Use & Care Guide Manual de Uso y Cuidado

English / Espa??ol

System tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of chlorine taste and odor, and Standard 44 for hardness reduction, efficiency and the reduction of barium and radium 226/228,

and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 372.

Este sistema ha sido probado y certificado por NSF International seg??n la norma NSF/ANSI 42 para la reducci??n del sabor y el olor a cloro, y la norma 44 para la reducci??n de la dureza, eficiencia y la reducci??n del bario y del radio 226/228,

y certificado seg??n la norma NSF/ANSI 372.

KenmoreModel / Modelo No. 625.385200 Elite

Hybrid Water??Softener

A water softener and a whole home filter in one

Ablandador H??brido de Agua

Un ablandador de agua con filtro integrado para toda la casa

Sears Brands Management Corporation 3333 Beverly Road

Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.

P/N 7332880 (Rev. E 11/7/12)

Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.




When installed, operated and maintained according to all instructions supplied with the product, if this Kenmore appliance fails due to a defect in material and workmanship within one year from the date of pur- chase, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME?? to arrange for free repair.


When installed, operated and maintained according to all instructions supplied with the product, if any of the following electronic parts fail due to a defect in material or workmanship, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME?? to arrange for free part replacement: Brine Tank Light, Electronic Board, Sensor Housing, Wiring Harness, Transformer, Micro Switch, Drive Motor, Power Cable. After the first year you must pay an initial trip charge.


When installed, operated and maintained according to all instructions supplied with the product, if the water softener tank or salt storage drum develops a leak within ten years from the date of purchase,

call 1-800-4-MY-HOME?? to arrange for free tank or drum replacement. After the first year you must pay an initial trip charge.

All warranty coverage does not include water softener resin or carbon, which are expendable items.

If this appliance is used for other than private family purposes, this warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase.

This warranty covers only defects in material and workmanship. Sears will NOT pay for:

1. A service technician to instruct the user in correct product installation, operation or maintenance. 2. A service technician to clean or maintain this product.

3. Damage to or failure of this product if it is not installed, operated or maintained according to the all instructions supplied with the product.

4. Damage to or failure of this product resulting from accident, abuse, misuse or use for other than its intend- ed purpose.

5. Damage to or failure of this product caused by the use of detergents, cleaners, chemicals or utensils other than those recommended in all instructions supplied with the product.

6. Damage to or failure of parts or systems resulting from unauthorized modifications made to this product.

Disclaimer of implied warranties; limitation of remedies

Customer???s sole and exclusive remedy under this limited warranty shall be product repair as provided herein. Implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law. Sears shall not be liable for incidental or consequential dam- ages. Some states and provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam- ages, or limitation on the duration of implied warranties of merchantability or fitness, so these exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.

This warranty applies only while this appliance is used in the United States or Canada.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


p Use only lead-free solder and flux for all sweat-solder connections, as required by federal codes, when installing soldered copper plumbing.
p Use care when handling the water softener. Do not turn upside down or drop.
p Avoid installing in direct sunlight. Excessive heat may cause distortion or other damage to non-metallic parts. p This water softener works on water pressures of 20 psi (minimum) to 125 psi (maximum). If your house water pressure is over the maximum, install a pressure reduc- ing valve in the water supply pipe to the softener.
p Temperature of the water supply to the softener must be between 40??F and 120??F. Do not install on hot water. p If installing the water softener outdoors, do not locate where it will be exposed to wet weather, direct sunlight
or extreme hot or cold temperatures.
p This softener works on 24 volt, 60 Hz electrical power only, supplied by a direct plug-in transformer (includ- ed). Be sure to use the included transformer and plug it into a nominal 120V, 60 cycle household outlet that is properly protected by an overcurrent device such as a circuit breaker or fuse. If transformer is replaced, use only the authorized service, Class II, 24V 10VA transformer.
p This water softener has a non-metallic valve system. Installing it on metal plumbing will break electrical continuity, which may interrupt grounding for the home. You must restore electrical continuity in your metal plumbing system (See Page 12).

p Read all steps and guides carefully before installing and using your new water softener. Follow all steps exactly to correctly install. Failure to follow them could cause personal injury or property damage.

Reading this manual will also help you to get all the benefits from your water softener.

p Your Kenmore Elite?? Hybrid Water Softener will reduce hardness minerals from water. This is meas- ured in grains per gallon (gpg). It will also remove some clear water iron*. This is measured in parts per million (ppm). See the specifications page for the maximum limit of hardness removal. It will also reduce taste and odor in water, and will reduce bar- ium and radium 226/228 in water (see performance data sheet for details).

p A water softener will not improve other water problems such as acidity or iron other than clear water iron.

p Do not attempt to use this product to make safe drinking water from non-potable water sources. Do not use the system on microbiologically unsafe water, or water of unknown quality without adequate disin- fection before or after the system.

p Check with your local public works department for plumbing and sanitation codes. You must follow their guides as you install the system. Follow your local codes if they differ with guides in this manual. In Massachusetts, plumbing code 248-CMR 3.00 and 10.00 shall be adhered to. Consult with a licensed plumber.

* The capacity to reduce clear water iron is substantiat- ed by Water Quality Association test data.

European Directive 2002/96/EC requires all electrical and electronic equipment to be disposed of according to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) requirements. This directive or similar laws are in place nationally and can vary from region to region. Please refer to your state and local laws for proper disposal of this equipment.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Specifications & Performance Claims

This model is efficiency rated. The efficiency rating is valid only at the minimum salt dose. The softener has a demand initiated regeneration (D.I.R) feature that complies with specific performance specifications intended to mini- mize the amount of regenerant brine and water used in its operation.

This softener has a rated softener efficiency of not less than 3,350 grains of total hardness exchange per pound of salt (based on sodium chloride) and shall not deliver more salt than its listed rating or be operated at a sustained maxi- mum service flow rate greater than its listed rating. This softener has been proven to deliver soft water for at least ten continuous minutes at the rated service flow rate. The rated salt efficiency is measured by laboratory tests described in NSF/ANSI Standard 44. These tests represent the maximum possible efficiency that the system can achieve. Operational efficiency is the actual efficiency after the system has been installed. It is typically less than the rated efficiency, due to individual application factors including water hardness, water usage, and other contaminants that reduce a softener's capacity.

While testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance of the system may vary based on local water conditions. This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of chlorine taste and odor. The concentration of the indicated substance in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/ANSI Standard 42.


*Capacity to reduce clear water iron is substantiated by WQA test data. State of Wisconsin requires additional treatment if water supply contains clear water iron exceeding 5 ppm.

**Intermittent flow rate does not represent the maximum service flow rate used for deter- mining the softener???s rated capacity and efficiency. Continuous operation at flow rates greater than the service flow rate may affect capacity and efficiency performance.

***Typical residential chlorine concentration is 0.5 to 1.0 ppm. ??From independent laboratory test data.

This system conforms to NSF/ANSI Standards 42 & 44 for the specific performance claims as verified and substantiated by test data.

Variable Salt Dose: The salt dose is selected by the electronic controls at regeneration time based on the amount needed.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Specifications & Performance Claims




Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


City Water Supply

Packing List

The parts required to assemble and install the water softener are included with the unit. Thoroughly check the water softener for possible shipping damage and parts loss. Also inspect and note any damage to the shipping carton.

Remove and discard (or recycle) all packing materials. To avoid loss of small parts, we suggest you keep the small parts in the parts bag until you are ready to use them.

Small Parts

Plan Your Installation

Cold Water

to House


(Shows sequence of equipment only - not all items are needed in all applications)

Untreated Water to

Outside Faucets

= Always locate an Iron Filter UPSTREAM of the Hybrid Water Softener.

Figure 3

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Plan Your Installation

Outside Faucet (hard water)

Soft, cold water) Soft, hot water


to R.O. Faucet












Review the following points before you choose a place to put your softener:

1. Place as close as possible to, but always downstream from, the pressure tank (well water) or water meter (city water).

2. Place as close as possible to a water drain such as a floor drain, laundry tub, sump or standpipe (See Fig. 4).

3. Connect to the house main water pipe UPSTREAM OF THE WATER HEATER (See Fig. 3). The tempera- ture of water going through the softener must not be more than 120??F (49??C). Hot water will damage inner softener parts. To reduce the risk of hot water backup, piping between the softener and water heater should be as long as possible.

4. Keep outside faucets on hard water to save soft water and salt. See Fig. 4.

Figure 4

5. Do not install in a place where the softener could freeze. Damage caused by freezing voids the war- ranty by Sears Brands Management Corporation.

6. Put the softener in a place where water damage is least likely to occur if it develops a leak. Sears or the manufacturer will not repair or pay for water damage.

7. A grounded, 120V, 60 Hz. electrical outlet is needed near the softener to plug in the transformer

(See Fig. 4). Be sure the outlet and transformer are in an inside location, protected from wet weather. Use a continuously ???live??? outlet, which cannot be accidentally switched off.

8. When installing in an outside location, you must take the steps necessary to assure the softener, installation plumbing, and wiring, are protected from the ele- ments, direct sunlight, contamination, vandalism, etc.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Plan Your Installation


For your water softener to work properly, incoming water pressure in your house pipes must be no lower than 20 pounds per square inch (psi). The highest allowable pressure is 125 psi. If pressure is above 125

psi, buy and install a pressure reducing valve in the pipe supplying water to the softener???s inlet.

NOTE: If water pressure during the day is 100 psi or more, pressure during the night may go above 125 psi.



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Figure 8



Before installing the bypass valve and/or installation adaptors, make sure that the turbine and support are firmly in place inside the softener valve???s outlet port.




Measure, cut (thread if needed) and put together all pipe and fittings up to the main water pipe. Make sure that the incoming water supply pipe goes to the valve inlet side.

CAUTION: Never solder fittings while connected to nonmetallic parts. Wait until soldered pipe has cooled before connection. See Fig. 10.

CAUTION: Be careful when putting pipe fittings togeth- er. Do not cross thread, and do not over- tighten.

Valve Inlet or Outlet Plastic clip snapsO-Ring into groove in bypass or adaptor


4.Solder. NOTE: To be certain that heat will not travel down the pipe and into the bypass valve or installation adaptors, wrap the bottom of the pipe

and the bypass valve with a wet rag.






1.Cut pipe to correct length

2.Solder. When cool, do step 3.

3.Put threaded adaptor into bypass valve port.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit



Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit




(parts not included) Ground Wire

Clamp (2)

Figure 12


IMPORTANT: This water softener has a non-metallic valve system. Installing it on metal plumbing will break electrical continuity, which may interrupt grounding for the home. You must restore electrical conti- nuity in your metal plumbing system.

If you installed a 3-valve bypass system (Fig. 14), elec- trical continuity will be maintained. If you installed the non-metallic bypass valve (Fig. 13), restore the ground as follows:

Install a #4 copper wire (parts not included) across the removed section of metal water pipe, securely clamping it at both ends (See Fig. 12). Be sure the pipes are clean under the clamps, to assure good contact. NOTE: If you are installing a sediment filter or other

item(s) into the plumbing system, along with the water softener, be sure to restore electrical con- tinuity across all removed metal pipe sections.


After installing your water softener, put the covers on. Angle the covers so the top cover clips onto the back first, then bring down in front and clip on the tabs inside the rim and lower the salt lid closed (See Fig. 5).


The softener works on 24 volt, 60 Hz electrical power. The included transformer changes standard 120 volt AC house power to 24 volts. You must plug the water soft- ener???s transformer into a grounded, 120 volt outlet only. Be sure the outlet is always ???live??? so it cannot be switched off by mistake.

NOTE: The electrical outlet you plug the transformer into must be indoors, protected from weather.


Small particles of carbon filtration material are gener- ated during manufacturing and shipping, which will exit the media tank with the first water flow. These carbon ???fines??? are not harmful, but give the water a gray color and should be rinsed down the drain before any water from the softener is directed to the home???s faucets or water heater.

CAUTION: To avoid water or air pressure damage to softener inner parts, and to flush pipe chips or other residue from the water pipes, be sure to do the following steps exactly as instructed.

1. Make sure the softener???s valve drain hose is hooked up and the open end directed to a floor drain, laun- dry tub or other suitable type of drain.

2. The system should be connected to electrical power.

3. Place bypass valve(s) in ???bypass??? position (see Figures 13 & 14). On a single valve, slide the stem inward to bypass. On a 3-valve bypass, close the inlet and outlet valves and open the bypass valve.

4. Fully open the house main water pipe shutoff valve. 5. Initiate a regeneration by pressing and holding for 3 seconds the REGENERATION button (see Figure 15 on page 13). The valve motor will start running and

the valve will advance to the ???Fill??? position.

6. After you hear the valve motor stop running (valve in ???Fill??? position), press, but do not hold, the REGENER- ATION button. The valve will advance to the ???Brine??? position.

7. After you hear the valve motor stop running (valve in ???Brine??? position), press, but do not hold, the REGEN- ERATION button. The valve will advance to the ???Backwash??? position.

8. Once the unit is in backwash, place bypass valve(s) in SERVICE, EXACTLY as follows:

a. Single Bypass Valve: Slowly, slide pull the valve stem outward toward service, pausing several times to allow the softener to pressurize gradually.

b. 3-Valve Bypass: Fully close the bypass valve and open the outlet valve. Slowly open the inlet valve, pausing several times to allow the softener to pres- surize gradually.

9. Let the softener complete the backwash and fast rinse cycles (takes about 20 minutes). When the regeneration ends, the softener???s valve returns to the service position.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit




To check for leaks, complete the following steps: 1. Fully open two nearby cold water faucets down- stream from the softener.

2. Observe steady weater flow from both open faucets. 3 After about three minutes, open a hot water faucet for about one minute, or until all air is expelled, then close.

4. Close both cold water faucets.

5. Check your plumbing work for leaks, and fix right away if any are found. Be sure to observe previous caution notes.

NOTE: If this procedure is performed on a new softener, water coming from the taps may initially be dis- colored. This normally occurs the first time water runs through the resin bed. The discol- ored water is not harmful, and the discoloration will not last more than a few minutes.


Turn on the gas (or electric) supply to the water heater and light the pilot.




Pull stem outward for Service

Push inward for Bypass

Figure 13


Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


continued on next page

Programming the Softener

press for tonight


When the Kenmore Elite?? Hybrid Water Softener is connected to electrical power, the blue light on the con- trol panel will be on or flashing, as follows:

= Blue light flashing rapidly, with ???PRESENT TIME??? shown in the display and the clock flashing slowly - The present time needs to be set, either during initial start up or after a long power outage. See ???Set Present Time of Day???, at right.

= Blue light flashing slowly, along with the salt level indicators in the display - The salt monitor system indicates a low salt level and needs to be set. See ???Salt Monitor System??? on Page 17.

= Blue light flashing rapidly, with ???Err??? shown in the display - The electronic self-diagnostics have detect- ed a problem. See ???Troubleshooting??? on Page 22.

= Blue light on steady (not flashing) - The system has power applied and does not require any attention.


When the transformer is plugged into the electrical out- let, the model code (520) and a test number (example: J3.0), are briefly shown in the display. Then the words ???PRESENT TIME??? appear and 12:00 PM begins to flash.

Figure 16


If the words ???PRESENT TIME" do not show in the dis- play, press the SELECT button a few times until they do.

Figure 17

1. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the present time. Up moves the display ahead; down sets the time back. Be sure AM or PM is correct. NOTE: Press buttons and quickly release to slowly

advance the display. Hold the buttons down for fast advance.

2. When the correct time is displayed, press the SELECT button, and the display will change to show the ???Hardness??? screen.

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Programming the Softener


If you completed the previous step, the word ???HARD- NESS" should show in the display. Otherwise, press the SELECT button several times until it does.

Figure 18

If your water supply contains iron, it is recom- mended that you clean your water softener resin bed at least every 6 months. Your local Sears store has Water Softener Cleaner (Part Number 34427) available.

2. When finished setting your water???s hardness number, press the SELECT button, and the display will change to show the ???Recharge Time??? screen.


If you completed the previous step, the words ???RE- CHARGE TIME" should show in the display. Otherwise, press the SELECT button several times until they do.

1. The softener???s default recharge start time is 2:00 AM. This is normally a time of day when water is not being used in the household. Hard water bypasses the softener if the household draws water during the recharge cycle. If a different recharge start time is desired, press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to change the time, in 1-hour increments. Be sure AM or PM is correct.

2. When the desired recharge start time is displayed, press the SELECT button, and the display will change to show one of the ???Salt Type??? screens shown below.

Figure 20


If you completed the previous step, either ???NaCl??? (for Sodium Chloride) or ???KCl??? (for Potassium Chloride) should show in the display. Otherwise, press the SELECT button several times until one of them does.

1. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the type of salt you will be using in your water softener. The default is NaCl (standard Sodium Chloride water sof- tener salt). If you will be using KCl (Potassium Chloride) instead, be sure to set salt type to KCl. This setting adjusts the regeneration cycle times to com- pensate for the different rate at which KCl dissolves. See also the following page for more information on salt types.

2. When the correct salt type is displayed, press the SELECT button, and the display will return to the nor- mal run (time of day) screen.

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Flushing the System

After all installation steps have been completed: 1. Make sure the bypass valve(s) is in the ???service??? (open) position.

2. Start a recharge: Press the REGENERATION button and hold for 3 seconds, until ???RECHARGE???, ???Serv??? and ???Fill??? begin to flash in the display. The recharge will take about 2 hours to complete.

3. After the recharge has completed, fully open a cold water faucet, downstream from the softener, and allow 50 gallons of water to pass through the system. This should take at least 20 minutes.

4. Close the faucet.

Your new Sears softener is now softening the water for your household needs. However, your WATER HEATER is filled with hard water. To have fully soft water right away, you can drain the water heater so it refills with soft water. If you don???t drain the water heater, it will take a few days before you have fully soft water. NOTE: If this procedure is performed on a new softener,

water coming from the taps may initially be dis- colored. This normally occurs the first time water runs through the resin bed. The discol- ored water is not harmful, and the discoloration will not last more than a few minutes.

Adding Salt to the Storage Tank


You must keep salt in the tank, but it is not necessary to fill it full. Especially in humid areas, it is best to fill the storage tank no more than half full, and to add salt more often. Salt ???bridging??? occurs more often when conditions are humid.

Use NUGGET or PELLET water softener salt. DO NOT use rock salts, as they have dirt and sediments that will stop the softener from working. To maintain optimum performance of your water softener, the salt tank should be cleaned out every 2 to 3 years.


If you choose Potassium Chloride (KCl) as a regenerant, following these suggestions will help give you years of maintenance free service.

1. Place only one bag of KCl in your softener at a time (the salt storage tank should contain no more than 60 pounds of KCl at any one time).

2. A softener using KCl should not be placed in areas with temperature fluctuations and high humidity (KCl will harden in these environments and may make the softener inoperable).

3. Check the brine tank and brinewell (black tube in salt storage tank) monthly. If hardening is present, pour small amounts of warm water onto hardened areas until they loosen.

4. Be sure to set ???Salt Type??? on the controller to ???KCl???. This setting adjusts the regeneration cycle times to compensate for the different rate at which KCl dis- solves. See ???Set Salt Type??? on the previous page.

Persons who are on sodium restricted diets should con- sider the added sodium as part of their overall sodium intake. For example, if your water supply is 15 grains hard, and you drank 3 quarts of softened water you would consume 335 milligrams of sodium. That is equivalent to eating 2-1/2 slices of white bread. Persons who are concerned about their drinking water should consider a Kenmore reverse osmosis drinking water system that will remove in excess of 90% of the sodium and other drinking water contaminants.



Some salts have an additive to help the softener handle iron in the water supply. These salts may be used if your water supply has a high iron content. It is recom- mended to use Sears Water Softener Cleaner (refer to the parts list in back of manual for part number) for periodic treatments to keep your resin bed clean. This is available at your local Sears store.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


What Your Hybrid Water Softener Will Do

The Kenmore Elite?? Hybrid Water Softener has been designed to include two different types of media, a high quality media that reduces tastes and odors and a high efficiency media to remove hardness minerals. This Hybrid Water Softener will provide you and your home all the benefits of soft water, while providing whole home chlorine taste and odor reduction and bar- ium and radium 226/228 reduction. You can have fil-

tered water from your kitchen faucet for food prepara- tion and drink, in the bath and shower which will reduce chlorine???s aesthetic effect on your skin and hair, and at every bathroom sink for brushing your teeth. There are no filters to change.

Based on NSF-tested rated capacity under NSF/ANSI Standard 42*, the Kenmore Elite?? Hybrid Water Softener has an estimated useful life for chlorine taste and odor reduction of over 10 years.

*NSF rated capacity is 570,000 gallons.

Controller Features


Sometimes, a manually initiated recharge (regeneration) may be desired, or needed. Two examples are:

= You have used more water than usual (guests visiting) and you may run out of soft water before the next automatic regeneration.

= You did not add salt to the softener before it ran out. Add salt to the softener before regenerating.

You can start a regeneration immediately, or you can set the controller to regenerate at the next preset recharge time (2:00 AM, or as set).


Press the REGENERATION button and hold for 3 sec- onds, until the words ???RECHARGE???, ???Serv??? and ???Fill??? begin to flash in the display. The softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration immediately. This regeneration will take about 2 hours to complete. Then, you will have soft water again.

NOTE: If the ???Clean Feature??? is set ON, the normal regeneration cycle is preceded by a cleaning backwash and rinse. The words ???CLEAN??? and ???Bkwsh??? or ???Rinse??? flash in the display, along with the minutes of the clean cycle remaining.

Figure 22


Press and release (do not hold) the REGENERATION button. ???RECHARGE TONIGHT??? will begin flashing in the display, and the softener will begin regeneration at the next preset recharge time (2:00 AM, or as set). If you decide to cancel the regeneration before it starts, press and release the REGENERATION button once more. ???RECHARGE TONIGHT??? will stop flashing in the display.

Figure 23

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Figure 26

Controller Features


The water softener has a blue light that will flash to remind you to add salt to the storage tank.

NOTE: You must set salt level each time salt is added to the water softener.

NOTE: The salt monitor system estimates salt levels, and accuracy will vary with different salts.

To set this monitor system:

1. Lift the salt lid and level the salt in the storage tank. 2. The yellow salt level decal, on the brinewell inside the tank, has numbers from 0 to 8 (see Fig. 24). Observe the highest number the leveled salt is at, or

closest to.

Figure 24

3.Press the SET SALT LEVEL button as many times as necessary to make the salt level bars in the display (see Fig. 24) match the number on the decal. At level 2 or below, the salt level bars, signal level indi- cators and blue light will flash.

4.If you want to turn the salt monitor off, press the SET SALT LEVEL button past 8, until ???OFF??? shows in the display next to the number 8.

Figure 25





= 12 / 24 HOUR CLOCK





1. To set any of these options, press and hold SELECT for 3 seconds until ???000??? shows in the display. Then press (do not hold) SELECT again to display one of the ???Salt Efficiency??? screens shown below.

Efficiency Icon

SALT EFFICIENCY: When this feature is ON, the water softener will operate at salt efficiencies of 4000 grains of hardness per pound of salt or higher. The softener may recharge more often using smaller salt dosage and less water. This softener is shipped with the efficiency feature set OFF. Installations in the State of California require this setting to be turned ON. Use the r UP or s DOWN buttons to change between OFF and ON.

California Efficiency Requirement

Your Kenmore Water Softener has a ???High Efficiency??? feature that can be set ON or OFF. This softener is shipped with the efficiency feature set OFF, which will utilize the maximum rated capacity while most often achieving maximum salt efficiencies. When installing this unit in the State of California, you MUST turn the efficiency feature ON. The softener may initiate more frequent recharges, but it will operate at 4000 grains per pound of salt or higher.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Controller Features

2.Press SELECT again to display one of the ???Clean??? screens shown below.

4. Press SELECT again to display the ???97%??? screen.

Figure 27

CLEAN: This feature is beneficial on water supplies containing iron and/or high amounts of sediments (sand, silt, dirt, etc.). When set to ON, a backwash and fast rinse cycle will occur first, preceding the normal regeneration sequence. This provides extra cleaning of the resin bed before it is regenerated with the salt brine. To conserve water, if your water supply does not contain iron or sediments, be sure this feature is set to OFF. The default is OFF. Use the r UP or s DOWN buttons to change between OFF and ON.

3.Press SELECT again to display the ???Clean Time??? screen shown below.

Figure 28

CLEAN FEATURE MINUTES: If you have set the Clean Feature ON, the length of the extra backwash cycle automatically is set to 2 minutes. However, you can adjust this time from 1 to 15 minutes in length. To change this cycle time, use the r UP button to increase the time, or the s DOWN button to short- en the time. If no change is desired, continue to next step.

Figure 29

97% FEATURE: The 97% Feature can save salt and water by regenerating when 97% of the softener???s capacity has been used up. With this feature ON, the regeneration can occur at any time (whenever the system has reached 97% of its capacity). The default is OFF. If this feature is desired, turn it on by pressing the r UP button.

5.Press SELECT again to display the ???12 or 24 hr??? screen.

Figure 30

12 OR 24 HOUR CLOCK: All time displays are shown in standard clock time (1 to 12 AM; and 1 to 12 PM) at the 12 hr default setting. If 24 hour time format is desired, set to 24 hr by pressing the r UP button.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Controller Features

6.Press SELECT again to display the ???Gallons or Liters??? screen.

8.Press SELECT again to display the ???Backwash Time??? setting screen.

Figure 31

GALLON OR LITER READINGS: Water usage and flow rate displays are shown in gallons at the default setting. If you prefer liters, change this setting from ???Gals??? to ???Liter??? by pressing the r UP button.

7.Press SELECT again to display the ???Recharge Days??? screen.

Figure 33

BACKWASH & FAST RINSE TIMES: If you experience salty tasting water after regeneration, you may need to increase the backwash and fast rinse times. The default backwash time is 13 minutes and the default fast rinse time is 6 minutes. However, you may increase or decrease the backwash and fast rinse times, in 1 minute increments.

If you wish to change the backwash time, use the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the backwash time between 1 and 30 minutes. Then press SELECT to display the ???Fast Rinse Time??? setting screen.

Figure 32

MAXIMUM DAYS BETWEEN REGENERATIONS: The electronic controller automatically determines regen- eration frequency. This provides the greatest operat- ing efficiency and, under most conditions this feature will be left in its default mode. However, you can set this feature to force a regeneration every set number of days. You may want to do this if, for example, your water supply contains iron and you want the softener to regenerate at least once every few days to keep the resin bed clean. Use the r UP or s DOWN buttons to change the number of days (up to 15). If no change is desired, continue to next step.

Figure 34

If you wish to change the fast rinse time, use the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the fast rinse time between 1 and 30 minutes.

9.Press SELECT to return to the normal run (time of day) screen.


A light inside the salt storage tank will come on when- ever you open the salt lid. A ???Tank Light??? icon is dis- played when this light is on. The light turns off when you close the salt lid. It will also turn off automatically after 15 minutes if the salt lid is left open.

Tank Light


Figure 35

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Controller Features


To view the flow rate through the softener in gallons (or liters) per minute, press the WATER USE button. If soft water is in use, the flow rate will be displayed to the nearest tenth of a gallon (or liter). The display will show ???0??? when all faucets and water using appliances are off.

Figure 36


Press the WATER USE button a second time to display the average number of gallons (or liters) of soft water that the household uses each day. This water usage figure is recalculated daily by the elctronic controller. To turn this display off, press the WATER USE button once again.

Figure 37



One of the valve position indicators (Serv, Fill, Brine, Bkwsh, Rinse) is displayed while the softener is recharg- ing. RECHARGE flashes in the display and, beginning with Brine, the minutes of recharge remaining before return to service appears in place of the present time. When the valve is moving from one cycle to another, both position indicators are flashing.

Figure 38


If electrical power to the softener goes off, the time dis- play is blank but the electronic controller keeps the cor- rect time for several hours. When electrical power comes on again, you will have to reset the present time only if the display is flashing. The HARDNESS and RECHARGE TIME never require resetting unless a change is desired. Even if the clock is incorrect after a long power outage, the softener works as it should to keep your water soft, however, regenerations may occur at the wrong time of day until you reset the clock to the correct time of day.


The ultra cleansing feature keeps larger particles of sediment from entering the home???s plumbing system. As water passes through the softener, the larger sediment particles are collected in the integrated basket and then rinsed to the drain before each regeneration. The ultra cleansing feature provides added protection for water using appliances by reducing the chance of larg- er particles entering the various products valves and screens. The ???Clean Feature??? may be turned ON to provide an extra backwash that will help keep the ultra cleansing screen clean. The default is OFF. IMPORTANT: The ultra cleansing feature is not intended

to replace pretreatment filtration. For problem water applications, additional sediment filtration is recommended.

Sears offers a full line of dedicated sediment filtration products.

Ultra Cleansing Screen





Figure 39

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Care of Your Water Softener


Sometimes, a hard crust or salt ???bridge??? forms in the brine tank. It is usually caused by high humidity or the wrong kind of salt. When the salt ???bridges,??? an empty space forms between the water and the salt. Then, salt will not dissolve in the water to make brine. Without brine, the resin bed is not recharged and hard water will result.

If the storage tank is full of salt, it is difficult to tell if you have a salt bridge. A bridge may be underneath loose salt. Take a broom handle, or like tool, and hold it next to the water softener. Measure the distance from the floor to the rim of the water softener. Then, gently push the broom handle straight down into the salt. If a hard object is felt before the pencil mark is even with the top, it is most likely a salt bridge. Gently push into the bridge in several places to break it. Do not use any sharp or pointed objects as you may punc- ture the brine tank. Do not try to break the salt bridge by pounding on the outside of the salt tank. You may damage the tank.

Push tool into salt bridge to break

1??? - 2???



Figure 40

Service Information


1. Does the time display show the correct time of day? = If display is blank, check power source to the sof-


= If time is flashing, power was off for a long peri- od. The softener resumes normal operation but regenerations occur at the wrong time.

= If an error code (example: ???Err3???) shows in the dis- play, go to ???Troubleshooting???.

2. Are bypass valve(s) fully in service position?

3. Are the inlet and outlet pipes connected to the sof- tener inlet and outlet respectively?

4. Is the softener???s transformer plugged into a ???live???, grounded wall outlet, and the power cable fastened securely to the controller?

5.Is the valve drain hose free of kinks and sharp bends, and not elevated more than 8 ft. above the floor?

6.Is there salt in the storage tank?

7.Is the brine tubing connected? Brine tubing connects to nozzle/venturi and brine valve assembly.

8.Press the SELECT button twice to display the hard- ness setting. Make sure it is correct for the house- hold???s water supply. Perform a hardness test of the untreated incoming water and compare with the hardness setting. Also test a soft water sample to verify if a problem exists. Press the SELECT button several more times to return to present time display.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Service Information


If your water softener does not work properly, make the following easy checks. Often, you will find what is wrong yourself and you won???t have to call and wait for service. If you do not find anything wrong while making the checks, and your softener still does not work properly, call your Sears Service Department.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Service Information


1. To enter diagnostics, press the SELECT button and

hold for three seconds. The display will change toMotor show turbine count, valve cycle position, and position

switch status (open or closed).

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Service Information


This check verifies proper operation of the valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow rates, and other controller functions. Always make the initial checks first, and perform the manually initiated elec- tronic diagnostics.

NOTE: The display must show a steady time (not flash- ing). If an error code shows, first press the SELECT button to enter the diagnostic display.

1. Press the REGENERATION button and hold in for 3 seconds. ???RECHARGE???, ???Serv??? and ???Fill??? begin to flash in the display as the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration.

2. When valve reaches ???Fill??? position, remove the brinewell cover and, using a flashlight, observe fill water entering the tank.

3. If water does not enter the tank, look for an obstructed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug, brine tubing, or brine valve riser pipe.

4. After observing fill, press the REGENERATION button to move the softener into brining. A slow flow of water to the drain will begin. Verify brine draw from the brine tank by shining a flashlight into the brinewell and observing a noticeable drop in the liq- uid level.

5. If the softener does not draw brine: = nozzle and/or venturi dirty

= nozzle and venturi not seated properly on gasket = restricted drain (check drain fitting and hose) = ineffective nozzle and venturi seal

= other inner valve problem (rotor seal, rotor & disc, wave washer, etc.)

Position Markers (valve in service)



Figure 45

NOTE: If water system pressure is low, an elevated drain hose may cause back pressure, stopping brine draw.

6. Again press REGENERATION to move the softener into backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from the drain hose.

7. An obstructed flow indicates a plugged top distribu- tor, backwash flow plug or drain hose.

8. Press REGENERATION to move the softener into fast rinse. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allow the softener to rinse for a few minutes to flush out any brine that may remain in the resin tank from the brining cycle test.

9. To return the softener to service, press REGENERA- TION once more.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit



24 VAC




Service Information

Back of Controller (PWA)



Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Water Softener Exploded View

Kenmore Model No. 625.385200




Valve Assembly

See Pages 28 & 29

for parts





27 26

7 8 10 9








Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Softener Parts List

?? Not included with water softener.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


Valve Parts List


?? Not included with water softener.

Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit



Questions? Call the Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit


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Model 625.385200

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