Congratulations on your choice of a Maytag
washer! Your satisfactionis very important to us. Theinformation in this USER'SGUIDEwill help you understandhow your washer operates. Additional information is found in the MAYTAG
LAUNDERINGGUIDEon proper washing and
drying techniques.By following theseinstructions carefully,you will be able to achieve excellent
resultswith your washer.
Should you have any questionsabout using your Maytag washer, contact us. Pleasehave the model and serial numbersavailable.
NOTE: For serviceand warranty information see pages
Forfuture referencewe suggestyou retainIbis manual. Recordthe model numberand serial
number of this washer in the spacesprovided. (If the washer changes ownership, be sure this manual accompaniesthe washer.)
This information can be found on the data plate located on top of the control panel cover.
WARNING - Check with installer to make sure appliance has been grounded to avoid possible electrical shock. Be sure
you start to use this washer.
When using liquidchlorinebleach,carefully measuretheamountof bleach recommendedon the bottle label. General recommendationsare
1/8 cup for each 2 gallonsof washwater. Amount of wash water in: EX.SMALL- 10
gallons(8 Imperialgallons;38 liters);SMALL- 12 gallons(10 Imperialgallons;45 liters); MEDIUM- 14 gallons (12 Imperial gallons; 53 liters); LARGE- 17 gallons (14 Imperial gallons; 64 liters); EXTRALARGE- 19 gallons (16 Imperial gallons; 72 liters).
Add the recommendedamount of liquid chlorine bleach to the dispenserbefore placing the clothes in the washer tub. Properlydiluted bleach will be added automatically to the wash water.
Becarefulwheneveryou useliquidchlorine bleach.It isa powerfulchemicaland cancause fabricdamage,suchas tearsor colorloss,if not usedproperly.Do notpourdirecllyon fabrics.
Wipe up spillswith a papertowel.
Useeither liquid or granular laundry detergent. Add measuredamount of detergentto washtub before loading.
Readthe manufacturer'sinstructionsand usethe
correct amount. Most instructionsare for washing an "average" load. If the size of the load is extra large, the degree of soil is heavier than average and the water is harder than 6 grains per gallon, more detergent should be used.
Wipe up any spillsof liquid laundry detergent on the washer.
Loading the Washer
Placedry, unfolded clothesloosely in the tub, up to the top row of holesfor a maximumload. Do not pack or wrap itemsaround the agitator. See MAY'I'AGLAUNDERINGGUIDEfor suggestions on sorting. Be sureto empty all pockets, mend any holes or tears and pretreat spots, stainsand heavily soiled areas.
Fabric Softener
When using
Do not interruptthe spinfollowingthe washcycle becausethesoftenerwill go intothewashtubat thewrong time.
Thearea in and around thedispensercup should be flushedand cleanedwithhotwater and a soft
Select Water Level
Turnthe selectorknobto the settingthat matches
the size of the load.
be setto five distinct settings- EX.SMALL, SMALL,MEDIUM, LARGEor EX.LARGE.
Theinfinite selectorknob (noton all models)can
be movedto eachwater level or any point in between,
If more water is needed once the fill is complete, movethe knob to Reset,then to the desired setting,
For bestwashing results,clothesmustcirculate freely. If too little water is used,poor cleaning, linting and excessivewear may result.Usethe following as a guide to selectthe proper water
Ex. Small- 1/4 full of clothes, Small- 1/4 to 1/3 full of clothes,
Medium - 1/3 to 1/2 full of clothes,
Large- 1/2 to 3/4 full of clothes.
Ex. Large- 3/4 to full of clothes,
NOTE: When launderingpermanentpressitems or itemsof delicatecanslrucfion, washablewoolensor looselyknit items,
neveruselessthanthe MEDIUMsetting, Thiswill minimizeshrinkage,wrinkling
and pullingof seams.
(Features may vary
Select Wash/Rinse Water
Turnthe selectorknobto the water temperature desired.
HOT/COLD - Wash water will be the
temperature of the water coming from the hot water faucet. Rinsewater will be cold. Usethis
settingfor heavily soiled whites and colorfast items.
WARM/WARM - Wash water will be a mixture of water coming from the hot and cold water faucets. Rinsewater will be the same,except when the permanent presscycle is selected;then it will automatically be cold. Use this setting for delicates and for colored itemswhen a warm rinse following the wash is preferred.
WARM/COLD - Wash water will be a mixtureof water coming from the hot and cold water faucets. Rinsewater will be cold. Use this for
itemswith moderate soil level and colored items. COLD/COLD - Wash and rinse water will be the
temperature of the water coming from the cold water faucet. Use this setting to minimize fading
of brightly colored itemsand shrinkage of washable woolens.NOTE: Water below65??F is
toocold to dissolveand activategranular laundry detergents.
:cording to model.)
Select Cycle and Time
Pushin the cycle controlknob and turnclockwise to the proper cycle and washtime.
TheHEAVYcycleisdesignedto wash very soiled loads,the NORMALcycleisfor averagesoiled loadsand the LIGHTcycleshouldbe selectedfor slightlysoiledloads,
For REGULARFABRICloads, turn the contro(knob to 12 minutesfor a HEAVYcycle; to 8 minutesfor
a NORMAL cycle; and to 5 minutesfor a LIGHT
The SUPERWASHcycle (noton all models) providesadditiona(washtimefor regular fabric loads. Itwill add
For PERMANENTPRESSloads, turn the control knobto 10 minutesfor a HEAVYcycle; to 7 minutesfor a NORMAL cycle; and to 5 minutes
for a LIGHTcycle. Due to theextra coal down rinsewhich minimizeswrinkling, thiscycle can
alsobe usedfar
ForDEUCATESwashab, lewoolensor "hand-
washable" items,turn the control knob to 8 minutesfor a NORMAL cycle; and to 5 minutes for a LIGHTcycle,
The QUICKCYCLEreducesthe cycletime by using a 6 minutewash and a shorter firstspin and rinse. Totalcyc(etime is approximate(y 16
minutesplus fill times.Toselect,turn the control
knob to start. (Recommendedfor lightly soiled
NOTE: Thewasher isautomaticallyprogrammed to assureproperagitationand spinning
for eachload type. REGULARFABRIC cyclesand the QUICKCYCLEwill provide
o fastwash/spinspeed.PERMANENT PRESSwill havea fastwash/spin speed alongwith a
TheAUTOMATICPRESOAKcycle (noton all models)movesFromthe presoakinto the "HEAVY" regular fabricscycle automatically. Sincethe presoakand thewash are done in one
tubof water, it saveswater and energy. A hot water presoak is recommendedfor heavily soiled
items.A warm or cold water presoak is recommendedfor proteinstains(blood,grass, etc.).
Tousethe AUTOMATICPRESOAKcycleturnthe controlknobto PRESOAKTh. ewasher wi(( soak for approximately 10 minutes(thisincludes periodsof agitation)thenmovedirectlyinto 12 minutesof wash withoutdrainingand refil)ing.
When usingthe Presoakcycle, use up to 50% more than the usual amountof detergent or usea
presoak product suchas Axion or Biz* in addition to the regular amountof detergent,if
you choose to usebleach, it can also be added at this time.
??? . . more
TheSOAKONLYcycle (noton all models)is used to soak heavily soiled or stained itemsfor as long
as desired. Thewasher does not advance automaticallyinto a wash cycle,
Tousethe SOAKcycleturn the controlknobto start. Thewasherwill fill, agitatefor approximately 3 minutesand soak until the control knob is advanced into a wash cycle or spin and drain. Generally, soak periods up to 30
minutesare sufficient for mostloads. If following the soakwith a regular wash, useup to 50% more than the usualamount of detergent.
Start the Washer
Pullout the cycle control knob to startthe washer, It will fill to the selectedwater level with the
selectedwash water temperature.After filling, it will agitate for the selectednumberof minutes.
Thewasherwill pausebrieflythroughouteach cycle.Thesepausesare normal.
Thiswasher is designedsothat it will notagitate or spin when the lid is open. It will, however,fill with thelid open sowater is avai(able for pretreatingstainsor dilutingfabric softener.
Shouldthe lid be opened during a cycle, the
washer will stop;when the lid is closed and the
control knob is pulled out, the washer will resume itscycle at the point it was interrupted.
NOTE: If an unbalanced load occurs during the spin, the washer will automatically stop.
If this happens, push in the control knob, open the lid, redistributethe load, close
the lid and pull out the control knob.
Indicator Lights
(Lights will vary according to model)
The ON light stayslit throughoutthe entire cycle indicatingthe washeris operating. TheSOAK light ison during a soakcycle- soak onlyor
automatic presoak. TheSUPERWASHlight is on until the timer advancesinto the Regular Fabrics HEAVYcycle.
???Turnoff the water faucetsafter finishing the day'swashing. Thiswill shutoff the water supply to the washer and prevent the unlikely possibilityof damage from escapingwater.
???Clean the control panel with a softdamp cloth and glasscleaner. Do not useany abrasive powders or cleaning pads.
???Clean the cabinet with soap and water followed with an appliance wax, if desired.
wash and rinse portion of the cycle, lint is collected on the filter. Thefilter is then flushed
automatically during the spin and drain.
Washerscan be damaged if water is not removedfrom hosesand internalcomponents
beforestorage. Preparethewasher for storageas follows:
???Selectthe NORMAL cycle on Regular Fabrics and add one cup of bleach or white vinegar to a full load of warm or hot water without
clothes.Runthe washer through a complete cycle.
???Turn the water faucetsoff and disconnect the inlet hoses.
???Advance thecycle control knob to the final spin of Regular Fabricsand lower the drain hoseto drain any water that may be in the drain hose.
???Disconnectthewasherfromthe electricalsupply and leave thewasher lid open to let air circulateinsidethetub_
Special Cycles (not on all models)
*The cycle sequenceis the samefor HEAVY,NORMAL and LIGHT;however, the total cycle timewill vary.
**Under certain conditions this spray rinsemay not occur.
NOTE: Thewasherwill pausebrieflythroughouteachcycle.Thesepausesare normal.
Check these points if your
Won't fill
???Plugcord intoliveelectricaloutlet.
???Check fuseor resetcircuitbreaker.
???Turnthe controlknobto proper cycle and pull knob out to start thewasher. If equipped with buttons,be sure they are fully depressed,
???Turnboth Faucetson fully.
???Straighten inlet hoses,
???Disconnecthosesand check hose filter screens. Clean screens,if plugged,
???Checkfuseorresetcircuibreakt er.
???Turn the control knob to proper cycle and pull
knoboutto startthe washer. If equipped with buttons,be surethey are fullydepressed.
*Closelid and pull knoboutto startthewasher.
Foryour safety,washerwill notagitateor spin unlessthe lidis closed.
close lid and pull knob out. Checkfor leveling. Be sure water level is acceptable for load size.
???Thismay be a pause or soak period in the cycle. Wait briefly and it may start.
???Thewasher is equipped with a lid switchfailure detector. In the eventthat the lid switch should
Won't agitate
???Check fuseor resetcircuitbreaker.
???Turnthe controlknobto proper cycle and puff knob outto startthewasher.If equippedwith buttons,be suretheyare fullydepressed.
???Close lid and pullknob outto startthe washer, Foryour safety,washerwill notagitate or spin
unlessthe lid is closed.
???Thewasher is equipped with a lid switchfailure detector. In the eventthat the lid switch should
malfunction, the detector will stop operations for your safety.Call for service.
Leaks water
???Make surehoseconnectionsare tight.
*Make sureend of drain hose is correctly insertedin and securedto drain facility.
Is noisy
??? Make surewasher is level and firm to the floor.
malfunction,the detectorwill stop operations
for your safely.Coil for service,
Won't spin or drain
???Check fuseor resetcircuitbreaker.
???Straightenhoses.Eliminatekinkedhoses.If there isa drain restriction,call for service,
???Close lid and pull knob out to startthe washer.
Foryour safety,washerwill notagitate or spin unlessthe lid is closed,
???Sudslock - causedby too muchsuds.Rewash without detergent. Use correct amount of a low- sudsingdetergent,
???The washer is equipped with a lid switch failure detector. In the eventthat the lid switch should
malfunction,the detector will stop operations for your safety. Call for service.
??? Plugcord intoliveelectricaloutlet.
Fills with the wrong temperature water
???Turnbothfaucetson fully.
???If equipped with a temperatureselectorknob,
be sureit issetdirectlyon a temperaturesetting and not betweensettings.
???Make sure temperatureselectionis correct.
???Make sure hosesare connectedto correct faucetsand inletconnections.Besurewater
supplyisregulatedcorrectly.Flushwater line beforefilling washer.
???Check thewater heater.It shouldbe setto
delivera minimum120??F (49??C) hotwater at the tap. Also checkwater heater capacity and recovery rate.
*Hosefilter screensplugged. Disconnecthoses and clean screens.
NOTE: Forfurtherassistanceontactyour
Maytagdealer or call Maytag Customer
Full One Year Warranty
Forone (1) year from the date of original retail purchase, any part which fails in normal home usewill be repaired or replaced free of charge.
Umited Parts Warranty
After the first year from the date of original retail purchase, through the time periods listed below, the designated parts which fail in normal homeuse will be repaired or replaced free of charge for the part itself,with the owner paying all other costs, including labor.
Third through Fifth Year The drive motor. All partsof the solid statecontrols(if so equipped). Third through Tenth
Additional Limited Warranty Against Rust
Should an exteriorcabinet, including the top, _id,and baseframe,rustduring the five year period starting from the date of original retail purchase, repair or replacementwill be made free of charge during the firstyear. After the first and through the fifth year, repair or replacementwill be made free of charge for the part itself, with the owner paying all other costs, including labor.
Thisfull warranty and the limited warranties apply when the appliance is located in the United Statesor Canada. Appliances located elsewhereare covered by the limited warranties only, which include partswhich fall during the first year.
To Receive Warranty Service
First:. To locate an authorized servicecompany in your area, contact the Maytag dealer from whom your appliance was purchasedor carlMaytag CustomerService:
or checkin yourtelephoned_rectoryyellowpages.
Second: Shouldyou not receivesatisfactorywarranty service from the dealer or authorized servicefirm, or need further assistance,carl or write:
Maytag CustomerService
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37311
When contacting CustomerServicebe sure to provide the model and serial numberof your appliance, the name and addressof the dealer from whom you purchasedthe appliance and the date of purchase.
ThisWarranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rightswhich vary from stateto state.
Shoddyou stillhavea problemwriteto:Ma,or ApplianceConsumeActr ionPanel20, NorthWackerDrive,Chicago,Illinois60606. MACAP isan industrysponsoredbutindependengtroupof consumerexpertswho receiveandacton campaintsfromapplianceowners.
NOTE: Whenwritingaboutanunsolvedserviceproblem,pleaseincludethefollowinginformation:
I_I Modelnumbearndserialnumber(foundoncontrolpanecovel r)ofyourappliance;
A cleardescriptionof theproblemyouare having;
i! NameandaddrWaterhardnessedetergen,ssofyourdealbrt nderanddatetamouhneappliancewasbought;t,watertemperatureand cycleused.
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