Owner???s Manual





Rear panel

Front panel


Connecting the Mediamaster to the satellite dish

Connecting the Mediamaster to a TV set Connecting to a TV and a video recorder If your VCR does not have a SCART- Connector

Connecting to an analogue satellite- receiver and a video recorder Connecting to Hi Fi system Preparing the remote control Before you continue

About Smart Card and CA Module



Tuning procedure when RF

Connections are used

The Welcome Menu

Language settings

Antenna Satellite configuration

Automatic channel Search

Manual channel Search


General information TV screen format Start/stop watching TV Select channel

Program Information, the ??? i ??? button TV Guide

The Radio button

Nokia Home Communications operates a policy of continuous development. Therefore we reserve the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this manual without any prior notice.

The EMC Directive 89/336/EEC is applied to this product. DiSEqC??? is a trademark of EUTELSAT

Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Copyright ?? 2000. Nokia Home Communications.

All rights reserved.

GB 3

Keep a clear space around the Mediamaster to allow for sufficient ventilation. Do not cover the Mediamaster or place it on a unit that emits heat.

??Use a soft cloth and a mild solution of dish washing liquid to clean the casing.

??Never allow liquids, spray or other materials to come into contact with the inside of the Mediamaster.

??Service should be carried out only at a Nokia authorized service center.

??Do not connect or modify cables when the Mediamaster is plugged in.

??Do not remove the cover.

??Do not allow the unit to be exposed to hot, cold or humid conditions.

?? Please note that the only way to isolate the Mediamaster completely from the 230 V mains supply is to unplug the mains lead!

Rear panel

LNB output

Satellite signal (IF) output with loop through. For connection to the other satellite receiver if needed.


Stereo outputs for connection to a HiFi system.


For an RF-Cable to the aerial input of the TV or VCR.

GB 4

Front panel


The box for your Mediamaster should contain the following items:

Mediamaster 9660S includes

About the SCART sockets

??The rear panel of the Mediamaster is equipped with 2

SCART sockets. When you connect other products to any of these sockets, always use fully featured SCART cables (as supplied). There are ???less well specified??? SCART cables on the market and picture quality could be reduced if you use them.

??SCART cables are also necessary to get stereo sound from a stereo TV and video recorder.

GB 5

Connecting the Mediamaster to the satellite dish

Installing the satellite dish

??Your satellite dish should be installed with a cable for you to connect to the Mediamaster. If you do not have this cable you will need to buy one from a dealer (tell the dealer you need a coaxial cable and F-connectors).

??Connect the cable from the satellite dish to the socket marked ???LNB IN??? on the back of the Mediamaster.

If you need to fit the F-connectors onto the cable

Prepare each end of the cable as shown in the diagram. You will need to fold back the outer braid (as shown).

??Slide the F-connector onto the cable, and then turn it clockwise until it grips the braid.

??Ensure that 3 mm of the core is protruding from the end of the connector.

15 mm

8 mm


3 mm

Connecting the Mediamaster to a TV set

There are many different types of TV/VCR and other equipment that you can connect to the Mediamaster. In this manual you will see some of the most common ways to connect your equipment. If you use RF cables you will have to tune your TV and VCR to the Mediamaster output channel. If you have problems with your connections and need help, contact your dealer or Service Provide.

??Connect the SCART cable between the main SCART socket on the TV and the TV SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect an RF cable from the TV/VCR output on the Mediamaster to the RF input socket on the TV.

??Connect the TV aerial to the TV AERIAL input socket on the Mediamaster.

GB 6

Connecting to a TV and a Video recorder

Refer to your video recorder manual for full instructions.

??Connect one SCART cable between the main SCART socket on the TV and the TV SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect another SCART cable between the VCR and the VCR SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect the RF cable from the RF output on the VCR to the TV aerial input on the TV.

??Connect the TV aerial to the RF input socket on the VCR.

If Your VCR does not have a SCART connector

??Connect a SCART cable between the main SCART socket on the TV and the TV SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect an RF cable from the RF output on the VCR to the TV aerial input on the TV.

??Connect an RF cable from the TV/VCR output on the Mediamaster to the RF input socket on the VCR.

??Connect the TV aerial to the TV AERIAL input socket on the Mediamaster.

Connecting to an Analogue satellite receiver and a Video recorder

?? Connect a SCART cable between the main SCART socket on the TV and the TV SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect a SCART cable between the VCR and the VCR SCART socket on the Mediamaster.

??Connect an RF cable from the RF output on the VCR to the TV aerial input on the TV.

??Connect an RF cable from the RF output on the Analogue receiver to the RF input socket on the VCR.

??Connect the TV aerial to the RF input socket on the Analogue receiver.

In order to switch the signal from the dish between the analogue and digital receivers, you need a Universal Twin LNB.

??Cable A between output A on the LNB to the LNB socket on the analogue receiver.

??Cable B between output B on the LNB to the ANTENNA socket on the Mediamaster.

Both the VCR and the analogue satellite receiver must be tuned to different UHF channels (than the Mediamaster) when using RF-connectors.

GB 7

Connecting to Hi Fi system

Connect an RCA/Cinch stereo cable from the AUDIO L R sockets on the Mediamaster to the LINE, AUX, SPARE or EXTRA input sockets on your Hi Fi system.

Preparing the remote control

??Remove the cover on the battery compartment at the bottom of the remote control handset.

??Insert the 2 x AAA (1,5 V) batteries, as shown in the diagram, taking care to observe the + and - markings indicated inside.

??Replace the cover.

Before you continue

Please read this information concerning menus.

A menu is a field of text shown on the TV screen. These menus contain different kinds of information and give the possibility to select between alternatives. At the bottom of the screen you will normally also see a short explanation of your options. A menu may contain several lines. Selectable lines are highlighted. Non-highlighted lines are not selectable.

GB 8

About the Smart Card and CA Module.

To be able to receive scrambled digital satellite channels you will need a Common Interface CA (Conditional Access) module and a smartcard from a Service Provider. It is possible to use two CA modules.

The Service Provider is the programme distributor.

If you are subscribing to services from more than one Service Provider, you might have to change between different Smart-cards and/or CA modules.

Please note that a Smartcard and CA module may only be valid for a single Service Provider and due to this, a specific range of channels.

The Smartcard and the CA module may also provide access to special menus not described in this manual. If so, please follow the instructions from the Service Provider.

Only ???free to air??? channels are available without the Smartcard and/or the CA Module. Note: The Smartcard and/or the CA module are distributed by your Service Provider.

After inserting the card, leave it in the slot permanently. Do not remove it again, unless your Service Provider asks you to do so.

This is important, because if your Service Provider wants to download new information to the Smartcard, the card has to be in the slot.

The CA module with Smartcard

???Follow the instructions from your Service Provider concerning the Smartcard and/or CA Module.

???Insert the CA Module (use only a DVB Standard, Common Interface CA Module) fully into the slot

behind the lid of the front panel of the Mediamaster.

??? Press the gray button on the front panel if you need to remove the CA Module.

Note !

F o l l o w y o u r instructions on

S e r v i c e Providers how to insert the CA

GB 9


This section describes how to operate the Mediamaster using the buttons on the remote control. Some of the functions can also be carried out using the buttons on the front panel.

(Blue) To toggle between present and previous TV/Radio channels.

GB 10


Once you have correctly connected the Mediamaster, you also have to perform some ???Basic Settings???. During this procedure, helpful information is displayed at the bottom of the menus.

Please note!

The OK button always confirms a selection within these menus, and pressing it will take you to the next step in the installation process. However, and this is important, often more than one value has to be entered in a menu. First, perform all necessary settings on the different lines. Then, confirm them all simultaneously by pressing OK.

You can always go back to the previous menu by pressing the BACK button.

Use the buttons to move upwards and downwards from one line to another. Use to change settings. You can also use the numeric buttons on the remote control to select a line in a menu and to enter numeric values.

Tuning procedure when RF connections are used

This procedure is necessary only if your Mediamaster is connected to the TV with an RF cable.

To tune your TV to the RF signal you might also need your TV manual in addition to this manual. The steps below explain what to do if you have been unable to use SCART cables in your connection.

??Plug in your Mediamaster.

Tuning your TV to the Mediamaster.

??Select a channel number on the TV that is not currently used for other TV channels.

??Follow the instructions in your TV manual to tune the TV channel selector to UHF channel 43 (this is the Mediamaster???s factory preset UHF channel). If you are already using this channel, select another non occupied UHF channel between 21to 69 on the TV.

??When you have correctly changed the UHF channel number you will see the ???Welcome??? menu on the TV screen. If there is interference from other channels you will have to change the chosen UHF channel.

??Follow the instructions in your TV manual to store this UHF channel as the channel used by your Mediamaster. You will have to select this channel when you want to watch digital TV/Radio channels.

??Once the welcome message is visible, press the OK button on the Mediamaster???s remote control to start the installation procedure.

If for some reason you have to change the RF channel later, you can do this by using ???System Settings??? menu further on in this manual. If you have a VCR connected it must be tuned to a different UHF channel (between 21 to 69) than the Mediamaster.

You may now proceed to ???The Welcome Menu.???

GB 11

The Welcome Menu

To install the Mediamaster properly you have to adjust a few settings. You will always be guided by the information at the bottom of the menus. When you have finished the final part of the setup procedure you can start watching TV channels and listening to radio channels. Now you should have the ???Welcome Menu??? on the TV screen. Press the OK button to proceed.

Language Settings

Select the menu language that you desire. This will define the language shown in the menus. This will also be the main language for all the other parts such as audio and subtitling languages. Press the OK button to proceed.

??? Installation

In order to configure your equipment (satellite dish and LNB) you will need to use the following menus.

The LNB is the receiving unit, which is mounted on the satellite dish. For the following setup procedure you have to know the Local Oscillator (LO) frequency valid for your LNB(s).

Motor Antenna Configuration

If you have a DiSEqC 1.2 Motor Antenna system, You can use the Motor Antenna functions in this memu

By pressing OK on the line ???Motor Antenna Configuration??? you will be requested to enter your access code.

This code is set to 1234 by the factory

Motor Reference Setting

LNB Type

Selection is possible for different kinds of LNBs, Select the type of LNB that connected to the motor.

Satellite Name

You can select a name for the configuration. A selection of satellite names can be used to adjust the motor

position ,which is to be the default satellite name for DiSEqC 1.2 Motor Antenna system.

GB 12

Predefined Channel

Select one of the predefined channel alternatives Predefined Channel.

Adjust Motor

Use the RIGHT / LEFT buttons to adjust the motor angle for selected satellite.

During you adjust the motor by RIGHT of LEFT buttons, if you can find the AGC and BER level is full or higher level,

stop the adjust the motor immediately.

This red bar indicates the average strength of incoming signal for the selected satellite name.

To accuracy alignment, push RIGHT / LEFT buttons slightly .

By pressing OK on the line ??? Adjust Motor ???, you can store the adjusted position.

If you finished motor reference setting as you desired, All other preprogrammed satellite positions are oriented relative to selected satellite name.

Motor Limit Setting

Remove Limits

By pressing OK, You can remove east and west limits which were saved before.

East Limit Set Up / West Limit Set Up

You only have to set these limits if the antenna is prevented from reaching its East/West limit positions.

This could be the case e.g. if the antenna is mounted too tight to a wall or in amt similar situation.

Using the LEFT or RIGHT buttons to set these limits, watch the antenna movement and when is has reached its possible limit, set each limit by pressing OK .

Move to Motor Center Position

By pressing OK, You can move antenna to the central position.

Antenna & Satellite Configuration with Motorized System

Once if you have correctly stored the motor reference setting for satellite name, you can use motorized system in this menu. Select the satellite name and LNB type and if you select ??? Enabled ???on the line ??? Motorized System???, you can find motor antenna is going to move to find the incoming signal as to selected satellite name. After motor antenna will find the incoming signal, motor antenna will stop the moving. Also you can find the AGC and BER level with a red bar is shown to full

Automatic, Manual and Advanced Channel Search with Motorized System

After you have stored the motor reference setting and selected ??? enabled??? on the antenna & satellite configuration.

You can find the AGC and BER level with a red bar is shown to full. in Automatic channel search or Manual Channel search menu

But If the AGC and BER with a red bar level is low, Use the RIGHT / LEFT buttons to adjust the motor angle for selected satellite until AGC and BER level with a red bar is full.

By pressing OK on the line ??? Adjust Motor???, you can stored the adjusted position. This position will be the new reference setting by manual adjust motor.

Press OK to start automatic and manual channel search

GB 13

In order to keep the Mediamaster up-to ???date, it will be possible to download new version of the system

software via satellite and from the internet. New software may include new or improved features for existing menus.

Enter this menu to check for new software. If new software is available you will get information in the menu

on how to proceed.

If you download new software from ???Nokia Internet pages???, you

transfer the software from the computer to the Mediamaster via the serial port

IMPORTANT! Updating via satellite may take a while. The front display will indicate the percent left to download.

NEVER turn off the Mediamaster, never use the remote control or disconnect the antenna/LNB cable during the download procedure! This will damage the software and the receiver will have to be sent in for service.

Antenna and Satellite Configuration

Highlight ???Antenna Satellite Configuration??? and press the OK button. You can configure the antenna for each satellite from this menu.

Antenna Alternative:

Select an Antenna alternative from ???1 to 32???. Please note, that the parameters in the menu are pre-programmed, but you can change any of them to suit your combination.

Satellite name: From here you can select a name for the configuration.

Switch Type:

There are in principle two kinds of external DiSEqC switches on the market at present. One for connection of two LNBs. The other one for connection of up to 4 LNBs.

If you have the other switch, defined as DiSEqC, Level 1 or 2 on the market, select ???DiSEqC 1, 2, (3 or 4)???, for each LNB connected to respective inputs on this switch.

LNB Type:

Selection is possible for different kinds of LNBs. Select the frequency for the LNB, which is valid for your combination. You may also enter a value with the numbered buttons on the remote control. The LNB alternatives are: ???Universal??? (which is the most common), ???5.150???, ???9.750???, ???10.000???, ???10.050???, ???10.600???, ???10.750???, ???11.200???, ???11.475???.

If you have special LNB type, you should select ???User Define??? on this menu. And you can enter a new LNB frequency in the following LNB Frequency menu.

LNB Frequency:

GB 14

You can enter a special LNB frequency, which is not presented in the LNB Type list as above.

22KHz Tone Switch:

If you have connected to a Dual LNB or two antennas connected to a 22KHz tone switch box, set it to ???Enable??? the 22KHz tone switch.

When you have finished the settings in this menu, press the ???OK??? button to save the parameter. Press BACK to continue with the channel search set-up

(You can also recall this menu later. From the Main Menu; select ???Installation??? and then ???Antenna Satellite Configuration???).

Motorized System

Please refer to Page 12.

Automatic Channel Search

Highlight ???Automatic Channel Search??? using the down arrow button on the remote control. Mediamaster has pre- programmed Antenna/Satellite parameters for Astra,

HotBird, Arabsat, NileSat, PanAmsat 4, AsiaSat2,

AsiaSat3, TurkSat1B, TurkSat1C, Thor, Sirius and

Other1 to Other7.

Antenna Alternative: Select the option, ???1 to 32???, that corresponds to your antenna system.

Predefined Channel: Each antenna alternative has one or two pre-programmed channel parameters. Choose a channel from which you want to start the channel search. Normally, each of the pre- programmed channels gives the same result.

Search Type: Select ???Free Channels??? in order to search for free channels only. Select ???All Channels??? in order to search all channels on the satellite.

Adjust Motor

Please refer to Page 12.

Manual Channel Search

You can use manual channel search if you want to add new channels later. For example If you have a special antenna configuration which is not assigned in the ???Antenna alternative??? menu, you can add new channels using the ???manual channel search??? function. When you perform a Manual Search you first need to enter some parameters for the channel search to work. The information you need to enter in this menu is available in magazines covering satellite TV reception, on the Internet or from your Service Provider.

Antenna Alternative: Select Antenna Alternative ???1 to 32??? that

GB 15

corresponds to the antenna which you wants to use for the search.

Transponder Freq (MHz): Specify the frequency in GHz. using the numbered buttons on your remote control. If you enter the wrong number, erase it with the left arrow button.

Polarization: Select polarization; ???Horizontal??? or ???Vertical???.

Symbol Rate (Msym/S): Enter the rate with the numbered buttons.

FEC: Enter the appropriate Forward Error Correction (FEC) value or select ???Auto???.

Network Search: Select: ???Yes??? to search from all transponders used by a specific Service Provider. (???Yes??? is the default setting). Select ???No??? to search only from the transponder that you have entered on the line ???Transponder Frequency???. (Useful if you do not want to search through all transponders for a specific program distributor).

By pressing the OK button you can now enter the channel search menu where the Mediamaster starts to search for channels from the satellite.

Adjust Motor

Please refer to Page 12.


General Information

The following will describe the basic functions of your Mediamaster while watching TV or listening to radio channels.

Sometimes the information may not be displayed as illustrated. Many of the functions described here are dependent on the Service Provider and/or can only be used if they are included in the transmitted programme information.

Please note that during the Channel Search procedure, the Mediamaster has downloaded ALL available channels. This may include channels from various Service Providers, also those to which you normally do not have access. If you select a programme to which you do not have access, you will get the message ???Service is scrambled or not running??? on the screen.

TV Screen Format

If you have a TV set with a 4:3 picture format, and the transmission is in 16:9, you can select ???4:3 (Pan & Scan)??? or ???4:3 (Letterbox)??? to change display format. ???4:3 (Pan & Scan)??? will fill up the screen vertically, but cut off some information from the left and right sides of the picture. ???4:3 (Letterbox)??? will give a complete picture, but leave black areas at the top and bottom.

You can select the TV screen format in the ???System setting??? menu which is a subsidiary of the ???User preference??? menu.

GB 16

Start/Stop Watching TV

To start the Mediamaster from stand-by mode, press the ?????? button or one of the numbered buttons on the remote control. It is also possible to start by pressing the button on the front of the Mediamaster. Put the Mediamaster into stand-by by pressing again the ?????? button again.

In stand-by mode the display will show the correct time. During viewing the channel number will also be displayed.

Select Channel

Change channel with the numbered buttons or with the up/down buttons on the remote control. You can also use the buttons up/down on the front panel of the Mediamaster.

You can also select TV (Radio) channel in the TV (Radio) channel list. See the ???List of TV Channel??? and ???List of Radio Channel??? of page 16 and 17.

Program Information. The ???i??? Button

Every time you change channel you will receive information for 4-5 seconds about the current programme. This information includes: Channel number, name, programme title, and time for present and following programmes. Press ???i??? while watching a channel. If your Service Provider transmits programme information you will see: Correct time, a small

amount of information for the current and next programme, the name and number of the channel, and finally the start and finish time for the programme.

If you want to get more detailed information, press ???i??? once more while the information box (banner) is shown. You will get extended information (if transmitted) about the current or next programme.

TV Guide

By pressing the GUIDE button you obtain access to the

TV Guide which gives the titles of the current programmes on the different channels. By pressing the LEFT or RIGHT button you also can also obtain information about the next programme. The minimized viewing window also helps you to select channels and information. Use the Up/Down buttons to move the cursor to different programme areas. You can obtain extended information for a programme by pressing the ???i??? button.

The Radio Button

GB 17

The display on your Mediamaster and on the TV screen will show the name of the audio channel you are listening to. While in audio mode, you can press the ???i??? button to get extended information (if transmitted) about the audio programme.

Return to TV mode by pressing the TV button again.

Increase or decrease the sound level by pressing the ???+??? and ???-??? buttons. A control bar will be displayed at the top of the screen during level adjustment. (The max. level for volume is the current volume setting on the TV set). Please note, that the volume adjustments also change the volume level of to your VCR during recording. It is possible to turn the sound on and off with the button ??? ???. Sound off is indicated with the same

symbol on the screen. If you turn the volume off with this button, it does not affect the volume of the VCR during recording.

The current volume level will be remembered when you go to standby mode.

While viewing the TV you can see a programme list on the screen by pressing the OK button. You can change to another channel by pressing the UP/DOWN buttons and then pressing the OK button. To move faster (8 channels at a time) between channels you can also use the DOUBLE ARROW buttons. You can sort TV channels list by option button.

List of Radio Channels

While listening to radio Programmes you can see a programme list on the screen by pressing the OK button. You can change to another channel by pressing the UP/DOWN buttons and then pressing the OK button. To move faster (8 at the time) between the channels you can also use the DOUBLE ARROW buttons.

You can sort Radio channels list by option button

Video Recorder

With a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) connected you can watch/record video tapes.

If your VCR is connected with a SCART cable and you press the start button on the VCR, the playback will start and interrupt the TV programme from the Mediamaster.

GB 18

To watch TV programmes again, press the TV button or stop the VCR.

Please note, that during the recording of a programme, everything shown on the screen will be registered! For example: If you call up a Menu from the Mediamaster on the screen, the menu will be recorded!

Subtitling and Teletext. The TEXT Button

Pressing the TEXT button once while watching TV enables the teletext output to the TV.

To enable the teletext display on the TV, press the Teletext button on the TV???s remote control.

This is only possible if more than one subtitling language is being transmitted. Please refer to the instruction manual of your TV for the teletext function. Exit the menu by pressing the TV button.


Press the MENU button and you will get the Main Menu on the

TV screen. Press the EXIT button to leave the menu.

If you select one of the highlighted titles and press the OK button, a submenu will be shown on the TV screen. From a submenu you can adjust settings to your own requirements.

TV Channels and Radio Channels

TV/Radio Channels will show a list with the names of the different channels. To move faster within the list, use the DOUBLE ARROW buttons. Press OK to enter a marked channel.

GB 19

TV Guide and Radio Guide

These guides will give you an overview of programme information from the TV/Radio channels. Step to different channel numbers with the UP/DOWN buttons. If you stop on a highlighted line and press OK, you will exit the menu and enter the highlighted channel. Select information about the next programme with the RIGHT button. Use the ???i??? button to get extended information about a marked programme.

Please note, that information will only be shown if it is included in the transmission.

Edit Channels

From this menu, you can rename favorite lists, add channels, remove channels and arrange the channels in a preferred order.

The ???All TV??? list displays all channels, which you captured from the channel search operation in the installation menu

The ???All TV??? list can contain hundreds of channels. By creating

your own favorite lists you can make channel handling a bit more convenient.

Rearrange List

If you have created several Favorite lists you can determine the sequence in which the lists will appear. To rearrange channels, select the list which you want to move using the OK button. Move the channels to the desired position using the UP/DOWN button and press OK.

Rename List

You can change the list name with the virtual keyboard on the screen. Type in the text you want using the remote

control arrow keys. Please note that the ???All TV??? , ??? All Radio??? , ???Free TV??? and ???Free Radio??? can not be changed.

Delete the existing characters by pressing OK on the left arrow key of the keyboard. Select the characters using the LEFT and RIGHT buttons. Press the OK button to enter the text selected. To save the renamed list, press the BACK button.

To select various characters, press OK on the page UP/DOWN box of the keyboard.

GB 20

Add Channels

From here you can create your own favorite lists, containing the channels you watch most frequently. You can give each list a specific name in the ???Rename List??? menu. When a favorite list is selected, you see only those channels defined in the list. You can add channels to your Favorite Lists from the ???All TV???, ???All Radio???, ???Free TV??? and ???Free Radio??? list. A channel is added by pressing the OK button. The ???V??? marking to the right on a line contains added channels.

You can sort Add channels list by option button.

Lock Channels

To get to this menu you need an access code. The default access code is ???1234???. From here you can lock (and later unlock) channels in any of the lists in order to prevent e.g. your children from watching. Select the channel you want to lock and press the OK button. A locked channel will be marked with a padlock symbol. Repeat the procedure for each channel you want to lock. When you lock a channel in any list, the channel

will automatically be locked in all other lists When watching TV, you will be asked to enter your access code before you can watch a locked channel.

You can sort Lock channels list by option button.

Rearrange Channels

You can arrange the order of channels within your favorite lists. To rearrange channels, select the channel which you want to move using the OK button. Move the channels to the desired position using the UP/DOWN button and press OK.

Remove Channels

From here, when the ???All TV??? list is selected in the ???Edit

Channels??? menu, you can remove channels.

Please note. Channels deleted this way will be permanently removed. The only way to get them back is to perform a new channel search.

To remove channels:

Select the channel that you want to delete and press OK. You

will be asked if you really want to remove it. If so confirm by pressing OK once more. If not, press


You can sort Remove channels list by option button .

GB 21


From here you can change the menu language. You also have access to the Parental Control and the Appearance menus.

Parental Control

By pressing OK on the line ???Parental Control??? you will be requested to enter your access code. (Personal Identification Code).

This code is set to 1234 by the factory. You will then get the menu from where you can lock some functions in the Mediamaster.

Receiver lock

If you select ???On???, you will have to enter the access code every time you start the Mediamaster from stand-by.

Lock Installation Menu

If you select ???On???, you will have to enter the access code every time you enter the installation menu.

Age Limit

If you want everybody to have access to all available types of programmes, select ???Off???.

If you select ???On???, you may block programmes unsuitable for children. Select an age limit between 4 and 18 years on the line that appears.

However, you should be aware that not all Service Providers have the necessary codes for these functions implemented in their transmissions.

Change access code

From here you can change the access code from the standard 1234.

DO NOT FORGET IT! Without it you do not have access to any of the functions where the code is required!

If you forget it, you have to contact an Authorized Nokia Service Center to get help.

Language Settings

From here you can change the language for the menus, main audio language and alternative audio language.

GB 22

System Settings

From here you can adjust settings concerning your TV.

TV Screen Format: Select your TV screen format.

The 4:3 format is the standard format for most TV screens.

Select 16:9 for a wide screen TV.

Output Selection: If the teletext function does not work when watching channels from an analogue satellite receiver

connected to the Mediamaster, change this setting from ???RGB??? to ???Composite???.

UHF Channel Number: Select this alternative if you have to change the RF channel.

If you change the RF channel number, you must also change it to the same value on the TV. If you do not, the picture will become black.

RF Modulator Type: If the Mediamaster is connected to the TV by an RF cable, you can select the RF modulator type. The RF Modulator affects a channel???s audio. If you get picture but no sound, the RF modulator selection might be wrong. Select ???UK (PAL I)??? if the Mediamaster is used in the UK.

Select ???Normal??? if it is used elsewhere.

Information Box Timeout (secs): When you switch channels, an information banner will be shown for a few seconds. You can select for how long the banner will be shown.

Display Volume Indicator: Select whether or not you want the volume bar to appear on the screen when you change the volume.

Date Setting (dd/mm/yyyy): Used to set the current date, month and year.

Time Setting: Adjust the clock.

GMT Offset: Adjust the time difference in your country.

On/Off Timer Setting

You can enjoy this On/Off Timer for such a convenience as wake-up or automatic VCR recording. Mediamaster will be automatically switched-on and play specified channel for the specified time, and then switched-off.

You may specify up to 8 separate lists with turn-on time, date, duration, channel and occurrence options.

GB 23

Time Setting

You can select the operation mode of the On/Off timer by pressing LEFT/RIGHT button on the remote control.

??Once: The Mediamaster will be switched-on/off for the specified time only once.

??Daily: The Mediamaster will be daily switched-on/off for the specified time.

??Weekly: The Mediamaster will be weekly switched on/off for the specified time.

??Off: Cancel the operation of On/Off timer.

Channel Name: You can select channel from the TV or Radio list by pressing LEFT/RIGHT button on the remote control.

Select a channel you want to play and press OK.

On Time: You can select time, date or day depending on your selection in "Time Setting" menu. The Mediamaster will be switched-on at the ???On time???.

Duration (hh:mm) : Mediamaster will keep playing for the time specified in this "Duration". For example, if you set 00:30, Mediamaster will be switched-off 30minutes after switched-on.



To start the game, select the game level by using the LEFT and RIGHT button and press OK button on the remote control. You can control the segment by LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN button on the remote control. To finish the game, press EXIT or BACK button on remote control.

GB 24


Select this Menu from the line ???Installation??? in the Main Menu. The submenu will give you the opportunity to change the preferences performed during first time installation.

You can also add features that were not included in the first installation. Please note that helpful information for every line is given at the end of the menu.

Antenna Satellite Configuration

Please refer to page 12.

Automatic Channel Search

Please refer to page 13.

Manual Channel Search

Please refer to page 14.

Advanced Channel Search

The information needed to enter in this menu is available in magazines covering satellite TV reception, or from your Service Provider.

Antenna Alternative: Select the satellite from which the signal is to be received.

Transponder Freq(MHz): Enter using the numbered buttons on the remote control.

Polarization: Select ???Horizontal??? or ???Vertical???.

Symbol Rate(Msym/s): Enter with the numbered buttons.

FEC: Select ???Auto??? or the appropriate Forward Error Correction (FEC) value using the left/right button on the remote control.

Video PID: Enter the PID (Packet Identifier) for the video signal.

Audio PID: Enter the PID for the audio signal.

PCR PID: Enter the PID for the PCR (Programme Clock Reference).

Adjust Motor

Please refer to Page

GB 25


This will start the Installation procedure from the ???Welcome


When you press OK in the ???Welcome Menu??? again,

be aware of the fact, that all previous channels and settings will be erased! To exit the ???Reinstall??? menu without erasing any channels, press ???Back???.

System Information

This gives general information about which hardware and software version your Mediamaster is running on.


This menu will only be activated if you have inserted a valid Smartcard in the slot behind the front lid.

From here you will get access to information and menus connected to the Common Interface(CA) Module.

This information may vary a lot depending on the Service Provider.

If more than one CA system is activated, select the one from which you want information.

Please see the documentations delivered together with your CA Module.

About Home Transponder

Home Transponder function refers to the Receiver default setting on a home frequency when a code is activated on standby mode. Here, once an access card is detected on its slots, This receiver automatically becomes active and sets to the three Home Frequencies which are as follows;

NILESAT: Showtime Package (11996MHz, Horizontal, 27500Msymbols, FEC=3/4)

ARABSAT: ART & PEHLA package (12604MHz, Horizontal, 27500Msymbols, FEC=3/4)

HOTBIRD: ABSAT package (11681MHz, Horizontal, 27500Msymbols, FEC=3/4)

The STB continuously receives signal even in standby mode so access card automatically becomes active once a new code is sent by the service provider.

GB 26



Personal Identification Number. A four -digit code stored in the memory. You can change ACCESS code on the ???User Preference??? Menu.


Acquisition Gain Control.

Audio system

With digital satellite reception, the sound is transmitted in packages and is elected either in a special audio mode or pre-selected by using the installation set-up. This makes it possible to select between several different languages in a film. The number of choices is dependent on what is available in the signal.


Conditional Access. A system to control subscriber access to services, programmes and events.

CA Module

A device for the decoding of scrambled signals

Common Interface

Describes a DVB standard hardware and software architecture for Conditional Access systems.


Digital satellite Equipment Control.

The outdoor unit comprises the antenna, one or more LNBs polarizers and external components.


The prefix mega means million, and Hertz means cycle per second.


A unit that converts the digital satellite signal into audio and video signals. The audio and video signal can be send to the TV set either via SCART or via RF(modulator output).


Moving Picture Experts Group. Body established by the international Standards Organization to provide the basis for a picture coding and Compression system.



A number of digital channels transmitted from one source. Grouped under separate headings in the channel list.

Parental control

A feature that allows parents to ???lock:??? programmes that they consider unsuitable for children. A ???locked??? channel or programme can only be ???unlocked??? with the special parental access code.


Polarization allows several programmes to be fit into the same frequency band. The signal from the satellite are transmitted either with linear (Vertical or Horizontal ) polarization or circular (right or left) polarization.



The Digital Video Broadcast group was created to establish a technical frame work for the introduction of digital video broadcasting systems.


Electronic Programme Guide. A software that enables viewers to navigate easily among the large number of channels provide by digital technology, in order to select the service they desire.


Forward Error Correction. Correction of faulty bits in the received signal.


The prefix giga means billion, and Hertz means cycles per second. Signal in the GHz range are often called microwaves.

LNB(Low Noise Block converter)

An electronic unit mounted on the satellite dish. It recovers the signals reflected by the dish and converts them to signal that can be used the mediamaster.

Radio Frequency(known as HF in some countries).


A serial communication standard data port.

Satellite dish

A dish-shaped antenna (reflector) that receiver signals from a satellite. The dish focuses the signals into the LNB.


A 21-pin connector used for connecting the Mediamaster, VCR and TV. Also named Euroconnector or Peritel connector.

Symbol rate

Size of the digital package transmission.


Software. Program code.

PID:Packet Identifier.

PCR:Program Clock Reference.

BER:Bit Error Ratio.

GB 27


GB 28


Transmission Standards


Video decoder

MPEG-2 Main Profile @ Main Level

Audio decoder

MPEG-2 layer 1 & 2

Stereo, Mono, Dual channel, Joint stereo


CVBS, Audio

Audio Output

Hi-Fi 2 RCA Jack

Conditional access system

Twin PCMCIA interface for a Common Interface CA module (DVB Standard)


First Time Installation



System Information


GB 30

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