Nokia Internet Modem
User Guide
Issue 1 EN
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9214078/Issue 1 EN
C o n t e n t s
I n t r o d u c t i o n
1. Introduction
With the Nokia Internet Modem application, you can access different internet services and define settings for your internet connection when the Nokia Internet Stick
The application is installed on the PC when you use the
Read this guide carefully. Also read the quick start guide of the
For the latest guides, additional information, downloads, and services related to your Nokia product, see or your local Nokia website.
Before you use the internet services described in this guide, contact your service provider for information about data transmission charges.
G e t s t a r t e d
2. Get started
??? Main view
To open the Nokia Internet Modem application, connect the
The main view shows the signal strength of your service provider in your current location (the more bars displayed, the better the signal), the name of the service provider you are using, and the type of the cellular network (such as HSDPA). The view may also contain shortcuts, for example, for different websites or applications.
The main view contains the following features:
???To create a shortcut for a website, application, or file, select Create shortcut. For details, see ???Shortcuts???, p. 6.
???To open this guide, select Help. The guide is displayed in the PDF reader application installed on your PC.
???To minimise the application to the Windows taskbar without ending the active connection, select . To open the application window, click the application icon in the taskbar.
???To minimise the application to the Windows system tray without ending the active connection, select X. To open the application window, click the application icon in the system tray, and select
???To use tools or define settings, select Options > Settings.... For details, see ???Tools and settings???, p. 13.
S h o r t c u t s
3. Shortcuts
The main view may contain predefined shortcuts to websites, applications, or files. You can also create new shortcuts.
??? Predefined shortcuts
To send and receive text messages or manage contacts, select . For details, see ???Messages and contacts???, p. 8.
To send and receive . The network connection is set up using the default connection profile, and the
To browse web pages using your default internet browser, select . The network connection is set up using the default connection profile, and the browser opens. For details, see the instructions for the browser.
To connect to the internet using the default connection profile, select
. To close a connection, select
For information about connection profiles, see ???Connection settings???, p. 14.
??? Create a new shortcut
1.In the main view, select Create shortcut, or select Options >
Settings... > Shortcuts > Add.
2.In Shortcut name:, enter a name for the shortcut.
3.In Type of application:, select the type of the application that opens when you select the shortcut:
???Application or command line to be run ??? Select this option to define the web page, application, or file that opens when you select the shortcut.
???Default Internet browser ??? Select this option if you want that selecting the shortcut opens your default internet browser.
S h o r t c u t s
???Default Internet messaging system ??? Select this option if you want that selecting the shortcut opens your default messaging application.
4.In Enter the name of an application, file or Internet link:, enter the application or file name or the address of a web page, or select Browse..., the file name, and Open.
This field is active only if you selected Application or command line to be run.
5.In Associated connection, select None to use the shortcut with any connection profile, or select Connect using the profile: and the profile with which the shortcut is used.
6.To save the settings, select OK.
??? Import or export a shortcut
To import a shortcut from a file, in the main view, select Options > Settings... > Shortcuts > Import..., the folder where the shortcut file is saved, the file, and Open.
To export a shortcut to a file, select Options > Settings... > Shortcuts > Export..., and the target folder. Enter a file name, and select Save.
??? Edit or delete a shortcut
To edit or delete a shortcut, in the main view, select Options > Settings... > Shortcuts. The shortcuts you have created are displayed as a list. The connection profile associated to the shortcut is shown under
To edit a shortcut, select the shortcut and Modify, and proceed as described in ???Create a new shortcut???, p. 6.
To delete a shortcut, select the shortcut and Delete.
M e s s a g e s a n d c o n t a c t s
4. Messages and contacts
??? Messages
To send and receive text messages, in the main view, select to open Messages/Contacts, and select Messages.
Before you can send or receive text messages (network service), you must define the correct settings if they are not predefined. For the settings, contact your service provider. To define the settings, see ???Message settings???, p. 12.
Message folders
The device saves received messages in the Inbox folder, sent messages in the Sent items folder, and deleted messages in the Deleted items folder. Messages that have not yet been sent are saved in the Outbox folder.
To retrieve new messages or send messages saved in the Outbox folder, select Send/Receive.
To edit and send a message you saved in the Drafts folder,
To view a message saved in the Inbox, Outbox, or Sent items folder, select the folder, and
To forward or reply to a message saved in the Inbox folder, select the message and Forward or Reply. Proceed as described in ???Write and send a message???, p. 9.
To delete a message, select the message folder and message. Press the delete key on your PC keyboard. The message is moved to the Deleted items folder. To restore a deleted message, select Deleted items and the message, click the right mouse button, and select Restore.
To permanently delete all messages saved in the Deleted items folder, select Deleted items, click the right mouse button, and select Empty trash.
M e s s a g e s a n d c o n t a c t s
Write and send a message
Your device supports the sending of text messages beyond the character limit for a single message. Longer messages are sent as a series of two or more messages. Your service provider may charge accordingly. Characters that use accents or other marks, and characters from some language options, take up more space, limiting the number of characters that can be sent in a single message.
1.In Messages, select New SMS....
2.In the To... field, enter the phone numbers of the recipients. Separate the recipients with a semicolon (;).
To select a stored recipient, select To..., the phonebook and contact folder, the contact in Contact list, Add > (to add the contact to Recipient list) or Add All >> (to add all the listed contacts to Recipient list), and OK.
Tip: To select several contacts in Contact list, press and hold the control key (Ctrl) on your PC keyboard while you select the recipients.
To remove contacts from Recipient list, select < Remove to remove the selected contact or << Delete all to remove all the contacts.
3.In the Text: field, write the message.
To edit the message, you can use the functions in the Edit menu. Undo cancels the last action. Select all selects the whole message.
4.To request the network to send you a delivery report of the message you have sent (network service), select Request a delivery report..
To select how the receiving device handles the sent message (if the receiving device supports this setting), select Class: and the desired option.
For details, see ???Message settings???, p. 12.
5.To send the message, select Send.
To save the message to send it later, select Save. The message is saved in the Drafts folder.
M e s s a g e s a n d c o n t a c t s
??? Contacts
To manage contacts saved on your SIM card, the to open Messages/Contacts, and select Contacts.
The contacts saved on the SIM card are shown in the SIM card folder, and the contacts saved in the
Synchronise contacts
To synchronise contacts between the contact folders, in Contacts, select Update. After synchronisation, the same contacts are shown in the folders.
To select the synchronisation method, see ???Contact settings???, p. 11.
Manage contacts
To add a new contact, in Contacts, select the desired contact folder and New contact.... Enter a name and phone number for the contact, and select OK.
To edit a contact, select the contact and Modify.
To delete a contact, select the contact and Delete. The contact is moved to the Deleted items folder.
To restore a deleted contact, select Deleted items, and drag the contact to the desired folder.
To copy a contact, select the contact, Edit > Copy, the target folder, and
Edit > Paste.
To convert the phone number of a contact into the international format, select the contact, Actions > Internationalize numbers..., the country for the country code, and Internationalize. You can dial the number without adding the international access and country code in front of the phone number.
To send a text message to a contact, select the contact and Send SMS. To select several contacts, press and hold the control key (Ctrl) on your
M e s s a g e s a n d c o n t a c t s
PC keyboard while you select the contacts. Proceed as described in ???Write and send a message???, p. 9.
To send the phone number of a contact in a text message, select the contact and Actions > Send the number in an SMS....
To delete contacts that have the same name and phone number from a contact folder, select the contact folder and Actions > Remove duplicates.... Follow the displayed instructions.
Import or export contacts
To import contacts from a file, in Contacts, select the contact folder where you want to add the contacts and File > Import contacts.... Select the folder where the contact file is saved, the file, and Open.
To export contacts to a file, in Contacts, select the contact folder that contains the contacts and File > Export contacts.... Select the target folder, enter a file name, and select Save.
??? Settings for messages and contacts
To define message and contact settings, in the main view, select and
Tools > Settings... > Messages/Contacts.
Contact settings
To define the contact settings, select Contacts.
To select the external phonebook you want to use, select the desired option from the list. If you select None, no external phonebook can be accessed in Messages/Contacts.
To select how your contacts are synchronised between the
M e s s a g e s a n d c o n t a c t s
Message settings
To define the message settings, select Messages.
To request the network to send you a delivery report of the text messages you have sent (network service) by default, in Short messages (SMS), select the Request a delivery report. checkbox.
To select how sent messages are handled on receiving devices (if the devices support this setting), in Short messages (SMS), select Class: and the desired option. If you select [0] Screen, the sent message is displayed on the receiving device but not saved in it. If you select [1] Phone Memory, the message is saved in the receiving device. If you select [2] SIM card, the message is saved on the SIM card of the receiving device. If you select [3] Default, the message is saved in the default location defined in the receiving device. If you select No class, the
To select how long the message centre resends your message if the first attempt fails (network service), in Short messages (SMS), select Validity period: and the desired option. If the message cannot be sent within the period, the message is deleted from the message centre.
To enter the phone number of the message centre that delivers your text messages, select Service center, and enter the phone number you have obtained from your service provider. By default, the
T o o l s a n d s e t t i n g s
5. Tools and settings
??? Tools
To use different tools, in the main view, select Options.
To connect to the internet, select Connections
To change the service provider for the connection, select Operator selection... > Manual selection and the provider. You can only select a provider whose status is Enabled. To let the
To select which type of network the device uses for the connection, select Network type selection and the network type. If you select Automatic selection (WCDMA first), the
To view information about previous connections, select Connection history.... You can view the service provider name, connection date and duration, total amount of data sent and received during the session, amount of sent and received data, average transmission rate of received (Avg. rate in) and sent (Avg. rate out) data, and maximum transmission rate of received and sent data. To delete the selected line, select Remove. To delete the entire history, select Clear. To save the history as a file on your PC, select Export....
To view information about the application, select About....
??? General settings
To define general settings, in the main view, select Options >
Settings... > General.
T o o l s a n d s e t t i n g s
To set the application to start automatically when you log onto the operating system, select the related checkbox. If the checkbox is not selected, to use the application, you must open it manually in the operating system.
To change the language for the Nokia Internet Modem application, select Language and the language.
To select the action that is performed when you connect the
??? Connection settings
If the
Manage connection profiles
To manage connection profiles, in the main view, select Options > Settings... > Connections
???To set a profile as default, select the profile and Default.
???To copy and modify a predefined profile (indicated with a padlock), select the profile and Copy and modify. Define the required settings; for details, see ???Create a new connection profile???, p. 15.
???To edit a profile you have created, select the profile and Modify.
???To delete a profile you have created, select the profile and Delete. Predefined profiles cannot be deleted.
???To export or import a profile, select Files and the desired option.
T o o l s a n d s e t t i n g s
???To add a predefined profile to the profile list, select New > Use a predefined connection. > Next >, the country of the service provider, and the operator (service provider). In Select the desired profile(s):, select the predefined profile of the service provider. To save the settings, select Finish.
???To copy and edit a predefined profile, select New > Copy and modify a predefined connection. > Next >. Select the desired options and Next >. Define the required settings. For details, see ???Create a new connection profile???, p. 15.
Create a new connection profile
To create a new connection profile, in the main view, select Options >
Settings... > Connections
???In Choose a name for this connection:, enter a name for the profile. In Access point name (APN), enter the name you obtained from the service provider. In Authenticating, enter the user name, password, and domain you obtained from the service provider.
???To define the domain name server (DNS) and proxy servers, select
To set the device to fetch the DNS server address automatically, select Get the DNS server address automatically..
To use a specific server address, select Use the following DNS server addresses:, and enter the IP address of the primary and (optionally) secondary DNS.
To use an HTTP proxy, select Use an HTTP proxy., and enter its IP address and port number.
To save the profile, select Finish.
T o o l s a n d s e t t i n g s
??? PIN code settings
The personal identification number (PIN) code or the universal personal identification number (UPIN) code (4 to 8 digits) helps to protect your SIM card. The (U)PIN code is usually supplied with the SIM card.
To define PIN code settings, in the main view, select Options > Settings..., and the device name.
To change the (U)PIN code of your SIM card, select Change SIM PIN code. In the Previous SIM PIN code: field, enter the current code. In the
New SIM PIN code: and Confirm new SIM PIN code: fields, enter the new code.
To set the
??? Other settings
To manage shortcuts you have created, in the main view, select Options > Settings... > Shortcuts. For details, see ???Shortcuts???, p. 6.
To define settings for Messages/Contacts, in the main view, select
Options > Settings... > Messages/Contacts. For details, see ???Settings for messages and contacts???, p. 11.
To edit the name of the