press VCR1 CJCRZ) to set remote to control VCR.
B.Press NNCR to see the picture from the VCR. The VCR indicator lights in the display panel.
C.Press CHANNEL up or down to change channels on the VCR. The channel number changes on the TV screen and in the display panel.
D.Press lVNCR to see the TV channels.
The VCR indicator does not light in the display panel. Change channels using the TV???s remote.
E.Return the TV to the VCR viewing channel - CH3 or CH4.
F.Press VCR1 (VCRZ), then NNCR to switch back to the picture from the VCR.
9. Set the time and date.
When you first turn on the VCR, -
VCR???s display panel.
???CR Dis&l(ayPallet
A.Press PROGNCR+ on remote to see the VCR MAIN MENU on the TV.
B.Press 4 to select SET VCR CLOCK.
C.Enter the time and date with the number buttons on the remote.
*Press 0 before
Example: press 0, then 5, then 0, then 7 for a time of 5:07.
*Press CLEAR on the remote to change incorrect entries.
D.Press PROG/VCR+ to start the clock and display the time in the VCR???s display panel.
Component Buttons
Pressoneof the buttons to set the remote
Turns on a compatible RCA VCR and sets remote to control
the VCR.
Turns on a compatible RCA VCR and sets remote to control the VCR when it has been seh~p.
see page 12.
VCR Function Buttons
PressVCR1 (VCR2) to set remote to control function buttons.
to operate that component
Turns on a compatible RCA TV and sets the ret&e to control the TV.
Used with OFF to turn another brand of TV on or off when the rettiote is programmed to control that TV. See page 12.
the VCR to use the
Turns off VCR when remote is set to control the VCR.
Switches the picture signal so that it either comes from the VCR or the TV channel. See page 9.
Plays a tape.
REW (Rewind)
Rewinds the tape.
Searches the picture in reverse motion during playback.
FFWD (Fast Forward)
Fast forwards the tape when the VCR is stopped.
Searches the picture in forward motion during playback.
Stops the normal functions such
as record, playback, rewind, fast forward. and pause of the VCR.
Starts VCR recording.
Used for express recording (XPR).
F.ADV/CS (Frame Advance/
Commercial Scan)
Lets you view one frame with each press of the button when tape is in PAUSE.
Skips short segments of tape during playback
Pauses action for viewing during playback.
Pauses recording to prevent recording of unwanted scenes.
PREY.CH. (Previous Channel) Switches between two channels.
Select one channel and then select another. Press PREV.CH. to switch between the two channels.
Selects next higher or lower channel in the VCR???s channel memory.
VCR Function Buttons
Number Buttons
(0 through 9 &loO)
Select any channel up to 99 by pressing hvo number buttons.
For a
Shows VCR operating displays on the TV screen.
Displays the time counter.
Turns on
TV Function Buttons
Switches behveen line input and TV channels (tuner). L appears for line input instead of channel in VCR???s display panel.
Line input refers to the signal coming from a component connected to the audio/video input jacks.
T.SEARCH (Time Search) Displays the time search menu on the TV screen.
SLOW r/r
Used for
Lets you manually reduce the
streaks that may appear on the picture during play, slow, or pause.
May reduce stereo playback noise.
Displays the VCR MAIN MENU or
VCR PLUS men??? on TV screen.
Resets time counter to 0:OO:OO when it is displayed.
Allows you to correct entries when setting the clock or programming VCR for a VCR Plus+ or timer recording.
SPEED (Tape Speed)
Selects a recording speed
(SP, LP, SLP).
Signals two properly connected VCRS to begin copying a tape. see page 26.
Press the TV button to set remote to control a compatible TV. Some buttons may not work with the TV
Turns off TV when remote is set to control TV.
Used along with the TV button to turn a compatible TV on or off when the remote is programmed to control that TV. See page 12.
Raises and lowers sound.
PREV. CH. (Previous Channel) Switches between two channels.
Select one channel and then select another. Press PREV CH to switch between the two channels.
Selects next higher or lower channel in the TV???s channel memory.
Turns the TV sound on or off.
Number Buttons
(0 through 9 and 100)
Select any channel up to 99 by pressing two number buttons.
Select a channel over 99 by pressing the 100 button and then two number buttons for compatible TVs.
Shows the status displays on the screen.
Removes menus or displays fvxn the screen.
Removes menus or status
displays from the screen.
Controlling a VCR
The VCR???s remote controls two compatible RCA VCRs with the VCR1 and VCR2 buttons. Most RCA VCRs automatically respond to VCR1 without being programmed. If you own two RCA VCRs, test them to see if VCR1 turns on both VCRs. If it does, then program the REMOTE CONT feature on this VCR to respond to VCR2 if you want to control VCRs separately.
Helpful Hint: Notice the difference between the TV and VCR
Program the VCR for remote control
Set the REMOTE CONT feature of the VCR to the VCR1 or VCR2 position. The remote then controls the VCR with either the VCR1 or VCR2 button - whichever position you select in the menu.
B.Press 5 to select SET UP VCR.
C.Press 8 to select either the VCR1 or VCR2 position.
D.Press VCR1 or VCR2 to match the selection you made in step C.
Controlling a TV
The VCR???s remote is preprogrammed to control the basic functions of a compatible RCA, ProScan, DTGE TV. The
remote can also be set up to control other manufacturer???s brands. To program the remote, use the remote button at the right that corresponds to your brand. Not all models are compatible.
Program the remote for a TV
A. Turn on the TV.
B.Point the VCR remote at the TV,
C.Hold the N button and press the remote button for your brand. If the TV changes channels, set up is complete.
D.Release both buttons.
E.Repeat steps B - D with another button if the first one does not work
Brand Button
Admiral w.9 Akai6 AOC6 Centuriean 9 Coronado 8 Cutis Mathes I,9 I).+%??? 9 Emerson 68 Fisher 5 GE1 Goldstar $8 Hitachi 088 ,CPenney 6,9
Operate the TV
After you have set up your remote to control your TV, test the TV buttons to see which ones may operate your TV
A.Point the remote at the TV and press N.
B.If TV does not bun on in step A, press N and then OFF.
Mitsubishi 6, (CH Dn)
C. Use the ???TV Function Buttons??? as described on page II
Operating Instructions
To play a tape
1.Turn on the TV and tune it to channel 3,4, or TV???s video input to see the picture fmm the VCR.
2.Insert a tape in the VCR.
VCR automatically turns on. The
3.If you are playing a stereo tape, set the AUDIO PLAY (HIFVMIWLINEAA) feature to HIFI. Press PROGlVCR+, then 5. then 7 to change. The HIFI indicator lights in the VCR???s display panel.
4.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PLAY on the remote. if necessary.
PLAY appears in the VCR???s display panel.
5.If necessary, press TRACKING up or down on the remote to remove any streaks from the picture. Details are on page 17.
6.l???ress STOP/EJECT on the VCR or STOP on the remote.
7.Press REW.
The VCR will automatically rewind the tape if it reaches the end of the tape during playback. While rewinding, you can press POWER on the VCR or OFF on the remote and the VCR will turn off after rewinding.
8.Press STOP/EJECT on the VCR to eject the tape once it is completely rewound.
lllll 1
Using the Playback Features
This feahm stops the tape in action and allows you to examine the details of the scene.
1.During playback, press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PAUSE on the remote to stop the action.
STILL appears in the VCR???s display panel.
2.Press TRACKING A or v to reduce any jitteling of the picture. If streaks or bars appear, press SLOW
.or . and then TRACKING . or . .
3.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PAUSE (or PLAY) on the remote to return to playback.
The VCR will automatically switch from pause to stop after a few minutes.
Slow Motion
You can view the picture in slow motion during play or play pause. SLOW A and v allow you to change the speed. Sound is turned off during
best in the SF and SLP speeds.
1.Press SLOW . to increase the speed or . to decrease the speed.
2.Use TRACKING A or v to remove any streaks from the picture.
3.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PLAY on the remote to return to playback.
The VCR will automatically switch from
Picture Search
You can search a pichlre during playback by fast forwarding or rewinding the tape. Sound is turned off during picture search. The pidure is best for tapes recorded in the SF or SLP speed.
Fast Forward Search
1.Press F.FWD to search forward at a
2.Press F.FWD again, PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR, or PLAY on the remote to return to playback.
Rewind Search
Use REW instead of F.FWD for the same steps in ???Fast Forward Search.???
Frame Advance lets you view one
1.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR hvice or PAUSE on the remote to stop the action.
2.Press F.ADV/CS each time you want to view a frame of the scene.
Press and hold F.ADV/CS to continuously move the tape.
3.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PAUSE (or PLAY) on the remote to resume playback.
Commercial Scan (F.ADV/CS Button)
This is useful for skipping commercials or short program segments.
1.Press F.ADV/CS once during playback to advance the tape approximately 60 seconds.
2.Press F.ADV/CS twice during playback to advance the tape approximately 120 seconds.
llln I
Using the Playback Features
Time Search
The VCR will search forward or backward for a specific amount of recorded tape time (up to nine hours and fifty nine minutes) and begin playback.
1.Insert a cassette.
2.Place VCR in stop mode.
3.Press T.SEARCH on the remote to display the menu on the TV screen.
4.Press numbers on the remote to enter the hours and minutes you want the VCR to search.
Press CLEAR on the remote to clear an enh???y
5.Press F.FWO to search forward. Press REW to search in reverse.
6.The amount of tape time the VCR will search is displayed on the TV screen.
7.Press STOP/EJECT on the VCR or STOP on the remote to stop a search in progress.
To prevent timer programs from being disturbed, all of the buttons on the VCR and remote can be ???locked.???
Timer recordings will stilI be made if a cassette with safety tab is inserted.
1. Insert a cassette.
2Place VCR in stop mode.
3.Press and hold OFF on the Iemote for five seconds.
LOCK will appear in the VCR???s display panel. None of the buttons on the VCR or remote will operate. Also, the cassette door wilI not open.
4.Press and hold VCR1 (VCR2) on the remote until HELLO appears in the VCR???s display panel to unlock
Using the Playback Features
lime Counter
The time counter shows the actual time it takes to record a program 01 play back a segment of a prerecorded tape. It helps to quickly locate the end or beginning of the programs you taped. The time counter resets to 0:OO:OOwhenever the tape is ejected from the VCR.
For example, if a
1.Insert the
2.Press DISPLAY twice to display only the time counter on the TV XTWII.
3.Press F.FWD to fast forward the tape until the time counter reads 0:30:00.
This is the end of the program and you can begin recording at this spot.
4.Press CLEAR to reset the time counter to 0:OO:OO.
Using the Time Counter/s
1.Insert a
2.Press DISPLAY three times to twn on the
An M appears with the time counter to let you know the
3.Press REW, PLAY or F.FWD to move to the spot on the tape where you want to return to quickly.
4.Press CLEAR to reset the time counter to 0:OO:OO M at the spot on the tape where you want to return to quickly.
5.Continue playing the tape.
6.Press STOP and then REW or FSWD when you want to return to the spot you selected on the tape.
The VCR searches for the spot and stops at the counter reading of 0:Oo:OO M. During fast forwarding. the tape advances to the end of the tape and switches to rewind searching for 0:OO:OO M.
7.Press DISPLAY to turn off
Imi I
Using the Playback Features
The VCR has hvo separate audio recording systems - VHS
*Select HIFI to play back sound recorded on the
*Select LINEAR to play back the sound recorded on the linear track.
*Select MIX to play back the sound recorded on both the
To Select Playback Sound
1.Press PROGNCR+ to see the VCR MAIN MENU on the TV screen.
2.Press 5 to see the SET UP VCR menu on the TV screen.
3.Press 7 to switch between playback sounds.
Automatic nacking
The VCR has automatic tracking which adjusts the picture when playing back a tape recorded on another VCR. Automatic tracking is turned on whenever a tape is inserted or the VCR???s power is turned on.
Manual TLacking
Occasionally, you may need to manually adjust the tracking on a tape that was recorded on a different VCR or camcorder. The TRACKING buttons on t
are only used when playing a tape. They have no effect during recording.
When streaks or snow appear during normal or
Types of Recordings
Your VCR provides different types of recording.
These types are explained in the following sections:
Recording While You???re Away
VCR Plus+ Recording
Timer Recording
Express Recording
Using Two VCRs for Copying Tapes
Recording Speeds
SP (Standard Play) gives the best quality recording. That is why most
LP (Long Play) gives twice the recording time of tapes recorded in SF. Special effects in playback are not recommended in LP.
SLP (Super Long Play) gives three times the recording time of tapes recorded in Sl? Special effects such as pause, slow motion, pichxe search, and frame advance work well in this speed.
Recording Pause
This feature allows you to prevent recording short passages of unwanted material.
Press PLAY/PAUSE on the VCR or PAUSE on the remote during recording to stop and start recording.
REC P appears in the VCR???s display panel.
The VCR will automatically switch from pause to stop after a few minutes.
Basic Recgrding - Operating Instructions
To make a recording
Turn on the TV and tune it to the VCR viewing channel, either 3,4, or TV???s video input channel.
Watch a TV channel while VCR is recording a different channel
1.Follow steps 1 - 6 above.
2.If using one of the basic hookups, press NNCR to switch to the TV channel
The VCR indicator will turn off in the VCR???s display panel.
3.Press N to set the remote to control TV functions for a compatible TV.
4.Select the channel you want to watch with the TV???s channel buttons.
5.Press STOP/EJECT on VCR or STOP on remote when recording is finished.
Broadcast Stereo TV or SAP (Second Audio Program)
Some TV programs are broadcasts with stereo audio or a second audio program (SAP).
Select STEREO to record stereo. Select SAP to record SAP. Select MONO if the stereo signal is not
strong enough and too noisy for quality reception.
To record stereo broadcast TV or SAP
VCR Display Panel
Turn on the TV and tune it to the VCR viewing channel, either 3,4,
or TV???s video input.
1.Insert a tape with safety tab in place.
2.Press VCR1 (VCR2) to set remote to control VCR.
3.If using one of the basic hookups, make sure the VCR indicator appears in the VCR???s display panel. If not, press TVNCR to turn
4.Select recording speed using SPEED on remote.
The tape speed indicator appears in the VCR???s display panel and on the TV screen.
5.Select the channel or line input to be recorded.
The channel number appears in the VCR???s display panel and on the TV screen.
6.To record stereo TV, the ST/MONO/SAP feature must be set to
STEREO. Press PROGNCR+, then 5, then 6 to change.
The STEREO indicator will then light in the VCR???s display panel when the station you are tuned to is broadcasting stereo.
To record SAP, the ST/MONO/SAP feature must be set to SAP.
Press PROGNCR+, then 5, then press 6 to change.
The I indicator will light in the VCR???s display panel. SAP will be recorded on the linear track while the normal audio is recorded on the
7Press RECORD on the VCR or RECIXPR on the remote to begin recording.
REC appears in the VCR???s display panel.
8Press STOP/EJECT on the VCR oi- STOP on the remote when you are finished. (To playback SAP use the AUDIO PLAY feature. Seepage17.)
Recording While You???re Away (VCR Plus+ Recording)
VCR Plus+??? lets you record a program by entering a PlusCode??? number from your TV listing. Because each area has different cable. TV and broadcasting systems, some setup may be required before using VCR Plus+ for the first time.
A.VCR Plus+ Setup for Antenna or Unscrambled Cable Systems (Not Requiring a Cable Box)
A VCR Plusc channel number is assigned for each broadcast or cable channel. These numbers are listed in most publications that list PlusCode numbers.
1.Prepare a worksheet for the VCR Plus+ channels that are different than the channels you receive them cm. Refer to the chart below for standardized VCR Plus+ channel numbers.
2.Press PROGNCR+ on the remote to display the VCR MAIN MENU on the TV screen.
3.Press 5 to display SET UP VCR menu.
4.Press5 to display SET UP VCR PLUS menu.
5.Using your worksheet, press hw numbers to enter each channel number you receive on a different channel than the assigned VCR Plus+ channel number.
If a channel in your area has been assigned more than one VCR Plus+ channel number, enter that same channel number next to each VCR Plus+ channel number.
Press CHANNEL up OI down to move the VCR+ CH numbers up or down on the menu.
Press CLEAR to eras?a number.
6.Press PROGNCR+ when you are finished.
???VCR Plus+ and PlusCode are trademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation
Recording While You???re Away (VCR Plus+ Recording)
B.VCR Plus+ Setup for Scrambled Cable System [Requiring a Cable Box)
1.Press PFiOGNCR+ on the remote to display the
VCR MAIN MENU on the TV screen.
2.Press 5 to display SET UP VCR menu.
3.Press 4 to display SET UP CABLE BOX menu.
4.Press 2 when the CABLE BOX menu appears
5.Press two numbers on the remote to enter the output channel of your cable box. Press 0 before a
If you connected your cable box to the VCR using the cable box???s AUDIONIDEO OUT jacks, press
INPUT on the remote to select the VIDEO OUT option.
Press CLEAR to correct an entry.
6.Press PROGNCR+. A message appears which will time out or press PROGNCR+ to return to the SET
UP VCR menu.
The VCR will now receive all channels from the output channel of your cable box.
important: Turn on the cable box and tune 1 it to the channel you want to record before
the time the recording is to begin.
Recording While You???re Away (VCR Plus+ Recording)
The VCR Plus+ and timer program features let you program the VCR to record up to eight different programs within a one year period. Before using VCR Plus+ to record a program, make sure that:
*Cable box set up has been completed if you use a cable box.
*VCR Plus+ set up has been completed.
*The clock is set correctly.
. A tape with safety tab has been inserted with enough tape to record the programs. * The remote is set to control the VCR- using VCR1 (VCR2).
Setting a VCR Plus+ Recording
1.Press PROGNCR+ on the remote to display the VCR MAIN MENU on the TV screen.
2.Press 1 to display the VCR PLUS menu.
3.Press numbers on the remote to enter the PlusCode number for the program you want to record.
Press CLEAR to correct an entry.
4.Press PROGNCR+ to enter the program.
If the VCR does not recognize the PlusCode number,
5.Press 1,2, or 3 to select type of program.
3 WEEKLY PROGRAM - same program once a week.
A screen appears verifying the channel, time on, time off, and date of the recording.
6.Select a recording speed by pressing SPEED on the remote.
7.Press PROGNCR+ to enter your program. A reminder appears which will time out or you can press
PROGNCR+ to F&XII to the VCR PLUS menu.
PROGRAMS OVERLAP may appear on the screen if you entered hvo programs where the times overlap.
See page 23 to clear a pmgmm.
8.Repeat steps
PAOGNCR+ to remove the menu from the TV screen.
9, Turn off the VCR before recording time.
TIMER should appear in the VCR???s display panel.
10If using a cable box, leave it turned on and hmed to the channel you want to record.
lln I
Recording While You???re Away (Timer Recording)
The VCR Plus+ and timer program features let you program the VCR to record up to eight different programs within a one year period. Before setting the timer, make sure that:
*Cable box set up has been completed if you use a cable box.
*The clock is set correctly.
*A tape with safety tab has been inserted with enough tape to record the programs.
. The remote is set to contro1 the
Setting a Timer Recording
1.Press PROGNCR+ on the remote to display the menu. If VCR PLUS menu appears, press PROGNCR+ again.
2.Press 2 to display the PROGRAM TIMER menu.
3.Press 1, 2, or 3 to select type of program.
2 DAILY PROGRAM Monday through Friday.
4.Press numbers on the remote to enter the channel number (or INPUT to select line input), time to begin, time to turn off, and date of the recording. Just follow the
5.Select recording speed using SPEED on the remote.
6.Press PROGNCR+ to enter your program. A reminder appears which will time out or you can press PROGNCR+ to return to the VCR MAIN MENU.
PROGRAMS OVERLAP may appear on the screen if you have entered two programs where the times overlap.
Repeat steps
Turn off the VCR before recording begins.
TIMER should appear in the VCR???s display panel.
If using a cable box, turn on the cable box and tune it to the channel you want to record before the time the recording is to begin.
Checking or Clearing VCR Plus+ and Timer Recordings
1.Press PROGNCR+ on remote to display VCR MAIN MENU on
TV screen.
If VCR PLUS menu appears, press PROGNCRc again.
2.Press 3 for REVIEW PROGRAMS.
Each entered program is displayed for a few seconds in sequence.
3.Press DISPLAY or 3 to display information at a faster pace.
4.Press CLEAR when the program you want to
5.Press PROGNCR+ on remote to remove display from the TV screen.
m I
Express Recording (XPR)
Express recording lets you record up to four hours without using the timer program feature. The VCR will tirn off automatically at the end of the recording.
minutes remaining for express recording.
Operating Instructions
1.Turn on the VCR.
2.Insert a tape with safety tab in place.
3.Select the channel you want to record.
4.Select the desired recording speed using SPEED on remote.
5.Press RECORD on the VCR or REC/XPR on the remote to activate express recording.
6.Press RECORD on the VCR or REC/XPR on the remote repeatedly until the amount of recording time for the program is displayed.
Each press of RECORD on the VCR or REC/XPR on the remote increases the time from 30 minutes up to 4 hours.
X - REC and the amount of time the VCR will record appears in the VCR???s display panel.
Additional Recording Information
Timer Recording From the VCR???s Line Input
The line input refers to the signal coming from the AUDIO and VIDEO IN jacks of the VCR. Recording from the line input is convenient if you have a sate!.&
receiver or similar component attached to these jacks. To timer record from the . component connected to the VCR???s line input:
Press INPUT on the remote to enter VIDEO IN instead of the channel number on the TV screen during timer programming.
Stopping a Recording in Progress
lllll 1
Recording Audio Only
You can record audio only from an amplifier/receiver or some other audio source. To play back stereo audio, connect the VCR to a stereo TV or amplifier/receiver. Refer fo hookup on page 7.
VCR Display Panel
To record audio only
1.Connect the audio equipment to the VCR. Turn it on and prepare it to play.
2.Insert a tape with safety tab in place.
3.Press VCR1 (VCR2) to set remote to control VCR.
4.Select recording speed using SPEED on remote.
The tape speed indicator appears in the VCR???s display panel and on the TV screen.
5.Press INPUT on remote to select the line input.
6.To record stereo, make sure the ST/MONO/SAP feature is set to STEREO. Press PROG/VCR+, then 5, then 6 to change.
7.Press RECORD on the VCR or REC/XPR on the remote to begin recording.
REC appears in the VCR???s display panel.
8.Press STOP/EJECT on the VCR or STOP on the remote when you are finished.
lln I
Using Two VCRs for Copying and Editing Tapes
Operating Instructions ukfer t0 hookup 0??? page 6.~
Use one VCR as the playback VCR and the other as the recording VCR.
cation: Theu???a???tho???zed
1. Turn on the TV and VCRs.
2. Tune TV to the VCR viewing channel, either 3,4, or TV???s video input.
mcor&ngofLelevlslon ri p???0grarn~andother
3.If you have connected your VCR using Option A @age 6), tune recording VCR to channel 3 or 4
If you have connected your VCR using Option B (page 6% press INPUT on recording VCR???s remote to select the line input. L appears in VCR???s display panel.
4.Insert the tape you want to copy into playback VCR. Insert a blank tape with safety tab in place into recording VCR.
5.Press PLAY/PAUSE on the playback VCR to play the tape. When you reach the point on the tape or program where you want to begin copying, press PLAY/PAUSE to pause the tape. If streaks appear, you may need to adjust
6.Press RECORD, then PLAY/PAUSE on recording VCR.
7.Press PLAY/PAUSE buttons on both VCRs at the same time to begin copying the tape.*
8.Edit out segments that you do not want to copy by pressing PLAY/PAUSE on recording VCR to stop copying the tape. Then, locate the next segment you want to copy on playback VCR by using F.FWD, REW, and PLAY/PAUSE. Then press PLAY/PAUSE on the playback VCR to pause the tape. Press PLAY/PAUSE at the same time on both VCRs to resume copying.
9.Press STOP/EJECT on both VCRs when you are finished.
??? You may bun off the TV after the recording has started as it does not have to be on to copy a tape.
Using Dual Remote with AutoEditTM
Usethis VCR as the recording VCR and set it to respond to VCR2 on the remote as demikd on page 12. Use your other compatible VCR as the playback VCR which should respond to VCR1
1.Follow steps 1 - 4 in ???Operating Inshuctions??? above.
2.Press VCR2 on remote to control recording VCR. Press REC/XPR, then PAUSE, to put recording VCR in pause mode.
4.Use PLAY, F.FWD, and REW, to locate the point where you want to begin copying. Press PAUSE while VCR is playing to put playback VCR in pause mode.
5.Press EDIT on remote; the VCRs will begin copying.
6.Press EDIT again when you want to stop the tape from copying.
7.Repeat steps 4 - 6 as needed.
8.Press VCRl, STOP, then VCR2, STOP, when you are finished.
ml 1
Temperature Range: +41??F to
???Check your cable company???s compatibility requirements
Plastic surfaces are easily scratched and can be marred by alcohol and various solvents. Avoid excessive use of
materials used in the cabinet will accumulate more dust. We recommend using a
Location of Controls
Front Panel
i&mote Sensor
Remote Sensor
Receives signals from the remote control. Aim the remote at this sensor with no objects between
Stops the normal functions such as record, playback rewind,
Ejects the tape when VCR is stopped
Plays a tape.
During playback, pauses action for viewing.
Pauses recording to prevent recording of unwanted scenes.
Turns the VCR on or off.
REW (Rewind)
Rewinds the tape.
Searches the picture in reverse during playback.
Starts VCR recording.
Used for express recording (XPR).
CHANNEL Up and Down
Selects next higher or lower channel in the VCR???s channel memory.
Back Panel
Back Panel of VCR
Receives a signal horn an antenna or cable system when attached.
OUT TO TV Connector
Passes signal to TV using the cable supplied.
CH4 CH3 Switch
Selects the channel to which you will tune the TV to see the VCR picture if you connect the VCR using one of the basic hookups.
VIDEO IN and AUDIO (R and L/MONO) IN Jacks
Receives signals from another component, such as a VCR or camcorder, when it is connected to these jacks.
Use the INPUT button on the remote to display L in the VCR???s display panel and VIDEO IN on the TV screen.
VIDEO OUT and AUDIO (R and L) OUT Jacks
Sends signals from VCR to another component, such as a monitor TV or another VCR, when it is connected to these jacks.
Location of Controls
Display Panel
Display Panel of VCR
HlFl Indicator
Lights during HiFi playback when the AUDIO
PLAY (HIFI/MWLINEAR) feature is set to HlFl or MIX in the SET UP VCR menu.
Lights when a tape is in the VCR.
Tape Speed Indicators (SP, LP, or SLP)
Press SPEED on remote to change.
STEREO Indicator
The STEREO indicator lights when the station you are tuned to is broadcasting stereo.
The ST/MONO/SAP feature in the SET UP VCR menu must be set to STEREO.
I (SAP) Indicator
The I indicator lights when the
ST/MONO/SAP feature in the sf3 UP VCR menu is set to SAP.
Channel Number 01 Line Indicator(L)
The channel number or line indicator (L) is displayed.
L lights when you press INPUT on the remote to record horn the VIDEO IN and AUDIO IN jack;.
Status Indicators
Show what the VCR is doing.
VCR Indicator (Applies Only to Basic Hookup)
Lights when using the TV/VCR button.
VCR indicator on: Picture comes from VCR.
VCR indicator off: picture from TV channel.
Time or Time Counter
Press the DISPLAY button to switch between the current time and time counter.
Sometimes problems can be easily solved by checking a few basic things. Check below before you call for help or take your VCR to an Authorized RCA VCR Servicenteer.
VCR does not respond to remote
Remote no longer controls an RCA TV
Remote no longer controls a compatible TV, other than RCA
VCR only responds to VCR2 button
Poor 01 no pichwe for normal TV viewing
Snowy or no picture during playback
Straks in picture during normal playback
Time counter not working
Will not record or play
Will not record
\ . PressVCR1 (VCRZ) to set remote to control the VCR. See page 12. 1 - Aim remote at VCR with no objects between them.
;. Change batteries.
???.Press N to set remote to control TV.
I . Check setting of REMOTE CONT: (VCRlNCRZ) feature. See page 12.
- PressTVNCR to turn VCR indicator off.
i* Switch TV to an active channel.
j. Check antenna connections.
.,,,, ,., ,,,,,, ,.,,. I,_ ., ,,,,,,, ,_,.., ,,.,.. ,.,.. .,,,.,,,,,
. Press NNCR to turn VCR indicator on.
- Check TV channel selected (3 or 4) to make sure it matches the channel selected with CH3 CH4 switch on back of VCR.
*CheckTV???s fine tuning.
:- Check video cable connections behveen VCR and TV monitor. i - Set TV monitor to video input channel.
;. Try another tape.
. Some snow/streaks are normal during search,
i . Press one of the TRACKING buttons on the remote to move streaks up or
:down and out of the picture.
:* A minus
~back than a counter reading of 0:Oo:OO.
. No cassette in VCR.
- Eject and
. Broken tape - hy another cassette.
* VCR is in pause mode. Press PLAY/PAUSE on VCR or PAUSE on remote.
-Safety tab removed from cassette.
*Make sure the line indicator (L) is turned off in VCR???s display panel for normal recording from the VCR???s tuner. Press INPUT on the remote to turn off the line indicator.
Tape stops before complete rewind
Trouble Checks
Rewind does not operate
VCR PLUS display appears
on TV instead of VCR MAIN MENU when you
press PROGNCR+ on remote.
VCR Plus+ or Timer recording not made or wrong program recorded
Clock shows incorrect time or date
Here???s what to try:
* Tape already rewound.
-After VCR PLUS has been used, the VCR PLUS display will appear automatically when you press PROGNCR+ on remote. Press PROWCR+
. Cable box was not tuned on at time recording was to begin or cable box
:* Program entered incorrectly (wrong channel or times).
*Power interruption. Clock area in display panel will show -
. Check to see if time and date are cox~ect - including AM/PM.
*Program exceeded tape???s length or tape was not rewound beforehand.
:* VCR was not turned off at the time recording was to start.
. No tape in VCR, or cassette is ejected if safety tab is broken off.
. VCR ejects cassette when the end of the tape is reached during a timer
* Power intenuption. Clock on the front panel will show -
. Clock was not set accurately (check AMIPM and date).
-Time counter display appears in VCR???s display panel. Press DISPLAY on remote.
Stereo or SAP sound not recorded
. ST/MONO/SAP feature must be set to STEREO to record broadcast stereo. seepage19.
:. ST/MONO/SAP feature must be set to SAF???to record SAP. See page 19.
- STEREO indicator not on. Station not broadcasting stereo.
lllll I
Limited Warranty
What your warranty covers:
-Any defect in material or workmanship.
For how long after your purchase:
- Ninety days for labor charges.
*one year for parts.
The warranty period for rental units begins with the first rental.
What we will do:
-Pay any Authorized RCA VCR Servicenter the labor charges to repair your VCR.
*Pay any Authorized RCA VCR Servicenter for the new or, at our option, rebuilt replacement parts required to repair youx VCR.
How you get service:
-Take your VCR to any Authorized RCA VCR Servicenter. To identify your nearest Authorized RCA VCR Seticenter, ask your dealer, look in the Yellow Pages, or call
*Show the service technician your evidence of purchase dare.
*Pick up your VCR when repairs are completed.
What your warranty does not cover:
-Customer instruction. (Your Owner???s Manual clearly describes how to install, adjust, and operate your VCR. Any additional information should be obtained from your Dealer.)
*Installation and related adjustments.
*Signal reception problems not caused by your VCR. - Damage from misuse or neglect.
*Cleaning of video/ audio heads.
*Remote control batteries.
-A VCR that has been modified or incorporated into other products or is used for institutional or other commercial purposes.
*A VCR purchased or serviced outside the USA.
Product Registration:
*Pleasecomplete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your VCR. It will make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary. The return of the card is not required for wal~anty coverage.
How state law relates to this warranty:
*This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary from state to state.
If you purchased your VCR in Canada:
* The Canadian warranty applies in place of this warranty
lllr I
TWO VCRS..~~......Y...............................~ ~ .2,6
For your nearest Authorized Sewicenter call
Canadian Consumers -
Your toll free numbers are:
If you would like a copy of this manual in French, please follow the instructions below:
Tl~omson Consumer Electronics
Attention: Canadian Operations
P.O. Box 0944
Indianapolis. IN
If your VCR needs service, please contact your dealer or the nearest Servicema from tbe yellow pages. Please do not send any pmducts to tbe Indianapolis address listed in this manual or on the carton. This will only add delays in service for your product.
Thomson Consumer Electronics
600 N Sherman Dr, PO Box 1976
Indianapolis, IN 46206