User???s Manual
ToolBox for MOSCAD???
IP Gateway
Version 5.50
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
Motorola radio communications products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of ONE (1) YEAR, (except for crystals and channel elements which are warranted for a period of ten (10) years), from the date of shipment. Parts, including crystals and channel elements, will be replaced free of charge for the full warranty period but the labor to replace defective parts will only be provided for one
In the event of a defect, malfunction or failure to conform to specifications established by seller, or if appropriate, to specifications accepted by Seller in writing, during the period shown, Motorola, at its option, will either repair or replace the product or refund the purchase price thereof, and such action on the part of Motorola shall be the full extent of Motorola???s liability hereunder.
This warranty is void if:
a.the product is used in other than its normal and customary manner;
b.the product has been subject to misuse, accident neglect or damage;
c.unauthorized alterations or repairs have been made, or unapproved parts used in the equipment.
This warranty extends only to individual products, batteries are excluded, but carry their own separate limited warranty. Because each radio system is unique, Motorola disclaims liability for range, coverage, or operation of the system as a whole under this warranty except by a separate written agreement signed by an officer of Motorola.
In order to obtain performance of this warranty, purchaser must contact its Motorola salesperson or Motorola at the address first above shown, attention Quality Assurance Department.
This warranty applies only within the United States.
The Motorola products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semi conductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this instruction manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal
Scope of the Manual
This manual provides instructions for IP Gateway installation and operation, as well as detailed instructions for the setup of its configuration. In addition, this manual provides the user with an overview of the MOSCAD system including a few examples that show SCADA control centers and NFM Manager which are integrated into the MOSCAD system via the IP Gateway.
Additional applicable manuals are:
???MOSCAD Programming Toolbox, System Overview Manual, 68P02956C45
???MOSCAD Programming Toolbox, System Setup and Diagnostics Tools Manual, 68P02956C50
???MOSCAD Programming Toolbox, Application Programmer Manual, 68P02956C55
???MDLC Gateway for TCP/IP Application Programming Interface ??? User???s Manual, 68P02951C05
???MOSCAD NFM Manual, 68P02958C45
???MOSCAD RTU Service Manual, 68P02991G90
IP Gateway System and ToolBox Software Version Policy
The version numbers of the ToolBox and system software are updated according to additional features and improvements.
Compatibility (at source level) between the ToolBox and the IP Gateway is assured only if the version number of the ToolBox Software is later than the version number of the Gateway system software.
A version number is composed of two numbers, as in the following example: V1.61. The one- digit number to the left of the decimal point describes a major modification of the software, while the
In this manual, some headings of major subjects are marked by the following annotation:
??? Va.b.
For example, ??? V1.61 indicates that the marked subject is supported by a Gateway whose system software version number is at least 1.61.
Introducing the IP Gateway
The IP Gateway for SCADA and NFM systems is a smart unit, based on the Motorola 68360 microprocessor and includes
Your gateway into the
MOSCAD world
MDLC on Radio
A system with multiple vendors SCADA control center is shown in Figure
IP Gateway
MDLC over RS485
IP Network
The SCADA control center, which includes workstations and a SCADA computer, exchanges data with the MOSCAD system via the IP Gateway, which serves as a Gateway from the TCP/IP world to the MDLC world. There are many SCADA packages which already have the Gateway Interface driver implemented, some as direct access to the IP Gateway, and some as OPC server.
IP Gateway Applications
The IP Gateway uses the TCP/IP LAN Protocol for exchanging data application messages with the SCADA software. The IP Gateway API (Application Programming Interface) source library allows SCADA developers to quickly and easily connect to the MOSCAD world. The IP Gateway API, which is part of the IP Gateway product line, allows SCADA driver developers to quickly and easily build the IP Gateway Interface (driver), which serves as a communication interface with the MOSCAD world.
Data exchange between the SCADA (client) and the IP Gateway (server) is carried out using "peer
The implementation of the IP Gateway interface in the SCADA software allows the SCADA to perform the following:
???Poll a MOSCAD RTU in order to get data and COS
???Send commands to the MOSCAD RTU and download parameters to its local process.
???Send commands via broadcasts to any required group of RTUs.
???Download parameters
???Receive spontaneous reports (by contention) from RTUs (both burst and event transmission).
???Adjust the RTU clocks (1 sec resolution).
???Synchronize the RTU clocks (1 msec resolution), using an external CPU with GPS.
???Support redundant IP Gateway configuration.
???Set the Gateway mode (Primary/Secondary).
???Retrieve Gateway status.
???Retrieve RTU links status.
The MOSCAD NFM system provides communication providers with a solution for supervising and controlling the operation of conventional and trunked radio, analog and digital cellular, microwave radio and wireline telecommunication systems.
The MOSCAD NFM system provides the Network Management Center (NMC) with access to the communication and environmental devices and gives the operator and the system manager the tools needed to identify and fix faults within the communication system.
The MOSCAD NFM via the IP Gateway allows the system to offer SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) connectivity, therefore providing a standard interface to a wide range of NMC platforms (such as HP/OpenView, SUN/Solstice, IBM/NetView etc.).
The MOSCAD Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) represents the Element Level of the network management model. It collects the various inputs, outputs and analog signals via a variety of input/output (I/O) modules. In addition, the MOSCAD RTU serially interfaces to communication devices (radio, cellular and telecommunication) and is able to emulate (speak) their ASCII based native protocol, allowing the MOSCAD to not only monitor alarms, but to configure and change parameters as well.
IP Gateway System Overview
SCADA System
The complete control system is comprised of the SCADA control center (or centers) communicating with MOSCAD RTUs over various communication links, such as:
conventional radio trunked radio
data radio,
microwave, fiber optic links combined networks
The communication system is used for transmitting alarms, status and telemetry, calculated data diagnostics and error logging information from the MOSCAD RTUs to the central facility computer and vice versa. It is also used for downloading, monitoring and debugging the application program at the sites.
The system may be relatively simple, comprising several RTUs and a single control center, or a more complicated hierarchical system, where several
The MOSCAD system uses the MDLC protocol, based on the seven layers of the OSI model published by ISO, and adapted for SCADA communications. It provides network support, multiple logical channels per physical port, allowing each RTU to simultaneously run several communication sessions, such as data exchange,
The MOSCAD system is supplied with a Toolbox, which is a software package that runs on an IBM PC (or compatible). All RTU functions such as configuration, database and process definition, downloading, monitoring, hardware and software diagnostics, etc. are defined by means of the MOSCAD Programming Toolbox.
System Overview
Your gateway into the
MOSCAD world
MDLC on Radio
System Overview
The IP Gateway allows the SCADA center to conduct a large number of sessions via a large number of logical channels in spite of a single physical
The Toolbox may be connected either locally to an RTU or via the MDLC port of the IP Gateway to any RTU in the system. All programming and monitoring functions can be performed either locally or remotely.
Note: The MOSCAD Programming Toolbox that is connected locally to one of the RTUs in the system can service any other RTU in the system via the communication network.
Multiple SCADA control centers can simultaneously perform multiple sessions with the IP Gateway in order to send commands and polling requests to the RTUs and to receive data and contention reports from the MOSCAD RTUs.
Computer Computer
Work Stations
TCP/IP on Ethernet
System Overview
MOSCAD RTUs and IP Gateways can use IP (Internet Protocol) technology to interface to advanced radio infrastructure (e.g. digital ASTRO IP conventional systems) and to standard private IP networks. Most benefits of the MDLC protocol are preserved. MDLC and IP networks can be integrated in the same system, as networking properties are preserved. MOSCAD MDLC applications need not be modified as the lower layers of the protocol support IP.
MDLC packets to be transmitted are enveloped inside IP datagrams and sent between remote RTUs or between an IP Gateway and an RTU.
An IP Gateway can act as a gateway between the field and the SCADA Central to extract the enveloped frames from the IP message. A ToolBox can be connected to one of the RTUs or to the IP Gateway, either locally or over IP network.
Each RTU/IP Gateway is assigned a Site ID. In addition, each RTU/IP Gateway with an IP interface is assigned an IP address. An IP conversion table which maps Site IDs to IP addresses is created in the ToolBox and downloaded to the RTUs and IP Gateway. This enables routing over the IP network to the proper destination.
Two variations of MDLC over IP exist, MDLC via Terminal Server and MDLC via Astro IP.
MDLC via Terminal Server
If the RTUs are on a Local Area Network (LAN), each can be connected to a Terminal Server attached to the Ethernet. The Terminal Server converts the RS232 to the Ethernet LAN and enables communication with an IP Gateway, or between RTUs.
In the diagram below, a typical configuration is shown, with RTUs attached via SLIP (Serial Line IP) port to a Terminal Server, which is in turn attached to Ethernet.
System Overview
SCADA Central
IP Gateway
(Proxy MIB)
IP Network
MDLC via Astro IP
RTUs can be connected via SLIP connection to an ASTRO radio, which is part of an IP network.
In the diagram below, a typical configuration is shown, with RTUs attached via SLIP over
SCADA Central
IP Cloud
System Overview
MDLC Over Private DataTac
MOSCAD RTUs can communicate over Private DataTac systems (RDLAP) with SCADA centrals and with other RTUs. All MDLC features are preserved except for clock synchronization.
RTUs are connected to RDLAP (DataTac) radios (e.g. VRM 500, 600, 650, 660, and TRM 660) via RS232. An RTU sends a message (MDLC), through the radio to the Radio Network Controller (RNC). The RNC encapsulates the MDLC message and send it over IP to the IP Gateway. The IP Gateway then extracts the MDLC message from the IP envelope and transmits it to the appropriate destination. If the destination is another RTU over Private DataTac, the IP Gateway must support the reflector feature, which enables it to ???reflect??? the message back over RDLAP (DataTac).
SCADA Central
IP Cloud
System Overview
IP Gateway
(over IP)
IP Gateway with
RF System
The picture above shows a typical system which supports MDLC communication over RDLAP (DataTac) radios. Note that the IP Gateway is configured as RDLAP (DataTac) reflector. A host computer attached to the Ethernet can receive TCP/IP applications from
SCADA Interface
The SCADA application for the IP Gateway is based on a
The IP Gateway application acts as a server while the SCADA Interface acts as a client. In such a relationship, the SCADA Interface must establish the connections with the IP Gateway needed for communicating with the MOSCAD RTUs.
After the connections have been established, the SCADA Interface can send data, commands, and polling requests to the field RTUs. It can also establish a special connection that enables
System Overview
receipt of data transmissions initiated by the field RTUs (so called burst/RTU event data, contention data or
A specialized routine, API CONNECT, allows the SCADA Interface to establish the most fitting mode of communication with the IP Gateway, based on the existing SCADA communication mode.
Channels and Channel types
The SCADA Interface must establish at least one connection toward the IP Gateway server. These connections are called channels and are used to transfer messages from the SCADA center toward both the Gateway and the RTUs in the field. The client application can open different types of channels to best serve its SCADA Interface process.
The two basic channel types are:
A Regular channel enables asynchronous sending/receiving of data and requests. It uses amailbox mechanism for mapping the request messages to their replies.
A Spontaneous channel allows receiving burst data (Spontaneous COS messages) and RTU events - i.e. transmissions initiated by the field RTUs. This feature almost eliminates the need for the SCADA application to poll data since every change in one of the telemetry field variables can immediately be transmitted to the SCADA application.
MOSCAD System - RTU definitions
To make the MOSCAD field system definition transparent to the SCADA client application and to correctly parse the data received from the MOSCAD system, the API builds an internal data structure defining the types and numbers of the field RTUs. To do so, it uses two external system definition files (in ASCII format).
This automatic system definition done by the API routines hides the field system structure from the SCADA application and eliminates the need for any application modifications when working with different MOSCAD systems. Moreover, new RTUs can be added to the system at run time using the appropriate API routine.
Primary/Secondary Gateway Modes
The IP Gateway supports a redundant configuration. There are two modes of operation: Primary and Secondary. The initial mode of operation is defined by the startup process of the IP Gateway. At any other time, the SCADA can change the mode of operation flexibly by calling the appropriate API set mode routine. The API also supplies a routine for checking the current mode of operation. This functionality of the IP Gateway provides redundant gateway operation, which minimizes the risk of communication failure.
System Overview
Communicating with the IP Gateway
Once a channel has been established with the IP Gateway, the SCADA interface can issue requests to the IP Gateway. The request categories are Send routines, Receive routines, Data Analysis routines and Management routines.
Typical API sequence calls are the following:
Get_next_data_entity /* Get one data entity from the message buffer. */
The IP Gateway handles the communication with the SCADA in the REQMNG device. Diagnostics on this device can help when troubleshooting the SCADA connectivity.
For more information on the REQMNG device, see the Software Diagnostics Output section.
System Overview
A typical network management system can be divided into three main levels:
???Network Management Level
???Element Manager Level
???Element Level
The following section provides a brief description of the MOSCAD NFM components that allow managing and supporting these network management levels.
In this configuration, the end devices at the communication sites serve as a NE (Network Element) and the NFM RTU serves as an Element Manager that monitors and controls multi- communication and environmental devices at the site. The IP Gateway allows monitoring and controlling devices - via the NFM RTU - that are installed at multiple communication sites. The NMC allows monitoring and controlling of all devices in the network via multiple IP Gateways.
The NMC application can use the SNMP protocol and the IP Gateway MIB to
By using this MIB, the NMC application can poll the devices and their objects (NEs and their objects) in order to refresh its database and to display unsolicited events (Traps ) in the Alarm Manager application. By using the TELNET application in the host, the operator can access via the IP Gateway and the NM RTU any communication devices that have an
The MOSCAD NFM product can be integrated either with the Motorola PRN (Private Radio Network) architecture or with a third party communication/telecommunication system via an IP Gateway that gives the NMC applications access to the equipment and environmental devices at the sites.
System Overview
System Overview
The MOSCAD RTU is a smart modular unit designed to operate as a
The MOSCAD RTU must be configured and loaded with the appropriate application using the MOSCAD Programming Toolbox.
For further details on the MOSCAD RTU, refer to the MOSCAD Owner???s Manual and the MOSCAD Service Manual.
MOSCAD Toolbox
The MOSCAD Programming Toolbox software package allows the system engineer to define and maintain the MOSCAD system according to user needs and requirements. The following main functions may be performed by means of the MOSCAD Programming Toolbox:
1.Editing the RTU user program including the following:
???Site Configuration according to hardware and port configuration
???Network Configuration according to network configuration
???Application database
???Application process
2.Preparing project documentation for the user
3.Automatically creating a central file to be used later during RTU database creation in the SCADA control center
4.Downloading Site Configuration to the MOSCAD RTU via the
5.Performing the following functions on any MOSCAD RTU either via local connection or via the communication network:
???Uploading Site Configuration and related data
???Downloading Application Program and Network Configuration
???Updating time and date at RTU sites
System Overview
???Testing all hardware modules, including software calibration of analog inputs and outputs
???Synchronizing the RTU
???Retrieving errors logged in the RTUs (hardware or software malfunctions)
???Capturing the data packets on the communication links and analyzing the protocol seven layer
???System software diagnostics by object entity names
The definition of the RTU application program allows the system engineer to build the RTU???s database in a tabular form as a set of tables. The same tables used for the RTU database definition are the basis for process programming, I/O link definition, automatic central database definition,
Once the database is built, the RTU programming process is carried out by using the symbolic Motorola Advanced Ladder Diagram Language.
IP Gateway for TCP/IP
The IP Gateway hardware is based on the 68360 Motorola microprocessor, which is a smart CPU with Ethernet and an I/O controller. It includes support for TCP/IP over an Ethernet port
The IP Gateway includes 22 LEDs, located on its front panel which indicate hardware status and communication port activity. In case of a malfunction, see the Indication LEDs section in the Hardware Installation section of this manual.
Two Ethernet connectors give support for connection to either a
The IP Gateway software provides MDLC services to the SCADA control center applications. The MDLC application layer is used for receiving events, status and telemetry calculated data from the MOSCAD RTUs to the SCADA central applications. It is also used to send controls and process parameters from the SCADA central to the MOSCAD RTUs. The IP Gateway software includes the TCP/IP driver for communicating with the SCADA computers and the MDLC driver for communicating with the MOSCAD RTUs as well as with the MOSCAD Programming Toolbox.
System Overview
IP Gateway Toolbox
The IP Gateway Toolbox is a software package, which runs on an IBM PC (or compatible), and allows the user to build the configuration for the MDLC and TCP/IP drivers. It also enables the user to download it to the IP Gateway hardware.
The IP Gateway Toolbox features the following:
???Microsoft Windows Man Machine Interface (MMI).
???Graphical User Interface (GUI). Each Toolbox module is represented by an icon, enabling friendly user access.
???Receiving errors logged in the system from the IP Gateway and the RTUs.
???Receiving communication diagnostics from the RTUs and operation diagnostics from the IP Gateway.
???Setting IP Gateway or RTU time and date.
???Downloading of user selected definitions/configurations to the IP Gateway.
???Erase Flash and System Download ??? enables the user to erase and download specific system partitions.
???Links Configurator ??? enables the user to change the number of links assigned to each medium.
The IP Gateway Toolbox allows the user to set, modify and download the following four basic groups of parameters:
TCP/IP driver (IP address)
IP Gateway configuration (IP Gateway Site ID and Link ID)
MDLC Network configuration
MDLC Sites Table
IP Gateway Web Server
The IP Gateway, version 4.0 and higher, includes a
The IP Gateway Toolbox utilities available through the Web Server enable the user to remotely perform the following operations:
???Provide reports on the status of each device in the current IP Interface or Gateway, as well as historical and statistical data on the device activities.
System Overview
???Remotely define SNMP and Motorola SSC parameters.
???Erase the IP Interface/Gateway Flash memory and downloads a new system.
IP Gateway Redundancy
To minimize the risk of a SCADA control center single point of failure and to ensure high availability for its applications, a redundant IP Gateway can be configured. When one
IP Gateway is not available, a second, redundant IP Gateway can be used. To increase the availability of the LAN network, dual Ethernet segments can be used, and each IP Gateway can be connected to a different segment.
In a redundant IP Gateway system configuration, one IP Gateway acts as the primary unit. The primary IP Gateway communicates properly over MDLC communication and over the SCADA channels. There is
HealthCheck Mechanism
The IP Gateway system includes a HealthCheck mechanism which manages the MDLC connectivity to the sites. Associated with each site are two links, through which the site can be reached. A background mechanism in both the IP Gateway and the MOSCAD units constantly verifies which links are available.
The HealthCheck mechanism uses the site table as the basis for its operations. As the
IP Gateway identifies which links are available, it can reduce communication overhead by routing frames destined to sites through their operational links.
Hardware Installation
Hardware description
The IP Gateway hardware is based on the 68360 Motorola processor, which is a dedicated smart CPU with Ethernet and I/O controller. In addition to the communication capabilities, the IP Gateway has powerful processing capabilities, using 32 Mbytes (8 Mbytes X 32 bit) of DRAM and 1 Mbyte (256 Kbyte X 32 bit) of FLASH memory.
A simplified block diagram of the IP Gateway hardware is provided in Figure
Hardware Installation
Communication Ports
The IP Gateway includes support for TCP/IP over 10 Mbits/sec Ethernet LANs for communication with the SCADA, and three serial ports for MDLC over various links (radio, dialup and dedicated lines, multidrop wireline, serial
The IP Gateway supports multiple logical channels running the TCP/IP protocol over Ethernet, thus allowing multiple processes running on the SCADA computer, to simultaneously access a number of functions in the IP Gateway.
The IP Gateway software supports four communication channels that can be configured to support the following links:
Ports 3 and 4 are available with one of the following options:
Note: The same
Hardware Installation
The third and fourth channels can be connected via
Radio: VHF or UHF, conventional or trunked radio, that support the following characteristics:
???FSK up to 2.4 kbps
???DPSK @ 1.2 kbps
???DFM @ up to 4.8 kbps
???Leased 2 or 4 wire, up to 2.4 kbps, Sync and Async
???V.22, V.22 bis, Bell 212, Bell 102
Hardware Installation
Mechanical Installation
The IP Gateway unit can be supplied with the following two configurations:
Gateway with communication interface
In this configuration, the Gateway is mounted in an NEMA4 housing, suitable for wall mounting and composed of the following:
???Radio unit applicable for the required frequency range and power, or alternatively, line unit applicable for interfacing to dedicated or
???A 110V AC power supply + charger (produces +12V DC for the Gateway???s logic board and charges the battery); a 220V AC power supply is available as an option.
???12V DC battery rated for 5 Ah operation (10Ah battery is available as an option).
Hardware Installation
The IP Gateway
Hardware Installation
Connector Locations
Eight connectors are located on the IP Gateway rear panel as shown in Figure
Connector Description
The following table lists the IP Gateway???s connectors and their connection points:
Hardware Installation
For connection of Port 3 and 4, refer to the J4 connector in the MOSCAD CPU Module in the MOSCAD RTU Service Manual.
Port Specifications
Ethernet Port
Ethernet is a local area network (LAN) that allows the IP Gateway to communicate with various computers and workstations at 10 Mbps. The connectivity of the IP Gateway to the LAN infrastructure can be either
The IP Gateway includes two types of connectors for connection with the Ethernet port: AUI and 10BaseT. Use either an RJ45 or AUI connector to connect your IP Gateway via either port 1A or port 1B, to Ethernet LAN.
Hardware Installation
Use the
A unique Ethernet port address is assigned by Motorola at the factory. This address is on a sticker, placed on the Gateway main board (but you don???t need to know it to run the Gateway).
The IP address for the IP Gateway should be assigned by the network administrator and has to be set via the IP Gateway Toolbox. Like the Ethernet address, the IP address should be a unique number.
IP Gateway Toolbox Port
Connect Port 2B of the IP Gateway to the IP Gateway Toolbox. Use the FLN6457 adapter to connect the PC serial ports (COM1 or COM2) to the Gateway.
Toolbox (PC)
IP Gateway
COM1 or
COM2 FLN6457
Port 2B
If the
After downloading the new configuration, you can use the IP Gateway Port 3 for connection to the IP Gateway Toolbox (PC Port, COM1/COM2).
Always use Port 2B in order to erase and download a new Gateway software version (CODE) or to erase and download the default configuration (CON) via your PC. Use this port also to download a new Gateway configuration to your updated Gateway software, via your IP Gateway Toolbox.
For various radio or line communication configurations, first install the designated
Use an
Use an
Hardware Installation
Power Supply
The IP Gateway with connection interface is powered by the MOSCAD 12V power supply (10.8 ??? 15.1V DC). Connect a
Hardware Installation
Indication LEDs
There are 22 indication LEDs located on the IP Gateway???s front panel. These LEDs provide an indication of the board status and communication ports activity. Table
Note: When reverse polarity is detected on the reception lines (High and Low), the indication POL is lit, but the reception is not disabled.
Hardware Installation
LEDs Combinations
A combination of lighted LEDs indicates a malfunction in the CPU. The nature of the malfunction is indicated by the LEDs which light simultaneously with the DIAG LED, as detailed below:
(DIAG LED is on):
???(1) CM LED is on: RAM test has failed.
Hardware Installation
???(2) RX LED of Port 4 is on: ROM test has failed.
???(3) CM and RX LEDs are on: FLASH memory test has failed.
???(4) TX4 LED is on: Create software module has failed.
???(5) CM4 and TX3 LEDs are on: Real time clock has failed.
???(6) RX3 and TX3 LEDs are on: Internal clock has failed.
???(7) CM3, RX3, and TX3 LEDs are on: Hardware breakpoint has failed.
???(8) MON LED is on: XTAL rate change has failed.
???(9) CM3 and MON LEDs are on: User request has failed.
???(10) RX3, CM3, and MON LEDs are on: The current site configuration was downloaded by a previous version of the Programming Toolbox.
???(11) TX and CM LEDs of Port 4 are on: Creating of Heap failed.
Software Installation
The IP Gateway Toolbox software which is delivered with the IP Gateway unit, allows the system engineer to define and maintain the MDLC and TCP/IP parameters according to system requirements and user needs. It runs on a PC, under the Windows environment and provides the user with access to the following programs:
Site Configuration
Sites Table Configuration
Network Config
MDLC Links Configurator
Host Table
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Phone Book
Dial Up
DataTac Modem ID Table
SNMP Configuration
IP Conversion Table
Site Date and Time
Each of these programs may be selected from the IP Gateway Toolbox Main Menu:
Software Installation
IP Gateway Toolbox - Functions and Features
a.The following configurations for the MDLC and TCP/IP can be edited:
???IP Gateway Site Configuration, according to hardware and port configuration
???MDLC Network Configuration, according to
???MDLC Sites Table
???Host Table for manager registration
???Phone Book for
???Data Tac (RNC) Modem ID Table
???IP Conversion Table
???SNMP Configuration
b.Downloading Site Configuration, Network Configuration, MDLC Site Tables, IP Gateway Configuration and TCP/IP Driver Configuration to the IP Gateway via the
c.Retrieving errors logged in the IP Gateway (hardware or software malfunctions)
d.IP Gateway or MOSCAD RTU software diagnostics by object entity names
Before installing the IP Gateway Toolbox application, make sure that your computer (IBM PC or compatible) has the following minimum configuration:
???Pentium 100 or better
???Hard disk - the IP Gateway Toolbox requires at least 20 Mbytes on your disk
???32 Mbytes RAM
???Microsoft Windows Operating System
Software Installation
Installation Procedures
This document outlines the instructions for installing the IP Gateway Toolbox Application software. An installation
Follow the instructions on the screen.
To install the IP Gateway Toolbox software, proceed as follows:
1.Insert the installation
2.Select Install IP Gateway Toolbox V5.50.
3.The Install Wizard displays the product???s Splash Logo (see Figure
4.The Install Wizard starts with the Welcome Dialog screen (see Figure
Software Installation
5.The Install Wizard displays the Software License Agreement (see Figure
Software Installation
6.The Install Wizard displays the Choose Destination Location screen with the default directory path C:\Itbox550 (see Figure
If you clicked the BROWSE button, the Installation Wizard displays the Choose Folder screen (see Figure
Software Installation
If you specified a
7.The Select Program Folder screen suggests that you install the Toolbox icons in the
IP Gateway Toolbox folder (see Figure
Software Installation
8.The Installation Wizard displays the Confirm Your Settings screen (see Figure
Software Installation
9.While the Setup program copies the IP Gateway Toolbox software files, a program indicator displays the progress of the file transfer progress (see Figure
Software Installation
10.When the last installation diskette is copied, setup displays a confirmation message indicating that the installation was successful (see Figure
Software Installation
Starting a Toolbox Application
In Windows, the IP Gateway Toolbox folder is located in the Start menu. To select the folder:
???Open the IP Gateway Toolbox 5.50 icon created automatically on the desktop during installation.
???Press the Start button
???Select Programs
???Find the IP Gateway Toolbox 5.50 folder (or any other name you may have specified during installation).
???Select the desired tool from the Toolbox.
IP Gateway Toolbox
General Concept
When you start the IP Gateway Toolbox, the main IP Gateway Toolbox screen appears with the following icons:
Each icon represents a program that allows you to define, modify and save the sub- configuration or to retrieve diagnostics reports from the Gateway.
Site Configuration
The IP Gateway system operates with a very wide range of communication boards which satisfy most application requirements. To make the system operation more efficient, the configuration of the IP Gateway unit should be defined. Site configuration involves the following:
???The ports of the IP Gateway and their parameters.
???Site ID (logical address) and system address.
???The IP Address of the IP Gateway
Once the configuration is downloaded to the site, it is ready to communicate with the devices connected to its ports (Computer, RTU, Terminal Server, etc.).
Note: CPU modules received from the factory are configured to the default configuration.
Site Configuration Window
The Site Configuration window allows you to define, modify, and save the IP Gateway ports and their parameters. To start the Site Configuration tool,
icon in the IP Gateway Toolbox folder. The following will appear:
Site Configuration
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
The SiteIDBar is used to specify the IP Gateway to which the site configuration will be downloaded and from which a site configuration can be uploaded. For SiteIDBar parameters, see the Download and Upload commands.
The WorkSpaceBar becomes available when you create a new site configuration file, open an existing file, or upload a configuration from the IP Gateway. The WorkSpaceBar provides an index into the various parameters of the site configuration and enables you to view or modify their values.
Port Tab
The WorkSpaceBar Port tab contains a treeview of the three IP Gateway ports. The items in this treeview provide access to screens and parameters which define how each of the ports is connected to the communication network and which devices are connected to each port.
Site Configuration
The highest level item in the treeview is the workspace name and below that is the project name. The third level contains the three ports ??? Port 2, Port 3, and Port 4.
A ???+??? sign before an item indicates that it contains other levels and can be expanded. Single- click the ???+??? (or
For each port, four screens can be opened: Type, User, Advanced Physical Layer, and Advanced Link Layer.
IP Port Tab
The IP Port tab contains a treeview of the Application Definition for the IP Port and the parameters for Port 1 and Terminal Server ports. As with the Port tab, the highest level item in the treeview is the workspace name and below that is the project name. The third level contains the definitions for DataTac, TCP/IP, and Terminal Server. By default, only the TCP/IP item can be defined. To define the DataTac and Terminal Server settings,
The IP Port tab treeview can be collapsed or expanded the same as the Port tab.
For more information, on configuring the IP Port, see IP Port below.
Site Configuration
Advanced Tab
The WorkSpaceBar Advanced tab contains a treeview of the port parameters and the advanced parameters of the site configuration. As with the other tabs, the highest level item in the treeview is the workspace name and below that is the project name. The next level in the treeview contains a variety of parameters.
The items under the project are displayed according to context.
Items preceded by a ???+??? or
For more information, see Advanced Parameters below.
Site Configuration
The WorkSpaceBar SCADA tab contains a treeview of the SCADA system parameters.
As with the other tabs, the highest level item in the treeview is the workspace name and below that is the project name. Items preceded by a ???+??? or
The next level in the treeview contains SCADA system parameters. Two screens of General and Gateway parameters can be opened.
For more information about the SCADA system parameters and their settings, see System Parameters below.
The OutPutBar displays information about the site configuration file and the download/upload process. The OutPutBar appears on the Site Configuration by default, but can be closed by clicking on the ???x??? in the upper
Site Configuration
Information Tab
This tab lists the version of the IP Gateway Toolbox version under which the configuration was created (e.g. V5.50), and the corresponding unit type (IP Gateway).
Download Tab
This tab is used to display information about the download of the site configuration to the IP Gateway. For more information, see the Download command below. (File menu)
Upload Tab
This tab is used to display information about the upload of the site configuration from the IP Gateway. For more information, see the Upload command below. (File menu)
Preview Tab
A summary of the current site configuration file will be displayed in this tab, when the Preview Current File command is executed. (File menu)
The following is the list of the available command icons in the toolbar.
Site Configuration
File Menu, Preview Current File command
Help Menu, About Site Configuration command
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are mainly designed to handle configuration files.
The New command (Site Configuration, File menu) opens a new site configuration file. After this command is activated, the following dialog box is shown. Enter a project name and hit OK.
Dialog box parameters
Project Name
The name of the site configuration file.
The folder in which the site configuration file will be created. By default, site configuration files are stored under C:\Itbox550\config.
Site Configuration
The Open command (Site Configuration, File menu) opens an existing site configuration file. After the command is activated, the ToolBox displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
Initially, the Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the configuration file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one, open the Look in list and locate the directory. To access
File Name
Type the name of the configuration file. Site Configuration automatically adds the extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. There are three file types in the
Site Configuration
The IP Gateway Toolbox recognizes and opens configuration files saved with previous ToolBox versions. If you open an older configuration file, a message box, like the one illustrated below, is displayed:
???To keep the older format, click the V3.50 button. In the Site Configuration menus, new features will appear dimmed, but the configuration can be changed using the enabled features (those are the features that exist in the older version of the ToolBox). After saving the updated file, you can still open and modify it using the older version of the ToolBox.
???To upgrade the configuration file to take advantage of the new ToolBox features, click the V5.50 button.
If you click V5.50, you will not be able to load the file with an older version of
Save WorkSpace
The Save WorkSpace command stores the current configuration.
Save as
The Save as command saves the current configuration under another name.
After activating this command, ToolBox displays the Save As dialog box, as shown below.
Site Configuration
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one, open the Look in list and locate the directory. To access
File Name
Type the name of the configuration file. Site Configuration automatically adds the extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list.
Save as Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. There is only one file type in the
Close WorkSpace
The Close WorkSpace command clears the current configuration data from the screen and workspacebar.
The Download command is used to download a site configuration file to the IP Gateway (to be stored in the FLASH memory). You can download to the IP Gateway directly connected to the ToolBox computer, or to a remote IP Gateway.
This command also enables you to change the Site ID and system address of the IP Gateway unit.
Before activating the Download command:
???Make sure that you have opened the correct configuration file - the one that contains
the configuration for the IP Gateway you are communicating with. Use the Open command to open a configuration file.
Site Configuration
???Ensure that the OutPutBar is displayed.
???Ensure that the SiteIDBar is displayed and the address is configured properly.
???Ensure that the ToolBox computer is ready to communicate.
Use the SiteIDBar to specify the IP Gateway to which the site configuration file is to be downloaded.
SiteIDBar parameters
If the ToolBox computer is locally connected to the IP Gateway, make sure that this parameter is selected. Note: New site ID (default=1) will be used.
If you want to configure a remote site, click this parameter.
Site ID, Link ID
If you want to configure a remote site, specify its Site ID, open the Link ID
New Site ID
To specify a new site, change the site ID and the system address of the IP Gateway. Enter the appropriate values in the Site ID field. The default is 1.
The site ID defines the unit???s logical address, and it may range from 1 to 65,287.
System Address
To specify a new site, change the site ID and the system address of the IP Gateway. Enter the appropriate value in the System Address field. The default is 0.
The system address is the physical base address assigned to the whole system, and may range from 0 to 65,535. The base address is used in broadcast transmissions.
The physical address of each IP Gateway is automatically allocated by ToolBox and by the control center in the form of <system address> + k where k is the logical address (Site ID) of the unit. For example, if the system address is 100, then the IP Gateway addresses may be 101, 102, ???, 100+n. If two systems share the same communication radio (over one frequency) and the first system contains N sites, then the system address of the second system must be defined as N+50 (50 addresses reserved).
After specifying the IP Gateway in the SiteIDBar, click on the Download icon or select Download from the File menu. The ToolBox will ask you to specify the communication password. After the correct password is entered, ToolBox will begin downloading the configuration file. The download information and status will be displayed in the OutPutBar Download Tab. At the end of the download operation, the IP Gateway will perform a cold restart and build the software object entities according to the user???s definitions. Once a unit has been reconfigured and restarted, the port used for configuration may no longer be defined as RS232 Local Computer port. In this case, connect the ToolBox to another port, defined as Computer port, in order to proceed with your work. For a local connection to the ToolBox, there must be at least one port defined as RS232 Local Computer port.
Site Configuration
If none of the ports is defined as RS232 Local Computer, ToolBox access will be permitted through any port, provided it is defined as MDLC. If there is no such port, access will be denied. You may reset the configuration of the IP Gateway using the 'Erase Configuration' operation in the Downloader application.
The Upload command is used to read the site configuration from the IP Gateway into the ToolBox. You can upload from the IP Gateway directly connected to the ToolBox computer, or from a remote IP Gateway.
Before you activating the Upload command:
???Make sure that the OutPutBar is displayed.
???Make sure that the SiteIDBar is displayed and the address is configured properly.
???Make sure that the ToolBox computer is ready to communicate.
Use the SiteIDBar to specify the IP Gateway to which the site configuration file is to be uploaded.
SiteIDBar parameters
If the ToolBox computer is locally connected to the IP Gateway, make sure that this parameter is selected.
If you want to upload the configuration of a remote site, click this parameter.
Site ID, Link ID
If you want to upload the configuration of a remote site, specify its Site ID, open the Link ID
After specifying the IP Gateway in the SiteIDBar, click on the Upload icon or select Upload from the File menu. The ToolBox will ask you to specify the communication password. After the correct password is entered, ToolBox will begin uploading the configuration file. The upload information will be displayed in the OutPutBar Upload Tab. After the upload operation ends successfully, the ToolBox displays useful status information in the Upload Information dialog box, as illustrated below.
Site Configuration
The information includes details such as the number of times the FLASH memory of that specific IP Gateway has been burnt (the FLASH memory may be burnt 10,000 times). The version numbers of the IP Gateway and ToolBox are also displayed. Another important piece of information displayed in this window is about the configuration of the specific IP Gateway - the version number of ToolBox that was used when programming the configuration.
The version numbers of ToolBox and IP Gateway system software are updated when additional features and improvements are added.
Compatibility between ToolBox and the IP Gateway is assured only if the version number of ToolBox software is higher than the version number of the IP Gateway system software.
The version number is composed of two numbers, as follows: Va.b. Note that a is a
The number to the left of the decimal point describes a major modification of the software, while the number to the right of the decimal point describes a minor modification.
Abort Upload/Download
The Abort Upload/Download command stops the upload or download process.
View Last Upload Information
The View Last Upload Information command displays information about the most recent upload. See Upload above.
Site Configuration
Preview Current File
The Preview Current File command displays the main settings of the current configuration file. The current file information is displayed in the OutPutBar Preview tab.
The Print command prints the contents of the current configuration file to your standard system printer, as defined in Print Setup.
To print the contents of the current configuration file to a postscript (.prn) or text file, check the Print to File box in the Print dialog. The following dialog box will appear, as shown below.
To select the desired output format, click on Text File or Postscript File.
To specify the output file name, type in the name (.e.g gwcfg.txt, gwcfg.prn) or browse using the Browse button.
To print the file, click OK. To cancel, click Cancel.
Print Setup
The Print Setup command enables the user to define or modify the page setup and printer to be used. If no printer is set up, see Windows Help or your system administrator.
Recent Workspaces
The Recent Workspaces command enables the user to easily access the five most recently used configuration files. Select the desired file name from the Recent Workspaces sub menu and Site Configuration will open this configuration file.
The Exit command (Site Configuration, File menu) closes Site Configuration. If you have made changes in the currently loaded configuration file and have not saved it yet, ToolBox displays a message box where you can decide to save the latest changes (Yes) or to close the file without retaining the changes (No).
Site Configuration
CPU Menu
The CPU menu displays the IP Gateway type. It cannot be modified by the user.
View Menu
The commands in the View menu are mainly designed to handle the display of the control bars. The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view is then displayed.
When checked, this command displays the ToolBar of icons, usually at the top of the screen.
When checked, this command displays the WorkSpaceBar with its treeview and tabs, usually on the left side of the screen.
When checked, this command displays the OutPutBar, usually towards the bottom of the screen.
When checked, this command displays the StatusBar, at the bottom of the screen.
When checked, this command displays the SiteIDBar, usually towards the top of the screen.
Tools Menu
The command in the Tools menu is designed to handle the settings of the program.
This command is used to set the fonts and colors of the texts displayed in the program. After activating this command, the dialog box looks as shown below.
Site Configuration
Window Menu
The commands in the Window menu are designed to handle the display of the windows and the style of these windows.
This command closes the current active window. If you have made changes in the currently active window and have not yet saved the workspace, Site Configuration asks if you want to save the changes. To save the changes, click on Yes. To close the window without applying the changes, click on No.
Close All
This command closes all the open windows. If you have made changes in any active windows and have not yet saved the workspace, Site Configuration asks for each window if you want to save the changes. To save the changes, click on Yes. To close the window without applying the changes, click on No.
This command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
Site Configuration
Tile Vertically
This command arranges the various screens in vertically tiled style.
Tile Horizontally
This command arranges the various screens in horizontally tiled style.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the Site Configuration tool.
Help Topics
This command opens the help files which describe the Site Configuration tool and other IP Gateway Toolbox utilities.
About Site Configuration
This command displays the version information for the Site Configuration tool.
Port Parameters
The Port parameters define the communications ports of the site, regarding their connection to the communication network and the devices connected to them. The ports parameters windows can be opened from the Port tab or Advanced Tab of the WorkSpaceBar. For information on opening the windows, see WorkSpaceBar.
Port 2
Port 2 can be configured as RS232 or RS485.
Port 2 parameters are grouped as follows:
???Port Type. The Port Type window displays the type of communication used by the port. The communication type is established by means of a set of parameters.
???User parameters.
???Advanced Physical Layer parameters.
???Advanced Link Layer parameters.
Site Configuration
Port Type for Port 2
The Port Type parameters window is displayed with the default setting. To change the Port Type, select an option in the first box. Other parameters become available as you select options in subsequent boxes. You have reached the last parameter when the message ???Port Type selection is completed??? is displayed, as shown below:
ToolBox requires you to select a value for each parameter. After selecting the required values,
click on the OK or Apply
icon to save the selection. Until the changes are applied, the screen header will reflect the previous values, but will be marked as ???(Modified)???. Until the changes are applied, all other related screens will use the previous Port Type values. If you try to apply the changes or save the WorkSpace without selecting a value in a
without applying the changes, click on the Cancel icon. To revert to the default values, click the on the Default
When you finish setting the Port Type parameters, the parameters you have selected will appear beside Port 2 in the WorkSpaceBar Port tab.
If you change the Port Type parameter setting, all parameter values that have been previously modified return to their default.
The following is a description of the different combinations.
Not Used
Means that the specific port is not used. This definition saves RAM memory (about 2Kb) that can be used by the application.
RS232, Async, Local Computer (MDLC)
For connection to ToolBox or central, using the MDLC protocol.
RS232, Async,
For local connection to another RTU in asynchronous mode, via RS232, using the MDLC protocol (it can also be used for communicating with the ToolBox).
Site Configuration
RS232, Sync,
For local connection to another RTU in synchronous mode, via RS232.
RS485, RTU
For local connection between two or more RTUs in asynchronous mode, via RS485.
User Parameters for Port 2
A description of the User parameters follows.
Link name
Contains the logical name of the link that the port is connected to. The link name is automatically selected according to the Port Type parameters. For example, if the connection type is Local Computer, then ToolBox automatically selects COMPUTER1 as link name. If relevant, you can open the drop down list and select another name.
Data speed
If data speed is applicable to the port type parameters selected earlier, this parameter defines the communication data speed of the selected media. The default is 9600. The IP Gateway supports baud rates of up to 57,600.
Enter your own description of the communications link (up to 40 characters).
Default Routing
Ensures RTU ???mobility???. The Default Routing parameter allows you to define the IP Gateway as one that can be switched from one base station to the other by changing the radio frequency (RadioX) or switching physical lines (LineX), but without changing the Link ID and the MDLC network settings.
The choices are:
Site Configuration
Advanced Physical and Link Layer Parameters for Port 2
When one of the advanced parameters windows is displayed, you can use the following functions:
???After changing a parameter, you can restore all changes to their default, by clicking the Default icon.
???Modified parameters appear against red background the next time you access the parameter list.
For more details, see Advanced Parameters in this chapter.
Port 3
Port 3 is a
For details on the selection method and options, see Port 2.
Port Type for Port 3
For details on the selection method, options, and possible combinations, see Port 2. The following is a description of the additional combinations that apply to Port 3 and Port 4 only.
Radio, Conventional, radio type, max. number of repeaters, modem
Direct FM modulation for conventional radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above, open the
Radio, Trunking, radio type, trunk system, modem
Trunked radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above, open the
Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Sync
Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Async
For asynchronous wire line communication using the
Site Configuration
Site Configuration
User Parameters for Port 3
A description of the User parameters follows.
Link name
Contains the logical name of the link that the port is connected to. The link name is automatically selected according to the Port Type parameters. For example, if the medium is Radio, then ToolBox automatically selects RADIO1 as link name. If relevant, you can open the drop down list and select another name.
Data Speed
If data speed is applicable to the port type parameters selected earlier, this parameter defines the communication data speed of the selected media. The default is 9600. The IP Gateway supports baud rates of up to 57,600.
Defines the type of modulation, the data speed, and the communication standard. The various available options for the three types of line interfaces are detailed in the following table.
Default Routing
Ensures IP Gateway ???mobility???. The Default Routing parameter allows you to define the IP Gateway as one that can be switched from one base station to the other by changing the radio frequency (RadioX) or switching physical lines (LineX), but without changing the Link ID and the MDLC network settings.
The choices are:
Enter your own description of the communications link (up to 40 characters).
Advanced Physical and Link Layer Parameters for Port 3
After clicking one of the advanced parameters tabs, you can use the following functions:
???After changing a parameter, you can restore all changes to their default, by clicking the Default icon.
???Modified parameters appear against red background the next time you access the parameter list.
Parameters are reviewed in Advanced Parameters in this chapter.
Zones in Port 3
For details about zones, see the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox System Overview manual.
Site Configuration
The Zones button appears in the Definition of Port 3 Parameters dialog box when the selected port type parameters involve zone definitions. Click the Zones button to open the Define Zones dialog box, shown below.
Dialog box parameters
Unused zones
Click the zone(s) on the left list that you want to select.
Selected zones
Click the zone(s) you want to remove from the current definition.
Click this button to select the zone marked on the left list. The zone name moves to the right list.
To mark zones
Click this button to remove a zone from the selected zones (right list).
For details about the marking method, see Add.
Site Configuration
Port 4
Port 4 is also a
For details on the selection method and options, see Port 3.
Port Type for Port 4
For details on the selection method, options, and possible combinations, see Port 3. The following is a description of the additional combinations that apply to Port 3 and Port 4 only.
Radio, Conventional, radio type, max. number of repeaters, modem
Direct FM modulation for conventional radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above, open the
Radio, Trunking, radio type, trunk system, modem
Trunked radio. For all parameters that appear italicized above, open the
Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Sync
Line, Full Duplex (2w/4w), Async
For asynchronous wire line communication using the
User Parameters for Port 4
See User Parameters for Port 3.
Site Configuration
Advanced Physical and Link Layer Parameters for Port 4
After clicking one of the advanced parameters tabs, you can use the following functions:
???After changing a parameter, you can restore all changes to their default, by clicking the Default icon.
???Modified parameters appear against red background the next time you access the parameter list.
Parameters are reviewed in Advanced Parameters in this chapter.
Zones in Port 4
For details about zones, see the Zones in Port 3 section above.
IP Port
The IP Port (Port 1) supports the following applications:
Terminal Server
One or more applications can be defined. By default, only TCP/IP is selected, as shown below. To define either DataTac or Terminal Server, right click on the item in the treeview and select Define from the
Note: The TCP/IP option cannot be removed from the Selected applications. However, the Media in the TCP/IP Port Type can be set to Not Used.
Port Type for TCP/IP Port 1
Currently the only option for TCP/IP Port 1 besides NOT USED is:
Ethernet, TCP/IP, MDLC Over IP
User Parameters for TCP/IP Port 1
A description of the User parameters follows.
IP Gateway IP Address
IP address of the IP Gateway. For information on this and other IP Addresses in the configuration, see your network administrator.
Default Router IP Address
Net Mask Address
Site Configuration
Link Layer Parameters for TCP/IP Port 1
The following parameters relate to the MDLC Over IP technology. The range of possible is specified in < > symbols. The default is specified in square brackets (for example: [80]). You can change this default.
All RTUs and IP Gateways use the same line.
This number is common to all RTUs and IP Gateways connected to the link. This number identifies the MDLC.
It is important that this number not be in use as specified by the TCP/IP standard RFC0960.
Maximum number of sites with which the RTU can communicate.
This option cannot be enabled in MDLC Over IP. Not applicable for IP Gateway.
TCP/IP Allocations/Settings
To tune the advanced TCP/IP and Gateway parameters, one must be familiar with the TCP/IP drivers, and the internal mechanism of the Gateway. Therefore, it is recommended not to change these parameters unless it is necessary, and you are aware of the consequences. If you enter an incorrect range, Toolbox displays a dialog box with the valid parameter range.
Site Configuration
Site Configuration
Length of buffer for debug sprint (C++ function)
Port Type for DataTAC Port 1
Currently the only option for DataTAC Port 1 is:
User Parameters for DataTAC Port 1
A description of the User parameters follows.
Link name
The logical name of the link that the port is connected to. The link name is automatically selected according to the port type parameters. If relevant, you can open the
RNC IP address
IP Address of the RNC box. Default:
Default routing
See Default Routing under User Parameters for Port 2 for the choices.
Physical Parameters for DataTAC Port 1
Idle interval between RX frames and end reception
The interval of time after RX frames have been received to wait for an end frame.
The interval of time to wait for a frame.
Link Layer Parameters for DataTAC Port 1
This section reviews the parameters through which you can control the functioning of the Link Layer.
Not supported yet. Select the Standard link type to establish a link that requires ACKs. Otherwise select Fast Link (no ACK).
Site Configuration
This is the maximum number of MDLC frames that can be placed in the transmission queue before a transmission process starts.
The reception process of the Data Link layer prepares an ACK for each received data frame, and is capable of issuing, in a single ACK message, up to 57 ACKs for data frames that arrived in uninterrupted sequence. This parameter determines the number of ACK buffers in which ACKs are prepared and moved to transmission before the ???Cannot get ACK buffers??? message is issued to the Error Logger. This message means that the acknowledging side is unable to move to ACK transmission because of heavy reception traffic, or because it cannot access a channel for transmission.
The number of times the Data Link layer retransmits a data frame for which ACK was not received.
The number of times the Data Link layer retransmits a data frame for which BUSY ACK was received (BUSY ACK is issued when all Data Link layer boxes of the switching node on are full).
The interval of time that should elapse before a data frame for which BUSY ACK was received, is retransmitted.
The number of retries for broadcast frames. Since broadcast frames are not acknowledged, specify a value greater than 0 to increase the chances of the frames reaching their destination.
A broadcast that activates a momentary operation (not latch!) is likely to reactivate the operation if the number of TX broadcasts is greater than 0.
The period of time that should elapse between retries of broadcast frames (if the previous parameter is not 0).
It is possible to conduct a session based on Site ID/Link ID using Local if the port is of Computer/Rslink type. Normally the port is defined for Local Response if the medium is not ???multidrop???. In any case, ???local response??? can be forced on a port if it is not ???multidrop???. The default value is based on the port type. It is recommended to leave the default as is.
The delay (applied to the channel) between the end of a transmission and the beginning of reception, for clock synchronization purposes. The default depends on the selected medium. However, the user can change it.
Site Configuration
Maximum number of units the Data Link layer is capable of addressing in a single transmission. For ???private conversation???, specify 1.
A period of time after which a failed link will be considered as being back in order, provided the value of the next parameter (???Periodic check...???) is Disable. Or, the period of time after which the Network layer issues a control frame to check the link, if the value of the next parameter is Enable.
The period of time that should elapse before a retry takes place in Full Duplex. New data frames cannot be sent to the retried unit.
Terminal Server
The Ports Overview displays the total number of ports defined in the system and allows you to add new ports, and to modify or delete existing ports.
By default, the Terminal Server item in the workspace treeview has no items beneath it. To open the Ports Overview screen, first select Define from the
New terminal server ports can be added. See Insert One Port and Insert Group of Ports below. Once the ports have been added, click on OK or Apply. New Terminal Server Port items will appear in the workspace under the Terminal Server item. User, advanced physical layer and advanced link layer parameters can be set for the new ports.
To delete items defined under the Terminal Server node, select Delete from the
Ports Overview
To modify the parameters of a particular Terminal Server Port in the Ports Overview screen, click in the field and enter the changes.
Site Configuration
Terminal Server IP address
This column displays the
This column displays the TCP Port ID of the current port.
Link ID
This column displays the Link Name (ID) of the current port.
This column is used to enter free format text in user application terminology.
Five icons appear at the top of the Ports Overview screen in addition to the standard icons.
Insert One Port
Use the Insert One Port button to define a new port which will be connected to a Terminal Server. Click Insert One Port. Toolbox adds a blank row below the insertion point, with default values for:
After the port is inserted, the default value for the Terminal Server IP Address must be modified.
The TCP PORT ID must be modified only if the Terminal Server IP Address to which it will be defined already has a TCP PORT ID with the same value.
To save the changes, click on OK or Apply. A new Terminal Server Port item will appear in the workspace under the Terminal Server item. User, advanced physical layer and advanced link layer parameters can be set for the new port.
Terminal Server IP address
Site Configuration
If you accidentally type an IP address which has already been assigned to an existing Port, the following message appears when you try to Save or enter Advanced parameters:
If you accidentally type an invalid address or don???t change the default address, the following message appears:
Link ID
This column is used to assign a communications link to the port. Select the appropriate Link ID from the
The total number of items listed, reflects the configuration in the MDLC Links Configurator utility.
This field defaults to the first available (unused) Link ID in the
Insert Group of Ports
Use the Insert Group of Ports button to insert a group of ports linked to the same IP address group. The following screen is displayed:
Site Configuration
For Terminal with Server IP address
User Free
This field defaults to the first available Link ID and generates consecutive, unique Link IDs.
Use Free
This field defaults to Port ID 2001 and generates a Port ID for each inserted port in sequential order.
Number of Ports to insert (up to xx)
where xx = total number of available ports
Click to enter the number of ports you want to insert. Minimum: 1
Maximum: total number of available ports
Default: 5
Click OK to accept the values and to return to the Terminal Server Ports screen.
Toolbox inserts the newly created ports after the insertion point with specified values for the TCP Port ID and the Link ID.
To save the changes, click on OK or Apply. A new Terminal Server Port item will appear in the workspace under the Terminal Server item for each port. User, advanced physical layer and advanced link layer parameters can be set for the new ports.
Terminal Server IP address
As defined in the Insert group of Terminal Server Ports screen.
The TCP Port ID defaults to the next available TCP Port ID.
Site Configuration
Link ID
The Link ID defaults to the next available Link ID.
Defaults to a blank field. You may enter an up to
Copy One Port
Use the Copy One Port button to create a new Terminal Server Port with the same properties to belong to the same group of Terminal Server IP addresses as the existing Port and to retain the same Advanced Parameters as the existing Terminal Server Port.
From the Terminal Server Ports screen, select an existing port with properties similar to the one you want to create. Click Copy One Port.
Toolbox copies the new port after the insertion point. The copied Port is identical to the source Port, except for the TCP Port ID and Link ID. To save the changes, click on OK or Apply. A new Terminal Server Port item will appear in the workspace under the Terminal Server item. User, advanced physical layer and advanced link layer parameters can be set for the new port.
Terminal Server IP address
Same as the source port.
The TCP Port ID is not copied since Toolbox automatically assigns the next available TCP Port ID.
Link ID
The Link ID is not copied since Toolbox automatically assigns the next available Link ID.
Same as the source port. Can be modified.
Copy Group of Ports
Use the Copy Group of Ports button to create a new Terminal Server Port with the same properties (belong to the same group of IP addresses (Terminal Server) as the existing Port and to retain the same Advanced Parameters) as the existing Terminal Server Port. From the Terminal Server Ports screen select an existing port with properties similar to the one you want to create. Click Copy Group of Ports. The following screen appears:
Site Configuration
For Terminal with Server IP address
Uses the IP address of the Terminal Server Port selected in the Terminal Server Ports screen. Range:
User Free
This field defaults to the first available Link ID and generates consecutive, unique Link IDs.
Use Free
This field defaults to Port ID 2001 and generates a Port ID for each inserted port in sequential order.
Number of Ports to insert (up to xx)
where xx = total number of available ports
Click to enter the number of ports you want to insert. Range: 1- Maximum (total number of available ports) Default: 5
Click OK to accept the values and to return to the Terminal Server Ports screen.
Toolbox copies the new ports after the insertion point. The copied Ports are identical to the source Port, except for the TCP Port ID and Link ID. To save the changes, click on OK or Apply. A new Terminal Server Port item will appear in the workspace under the Terminal Server item for each new port. User, advanced physical layer and advanced link layer parameters can be set for the new ports.
The TCP Port ID is not copied since Toolbox automatically assigns the next available TCP Port ID.
Link ID
The Link ID is not copied since Toolbox automatically assigns the next available Link ID.
Site Configuration
Same as the source port. Can be modified.
Toolbox copies the new ports after the insertion point. The copied ports are identical to the source port, except for the TCP Port ID and Link ID.
Delete Ports
Use the Delete Ports button to delete one or more of the Terminal Server Ports.
Select the Terminal Server Port to be deleted from the Terminal Server Ports screen and click the Delete Ports button.
To select successive Terminal Server Ports, click the first Terminal Server Port address and press the SHIFT key while you click the last Terminal Server Port address, or
To delete all ports, defined under the Terminal Server node, select Delete from the
User Parameters for Terminal Server Port 1
A description of the User parameters follows.
Terminal Server IP address
This column displays the
TCP ID of Port
This column displays the TCP Port ID of the current port.
Link Name
This column displays the Link Name (ID) of the current port.
This column is used to enter free format text in user application terminology.
Advanced Physical Parameters for Terminal Server Port 1
For a description of the Advanced Physical parameters, see Physical Parameters for DataTAC Port 1 above.
Advanced Link Parameters for Terminal Server Port 1
For a description of the Advanced Link parameters, see Link Layer Parameters for DataTAC Port 1 above.
Site Configuration
Advanced Parameters
This section reviews all of the ToolBox advanced configuration parameters. Throughout the ToolBox, advanced parameters are displayed according to context. For example, when you click the Advanced tab in the WorkSpaceBar in Site Configuration, ToolBox shows only those parameters that are applicable to the selected configuration. For details on opening the Advanced parameters windows, see WorkSpaceBar Advanced Tab.
Some of the parameters listed here are applicable to the new version only. If you open an older configuration file and decide not to change the version, ToolBox grays (hides) those parameters that cannot be used in that version.
For each parameter, ToolBox dialog boxes provide three values: the minimum, the maximum and the default. The range is specified between < > symbols. For example,
The default is automatically entered in the parameter field and appears between square brackets (for example: [80]). You can change this value.
The default value provided in the parameter specifications below, is one of the possible values. The default changes according to Port Type.
Physical layer
This section reviews the parameters through which you can control the functioning of the Physical Layer.
In UART communications without a channel access mechanism, a period of silence notifies all layers above Physical that reception has ended. This period is calculated in terms of idles which are converted to time as a function of the data speed. The system uses this value or the value specified in the second field (and NOT more...), whichever is the smallest.
The value is equivalent to the time required to receive 1.5 frames (as defined in the MDLC advanced parameter Unformatted adapter buffer size). The system uses this value or the value specified in the second field, whichever is the greatest.
The parameter has no meaning when a channel access mechanism is used (such as
The interval of time that should elapse before a data frame for which no ACK was received, is retransmitted.
This parameter is related to the slotted access mechanism used by the channel access
Site Configuration
The period of time the system will wait for channel access, from the time it requests a channel.
The maximum time during which data can be transmitted. After this period of time transmission stops even if it has not yet ended.
The period of time during which the PTT should be held pressed at the end of data transmission or between frames. Enter 0 to ignore this feature.
The maximum waiting time for a channel. After this
The period of time during which the PTT should be held pressed before a predetermined preamble is transmitted and before data transmission begins.
In a trunked system, the period of time that should elapse between releasing the PTT and until the radio is ready for reception.
In a trunked system, the maximum period of time during which the PTT should be held pressed in order to access a channel.
In a trunked system, the PTT pressing time cycle until a channel is accessed.
The size of a time slot in the slotted channel access mechanism of MDLC.
This is the minimum period of time during which a channel must be free before transmission can resume. If another unit transmitted during this time, the current unit does not have to hold transmission.
The minimum period of time that should elapse between the end of a transmission and its first retry, and between retries.
In pulse dialing, the ON (???make???) and OFF (???break???) times should be defined. This parameter defines the OFF time.
61 US standard
Site Configuration
67 European standard
A period of quiet time at the end of which the initiator of the conversation hangs up the phone.
Hanging up an unused line by RESPONDER after
A period of quiet time at the end of which the responder hangs up the phone.
The number of times the number will be redialed (in addition to the first time) in order to establish communications with a unit.
Interval of time between a failure to establish communications (BUSY, NO ANSWER) and the next dialing. However, if a line is busy and another line is available, the attempt is renewed through the other line without delay.
Number of rings to wait for the called party to answer.
A waiting period between the end of dialing and the reception of the connection signal from the answering modem. After this period, the attempt is considered to be a failure.
The period of time during which disconnection is delayed after the carrier is lost.
The amount of time the calling device should wait until it gets the dial tone.
The minimum time that should elapse between two attempts to obtain a line.
Number of retries to obtain a line.
Site Configuration
This parameter is for old boards that do not react fast enough to RTS.
Number of HDLC flags between frame transmissions. For old OEM equipment, specify a large value.
Minimum transmission time. If the actual data transmission takes less than the specified value, the unit will continue to transmit until this time elapses. Smartzone trunked systems work more efficiently with a minimum TX time of 1000 mSec. Specify 0 to ignore this parameter.
In Smartzone trunked systems, this parameter specifies on channel/free channel condition which, if exceeded, requires a longer
If a positive value was specified in the previous parameter, specify here the long
In a trunked system, this parameter specifies the size of a time slot when the radio is on the control channel.
This field defines the delay (in msec) from the moment that PTT has been pressed until data transmission starts on the first time in a session.
The minimum interval between two consecutive transmissions of data (not relevant for acknowledgment messages).
This field defines the delay (in msec) from the moment that PTT has been pressed until data transmission starts, on subsequent sessions (after the first; see previous parameter). The value should be greater than the First
Defines the interval from the moment PTT has been pressed in an RTU until the other RTUs sense it. This interval depends on the type of the radio used ??? the quicker the channel monitor's response, the shorter this interval. The RTU uses this parameter to prevent collisions on the channel when several RTUs have messages to transmit by contention.
This interval is used (automatically) as follows: each RTU is assigned a priority level as a function of the data message it wants to transmit (new data, acknowledgment, retry, etc.) and in some cases, as a function of its address. When the RTU wants to transmit that message, it first checks whether the communications channel is free or not. If the channel is free, the RTU
Site Configuration
will start transmitting only after a delay that is equal to this parameter multiplied by the RTU's priority level. If in the meantime the channel has been taken by a
For example, let's assign the time resolution T. When the RTU accesses the channel, it starts transmitting only after a delay that is a factor of T. When the RTU accesses the channel for the first time, the delay is (n+4)??? T, where n represents the 4 less significant bits in the address. When an RTU sends an acknowledgment to another RTU, it will start transmitting only after a delay of 0 to 3T. If a collision occurs because two RTUs have been addressed with the same 4 less significant bits, then the address bits are shifted automatically, and the RTU starts transmitting after a different delay.
Defines the delay after which the RTU will transmit its message even if the communications channel is busy. The default value of 0 means that this feature is disabled (i.e., the RTU will not transmit if the channel is busy).
Not used.
For future use. To implement the store and forward feature by hardware. It is applicable in case the piggyback modem is DFM, FSK, or COS.
The minimum time (in msec) that the RTU will wait before retransmitting an unacknowledged message.
Link Layer
This section reviews the parameters through which you can control the functioning of the Link Layer.
Not supported yet. Select the Standard link type to establish a link that requires ACKs. Otherwise select Fast Link (no ACK).
This is the maximum number of MDLC frames that can be placed in the transmission queue before a transmission process starts.
The reception process of the Data Link layer prepares an ACK for each received data frame, and is capable of issuing, in a single ACK message, up to 57 ACKs for data frames that arrived in uninterrupted sequence. This parameter determines the number of ACK buffers in which ACKs are prepared and moved to transmission before the ???Cannot get ACK buffers??? message is issued to the Error Logger. This message means that the acknowledging side is unable to move to ACK transmission because of heavy reception traffic, or because it cannot access a channel for transmission.
Site Configuration
The number of times the Data Link layer retransmits a data frame for which ACK was not received.
The number of times the Data Link layer retransmits a data frame for which BUSY ACK was received (BUSY ACK is issued when all Data Link layer boxes of the switching node on are full).
The interval of time that should elapse before a data frame for which BUSY ACK was received, is retransmitted.
The number of retries for broadcast frames. Since broadcast frames are not acknowledged, specify a value greater than 0 to increase the chances of the frames reaching their destination.
A broadcast that activates a momentary operation (not latch!) is likely to reactivate the operation if the number of TX broadcasts is greater than 0.
The period of time that should elapse between retries of broadcast frames (if the previous parameter is not 0).
It is possible to conduct a session based on Site ID/Link ID using Local if the port is of Computer/Rslink type. Normally the port is defined for Local Response if the medium is not ???multidrop???. In any case, ???local response??? can be forced on a port if it is not ???multidrop???. The default value is based on the port type. It is recommended to leave the default as is.
The delay (applied to the channel) between the end of a transmission and the beginning of reception, for clock synchronization purposes. The default depends on the selected medium. However, the user can change it.
Maximum number of units the Data Link layer is capable of addressing in a single transmission. For ???private conversation???, specify 1.
A period of time after which a failed link will be considered as being back in order, provided the value of the next parameter (???Periodic check...???) is Disable. Or, the period of time after which the Network layer issues a control frame to check the link, if the value of the next parameter is Enable.
The valid values are:
Interval between FULL DUPLEX TX retries
The period of time that should elapse before a retry takes place in Full Duplex. New data frames cannot be sent to the retried unit.
Transport Multiplex Layer
Number of logical channels in the MDLC protocol capable of initiating communication via a session oriented channel. Do not change this value.
Number of MDLC logical channels that can be accessed through one or more masters simultaneously.
The period of time during which a Reset ACK should be transmitted to a unit that is expected to return a void frame at Transport Multiplex level for each Reset ACK. After the period of time specified here, the unit stops sending Reset ACKs in order to identify another reset situation, should it occur.
A frame that is received again during this period of time is considered a duplicate, and discarded. If it arrives after this time, it is considered to be a new frame.
The period of time during which frames that failed to arrive as part of a chain are allowed to be retried at Data Link level. This timeout is calculated as a function of the number of retries and the data speed.
The gap that will cause the unit to move to synchronization at Transport Multiplex level. For example if the value is 16 and frame x+16 arrives while x was expected, synchronization will take place.
The allowed interval between retried frames. For example, if the value is 16 and
Site Configuration
Specify YES to broadcast to all units defined after Reset Load in order to synchronize at Transport Multiplex level.
Time interval between two Restart control frames at Transport Multiplex level.
The period of time after which an ???urge??? frame will be issued if a gap formed at Transport Multiplex level. A response to the urge frame means that the gap will never be filled since all Data Link layer retries have already been exhausted.
Since Transport Multiplex consumes buffers for transmission, the number of buffers is limited via this parameter in order to prevent
The number of times an urge frame will be retransmitted.
Support for terminal emulation within the application. The valid values are Yes/No.
Support for health check within the application. The valid values are Yes/No.
MDLC Network Layer
Network Layer
Number of paths the Network layer is allowed to learn. This parameter is for future use. In the current version, Network can learn only one path even if a different value is specified.
General Communication
Addr. range response for 'All RTU simulation' <Site ID +- Range> [0]:
Assigning alternate addresses to an RTU. If the basic address is X and the range is Y, then the unit responds to all calls in the range of {X,X+1,...,X+Y}. If the range is
This parameter is for field simulation in laboratory conditions and for the Dual CPU mechanism.
Site Configuration
MDLC Session Logical Channels
Application layer
The workspace allocated to MDLC applications (for the transmission and reception of data frames). The
The size of the stack to be allocated for the MDLC application manager task.
Presentation Layer
For future use.
Transport Layer
Number of retries at session oriented logical channel level after which the Transport Layer declares that transmission to destination site has failed.
When the source site sends frames to a destination site and receives a ???logical channel busy??? signal (because the channels are busy transmitting data from other applications that already accessed them), it retries as many times as determined in this parameter. After this
Number of MDLC frames that are sent in a single burst after which the Transport Layer waits for ACK from the destination site before it sends the next burst.
Number of MDLC frames the Transport Layer is capable of receiving from upper layers (Application, Presentation and Session) for transmission. When this number is reached, the Transport Layer signals to the application to stop sending frames until it makes room for more frames. This number should be equivalent to twice the size of a burst or more.
The number of MDLC frames the receiving site is capable of handling on their way to the upper layers. This number should be equivalent to twice the size of a burst or more.
The number of MDLC frames the receiving site is capable of handling on their way from the lower layers (Data Link Reception, Network, Transmission Multiplex).
Site Configuration
A delay that can be inserted between transmissions of frames in order to optimize CPU allocation to other processes (especially to processes that have a priority level which is lower than that of the application).
The interval of time that should elapse between two retries at Source/Destination level. This period of time starts after the Data Link layer finalizes the transmission of a frame (that is, after it received an appropriate ACK or exhausted all retries for a frame that was not acknowledged).
The waiting time between retries if the receiving end issued a BUSY signal (because all of its logical channels were busy).
If the called unit receives only some of the frames that were supposed to arrive in one burst, it will wait a certain period of time, defined in this parameter, before it issues a partial ACK at Source/Destination level.
Interval before starting 'IS SESSION ON' checks
The period of time that should elapse before the ???is session on??? check takes place. See next parameter.
If a period of silence is detected in the channel at source/destination level, a special mechanism checks whether the logical channel is still available. This parameter determines the number of times the channel will be checked for availability. In any case, the first ???is session on??? check will not take place before the timeout defined in the previous parameter.
The interval of time between two ???is session on??? checks. See previous parameter.
Period of time that a message is waiting in
The amount of time that a data frame will remain in the receive buffer. If the application does not retrieve it during that time, the data frame will be deleted.
The number of boxes allocated at any given time for handling data frames in
Site Configuration
Data frames are the information stored in Txbuf in case of transmission, and in Rxbuf in case of reception.
The number of retries that should take place at source/destination level if an answer was not received for a transmission via SndFrm (and not via TxFrm).
The interval of time that should elapse between retries. This period of time starts after the Data Link layer of the MDLC protocol finalizes the transmission of a frame (that is, after it received an appropriate ACK or exhausted all retries at From/To level).
Enables the user to add a communication password to data frames. The value of this parameter must be identical in both the transmitting and receiving side.
For future use.
Event and Burst
The number of boxes allocated at any given time for transmitting data frames via the Burst and TxEvnt functions.
Number of retries to be performed by the RTU towards the central unit, if it does not receive ???Application
The interval of time that should elapse between two retries from the RTU towards the central unit. (Retries may be requested if the RTU does not receive ???Application
This period of time starts after the Data Link layer of the MDLC protocol finalizes the transmission of a frame (that is, after it has received an appropriate ACK or exhausted all retries at From/To level).
If the value of the ???Application
The valid values are:
Enables the user to transmit events of bursts with a communication password.
The value of this parameter must be identical for all RTUs and the central unit.
For future use.
Broadcast (Group Call)
The number of boxes allocated for storing frames that were broadcast from the central unit and that are to be processed by the RTU.
The RTU scans the box queue with intervals of 1 second, and updates the Qualifiers table accordingly. Increase this value if the reception rate is greater than the queue scanning rate.
This parameter enables you to decide whether it is allowed to receive frames that were broadcast from the central unit without a password. Change the default if the central unit is capable of broadcasting frames without a password.
For future use.
MDLC and User Port Heaps
MDLC Buffers
The number of formatted buffers designed for
Each buffer consumes about 250 bytes of RAM.
The number of formatted buffers designed for
Site Configuration
Diagnostics, Error Logger, Processes/Tables Monitor, Site Configuration and Downloader. If DEVICE=HP_F_TX is emptied frequently, increase the value of this parameter.
Each buffer consumes about 250 bytes of RAM.
The size of the unformatted buffer that serves as asynchronous port. The overhead is ??? 15 bytes, that is, the user can use only 35 bytes.
The size of the formatted buffer that serves as asynchronous port.
User Buffers
The size of the buffer used for transmission and reception. It defines a user port, including buffer management overhead (O.H. ??? 15 bytes). If the user port is used for communication with the terminal, the default size is enough. If the communication protocol is applied to the user port (if the port is to handle larger quantities of data), it is advisable to increase the buffer size according to scan time. The buffers should be sufficient to store all characters received during one scan time. For example, under a data speed of 9600, each character takes about 1 msec to arrive. If the scan time is greater than 8*84 msec, increase this parameter.
The user port is capable of handling up to 8 buffers. If all are full, the port sets CTS to 0 or issues XOFF according to its configuration. Not applicable for IP Gateway.
Number of buffers for transmission and reception in the user port. For each user port the value of this parameter must be at least 17. This parameter is only relevant for MOSCAD versions 3.80 or earlier. Not applicable for IP Gateway.
General System Parameters
This parameter determines whether the LEDs on the led panel of the CPU will be lit constantly or temporarily. If you choose ???Light up to timeout???, the LEDs will go on at CPU startup, and will go off after the timeout defined in the next parameter.
If the previous parameter is 0, using PB1 or PB2 will light up the LEDs which will remain on for the period of time defined in this parameter.
Not applicable for IP Gateway.
Site Configuration
Timers Hookups
The 10 msec task enables different modules to perform specific activities with a resolution of 10 msec. This is achieved by letting each module link itself to the 10 msec task. The number of service users (modules) depends on the configuration and sometimes it may be necessary to increase the value of this parameter (if the configuration includes more modules than the default number specified here).
Number of '10 mSec' ticks passed before declaring error
The operating system is supposed to activate the 10 msec task every 10 msec. If it fails to activate the task as many times as the number specified in this parameter (for example, 4 means if the system fails to activate the task during 40 msec), an error message is sent to the Error Logger.
This is not a fatal error. If the system fails to activate the task this means that it is experiencing an unusual burden (in which case it is advisable to locate the origin of the problem).
Same as the ???Number of connected
Number of '100 mSec' ticks passed before declaring error
Same as the ???Number of '10 mSec' ticks passed before declaring error??? parameter for the 100 msec task.
Number of connected
Same as the ???Number of connected
Same as the ???Number of '10 mSec' ticks passed before declaring error??? parameter for the 1 sec task.
Number of connected
Same as the ???Number of connected
Same as the ???Number of '10 mSec' ticks passed before declaring error??? parameter for the 1 min task.
The number of ???C??? block 10 msec. timers that can be used. For details on how 10 msec. timers in ???C?????? block can be used, see ???C??? Toolkit manual. Not applicable for IP Gateway.
Site Configuration
The number of ???C??? block 100 msec. timers that can be used. For details on how 100 msec. timers in ???C?????? block can be used, see ???C??? Toolkit manual. Not applicable for IP Gateway.
Buffer and Queue Size
The size of the buffer that is used to store error messages.
Error messages are generated by modules to inform the user of unusual events that have taken place in the system. It is advisable to increase the buffer size if a large number of errors is expected.
The transmission queue of a user port is used for SEND purposes. This parameter determines the size of the queue. Increase the value if the number of bytes to be transmitted by SEND is expected to be greater than 200 during one SCAN of the ladder diagram.
Ladder Process Tasks
System Flags
Site Configuration
System Values
The ratio between the time allocated to the main process of the application (including higher priority tasks such as MDLC reception), and tasks of lower priority.
The objective of this parameter is to enable lower priority tasks to perform even when the application is busy.
At the end of the main process and after the timeout specified in this parameter, the system checks for bursts awaiting transmission. If the period of time between bursts has not yet elapsed, the possibility exists to add new bursts to the buffer during the next scan.
This parameter defined the maximum time that the ???event timer??? can be activated (in units of 10 msec).
The event timers can be activated via the SetTmr function in relation to events that have been received via GtEvnt. The timers and the events are accurate to 10 msec. The timers are activated when the event actually takes place (and not when GetEvent was performed).
Increasing the maximum time consumes about 4 bytes per time unit.
Together with the previous parameter, this parameter defines the number of events and event timers that can be received simultaneously.
Increasing the number of events consumes ~35 bytes per event.
The maximum number of frames that can be stored in the frame sequence device. If more frames arrive, an error is issued to the Error Logger.
The number of frames for which a burst can be created during the same scan.
The amount of memory reserved for dynamic allocations at runtime.
C programs require dynamic allocations. Therefore, the value of this parameter should be determined according to the amount of memory required by the C programs, or according to the number of C program blocks.
You can expand the regular site table (a Database Builder system table) using the dynamic
Site Configuration
'C??? application parameters
In addition to the 5 tasks defined by the system (main process, Task priority A...Task priority D), up to 10 additional tasks can be defined. These tasks can be activated via a
It is possible to execute MOSCAD_malloc from a ???C??? block, to hold the allocated buffer in named pointers between downloads (access function from ???C??? Toolkit), and to get it back after the download ends. This feature enables you to keep data between different downloads.
Number of slave ???C??? functions for session based protocol
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application for session based protocol.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the 10 millisecond task.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the 100 millisecond task.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the 1 second task.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the 1 minute task.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the Software Diagnostic utility.
Maximum buffer size in the heap used by the ???C??? application.
Maximum number of buffers in the heap used by the ???C??? application.
Number of ???C??? language functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application to the DB map.
Number of callback functions to be supplied by the ???C??? application for logging flash operations. The first entry in the table will always contain the Program callback function, the
Site Configuration
second entry will always contain the Erase callback function, and the third entry will always contain the Disable callback function.
System Parameters
The System parameters can be viewed and modified from the SCADA tab in the WorkspaceBar.
The Gateway ID and the Startup Mode fields are essential to enable the SCADA computers to support redundant Gateway configurations. The Gateway ID should be a unique number in the range
???Redundant GW1 Use this setting for a redundant Gateway configuration.
???Redundant GW2 Use this setting for a redundant Gateway configuration.
If only one Gateway is used, it must be defined as Stand Alone. Then, upon system startup, the Gateway functions as a Primary.
For redundant Gateway configurations, the startup mode should be specified as either Redundant GW1 or Redundant GW2. Upon startup of the system, both Gateways will function as Secondary.
The Startup Mode is essential for redundant Gateway configurations. One Gateway should be assigned as Startup Mode Primary and the second as Startup Mode Secondary.
For more on IP Gateway redundancy, see the IP Gateway Redundancy section of the IP Gateway System Overview chapter above.
Gateway Settings
System Resources
Allows the definition of the maximum number of SCADA clients.
Allows the definition of the maximum number of SCADA channels.
Allows the definition of the maximum number of communication buffers.
Site Configuration
Allows the definition of the maximum size of the communication buffers (in bytes).
If you entered an incorrect range, Toolbox displays a dialog box with the valid parameter range. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box and enter the correct value.
Task Allocation
Allows the definition of overall concurrent application tasks.
Allows the definition of concurrent Command tasks (dedicated for sending commands).
Allows the definition of concurrent Data tasks (dedicated for polling RTUs and for downloading parameters).
Allows the definition of concurrent Service tasks (dedicated for sending/reading RTUs time).
If you entered an incorrect range, the Toolbox displays a dialog box with the valid parameter range. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box and enter the correct value.
Request Allocation
Allows the definition of overall pending requests, (must equal the combined sum of Pending CMD, Data and Service Requests).
Allows the definition of minimum pending command requests from the SCADA).
Allows the definition of minimum pending data requests from the SCADA).
Allows the definition of minimum pending service requests from the SCADA).
Network Configuration
The Network Configuration program is used for defining the communication nodes (interconnection points between two or more links) in the network. The program defines the network???s structure; there is no need to define all RTUs, only the nodes in the network. The communication protocol uses these definitions for automatic routing of the packets through the network.
In simple networks, such as one IP Gateway connected to one communication link, it is not necessary to use this program (see Communication Network in the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox System Overview manual).
The RTU and IP Gateway ports defined as Computer port, which serve as connection to the ToolBox or centrals, are not considered as links in the network but as local ports.
A network configuration is stored in a file. The network configuration can be loaded into the RTU or IP Gateway together with the application. During application loading, the user is asked to provide the name of the network configuration file.
The same network configuration file is used for all the sites in the system and also may be used in other networks that have the same structure. The network configuration must be loaded to all sites in the system to enable each site to route the packets through the network.
When additional sites are to be added to the network, it is not necessary to change the network configuration definitions since Network Configuration defines only the nodes in the network. All you have to do is to define the main communication port of each site, via Site Configuration, and to connect it to one of the network links, using the logical (symbolic) name of the link.
Routing of Data Frames
The network configuration serves as an internal data bank which describes a path to each link in the network. When data frames are to be relayed to another site, the node checks if it has a direct link to the destination. If so, the data is transmitted. If there is no direct link, or if that link is in ???fail??? state, the unit will use the network map to try to identify another path.
A device called ???NSTOCK??? (a Software Diagnostics Level 2 device) provides the full list of data links (as defined in Network Configuration), and adds the status during runtime. The transmitting node will try each path (sequentially, starting with the first entry) until it is successful. If some of the links are in ???fail??? state, the node will try the first link that is in working order. If all possible links are in ???fail??? state, it will try the first path. If the transmission fails, the frame is discarded.
When a data link fails to acknowledge transmission, it is marked as ???fail??? in the network data bank. The failed link can be restored to ???OK??? status if another transmission happens to succeed. Another mechanism exists, whereby the network performs periodic checks on failed links and restores them to ???OK??? status is an acknowledgement is received. When this
Network Configuration
mechanism is disabled, the failed link is considered to be restored after a specified period of time.
Routing over Alternative Direct Link
The Routing of Data Frames section above describes automatic routing between sites which are not directly connected. The system will also perform automatic alternative routing between nodes that are directly connected by more than one direct link (if one of them is failed). In previous versions, finding alternative communication routes across such systems was performed by the user application.
All relevant links in the example below were defined in the Network Configuration and downloaded to the units. RTU100 will choose a link which is not failed for communication with RTUs
RTU 99
Routing over Direct Link is only possible with new versions of both the ToolBox and system. Note that if you have existing applications which try to transmit over alternate links, these should be modified to prevent redundancy.
When RTU101 tries to transmit to one of the RTUs
Network Configuration
Network Configuration Window
To start Network Configuration,
IP Gateway ToolBox folder. Click on the New icon or select New from the File menu. The following is displayed.
The network configuration is defined in this window.
In the displayed table, you define the accessible (logical) links for every site that serves as a node. A site that uses two or more communication ports and does not serve as a node should not be defined in Network Configuration. If, for example, Site 1 is directly connected to Link 1 and to Link 2, both links are added to the Site entry in the table.
For each site, you may define up to six links (minimum two links to define a site as a communication node). Just click the Site ID box, type the Site ID, and then for each Link ID, open the
In the example below, Sites 1, 2, and 3 serve as nodes, each connected to two links. Data packets can be relayed from Site 1 to Site 2 over RSlink2. The DIAL link enables connection via dialup modem from Site 1 to any other site attached to a modem. From Site 3 to Site 2, LINE1 is used. To display a more detailed version of the configuration, with all possible communication through the site, see View As Text below.
Network Configuration
The following is the list of the available command icons.
Network Configuration
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are mainly designed to handle configuration files.
The New command (Network Configuration File menu) opens a new network configuration file. If more than one network configuration file is opened, they can be rearranged using commands in the Window menu or resized using the standard window operations.
The Open command (Network Configuration, File menu) opens an existing network configuration file. After activating this command, the ToolBox displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
The Open dialog box defaults to the Config
The Open command allows you to open applications that have been developed under earlier ToolBox versions. You do not have to upgrade your applications in order to continue development under the new version.
Select the configuration file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Network Configuration
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the configuration file. the ToolBox automatically adds the .scf extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .scf, open the
The Close command (Network Configuration, File menu) closes the current network configuration file.
The Save command (Network Configuration, File menu) stores the current configuration.
If the file has not been saved at least once, the ToolBox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the configuration file.
If the file has been saved at least once, the ToolBox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command (Network Configuration, File menu) saves the current configuration under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create a configuration file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The command opens the dialog box shown below. This dialog appears also when you request to save a configuration file for the first time.
Network Configuration
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the configuration file you want to create, and click OK. The ToolBox automatically adds the .scf extension. If you specify the name of a configuration file that appears on the list, the ToolBox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
Save as Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .scf, open the
The Print command (Network Configuration, File menu) prints the contents of the displayed table to a printer, as defined in Print Setup.
Page Setup
The PageSetup command (Network Configuration, File menu) enables the user to define the page setup and printer to be used.
The Exit command (Network Configuration, File menu) exits the network configuration utility.
Network Configuration
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands the affect the network configuration table in the main window.
Delete Rows
Deletes the selected row(s).
Sort Rows
Sorts the table in Site ID order.
Insert Rows
Opens a specified number of rows above the row specified in the dialog box.
Define Up To
From a specified Site ID, automatically defines a specified number of consecutive sites, each with the same configuration. The links associated with all of the sites are selected from a list by first selecting the link name (e.g. LINE 1) and then clicking on the right arrow. Links can be deselected by clicking on the left arrow.
Note: if you
Authenticate Links
Authentication enables MOSCAD RTUs/IP Gateways to rely on the integrity of information sent on the MDLC network. An RTU/Gateway can be certain that received data was transmitted by the original sender and not by some other, unauthorized source. For background information on authentication, see the Advanced Features section of the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox Application Programmer manual.
When the Authenticate Links command is selected, a table of all links in the network is displayed, as shown in the Links Authentication Information window below.
Network Configuration
To specify that the link is authenticated, check the Authenticated box to the right of the Link ID.
Next, specify the Site ID of the server which will perform synchronization for all the RTUs on the link. If the RTU is a server, you will specify its Site ID for all the authenticated links connected to it. If an RTU is a client, its Site ID cannot be entered into the Server ID field. If an RTU is a client/server, specify its Site ID for the appropriate links for whom it will act as a server.
Each radio zone will have ONE Server ID. The first appearance of a radio zone in the network configuration file is the RTU server of that zone. That radio zone will appear first in the list of links in the Links Authentication Information window (i.e. if RADIO4/1 is the server, it will appear before RADIO4/2 and RADIO4/3 in the list.) If you enter a Server ID for another link (e.g. RADIO4/3), it will not be saved. The next time you open the Links Authentication Information window, that Server ID will not appear.
If the RTUs are not attached to a server, but have another clock source (e.g. GPS attached to each site), the Server ID is left at zero. Close the Link Authentication Information window and the authenticated link will appear in a gray background.
If the RTUs are attached to a server, you must enter a Server ID.
Next, define the authentication keys/key aliases to be used for validating the timestamp in the dataframe. If you close the Define Keys and Aliases dialog using the OK button, the Has Keys/Has Aliases buttons to the right of the entry in the Links Authentication Information will be marked with a check. When you close the Links Authentication Information, the authenticated link will appear in a red background.
Network Configuration
Note: If the Server ID or authentication keys are not defined for any link in the table, the authentication information will not be downloaded to the network.
It is possible to authenticate a link from the main Network Configuration screen by clicking the right mouse button and selecting Authenticate Link when the cursor is in a Link ID cell. The next time you open the Links Authentication Information window, the box to the right of that Link ID will be already checked. You will still have to define the server for the link, if one exists.
Authentication Keys
The Authentication Keys are defined for a given link within a given network. This enables the user to determine which subnetworks within the system will understand each other. When either the Has Keys or Has Aliases button is selected, the screen below is displayed.
Three keys of eight bytes each should be defined. Each byte can be entered as either a numeric value or as a string. To switch from numeric to string format, click the appropriate field. If the chosen number cannot be displayed in ASCII format, an asterisk will be displayed instead.
To use the same authentication keys for all links in the network, click the Force All Links button. In this situation, all data transmitted around the network will be understood by all authenticated RTUs.
Network Configuration
Note: Force All Links can be used to define keys for all the links and then certain links can be modified in order to vary the authentication and limit the motility of the data.
The authentication keys are not saved on the disk. When the Network Configuration utility is exited, the authentication keys are erased from the ToolBox. Yet it may be difficult to remember which authentication keys were downloaded to the Flash memory of the RTU. Therefore, a name or key alias may be defined for each authentication key to remind the user of the key without compromising the integrity of the authentication. To define a key alias, type a string in the Alias field.
Click OK to save the key definitions or Cancel to exit without saving. . If you close the Define Keys and Aliases dialog using the OK button, the Has Keys/Has Aliases buttons to the right of the entry in the Links Authentication Information will be marked with a check.
Authentication Options
To set the advanced parameters for Authentication, select the Authentication Options command from the Edit menu. The range of values for each parameter is specified between < > symbols. For example,
This parameter defines the interval between two consequent generations of an authentication stamp for transmission. A higher value saves CPU time but at the same time decreases the protection of the authentication mechanism, since an authentication stamp generated at a given instant will be used to authenticate all the outgoing frames in the next TX Stamp Interval seconds.
This parameter defines the interval between two periodic SYNC messages sent by a Server or a
This parameter defines the interval between two expected SYNC messages. It is relevant to Client and
This parameter defines the interval between two consecutive retries to transmit a SYNC request and receive a valid response. It is relevant to Client and Client/Server operation modes. The request is used by the RTU after restarting (to initially get the Server???s clock) and also when (for some reason) the periodic SYNC message is not received, or not properly authenticated.
Network Configuration
In case of an unreachable server (due to some communication problem), communication overhead will be higher as this parameter is lower (more frequent request transmissions). On the other hand, a client may be left with an invalid clock for at least the period of time defined in this parameter, if the server is unreachable.
This parameter defines the interval between two consecutive retries to transmit an ???After Restart??? message to the entire network (on the authenticated Links only). This parameter is relevant only to Server and Client/Server operation modes. Note that the number of retries is not set since a Server will try endlessly to transmit an After Restart message until it succeeds.
This parameter defines the maximum drift allowed between the timestamp contained in an authenticated received frame and the local clock or the receiving RTU. Hence this parameter defines the maximum drift between any two CPUs??? clocks. If Max Drift is set to x, then for a given time t0 (local receiver clock), a received frame must carry a timestamp in the range of t0 +/- x in order that it NOT be discarded. Recall that a received timestamp is added to the value of Maximum Network Delay and only then it is checked against the local receiver clock. The authentication mechanism of a received frame is stricter as Max Drift is set lower.
Note that the maximum drift may actually be smaller than the Max Drift parameter, because the incoming timestamp is compared to an internal generated timestamp and not to an actual clock. The internal timestamp is generated every TX Stamp Interval. Consider a situation where the Max Drift is set to 300 seconds and the TX Stamp Interval is set to 150 seconds. An RTU whose clock has drifted by 200 seconds may reject the received frame as invalid if its internal timestamp was generated 140 seconds previously.
This parameter defines the maximum of all delays of the authenticated links in the network. It is relevant to received frames only. If a frame carrying a timestamp with a value of t1 is received, the receiving RTU will add the value of Maximum Network Delay to t1 for the purpose of authenticating the frame. In most cases, this parameter should be set to zero.
Once the parameters have been set, click OK.
Edit Links Costs
This command is for future use.
Tools Menu
View As Text
The View As Text command (Network Configuration, Tools menu) opens the network configuration parameter values in textual form, as shown below. All standard Windows text file operations are available.
Network Configuration
The text file pictured above describes each link connected to NODE 1. From LINE 1 (known internally as
The Download command (Network Configuration, File menu) is used to download the currently open configuration file to an RTU.
After selecting the command, the ToolBox requires the password. Then it opens the following dialog box:
Network Configuration
Dialog box parameters
Site ID
Enter the Site ID of the unit to which the network configuration is to be downloaded.
Link ID
Enter the Link ID of the unit to which the network configuration is to be downloaded.
Click this button to start the download process. While the Network Configuration tool is
communicating with the RTU, the icon at the top right hand corner of the Network Configuration window will be animated.
The Font command (Network Configuration, Tools menu) is used to change the current settings for font name, style, size, etc.
View Menu
The View menu enables you to view or hide various screens from the utility window. Pull down the menu and click on an entry to toggle the viewing. The following views are available to the user.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the Network Configuration window.
Download window
The Download window displays a window with the progress and status of the download at the bottom of the Network Configuration window. This window can be dragged to a different area of the screen and can be closed by clicking on the X in the upper
Window Menu
The Window menu enables the user to arrange the various screens within the Network Configuration window. The screens can also be moved, resized or closed as standard Windows. In addition to the commands below, the Window menu lists the currently open windows. The checked name is the active screen. By clicking on another filename, the user can change the active screen.
Network Configuration
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the Network Configuration tool.
The Contents opens the help files which describe the Network Configuration tool and other IP Gateway ToolBox utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway ToolBox help is used.
The About displays the version information for the Network Configuration tool.
MDLC Links Configurator
The MDLC Links Configurator allows you to change the number of links assigned to each medium, such as lines, Rslinks, Radio links and zones.
Note: It is recommended that users not change the default values set by the manufacturer unless absolutely necessary. Be aware that the Links Configurator may change the physical value of each link. This may cause different treatment of links in certain configurations, such as Rslink as Radio or vice versa.
After activating the Links Configurator, close all ToolBox tools, stop the Communication Driver and then
The MDLC Links Configurator Window
To activate the MDLC Links Configurator,
MDLC Links Configurator
The first time you open the tool, two tabs will be available, Default and port.txt. The Default screen contains the values set by the manufacturer and cannot be modified. The port.txt screen above displays the (active) current configuration. This configuration file is initially the same as the Default, but both the content and the tab name can be modified.
At this point, you can choose to view either the Default dialog box or another existing dialog box (e.g. port.txt above), by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top of the screen.
To access another configuration (e.g. n1.txt above), simply click on the appropriate tab. You can open another configuration file or several files, using the Open option of the File menu.
Dialog box parameters- Communications Link Number
This section is used to change the number of links assigned to each medium.
MDLC Links Configurator
Number of free Links
Displays the number of free links in the current configuration. This is a protected field, and the displayed value cannot be changed.
Displays the number of lines used in the current configuration. This is an unprotected field, and the displayed value may be changed. The minimum is two lines.
Displays the number of Rslinks used in the current configuration. This is an unprotected field, and the displayed value may be changed. The minimum is one Rslink.
Displays the number of Radio links used in the current configuration. This is an unprotected field, and the displayed value may be changed. The minimum is one radio.
Displays the number of X.25 links used in the current configuration. This is a protected field, and the displayed value cannot be changed.
Dialog box parameters - Radio Zones Number
This section is used only to define the number of zones for each Radio link.
Number of free Radio Zones
Displays the number of free radio zones links in the current configuration. This field is updated automatically when the Number of Zones field changes.
Link Name
Use this field to select the particular radio link. Click the down arrow key to display the list of radio links defined, according to the Radio field. Select the desired radio link from the drop- down list box.
Zones Number
Displays the zone number corresponding to the radio link in the Link Name field. To change the value, click the down arrow key to display the
In the bottom section of the window, all zones defined in the current configuration are displayed with their corresponding radio links.
The following is a list of the available command icons.
MDLC Links Configurator
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are designed mainly for manipulating files and exiting the application. File menu commands are:
Creates a new configuration, based on the default settings. The ToolBox gives the new configuration a temporary name (NEW1, NEW2, etc.), until you save it under a different name.
Opens an existing link configuration file. After activating this command, the ToolBox displays the Open dialog box as shown below. The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Enter the desired link configuration file name and click OK to load it.
The ToolBox automatically adds the .txt extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Closes the currently open link configuration file.
Saves the current configuration file with the name, location, and file format you previously set in the Save As dialog box.
MDLC Links Configurator
When you save a configuration file for the first time, the ToolBox displays the Save dialog box.
Type the name of the link configuration file you want to create, and click OK. The ToolBox automatically adds the .txt extension. If you specify the name of a link configuration file that appears on the list, the ToolBox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
Save As
Saves the current link configuration information under a different file name. Use this command when you want to create a new link configuration file that is slightly different from an existing one. To do so, open an existing file, and click Save As in the File menu. The command opens the Save As dialog box as shown below.
To save the file under a different name, highlight the existing file name, type the new name and click OK. The ToolBox automatically adds the .txt extension. The Links Configurator program stores the current file under the new name on disk.
If you specify the name of a link configuration file that appears on the list, the ToolBox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
Save All
Saves all open link configuration files. If a file has not been saved before, the ToolBox displays the Save Configuration dialog box. Enter the new link configuration file name in the File Name box and click OK.
The Print command (MDLC Links Configurator, File menu) prints the contents of the link configuration file to a printer.
MDLC Links Configurator
Activates a different link configuration.
To activate another link configuration, use the Open command to display an existing link configuration file, then:
1.Click the tab of the desired configuration file at the top of the Links Configurator screen.
2.Open the File menu.
3.Choose the Activate command.
The ToolBox asks you to confirm that you want to activate another link configuration. Click Yes to activate the new configuration.
Activate Default
Activates the default link configuration. If you want to revert to the default link configuration:
1.Open the File menu.
2.Choose the Activate Default command.
The ToolBox asks you to confirm that you want to activate another link configuration. Click Yes to activate the default configuration.
Closes any open files and quits the MDLC Links Configurator. If a file has unsaved changes, an alert appears, asking whether to save the changes before exiting.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to MDLC Links Configurator tool.
The Contents opens the help files which describe the MDLC Links Configurator tool and other IP Gateway ToolBox utilities.
The About displays the version information for the MDLC Links Configurator tool.
Site Table
The Site Table utility enables the user to define the sites in the system with which the IP Gateway wishes to communicate. Unlike the network configuration which defines only those sites which are nodes, the Site table contains all the sites.
For each destination site, the user defines a logical address (Site ID), and the links (Link ID) through which it is connected. When sending data to another site, the user refers to the destination using the site index of the table.
Site Table Window
The Site Table Window allows you to define all sites in the system. To start the Site Table tool,
Click on the New icon or select New from the File menu to open a new Site table. The following is displayed. An existing Site table can also be opened and edited.
Site Table
For each site in the system, enter the Site ID, the number of retries to be performed and the number of seconds to wait between retries. For each site, enter the primary link ID, secondary link ID and the length of time to wait before an unresponsive link is considered invalid. Next, click on the Save icon or select Save/Save As from the File menu.
Once the file is saved, it can be downloaded to the site.
Communication parameters
When this box is checked, the Site table is downloaded to the locally connected site. The default setting for communication is Local. When this box is not checked, the Site table is downloaded to the remotely connected site, and the appropriate Site ID and Link ID must be specified.
Site ID:
When the Local box is not checked, the Site table is downloaded to a remote site at the specified Site ID connected to the PC via the specified Link ID.
Link ID:
When the Local box is not checked, the Site table is downloaded to a remote site connected to the PC via the specified Link ID.
Site Table
Dialog box parameters and functions
Site ID
Click in the cell to enter the Site ID for the site being added. (Note: The Site ID was defined for the site in its site configuration.)
Click in the cell to enter the number of attempts to be made to communicate with a non- responding site. The valid range of retries is
Primary Link ID
Click on the down arrow (or
Primary Link Validity
The Gateway tests communication with the sites on a regular basis. If a site has not responded for a specific time interval, the link is considered unreachable.
Secondary Link ID
Click on the down arrow and select the proper link (other than the Primary) through which the RTU is connected to the network from the list box.
Site Table
Secondary Link Validity
The Gateway tests communication with the sites on a regular basis. If a site has not responded for a specific time interval, the link is considered unreachable.
The following is the list of the available command icons.
Site Table
Most of the icons are dimmed unless there is an open Site table file.
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are designed mainly for manipulating tables and exiting the application.
The New command clears the currently loaded file from the screen and opens a new file.
The Open command opens an existing Site table file. After activating this command, the Toolbox displays the dialog box shown below. The Open dialog box defaults to the config
If the desired table is listed,
The Toolbox automatically adds the .stb extension.
The Close command closes the current open Site table file. If the file has unsaved changes, an alert appears, asking whether to save the changes before closing.
Site Table
Click the appropriate button.
The Save command stores the current Site table file on disk for future use.
If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the file.
If the file has been saved before, Toolbox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As... command saves the current Site table information under a different file name. You would use this command when you want to create a new Site table file that is slightly different from an existing one. To do so, open an existing file, and click Save As??? in the File menu. The command opens the Save As dialog box.
To save the file under a different name, highlight the existing file name, and then type the new name. Click OK. The Site Table program stores the current file under the new name on disk.
This command sends the Site table data to the default printer. The program sends a confirmation message that the data is directed to the default printer. Click YES to continue the print process.
This command downloads the Site table data to the site specified in the Communication parameters. If the download is to the site directly connected to the Toolbox computer, make sure the Local box is checked (the default). If the download is to a remote site, unselect the Local box and specify the Site ID and Link ID parameters at the top of the screen. If no communication driver has been started, the utility will prompt you for the Site password.
During the download, the utility will display the current status and actions being performed.
While the Site Table tool is communicating with the site, the icon at the top right hand corner of the Site Table window will be animated.
Because the Download command downloads the Site table data without resetting the site, it should only be used to download Site tables which add new sites to the system. If the Site table to be downloaded contains Site IDs already defined in the site, the Downloader utility should be used.
Site Table
This command aborts the download of the Site table data to the specified site.
The Exit command closes any open files and quits the Site table program. If a file has unsaved changes, an alert appears, asking whether to save the changes before exiting.
Click the appropriate button.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that affect the Site table list.
Cuts selected row(s) from the current Site Table file to the system clipboard.
Copies selected row(s)/column(s) from the current Site Table file to the system clipboard.
Pastes selected row(s)/column(s) from the current Site Table file to the system clipboard.
Insert Site
Opens a new row above an existing row to insert a new site.
Insert Group of Sites
Inserts a single site or several sites at once. When activated, the following screen is displayed:
Site Table
Dialog box parameters and functions
Number of Sites
First Site ID
Primary Link ID
Click on the down arrow and select the proper Link ID from the list box. The default Link ID is Radio 1.
Primary Link Validity
Secondary link ID
Click on the down arrow and select the proper Link ID (other than the Primary) from the list box. The default Link ID is Radio 1.
Site Table
Secondary Link Validity
Delete Site
Deletes the selected site.
Delete Group of Sites
You may use this command to delete either an individual site, or several sites at once. .
To delete a single site:
???Click the desired site.
???Select the Delete Group of Selected Sites command or click on the icon.
To delete two or more sites at the same time:
???Select the sites you wish to delete by holding the left mouse button while dragging the mouse until all sites are highlighted.
???Select the Delete Group of Selected Sites command or click on the icon.
Change Retries Value
Changes the number of retries of the selected site(s).
???Or select several retries cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted. Select the Change Retries Value command or click on the icon.
???Enter the desired number of retries in the dialog as shown below and click OK.
Site Table
Change Timeout Value
Changes the timeout value of the selected site(s).
???Or select several timeout cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted. Select the Change Timeout Value command or click on the icon.
???Enter the new timeout value in the dialog box as shown below and click OK.
Change Primary Link ID Value
Changes the Primary Link ID of the selected site(s).
To change the Primary Link ID of a single site:
???Select the proper Link ID from the displayed list box and click OK.
To change the Primary Link ID of several sites at once:
???Select several Primary Link ID cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted.
???Select the Change Primary Link ID Value command or click on the icon.
???Click on the down arrow and select the proper Link ID from the displayed list box as shown below and click OK.
Site Table
Change Primary Link Validity Value
Changes the primary link validity value of the selected site.
???Or select several Primary Link Validity cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted. Select the Change Primary Link Validity Value command or click on the icon.
???Enter the new link validity value in the dialog box as shown below and click OK.
Change Secondary Link ID Value
Changes the Secondary Link ID of the selected site(s).
To change the Secondary Link ID of a single site:
???Select the proper Link ID from the displayed list box and click OK.
To change the Secondary Link ID of several sites at once:
???Select several Secondary Link ID cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted.
???Select the Change Secondary Link ID Value command or click on the icon.
???Click on the down arrow and select the proper Link ID from the displayed list box as shown below and click OK.
Site Table
Change Secondary Link Validity Value
Changes the secondary link validity value of the selected site.
???Or select several Secondary Link Validity cells at once by dragging with the left mouse button until all sites to be changed are highlighted. Select the Change Secondary Link Validity Value command or click on the icon.
???Enter the new link validity value in the dialog box as shown below and click OK.
Sort By Site ID
Arranges the cells in the Site Table by site order.
Default Center
The Default Center command enables the user to set up the Site table entry for the default central for burst to central. This screen is
Site Table
Dialog box parameters and functions
Reserved Line
The row in the Site table where the default center will be defined.
Site ID
The Site ID for the site being defined as the default center. (Note: The Site ID was defined for the site in its site configuration.)
The number of attempts to be made to communicate with a
The time (in seconds) to wait between communication retries.
Primary Link ID
The link through which the site is connected to the network.
Primary Link Validity
The Gateway tests communication with the sites on a regular basis. If a site has not responded for a specific time interval, the link is considered unreachable.
Secondary Link ID
The link (other than the Primary) through which the RTU is connected to the network from the list box.
Secondary Link Validity
The Gateway tests communication with the sites on a regular basis. If a site has not responded for a specific time interval, the link is considered unreachable.
View Menu
The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view is then displayed on the Site Table window.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Table bar
The Table bar displays, at the top of the Site Table window, the commands used to manipulate the Site Table cells.
Site bar
The Site bar displays the Site ID/Link ID at the top of the Site Table window and enables the user to define the site (local/remote) to which it will download the Site table.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the Site Table window.
Site Table
Window Menu
The Window menu enables the user to arrange the various screens within the Site Table window. The screens can also be moved, resized or closed as standard Windows. In addition to the commands below, the Window menu lists the currently open windows. The checked name is the active screen. By clicking on another filename, the user can change the active screen.
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the Site Table tool.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Site Table tool and other IP Gateway Toolbox utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway Toolbox help is used.
The About command displays the version information for the Site Table tool.
SNMP Configurator
The SNMP Configurator program allows the definition of the SNMP and the Motorola SSC (System Support Center) parameters. Selecting the SSC option sets the Gateway MIB to support Motorola specific OmniLink and SmartZone systems.
The SNMP Configurator Window
The SNMP Gateway Configurator Window is used to set the SNMP configuration for the IP Gateway. After activating the program from the IP Gateway Toolbox Group, the following dialog box is displayed:
Gateway Name
The Gateway Name identifies the name of the Gateway???s location/zone. The NMC (Network Management Control Center) application retrieves this name by using the IP Gateway MIB.
SSC Settings
Gateway source IP
The IP Gateway sends SNMP Trap_PDUs that include a virtual ???Gateway source IP??? address.
SNMP Configurator
Manager host IP
The IP Gateway sends, without the need for registration, SNMP Trap_PDUs to the SSC manager with ???Manager host IP??? address.
Manager Port ID
The IP Gateway sends SNMP Trap_PDUs to the SSC manager with
The following four fields are part of MIB II parameters that define the contact person???s name and the location of the Gateway, as well as the Community Strings that serve as passwords for accessing the Gateway.
The name of the contact person responsible for setting, configuring and maintaining the IP Gateway and all NFM RTUs and devices installed at the communication sites.
For maintenance purposes, the address of the location of the IP Gateway device should be provided. The NMC application or the MIB Browser can retrieve this address by using the IP Gateway MIB.
Community Read
The definition of the Community String Read provides a READ security password to the IP Gateway. The NMC should supply the same Community String (case sensitive) in order to read information from the IP Gateway: (Get_PDU/Get_Next_PDU Requests PDUs) and for sending Traps.
Community Write
The definition of the Community String Write provides a WRITE security password to the IP Gateway. The NMC should supply the same Community String (case sensitive) in order to write information to the IP Gateway: Set_PDU Request.
DB refresh interval[s]
The database refresh interval specifies the refresh (validity) interval in seconds of the data received from the sites in the internal IP Gateway cache. The data is discarded after this interval expires.
File menu, New command
File menu, Open command
File menu, Save command
File menu, Download command
File menu, Upload command
SNMP Configurator
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are designed mainly for managing SNMP Configuration files and exiting the application. File menu commands are:
The New command clears the current settings from the main window. If you made changes to the current settings without saving them, the SNMP Configurator program displays a confirmation screen, asking if you want to save the data. Click the appropriate button.
The Open command opens an existing SNMP Configuration file. After activating this command, Toolbox displays the Open dialog box. The Open dialog box defaults to the config
The Save command stores the current SNMP Configuration parameters that appear on the main screen. If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the SNMP Configuration file. If the file has been saved at least once, Toolbox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command saves the current download settings under a different file name. Generally, you'll use this command when you want to create a SNMP Configuration file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The command opens the Save As dialog box. This dialog appears also when you request to save a configuration file for the first time.
Type the name of the SNMP Configuration file you want to create, and click OK. Toolbox automatically adds the .snm extension. If you specify the name of a SNMP Configuration file that appears on the list, Toolbox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
The Download command is used to download a SNMP Configuration file to the IP Gateway unit (to be stored in the FLASH memory in the CPU module). You can download to an IP Gateway unit directly connected to the Toolbox computer, or to a remote IP Gateway unit.
This command also enables you to change the Site ID and system address of the IP Gateway unit. Before activating the Download command:
SNMP Configurator
???Make sure that you have loaded the correct configuration file - the one that contains the
configuration for the IP Gateway unit you are communicating with. Use the Open command to open a configuration file.
???Ensure that the Toolbox computer is ready to communicate.
After you select Download, Toolbox asks you to specify the communication password, if this is the first time that the Communication Driver is used. If the Communication Driver was activated before, no password is required. Following the entry of the correct password, the Download SNMP Configuration dialog is displayed.
Select this parameter if the Toolbox computer is locally connected to the IP Gateway.
Select this parameter if the Toolbox computer is connected to a remote IP Gateway. This selection enables the Site ID and Link ID parameters.
Site ID, Link ID
To configure a remote site, specify the Site ID, then open the Link ID
Download button
After entering the parameters, click this button to download the configuration file. Toolbox displays the download progress, as shown below.
SNMP Configurator
This screen records the ongoing activity of the SNMP Configuration downloading process from the Toolbox computer to the IP Gateway unit. Click Abort to abort the download.
If the Download ended successfully, the "Download finished successfully" message will display in the output screen. Click OK to return to the Download SNMP Configuration screen.
In case of a malfunction, the corresponding error message will be displayed.
At the end of this operation, the IP Gateway builds the software object entities according to the users definitions.
Close button
Click this button to stop the download process.
SNMP Configurator
The Upload command is used to read the SNMP configuration of a site into Toolbox. You can upload from the IP Gateway directly connected to the Toolbox computer, or from a remote IP Gateway unit.
Before you activate the Upload command, ensure that the Toolbox computer is ready to communicate. After you select Upload, Toolbox asks you to specify the communication password, if this is the first time that the Communication Driver is used. If the Communication Driver was activated before, no password is required. Following the entry of the correct password, the Upload SNMP Configuration dialog is displayed.
If the Toolbox computer is locally connected to the IP Gateway, select this parameter.
If you want to upload the configuration of a remote site, click this parameter.
Site ID, Link ID
To upload the configuration of a remote site, specify its Site ID, then open the Link ID drop- down list and select the appropriate Link ID. The Toolbox displays the following screen.
SNMP Configurator
This screen records the ongoing activity of the SNMP Configuration uploading process from the IP Gateway unit to theToolbox computer.
Click OK to return to the Upload SNMP Configuration screen.
The Exit command closes any open files and quits SNMP Configurator.
If a file has unsaved changes, an alert appears, asking whether to save the changes before exiting.
Click the appropriate button.
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the SNMP Configurator utility.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the SNMP Configurator tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
Using Help
The Using Help command explains to the user how the IP Gateway help is used.
The About command displays the version information for the SNMP Configurator tool.
The Downloader utility enables you to download multiple blocks or files needed to configure the IP Gateway. You can specify the names of files to download and save the list of names in a file (.ini) which can be reused.
The Downloader is also used to upgrade the system software of the IP Gateway. An alternative method of upgrading the system software is described in the IP Gateway Web Operation chapter below.
Downloading Files
After activating the utility from the ToolBox folder, the following dialog box is displayed.
To define a session, click on the Add Session icon or select Add New Session from the Edit menu. The initial/default download settings file will be named download.ini. To open an existing download settings file, click on the Open icon or select Open from the File menu. An example of a session is shown below:
Identify the IP Gateway to which the download will be performed, by default, the local RTU. To define a remote IP Gateway, specify the Site ID and Link ID. Next specify the various download parameters. The values for the parameters are changed by clicking in the cell and either typing or selecting from a choice list. Finally, select the files to be downloaded to the IP Gateway. Pick the desired file type and locate the desired file. Drag the file names into the session text area or
Additional sessions to the same or different IP Gateways can be defined in the same way. Click on the Add Session icon or select Add New Session from the Edit menu, or
The settings can be saved in the .ini file for future downloads. A download session can be saved in a file, then slightly modified for use with other IP Gateways.
To print the current .ini file,
When the download session is defined, click on the Download icon to download the files to the IP Gateway. If no communication has been set up, you will be prompted for the password to the IP Gateway. To download only one session within the .ini file,
During the Download process, the ToolBox displays its current status and actions being performed, as shown below.
If for any reason you need to abort the download, press the Abort icon in the toolbar at the top of the window.
After successful completion of the download, the following message appears: Download finished successfully.
If a new system is to be downloaded, follow the process Downloading system software described below.
Dialog box parameters and functions
Download button
Starts the process of downloading files. The progress of the download will be documented in the download window, placed by default at the bottom left corner of the screen. A transcript of the download will be saved in the Log File defined for the Download Session. While the
Downloader tool is communicating with the IP Gateway, the icon at the top right hand corner of the Downloader window will be animated.
Abort button
Aborts the downloading process. The failure of the download will be documented in the download window at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Downloader Sessions
Session n
The session number. By default, the Downloader begins with Session 1 and then increments the session number for each successive downloader session defined. Several sessions can be defined in one download setting file.
Site ID: Local
If you plan to download to the locally connected IP Gateway, Local must be selected. The default value is Local. To download to a remotely connected IP Gateway, click on the word Local and enter a Site ID when the cell becomes editable. Then click on the last cell of the row and select a Link ID. If a blank Link ID is selected, the Site ID will revert to Local.
Link ID:
To download to a remotely connected IP Gateway, click on the cell and select a Link ID. Make sure that the appropriate Site ID was selected.
Required unit type
Specify the unit type to which the files are to be downloaded. The only possible value is:
IP Gateway
Flash Erase type
The IP Gateway hardware does not include EPROMs. Instead, its software is stored on Flash memory chips. In order to load and burn the Gateway software and the Gateway configuration, a small kernel software file was developed, and is
Other partitions of the IP Gateway Flash memory are:
CODE (system) partition
CONFIGURATION (parameters) partition.
Loading a new version of the Gateway software is done using the Downloader utility, which downloads the Gateway programs into the Code partition. Before loading the new software, the old version should be erased from the Flash memory, using the Erase flash and preserve siteConf option.
Occasionally, it is necessary to erase the Gateway configuration in order to restore the default configuration. In such cases, the old configuration should be erased from the Configuration partition, by using the Erase all flash before download option.
The erasing and loading of the Gateway software requires communication between
Specify whether the flash memory should be erased before downloading and whether the site configuration should be preserved. The possible values are:
Don???t erase flash before download (default)
Erase all flash before download
Erase flash and preserve siteConf
Don???t Erase Flash Before Download
The download operation does not erase the contents of the flash memory.
Erase All Flash Before Download
Causes the utility to erase the contents of the flash memory before the download.
Erase Flash and Preserve SiteConf
Causes the utility to erase the contents of the flash memory, except for the site configuration data, before the download.
Unit Reset
Specify whether the IP Gateway should be reset after downloading or under what circumstances the IP Gateway should be reset. The only possible values is:
Reset after total download
If you have changed the site ID, you must first download the site configuration alone, with the modified ID. If you want to download more data, repeat the Download operation for the additional blocks (do not download the site configuration together with the other blocks).
Log File
Specifies the name of the file where the download session is logged.
New Site ID
Enables the user to change the Site ID of the IP Gateway. The Site ID defines the unit???s logical address, and it may range from 1 to 65,287. By default, this value is 1. This parameter is only visible when adding a site configuration file to the session. If the site configuration file is deleted from the session, this parameter will also be deleted.
System Address
The system address is the physical base address assigned to the whole system, and may range from 1 to 65,287. The base address is used in broadcast transmissions. By default, this value is 0. This parameter is only visible when downloading the site configuration. If the site configuration file is deleted from the session, this parameter will also be deleted.
Specify the files to be downloaded to the IP Gateway. The files can include Site Configuration (.cfg), Network Configuration (.scf), Phone Book (.tel), Sites Table (.stb), SNMP Configuration (.snm), Host Table (.hst), IP Conversion Table (.ipc), DataTac (RNC) Modem ID Table (.rnc), NTP Configuration (.ntp). A new version of the system software (.krl) can also be downloaded in a separate System Download session.
Specifying files to be downloaded:
First choose a file type for the file to be downloaded from the File Type choice list at the bottom of the Directory bar.
Find the desired file name on the computer, using the Drive parameters described below. Drag the file name to the session text area or
desired session(s). A new entry of the appropriate type will be created (e.g. Site Configuration).
Once a file type entry has been created for the session, the filename listed (e.g. C:\Itbox550\Config\conf1.cfg) can be edited or erased. If you decide not to download a file of that type, you can delete the file type entry, by
You will be prompted as follows:
If a new Site Configuration is being downloaded, a new Site ID must be defined.
Specifying system software files to be downloaded:
To select a system software kernel file to be downloaded, select Open System File from the File menu. The utility will default to the C:\Itbox550\system directory. You can also select another directory. Select the desired .krl file. The downloader session will automatically be renamed System Downloader Session with the following parameters:
Product Type
IP Gateway. (This field cannot be edited.)
System File Path
The full pathname of the kernel (.krl) file selected. (This field cannot be edited.)
Communication Port
Select the PC communication port to be used for the download to the IP Gateway (COM1- COM9).
Data Speed
Select the data speed to be used for the download to the IP Gateway
Select a directory containing files to be downloaded to the IP Gateway. The default directory is the ToolBox home (Itbox550). Click on the arrow to browse through other drives/directories on the computer.
File Type
Select a file type to identify files to be downloaded to the IP Gateway.
Downloading system software
Downloading system software requires a separate download session. Before downloading new system software, make sure the communication driver is not running on the port to be used for the download. (For example, if the driver is running on COM1, either download on COM2 or
stop the driver.) To change the Communication Port or Data Speed, select the parameter (left click) and select the value from the choice list.
To specify a system software kernel file to be downloaded, select Open System File from the File menu. The utility will default to the C:\Itbox550\system directory. You can also select another directory. Select the desired .krl file and click on the Open button. The downloader session will automatically be renamed System Downloader Session.
Note: The user does not need to erase the existing system software from the IP Gateway before downloading a new system. This is done automatically by the Downloader utility.
Set the download parameters as detailed above in the Specifying system software files to be downloaded section under Downloading Files.
Click on the Download icon or select Download this Session from the Edit menu. The following message will appear.
Switch off the IP Gateway, and then switch it on again. This will put the IP Gateway into bootstrap mode and enable a new system to be downloaded. The download process will begin
immediately. Upon successful completion of the download process, the DIAG LED will blink. All the gateways LEDs will blink once and then blink again after approximately 30 seconds.
During the Download process, the ToolBox displays its current status and actions being performed. If for any reason you need to abort the download, press the Abort icon in the toolbar at the top of the window. During the download of the kernel file, the ToolBox displays various statistics in the text area, as shown below.
If the version of the existing configuration or user application is incompatible with the new version of the firmware software, an error message will appear to that effect. In this case, the
user part of the Flash memory (Site/Network Configuration, phone book, etc.) must be erased and the contents downloaded again.
Erasing Configuration
Occasionally, it is necessary to erase the IP Gateway configuration and the contents of the user Flash memory, in order to restore the default configuration.
To erase the existing configuration and the user part of the Flash , select Open System File from the File menu. The utility will default to the C:\Itbox550\system directory. Select the desired .krl file and click on the Open button. The downloader session will automatically be renamed System Downloader Session.
Next click on the Erase Configuration icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. The following message will appear.
Switch off the Gateway, and then switch it on again. This will put the Gateway in bootstrap mode and enable a new configuration to be downloaded. The download process will begin immediately after these actions.
Upon successful completion of the download process, the DIAG LED will blink. All the gateways LEDs will blink once and then blink again after approximately 30 seconds.
The following is the list of the available command icons and buttons.
Erase Configuration command
Edit menu, Download command
Edit menu, Abort command
File menu, Print command
Help menu, About command
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are mainly designed to handle download settings files.
The New command (Downloader, File menu) opens a new download settings file (.ini). After activating this command, Downloader displays the New dialog box, as shown below.
The New dialog box defaults to the config
Select the download settings file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Enter the name of the download settings file. The ToolBox automatically adds the .ini extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .ini, open the
The Open command (Downloader, File menu) opens an existing download settings file. After activating this command, Downloader displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the download settings file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it. If another file is open, it will be closed and replaced by the selected file. If changes were made to the open file, you will first be prompted to save the changes.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Enter the name of the download settings file. The ToolBox automatically adds the .ini extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .ini, open the
The Save command (Downloader, File menu) saves the current download file. The initial/default download file is called download.ini.
If an existing download file is opened or a new file is created, the changes must be saved before performing the download. If no save is done, you will be prompted to save the file.
Save As
The Save As command (Downloader, File menu) saves the current download settings under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create a download settings file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
For a standard download settings file, the command opens the dialog box shown below. An open system file can also be saved under a different name using the Save As command, but the default directory and file type in the dialog box will be different.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the download settings file you want to create, and click OK. The ToolBox automatically adds the .ini extension to download setting files and .krl to system files. If you specify the name of a download settings file that appears on the list, the ToolBox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
Save as type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. The default type for download setting files is .ini. The default type for system files is .krl. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not correct, open the
The Close command (Downloader, File menu) closes the current open download/system file.
Open System File
The Open System File command (Downloader, File menu) opens an existing a system file (.krl). After activating this command, Downloader displays the dialog box below.
The dialog box defaults to the system
Select the system file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Enter the name of the system file. The ToolBox automatically adds the .krl extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .krl, open the
This command downloads all sessions of the download settings file or system file to the IP Gateway.
This command aborts the download of the download settings file or system file to the IP Gateway.
This command sends the current open file to the default printer. The program sends a confirmation message that the data is directed to the default printer. Click YES to continue the print process.
Print Setup
This command opens a standard Windows print setup dialog which enables the user to configure the default printer.
Recent System Files
This command enables the user to easily access the four most recently used system files.
Recent Download Files
This command enables the user to easily access the four most recently used download files.
The Exit command closes the open file and quits the Downloader utility. If a file has unsaved changes, an alert appears, asking whether to save the changes before exiting. If the screens in
the Downloader window have been rearranged/resized by the user, they will appear in those places/sizes the next time the Downloader is started.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains the following commands which are applicable for download settings files only. In System sessions, only the Communication Port and Data Speed parameters can be edited, and this is done using choice lists, not the Edit menu.
Download This session
Downloads the current session to the IP Gateway. While the Downloader tool is
communicating with the IP Gateway, the icon at the top right hand corner of the Downloader window will be animated.
Rename Session
Renames the current session.
Add Session
Adds a new session to the current active download file.
Copy Session
Copies selected session from the current download settings file to the system clipboard.
Paste Session
Pastes session from the system clipboard to the selected cells in the current download settings file.
Cut Session
Cuts selected session from the current download settings file to the system clipboard.
Deletes session from the current download settings file.
View Menu
The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view is then displayed on the Downloader window.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom edge of the Downloader window. This message area is
Directory bar
The Directory bar displays a window with the list of directories, by default, to the left of the Downloader window. The user can select files to download, using the Drive and Files Type boxes. This window can be dragged to a different area of the screen and can be closed by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the window.
Download bar
The Download bar displays a window with the progress and status of the download at the bottom of the Downloader window. This window can be dragged to a different area of the screen and can be closed by clicking on the X in the upper
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the Downloader utility.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Downloader utility and other IP Gateway ToolBox utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway ToolBox help is used.
The About command displays the version information for the Downloader utility.
Dial Up
One of the most important features of the IP Gateway Toolbox is the capability to call a modem connected to any unit (RTU or FEP) in the system by means of a dialup modem (HAYES??? or compatible), and perform all the functions of the IP Gateway Toolbox remotely (from your office, home, or any other place).
You may perform the following remotely:
???Site Configuration upload and download
???System software diagnostics
???Error logger retrieving to identify hardware and software failures
???Phone book downloading
???Specific file downloading
Modem Connections
Before using the Dial Up program, ensure that the baud rate of the communication port is equal to the modem baud rate. Use the Communication Setup utility to modify the communication port baud rate. See Communication Setup later in this chapter.
Connect the modem to the RTU or FEP
To connect the modem, use the modem adapter cable FLN6458 (with male
Communication link
Telephone line
The FEP communication port is defined as Computer port to allow the engineer to temporarily disconnect the modem and connect the IP Gateway Toolbox instead. Note that the connection cable to the computer is different.
Dial Up
The FEP communication port baud rate should be equal to the modem baud rate. When connecting the IP Gateway Toolbox instead of the modem, the Toolbox baud rate should also be set up to be equal.
The unit to which the modem is connected may be referred to as Local or by Site ID and Link ID. All other sites in the system should be referred to by their Site ID and Link ID.
The modem connected to the site must be in
For example, for the Hayes Smart Modem 1200 the jumpers should be as detailed in the following table.
All other jumpers should be according to the default supplied by the manufacturer.
The jumpers setting of the modem connected to the central are detailed in the following table.
All other jumpers should be according to the default supplied by the manufacturer.
For more instructions on setting up the modems, see Appendix B: Remote Toolbox Modem Setup.
Parameter Settings
Three Dial Up parameters may be changed by the user, if necessary. The changes are made directly in the WMDLCDRV.INI file located in the itbox550\Prg\ directory. The file can be modified using a standard Windows text editor. All three parameters are found in the [Dial] section of the file, as shown below.
The first parameter enables the user to lengthen the pause time in dialing. The second specifies whether the dialing method is Tone, Pulse or the default of the phone line. The third parameter can be used to define a default string, if such is required by the modem.
; optional string to be sent before dial
;pcc_optional_str0= at+ms=,,,9600P ; This string forces line communication to 9600
Dial Up
In order for the changes to the Dial Up Utility to take effect, close all Toolbox tools and Stop Communication Driver.
Dial Up Window
To start the program, in the IP Gateway Toolbox folder. After the correct password is entered, the Dial Up screen is opened. A new or existing Dial Up file can be opened (using the New or Open commands or icons), and entries can be input as shown below. Several Dial Up files can be opened at the same time.
The following is the list of the available command icons.
Dial Up
Edit menu, Copy command
Edit menu, Paste command
File menu, Print command
Help menu, About command
Phone menu, Dial Up command
Phone menu, Hang Up command
Edit menu, Insert Row command
Edit menu, Delete Row command
Edit menu, Sort command
Dialog box parameters and functions
A logical name of the addressed site.
Phone Number
The phone number at the addressed site. If a pulse phone is to be used, you should enter ???p??? before the phone number. Refer to the modem manual for information about codes (such as wait, pause, etc.) to be added to the phone number.
File Menu
The File menu commands enable you to save phone numbers to a file and to carry out file operations.
The New command opens a new dial up file. If an existing file is currently displayed, the new dial up file will be opened in front of it. To view the previous file, simply minimize, close or resize the new file. Multiple windows can be displayed simultaneously.
The Open command opens an existing file. After activating this command, Toolbox displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
Dial Up
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the configuration file (see parameters below) and click Open to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the dial up file. ToolBox automatically adds the .dlp extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .dlp, open the
The Close command closes an existing file.
The Save command stores the current
If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the file. (See below.)
If the file has been saved at least once, Toolbox just saves the file.
Dial Up
Save As
The Save As command saves the current
The command opens the dialog box shown below. This dialog also appears when you request to save a file for the first time.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the dial up file you want to create, and click OK. ToolBox automatically adds the .dlp extension. If you specify the name of an existing dial up file, ToolBox asks you if you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .dlp, open the
This command prints the current dial up file to your standard system printer. If no printer is set up, see Windows Help or your system administrator.
Dial Up
The Merge command combines two
1.Open one of the files.
2.Open the File menu and select the Merge command. The following is displayed.
3. In the Merge dialog box,
Note that Dial Up adds the contents of the second file to the first. The current file is the first file. You can Save or Save As.
The Exit command exits the Dial Up utility.
Dial Up
Edit Menu
The edit menu contains commands that affect the
Cuts selected block of cells from the current dial up file to the system clipboard.
Copies selected block of cells from the current dial up file to the system clipboard.
Pastes block of cells from the system clipboard to the selected cells in the current dial up file.
Insert Row
Opens a new row above an existing row.
Delete Current Row
Deletes the current row from the file.
Sorts the file entries in Name order.
View Menu
The View menu enables you to view or hide the Toolbar or Status Bar from the utility window. Pull down and select the entry to toggle the viewing.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the Dial Up window.
Phone Menu
This menu includes commands for dialing and hanging up.
Dial Up
Dial Up
Select a row and then this command to dial the corresponding phone number. If a channel is currently open, the dial up utility asks you to close it first.
Hang Up
Use this command to disconnect the telephone line. The line is not automatically disconnected when you close the Dial Up window.
Window Menu
This menu enables you to arrange and view the open files as desired, using standard Windows commands.
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the Dial Up utility.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Dial Up tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway help is used.
About Dial Up
The About command displays the version information for the Dial Up tool.
Site Date & Time
The Site Date & Time utility enables the user to update the date and time of any site and IP Gateway in the system and retrieve the date and time from any site or IP Gateway. The utility can communicate with more than one site in any given session, with multiple screens opened simultaneously. All the RTUs in the network can be synchronized to the same time as the host computer.
Site Date & Time Window
To start the Site Date & Time tool,
The header of the window will reflect the tool name (Site Date & Time), the sequential number of the current screen (e.g. Site Date & Time[1]). The first screen to be opened (Site Date & Time[1]) occupies the entire window.
Click on the clock icon or select the New command from the Site menu to open a new Date & Time session with another IP Gateway. During communication, the site (either Local or Site ID x Link ID y) will also be displayed in the window header. While the Site Date &
Time tool is communicating with the IP Gateway, the icon at the top right hand corner of the Site Date & Time window will be animated.
Dialog box parameters and functions
Computer Date & Time
This parameter shows the current computer date and time in the format shown above and cannot be edited.
Site Date & Time
Site Date & Time
This parameter displays the current date and time at the site, and cannot be edited. While the tool is sending a command to the IP Gateway, the string ????? ?? ????? will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field.
The information below identifies the IP Gateway with which the Site Date & Time tool will communicate.
When this box is checked, the Date & Time functions are performed on the locally connected IP Gateway. The default setting for communication is Local.
When this box is checked, the Date & Time functions are performed on the remotely connected IP Gateway. and the appropriate Site ID and Link ID must be specified.
Site ID
When the Remote box is checked, the Date & Time functions are performed on a remote IP Gateway at the specified Site ID connected to the PC via the specified Link ID.
Link ID
When the Remote box is checked, the Date & Time functions are performed on a remote IP Gateway connected to the PC via the specified Link ID.
Gets the IP Gateway Date & Time, and displays it in the Site Date & Time box.
Sends the current computer Date & Time to the IP Gateway. Make sure that the PC Date & Time are correct.
Select this command to synchronize all the sites in the system to the PC Date & Time. When the Sync button is clicked, the following dialog box is displayed:
In the Link ID
If the synchronization is successful, a message will appear.
Press the Cancel button to abort the Sync function.
The following command icons are available in the toolbar.
Site Date & Time
Site Menu
The Site menu enables the user to perform commands on the Site Date & Time screens.
The New command opens a new Site Date & Time screen. If an existing file is currently displayed, the new Site Date & Time screen will be opened in front of it. Screens open in a cascade, but can be moved around the Site Date & Time window. (See Window Menu.)
To view the previous file, move, minimize, close or resize the new file. Multiple windows can be displayed simultaneously. Each new screen is numbered sequentially (i.e. Site Date & Time[1], Site Date & Time[2], etc.)
The Close closes the current Site Date & Time screen.
The Exit command exits the Site Date & Time utility.
Actions Menu
The following actions are available to the user.
The Get command retrieves the current Date & Time from the IP Gateway. During the retrieval, the string ????? ?? ????? will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field. If the get is successful, the IP Gateway Date & Time will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field. If the get fails, a message ???No Communication??? will be displayed.
The Set command writes the current Date & Time of the host PC to the IP Gateway. During the write process, the string ????? ?? ????? will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field. If the set is successful, the updated Date & Time will be displayed in the Site Date & Time field. If the set fails, a message ???No Communication??? will be displayed.
The Sync command sends a message to synchronize all sites in the Network with the Date & Time of the host PC. During the sync process, the string ????? ?? ????? will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field. If the sync is successful, the updated Date & Time will be displayed in the Site Date & Time Field.
Site Date & Time
View Menu
The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view is then displayed on the Date & Time window.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the Site Date & Time window.
Window Menu
The Window menu enables the user to arrange the various screens within the Date & Time window. The screens can also be moved, resized or closed as standard Windows. In addition to the commands below, the Window menu lists the currently open windows. The checked name is the active screen. By clicking on another filename, the user can change the active screen.
New Window
The New Window command creates a new screen within the Date & Time window and displays it on top of any existing windows. This window is another instance of an existing window and will be numbered sequentially (i.e. Site Date & Time[1]:2)
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the Date & Time tool.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Date & Time tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
Site Date & Time
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway help is used.
About Site Date
The About command displays the version information for the Date & Time tool.
Phone Book
The Phone Book utility allows you to conduct a session with another unit via a telephone line. The utility connects to the unit as any other unit or link in the system (using Site ID and Link ID). After you activate Phone Book from the Program Manager, the following is displayed.
The utility opens with an empty phone book. You can create a new phone book or load an existing one and type in changes or additions.
The following is the list of the available command icons.
Phone Book
File menu, Print command
Help menu, About command
Help menu, Help command
Edit menu, Insert Row command
Edit menu, Delete Row command
Edit menu, Sort command
File menu, Download command
Edit menu, Abort command
Dialog box parameters and functions
Site Id
Type or edit the site ID of the unit.
Phone Number 1, 2, 3
You can enter up to three telephone numbers for each site. The phone number can hold up to 50 characters.
The valid characters are: 1234567890*#ABCDabcdPTWptw and the comma (,) which is used for pausing. Note P or p are used form pulse dialing and T or t for tone dialing.
File Menu
You can perform all the basic file operations using the commands of the File menu. After opening the menu, the following commands are displayed:
The New command opens a new phone book file.
Phone Book
The Open command opens an existing phone book. After activating this command, Phone Book displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the phone book file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Phone Book
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the dial up file. ToolBox automatically adds the .tel extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .tel, open the
After loading the file, you can edit existing data by direct typing or using the Edit menu command, or add new telephone numbers.
The Close command closes an existing file.
The Save command stores the current phone book.
If the file has not been saved at least once, ToolBox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the phone book file.
If the file has been saved at least once, ToolBox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command saves the current phone book under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create a phone book file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The command opens the dialog box shown below. This dialog appears also when you request to save a phone book file for the first time.
Phone Book
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the phone book file you want to create, and click OK. ToolBox automatically adds the .tel extension. If you specify the name of a phone book file that appears on the list, ToolBox issues a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the existing file. Select Yes only if you want to replace the existing file with the new one.
If you want to Save As an older version of the phone book, ToolBox allows you to select a format. See Save command for explanation.
Save as Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .tel, open the
This command prints the current phone book file to your standard system printer. If no printer is set up, see Windows Help or your system administrator.
The Merge command combines two phone books. Follow these steps:
1.Open one of the phone books.
2.Open the File menu and select the Merge command. The following is displayed.
3. In the Merge dialog box
Note that Phone Book adds the contents of the second file to the first. The current file is the first file. You can Save or Save As.
Phone Book
The Download command sends the current phone book to any IP Gateway in the network. Before selecting this command, select Local if you are locally connected to the IP Gateway, or Remote (including Site ID and Link ID) if you are communicating with a remote unit.
Internal modems support phone numbers up to 20 characters. If you download to an older version of the IP Gateway and the phone number is longer than 20 characters (the maximum for earlier versions), the number is truncated.
The Exit command exits the Phone book utility.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains the following commands:
Cuts selected block of cells from the current Phone book file to the system clipboard.
Copies selected block of cells from the current Phone book file to the system clipboard.
Pastes block of cells from the system clipboard to the selected cells in the current Phone book file.
Insert Row
Inserts a new line above the line where the cursor currently stands.
Delete Row
Deletes the line where the cursor currently stands.
Sort Table
Rearranges the table in Site ID order.
View Menu
The View menu enables you to view or hide the Toolbar or Status Bar from the utility window. Pull down and select the entry to toggle the viewing.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under Icons.
Phone Book
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the Dial Up window.
Window Menu
This menu enables you to arrange and view the open files as desired, using standard Windows commands.
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the Phone book utility.
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Phone Book tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway help is used.
The About command displays the version information for the Phone Book tool.
Communication Setup
This utility is designed to set the parameters to be used by the communication driver.
If you want to change the communication setup, close all Toolbox tools, stop the communication driver using the Stop Communication Driver tool, and then make the modifications you want.
The Ethernet port checkbox enables communication between an IP Gateway Toolbox and an IP Gateway unit over a TCP/IP interface. Once you are connected to the IP gateway via the TCP/IP interface, the Toolbox can access all the RTUs in the system connected to the IP Gateway using ???Remote Site ID??? (The Link IDs must be properly defined in order to use this feature.)
The ???Protect Third Party Protocol over MDLC port??? checkbox is relevant only when a Toolbox MDLC port is also used for some Third Party protocol. If this Third Party protocol is not sophisticated enough to ignore messages from other protocols sharing the port, the Communication Setup utility allows you to block all messages not intended for that protocol for the length of the session.
Before each MDLC session, MDLC sends a ???start protection??? message, after which the remote prevents MDLC messages from being sent to Third Party protocol. At the end of the session, an ???end protection??? is sent which opens the port to all MDLC messages. If communication fails and the ???end protection??? transmission is lost, protection will end after a few minutes, as determined by an internal timer.
Third Party protocol protection adds overhead of approximately 20 bytes/session (start/end protection bytes) and therefore should not be selected if the port is only used for MDLC. Mature protocols such as MDLC and DNP do not require this protection and can recognize and reject messages which are irrelevant to them.
Communication Setup
Dialog box parameters
Serial Port
Select this option if the communication will go over the serial port and specify the port and data speed below.
Communication Port
Specify the serial port over which the ToolBox will communicate with the RTU.
Data Speed
Specify the data speed at which the ToolBox will communicate with the RTU.
Protect Third Party Protocol over MDLC port
The ???Protect Third Party Protocol over MDLC port??? checkbox (??? V7.50) is relevant only when a ToolBox MDLC port is also used for some Third Party protocol. If this Third Party protocol is not sophisticated enough to ignore messages from other protocols sharing the port, the Communication Setup utility allows you to block all messages not intended for that protocol for the length of the session.
Before each MDLC session, MDLC sends a ???start protection??? message, after which the remote prevents MDLC messages from being sent to Third Party protocol. At the end of the session, an ???end protection??? is sent which opens the port to all MDLC messages. If communication fails and the ???end protection??? transmission is lost, protection will end after a few minutes, as determined by an internal timer.
Third Party protocol protection adds overhead of approximately 20 bytes/session (start/end protection bytes) and therefore should not be selected if the port is only used for MDLC. Mature protocols such as MDLC and DNP do not require this protection and can recognize and reject messages which are irrelevant to them.
Ethernet Port
Select this option if the communication will go over an Ethernet connection and specify the IP address below. A
Local Site IP Address
If the communication is over an Ethernet connection, specify the IP Address of the IP Gateway. Range:
If the communication is over an Ethernet connection, specify the IP Port Number of the IP Gateway. This number is common to all RTUs and IP Gateways connected to the link.
If you press the Cancel button, the Communication Setup window will close.
The OK button saves changes made to the Communication Setup. A message will appear reminding you to close any ToolBox applications and Stop the Communication Driver in order for the changes to take place. Once all other ToolBox applications are closed and the driver has been stopped, click the Apply button to apply changes. If you press the OK button, the Communication Setup window will close.
Communication Setup
The Apply button saves changes made to the Communication Setup. A message will appear reminding you to close any ToolBox utilities and Stop the Communication Driver in order for the changes to take place. Press OK to close the window.
If you press the More button, the Communication Setup window will expand as follows:
Dialog box parameters
If you press the Less button, the Communication Setup window will shrink back to its original size.
Number of MASTER logical channels
Specify the number of logical channels in the MDLC protocol capable of initiating communication via a session oriented channel.
Number of retries to declare TX FAIL
Specify the number of retries at session oriented logical channel level after which the Transport Layer declares that transmission to destination site has failed.
Interval between Tx retries
Specify the interval of time that should elapse between two retries at Source/Destination level.
Formatted buffer size
Specify the size of the formatted buffer that serves as asynchronous port.
Restore Default
If you press the Restore Default button, the default values for the four parameters on the right side of the Communication Setup window will return to their original values.
Stop Communication Driver
The Stop Communication Driver is used when a session password is changed. This utility allows you to sever the connection to the current unit and connect to another IP Gateway, or work
If you try to stop the communication driver while a communication session is in progress, a message warns you that a logical channel is currently open.
If you chose to continue (stop the driver), the results of the current communication cannot be predicted. It is, therefore, advisable to finish the current task and then to stop the driver.
If all applications were closed before activating the utility, the following dialog box is displayed.
If no drivers were active before stopping the communication driver, the following message is displayed.
Host Table
The Host Table enables users to define all the SCADA/NFM manager host computers in the system which are connected to a particular IP Gateway. When the hosts have been defined, they can be downloaded to the IP Gateway. After downloading the Host Table, the IP Gateway will send SNMP Traps to all the SNMP Type hosts in the Host Table for all the spontaneous events that occur.
The Host Table Window
To start the Host Table utility,
Host Table
Dialog box parameters
IP Address
The IP address of the host computer.
Host Name
Alphanumeric name assigned by user. Up to 10 characters.
Host Type
There are four host type options for the standard Host Table:
???Generic SNMP ??? for SNMP for a Network Manager which uses generic MIB (SNMP Database). (See MOSCAD NFM Manual.)
???FullVision ??? for interface with the Motorola Network Fault Manager.
???TCP/IP ??? for a Host which is only a SCADA manager. (See MDLC Gateway for TCP/IP Application Programming Interface User???s Manual.)
???(not applicable)
There is one host type option for the NTP Configuration File:
???NTP Server ??? for a Host which provides time related services, using the Network Time Protocol.
The following is the list of the available command icons.
File menu, New command
File menu, Open command
File menu, Save command
File menu, Print command
File menu, Download command
File menu, Upload command
Host Table
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are designed to handle host/NTP Configuration files.
The New command opens a submenu and enables the user to create either a new host or NTP Configuration file. If there is an open host/NTP file on the screen, it will be closed. (The user will be prompted to save the file if changes were made.)
The Open command opens an existing host/NTP file. When the Open command is executed, the Toolbox displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the host table/NTP file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. For host files, you will probably only use the File Name parameter. For NTP files, you may have to change the Files of Type parameter.
Look In
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the host/NTP file. Toolbox automatically adds the .hst extension. If the desired file is an NTP file, select .hst under Files of Type. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Host Table
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. The default should be .hst. If the desired file type ???filter??? is .hst, but it is not shown, open the drop- down list and select the .hst type. If the desired file type ???filter??? is .ntp, open the
The Save command stores the current host/NTP file.
If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the host/NTP file. The name may contain up to 6 characters to ensure backward compatibility.
If the file has been saved at least once, Toolbox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command saves the current host/NTP table under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create a host table/NTP file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The command opens the dialog box shown below. This dialog also appears when you request to save a host/NTP file for the first time.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save In
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
Host Table
File Name
Type the name of the host/NTP file. Toolbox automatically adds the .hst/.ntp extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Save as Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .hst/.ntp, open the
The Close command closes the current host table/NTP file. If changes have been made to the file, the tool will ask if you want to save those changes. If you specify yes, the Save As dialog box will appear and enable the current host/NTP file to be saved under a different file name. If no changes have been made, the dialog box reverts to an empty screen.
The Print command prints the current host table/NTP Configuration file to a local printer.
The Exit command exits the Host Table utility. If changes have been made to the current file, the tool will ask if you want to save those changes. If you specify yes, the Save As dialog box will appear and enable the current host/NTP file to be saved under a different file name. If no changes have been made, the Host Table screen will disappear.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that affect the entries in the host table/NTP Configuration file.
New Host
Creates a new entry in the Host Table/NTP Configuration file. Note that once an empty entry has been created, a valid IP Address must be entered, or an error message will appear.
Delete Host
Deletes the current entry in the Host Table/NTP Configuration file.
Copy Host
Copies the current entry in the Host Table/NTP Configuration file.
Paste Host
Pastes the copied entry after the current entry in the Host Table/NTP Configuration file and creates a new empty entry after it. If the entry was copied from a Host Table and it can be pasted to an NTP file. The Host Type will be changed automatically to NTP Server.
Host Table
Action Menu
Uploads the Host Table or NTP Configuration file from a specified IP Gateway as shown in the figure below. The type of file to be uploaded is selected from the Upload submenu. The IP Gateway can be local or remote.
Downloads the currently open Host Table/NTP Configuration file to a specified IP Gateway as shown in the figure below. The IP Gateway can be local or remote.
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the Host Table utility.
Help Topics
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the Host Table tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
The About command displays the version information for the Host Table tool.
DataTac Modem ID Table
Two sites (MOSCAD RTUs) can communicate with one another through the IP Gateway (with Reflector capability), if both are connected to Private DataTac radios. The MDLC message is encapsulated and sent over IP to the Gateway. The user ports on the RTUs must be configured properly and the IP Gateway must have the Modem IDs for both sites. The figure below depicts such a system.
Host Computer
IP Gateway
The DataTac Modem ID Table enables users to define all the DataTac Modems in the system which are connected to a particular MOSCAD RTU. When the Modem IDs have been defined, they can be downloaded to the IP Gateway. MDLC communication from one RTU to another can then be routed through the IP Gateway.
For more information, see the MDLC over Private DataTac chapter in the MOSCAD Programming Toolbox Application Programmer manual (Advanced Features).
DataTac Modem ID Table
The DataTac Modem ID Table Window
To start the DataTac Modem ID Table utility,
Dialog box parameters
Site ID
The Site ID whose modems are being defined.
Modem ID
Number assigned by the system (80000001, 80000002, etc.)
The following is the list of the available command icons.
File menu, New command
File menu, Open command
File menu, Save command
File menu, Print command
File menu, Download command
File menu, Upload command
DataTac Modem ID Table
File Menu
The commands in the File menu are mainly designed to handle Modem ID table files.
The New command clears the current Modem ID data from the screen, and opens a new Modem ID file.
The Open command opens an existing Modem ID file. When the Open command is executed, the Toolbox displays the Open dialog box, as shown below.
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the Modem ID table file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look In
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the Modem ID file. Toolbox automatically adds the .rnc extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
DataTac Modem ID Table
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .rnc, open the
The Save command stores the current Modem ID table.
If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the Modem ID file. The name may contain up to 6 characters to ensure backward compatibility.
If the file has been saved at least once, Toolbox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command saves the current Modem ID table under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create a Modem ID table file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The command opens the dialog box shown below. This dialog also appears when you request to save a Modem ID table file for the first time.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save In
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
DataTac Modem ID Table
File Name
Type the name of the Modem ID file. Toolbox automatically adds the .rnc extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Save as Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .rnc, open the
The Close command closes the current Modem ID table file. If changes have been made to the file, the tool will ask if you want to save those changes. If you specify yes, the Save As dialog box will appear and enable the current Modem ID file to be saved under a different file name. If no changes have been made, the dialog box reverts to an empty screen.
The Print command prints the current Modem ID table file to a local printer.
The Exit command exits the DataTac Modem ID Table utility. If changes have been made to the current file, the tool will ask if you want to save those changes. If you specify yes, the Save As dialog box will appear and enable the current Modem ID file to be saved under a different file name. If no changes have been made, the DataTac Modem ID Table screen will disappear.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that affect the entries in the Modem ID table.
Creates a new entry in the DataTac Modem ID Table. Note that once an empty entry has been created, a valid IP Address must be entered, or an error message will appear.
Deletes the current entry in the DataTac Modem ID Table.
DataTac Modem ID Table
Action Menu
Uploads the DataTac Modem ID Table from a specified IP Gateway as shown in the figure below. The IP Gateway can be local or remote.
Downloads the DataTac Modem ID Table to a specified IP Gateway as shown in the figure below. The IP Gateway can be local or remote.
Help Menu
This menu enables you to view the version information and help files which relate to the DataTac Modem ID Table utility.
Help Topics
The Contents command opens the help files which describe the DataTac Modem ID Table tool and other IP Gateway utilities.
The About command displays the version information for the DataTac Modem ID Table tool.
IP Conversion Table
IP (Internet Protocol) technology can be used to interface between MOSCAD RTUs and IP Gateways over advanced radio infrastructure (e.g. digital ASTRO IP conventional systems) and standard private IP networks. MDLC packets to be transmitted are enveloped inside IP datagrams and sent between remote RTUs or between an IP Gateway and an RTU.
An IP Gateway can act as a gateway between the field and the SCADA Central to extract the enveloped frames from the IP message. A Toolbox can be connected to one of the RTUs or to one of the serial ports of the IP Gateway.
Each RTU/IP Gateway is assigned a Site ID. In addition, each RTU/IP Gateway with an IP interface is assigned an IP address. An IP conversion table which maps Site IDs to IP addresses is created in the Toolbox and downloaded to the RTUs and IP Gateway. This enables routing over the IP network to the proper destination.
For more details on the possible network configurations and RTU setup, see the MDLC over IP section of the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox Application Programmer Manual (Advanced Features).
IP Gateway Site Configuration
Configure an IP Port as TCP/IP, as follows:
(Note that this is one of the virtual ports over Port 1, rather than physical port.)
Link ID:
(e.g. LINE 1) Same as for all RTUs.
Port number:
(e.g. 2002) Same as for all RTUs.
The rest of the parameters are set up according to normal IP Gateway procedures. Any exceptions or known problems are described in the release notes.
IP Conversion Table
IP Conversion Table Preparation
Click on the IP Conversion Table icon in the IP Gateway Toolbox folder to start the tool. Add entries for each Site ID, as shown below.
Download the IP Conversion Table to the IP Gateway and to all RTUs in the network, along with the site configuration and network configuration, if necessary.
The following is the list of the available command icons.
IP Conversion Table
Help menu, About command
File menu, Download command
File menu, Upload command
Edit menu, Abort command
Insert New Line command
Delete Current Site command
Delete Group of Sites command
Sort by ID command
Dialog box parameters and functions
Site ID
Type or edit the Site ID of the unit.
IP Address
The IP address of the host computer.
File Menu
You can perform all the basic file operations using the commands of the File menu. After opening the menu, the following commands are displayed:
The New command opens a new, empty IP conversion table.
IP Conversion Table
The Open command opens an existing IP conversion table file. When the Open command is executed, the Toolbox displays the Open dialog box.
The Open dialog box defaults to the config
Select the IP conversion table file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File name
Type the name of the host file. Toolbox automatically adds the .ipc extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Save as type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .ipc, open the
The Close command closes the current IP conversion table.
The Save command stores the current IP conversion table.
If the file has not been saved at least once, Toolbox opens the Save As dialog box where you assign a name to the IP conversion file. The name may contain up to 6 characters to ensure backward compatibility.
If the file has been saved at least once, Toolbox just saves the file.
Save As
The Save As command saves the current IP conversion table under a different file name. Generally, you???ll use this command when you want to create an IP conversion table file that is slightly different from an existing one (load the existing file, save it under a new name, and make the changes).
The Save As dialog also appears when you request to save an IP conversion table file for the first time.
IP Conversion Table
The Print command prints the current IP conversion file to your standard system printer. If no printer is set up, see Windows Help or your system administrator.
Downloads the IP Conversion Table to a specified IP Gateway. The IP Gateway can be local
or remote. While the IP Conversion table tool is communicating with the RTU, the icon at the top right hand corner of the window will be animated.
Uploads the IP Conversion Table from a specified IP Gateway. The IP Gateway can be local
or remote. While the IP Conversion table tool is communicating with the RTU, the icon at the top right hand corner of the window will be animated.
The Abort command terminates the download or upload operation currently in progress with the IP Gateway.
The Exit command exits the IP Conversion Table utility. If changes have been made to the current file, the tool will ask if you want to save those changes. If you specify yes, the Save As dialog box will appear and enable the current IP conversion file to be saved under a different file name. If no changes have been made, the IP Conversion Table screen will disappear.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that affect the list of sites in the main window.
Cuts selected block of cells from the current IP Conversion file to the system clipboard.
Copies selected block of cells from the current IP Conversion file to the system clipboard.
Pastes block of cells from the system clipboard to the selected cells in the current IP Conversion file.
IP Conversion Table
View Menu
The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view is then displayed on the window.
The Toolbar displays the basic icons, described under Icons, used for handling files and editing text.
The Tablebar displays the icons, described under Icons, used for manipulating rows in the IP Conversion Table.
When checked, this command displays the Sitebar, usually towards the top of the screen. Use the SiteIDBar to specify the RTU to which the IP Conversion file is to be downloaded. If the ToolBox computer is locally connected to the RTU, make sure that Local is selected (default). If you want to configure a remote site, unclick Local and specify the Site ID and the appropriate link ID.
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom of the IP Conversion Table window.
Window Menu
The Window menu enables the user to arrange the various screens within the IP Conversion Table window. The screens can also be moved, resized or closed as standard Windows. In addition to the commands below, the Window menu lists the currently open windows. The checked name is the active screen. By clicking on another filename, the user can change the active screen.
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
IP Conversion Table
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the IP Conversion Table tool.
About IP Conv. Table
The About command displays the version information for the IP Conversion Table tool.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
The SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility enables the user to run several instances of three different diagnostics tools simultaneously. The user can interface with one of three tools at any one time, jumping from one window to another as necessary.
The diagnostics applications are:
???Error Logger
???Software Diagnostics
The Error Logger retrieves error information (hardware or software malfunctions) from the IP Gateway. The Software Diagnostics program allows access to each of the modules (or ???devices???) that handle the various tasks of the IP Gateway according to their logical names. The tools can communicate with any IP Gateway in the system, local or remote, based on the setup of the communication links.
SW Diagnostics and Loggers Window
To activate the tool,
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Select one or more applications by clicking on the appropriate logger icon or by selecting from the Loggers menu. New logger windows open in a cascade, but can be moved around the Logger window. (See Window Menu.) Before the logging is begun, the files are empty, with only one screen active at a time. The header of each screen includes the application name, file name and Site ID (e.g. Error Logger Errlog102.30.01_15.25.32.log Site: Local). The log file name incorporates the window instance (Errlog1) and the date/time.
For each window, identify the IP Gateway from which the information is to be retrieved. In the Site Toolbar, make sure that Local is selected if you are connected locally to the
IP Gateway. If you are connecting to a remote IP Gateway, specify the Site ID and Link ID. If the Site Toolbar is not shown, select it from the View menu.
If you are running the Error Logger, press the Start icon or select Start from the Loggers menu, to begin communication with the IP Gateway and retrieve Error Log data. For more details on the Error Logger, see the Error Logger Tool section.
If you are running the SW Diagnostics tool, the device and level must be defined in the Device toolbar. If the Device toolbar is not shown, select it from the View menu. Type in the device name to be tested or select it from the
While the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility is communicating with the IP Gateway, the
icon at the top right hand corner of the SW Diagnostics & Loggers window will be animated.
Error Logger Tool
The Error Logger retrieves error information (hardware or software malfunctions) from any gateway or site in your system. Several logger windows can be opened simultaneously, each one numbered sequentially Errlog1, Errlog2, etc. The information is stored in the c:\Itbox550\log\ErrLog directory. Log files will be named Errorlog<#>_Date_Time.log by default, where # is the sequential number (1, 2, etc.) of the error logger window opened. The default log file name can be changed. For a review of error messages, see the Error Messages section. For an example of an Error Log, see Error Log example.
When the Error Logger is activated from the ToolBox, the contents of the site???s error log are appended to the log file and the site???s log file is then cleared. (This is important, as the size of the site???s error log is limited.) The error log in the ToolBox, however, is not cleared, and it is recommended that the file be cleaned out manually from time to time.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Software Diagnostics Tool
The IP Gateway software is based on an ???Object Oriented
Some of the devices handle the operation of physical elements such as communication ports or I/O modules, and other devices are simply software modules such as communication applications, time handling etc.
One of the many advantages of such an operating system is that it creates the devices according to the user configuration requirements as defined by the Site Configuration program.
For example, devices are created to handle the I/O modules (one device for each module according to the type of module) and each of the physical ports according to the required protocol and parameters defined by the user.
Another advantage of this operating system is the Software Diagnostics program that allows access through the communication (local or remote) to each of the devices according to their logical names (the devices are created with a logical name).
The Software Diagnostics program provides reports on the status of each device at different levels of breakdown. It also provides historical and statistical data on the device activities. The Software Diagnostics data is useful for system maintenance, problem identification for remote services and statistics data on the communication system performance.
The Software Diagnostics tool allows access to each of the modules (or ???devices???) that handle the various tasks of the IP Gateway according to their logical names. The tool retrieves information from any site in your system. For more background on communication, diagnostics and devices, see Diagnostics below.
Several logger windows can be opened simultaneously, each one numbered sequentially Diaglog1, Diaglog2, etc. The information is stored in the c:\Itbox550\log\DiagLog directory. Log files will be named Diaglog<#>_Date_Time.log, where # is the sequential number (1, 2, etc.) of the Software Diagnostics window opened. (The default name of the log file can be changed.) For a review of the possible devices and their levels, refer to the Software Diagnostics Output section.
The device and level must be defined in the Device toolbar. If the Device toolbar is not shown, select it from the View menu. Select the device name to be tested from the
Press the Start icon or select Start from the Loggers menu, to begin communication with the IP Gateway and retrieve the diagnostics data.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
When the Software Diagnostics tool is activated from the ToolBox, the diagnostics information is appended to the log file, and the site???s log file is then cleared. (This is important as the size of the site???s log is limited.) The log file in the ToolBox, however, is not cleared, and it is recommended that the file be cleaned out manually from time to time.
The following command icons are available in the toolbar. Those icons which are specific to a given logger, are marked accordingly below. Note that during execution, the icons displayed in the toolbars relate to the active tool.
File Menu
The File menu commands enable you to save logger information to a file and to carry out file operations. Those commands which are specific to a given logger, are marked accordingly below.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
The New command opens a new log file and prompts user to save it in the logger directory. The default name and directory of the log file in the dialog box can be changed in the dialog. You can also enter an existing log file name. The old logger information (from an earlier session) will be displayed and the new logger information will be appended to it. The New command and the corresponding icon are only available when a logger tool has been opened.
Open for Editing
The Open for Editing command opens an existing file and enables the user to edit the contents of the file. After activating this command, the ToolBox displays a dialog box, as shown below. The user can specify whether the file to be opened is an Error log or a Diagnostics log.
The Open dialog box defaults to the appropriate
Select the log file (see parameters below) and click OK to load it.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Look in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
File Name
Type the name of the logger file. The ToolBox automatically adds the .log extension. Alternatively, locate the file name in the file list, and
Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .log, open the
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Save As
The Save As.. command saves the current logger information under a different file name. The Save As dialog box defaults to the appropriate logger
The command opens the dialog box shown below.
Dialog box parameters
Use the parameters in the order specified below. Normally you???ll only use the File Name parameter.
Save in
If the currently displayed directory is not the correct one,
List Files of Type
This box shows the type (extension) of the files currently displayed in the File Name list. If the displayed file type ???filter??? is not .log, open the
File Name
The file name (e.g. Errlog102.30.01_15.25.32.log) represents the current log file of the active utility and incorporates the window instance (Errlog1) and the date/time. The tool automatically adds the .log extension to the file.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Select Central File
This command allows you to select the central file by opening the following dialog box:
If you do not select a central file, the variables are displayed by their Z, Y, and X coordinates. If you select the central file, their logical names are displayed.
Close Central File
Closes the currently open central file.
The Print command prints the contents of the current log file to your standard system printer, as defined in Print Setup.
Print Setup
The Print Setup enables the user to define the page setup and printer to be used. If no printer is set up, see Windows Help or your system administrator.
Recent Error Logger Files
The Recent Error Logger Files enables the user to easily access the five most recently used error logger files.
Recent Diagnostics Files
The Recent Diagnostics Files enables the user to easily access the five most recently used software diagnostics files.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that affect the logger file or logger view in the current window. The Edit menu displays certain commands when a view is open for editing and others when a logger tool is open.
Undoes the last edit action performed in the current logger file.
Cuts selected text from the current logger file to the system clipboard.
Copies selected text from the current logger file/view to the system clipboard.
Pastes text from the system clipboard to the selected cells in the current logger file.
Deletes selected text from the current logger file to the system clipboard.
Finds a specified text string in the current logger file/view.
Replaces text with a specified text string in the current logger file.
Clear View
Clears the screen of the active logger view. Note that the file still contains the log information, although the view is blank.
Loggers Menu
The Loggers menu contains commands that start the logger tools.
Error Logger
The Error Logger command starts an instance of the Error Logger.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Error Log example
The error logger window header is as follows: Error Logger <filename> <site id><link id>
The format of the error message itself is as follows:
???The first row displays the date and time in the PC.
???The second row displays the date and time in the IP Gateway, and the error number.
???The third row displays the error message.
Thu May 31 11:12:51 2001 SITE: Local 01/01/80 05:21 ERROR #: 141
Cannot find link id in network configuration, network layer: NETWRK dest site: 17 , dest link: 23 , dest port: 0
The Diagnostics command starts an instance of the Software Diagnostics.
Communication System Statistics
The IP Gateway and MOSCAD communication systems implement the seven layers of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. In each layer, one or more devices are created to handle that specific layer. Each of the devices (in addition to its functions) performs statistical
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
It shows a typical IP Gateway with two physical ports: Local Computer and Radio. The physical ports are supported by the Link and Physical layers.
It also shows n Session Logical Channels used by various applications. In addition, three Minisession Logical Channels support event & burst transmission and broadcast reception.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
The names of the devices of the Link and Physical layers are taken from the logical names of the links, as defined by the user in the Site Configuration program. There is no connection between the number that is part of the device name and the port number.
For example, the device of the link of port 3 is named RAD1L, since the link name is RADIO1 and L indicates a link device.
The IP Gateway communication supports two modes of transmission:
???Synchronous mode (may be used in ports 3 and 4 of the CPU module)
???Asynchronous mode, UART (all ports of the CPU module)
Port 3 is used in the Synchronous mode of transmission, when:
1)A radio of any type is connected.
2)A modem is connected and synchronous communication is defined in the Site Configuration program (except
3)An RS232 Synchronous piggyback is connected to ports 3 and 4.
When the communication is synchronous (bit oriented), the physical channel consists of the Link device and Physical device. The transmitted frame is composed of a stream of bits that starts and ends with flags that indicate the frame limits.
When the communication is asynchronous (byte oriented), the frame is broken down and encoded into a series of bytes, transmitted and received by a UART. This type of communication is handled by the Adapter device.
To get the statistics of a specific device, define the device name, the Site ID, and also the Level of request. All devices in the system have a level of request, starting from Level 0.
Level 10 and Level 11 should be used to get communication statistics.
The following table provides the device names that respond to Level 10 and Level 11.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Reading Diagnostics Information
The structure of the statistical data is described below for each device name.
COMxA (Adapter device of Computer X)
The # of Received Frames includes only correct frames (including acknowledgment frames).
The # of
RADxL (Link device of Radio X)
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
The # of Transmitted Frames does not include retransmission and acknowledgment frames. The # of Received Frames includes only correct frames.
COMxL (Link device of Computer X)
The # of Transmitted Frames does not include retransmission and acknowledgment frames. The # of Received Frames includes only correct frames.
NETWRK (Network device)
Jun 30 15:09:25 Site: LOCAL Device: STCL Level: 11
#of transmitted frames as ORIGINATE: 0
#of transmitted frames as GROUPCALL: 0
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
REQMNG Requirements Manager device
The meaningful levels are 0, 1. Diagnostic levels of 2, 3, 4 are for internal use only.
Example of Level 0 Diagnostics:
Oct 31 09:45:36 Site: 10000 Link: Rslink1 Device: REQMNG Level: 0
Interesting fields:
Static Data
Dynamic Data
Interesting fields:
The name column indicates the names of the connected clients, (if a row starts with 1, the first - name field is empty).
HELTHCH Health Check Device
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
STBLA Sites Table Device
The Start command begins retrieval of error logger or diagnostics information from the IP Gateway. The information is displayed in the appropriate logger window. When the ToolBox is communicating with the IP Gateway, the Start icon and command will be dimmed. While
the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility is communicating with the IP Gateway, the
icon at the top right hand corner of the SW Diagnostics & Loggers window will be animated.
Device List
(SW Diagnostics only) A basic device list is available when you open the SW Diagnostics tool. The Device List command updates the device list with all the devices actually residing in the IP Gateway.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
The Abort command terminates retrieval of error logger or diagnostics information from the IP Gateway.
View Menu
The following views are available to the user. Click on an entry to select it, and a check mark will appear on the menu. The associated view will be displayed on the SW Diagnostics & Loggers window. Those views which are specific to a given logger, are marked accordingly below. Note that during execution, the icons displayed in the toolbars relate to the active tool.
The Toolbar displays the icons described under.
Status bar
The Status bar displays the status messages at the bottom edge of the SW Diagnostics & Loggers window. This message area is
Site bar
The Site bar dialog enables the user to specify the location of the IP Gateway with which the current logger tool communicates. The logger tool runs can be connected locally to an IP Gateway or over a network to a remote IP Gateway in order to retrieve error or diagnostics information. If you are connected locally to the IP Gateway, make sure that Local is selected. If you are connected remotely, unselect Local and specify the Site ID and Link ID.
By default, the Site bar is displayed at the top of the SW Diagnostics & Loggers window. To remove the bar, unselect it in the View menu.
Dialog box parameters
When this box is checked, the logging is done for the locally connected IP Gateway. The default setting for communication is Local.
Link ID
When the Local box is not checked, the logging is done for a remote IP Gateway connected to the PC via the specified Link ID.
Site ID
When the Local box is not checked, the logging is done for the remote IP Gateway at the specified Site ID connected to the PC via the above Link ID.
Loggers Bar
The Loggers Bar enables the user to launch a new logger tool and set it as the active tool.
SW Diagnostics & Loggers
Device Bar
(Available for the SW Diagnostics tool only). The Device Bar enables the user to select the name and level of breakdown for whose data is to be reported.
Window Menu
The Window menu enables the user to arrange the various logger screens within the Logger window. The logger screens can also be moved, resized or closed as standard Windows. In addition to the commands below, the Window menu lists the currently open screens. The checked name is the active logger. By clicking on another name, the user can change the active logger.
The Cascade command arranges the various screens in cascade style.
The Tile command arranges the various screens in tiled style.
Arrange Icons
The Arrange Icons command arranges any minimized screens on the bottom of the window.
The Fonts command enables the user to change the font name, font style, size and script used in the screens.
Help Menu
The Help menu enables the user to view the version information and help files which relate to the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility.
The Contents opens the help files which describe the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility and other IP Gateway ToolBox utilities.
How to Use Help
The How to Use Help explains to the user how the IP Gateway ToolBox help is used.
The About displays the version information for the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility.
Advanced Features
The IP Gateway system includes several advanced features which are described below. These often require special setup and configuration procedures.
HealthCheck Mechanism
The IP Gateway system includes a HealthCheck mechanism which manages the MDLC connectivity to the sites. Associated with each site are two links, through which the site can be reached. A background Ping Pong mechanism in both the IP Gateway and the MOSCAD units constantly verifies which links are available. .
The HealthCheck mechanism uses the site table as the basis for its operations. As the
IP Gateway identifies which links are available, it can reduce communication overhead by routing frames destined to sites through their operational links.
MDLC Infrastructure
MDLC provides a
The implementation a healthcheck protocol is
In the IP Gateway, the HealthCheck mechanism relies on the MDLC infrastructure denoted above. Thus, once activated it captures the dedicated healthcheck channel provided by MDLC and uses the site table as a source for all sites to be managed. For each site the HealthCheck performs the following process:
Upon a predefined interval, it sends a Ping frame to each site, one through each of the site???s links. It then expects to receive a Pong frame for each Ping sent. A Ping arriving from a certain site through a certain link, will set the communication status of that link to OK A site that possesses at least one link in OK status is considered reachable. This process, done in background, constantly monitors the status of each site???s links, providing the IP Gateway with an updated status of all sites in the field.
In order to preserve system resources, the HealthCheck protocol is very minimal in terms of length of data and timing upon which it operates.
In the RTU, the HealthCheck mechanism relies on the MDLC infrastructure denoted above. It operates in slave mode. Thus, once a Ping frame arrives at the RTU, the RTU HealthCheck mechanism replies with an echo of that frame. The RTU transmits a Pong back to the
HealthCheck Mechanism
IP Gateway through the same link the Ping arrived. Unless being pinged, the RTU HealthCheck mechanism will not initiate any communication.
Disabled HealthCheck
When HealthCheck is disabled in the IP Gateway, the IP Gateway will assume that all sites registered in the site table are reachable. However ??? since SNMP proxy operation relies on HealthCheck, disabling this mechanism will disable any SNMP proxy operation (MCPS).
When HealthCheck is disabled in the RTU, the RTU MDLC stack will not allow the incoming of any HealthCheck messages. Instead, an automatic response indicating that HealthCheck application is blocked will be communicated back to the originator of an incoming ping frame. The IP Gateway HealthCheck, though, is capable of handling such cases by assuming the link is OK if such a response is received. However, the indications received from the HealthCheck mechanism may not be accurate, as the path the response traveled through cannot be determined.
HealthCheck Setup
Setting up the Site Table
The IP Gateway
When defining primary and secondary links, one should pay attention to the following:
???Primary and secondary links may be identical. In this case, the HealthCheck mechanism will assume the site possesses only one link and thus will not ping the same site twice.
???Primary and secondary links may not be identical. However in this case ??? the two paths to the site (one through each link) should not overlap any part of the route. If two different paths to the same RTU do indeed overlap part of the route, the indications received from the HealthCheck mechanism may not be accurate.
For more information, see the description of the IP Gateway Toolbox Site Table utility above.
Site Configuration
The IP Gateway HealthCheck mechanism is activated through IP Gateway Toolbox Site Configuration utility. In order to activate it,
1.Run the Site Configuration utility from the IP Gateway Toolbox.
2.Click on the Advanced tab in the workspace bar.
3.Open the Message Oriented Service advanced parameters screen.
HealthCheck Mechanism
4. Set the
By default, the HealthCheck mechanism is enabled. For more details refer to the
The RTU HealthCheck mechanism is activated through MOSCAD Programming ToolBox Site Configuration utility. In order to activate it,
1.Run the Site Configuration utility from the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox.
2.Click on the Advanced tab in the workspace bar.
3.Open the Message Oriented Service advanced parameters screen.
4.Set the
By default, the HealthCheck mechanism is enabled. For more details, refer to the Site Configuration chapter in the MOSCAD Programming ToolBox manual.
HealthCheck Diagnostics
Two sets of diagnostics are relevant to the HealthCheck mechanism, the IP Gateway site table and the HealthCheck device.
To retrieve the downloaded IP Gateway site table,
1.Run the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility from the IP Gateway Toolbox.
2.Select device STBLA from the
3.Enter 2 in the Level field.
4.Click on the Start Communications button in the icon bar or select Start from the Loggers menu. The site table will be displayed in the output window.
The same diagnostics can be retrieved via the Web Server (See below.)
To retrieve the current HealthCheck status of each of the links for a site,
1.Run the SW Diagnostics & Loggers utility from the IP Gateway Toolbox.
2.Select device HELTHCH from the
3.Enter 1 in the Level field.
HealthCheck Mechanism
4.Click on the Start Communications button in the icon bar or select Start from the Loggers menu. The current HealthCheck status will be displayed in the output window.
The same diagnostics can be retrieved via the Web Server (See below.)
Adding Terminal Server Ports
The IP Gateway supports on board 4 ports for MDLC communication. In case more ports are required for MDLC communications external hardware is needed. The Standard hardware for Ports extensions is a Terminal Server.
The Terminal Server has an Ethernet port and many RS232 ports. It conveys communication traffic from IP to the RS232 ports and the other way around.
The IP Gateway establishes a connection to the Terminal Server over the LAN and establishes IP sessions for each RS232 port that???s utilized for MDLC communication. The connection remains opened even if there is no data to transmit/receive. Every connection is associated with an IP address (of the Terminal Server) and a TCP port id (associated with the specific RS232 port in that specific Terminal Server).
IP Gateway is designed to support up to 32 ports connected to one or more Terminal Servers.
IP Gateway is designed to be able to communicate with any TCP\IP Terminal Server that is implemented over TELNET. The IP Gateway was tested with several Terminal Servers. In this book we will elaborate the use of Equinox Terminal Servers.
IP Gateway Site Configuration and Terminal Server configuration must be defined in order to support external Terminal Server ports.
???The maximum number of ports connecting to RTUs in the network is 32.
???The IP Gateway can work with up to 32 Terminal Server IP addresses.
Adding Terminal Server Ports
???Two RS232 ports can have the same TCP port ID only if they reside in different Terminal Servers.
Site Configuration for Terminal Server
In order for the IP Gateway to be able to work with Terminal Server the following configuration should be applied:
1. Click on the IP port tab in the IP Gateway Site Configuration.
2.Right click on the Terminal Server and select ???Define???. The Ports Overview item will be displayed.
Adding Terminal Server Ports
4.Define the Terminal Server ports. Every definition includes the Terminal Server IP address, the specific TCP port assignment for every physical port, and the MDLC link ID for that port.
5.Click on the ???Ok??? button to save the Terminal Server ports.
Configuring Terminal Server to work with IP Gateway
Configure the Terminal Server to meet the needs of TELNET TCP\IP based connection.
Assign an IP address to the Terminal Server, and define each port allocated to MDLC as a TELNET listener, or in some cases as a SERVICE with a unique TCP port ID.
Activate TELNET in a binary profile, and disable all control characters, TELNET commands and options.
Disable flow control, and do not log out of the port under any condition.
Applying the configuration will allow the IP gateway to establish connection with all of its Terminal Server ports right after power up, even if there are no RTUs attached to them.
Adding Terminal Server Ports
The following sections contain a configuration example for the Equinox Terminal Server. However, following the guidelines described in this section should enable configuring every Terminal Server.
The wiring description for the Equinox Terminal Server is described below.
Example: EQUINOX ELS16 Terminal Server Wiring and Configuration
The EQUINOX ELS16 is a 16 port Terminal Server.
1.Plug the machine to a 220v AC. The machine will perform a Self Boot Process, which takes about 15 seconds. While booting up, the LEDs in the front panel will blink. When Self Boot Process finishes, the READY led should be the only one lit.
The default console port is 1.
2.Attach a terminal (or a terminal emulator) to port 1, with a cable wired as described in the next section. The terminal should be configured as follows:
Wiring PC to Terminal Server
For a PC HyperTerminal connection, use the Standard Connector and cable to connect the PC ???COM1??? to the Serial port of the Terminal Server. No other adapters are needed.
The pins in the ELS16 ports are numbered from the right to the left. The rightmost pin is the first one, and the left most is the eighth.)
The numbering of the 8 pin connectors follows the MOSCAD convention.
Adding Terminal Server Ports
General notes:
???The commands to be entered were given under the assumption that the ELS16 is performing a ???self boot???. In case of a boot server, please refer to EQUINOX documentation.
???Commands can be typed in lower case or in upper case letters.
???After each command, press the <Return>key. If the command was entered legally, then ELS16 prompts: ???Local>???
???N represents a port number. It can be any number in the range of 1 to16
???t represents a value in seconds between 10 and 180
???a and m represents a number in the range of 0..255
???SOCKET_NUMBER represent a TCP socket. Each port must have a deferent TCP socket number, which must be greater than 2001 or equal.
???SERVICE_NAME is a string given to a service as its??? name.
???The first command to be entered will allow the user access to EQUINOX configuration. The default password is SYSTEM.
After attaching a console terminal (usually at port 1), type in the following commands.
SET PRIV < return>
SYSTEM <return>
Adding Terminal Server Ports
Adding Terminal Server Ports
At this point, the ELS16 will reboot itself. The ???self boot??? process will take about 15 seconds.
Example: Setting 14 Ports (port 3 to 16) of ELS16 to the IP Gateway:
Terminal Server definition
Type in the following commands:
Adding Terminal Server Ports
Adding Terminal Server Ports
Adding Terminal Server Ports
IP Gateway definition
The Site Configuration for this setting is shown below:
IP Gateway Redundancy
A redundant IP Gateway can be configured to minimize the risk of a SCADA control center losing contact with sites, and to ensure high availability for its applications. Two IP Gateways are set up with similar configurations, except that one is designated as the primary and the other is designated as the secondary. When the primary IP Gateway becomes unavailable, the secondary (similarly configured) IP Gateway takes over. To increase the availability of the LAN network, dual Ethernet segments can be used, and each IP Gateway can be connected to a different segment.
When the IP Gateway is configured for redundancy, the NFM application will not operate.
Initially, the IP Gateway Redundancy Mode is set to ???Secondary???. In this state:
???The IP Gateway does not ack any frame received by the MDLC communication (except local connection).
???The requests queued in the IP Gateway will return errors once activated. (In most cases this will be immediately. However, in some cases it could take as long as the longest MDLC session timeout defined.)
???The IP Gateway disconnects from all the Terminal Server ports defined in the Site Configuration.
The SCADA driver is responsible for changing the IP Gateway Redundancy Mode to ???Primary???. In this state, the IP Gateway communicates properly over MDLC communication and over the SCADA channels.
When the IP Gateway is configured for redundancy, it checks each of the channels to the unit. If all the channels to the unit are disconnected or unavailable, the unit automatically switches to ???Secondary??? mode.
When the SCADA establishes connections to the IP Gateway, it should change the redundancy mode of the IP Gateway to ???Primary???. Only one IP Gateway should be in ???Primary??? mode at any time. ???Primary??? mode of the IP Gateway allows
Redundant IP Gateway Configurations
There are several possible options for Redundant IP Gateway system configuration:
1.Both IP Gateways are connected to the MOSCAD system over the same
2.Both IP Gateways are connected to the MOSCAD system over the same Terminal Sessions. In this configuration, the ???old primary??? IP Gateway must close all of the Terminal Server connections, the terminal server must end its sessions with the ???old primary??? IP Gateway and
IP Gateway Redundancy
then the ???new primary??? IP Gateway must establish connection with the Terminal server. In this configuration, several minutes may elapse before the IP Gateway???s mode changes take effect.
3. Both IP Gateways are connected to the MOSCAD system over an IP network. Using this configuration, the IP Gateway???s mode change takes effect immediately for requests going from the IP Gateway to the RTUs. The SCADA should initiate a communication to the RTU through the ???new??? primary IP Gateway in order for the RTU being able to send Bursts to it.
Site Configuration
The IP Gateway is configured for redundancy through the IP Gateway Toolbox Site Configuration utility.
To set up the site configuration,
1.Run the Site Configuration utility from the IP Gateway Toolbox.
2.Click on the SCADA tab in the workspace bar.
3.Under General System settings, set the ???Startup mode??? parameter for the primary IP Gateway to ???Redundant GW1???.
4.Save the site configuration file and download it to the primary IP Gateway.
5.Under General System settings, set the ???Startup mode??? parameter for the secondary IP Gateway to ???Redundant GW2???.
6.Make sure that the Site ID of the secondary IP Gateway is identical to the Site ID of the primary IP Gateway.
7.Save the site configuration file and download it to the secondary IP Gateway.
IP Gateway Web Operation
The IP Gateway, version 4.0 and higher, includes a
Equipment technicians can verify functionality of their equipment and to receive information about the status of similar or related equipment in other sites. MOSCAD technicians can gather information about faults at the site and to download IP interface systems.
In the Web Server, the site layout is presented as an array of maps that reflect the site hierarchy and denote the type of device or object using different graphic icons. Faults are displayed visually, and the technician can easily access fault information as well as site, device and object properties.
Using the Web Server, technicians can remotely:
???Monitor all devices in the site.
???Retrieve events and alarms from the NFM RTU buffer.
???Configure SNMP settings online.
???Download IP System Firmware.
???Perform online site IP diagnostics.
???Define three access password levels for security.
The MOSCAD tools on the Web Server (SW Diagnostics & Loggers, SNMP Configurator, Downloader for upgrading system software) are identical to the tools with the same names in the IP Gateway Toolbox
For detailed descriptions of the tools, see the relevant sections of the IP Gateway Toolbox documentation above.
Site Map
The Site Map displays a set of icons, which represent sites, devices in the site or objects under the device. The name of the item appears beneath the icon. The color of the icon frame indicates the severity of events related to that object, or to an object nested under a site or device.
When you move the mouse over the icon, you are presented with item properties such as ID, severity, software version, last site build, etc. (depending on the type of item).
To go down in the hierarchy: in the map, click any item (site or device) to open view of all
components under that item. To go up in the hierarchy: click the relevant part of the PATH in the upper left corner of the screen.
IP Gateway Web Operation
The TIPS box provides useful,
The LEGEND box explains the object types and fault severity levels.
The Search function enables the user to search for items within the current view level.
The Sort function enables the user to sort all items within the current view level according to Severity or ID (name). Sites can also be sorted according to MOSCAD State.
An Event Log lists all NFM RTU events, regardless of your location in the site map. Events appear in chronological order with the most recent alarm at the bottom of the list. Events include all bursts sent out from the site, such as equipment and environmental alarms, status changes, link up or down etc.
The Web Server is
For each IP address there are three security levels, each with a different password:
Typically, equipment technicians have
All security levels enable viewing the site maps, properties, the Event Log, and the MOSCAD Tools: Error Logger and Software Diagnostics.
IP Gateway Web Operation
Accessing the Web Server
1.Connect the host computer to the IP network with IP route to the IP Gateway.
2.Open a web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and enter the IP Gateway URL address. An Entry Page similar to the one pictured below will be displayed.
IP Gateway Web Operation
3. Click on the picture and the user logon dialog will be displayed, as shown below.
4.Log in to the system, with the default username ???User??? and the password ???moscad???. Note that the default authentications can be changed. See the Web Server Administrator Tools section of the MOSCAD NFM Web Server 4.0 User Guide for details. A graphic desktop similar to the one pictured below will be displayed.
Note that the main screen can differ from system to system.
5.To run a Toolbox utility, click on the MOSCAD Tools link. Links to several MOSCAD tools will be displayed. Choose the desired link.
IP Gateway Web Operation
The Tools
Downloading System Software using the Web Server
The Web server enables the user to upgrade system firmware remotely, over the web.
Before upgrading the IP Gateway firmware, verify that the new firmware version is not higher than the IP Gateway Site Configuration version. (If the configuration version is unknown, upload it using the IP Gateway Site Configuration utility.)
If the IP Gateway???s Site Configuration version is lower than the new upgraded firmware version, it should be upgraded and downloaded using a Site Configuration utility with a higher version than the new firmware version.
Make sure that the IP Gateway???s Web server should be running. The Web server should work as long as the IP Gateway is up and running with the assigned IP address (assigned by IP Gateway Site Configuration).
Make sure that the host computer used to download the IP Gateway system firmware is connected to the same IP network as the IP gateway and has IP (HTTP) connectivity.
To download the new system firmware, do the following:
1.Follow the instructions under the Accessing the Web Server section above.
2.Click on the System Download link from the list of MOSCAD Tools. The following screen will be displayed.
3.Use the Browse button to select the .krl file which contains the new version of the MOSCAD IP Gateway firmware.
4.Click on the ???Start Download??? button. The download will take approximately one minute.
The firmware will be downloaded to the IP Gateway. After successful validation of the firmware, the following screen will be displayed and the IP Gateway will restart (after a short delay of approximately 30 seconds).
Note: Do not confuse IP Gateway firmware files and IP Interface firmware files. IP Gateway files are named ipgw_xxx.bin and IP Interface files are named ipp_xxx.bin.
IP Gateway Web Operation
In case of firmware mismatch an error screen will be displayed.
Retrieving Errors using the Web Server
The Web server enables the user to retrieve error information (hardware or software malfunctions) from any IP Gateway remotely, over the web.
To read errors from the IP Gateway, do the following:
1.Follow the instructions under the Accessing the Web Server section above.
2.Click on the Error Logger link from the list of MOSCAD Tools. The following screen will be displayed.
3.To retrieve the errors from the site, click on the Read Errors button. To retrieve the errors from the site and clear the logger messages, click on the Read & Clear button. The errors will be displayed in the message area of the window.
IP Gateway Web Operation
4.To send the Error Logger messages from the screen via email, click on the Send Error Log by Email icon in the bottom
For a full description of the IP Gateway Toolbox Error Logger, see the SW Diagnostics & Loggers section above. For a full list of the Error Logger messages, see the Error Messages section below.
Retrieving Software Diagnostics using the Web Server
The Software Diagnostics program allows access to each of the modules (or ???devices???) that handle the various tasks of the MOSCAD RTU according to their logical names. The Software Diagnostics program provides reports on the status of each device at different levels of breakdown. It also provides historical and statistical data on the device activities. The Software Diagnostics data is useful for system maintenance, problem identification for remote services and statistics data on the communication system performance. The Web server enables the user to retrieve software diagnostics from the IP Gateway remotely, over the web.
To read software diagnostics from the IP Gateway, do the following:
1.Follow the instructions under the Accessing the Web Server section above.
2.Click on the Software Diagnostics link from the list of MOSCAD Tools. The following screen will be displayed.
3.Select the device name from the Device
4.Next enter the Level at which the diagnostics will be performed. All devices in the system have a level of request, starting from Level 0. Level 10 gets the data and resets all
IP Gateway Web Operation
counters. Level 11 gets the data without resetting the counters. For details on the devices and levels, see the Software Diagnostics Output section below.
5.To retrieve the diagnostics from the site, click on the GO button. The diagnostic messages will be displayed in the message area of the window.
6.To send the software diagnostics from the screen via email, click on the Send Diagnostics by Email icon in the bottom
For more information on the IP Gateway ToolBox Software Diagnostics, see the SW Diagnostics & Loggers section above. For a detailed list of software diagnostic messages, see the Software Diagnostics Output section below.
Setting SNMP Configuration using the Web Server
The Web server enables the user to define SNMP and Motorola SSC parameters for the IP Gateway remotely, over the web.
To set the SNMP Configuration for the IP Gateway, do the following:
1.Follow the instructions under the Accessing the Web Server section above.
2.Click on the SNMP Configuration link from the list of MOSCAD Tools. The following screen will be displayed.
3.Enter values for each field, as described in the SNMP Configurator section above.
4.To download the SNMP configuration to the site, click on the Set Configuration button.
5.To refresh the data received from the sites in the internal IP Gateway cache, click on the Reload button.
IP Gateway Web Operation
For more information on the IP Gateway ToolBox SNMP Configurator, see the SNMP Configurator section above.
Sending Email to the Web Server Administrator
To send an email message to the Web Server system administrator, click on the Admin icon in the upper
IP Gateway Telnet Application
The Telnet protocol is a standard protocol that provides virtual terminal communication, passing data from a remote Telnet host to the IP Gateway Telnet application.
In NFM systems, the IP Gateway Telnet application allows authorized users to access any communication devices that support an interactive interface.
Authorized users can establish connections with the IP Gateway from a Telnet window from any workstation (PC, UNIX, etc.) by using the IP Gateway Telnet Shell (user interface), to establish interactive session(s) with end devices.
The following figure shows the data passing from the Telnet hosts to the end devices.
Telnet User Interface
The IP Gateway Telnet Shell provides the following functionality:
???Telnet application administration - including password handling, adding and deleting new users, displaying a list of users and active sessions, etc.
???Listing the sites and network elements in the system.
???Performing terminal emulation to a network element device.
The IP Gateway Telnet interface supports multiple window sessions simultaneously, thus allowing parallel connection to the IP Gateway from different computers by different users.
The IP Gateway Telnet Shell is case sensitive.
The IP Gateway is organized hierarchically; zones contains sites which contain devices.
Connecting to the IP Gateway
To connect to the IP Gateway, perform the following steps on your host computer:
Type: telnet <IP Gateway IP Address>
At the Login prompt, enter your <login name>.
At the Password prompt, enter your <password>.
At the first startup, the only valid login name is root (generally the name of the superuser or system administrator.) The password for the superuser for the first startup is the existing MDLC password of the IP Gateway.
Upon entering the IP Gateway shell, the prompt becomes Gateway_Name> .
IP Gateway Telnet Operation
Telnet Command Summary
IP Gateway Telnet Operation
IP Gateway Telnet Operation
Example Output
The chart below depicts a list of users and sessions which might be displayed by the who command.
The chart below depicts a list of devices in a site which might be displayed by the dir command.
RS232 Adapter Cables
This appendix provides the information required for connecting an RTU RS232 port to various units, as detailed below:
???Connection to a computer/terminal (MDLC protocol or User Port)
???Connection to a modem (MDLC protocol or User Port)
???Connection to a radio (MDLC protocol)
Connection to a Computer or Terminal
To connect one of the RTU RS232 Ports to a computer/terminal, you should use the FLN6457 adapter, which ends with the female
The signals that appear on the female
To extend the cable, you may use any extension cable with male and female
Note: When a User Port is defined as Computer/Terminal with DTR support:
1)The RTU will not transmit unless it receives DTR=ON from the computer/terminal.
2)The RTU will not receive unless it receives RTS=ON from the computer/terminal.
RS232 Adapter Cables
Connection to a Modem
To connect one of the RTU RS232 Ports to a Modem, you should use the FLN6458 adapter, which ends with the male
The signals that appear on the male
To extend the cable, you may use any extension cable with male and female
Before transmitting, the RTU sends RTS=ON to the modem, and waits for CTS=ON from the modem as a condition for transmitting.
The RTU will receive data from the modem only when DCD=ON.
When using a modem in
Connection to a Radio
Note: On all of the Motorola RJ45 connector heads, the numbering of the pins is different than the standard, as shown in the figure below. Pin
RS232 Adapter Cables
Connection to VRM650/VRM660 radio
To connect the RTU (via Port 2 or Port 3) to a VRM650/VRM660 radio, you should use the FKN4895A adapter, which ends with the male
Connection to Conventional Astro radio
To connect the RTU (via Port 2 or Port 3) to a Conventional Astro radio, you should use the FKN4905A adapter, which ends with the male
RS232 Adapter Cables
To establish a link between two RTUs using MDLC protocol, the ports of both RTUs should be defined as RS232
Do not connect between RTUs without the adapter cables. A direct connection will cause a short circuit between the pins that have the same function.
RS232 Adapter Cables
Using Port 3, 4
The pin assignment of the cable to be used for
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Hayes ACCURA 144 + FAX 144
Configuration (9600 Baud)
B0 E1 L1 M1 N0 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C1 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K0 &Q6 &R1 &S0 &T5 &X0 &Y0 S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S36:007 S37:009 S38:020 S44:020 S46:136 S48:007 S95:000
B0 E1 L1 M1 N0 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C1 &D0 &G0 &J0 &K0 &Q6 &R1 &S0 &T5 &X0 S00:001 S02:043 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S36:007 S37:009 S40:104 S41:192 S46:136 S95:000
B1 E1 L1 M1 N1 Q0 T V1 W0 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &K3 &Q5 &R1 &S0 &T5 &X0 S00:000 S02:043 S06:002 S07:050 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S36:007 S37:000 S40:104 S41:195 S46:138 S95:000
Modem Settings
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Command Summary
(* indicates a change from the default)
*E1 Enable local echo
(Must be set to E0 when modem is connected directly to the RTU as opposed to the PC.)
L1 Low volume
M1 Speaker ON until CONNECT
*N0 Automode is disabled. The handshake will occur based on the value of
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
(* indicates a change from default)
*S00=001 sets the number of rings before modem answers
*S037=009 Desired DCE Line Speed
(This information is according to the standard Hayes Command Set. This was not in this modem???s documentation. Use with caution.)
0Use Last AT Speed
1Reserved (75)
2Reserved (110)
4Reserved (600)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Motorola OnlineSURFR 28.8
Configuration (9600 Baud)
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 &Y0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
Modem Settings
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Command Summary
(* indicates a change from the default)
*E1 Enable local echo
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
(* indicates a change from default)
*S00=001 sets the number of rings before modem answers
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Motorola OnlineSURFR 33.6
Configuration (9600 Baud)
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 &Y0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
Modem Settings
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Motorola OnlineSURFR 56K
Configuration (9600 Baud)
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 &Y0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
B0 E1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 W0 X4 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R1 &S0 &X0 %A013 %C0 %G0 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N0 \Q0 \T000 \V1 \X0
S09:006 S10:014 S11:095 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S37:009 S72:000
Modem Settings
AT&F0 Restore factory configuration 0
AT+MS=9,0,9600,9600 Modulation mode (9=V.32, 9600 or 4800), 0=forced, min speed=9600, max speed=9600
AT&D0 Modem ignores DTR ATE0 Turn off command echo AT&R1 CTS is always active
AT&K0 Disable computer/modem flow control
AT\N1 Normal speed buffered mode (no error correction) AT%C0 Disable data compression
ATS0=1 Rings to autoanswer = 1
AT\V1 Connect messages displayed in single line format ATW2 Report
AT&Y0 Recall stored profile 0 upon power up
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
UDS V.3225
Configuration (9600 Baud)
S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:030 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S12:050 S14:8AH S16:00H S18:000 S21:84H S22:46H S23:00H S25:005 S26:000 S27:08H S28:015 S29:000 S32:06H S34:00H S52:000 S53:00H S54:01H S57:00H S58:000 S59:005 S60:41H S61:1EH S62:000 S63:255 S67:005 S69:005 S70:001 S71:00H S72:00H S78:030 S79:035
Modem Settings
Instructions to load Factory Option Set #2 (Asynchronous
???(Brief message will be displayed)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Factory Option Set #2 (Asynchronous
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
* Indicates variation from factory option set #1 (Information taken directly from manual)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
USRobotics Sportster 14400 Fax
Configuration (9600 Baud)
USRobotics Sportster 14400 Fax Settings...
B0 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X4 Y0
&A1 &B1 &C1 &D0 &G0 &H0 &I0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &P0 &R1 &S0 &T5 &Y1
S00=001 S01=000 S02=043 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002
S07=060 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000
S14=000 S15=000 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=000 S20=000
S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S24=000 S25=005 S26=000 S27=000
S28=008 S29=020 S30=000 S31=000 S32=000 S33=000 S34=006
S35=000 S36=014 S37=009 S38=000 S44=015 S51=000
Modem Settings
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Command Summary
(* indicates a change from the default)
*E1 Enable local echo
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
(* indicates a change from default)
*S00=001 sets the number of rings before modem answers
*S037=009 Desired DCE Line Speed
(This information is according to the standard Hayes Command Set. This was not in this modem???s documentation. Use with caution.)
0Use Last AT Speed
1Reserved (75)
2Reserved (110)
4Reserved (600)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
USRobotics Sportster 28800 Fax
Configuration (9600 Baud)
Use the following dip switch settings on the back of the modem:
1.Down (Ignore DTR)
2.Up (Verbal result codes)
3.Down (display result codes)
4.Up (echo off line commands)
5.Up (auto ans first ring)
6.Up (CD normal)
7.Up (upload at powerup)
8.Down (smart mode)
Modem Settings
AT&A1 (Enables ARQ codes)
AT&D0 (DTR ignored)
AT&H0 (Flow control disabled)
AT&K0 (Data compression disabled)
AT&N6 (Forces connection at 9600 baud or modem hangs up)
AT&R1 (Modem ignores RTS)
ATS0=1 (Answer on first ring)
ATS37=9 (no effect)
AT&W0 (store to NVRAM 0)
ATY0 (defaults to profile 0 at power up)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Command Summary
(* indicates a change from the default)
*E1 Enable local echo
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
(* indicates a change from default)
*S00=001 sets the number of rings before modem answers
*S037=009 Desired DCE Line Speed
(This information is according to the standard Hayes Command Set. This was not in this modem???s documentation. Use with caution.)
0Use Last AT Speed
1Reserved (75)
2Reserved (110)
4Reserved (600)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
USRobotics Sportster 56K Fax
Configuration (9600 Baud)
Use the following dip switch settings on the back of the modem:
9.Down (Ignore DTR)
10.Up (Verbal result codes)
11.Down (display result codes)
12.Up (echo off line commands)
13.Up (auto ans first ring)
14.Up (CD normal)
15.Up (upload at powerup)
16.Down (smart mode)
Modem Settings
AT&A1 (Enables ARQ codes)
AT&D0 (DTR ignored)
AT&H0 (Flow control disabled)
AT&K0 (Data compression disabled)
AT&N6 (Forces connection at 9600 baud or modem hangs up)
AT&R1 (Modem ignores RTS)
ATS0=1 (Answer on first ring)
ATS37=9 (no effect)
AT&W0 (store to NVRAM 0)
ATY0 (defaults to profile 0 at power up)
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Intel SatisFAXtion Modem/400e
B0 E1 L0 M1 T Q0 V1 X4 Y0 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R0 &S0 &X0 &Y0 \A3 %A013 \C0 %C1 %E1 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q0 \T00 \V2 \X0
S08:002 S09:006 S10:014 S11:070 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S26:001 S31:000
B0 E1 L0 M1 T Q0 V1 X4 Y0 &C1 &D0 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R0 &S0 &X0 \A3 %A013 \C0 %C1 %E1 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q0 \T00 \V2 \X0
B1 E1 L2 M1 T Q0 V1 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &L0 &P0 &Q0 &R0 &S0 &X0 \A3 %A013 \C0 %C1 %E1 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q3 \T00 \V2 \X0
Modem Settings
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
Command Summary
(* indicates a change from the default)
*E1 Enable local echo
(Must be set to E0 when modem is connected directly to the RTU as opposed to the PC.)
L1 Low volume
M1 Speaker ON until CONNECT
*N0 Automode is disabled. The handshake will occur based on the value of
Remote ToolBox Modem Setup
(* indicates a change from default)
*S00=001 sets the number of rings before modem answers
*S037=009 Desired DCE Line Speed
(This information is according to the standard Hayes Command Set. This was not in this modem???s documentation. Use with caution.)
0Use Last AT Speed
1Reserved (75)
2Reserved (110)
4Reserved (600)
Software Diagnostics Output
This section lists the diagnostics which are available for the various MOSCAD RTU devices. The messages are listed as they appear on the screen, with %% signs in the text to represent the device???s current alphanumeric values.
The description which follows the diagnostics messages, provides an explanation for the variables.
Terms that are used frequently in diagnostics are described below:
1.Number of logical
2.The number of logical channels above the Presentation layer from which the RTU can initiate communications. In an RTU there are no such logical channels as there is no application that can initiate a call. Control centers (e.g.
3.The number of logical channels above the Presentation layer through which the RTU reacts to calls simultaneously (such as error logger, diagnostics, D.B. monitor, process monitor, date and time, download). The RTU does not need more than
Software Diagnostics Output
## 17 LEVEL = 1
Minisession Channels
This is the applications table that uses the
## 18 LEVEL = 2
This table defines the logical channels located above the Presentation layer, and capable of initiating communications. For each channel the table records the call destination. The destination address consists of the site ID, the port ID, and the link ID.
## 19 LEVEL = 3
This table defines the active logical channels that can react to communications from ToolBox, the control center,
## 20 LEVEL = 4
Frame Sequence Channels
Frame Seq Key Application Id
The Frame Seq Key field holds the key of the application that should receive the frames originating from the corresponding application on the transmitting side, specified in the Application ID field.
## 21 LEVEL = 5
Software Diagnostics Output
T_reset The amount of time a unit waits after having acknowledged repeated reset requests, before sending its own reset frame.
T_dup The amount of time a unit, which has received frames with identical numbers, considers them as duplicates instead of new transmissions.
T_hole The amount of time a unit, which has received frames with holes in the sequence numbers, still expects to receiving the missing frames.
B_reset 1 means that the frame contains a reset bit.
B_ack 1 means that the frame contains a reset ACK bit.
## 23
Current Waiting Buffers Number of frames held in Waiting Queue.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 32 LEVEL = 0
1.Number of buffers in heap instance
2.Number of free buffers in heap.
3.Minimum number of free buffers left in heap since the last diagnostic. This information reflects the extent to which the heap is capable of meeting RTU needs under heavy traffic.
4.The number of times, since the last diagnostic, the RTU software detected an empty heap. A large number of times points to incorrect allocation of memory resources.
5.Size of buffer including the overhead for managing a single buffer.
6.The flag that indicates that the RTU is in startup stage.
7.The flag that points to memory overwrite in the memory area allocated to the heap.
8.Unit of time to be measure how long a buffer is out of the heap (used by other parts of the system).
9.10. and 11. The heap consists of a chain of joined buffers. For chain management purposes, a key holds pointers to the beginning of the chain, the end of the chain, and to the next buffer that will be taken from the chain. The P_current_chain value must be (numerically) between the start and end values.
## 32 LEVEL = 1
Buf Key Next Cntr #FF
Buf Address of the buffer in the memory.
Key Handle (identifier) of the heap. (If =0, buffer is in heap. Otherwise buffer is in use by system.)
Next Next buffer in heap to be allocated. (Meaningful only if key=0.)
Cntr Counts intervals of time that the buffer is out of the heap. (Meaningful only if key ??? 0)
#FF Forced free. (Meaningful only if key ??? 0.) Indicates the total number of units that the buffer was in use out of the heap. Set back to zero when heap is returned to heap. If this value is greater than 3, there may be a memory leak problem. Please consult product group.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 48 LEVEL = 0
General - The adapter is the layer which coordinates the transmission / reception of the MDLC frame above Asynchronous Port.
1.The physical asynchronous key.
2.PIN Table - A pointer which allows ???cabling??? during run time to the physical asynchronous layer selected in Site Configuration.
3.The Rx Heap key - This is the key to the formatted buffer Heap HP_F_RX to be used to collect the stream of bytes which is received in the Asynchronous Port in the MDLC Frame.
4.The Tx Heap key - This is the key to the unformatted buffer Heap HP_UF_A to be used to convert the MDLC frame into a stream of bytes for transmitting through the Asynchronous Port.
5.0XFFFF - means receiving every MDLC frame regardless of its address. (used for the Protocol Analyzer)
6.The System address - In the local port (not above radio) the value is zero , even if the user chooses a different value.
7.The Site ID.
8.Used for transmissions in the local address
9.Used as a default router address
10.Whether or not to allow reception of SYNC frames.
11.TimeAuth device key in Hexadecimal form.
12.TimeAuth identifier.
13.Offset of Authentication stamp within the buffer for authenticated SYNC frames only.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 49 LEVEL = 10,11
1.The number of unformatted frames that have been transmitted.
2.The number of unformatted frames that have been transmitted and for which the physical layer returned a fail signal.
3.The number of received frames includes only correct frames (including acknowledgment frames).
4.The number of unformatted frames that have been received with some error.
5.The following figure illustrates the mask:
6.Number of synchronization frames which were not properly authenticated.
unformatted buffer heap is empty inverse byte, end of frame
empty frame received invalid destination
frame, more than 200 bytes inverse byte, inverse byte
invalid byte after inverse byte CRC error
Recovery of UF heap
1.The logical channel number.
2.The number of seconds between transmission attempts when ACK is not received at the Transport layer.
3.The number of seconds between transmission attempts when a Busy ACK is received. (not enough logical channels on the answering site).
4.The preset time that the site will wait until it issues its ACK to a partial reception.
5.The preset time that the site will wait for the first time until it asks the other site ???is session on????
6.The current number of seconds between transmission attempts.
7.The current number of seconds between transmission attempts in case of Busy ACK.
8.The actual time that the site waits until it issues its ACK to a partial reception.
9.The actual time that the site will wait for the first time until it asks the other site ???is session on????
10.Number of transmission attempts.
11.Number of transmission attempts in case of Busy ACK.
12.The current number of transmission attempts.
13.The current number of transmission attempts in case of Busy ACK.
14.The sequence number of the master session at the initiator???s site.
15.The current number of frames in a single transmission while waiting for ACK on the receiving site.
Software Diagnostics Output
16.The total number of frames in a single transmission while waiting for ACK on the receiving site.
17.The size of the Tx queue until the Transport layer suspends the application.
18.The index of the next buffer to be transmitted. (beginning of queue).
19.The index of the next buffer to be added to the queue. (end of queue).
20.The sequence number of the first frame and last frame in the queue.
21.The size of the Rx queue.
22.The next frame to be received by the Rx queue.
23.The sequence number of the frame to be received.
24.The expected sequence number of the next frame to be received.
25.The location of the next frame to be received in the Rx queue.
26.A temporary queue in case of holes in reception (the receiving sequence number is different from expected). The data is similar to the Rx queue
27.Does Transport expect start session in the next frame to be received?
28.Is Sync ACK required?
29.Has Sync ACK arrived?
30.Was Sync ACK transmitted? Have new frames been received?
31.Is this Instance master or slave?
32.Is this Instance in Tx state?
33.Has a Reset been sent from the Master?
34.Has the current session been aborted?
35.Send ACK in next transmission?
36.Is this the first burst in the current transmission for sending Start Session?
37.Is the Transport layer retrying?
## 65 LEVEL = 1
The number of MDLC frames in each queue in this instance of the Transport layer.
1.The # of Transmitted Frames (does not include retransmission and acknowledgment frames.)
2.The # of Received Frames (includes only correct frames.)
3.The # of
## 80 LEVEL = 0
1.The amount of unused memory in bytes.
2.The amount of memory that the MTE (the operating system) received at startup and distributed among all of the instances that were created in the system.
3.The number of tasks (infinite threads) that were created according to the site configuration.
4.The total number of instances created by the MTE according to the site configuration.
5.The number of extra bytes for each stack. These bytes are designed to detect memory corruption.
6.The length in bytes of the supervisor stack.
7.The amount of unused bytes in the supervisor stack.
8.The length in bytes in the MTE structures ??? TCB (Task Control Block) and DCB (Device Control Block).
Software Diagnostics Output
17. The next index of answer frames to be issued.
## 201 LEVEL = 1
1.Total number of boxes to be handled by this instance. Each box handles one MDLC frame.
2.Current number of free boxes.
3.Current number of boxes waiting for answer.
4.Current number of boxes that are
5.Current number of frame boxes that arrived.
6.Number of originate boxes that arrived.
7.Number of originate boxes to be sent.
8.Number of broadcast boxes to be sent.
9.Number of answer boxes to be sent.
## 202 LEVEL = 2
1.Frame address.
2.Destination site ID.
3.Destination port ID.
4.Destination link ID.
5.Number of retries left.
6.Amount of time left until the next retry.
7.Box index.
8.Previous box index.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 262 LEVEL = 2
1.Device key address.
2.Address of
3.Address of
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
5.Address of frame in descriptor RX 1.
6.Address of frame in descriptor RX 2.
7.Address of frame in descriptor RX 3.
8.Address of frame in descriptor RX 4.
9.Address of frame in descriptor RX 5.
10.Address of frame in descriptor RX 6.
11.Address of frame in descriptor RX 7.
12.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 0.
13.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 1.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 263 LEVEL = 3
1.Device key address.
4.Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5.Communication baud rate.
6.Not relevant.
7.Not relevant.
8.The addresses to which this site will respond through this port.
9.The channel access name.
10.The channel access device key.
11.Channel access pin table.
12.The heap name (HP_F_RX).
13.The heap device key.
Software Diagnostics Output
12.Break register.
13.The number of times the parity error occurred during the reception of a single byte.
14.The number of times the framing error occurred during the reception of a single byte.
15.The number of times the noise error occurred during the reception of a single byte.
16.The number of times a break signal (end of reception) was received at the port.
17.Not in use.
18.Control character register.
19.The characters that are used to close a frame.
## 282
1.Device key address.
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 283
1.Device key address.
4.Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5.Communication baud rate.
6.Not relevant.
7.Not relevant.
8.The addresses to which this site will respond through this port.
9.The channel access name.
10.The channel access device key.
11.Channel access pin table.
12.The heap name (HP_F_RX).
13.The heap device key.
Software Diagnostics Output
22.The reception status of the last received frame.
23.The offset value in the descriptors of the last received frame.
24.Internal variable of 68302.
25.The status of the last transmitted frame.
26.The offset value in the descriptors of the last transmitted frame.
27.Internal variable of 68302.
## 303 LEVEL = 3
4.Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5.Communication baud rate.
6.Not relevant.
7.Port number.
8.Configuration mode.
9.Channel access semaphore.
10.MTE signal on events that took place.
Software Diagnostics Output
11.Whether FSK, DPSK or FSK.
12.The address to which this site will respond through this port.
13.Actual channel access timers.
14.Preset timers for fields defined in the advanced parameters of Port 3.
## 320
4.Port number.
5.Configuration mode.
6.Channel access semaphore.
7.MTE signal on events that took place.
8.Whether FSK, DPSK or FSK.
9.Defines the functionality of port B in 68.
10.Determines whether the pin is for input or output.
11.Defines the value of the pin (previous parameter).
12.Number of empty Rx descriptors.
13.Number of busy Rx descriptors.
Software Diagnostics Output
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
5.Address of frame in descriptor RX 1.
6.Address of frame in descriptor RX 2.
7.Address of frame in descriptor RX 3.
8.Address of frame in descriptor RX 4.
9.Address of frame in descriptor RX 5.
10.Address of frame in descriptor RX 6.
11.Address of frame in descriptor RX 7.
12.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 0.
13.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 1.
14.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 2.
15.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 3.
16.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 4.
17.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 5.
18.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 6.
19.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 7.
20.Rx and Tx function code.
21.Maximum received frame length.
22.The reception status of the last received frame.
Software Diagnostics Output
23.The offset value in the descriptors of the last received frame.
24.Internal variable of 68302.
25.The status of the last transmitted frame.
26.The offset value in the descriptors of the last transmitted frame.
27.Internal variable of 68302.
## 323
4.Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5.Communication baud rate.
Software Diagnostics Output
6.Not relevant.
7.Port number.
8.Configuration mode.
9.Channel access semaphore.
10.MTE signal on events that took place.
11.Whether FSK, DPSK or FSK.
12.The address to which this site will respond through this port.
13.The ACK transmission slot.
14.Random value to obtain a channel during a retry.
15.Actual channel access timers.
16.Preset timers for fields defined in the advanced parameters of Port 3.
## 340
4.Port number.
5.Configuration mode.
6.Channel access semaphore.
Software Diagnostics Output
7.MTE signal on events that took place.
8.Whether FSK, DPSK or FSK.
9.Defines the functionality of port B in 68.
10.Determines whether the pin is for input or output.
11.Defines the value of the pin (previous parameter).
12.Number of empty Rx descriptors.
13.Number of busy Rx descriptors.
14.Number of busy Tx descriptors.
15.Number of empty Tx descriptors.
## 341
4.Determines the clock direction (Rx or Tx) and the baud rate
5.Determines the work mode ??? HDLC or UART.
6.Determines the HDLC flags.
7.The events that generate the interrupt.
8.Mask to block the interrupt.
9.The CM (Channel Monitor) and TD (Tone Detect) statuses.
10.Defines the functionality of port B in 68.
11.Determines whether the pin is for input or output.
12.Defines the value of the pin (previous parameter).
Software Diagnostics Output
## 342
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
5.Address of frame in descriptor RX 1.
6.Address of frame in descriptor RX 2.
7.Address of frame in descriptor RX 3.
8.Address of frame in descriptor RX 4.
9.Address of frame in descriptor RX 5.
10.Address of frame in descriptor RX 6.
11.Address of frame in descriptor RX 7.
12.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 0.
13.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 1.
Software Diagnostics Output
4.Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5.Communication baud rate.
6.Not relevant.
7.Port number.
8.Configuration mode.
9.Channel access semaphore.
10.MTE signal on events that took place.
11.Whether FSK, DPSK or FSK.
12.The address to which this site will respond through this port.
13.Actual channel access timers.
14.Preset timers for fields defined in the advanced parameters of Port 3.
## 360
4.Port number.
5.Configuration mode.
Software Diagnostics Output
10.Defines the functionality of port B in 68.
11.Determines whether the pin is for input or output.
12.Defines the value of the pin (previous parameter).
## 362
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
5.Address of frame in descriptor RX 1.
6.Address of frame in descriptor RX 2.
7.Address of frame in descriptor RX 3.
8.Address of frame in descriptor RX 4.
9.Address of frame in descriptor RX 5.
Software Diagnostics Output
TIMERS (10__MS , 100_MS , 1__SEC , 1__MIN)
## 380 LEVEL = 0
1.The number of timer services (in the specific Instance) currently in use.
2.The maximum number of timer services that can be used.
3.The number of time units (depending on the timer resolution) that have elapsed since the last execution.
4.The maximum number of time units that will elapse without activating the instance, until an error message reports instance timer delay.
## 520
4.Port number.
5.Configuration mode.
6.Channel access semaphore.
7.MTE signal on events that took place.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 522
4.Address of frame in descriptor RX 0.
5.Address of frame in descriptor RX 1.
6.Address of frame in descriptor RX 2.
7.Address of frame in descriptor RX 3.
8.Address of frame in descriptor RX 4.
9.Address of frame in descriptor RX 5.
10.Address of frame in descriptor RX 6.
11.Address of frame in descriptor RX 7.
12.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 0.
13.Address of frame for transmission in descriptor 1.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 646 LEVEL = 1
1.Number of dialing channels.
2.The last failed channel used.
3.The dialing line.
4.The call status.
5.The initiator site ID.
6.The Link layer device key.
7.The Ldialer layer device key.
## 660 LEVEL = 0
Diagnostics for third party protocol port defined as connected ???TO PLC???.
1.PLC1 / PLC2 / PLC3
2.PLC (slave)
3.Address where the FLS file was downloaded.
4.Length of the code that was downloaded.
5.Start of RAM - used for the PLC PORT software.
6.Length of RAM - used for the PLC PORT software.
7.Maximum number of retries.
8.Maximum number of pollings.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 2020 LEVEL = 0
1.Device key.
2.General Status Register.
3.General reset Register.
4.Events Register.
5.Events Mask Register.
6.Max idles Register.
7.Close Character
8.Read register containing baud rate (low byte)
9.Read register containing baud rate (high byte)
10.Mode register.
11.Control 1 register.
12.Control 2 register.
13.External pins register.
14.Receive Ready control Register (1st buffer).
15.Receive Status control Register (1st buffer).
16.Transmit control bits (1st buffer).
Software Diagnostics Output
transmission to it results in an ICMP:Dest Unreach error message, or when the ???check alive??? test fails. Use of this parameter makes MLDC over IP more reliable when transmitting to failed sites.
15.If ???Check failed sites??? is YES, this specifies the number of retries of the ???check alive??? test to the failed site, before the message is routed to an alternative path (if such exists) and asserting that it is still failed.
16.If ???Check failed sites??? is YES, this specifies the timeout in seconds between retries of the ???check alive??? test.
17.If ???Check failed sites??? is YES, this specifies the timeout in seconds in which no message was received from a site before declaring it as unknown. Any new transmission to the site will first cause a ???check alive??? test as explained above. This parameter is extends the ???check alive??? test to sites which are not failed, but have been idle for some time. If this parameter is set to 0, no ???check alive??? test will be performed for idle sites.
## 2201 LEVEL = 1
Socket open latest result : %%
Socket send latest result : %%
Socket recv latest result : %%
Status of the socket on the link. For system software developers only.
## 2202 LEVEL = 2
1.Number of frames awaiting transmission.
2.Not relevant.
3.Not relevant.
4.Not relevant.
5.Not relevant.
6.Last Site ID to which the RTU transmitted.
7.Last IP address to which the RTU transmitted.
Software Diagnostics Output
14.Timeout in seconds in which no data was received and disconnecting/reactivating SLIP/PPP.
15.Time elapsed in seconds since the last received SLIP/PPP data from port.
16.Is PPP/SLIP driver in the process of being disconnected?
17.Is PPP/SLIP driver in the process of being connected?
18.Not relevant.
19.Not relevant.
20.Was an AT response noted when receiving data in SLIP/PPP mode? An AT response can be ERROR, +CME ERROR, AT, ATH, etc. It indicates that the modem has moved to command mode and therefore the driver needs to be disconnected.
21.Not relevant.
22.Not relevant.
## 2301 LEVEL = 1
1. Status of LCP layer (up or down).
Software Diagnostics Output
Time transmitted last PAP: %%54
1.Last protocol received.
2.Not relevant.
3.Last LCP code received.
4.Last LCP id received.
5.Last LCP/IP message received.
6.Last LCP/IP message length in bytes.
7.Time the message was received.
8.Number of Nacks received for LCP.
9.Number of Rejects received for LCP.
10.Not relevant.
11.Last IPCP code received.
12.Last IPCP id received.
13.Last IPCP message received.
14.Last IPCP message length in bytes.
15.Time the message was received.
16.Number of Nacks received for IPCP.
17.Number of Rejects received for IPCP.
18.Not relevant.
19.PAP code received.
20.PAP id received.
21.PAP message length in bytes received.
22.Last PAP message length in bytes.
23.Time the message was received.
Software Diagnostics Output
24.Not relevant.
25.CHAP code received.
26.CHAP id received.
27.Length of CHAP message received in bytes.
28.CHAP message received.
29.Time the CHAP message was received.
30.Number of ???Success??? CHAP messages received.
31.Number of ???Fail??? CHAP messages received.
32.Not relevant.
33.Not relevant.
34.Last LCP code transmitted.
35.Last LCP id transmitted.
36.Last LCP/IP message length in bytes.
37.Last LCP/IP message transmitted.
38.Time the last LCP/IP message was transmitted.
39.Number of Nacks transmitted to LCP.
40.Number of Rejects transmitted to LCP.
41.IPCP protocol transmitted.
42.IPCP code transmitted.
43.IPCP id transmitted.
44.Length in bytes of the last IPCP message transmitted.
45.Last IPCP message transmitted.
46.The last time an IPCP message was transmitted.
47.Number of Nacks transmitted for IPCP.
48.Number of Rejects transmitted for IPCP.
49.Not relevant.
50.PAP code transmitted.
51.PAP id transmitted.
52.Length in bytes of the last PAP message transmitted.
Software Diagnostics Output
4.DSR1 register parameters (See MC68302 Manual Page
5.SCCM1 register parameters (See MC68302 Manual Page
6.SCCE1 register parameters (See MC68302 Manual Page
7.SCCS1 register parameters (See MC68302 Manual Page
8.PACNT (PORT A Control register parameters) (See MC68302 Manual Page
9.PADDR (PORT A Direction register parameters) (See MC68302 Manual Page
10.PADAT (PORT A DATA register parameters)
## 2752 LEVEL = 2
Software Diagnostics Output
## 2753 LEVEL = 2
Software Diagnostics Output
## 2754 LEVEL = 3
## 2760 LEVEL = 10,11
1.Number of times a frame was discarded.
2.Number of frames with a CRC error.
Software Diagnostics Output
## 3000 LEVEL = 0
1.Is the RTU synchronized or not.
2.How frequently a SYNC message is to be sent.
3.The number of links (includes zones) attached to the RTU.
4.Number of authenticated links on the RTU.
5.Site ID of the Server RTU which provides synchronization.
6.Link ID through which the RTU is connected to the Server.
7.Server link index
8.Maximum number of seconds by which the timestamp of an incoming message can differ from the RTU clock.
10.TX SYNC REQUEST interval (seconds): %%10
11.TX AFTER RESTART retry (seconds): %%11
Error Messages
Error Logger Messages
This section lists the errors and warnings which may be generated by the Error Logger. The messages are listed as they appear on the screen, with %% signs in the text to represent alphanumeric values provided by the Error Logger.
The description which follows the error messages, provides one or more possible causes for the error and possible solutions.
Error #20: Invalid Box in TX Queue ??? Device: %%
This message appears due to a fault memory overwrite in the Tx Queue in the link layer. The 'Device' is the name of the link layer (referring to the port). Consult product group.
Error #21: Invalid Box in Positive ACK Queue ??? Device: %%
This message appears due to a fault memory overwrite in the ACK Queue in the link layer. The 'Device' is the name of the link layer (referring to the port). Consult product group.
Error #22: Invalid Box in Busy/Setcall Queue ??? Device: %%
This message appears due to a fault memory overwrite in the Busy/Setcall Queue in the link layer. The 'Device' is the name of the link layer (referring to the port). Consult product group.
Error #23: Can Not Get a New ACK Buffer, increase # of ACK Buffers ??? Device %%
For each link layer, 8 acknowledge buffers are defined. If all those buffers are full and the link intends to prepare another acknowledgment for transmission, this message is displayed and there will be a retry on behalf of the transmitting side. Usually, this may occur in Nodes. Consult product group.
Error #24: ACk Buffer (Formatted) is too Small ??? Device: %%
For system software developers only. Consult product group.
Error #25: Can Not Get a New ACK Buffer, ACKs Buffer was corrupted ??? Device: %%
This message appears due to a memory overwrite in the heap of the acknowledgments in the link layer.
Error #40: Illegal Operation Code For Configuration
Illegal operation code during configuration download.
Error Messages
Error #823: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Get_coldef_tab Failed !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #824: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Data Type Format Error In Protocol !
Communication format error. Consult product group.
Error #825: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Data Type Mismatch !
Data type error when accessing a column via PLC communication. Data type mismatch.
Error #826: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Number of elements must be greater from 0
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #827: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
First Y ??? coord. out of range !
This message indicates that the SCADA accesses via PLC communication a row which is out the range of defined rows.
Error #828: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Last Y ??? coord. out of range !
This message indicates that the SCADA accesses via PLC communication a row which is out the range of defined rows.
Error #829: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Unpack of f_buf failed !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #830: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Scan failed. No rows in column !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #831: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Cannot allocate
Empty heap. Consult product group.
Error #832: Userrom Plc module, Function %%
Reply Format Error !
Communication format error in the reply frame. May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error Messages
Error #1006: ABTS module, Function %%
Failed to build the reply or command in Allen Bradley format !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1007: ABTS module, Function %%
Pure data in Poll control. No data must appear in this control !!
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1008: ABTS module, Function %%
The N_ELM field in send control is EQ 0 !
It must be GE from 1
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1009: ABTS module, Function %%
The length of pure data in send control is 0 !!
It must be GE from 1
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1010: ABTS module, Function %%
The N_ELM field in send control is EQ 0 !
It must be GE from 1
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1011: ABTS module, Function %%
No support for the data type in the send control frame !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1012: ABTS module, Function %%
The opcode in RTU PLC format is neither SEND nor POLL !
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1013: ABTS module, Function %%
The expected reply length in RTU PLC format is too long !
There is no support for replies longer than 140 bytes. Do not scan columns longer than 140 bytes.
Error #1014: ABTS module, Function %%
Failed to decode the
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1015: ABTS module, Function %%
The size of
The reply should not exceed 140 bytes.
Error Messages
Error #1016: ABTS module, Function %%
The FLUSH function failed, but continuing
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1017: ABTS module, Function %%
Not enough RAM memory for
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1018: ABTS module, Function %%
Internal communication protocol format error. Consult product group.
Error #1100: Invalid Destination Address : %%
X25 address is too short. Can not operate call request.
X.25 address is too short.
Error #1101: Local port #%% was not found. destination Address is : %% X25 address contains unidentified port.
Can not switch since local port is not available.
Error #1102: Invalid router 'PROVIDER' Mode: %%
Invalid mode.
Error #1103: Router table #%%, Channel #%% ??? status is %%
Expected status is %%, Operation code is: %%
Incorrect operation according to the states table for a single logic channel. For example, data transfer in an unopened channel.
Error #1104: Invalid Self Address : %%
Illegal RTU X25 address.
The X.25 address defined in the configuration is not correct.
Error #1105: Router table #%% does not contain logical channel #%%
Illegal logic channel.
The logic channel does not exist. May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1107: Invalid Calling Address : %%
Illegal initiator's X25 address.
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #1108: Number Of Slaves ??? %% is Greater Than Number of Sites ??? %%
The additional slaves that do not have corresponding sites are not useful.
Error Messages
Error #1504: ???TxIntrc??? was called with invalid subgroup ???ITxSub??? %%
This error occurs when you call the TxIntrc function with the wrong ITxSub variable. See Intrac Protocols chapter in Advanced Features in the Application Programmer manual.
Possible range:
Error #1505: ???TxIntrc??? or ??? TxWdth??? was called with invalid link ???Tx_Lnk??? %%
This error occurs when you call the TxIntrc or TxWdth functions with the wrong Tx_Lnk variable. See Intrac Protocols chapter in Advanced Features in the Application Programmer manual.
Possible ranges: Radio (1)
Line (2)
LOTrnk (1)
HiTrnk (11)
Error #1506: ???TxWdth??? was called with invalid address ???TxTo??? %%
This error occurs when you call the TxWdth function with the wrong TxTo variable. See Intrac Protocols chapter in Advanced Features in the Application Programmer manual.
Possible range:
Error #1509: Received frame with invalid length %% from INTRAC/MEIC port
In the INTRAC case, the frame length is 4 bytes. In the MEIC case the frame length is
Error #1545: INTRAC modem piggyback has error %%
The error message ID (%%) may be one of the following:
ID Description
160Piggyback got control frame from 68302 with invalid opcode
161Piggyback got characters from 68302 not between 0A and 0D
162Piggyback got from 68302 control frame too large
163Piggyback got from 68302 overrun byte in rxsci
164Piggyback got from 68302 character when cyclic buffer full
165Piggyback tried to close frame with invalid framelength
166Piggyback has buffer with invalid ID
167Piggyback has buffer with invalid temporary length
168Piggyback has pulled empty buffer which is not last in frame
169Piggyback has watchdog reset
170Piggyback has clock fail reset
171Piggyback has a spike
172Piggyback has idle line
Error Messages
173Piggyback got from 68302 frame error
174Piggyback got from 68302 noise error
175Piggyback Config register not programmed properly
Error #1553: Failed configuring or diagnosing INTRAC modem (ID = %%)
The error message ID (%%) may be one of the following:
ID Description
100RTU received irrelevant config/diagnostics ACK from piggyback
101RTU received irrelevant config/diagnostics ACK from piggyback
102Piggyback failed to write parameters to its internal eeprom
103RTU did not receive answer about config/diagnostics from piggyback
Error #1555: Cannot operate repetition, Heap is empty
Heavy transmission traffic not necessarily on the INTRAC/MEIC only, but because the heap serves the other MDLC channels.
Error #1557: INTRAC system table: invalid station address (StnAdr) %%
Invalid StnAdr value in the INTRAC system tables (database builder).
Possible range:
Error #1563: INTRAC system table: invalid repeater mode (RptMod) %%
Invalid RptMod value in the INTRAC system tables (database builder).
Possible range:
Error #1564: Transmission failed: %% channel at INTRAC/MEIC port (ID = %%)
The first variable in this message is the channel name. The second (ID) may be one of the following:
The error message ID (%%) may be one of the following:
ID Description
00comm module failed physical_transmit()
10comm module failed physical_wait(EOTX)
10Fskadp could not transmit because CTS signal is stuck. It means that the piggyback internal buffer is full.
11Fskadp could not transmit because the channel was busy
12UART transmission timeout occurred at Fskadp module
13???Wait for Holdup??? transmission timeout occurred af Fskadp
14fskadp_warmup() was called with illegal piggyback
Error #1601: Could not identify INTRAC Modem piggyback
Problem with identifying the modem board. Possible hardware problem.
Error Messages
Error #1751: Invalid block
Invalid ???C??? block loaded to the RTU. Its calculated CRC does not match that of the loaded block. Reload the ???C??? block.
Error #1752: User Application Error:
Occurs as a result of MOSCAD_error function usage in one of the ???C??? blocks loaded to the RTU.
Error #1763: 'C' Block version is higher than system 'C' application version.
Consult product group.
Error #1764: 'C' block no. %% contain invalid name %% in the user_jumptable.
Check the function names entered in the user_jumptable. An invalid name is one whose length is more than six characters or one which contains a blank or other invisible character.
Error #1770: The Downloadable "C" function is running too long. Could not delete it from table.
Occurs as a result of error in one of the ???C??? blocks loaded to the RTU.
Error #1790: Socket Opening failed.
Communication problem with MDLC over IP.
Error #1791: Socket Connection failed.
Communication problem with MDLC over IP.
Error #1810: Could not abort the master sessions. The master channels are not stopped.
Problem with C master session during Download.
Error #1900: Cannot push into queue - it has reached maximal size
Error in MDLC over IP. Buffers for transmission are coming into queue faster than port can take them. Up to 255 messages may be stored in transmission queue prior to transmission from SLIP line. This error occurs if trying to transmit more than this.
Error #1904: Destination site ID %% not supported
Error in MDLC over IP. Site ID does not appear in the IP Conversion Table. Check if Site has IP address or if Site ID is correct.
Error #1905: Sync transmission is not supported
Error in MDLC over IP. RTU cannot send Sync frames through this link. Error is obsolete.
Error Messages
Error #1915: Unsupported 'connect to' %% device in MDLC over IP port
???Connect to??? parameter is not supported by this system. This is provided for future configuration having new drivers that will be downloaded to older systems that does not support them.
Error #1916: MDLC Compression not supported in Slip/PPP port
This error is set when future configurations that support MDLC compression on Slip/PPP will be downloaded to older systems that do not support it.
Error #1917: MDLC confirmed link not supported in Slip/PPP port
This error is set when future configurations that support MDLC link capability between adjacent sites on Slip/PPP will be downloaded to older systems that does not support it.
Error #1918: Dial operation not supported in Slip/PPP port
This error is set when future configurations that support dial operation on Slip/PPP will be downloaded to older systems that do not support this feature. Dial operation is a qualifier specifying when RTU needs to connect and initiate Slip/PPP. When not used or not supported RTU is always connected.
Error #1919: Dial number not supported in Slip/PPP port
This error is set when future configurations that support dial numbers on Slip/PPP will be downloaded to older systems that do not support it. Dial number is an alternate string (such as phone number) used when connecting to modem instead of common ATD. Even though not supported, user can still specify this string and others by using a Standard Modem configuration through a downloaded IP Modem file.
Error #1920: %%
This error is set when there was a problem reading/executing a command from the IP Modem file. The IP Modem file is read when configuring a Standard Modem for Slip/PPP port.
Error #1940: Port connection type changed to slip
This error is set when a PPP configuration was downloaded into a system that does not support PPP (such as systems with small FLASH). Slip is used instead of PPP.
Error #1950: Failed to push buffer to the reception queue of the dowloaded protocol driver
May indicate system software error. Consult product group.
Error #1951: Failed to get character(s) from the reception queue of the dowloaded protocol driver
May indicate system software error. Consult product group.