User???s Guide

HP 86140A Series

Optical Spectrum Analyzer

?? Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2000

All Rights Reserved. Repro- duction, adaptation, or trans- lation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copy- right laws.

HP Part No. 86140-90035

Printed in USA

February 2000

Hewlett-Packard Company Lightwave Division

1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1799,


(707) 577-1400


The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Com- panies, names, and data used in examples herein are ficti- tious unless otherwise noted. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, includ- ing but not limited to, the implied warranties of mer- chantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett- Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

Restricted Rights Legend.

Use, duplication, or disclo- sure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and sub- paragraphs (c) (1) and (c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies.


This Hewlett-Packard instru- ment product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of ship- ment. During the warranty period, Hewlett-Packard Com- pany will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility desig- nated by Hewlett-Packard. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to Hewlett-Packard and Hewlett-Packard shall pay shipping charges to return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to Hewlett- Packard from another coun- try.

Hewlett-Packard warrants that its software and firmware designated by Hewlett- Packard for use with an instrument will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. Hewlett- Packard does not warrant that the operation of the instru- ment, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error- free.

Limitation of Warranty.

The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer- supplied software or interfac- ing, unauthorized modifica- tion or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.

No other warranty is expressed or implied. Hewlett-Packard specifically








General Safety Considerations

General Safety Considerations

This product has been designed and tested in accordance with IEC Publica- tion 1010, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The instruction documentation contains information and warnings which must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.

Install the instrument according to the enclosure protection provided. This instrument does not protect against the ingress of water.

This instrument protects against finger access to hazardous parts within the enclosure.

If this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by the equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.

No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. To prevent electrical shock do not remove covers.

This is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or outside of the instrument is likely to make the instrument dangerous. Intentional interruption is prohibited.

To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the instrument from mains before cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with water to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean internally.

Fiber-optic connectors are easily damaged when connected to dirty or damaged cables and accessories. The HP 86140 series???s front-panel INPUT connector is no exception. When you use improper cleaning and handling techniques, you risk expensive instrument repairs, damaged cables, and compromised measurements. Before you connect any fiber-optic cable to the HP 86140 series, refer to ???Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements??? on page 6-10.

This product is designed for use in Installation Category II and Pollution Degree 2 per IEC 1010 and 664 respectively.







General Safety Considerations

Do not use too much liquid in cleaning the optical spectrum analyzer. Water can enter the front-panel keyboard, damaging sensitive electronic components.

VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS: When installing the product in a cabinet, the convection into and out of the product must not be restricted. The ambient temperature (outside the cabinet) must be less than the maximum operating temperature of the product by 4?? C for every 100 watts dissipated in the cabinet. If the total power dissipated in the cabinet is greater than 800 watts, then forced convection must be used.

Always use the three-prong AC power cord supplied with this instrument. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using this cord may cause instrument damage.

Do not connect ac power until you have verified the line voltage is correct as described in ???Line Power Requirements??? on page 1-7. Damage to the equipment could result.

This instrument has autoranging line voltage input. Be sure the supply voltage is within the specified range.



1Setting Up the OSA

2A Quick Tour

HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels 2-4 HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels 2-6 Optical Spectrum Analyzer Display 2-8 The Menu Bar 2-10

The Softkey Panels 2-11 Tutorial: Getting Started 2-20 Changing the Printer Paper 2-23

3Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Front-Panel Keys 3-3 The Menus 3-7

The Amplitude Menus 3-8

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus 3-14 The Markers Menus 3-21

The Save/Recall Menus 3-34 The System Menus 3-40 The Traces Menus 3-56 The Wavelength Menus 3-61 To Fill In a Setup Panel 3-65

4Remote Operation

Getting Started 4-4

Monitoring the Instrument 4-11 Example Programs 4-16

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands 4-31 Command Trees 4-37

Common Commands 4-42

CALCulate Subsystem Commands 4-45 CALibration Subsystem Commands 4-68 DISPlay Subsystem Commands 4-71 FORMat Subsystem Commands 4-76 HCOPy Subsystem Commands 4-77 INITiate Subsystem Commands 4-78 MEMory Subsystem Commands 4-79



MMEMory Subsystem Commands 4-80 SENSe Subsystem Commands 4-81 SOURce[n] Subsystem Commands 4-90 STATus Subsystem Commands 4-91 SYSTem Subsystem Commands 4-93 TRACe Subsystem Commands 4-95 TRIGger Subsystem Commands 4-99 UNIT Subsystem Commands 4-101

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents 4-102

5Status Listings

Overview 5-2

Error Reporting Behavior 5-4 SCPI-Defined Errors 5-5 OSA Notices 5-16

OSA Warnings 5-17 Application-Specific Warnings 5-28 OSA Status Errors 5-34

OSA Errors 5-35 Firmware Errors 5-37


Options and Accessories 6-2 AC Line-Power Cords 6-4

Front-Panel Fiber-Optic Adapters 6-6 Printer Head Cleaning Procedure 6-7

Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements 6-10 Returning the Instrument for Service 6-21 Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices 6-24

7Specifications and Regulatory Information

Definition of Terms 7-3 Specifications 7-5 Regulatory Information 7-10



Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

This chapter shows you how to set up your optical spectrum analyzer, connect power and accessories, and verify general operation. Although the pictures in this section show an HP 86140A or 86142A optical spectrum analyzer, setting up other HP 86140-series optical spectrum analyzers is very similar. Refer to Chapter 6, ???Reference??? for the following additional information:

???Tips on avoiding costly repairs by proper optical connection cleaning tech- niques.

???List of available options, accessories, and power cords.

???Instructions on returning your instrument to HP for service.

???HP Sales and Service Offices.


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

Package contents for HP 86140 series optical spectrum analyzers

???Inspect the shipping container for damage.

???Inspect the instrument.

???Verify that you received the options and accessories you ordered.

Keep the shipping container and cushioning material until you have inspected the contents of the shipment for completeness and have checked the optical spectrum analyzer mechanically and electrically.

If anything is missing or defective, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. If the shipment was damaged, contact the carrier, then contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. Keep the shipping materials for the car- rier???s inspection. The HP Sales Office will arrange for repair or replacement at Hewlett-Packard???s option without waiting for claim settlement.


The N1031A BenchLink software allows you to upload graphics and trace date to a per- sonal computer for preparing a report, creating an analysis, or storing the waveforms for later use.


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

You can tilt your instrument upward for easier viewing. On the HP 86140A and 86142A instruments, lift up the front of the instrument, grasp one of the wire bails under the front corner, and pull it down and forward until it latches into place. Repeat for the other wire bail. On HP 86143A and 86145A instruments, pivot the handle to tilt the instrument.


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

You can connect a PCL-language printer (for example, an HP LaserJet) to the instrument???s rear panel Parallel connector. Use a parallel Centronics printer cable, such as an HP C2950A (2 m) or HP C2951A (3 m).


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

The optical spectrum analyzer automatically adjusts for line input voltages in the range of 100 to 240 VAC. There is no manual selection switch. The line cord provided is matched by HP to the country of origin of the order. Refer to ???AC Line-Power Cords??? on page 6-4.

Line Power Requirements


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA

???Press the power switch at the lower left-hand corner of the front panel.

After a short initialization period, the display will look similar to the picture on this page. The instrument is ready to use.


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA


Setting Up the OSA

Setting Up the OSA



A Quick Tour

A Quick Tour

A Quick Tour

A Quick Tour

HP 86140A-series optical spectrum analyzers display input light spectra from 600 nm to 1700 nm. To change instrument settings use the softkeys. To dis- play different softkeys use these items:

???Softkey panel and softkeys

???Print, Save/Recall, System, and Application keys

???Menu bar

The menu bar or keys can be used to access the same functions. Use the track- ball or an optional pointing device to make menu and softkey selections.


Auto Align

Auto Meas


A Quick Tour

A Quick Tour

All displayed wavelength values show values as measured in a vacuum. This default setting can be changed to show values as measured in air. See ???To change the default wavelength settings??? on page 3-63 for more information.

The OPTICAL INPUT connector on standard instrument versions uses single mode fiber. Connecting multi-mode fiber to these connectors results in large reflections and insertion loss.

To ensure maximum amplitude accuracy, connect an input signal to the instru- ment and then press Auto Align. This starts an automatic alignment procedure that should be performed whenever the instrument has been:


???subjected to large temperature changes, or

???warmed up at the start of each day.

Press the Auto Meas key to automatically locate the largest signal present at the input connector.

Additional software applications can be purchased and installed in your opti- cal spectrum analyzer. These applications automate and simplify your mea- surement tasks. Press this key to access your applications.


A Quick Tour

HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels

HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels


A Quick Tour

HP 86140/2 Front and Rear Panels


A Quick Tour

HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels

HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels


A Quick Tour

HP 86143/5 Front and Rear Panels


A Quick Tour

Optical Spectrum Analyzer Display

Optical Spectrum Analyzer Display


A Quick Tour

Optical Spectrum Analyzer Display


A Quick Tour

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar

The Menu bar includes the File, Measure, Application, and Options drop-down menus. Each menu selection includes a descriptive label.

The File menu

The Measure menu

The Applications menu

The Options menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Softkey Panels

The softkey panels can be accessed using either the front-panel keys or the menu bar. This section includes brief descriptions of the following menus. See Chapter 3, ???Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer??? for additional information on each of the OSA functions.

The Bandwidth/Sweep menus 2-14


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Amplitude menus

The Amplitude softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Amplitude key or the Measure menu Amplitude selection on the menu bar.

The Measure menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Applications menus

The Applications (Appl???s) softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Appl???s key or the Applications menu Launch an Installed Application.... selection on the menu bar.

For a complete description of the applications, refer to the manual that came with your software.

The Applications menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Bandwidth/Sweep menus

The Bandwidth/Sweep softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Band- width/Sweep key or the Measure menu Bandwidth/Sweep selection on the menu bar.

The Measure menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Marker menus

The Markers softkeys are accessed using the front-panel Markers key or the Measure menu Markers selection on the menu bar.

The Measure menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Save/Recall menus

The Save/Recall softkeys and setup panels are accessed by using the drop- down File menu Save/Recall selection or the front-panel Save/Recall key. Use these functions to save, recall and print the measurement results.

The File menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Systems menus

The System softkeys are accessed using the front-panel System key or the

Options menu System selection on the menu bar.

The Options menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Traces menus

The Traces softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Traces key or the Measure menu Traces selection on the menu bar.

The Measure menu


A Quick Tour

The Softkey Panels

The Wavelength menus

The Wavelength softkeys are accessed using the front-panel Wavelength key or the Measure menu Wavelength selection on the menu bar.

The Measure menu


A Quick Tour

Tutorial: Getting Started

Tutorial: Getting Started

This tutorial will introduce you to the HP 86140 series optical spectrum ana- lyzer front panel controls. You will perform an auto alignment, perform a peak search, use a delta marker and print the display.

Instrument setup

A source signal must be present at the input of the optical spectrum analyzer. In this tutorial a Fabry-Perot laser was used as the source. You can use another source or the optional 1310/1550 nm EELED. If another source is being used, the display will differ from those shown.

To set the OSA to a known state

1Press the front-panel Preset key to set the instrument to a known state. For a complete description of preset conditions, see page 3-5.

To perform an Auto Align

For maximum amplitude accuracy, perform an automatic alignment whenever the optical spectrum analyzer has been moved, subjected to large temperature changes, or following warm-up. See ???To perform an Automatic Alignment??? on page 3-2 for more information.


A Quick Tour

Tutorial: Getting Started

2Connect a fiber from the source to the input connector of the optical spectrum analyzer. Be sure to follow the good connector practices described in ???Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements??? on page 6-10.

3Enable the source.

4Press the front-panel Auto Align key to optimize the detection of the incoming signal. This takes a few moments to complete.

To perform a peak search

5Press the front-panel Auto Meas key to locate and zoom-in on the signal. Please wait until the Auto Measure routine is complete. A marker is placed on the peak of the displayed signal.

Trace with normal marker.

To zoom in on the signal

Press the Span softkey and then use the knob, step keys, or numeric keypad to zoom in on the signal.


A Quick Tour

Tutorial: Getting Started

Using the delta marker

The optical spectrum analyzer has four types of markers; normal markers, bandwidth markers, delta markers and noise markers. The marker currently being displayed is a normal marker. In the next step we will use it as a delta marker.

6Press the front-panel Marker key.

7Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

8Press the Delta Marker softkey to activate the delta marker and the active function area.

9Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to move the delta marker.

10The reference marker remains stationary.

Trace with delta marker.

Printing the display

11Press the Print key to print a copy of the display. The output will be sent to the internal or external printer, depending on the printer selected. For information on selecting the printer, see ???To set up a printer??? on page 3-44.


A Quick Tour

Changing the Printer Paper

Changing the Printer Paper






A Quick Tour

Changing the Printer Paper

Avoid dropping the coin or screwdriver, used to open the printer door, into the printer assembly.

Always use HP brand paper to ensure quality printing and long printer life. Order paper as HP part number 9270-1370.

Never use the printer without printer paper as this can damage the printer head.

???If the instrument is on, the paper feeder automatically scrolls whenever paper is inserted into the feeder.

???Lift the paper latch to correct paper alignment problems. The scroll knob al- lows you to manually advance the paper.

To avoid damage caused by losing parts and tools inside the instrument, always turn the instrument off before installing the printer paper.



To perform an Automatic Alignment 3-2

To use the navigation softkeys 3-66

Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Using the OSA

Using the OSA

In this chapter, there are sections on both the menus and the front-panel keys.

Any of the instrument settings can be changed by using either the front-panel keys or the menu bar selections. Many of the menu selections and front-panel keys display a softkey panel. Settings in softkey panels are changed using the softkeys, data-entry keys, mouse, and trackball.

To perform an Automatic Alignment

For maximum amplitude accuracy, perform an automatic alignment whenever the optical spectrum analyzer has been moved, subjected to large temperature changes, or follow- ing warm-up. This function can also be accessed by choosing the Measure menu Auto Align selection on the menu bar. For a complete description of the Auto Align function, see the Auto Align section on the next page.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Front-Panel Keys

Front-Panel Keys

The optical spectrum analyzer has front-panel keys that perform a function when pressed.

For maximum amplitude accuracy, perform the automatic alignment when- ever the optical spectrum analyzer has been moved, subjected to large tem- perature changes, or following warm-up. This function can also be accessed by choosing the Measure menu Auto Align selection on the menu bar.

Pressing the Auto Align button on the front panel of the OSA performs an auto- matic alignment of the instrument using the largest signal found in a full span sweep. This aligns the output of the monochromator with the photodetector for improved amplitude accuracy. You should use the Auto Align function whenever the OSA is bumped or physically moved to a new location.

The automatic alignment requires the connection of an external light source. This can be a broadband or narrowband source. If there is insufficient signal power, the automatic alignment will not be performed, and an error message will be reported.

The Auto Align function saves and restores the current instrument state. This allows the Auto Align function to be used in the middle of a measurement rou- tine.

If markers are turned on, the Auto Align function attempts to do the automatic alignment at the wavelength of the active marker. If the instrument is in zero span, the alignment is performed at the center wavelength.

To perform an Auto Align function from the remote interface, see the descrip- tions of the following remote commands:

???CALibration:ALIGn??? on page 4-68 ???CALibration:ALIGn:MARKer[1|2|3|4]??? on page 4-68


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Front-Panel Keys

Pressing the Auto Meas button on the front panel of the OSA performs an auto- matic measurement of the largest signal found in a full span sweep and places a marker at the signal peak. Auto measure requires the connection of an external light source. This can be a broadband or narrowband source. If there is insufficient signal power, the automatic measurement will not be performed, and a warning message will be reported. This automatic measurement routine is normally the best way to adjust sensitivity while maintaining the fastest sweep rates.

The Auto Measure function uses trace A to perform the measurement. Since the Auto Measure function can alter the instrument state, we recommend that this operation be performed before a measurement sequence is started.

Using the Auto Measure Setup panel shown below, you can modify the automeasure span and the vertical scale, tune to the wavelength indicated by the marker and optimize the sensitivity. See ???To change the automeasure defaults??? on page 3-53 for more information.

To perform an Auto Measure from the remote interface, see the descriptions of the following remote commands:

???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:ALL[:SCALe][:AUTO]??? on page 4-71 ???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:X[:SCALe]:AUTO:SPAN <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM]??? on page 4-74 ???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:X[:SCALe]:AUTO:SPAN:AUTO ON|OFF|1|0??? on page 4-74

???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO:PDIVision <numeric_value>[DB]??? on page 4-74 ???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:AUTO:PDIVision:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1??? on page 4-74 ???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:ALL[:SCALe][:AUTO]:MARKer OFF|ON|0|1??? on page 4-73 ???DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:ALL[:SCALe][:AUTO]:OPTimize OFF|ON|0|1??? on page 4-73


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Front-Panel Keys

Places the optical spectrum analyzer under local control. Enables the front panel keys after the instrument has been under control with an external com- puter via HP-IB.

Sets the optical spectrum analyzer to a known state.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Front-Panel Keys

a. Accessible only via the remote interface.

Select this function to print a copy of the display. Using the Printer Setup menu selection, you can specify the printer as the built-in printer or a printer that is connected to the rear-panel parallel connector. See ???To set up a printer??? on page 3-44 for a complete description of this function.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Menus

The Menus

The front-panel menu keys are used to perform calibrations, setup measure- ments, set markers, save and recall data, set system preferences, and so forth. Pressing a front-panel menu key displays a softkey menu or setup panel.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus

The Amplitude Menus

The Amplitude menus are accessed using the front-panel Amplitude key or the Measure menu Amplitude selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change amplitude settings, the following functions and setup panels are available:


Normally, the optical spectrum analyzer automatically selects the amplitude units according to whether the scale is logarithmic (dBm) or linear (watts). See ???To change the default amplitude settings??? on page 3-11.

Linear scale

In linear scale, the graticule is scaled in linear units, proportional to the input power. The bottom of the graticule line represents zero watts. The top of the graticule represents the reference level. Therefore, with 10 graticule lines, each division represents 10% of the input signal at the top of the screen.

Logarithmic scale

Logarithmic scales range from 0.01 to 20.00 decibels-per-division. The 10 dB- per-division scale is the default setting.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus

Using the Amplitude functions

To change the reference level

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Reference Level softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

The reference level value is the amplitude level shown at the reference level position. The reference level position is indicated on the display by a green line and the REF annotation on the display. The default position is one major graticule division from the top of the display. For the right vertical scale, the default position is midscreen. The reference level can be specified in dBm or watts.


When using the step keys, the increment and decrement values are determined by the settings of the Scale/Division function. See ???To change the value of the vertical ampli- tude scale??? for more information.


If both the left and right vertical scales are displayed, the reference level of the active trace is adjusted.

To change the value of the vertical amplitude scale

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Scale/Div softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.


This function determines the amount the value increases or decreases when using the arrow keys to set the reference level. See ???To change the reference level??? for more information.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus


If both the left and right vertical scales are displayed, the scale/division of the active trace is changed.

To change the display mode between log and linear

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Display Mode softkey to toggle between Log and Linear data display.

To change the sensitivity

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Sensitivity softkey to toggle between Auto and Manual modes.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

This key toggles the sensitivity between automatic and manual. The sensitivity setting indicates the smallest signal amplitude that will be displayed across the current wavelength range. Increasing sensitivity slows the sweep speed. An increase in sensitivity may also require a narrower video bandwidth, which will slow the sweep speed.

Normally, the optical spectrum analyzer selects the greatest sensitivity possi- ble that does not require amplification changes during the sweep. If you man- ually increase the sensitivity level, the sweep pauses to allow this change in gain.

Automatic mode

When in automatic mode, the analyzer selects the greatest sensitivity possible that does not require amplification changes during the sweep.

Manual mode

When sensitivity is increased manually, the sweep pauses to allow this change in gain.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus


The settings for sensitivity, video bandwidth and sweep time interact. If the sensitivity is set to manual, the video bandwidth and sweep time may be forced to Auto mode. If the video bandwidth is set to manual, the sensitivity and sweep time may be forced to Auto. If the sweep speed is set to manual and is set too fast, the OVER SWEEP indicator will come on in the display area. Since these settings interact, it is recommended that only one of the settings be changed, whichever setting is most important to the measurement task being performed.

To set the reference level to the peak value

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Peak to REF LEVEL softkey.

The system sets the value of the reference level equal to the value of the high- est point on the active trace.

To change the default amplitude settings

1Press the front-panel Amplitude key.

2Press the Amplitude Setup.... softkey.

3The Amplitude Setup panel opens. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.

The Amplitude Setup panel


Setup panel selections

Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus

Reference Level Position

The value selected for the Reference Level Position determines the position of the reference level on the graticule. Setting this value to zero divisions places the reference level on the very bottom of the grid. Setting the reference level to 10 divisions places the reference level at the top of the grid. Pressing the front-panel Preset key resets the reference level to 9.0 divisions.


When using the knob or step keys, the value will automatically change. When using the numeric entry pad, a terminator must be selected from the softkey panel.

Amplitude Units

Selecting Auto for amplitude units allows power to be shown in dBm when using the logarithmic scale and in watts when using the linear scale. Selecting W forces the readout to be in watts, regardless of the amplitude scaling.

Auto Ranging

The Auto Range function allows the OSA to change the gain of the transim- pedance amplifier during a sweep. This provides measurements to be made at the widest dynamic range and at the fastest sweep speed.

Pressing the front-panel Preset key turns Auto Ranging ON.


It is recommended that Auto Ranging always be turned ON.

Auto Zero

Turns Auto Zero ON and OFF. Auto Zero ON enables the internal amplifiers to be zeroed between sweeps. Selecting OFF disables this feature. Pressing the front-panel Preset key resets this function to ON.


Turning Auto Zero OFF allows the instrument to sweep faster, but results in less accu- racy on low level signals.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Amplitude Menus


The optical spectrum analyzer performs a more complete zeroing when the instrument is first turned on. You can run this more complete routine anytime by pressing the Zero Now softkey. Refer to ???To zero the instrument??? on page 3-50 for more information.

Auto Chop Mode

Enables the spectrum analyzer chop mode. Chop mode increases dynamic range for long sweep times by subtracting ambient light. Subtracting the ambi- ent light can improve sensitivity but slow down the sweep speed.

Pressing the front-panel Preset key turns this function OFF.


Sweep times of 50 msec ?? the # of trace points, or longer, use a special ???chop??? mode. Chop mode increases dynamic range, stabilizes measurements against drift, and reduces effects of stray light. This special chop mode is enabled by setting the Auto Chop mode to ON.

Power Calibration

Power Calibration allows you to use amplitude correction factors either from the factory calibration or from the last successful user calibration. Pressing the front-panel Preset key resets this function to User. If a user calibration has not been performed, the factory calibration data is used.

User Power Cal Date

The User Power Cal Date displays the date of the last successful user-per- formed amplitude calibration. See ???To perform a power calibration??? on page 3-44 for information on performing an amplitude calibration.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

The Bandwidth/Sweep softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Band- width/Sweep key or the Measure menu Bandwidth/Sweep selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change bandwidth or sweep settings, the following functions and setup panels are available:


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

Using the Bandwidth/Sweep functions

To change the resolution bandwidth

The ability to display two closely spaced signals as two distinct responses is determined by resolution bandwidth.

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the Res BW softkey.

3Toggle between selecting the resolution bandwidth automatically or manually.

4Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

The resolution bandwidth can be set to one of the following values:

0.07 (0.06 for the HP 86142A and 86145A), 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, or 10 nm. Resolution bandwidth filtering occurs before detection of the light.

In Auto mode, the resolution bandwidth is coupled to the span in a preset 0.01:1 ratio. This means that the optical spectrum analyzer attempts to set a bandwidth value that is 1% of the span setting. You can alter this behavior by manually setting the resolution bandwidth.

To change the video bandwidth

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the Video BW softkey.

3Toggle between selecting the video bandwidth automatically or manually.

4Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

Video bandwidth filtering occurs after detection of the light. In the autocou- pled mode, the video bandwidth has an extremely wide range. This allows the optical spectrum analyzer to avoid unnecessary filtering that would reduce the sweep speed more than required.

Normally, the video bandwidth is coupled to the requested sensitivity. Manu- ally entering a video bandwidth breaks this coupling. The video bandwidth can be manually set from 100 mHz to 3 kHz, or the bandwidth of the currently selected transimpedance amplifier, whichever is less.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

The following functions affect video bandwidth:

???Changing the sensitivity value.

???Changing the reference level.

???Turning autoranging ON or OFF.

The range of video bandwidth available in Auto mode is much greater than can be set manually from the front panel. A lower video bandwidth value requires a longer sweep time. Because of the interdependence between the video bandwidth and sensitivity, it is recommended that either the sensitivity or the video bandwidth be changed, whichever is the most important to the measure- ment task being performed.

To change the sweep time

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the Sweep Time softkey.

3Toggle between selecting sweep time automatically or manually.

4Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

The sweep time is the amount of time required for the optical spectrum ana- lyzer to sweep the current measurement range. The optical spectrum analyzer automatically selects sweep times based on coupling of the following instru- ment settings:

???Wavelength span

???Resolution bandwidth

???Video bandwidth


???Trace length

???Power level

Coupling of these parameters yields optimum amplitude accuracy. When cou- pled, the optical spectrum analyzer always uses the fastest sweep possible while still maintaining the specified accuracy. Coupled, sweep times range from 50 ms to a maximum value that depends on the number of trace points used to draw the trace. This relationship is shown in the following equation:

50 ms ??? sweep time??? ( 1s) ( trace points)

The default number of trace points is 1001, so the maximum sweep time is normally 100 seconds. When coupling is disabled, the sweep time can be set from 56.3 ms to a maximum of 1000 seconds. If you change the number of trace points, the maximum sweep time changes as well.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

Manually setting the sweep time turns coupling off.


If the sweep time is set too fast, an OVER SWEEP message appears indicating the dis- play is no longer calibrated and that trace data may not meet specifications. Increase the sweep time until the OVER SWEEP message disappears. If the sweep time is set too slow, measurement times may be excessively long.

To turn repeat sweep on and off

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the Repeat Sweep softkey to toggle this function ON or OFF.

To perform a single sweep

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the Single Sweep softkey. The instrument will perform a single sweep and then stop.

When first turned on, the optical spectrum analyzer uses free run triggering with continuous sweeps. Free run triggering ensures evenly timed sweeps for a stable display of the current tuning range. Sweeps continuously repeat as long as trigger conditions are met. The SWEEP indicator light on the front panel of the optical spectrum analyzer is on when the sweep is in progress. The indi- cator is off between sweeps.


Single sweep mode is especially useful when programming the instrument. Use single sweeps for the following reasons:

???Insure trace reflects current measurement range settings

???Capture traces before processing them with math commands

???Capture traces before positioning markers


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

To select the internal trigger

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Trigger Mode.... softkey.

4Press the Internal softkey.

Internal triggering synchronizes the start of the sweep to an internally gener- ated trigger signal. Internal triggering ensures continuously triggered sweeps with the shortest delay between sweeps.

To select a gated trigger

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Trigger Mode.... softkey.

4Press the Gated softkey.

In some measurements, the spectrum at a particular time within the modula- tion period is more important than the average spectrum. Gated triggering can be used to synchronize the data acquisition portion of the OSA to a gating trig- ger connected to the rear-panel EXT TRIG IN connector. Gated triggering requires a TTL-compatible signal with a minimum of 0 Vdc and a maximum of +5 V.

Gated triggering is used to select data samples containing valid information. When the gating signal is high, the data sample is accepted. When the gating signal is low, the data sample is replaced by a data point with a value of

???200 dBm. The sweep time must be long enough to get data for each wave- length point, or else the Max Hold function must be used to complete a trace over several sweeps.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

To select an external trigger

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Trigger Mode.... softkey.

4Press the External softkey.

External triggering synchronizes the sweep with a signal connected to the rear-panel EXT TRIG IN connector. External triggering requires a TTL-com- patible signal with a minimum of 0 V and a maximum of +5 V. There is a time delay between the external trigger signal and the data measurement that is set by the Trigger Delay value.

To select the ADC trigger

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Trigger Mode.... softkey.

4Press either the ADC+, ADC???, or ADC AC softkey.

The softkeys in the menu select the type of triggering for the analog-to-digital converter in the data acquisition hardware of the OSA. The ADC+ softkey trig- gers the OSA on the rising edge of the external trigger signal, and the ADC??? softkey triggers it on the falling edge. The ADC AC softkey alternately triggers on the rising and falling edge of the external trigger signal. The amplitude measured on opposite edges are subtracted and the absolute value of the result becomes the trace amplitude value. The delay between the external trigger and the triggering of the analog-to-digital converter is set by the trigger delay value.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Bandwidth/Sweep Menus

To set the trigger delay

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Trigger Delay softkey.

4Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

5Use the Trigger Delay softkey to set the delay between the external trigger and the triggering of the analog-to-digital converter.

The value you select is displayed in the Active Function Area.

To select the synchronous output

1Press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key.

2Press the More BW/Sweep Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Sync Out softkey until the desired output is selected.

The synchronous output allows external equipment to receive a sync signal at each sample point of the OSA sweep. When LOW is selected, the signal will be a TTL LOW. When HIGH is selected, the signal will be a TTL HIGH. When PULSE is specified, the signal will go HIGH when the external trigger is recognized and goes low when the analog-to-digital converter is triggered. The width of the synchronous output pulse is equal to the trigger delay.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

The Markers Menus

The Markers softkeys are accessed using the front-panel Markers key or the Measure menu Markers selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change marker settings, the following functions and setup panels are available:


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Using the Marker functions

To select the active marker

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the Active Marker.... softkey.

3Select the appropriate marker to activate, deactivate, or turn all markers off.

Selecting a marker always places that marker on the currently selected Active trace at the center wavelength. Turning a marker OFF will turn off any marker function that was on for that particular marker. When the marker is turned ON again, all the marker functions for that marker will be off.

To set the active trace

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the Active Trace.... softkey.

3Select the trace to activate. or

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Active Trace.... softkey.

3Select the trace to activate.


The active trace is designated by a double arrow (>>) on either the right or left side of the display.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

To set markers to measure bandwidth

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Place the marker on the peak of the signal to be measured by pressing the PEAK SEARCH softkey.

4Press the Marker BW.... softkey.

5Select a pre-defined bandwidth or use the knob, step keys, or numeric entry pad to enter the active marker bandwidth amplitude for the active marker.

If a peak search is not performed, then pressing the Marker BW.... softkey finds the bandwidth around the currently active marker. If the bandwidth markers cannot be placed at the selected value, an error message, such as ???BW not found??? will be displayed.

To perform a peak search using a marker

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Press the PEAK SEARCH softkey.

The active marker is placed on the highest point of the active trace. If no marker is ON, Marker #1 will be turned ON and placed on the highest point of the active trace.

To change the center wavelength with a marker

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Place a marker on the trace to be centered.

3Press the Marker to CENTER softkey.

The center wavelength is set to the wavelength value of the active marker.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

To change the reference level with a marker

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Place a marker on the trace at the level you want moved to the reference level position.

3Press the Marker to REF LEVEL softkey.

The reference level is set to the amplitude of the active marker.

To perform a peak search

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Press the PEAK SEARCH softkey. or

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

4Press the Marker Search Menu.... softkey.

5Press the Search Mode.... softkey and toggle to select Peak search mode.

6Press the Peak Search softkey. Select from the following options:

Next Peak Down

Places the marker on the next highest peak from the current marker ampli- tude. This next highest peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold cri- teria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search for the next maximum will begin from that point.

Next Peak Left

Places the marker on the next peak located at a shorter wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the left will begin from that point.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Next Peak Right

Places the marker on the next peak located at a longer wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the right will begin from that point.

Active Marker....

Turns a particular marker ON or OFF. Turning a marker OFF will turn off any marker function that was on for that particular marker. When the marker is turned ON again, all the marker functions for that marker will be off.


For addition information on setting the peak and pit excursion criteria, see ???Peak Excur- sion??? and ???Pit Excursion??? on page 3-32.

To perform a pit search

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

4Press the Marker Search Menu.... softkey.

5Press the Search Mode.... softkey and toggle to select Pit search mode.

6Press the Pit Search softkey. Select from the following options:

Next Pit Up

Places the marker on the next lowest pit from the current marker amplitude. This next highest pit must meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wave- length, and the search for the next minimum will begin from that point.

Next Pit Left

Places the marker on the next pit located at a shorter wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next pit must meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the left will begin from that point.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Next Pit Right

Places the marker on the next pit located at a longer wavelength than the cur- rent marker wavelength position. This next pit must meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the right will begin from that point.

Active Marker....

Turns a particular marker ON or OFF. Turning a marker OFF will turn off any marker function that was on for that particular marker. When the marker is turned ON again, all the marker functions for that marker will be off.


For addition information on setting the peak and pit excursion criteria, see ???Peak Excur- sion??? and ???Pit Excursion??? on page 3-32.

To set the noise marker function

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Select an active marker.

3Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

4Press the Noise Marker softkey.

5Toggle the noise marker ON or OFF.

The noise marker measures the spectral power density at the position of the active marker. The measurement is referenced to a 0.1 nm or 1 nm resolution bandwidth. The reference bandwidth used to normalize the noise is selected on the Marker setup panel. See ???To change the default marker settings??? on page 3-30 for additional information.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

To set the delta marker function

1Place the marker to be used as a reference on the desired trace and at the desired wavelength.

2Press the front-panel Markers key.

3Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

4Press the Delta Marker softkey.

To fix the position of the reference marker and activate the delta marker, tog- gle the delta marker ON. Use the front-panel knob or keypad to move the delta marker to the desired location. If the delta function is turned ON and no marker is active, Marker #1 will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the delta function will be turned ON.

To calculate the total power under a trace

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Use the Trace Integ softkey to turn trace integration on.

Only one total power calculation can be turned on at a time. For example, if a total power calculation is being performed on trace A, turning a total power calculation for trace B ON will turn the calculation for trace A OFF.

To set the wavelength line markers

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Line Marker Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Wavelength Marker 1 or Wavelength Marker 2 softkey.

5Position the line markers using the knob, step keys, or numeric entry pad.

Line markers let you perform sweeps, searches and integrations over a reduced section of the selected wavelength range. Wavelength Marker 1 is always to the left of Wavelength Marker 2.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

To turn off all line makers and line marker functions

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Line Marker Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Line Markers Off softkey.

To sweep between line markers

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Line Marker Menu.... softkey.

4Select and set Wavelength Marker 1 and 2 to the desired wavelength sweep limits.

5Press the Advanced Line Mkr Functions.... softkey.

6Press the Sweep Limit softkey to toggle this function ON or OFF.

When the sweep limit is ON, the instrument will only sweep between Wave- length Marker 1 and Wavelength Marker 2.

To search between line markers

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Line Marker Menu.... softkey.

4Select and set Wavelength Marker 1 and 2 to the desired wavelength search limits.

5Press the Advanced Line Mkr Functions.... softkey.

6Press the Search Limit softkey to toggle this function ON or OFF.

When the search limit is ON, all the marker peak/pit searches will be between Wavelength Marker 1 and Wavelength Marker 2.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

To integrate between line markers

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Line Marker Menu.... softkey.

4Select and set Wavelength Marker 1 and 2 to the desired integration limits.

5Press the Advanced Line Mkr Functions.... softkey.

6Press the Integrate Limit softkey to toggle this function ON or OFF.

Turning the integration limit ON will calculate the power between Wavelength Marker 1 and Wavelength Marker 2 when the Trace Integration function in ON. See ???To calculate the total power under a trace??? on page 3-28.


Although there is a single range controlling the total power integration, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range, there are three independent state set- tings for limiting the total power integration, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep to the range.

To change the default marker settings

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the More Marker Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Marker Setup.... softkey.

4The Marker Setup panel opens. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Setup panel selections

The Marker Setup panel

Normal Marker Units

Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the normal marker X-axis and the delta reference readout. This setting controls all four normal markers. The bandwidth and delta offset markers have their own settings.

Bandwidth Marker Units

Sets the bandwidth marker X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. The delta markers have their own set- ting. This setting controls all four bandwidth markers.

Delta Marker Units

Sets the delta marker X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. The bandwidth markers have their own set- ting. This setting controls all four delta markers.

Normal/Delta Marker Interpolation

Turns the normal/delta marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the normal/delta markers will be placed at the exact wavelength or fre- quency value selected if it is within the trace range. The marker will linearly interpolate between two trace data points. The default state is OFF.

This setting controls the interpolation state for all four markers when in the normal or delta mode.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Bandwidth Marker Interpolation

Turns the bandwidth marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the bandwidth markers will be placed at the exact number of dB (NDB) from the normal marker if within the trace range. The position of the marker will be linearly interpolated between two trace data points. The default state is ON. If interpolate is OFF, for negative NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more negative than the NDB value. For positive NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more posi- tive than the NDB values. This will typically result in a wider bandwidth mea- surement.

Peak Excursion

Sets the peak excursion value for the marker search routines.

Peak excursion criteria

The peak excursion value is used to determine whether or not a local maxi- mum in the trace is to be considered a peak. To qualify as a peak, both sides of the local maximum must fall by at least the peak excursion value.

Pit Excursion

Sets the pit excursion value for the marker search routines.

Pit excursion criteria

The pit excursion value is used to determine whether or not a local minimum in the trace is to be considered a pit. To qualify as a pit, both sides of the local minimum must rise by at least the pit excursion value.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Markers Menus

Use Marker Search Threshold

This limits the marker search function to data points above the selected threshold level.

Marker Search Threshold Value

Selects the amplitude threshold value used for limiting the marker search function. When Marker Search Threshold is ON, a dotted line is shown on the display at the threshold level.

Noise Marker Reference Bandwidth

Sets the normalization bandwidth for the noise marker. There are two allow- able settings: 1 nm and 0.1 nm.


Changing this value will change the value of the noise marker by 10 dB.

Peak Search at End of Each Sweep

Finds the peak value of the trace and moves the marker to the peak at the end of each sweep. This function operates on the active marker. This function operates on normal, delta, bandwidth and noise markers.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

The Save/Recall Menus

The Save/Recall softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Save/Recall key or the File menu Save/Recall selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change save or recall settings, the following functions are available:


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

Using the Save/Recall functions

To save measurement and trace data

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Save Menu.... softkey.

3The Save Setup panel opens. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.

Setup panel selections

The Save Setup panel


Saves the measurement data in a binary format (.dat file). This includes the traces and all measurement conditions. When the file is recalled, the instru- ment state will be set to the same state as when the file was saved. The Trace(s) Only option creates an ASCII (.csv) file. When the file is recalled, the trace data will be displayed under the current instrument settings. Refer to

???To display the OSA State information panel??? on page 3-47 for a description of the OSA state information.

Save Traces

Selects the traces to be saved.

Save Graphics

Saves graphic data when selected. The graphic data is stored in Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) format. This is a vector graphics format that describes pictures and graphical elements in geometric terms. This selection is valid only when saving to the floppy drive.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

Save to

Selects saving data to a floppy disk or to internal memory.

File Name

Selects manual or automatic mode for choosing a file name.

4When you are satisfied with your selections, press the Choose File to Save softkey. The Filename Menu setup panel opens.

The Filename Menu setup panel

To enter a filename using the arrow keys

1 Use the front-panel step keys (??? and ??? ) and the arrow softkeys (??? and ??? ) to highlight each letter of the filename.

2When the desired letter or function is selected, press the Select softkey.

3Select the BackSpace function to delete individual letters.

4Select the Clear Line function to delete the entire filename.

5When you finish entering the filename, press the SAVE FILE softkey.

To enter a filename using a trackball or mouse

1Use the pointing device to place the cursor on a letter of the filename. Click on the character to select it.

2Click the BackSpace function to delete individual letters.

3Click the Clear Line function to delete the entire filename.

4When you finish entering the filename, click the SAVE FILE softkey.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

To recall measurement and trace data

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Recall Menu.... softkey.

3The Recall Setup panel opens.

4When you are satisfied with your selections, press the Choose File to Recall softkey. The Catalog panel opens. See ???To select a file from the catalog??? on page 3-37.

To select a file from the catalog

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Recall Menu.... or Delete Menu.... softkey.

3Press the Choose File to Recall or Choose File to Delete softkey.

4Make the desired selections on the setup panel. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.

5When you are satisfied with your selections, press Enter. The Catalog panel opens.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

The Catalog setup panel

6Use the arrow keys to highlight the next five previous file softkeys, or click on the desired filename using a trackball or mouse. Press Enter to recall or delete the selected file.

To delete a file from internal memory or a floppy disk

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Delete Menu.... softkey.

Setup panel selections

The Delete Setup panel

Delete File From:

Selects whether to delete from a floppy disk or from internal memory.

Press the Choose File to Delete softkey to open the Catalog window. See ???To select a file from the catalog??? on page 3-37 for information on selecting the file to delete.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Save/Recall Menus

To format a floppy disk

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Format Floppy Disk.... softkey.

3Press the Format softkey to format the 3.5 floppy disk. Press the Cancel softkey to stop the format action and return to the previous screen.

To backup or restore the internal memory

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Backup/Restore Menu.... softkey.

Softkey panel selections

Backup Internal Memory

An OSA Backup Utility screen appears asking you to insert a formatted floppy disk in the external drive.

Restore Internal Memory

An OSA Restore Utility screen appears. This operation will remove all files from internal memory and replace them with files from backup floppy disks.

To save in Fast Save mode

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Fast SAVE softkey.

3The instrument saves the measurement to internal memory.

To recall in Fast Recall mode

1Press the front-panel Save/Recall key.

2Press the Fast RECALL softkey.

3The instrument recalls the measurement saved previously by the Fast Save function.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

The System Menus

The System softkeys are accessed using the front-panel System key or the Options menu System selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change system settings, the front-panel System key provides access to the following functions and setup panels:



Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

Using the System functions

To display notices, bandwidth errors, critical errors and warnings


The Show Notices...., Show BW Errors...., Show Critical Errors...., and Show Warnings....

functions are only available if a notice, bandwidth error, critical error, or warning has been generated by the system. If no notices, bandwidth errors, critical errors, or warn- ings have been generated, these functions will be grayed out.

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Help.... softkey.

3Press the Show Notices...., Show BW Errors...., Show Critical Errors.... or Show Warnings....softkey. A window opens displaying the notice, bandwidth error, critical error or warning. You can print the queue, clear the queue, or page up and down to view the information.

To display the firmware revision

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Help.... softkey.

3Press the Revision.... softkey. A display appears showing the firmware revision information.

To add a title to the display

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Set Title.... softkey. The Title Setup panel appears.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

The Title Setup panel

Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.

To change the display setup

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Display Setup.... softkey. The Display Setup panel appears.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

Active Function Area Assist

When this function is ON, the function set in the Active Function Area is auto- matically set to the first, or top, softkey function. For example, when you press the front-panel Bandwidth/Sweep key, the Active Function Area Assist function will set the Active Function Area to resolution bandwidth. This means you can immediately enter the desired resolution bandwidth. There is no need to press the Res BW softkey.

To set up a printer

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Printer Setup.... softkey. The Printer Setup panel appears.

Setup panel selections

The Printer Setup panel

Printer Location

Selects either the internal printer or an external printer as the print destina- tion.

To perform a power calibration

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Calibration.... softkey.

3Press the Power Cal Setup.... softkey. The Power Calibration Setup panel appears.

The Power Calibration setup panel


Setup panel selections

Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

Factory Power Cal Date

Shows the date of the last factory-performed power calibration.

User Power Cal Date

Shows the date of the last successful user-performed power calibration.

Set Calibration Power

This is the exact amplitude of the calibration source that will be used for the next power calibration. The power entered must be within +10 dB and ???3 dB of the amplitude measured using the factory calibration.

Set Calibration Wavelength

This is the approximate wavelength of the calibration source that will be used for the next user power calibration. The wavelength entered must be within 2.5 nm of the wavelength measured using the factory calibration.

4Enter the power and wavelength of the calibration signal.

5Press the Perform Calibration.... softkey.

6 Follow the on-screen instructions and then press Execute Calibration.

To perform a wavelength calibration

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Calibration.... softkey.

3Press the Wavelength Cal Setup.... softkey. The Wavelength Calibration Setup panel appears.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

Setup panel selections

The Wavelength Calibration setup panel

Factory Wavelength Cal Date

Shows the date of the last factory-performed wavelength calibration.

User Wavelength Cal Date

Shows the date of the last successful user-performed wavelength calibration.

Signal Source

Select either an external single wavelength signal source or the internal cali- brator as the wavelength calibration source.

Wavelength Referenced In (for external calibration source only)

Selects air or vacuum for the calibration. If the internal calibrator is selected, this selection will not be available.

Set Calibration Wavelength (for external calibration source only)

This is the exact wavelength of the calibration source that will be used for the next user wavelength calibration. The wavelength entered must be within 2.5 nm of the wavelength measured using the factory calibration. If the inter- nal calibrator is selected, this selection will not be available.

4If you are using an external calibration source, enter the signal source and wavelength of the calibration signal and whether the calibration is referenced in air or vacuum. If you are using an internal calibration source, continue with Step 5.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

5 Press the Perform Calibration.... softkey.

6 Follow the on-screen instructions and then press Execute Calibration.

To move the active function area

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the Move Active Area softkey. Each press of the softkey moves the active function area to one of eight on-screen locations.

To display the OSA State information panel

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the OSA State.... softkey.

4The OSA State Information display panel opens and can be printed.

The OSA State information panel


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

To display the Active Function Area

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Active Panel softkey to toggle the display of the Active Function Area

ON or OFF.

To change the time and date





Changing the time, date, or time zone causes the instrument to reboot.

Press the front-panel System key.

Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

Press the Set Time/Date.... softkey. The Time/Date Setup panel appears.

4Use the navigation keys to set the date, time and time zone that are correct for your location.

5Press the Set Time/Date softkey when you are satisfied with your selections.

To select the power-on state

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Power On State softkey. Toggle to select IP or Last.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

The IP function is the same as the front-panel Preset key. For a complete list of the Preset conditions, see page 3-5. When Last is selected the instrument will power-on in the same state it was in when last powered-off.

To perform a factory preset (IP)

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Factory Preset (IP) softkey.

The factory preset function restarts the instrument and sets it to the same states as the front-panel Preset key. See ???SYSTem:PRESet??? on page 4-93 for a complete list of the preset conditions. In addition, it also sets the following functions.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

To upgrade the firmware

To upgrade the firmware you must have the firmware upgrade disk set from HP.

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Firmware Upgrade.... softkey.

5You are prompted for each disk in the firmware upgrade set. When the last disk has been copied, the instrument will finish the installation process and restart.

To zero the instrument

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.

5Press the Zero Now softkey.

The Zero Now function causes the auto zero function to run immediately. This allows you to manually zero the instrument when the Auto Zero function is off. The dark current of the photodetector is measured one time, and then the resulting correction is applied to all subsequent measurements, for improved amplitude accuracy.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus


The optical spectrum analyzer compensates for temperature-related current drift between each sweep. Although this ???zeroing??? increases amplitude accuracy, it increases the time between sweeps. If amplitude accuracy is not critical to your measurement, you can turn off zeroing. Refer to ???Auto Zero??? on page 3-12 for additional information.

The optical spectrum analyzer performs a more complete zeroing when the instrument is first turned on. You can run this more complete routine anytime by pressing the ZERO NOW softkey.

To set the grating order mode

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.

5Press the Grating Order softkey.

6Toggle between 1 and AUTO.

The Grating Order function lets you choose between 1st order grating only and the Automatic setting. The Automatic mode selects 2nd order mode if the stop wavelength is less than 900 nm. The 2nd order grating mode provides a slightly higher measurement sensitivity. Note that the 10 nm resolution bandwidth is not available when using the 2nd order grating mode. The grating order is listed in the OSA State Information. See ???To display the OSA State information panel??? on page 3-47 for more information.

To set the wavelength limit

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

5Press the Wavelength Limit softkey. Toggle ON to limit the span to the specified range of 600 to 1700 nm. When this function is OFF, the start wavelength of the OSA can be tuned down to 350 nm, and the stop wavelength can be tuned up to 2000 nm.


The performance of the OSA is not specified and the amplitude is not calibrated outside the 600???1700 nm range.

To set the TransZ 2 - 3 Lock

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.

5Press the More Adv Service Menu.... softkey.

6Press the TransZ 2 - 3 Lock softkey.

Setting the TransZ 2-3 Lock to ON prohibits the instrument from using a tran- simpedance gain higher than 10k ohms. This ensures that there is sufficient video bandwidth for making accurate pulsed measurements. This is useful for EDFA pulsed testing. The Preset state for TransZ 2-3 Lock is OFF.

To set multi-point alignment

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.

5Press the More Adv Service Menu.... softkey.

6Press the Multi-Point Align softkey.

Multi-Point Align is an advanced service function that requires a broadband white light source. This function is to be used by HP service personnel.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

To display the OSA Extended State information panel

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Service Menu.... softkey.

4Press the Adv Service Functions.... softkey.

5Press the More Adv Service Menu.... softkey.

6Press the OSA Extended State.... softkey. The OSA Extended State Information panel is displayed and can be printed.

The OSA Extended State function provides information useful to HP service personnel.

To change the automeasure defaults

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Auto Measure Setup.... softkey. The Automeasure Setup panel appears.


Setup panel selections

Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus

4Use the arrow keys or the numeric entry pad to set the wavelength span manually or automatically. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.


This function selects the wavelength span for viewing the signal located by the auto measure function. If Auto is specified, the span is set wide enough to dis- play most of the signal. If a particular span is desired, deselect Auto and put the desired span in the nm dialog box. The default selection for Span is Auto.


If the span is set too narrow, the auto measure operation may not complete successfully. If this happens a warning message is displayed.


The dB/div selection sets the vertical scale to be used after performing the auto measure function. If Auto is specified, the measurement function sets the vertical scale to a value based on the dynamic range of the signal. If a particu- lar vertical scale is desired, deselect Auto and put the desired dB/div in the dB dialog box. The default selection for dB/div is Auto.

AutoMeas at Marker

Selecting the ON state for AutoMeas at Marker causes the auto measure func- tion to perform its operation at the wavelength of the active marker. This allows you to measure a signal other than the largest one found in a full span sweep. The default selection for Automeasure at Marker is OFF.

Optimize Sensitivity

Selecting the ON state for Optimize Sensitivity causes the auto measure func- tion to set the sensitivity so the resulting measurement has a minimal amount of noise. It does this by finding the minimum in the measurement trace and comparing this value to the known sensitivity of the instrument at that wave- length. Sensitivity is then reduced until the signal is close to this minimum sensitivity or the sweep time becomes too long. The Optimize Sensitivity func- tion is useful when viewing high dynamic range signals. The drawback to turn- ing this function ON is that it generally requires a longer sweep time to get better sensitivity. The default selection for Optimize Sensitivity: is OFF.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The System Menus


None of the Automeasure Setup parameters are affected by the front-panel Preset key.

They are not saved as part of the measurement setup.

To set the HP-IB address

Setup panel selections

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Remote Setup.... softkey. The Remote Setup panel appears.

4The Current HPIB Address information shows the HP-IB address currently being used. To change the address, use the numerical entry pad or knob to change the New HPIB Address information. Press the Defaults softkey to reset the address to factory preset defaults. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.

5Press the Set HPIB Address softkey if changes were made.

The Remote Setup panel

Current HPIB Address

Shows the HP-IB address currently being used.

New HPIB Address

Enter the new HP-IB address in the text box using the number keys or knob.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Traces Menus

The Traces Menus

The Traces softkeys are accessed by using the front-panel Traces key or the Measure menu Traces selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change trace settings, the front-panel Traces key provides access to the following functions and setup panels:


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Traces Menus

Using the Traces functions

To set the active trace

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Active Trace.... softkey.

3Use the arrow keys or knob to select the active trace. or

1Press the front-panel Markers key.

2Press the Active Trace.... softkey.

3Use the arrow keys or knob to select the active trace.

To put a marker on a trace, or to make changes to a trace, it must be the active trace. The active trace is designated by the double-arrows at either the left or right edge of the graticule.

To set the update function for the trace

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Select the trace to be changed.

3Press the Update <trace> softkey.

4Use the arrow keys or knob to select ON or OFF.

When ON, the trace always accepts data when data is available. When OFF, the trace will not be updated.

To set the display function for the trace

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Select the trace to be changed.

3Press the View <trace> softkey to turn the display of the selected trace ON or OFF.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Traces Menus

To set the Hold.... function

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Hold <trace>.... softkey to select None, Min or Max. None turns the Hold function off.

The maximum hold function compares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected dur- ing the previous sweep, then displays the maximum value.

The minimum hold function compares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected dur- ing the previous sweep, then displays the minimum value.

Pressing the Max/Min Reset softkey resets the hold function to the last acquired trace. Subsequent traces are accumulated in the hold sequence.

To set the trace math for trace C

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Trace Math.... softkey.

3Press the Default Math Trace C.... softkey to define the math expression to be used when the math operations are turned on. The result is placed in Trace C.

4Select the appropriate softkey to define the math expression.


Defines the math expression to be used and turns the math operation ON. The math operation is performed in linear units.

Trace C Math Off

Determines whether or not math processing is performed.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Traces Menus

To set the trace math for trace F

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Trace Math.... softkey.

3Press the Default Math Trace F.... softkey. The result is placed in trace F.

4Select the appropriate softkey to define the math expression.


Defines the math expression to be used and turns the math operation ON. The math operation is performed in linear units.

Trace F Math Off

Determines whether or not math processing is done.

To exchange both the X-axis and Y-axis data of two traces

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Trace Math.... softkey.

3Press the Exchange Menu.... softkey.

4Select the two traces to be exchanged for both the X- and Y-axis.

To turn all math functions off

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Trace Math.... softkey.

3Press the All Math Off softkey.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Traces Menus

To set up averaging

1 Press the front-panel Traces key.

2 Press the Averaging.... softkey.

3Toggle averaging ON or OFF. If averaging is on, softkeys appear to select the number of measurements to be averaged.

Use the keys to select the number of measurements to be averaged. When the number of measurements taken is less than the count, the following formula is used to calculate the data:

sum of all measurements AVG = ---------------------------------------------------------------------

number of measurements

If the number of measurements is greater than or equal to the count, the fol- lowing formula is used to calculate the data:

Averaging values other than those displayed can be entered by using the numeric keypad or the knob when the Avg Count active function area is dis- played.

To set the number of points in a sweep

1Press the front-panel Traces key.

2Press the Trace Setup.... softkey. The Trace Setup panel will appear.

The Trace Setup panel

3Enter the desired sweep length in the setup panel. The minimum sweep length is three points. The maximum sweep length is 10,001 points. Refer to ???To Fill In a Setup Panel??? on page 3-65 for information on changing and selecting items in the setup panel.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Wavelength Menus

The Wavelength Menus

The Wavelength softkeys are accessed using the front-panel Wavelength key or the Measure menu Wavelength selection on the menu bar. If you wish to change the wavelength settings, the front-panel Wavelength key provides access to the following functions and setup panels:


When the optical spectrum analyzer is first turned on, the wavelength range is set to the full 1100 nm span (600 nm to 1700 nm). Sweeps begin at the shortest wavelength (start) and end at the longest wavelength (stop). You can set the center, stop, start, and span wavelength values. The span is set symmetrically about the center wavelength.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Wavelength Menus

Using the Wavelength functions

To set the center wavelength

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Center WL softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

To set the wavelength span

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Span softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

The span is set symmetrically about the center wavelength. When the span is set to 0 nm, the display???s horizontal axis represents time instead of wave- length. A span of 0 nm (called zero span mode) configures the optical spec- trum analyzer as a fixed tuned receiver.

To set the start wavelength

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Start WL softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.

To set the stop wavelength

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Stop WL softkey.

3Use the knob, step keys or numeric entry pad to enter the desired value.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Wavelength Menus

To set the peak to the center of the display

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Peak to CENTER softkey to move the peak to the center of the display.

To change the default wavelength settings

1Press the front-panel Wavelength key.

2Press the Wavelength Setup.... softkey. The Wavelength Setup panel opens.

Setup panel selections

The Wavelength Setup panel

Wavelength Units

Sets the wavelength units to nm, um, or Ang.

Wavelength Calibration

The wavelength calibration is not a simple offset applied to all wavelengths, but uses the trigonometric diffraction grating equation to correct all wave- lengths in a calculated manner. The power offset is a simple offset applied equally to all wavelengths. It is good measurement practice to calibrate the optical spectrum analyzer as close as possible to the wavelength where you plan to make your measurements.

User Wavelength Cal Date

Shows the date of the last successful user-performed wavelength calibration.

Wavelength Offset

Specifies the wavelength offset. This is an offset between the measured wave- length and the displayed wavelength.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The Wavelength Menus

Wavelength Step Size

Specifies the center wavelength step size.

Wavelengths Referenced In

Specifies if the displayed wavelengths show values as measured in air or in vacuum. Pressing the front-panel Preset key sets this value to Vacuum. See page 3-5 for more information on the Preset states.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

To Fill In a Setup Panel

To Fill In a Setup Panel

Setup panels allow you to adjust setup conditions which are not frequently changed.

Using the softkeys The arrow softkeys

Allow the user to navigate from field to field in the dialog box. The highlighted parameter can be changed.

The Select softkey

Selects or deselects the highlighted parameter.

The Defaults softkey

Resets the parameters to their default condition.

Close Panel.... softkey

Saves the current setup and returns the user to the previous menu.

The front-panel number keys, step keys, and knob

Allows the user to enter a numeric value in the highlighted field.


Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

To Fill In a Setup Panel

To use the navigation softkeys

1Use the arrow softkeys to highlight the settings on the setup panel.

2Use the Select softkey to toggle the selection boxes on and off.

3Enter values in the numeric fields using the front-panel knob or numeric entry pad.

4To return the setup values to the instrument???s preset settings, press the Defaults softkey.

5When you are satisfied with your selections, press the Close Panel.... softkey to enter your selections and close the setup panel.



Getting Started 4-4

Monitoring the Instrument 4-11 Example Programs 4-16

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands 4-31

UNIT Subsystem Commands 4-101

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents 4-102

Remote Operation

Remote Operation

Remote Operation

Remote Operation

This chapter provides information on remote programming of the HP 86140- series optical spectrum analyzers. The easiest way to program the instrument is by using the VXIplug&play universal instrument drivers. The VXI- plug&play universal instrument drivers allow you to develop programs using the following applications: HP VEE, LabVIEW1, LabWindows/CVI, C, C++, and Microsoft??2 Visual Basic3.

If you desire more control of the instrument, you can use the HP-IB program- ming commands that are documented in this chapter. The programming com- mands are compatible with the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) standard. For more detailed information regarding the HP-IB, the IEEE 488.2 standard, or the SCPI standard, refer to the following books:

SCPI Consortium. SCPI???Standard Commands for Programmable Instru- ments, 1997.

International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instru- mentation. New York, NY, 1987.

International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standard 488.2-1987, IEEE Standard Codes, Formats, Protocols and Common com- mands For Use with ANSI/IEEE Std 488.1-1987. New York, NY, 1987.

For situations where all you need to accomplish is capturing the instrument???s display or returning trace data values to the computer, consider using the HP N1031A BenchLink software that was shipped with the instrument.

1.LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI are products of National Instruments Corporation.

2.Microsoft?? is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.

3.Microsoft Visual Basic is a product of Microsoft Corp.


Remote Operation

Remote Operation

Table 4-1. Front-Panel Features

Indicates that the instrument is operating under HP-IB control.

Indicates that the instrument has requested service from the computer. Refer to

???Monitoring the Instrument??? on page 4-11.

Pressing this button activates the front-panel keys after a computer has had control of the instrument.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

Getting Started

One of the easiest ways to learn how to write programs to control the instru- ment is to look at simple examples. In ???Example Programs??? on page 4-16, you???ll find several useful example programs. Although they are written using the HP BASIC language, you can easily convert them to the language that you are using. The HP 86140 series??? HP-IB address is configured at the factory to a value of 23. You must set the output and input functions of your programming language to send the commands to this address. Pressing the green Preset key does not change the HP-IB address.

To change the HP-IB address

1Press the front-panel System key.

2Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

3Press the Remote Setup.... softkey, and change the HP-IB address.

Remote mode and front-panel lockout

Whenever the instrument is in Remote mode, the RMT message is displayed on the instrument???s screen and all keys are disabled except for the front-panel LOCAL key. This key can be pressed by the user to restore front-panel control of the instrument.

You can specify a local lockout mode that de-activates the front-panel LOCAL key. If the instrument is in local lockout mode, all the front-panel keys are dis- abled.

Consult the documentation for your programming environment to determine which commands are used to put an instrument in the remote and local lock- out modes. These are not HP 86140 series commands; they control HP-IB con- trol lines and do not send any characters to the instrument.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

Remote command buffering

The OSA accepts serial data via HP-IB, testing each byte. Once a complete command is received and interpreted, the HP-IB handshake is held until the command operation is completed. Once completed, the next command byte is read by the analyzer. If several commands are included in a single output statement, the computer will not be able to complete the controller output operation until the OSA has executed all of the commands. This process can hold the HP-IB interface, or program control, past a timeout cycle.

For this reason, send individual commands rather than combining them. After the command is correctly interpreted, the bus is held until the command exe- cution is complete. If there are no other commands pending, the interface bus is released and the controller can perform other tasks while the OSA is com- pleting the operation.

Command buffering provides an automatic synchronization between the pro- gram sending the commands and the analyzer operation. Each command will be executed before another command is recognized. There is no danger of reading or interpreting trace data in an indeterminate state, such as before a sweep has completed.

Controlling the sweep

Placing the optical spectrum analyzer in remote mode and sending the DISP:WIND:TRAC:ALL:SCAL:AUTO command finds the largest signal and optimizes the analyzer settings. This command also sets single sweep mode on the analyzer. If the DISP:WIND:TRAC:ALL:SCAL:AUTO command is not used, single sweep can be set using the INIT:CONT OFF command. The trace data present in the analyzer must be updated by taking a sweep when appropriate using the INIT:IMM command. Use this command to update the sweep after changing settings.

This mode of operation allows the program to control the sweep and ensure that data read from, or operated on in the analyzer, is updated correctly. Con- trolling the sweep also minimizes the amount of time the analyzer spends sweeping. At high sensitivity and high resolution settings, sweeps can take a significant amount of time. Controlling the sweep ensures that the amount of time spent acquiring data is optimized and that the data being displayed is valid for the current settings.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

Syntax notation conventions

The following information applies to the common and instrument-specific commands listed in this chapter. All measurement values and parameters are sent and received as ASCII strings with the exception of the following com- mands. These commands send and receive floating point binary data in IEEE 488.2 indefinite or definite length blocks:







Uppercase lettering indicates that the uppercase portion of the command is the short form of the command. For example, in the command WAVelength, WAV is the short form.

Table 4-2. Syntax Notation Conventions

a. MS-DOS is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

SCPI command are grouped in subsytems

In accordance with IEEE 488.2, the instrument???s commands are grouped into ???subsystems.??? Commands in each subsystem perform similar tasks. The first page of this chapter lists where each subsystem is documented.

Sending a command

It???s easy to send a command to the instrument. Simply create a command string from the commands listed in this book, and place the string in your pro- gram language???s output statement. For example, the following string places marker1 on the peak of the active trace:


Use either short or long forms

Commands and queries may be sent in either long form (complete spelling) or short form (abbreviated spelling). The description of each command in this manual shows both versions; the extra characters for the long form are shown in lowercase. The following is a long form of a command:

OUTPUT 723;???:SENSe:WAVelength:STARt????

And this is the short form of the same command:


You can use upper or lowercase letters

Program headers can be sent using any combination of uppercase or lower- case ASCII characters. Instrument responses, however, are always returned in uppercase.

Combine commands in the same subsystem

You can combine commands from the same subsystem provided that they are both on the same level in the subsystem???s hierarchy; simply separate the com- mands with a semi-colon (;). For example, the following two lines,

OUTPUT 723;???:SENS:WAV:STAR 1300NM???

OUTPUT 723;???:SENS:WAV:STOP 1400NM???

can be combined into one line:

OUTPUT 723;???:SENS:WAV:STAR 1300NM;STOP 1400NM???

The semicolon separates the two functions.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

Combine commands from different subsystems

You can send commands and program queries from different subsystems on the same line; simply precede the new subsystem by a semicolon followed by a colon. In the following example, the colon and semicolon pair before CALC allows you to send a command from another subsystem.


Sending common commands

If a subsystem has been selected and a common command is received by the instrument, the instrument remains in the selected subsystem. For example, if the command


is sent to the instrument, the Sense subsystem remains selected. If some other type of command is received within a program message, you must reenter the original subsystem after the command.

Adding parameters to a command

Many commands have parameters that specify an option. Use a space charac- ter to separate the parameter from the command, as shown in the following line:


Separate multiple parameters with a comma (,). Spaces can be added around the commas to improve readability.


White space

White space is defined to be one or more characters from the ASCII set of

0 through 32 decimal, excluding 10 (NL). White space is usually optional, and can be used to increase the readability of a program.


Remote Operation

Getting Started


All numbers are expected to be strings of ASCII characters. Thus, when send- ing the number 9, you would send a byte representing the ASCII code for the character ???9??? (which is 57). A three-digit number like 102 would take up three bytes (ASCII codes 49, 48, and 50). This is taken care of automatically when you include the entire instruction in a string. Several representations of a number are possible. For example, the following numbers are all equal:

28, 0.28E2 and 280E-1.

If a measurement cannot be made, no response is given and an error is placed into the error queue. For example,



will timeout the controller and place a Settings conflict error in the error queue.

Table 4-3. Suffix Multipliers

Program message terminator

The string of instructions sent to the instrument is executed after the instruc- tion terminator is received. The terminator may be either a new-line (NL) character, the End-Or-Identify (EOI) line asserted, or a combination of the two. All three ways are equivalent. Asserting the EOI sets the EOI control line low on the last byte of the data message. The NL character is an ASCII line- feed (decimal 10). The NL terminator has the same function as an EOS (End Of String) and EOT (End Of Text) terminator.


Remote Operation

Getting Started

Querying data

Data is requested from the instrument using a query. Queries can be used to find out how the instrument is currently configured. They are also used to obtain results of measurements made by the instrument, with the query actu- ally activating the measurement. String responses are returned as uppercase letters.

Queries usually take the form of a command followed by a question mark (?). After receiving a query, the instrument places the answer in its output queue. The answer remains in the output queue until it is read or another command is issued. For example, the query

OUTPUT 723;???:CALC:MARK1:X????

places the wavelength of marker 1 in the output queue. In HP BASIC, the con- troller input statement

ENTER 720;Range

passes the value across the bus to the controller and places it in the variable Range. Sending another command or query before reading the result of a query causes the output queue to be cleared and the current response to be lost. This also generates an error in the error queue. The output of the instru- ment may be numeric or character data depending on what is queried. Refer to the specific commands for the formats and types of data returned from que- ries. You can send multiple queries to the instrument within a single program message, but you must also read them back within a single program message. This can be accomplished by either reading them back into a string variable or into multiple numeric variables. When you read the result of multiple queries into string variables, each response is separated by a semicolon.


Remote Operation

Monitoring the Instrument

Monitoring the Instrument

Your programs can monitor the HP 86140 series for its operating status, including querying execution or command errors and determining whether or not measurements have been completed. Several status registers and queues are provided to accomplish these tasks as shown in Figure 4-1 on page 4-12. The status structures shown in the figure consist of condition registers, event registers, event enable registers, and, in the case of the Operation Status Structure, transition filters. For example, there exists the Standard Status Condition Register, the Standard Status Event Register, and the Standard Status Event Enable Register. Condition registers show the current condition of the status lines. Event registers show that an event has occurred. Once latched, these registers stay set until cleared. Event enable registers are masks that you can use to enable or disable the reporting of individual bits from an event register. For example, you can disable the reporting of the Sweeping bit in the Operation Status structure so that, even though it goes high in the registers, it can never set the summary bit 7 in the Status Byte high.

Querying a register always returns the value as a decimal-weighted sum of all set bits. Refer to Table 4-4 on page 4-11. For example, if the value returned was 528, this would indicate that bits 4 and 9 were set. Mask registers are set using these same values. For example, the *ESE 60 command sets bits 2 through 5 of the Standard Status Event Enable Register. Whenever any one of bits 2 through 5 of the Standard Status Event Register goes high, bit 5 of the status byte will be set.

Table 4-4. Decimal Values of Event Enable Register Bits


Remote Operation

Monitoring the Instrument

Figure 4-1. Status Registers


Remote Operation

Monitoring the Instrument

The STATus:PRESet command clears all event registers and sets all bits in the event enable registers. Use the *CLS common command to clear all event regis- ters and all queues except the output queue. If *CLS is sent immediately fol- lowing a program message terminator, the output queue is also cleared. In addition, the request for the *OPC bit is also cleared.

For an example program using the status registers, refer to ???Example 9. Moni- toring the status registers??? on page 4-29.

Status Byte

The Status Byte contains summary bits that monitor activity in the other sta- tus registers and queues. The register???s bits are set and cleared by summary bits from other registers or queues. If a bit in the Status Byte goes high, query the value of the source register to determine the cause.

Standard Status Structure

The Standard Status Structure monitors the following instrument status events: operation complete, query error, device dependent error, execution error, and command error. When one of these events occurs, the event sets the corresponding bit in the register.


Remote Operation

Monitoring the Instrument

Operation Status Structure

Contains bits that report on the instrument???s normal operation. Additional transition filters give you the ability to select the logic transitions which set the event register bits. For example, you can define the Measuring bit of the Operation Status Structure to be set when a status line transitions from false to true. This is a positive transition. You can also specify a negative transition where bits are set when a status line transitions from true to false.

Questionable Status Structure

Contains bits that report on several questionable instruments conditions.


Remote Operation

Monitoring the Instrument

Output Queue

The output queue stores the instrument responses that are generated by cer- tain commands and queries that you send to the instrument. The output queue generates the Message Available Summary bit when the output queue contains one or more bytes. This summary bit sets the MAV bit (bit 4) in the Status Byte. The method used to read the output queue depends upon the programming language and environment. For example, with HP Basic, the output queue may be read using the ENTER statement.

Error Queue

As errors are detected, they are placed in an error queue. Instrument specific errors are indicated by positive values. General errors have negative values. You can clear the error queue by reading its contents, sending the *CLS com- mand, or by cycling the instrument???s power. The error queue is first in, first out. If the error queue overflows, the last error in the queue is replaced with error -350, ???Queue overflow.??? Any time the queue overflows, the least recent errors remain in the queue, and the most recent error is discarded. The length of the instrument???s error queue is 30 (29 positions for the error messages, and 1 position for the ???Queue overflow??? message). Querying errors removes the oldest error from the head of the queue, which opens a position at the tail of the queue for a new error. When all the errors have been read from the queue, subsequent error queries return 0, ???No error.???


Remote Operation

Example Programs

Example Programs

These programs are provided to give you examples of using HP 86140 series remote programming commands in typical applications. They are not meant to teach general programming techniques or provide ready-to-use solutions. They should allow you to see how measurements are performed and how to return data to the computer. The programs are written in HP BASIC for Win- dows.

The following example programs are provided in this section:


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


!The following lines calculate the wavelength value of each point

!of the trace. Note that wavelength values of a trace cannot

!be directly queried.


Remote Operation

Example Programs



Remote Operation

Example Programs

Example 8. Total power measurement


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Example Programs


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

This is a table of the front-panel functions of the HP 86140 series and the cor- responding remote commands.

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (1 of 6)


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (2 of 6)


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (3 of 6)


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (4 of 6)


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (5 of 6)


Remote Operation

Front Panel Functions to Remote Commands

Table 4-7. Front Panel Function to Remote Command for the HP 86140 Series (6 of 6)


Remote Operation

Command Trees


Remote Operation

Command Trees









[:PEAK] <param> PIT <param>




:FREQuency <param> :TIME <param> [:WAVelength] <param>

[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 :UPPer?

:FREQuency <param> :TIME <param> [:WAVelength] <param>


[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


:FREQuency <param>

:READout FREQuency|WAVelength|TIME :TIME <param>

[:WAVelength] <param>



[:EXPRession][:DEFine] <expression> :STATe OFF|ON|0|1







:FREQuency <param> :TIME <param> [:WAVelength] <param>

[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0 :UPPer?

:FREQuency <param> :TIME <param> [:WAVelength] <param>



[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0 :THReshold <param>




Remote Operation

Command Trees



Remote Operation

Command Trees


Remote Operation

Common Commands

Common Commands


Clears all the event status registers summarized in the status byte register. This command resets the status data structure. It does this by emptying the error queue and clearing all bits in all of the event registers.

*ESE <numeric_value>

Sets the bits in the Standard Event Enable register. The Standard Event regis- ter monitors HP-IB errors and synchronization conditions such as operation complete, request control, query error, device dependent error, execution error, command error, and power on. The parameter is rounded to an integer value and interpreted as a binary number, representing the bit values of the register.


Returns the value of the Standard Event Enable register.


Reads and clears the Standard Event Status register. The register is cleared when it is read. The response value is an integer, to be interpreted as a binary number, representing the bit values of the register.


Returns a string value which identifies the instrument type and firmware ver- sion. The string is a comma-separated list consisting of Manufacturer, Model Number, Serial Number, and Firmware Revision.


Remote Operation

Common Commands


Sets bit 0 in the Standard Event Status register when all pending operations have finished.


Returns a 1 when all operations have finished.


Returns a comma-separated list of strings that identifies the optical spectrum analyzer's option configuration. A 0 indicates no options are present.

*RCL <numeric_value>|<filename>[,INTernal|FLOPpy]

Recalls previously saved instrument settings from the requested register or file.


Executes a device reset and returns the instrument to a known state. This command is not the same as the SYSTem:PRESet command. See page 3-5 for a list of the instrument preset conditions. The *RST settings are the same as for SYSTem:PRESet, except that Repeat Sweep is turned OFF.

*SAV <numeric_value>|<filename>[,INTernal|FLOPpy]

Saves instrument settings to the designated register or file.

*SRE <numeric_value>

Sets the bits in the Service Request Enable register. The parameter is rounded to an integer value and interpreted as a binary number, representing the bit values of the register. The Service Request Enable register serves as a mask for the Status Byte. When a bit in the Status Byte goes to 1, if the correspond- ing bit in the Service Request Enable register is a 1, the instrument asserts the Service Request line on the HP-IB.


Returns the value of the Service Request Enable register.


Remote Operation

Common Commands


Returns the current value of the instrument???s Status Byte. This will not change the Status Byte register. The response value is an integer, to be interpreted as a binary number, representing the bit values of the register. Performing a serial poll on the instrument also reads the Status Byte register, except that bit 6 indicates whether there is a service request that has not been serviced. The most convenient way to clear the Status Byte register is to send a *CLS command. The Status Byte register summarizes the states of the other regis- ter sets. It is also responsible for generating service requests.


Tests the analyzer interface hardware and returns 0 if the interface is func- tional.


Prevents the instrument from executing any further commands until the cur- rent command has finished executing. The *WAI command ensures that over- lapped commands are completely processed before subsequent commands, those sent after the *WAI command, are processed. This command is not needed by the optical spectrum analyzer, since all commands are non- overlapped, but it is included for compatibility with existing programs that might use it.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

The CALCulate subsystem performs post-acquisition data processing. The CALCulate subsystem operates on data acquired by a SENSe function. For more information, refer to page 4-1 of the 1997 SCPI Command Reference.


CALC: is interpreted as CALC1:. CALC1 controls TRA, CALC2 controls TRB, CALC3 con- trols TRC, CALC4 controls TRD, CALC5 controls TRE, and CALC6 controls TRF.


Causes the average data to be cleared and the average counter to be reset to zero.

CALCulate:AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>


Sets the number of measurements to be averaged. When the number of mea- surements taken is less than the count, the following formula is used to calcu- late the data:

sum of all measurements AVG = ---------------------------------------------------------------------

number of measurements

If the number of measurements is greater than or equal to the count, the fol- lowing formula is used to calculate the data:


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:AVERage[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns trace averaging ON and OFF. If a math expression with the correspond- ing CALCulate subopcode is OFF, the SENSe:DATA is averaged. If the math expression is ON, the result of the math expression is averaged.

The CALCulate:AVERage, CALCulate:MAXimum, and CALCulate:MINimum states are mutually exclusive. Each trace can have only one of these functions on at a time. Turning CALCulate:AVERage ON will automatically turn CALCu- late:MAXimum and CALCulate:MINimum OFF. Each trace can have different CALC blocks turned on.


Turns off all markers and marker functions.


If no marker number is given in the following marker commands, the command is inter- preted as referring to marker number 1. For example, CALC:MARK ON is equivalent to CALC:MARK1 ON.


Going to zero span will turn off all markers. This is because markers are referenced to a particular time or wavelength not a particular display position. Going out of zero span will restore the markers to the state they were in before going to zero span. Changing to or from zero span changes the fundamental units for the X-axis.

CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:INTerpolate OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the bandwidth marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the bandwidth markers will be placed at the exact NDB setting from the normal marker if the trace data allows. The position of the marker will be lin- early interpolated between two true trace data points. The default state is ON. If interpolate is OFF, for negative NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

values closest to and more negative than the NDB value. For positive NDB val- ues, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more positive than the NDB values. This will typically result in a wider bandwidth measurement.

This is a global setting and controls the interpolation state for all four band- width markers.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:NDB <numeric_value>


Sets the desired vertical offset from the numbered marker of the bandwidth markers. The parameter units are as specified in the UNIT:RATio command.

This value can be set or queried anytime. The marker does not have to be on or in the bandwidth function.

CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:READout FREQuency|WAVelength|TIME


Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the bandwidth marker X-axis read- outs and the X:Left? and X:Right? queries. The delta markers have their own setting. This setting controls all four bandwidth markers.

Trying to set the readout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a ???Set- tings conflict??? error. Trying to set the readout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in zero span also generates a ???Settings conflict??? error. When the instru- ment is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.


Returns the difference in the X-axis values between the left and right band- width markers. The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the result is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the result is returned in meters.

If the bandwidth markers cannot find the desired NDB setting relative to the normal marker, the result returned will be 9.91e37. This value is defined by the SCPI standard to represent NaN (not a number).

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the bandwidth marker function ON or OFF for a particular marker. Only one marker function is allowed to be on at a time for each individual marker. Turning on the bandwidth function for a marker will turn off any other marker function and turn on the Bandwidth function. For example, turning on the Bandwidth function for a marker that has the Delta function ON, will turn OFF the Delta function and turn ON the Bandwidth function for the marker.

If the bandwidth function is turned ON for a marker that is OFF, the marker will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and then the bandwidth mark- ers will measure the bandwidth relative to this marker.


Returns the absolute X-axis value from the center of the bandwidth marker (mean of the left and right markers). The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the X value is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.


Returns the absolute X-axis value of the left bandwidth marker. The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the X value is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


Returns the absolute X-axis value of the right bandwidth marker. The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion:BWIDth|BANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the X value is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.


Sets the reference for the delta marker to the current position of the delta marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:DELTa[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the delta marker function ON or OFF for a particular marker. Individual markers can have only one marker function on at a time.

Turning the delta function for a marker ON will turn any other marker function OFF. For example, turning the delta function ON for a marker that has the bandwidth function ON, will turn the bandwidth function OFF and turn the delta function ON for the marker.

If the delta function is turned ON for a marker that is OFF, the marker will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the delta function will be turned ON.


Returns the difference between the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker and the X-axis value of the reference marker.

The units of the value returned by the query are determined by the CALCu- late:MARKer:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READout state. For READout of FRE- Quency, the units are Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the units are meters. For READout of TIME, the units are seconds.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:OFFSet:FREQuency <numeric_value>

Allows the user to set the marker offset in frequency units. The marker X-axis value corresponds to the reference X value + the offset value. The default units of the parameter for this command are Hertz.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:OFFSet:TIME <numeric_value>

Allows the user to set the marker offset when the instrument is in zero span. The marker X-axis value corresponds to the reference X value + the offset value. The default units of the parameter are seconds.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Allows the user to set the marker offset in wavelength units. The marker X- axis value corresponds to the reference X value + the offset value. The default units of the parameter are meters.

Even though the offset READout may be FREQuency, this command can still be used to specify the offset using wavelength units.

For example:

CALC:MARK:FUNC:DELT:X:OFFS:WAV 10NM when readout is WAVElength CALC:MARK:FUNC:DELT:X:OFFS:FREQ 10THZ when readout is FREQuency CALC:MARK:FUNC:DELT:X:OFFS:WAV 1E-8M when readout is FREQuency

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READout FREQuency|WAVelength|TIME


Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the delta offset and the delta refer- ence X-axis readouts. The bandwidth markers have their own setting. This setting controls all four delta markers.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

Trying to set the readout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a ???Set- tings conflict??? error. Trying to set the readout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in a zero span also generates a ???Settings conflict??? error. When the instru- ment is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. If the delta marker is OFF a ???Settings conflict??? error is generated. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.


Returns the X-axis value of the reference marker. The units of the returned value are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READ- out setting. For a READout of FREQuency, the return value is in Hertz. For a READout of WAVelength, the return value is in meters. For READout of TIME, the X value is returned in seconds.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Returns the difference between the delta marker absolute Y value and the ref- erence Y value.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Returns the Y-axis value of the reference marker.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:NOISe:BWIDth|BANDwidth <numeric_value>


Sets the normalization bandwidth for the marker noise result query. The default units for the parameter are meters. There are only two allowable set- tings: 1 nm and 0.1 nm. Sending any value outside this range will generate a "Data out of range" error. Sending a value within this range will set the band- width to whichever of the two possible settings is closest to the specified value. If the specified noise marker is OFF, a ???Settings conflict??? error is gener- ated.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


This query returns the noise marker value normalized to 1 or 0.1 nm. The nor- malization bandwidth is controlled by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion:NOISe:BWIDth command.

This query generates a ???Settings conflict??? error if the noise function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:NOISe[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the marker noise function ON or OFF for a particular marker. Individual markers can have only one marker function on at a time. Use the CALCulate:MARKer:X command to position the noise marker.


Turns OFF all marker functions for the specified marker. This command is pro- vided as a convenient way to turn all marker functions off without having to check the state of each individual marker function. If the marker specified by this command is OFF, the marker will be turned ON with all marker functions OFF, that is, the marker will be in the ???normal??? marker mode.

CALCulate:MARKer:INTerpolate OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the normal/delta marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the normal/delta markers will be placed at the exact X setting, if the trace data allows. The marker will linearly interpolate between two true trace data points. The default state is OFF.

This setting controls the interpolation state for all four markers, except for the bandwidth markers.


Places the specified marker on the highest point of the trace. The point does not have to meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. The marker trace is determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:TRACe command. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON and placed on the highest point of the trace.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


Places the marker on the next peak located at a shorter wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the left will begin from that point.


Places the marker on the next highest peak from the current marker ampli- tude. This next highest peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold cri- teria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search for the next maximum will begin from that point.


Places the marker on the next peak located at a longer wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next peak must meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the right will begin from that point.


Places the specified marker on the lowest point of the trace. The point does not have to meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. The marker trace is determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:TRACe command. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON and placed on the lowest point of the trace.


Places the marker on the next pit located at a shorter wavelength than the current marker wavelength position. This next pit must meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the left will begin from that point.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


Places the marker on the next lowest pit from the current marker amplitude. This next lowest pit must meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search for the next minimum will begin from that point.


Places the marker on the next pit located at a longer wavelength than the cur- rent marker wavelength position. This next pit must meet the pit excursion and threshold criteria. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the search to the right will begin from that point.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:PEXCursion[:PEAK] <numeric_value>


Sets the peak excursion value for the marker search routines. The peak excur- sion value is used to determine whether or not a local maximum in the trace is to be considered a peak. To qualify as a peak, both sides of the local maximum must fall by at least the peak excursion value.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:PEXCursion:PIT <numeric_value>


Sets the pit excursion value for the marker search routines. The pit excursion value is used to determine whether or not a local minimum in the trace is to be considered a pit. To qualify as a pit, both sides of the local minimum must rise by at least the pit excursion value.


Sets the center wavelength to the wavelength value of the marker.


Returns the lower limit for the marker search range. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. The return value is in meters, unless span is set to zero, in which case the return value is in seconds.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:LOWer:FREQuency <param>

Sets the lower limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. The default units for the parameter is in Hertz.

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:LOWer:TIME <param>

Sets the lower limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending this command while span is not set to zero will results in a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parame- ter is in seconds.

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:LOWer[:WAVelength] <param>

Sets the lower limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parameter is in meters; frequency units are allowed.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the search range ON or OFF for all the markers. When the search range is ON, all the marker maximum/minimum searches will be within the upper and lower wavelength range. Although there is a single range controlling the total power integration, the marker search range, the mean calculation, and the wavelength sweep range, there are four independent state settings for limiting the total power integration, the marker search, the mean calculation, and the wavelength sweep to the range. If all four states for the total power integra- tion, the marker search, the mean calculation, and the wavelength sweep range are OFF, setting CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe to ON will initialize


Returns the upper limit for the marker search range. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. The return value is in meters, unless span is set to zero, in which case the return value is in seconds.

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:UPPer:FREQuency <param>

Sets the upper limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. The default units for the parameter is in Hertz.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:UPPer:TIME <param>

Sets the upper limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending this command while span is not set to zero will result in a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parameter is in seconds.

CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:UPPer[:WAVelength] <param>

Sets the upper limit for the marker search range. Setting this value when CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MARKer:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the marker search range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the trace mean range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parameter is in meters; frequency units are allowed.


Sets the reference level to the amplitude of the marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4][:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns a particular marker ON or OFF. If no number is given for the MARKer node, 1 is assumed. (For example, CALCulate:MARKer ON will turn marker 1 ON.) The marker will be placed on the trace determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:TRACe command. If no trace is specified, the default trace is trace A. The marker will be placed at the center wavelength. Turning a marker OFF will turn off any marker function that was on for that particular marker. When the marker is turned ON again, all the marker functions for that marker will be off.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands



Places the marker on a particular trace.


Returns the X-axis value of the normal marker. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is returned. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is returned.

The units of the value returned by the query is determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the units returned are in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the units returned are meters. For READout of TIME, the units are in seconds.

Sending the query when the specified marker is OFF will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:X:FREQuency <numeric_value>

Sets the X-axis value of the normal marker. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is controlled. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is controlled.

Sending the command when the specified marker is OFF will turn the marker ON and place the marker at the desired position. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALCulate:MARKer:X:READout FREQuency|WAVelength|TIME


Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the normal marker X-axis and the delta reference readout. The bandwidth and delta offset markers have their own settings. This setting controls all four normal markers.

Trying to set the READout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a ???Set- tings conflict??? error. Trying to set the READout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in zero span also generate a "Settings conflict" error. When the instru- ment is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:X:TIME <numeric_value>

Sets the X-axis value of the normal marker when the instrument is in zero span. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is controlled. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is controlled. The default units of the parameter is seconds.

Sending the command when the specified marker is OFF will turn the marker ON and place the marker at the desired position. Sending the command when the instrument is in a non-zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALCulate:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:X[:WAVelength] <numeric_value>

Sets the X-axis value of the normal marker in wavelength units. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is con- trolled. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is controlled. The default units of the parameter are meters.

Sending the command when the specified marker is OFF will turn the marker ON and place the marker at the desired position. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Returns the Y-axis value of the normal marker. When the delta function is ON, the value returned is the absolute Y-axis value of the delta marker. When the bandwidth function is ON, the value returned is the Y-axis value of the center marker.

Sending the command when the specified marker is off will generate a ???Set- tings conflict??? error.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine] (<expression>)



The parentheses in the above expression are required for proper operation of this com- mand.

Defines a math expression to be used when the math operations are turned ON. The <expression> can contain a <trace_name> as operands. The math operations will be performed in linear units. If, for example, the desired opera- tion is TRA ??? TRB in log units, the expression should be defined as TRA / TRB. Each CALCulate subsystem can have one expression defined. Recursive expressions are not allowed.

Example Statements:

For the equivalent of the front panel C = Alog ??? B key:


For the equivalent of the front panel C = Alog + B key:


For the equivalent of the front panel C = Alin ??? B key:


For the equivalent of the front panel C = Alin + B key:


For the equivalent of the front panel F = Clog ??? D key:



CALC1 controls TRA, CALC2 controls TRB, CALC3 controls TRC, CALC4 controls TRD,

CALC5 controls TRE, and CALC6 controls TRF.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MATH:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Determines whether or not math processing is done.


Clears the current maximum hold values for the trace and allows a new maxi- mum hold to occur. The trace will be initialized to a very negative dBm value (???300 dBm). If the specified trace is not in the maximum hold state, this com- mand will have no effect.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MAXimum[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns maximum hold on a trace ON or OFF. The maximum hold operation com- pares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected during the previous sweep, then stores the maximum value. The CALCulate:AVERage, CALCulate:MAXimum, and CALCulate:MINimum states are mutually exclusive. Each trace can have only one of these functions on at a time. Turning CALCulate:MAXimum ON will automatically turn CALCulate:AVERage and CALCulate:MINimum OFF. Each trace is allowed to have a different CALC block turned on. For example, CALCulate1:MAXimum ON, CALCulate2:MINimum ON, CALCulate3:AVERage ON will put trace A in maximum hold, trace B in minimum hold and trace C in trace average mode.

If the math expression with the corresponding CALCulate subopcode is OFF, then the SENSe:DATA is used for the maximum hold operation. If the math expression is ON, the result of the math expression is used for the maximum hold operation.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


Returns the arithmetic mean of the trace associated with the subopcode of the CALCulate node. The points of the trace are summed in linear units and the sum is divided by the number of points. When the CALCulate:MEAN:RANge is ON, the mean is calculated over the upper and lower X-axis range limits. If the CALCulate:MEAN:RANge is OFF, the mean is calculated over the entire trace. Sending this query when the CALCulate:MEAN:STATe is OFF will generate a "Settings conflict" error. The MEAN calculation is performed at the end of sweep. Sending this query when the instrument is in the middle of a sweep will return the MEAN calculated for the previous sweep.


This query returns the lower X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation.

The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range.

The return value is in meters, unless the span is set to zero, in which case the return value is in seconds.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:LOWer:FREQuency <numeric_value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ|THZ]

Sets the lower X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation. Setting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON.

The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges. Default units for the parameters are Hertz.

Sending this command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:LOWer:TIME <numeric_value>[NS|US|MS|S]

Sets the lower X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation. Setting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON.

The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges. Default units for the parameters are seconds.

Sending this command while span is not set to zero will result in a ???Settings Conflict??? error.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:LOWer[:WAVelength] <numeric_value>[M|UM|NM|A]

This command sets the lower X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation. Setting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will automati- cally turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON.

The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges.

Sending this command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parameter are meters. Fre- quency units are also allowed.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the trace mean calculation range ON or OFF for all traces. Turning the calculation range ON will also turn the CALCulate:MEAN:STATe ON for the specified trace (the trace is specified via its subopcode). There is a single range controlling the total power integration, the trace mean range, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range, but there are four independent state settings for limiting the total power calculation, the trace mean calculation, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep to the range.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


This query returns the upper X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation. The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range.

The returned value is in meters, unless the span is set to zero, in which case the returned value is in seconds.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:UPPer:FREQuency <numeric_value>[HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ|THZ]

Sets the upper X-axis limit for the trace mean range calculation. Setting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON. The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges. Default units for the parameter are Hertz.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:UPPer:TIME <numeric_value>[NS|US|MS|S]

This command sets the upper limit for the trace mean range calculation. Set- ting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will automatically turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON. The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges. Default units for the parameter are sec- onds.

Sending this command while span is not set to zero will result in a ???Settings Conflict??? error.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:RANGe:UPPer[:WAVelength] <numeric_value>[M|UM|NM|A]

This command sets the upper X-axis limit for the trace mean range calcula- tion. Setting this value when CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe is OFF will auto- matically turn CALCulate:MEAN:RANGe:STATe ON. The range used for the trace mean range is the same range used for the total power calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges. Default units for the parameter are meters.

Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MEAN:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the mean power calculation for a trace ON or OFF. Only one mean power calculation can be turned on at a time. For example, if a mean power calcula- tion is being performed on trace A, turning a mean power calculation for trace B ON will turn the calculation for trace A OFF.


Clears the current minimum hold values for the trace and allows a new mini- mum hold to occur. The trace will be initialized to the current value of the trace. If the specified trace is not in the minimum hold state, sending this com- mand will have no effect.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MINimum[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns minimum hold for a trace ON or OFF. The minimum hold operation com- pares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected during the previous sweep, then stores the minimum value. The CALCulate:AVERage, CALCulate:MAXimum, and CALCulate:MINimum states are mutually exclusive. Each trace can have only one of these functions on at a time. Turning CALCulate:MINimum ON will automatically turn CALCulate:AVERage and CALCulate:MAXimum OFF. Each trace can have a different CALC block turned on. For example, CALCulate1:MAXimum ON, CALCulate2:MINimum ON, CALCulate3:AVERage ON will put trace A in maximum hold, trace B in minimum hold, and trace C in trace average mode.

If the math expression with the corresponding CALCulate subopcode is OFF, then the SENSe:DATA is used for the minimum hold operation. If the math expression is ON, the result of the math expression is used for the minimum hold operation.

CALCulate:THReshold <param>[W|MW|UW|DBM]


Sets the value for the marker search threshold.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:THReshold:STATe ON|OFF|1|0


Turns on the marker search threshold function. When this threshold function is ON, marker peak searches will ignore peaks below the threshold value.


Returns the total power of the specified trace. Trace A corresponds to CALCulate1, trace B to CALCulate2, and so on. Corrections to the total power are made for the slope and variation of the resolution bandwidth filter over the wavelength range of the trace. When the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge is ON, the total power is calculated over the upper and lower range limits; otherwise, the total power is calculated over the entire trace. Sending this query when the CALCulate:TPOWer:STATe is OFF will generate a "Settings conflict" error.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:TPOWer:IRANge:LOWer <numeric_value>[M|UM|NM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ|THZ]


Sets the lower X-axis limit for the total power integration range for all traces. Setting this value when the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] is OFF will automatically turn the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] ON. The range used for the total power integration is the same range used for the marker search range, the trace mean range, and the wavelength range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges.

Default units for the parameter are meters. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:TPOWer:IRANge[STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the total power calculation range for all traces ON or OFF. Setting IRANge:STATe to ON will set the corresponding TPOWer:STATe to ON. Although there is a single range controlling the total power integration, the trace mean calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range, there are four independent state settings for limiting the total power calculation, the trace mean, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep to the range. If all four states for the total power integration, the trace mean, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep range are OFF, setting the CALCu-

Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:TPOWer:IRANge:UPPer <numeric_value>[M|UM|NM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ|THZ]


Sets the upper X-axis limit of the total power integration range for all traces. Setting this value when the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] is OFF will automatically turn the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] ON. The range used for the total power calculation is the same range used for the marker search range, the trace mean range and the wavelength range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges.

Default units for the parameter are meters. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:TPOWer:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the total power calculation for a trace ON or OFF. Only one total power calculation can be turned on at a time. For example, if a total power calcula- tion is being performed on trace A, turning a total power calculation for trace B ON will turn the calculation for trace A OFF. Turning this function ON in zero span generates a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Remote Operation

CALibration Subsystem Commands

CALibration Subsystem Commands


Performs an automatic alignment of the instrument at the wavelength of the largest signal found in full span. This aligns the monochrometer output with the photodetector for improved amplitude accuracy. Sending this command with a marker on screen will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. See page 3-3 for additional information on this function.


Performs an automatic alignment of the instrument at the wavelength of the specified marker. This aligns the monochrometer output with the photodetec- tor for improved amplitude accuracy. Sending this command without the spec- ified marker on will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.


Performs an alignment of the instrument using an external broadband source. The instrument performs an alignment at each of several wavelengths and stores the values in a wavelength alignment table. This results in improved amplitude accuracy.


Sets the alignment of the instrument to the preset factory-calibrated values.


Returns the date of the most recent factory calibration.


Remote Operation

CALibration Subsystem Commands


Performs a power calibration. The calibration is aborted if the power mea- sured on the input signal is more than 3 dB higher or 10 dB lower than the value specified in the CALibration:POWer:VALue command.


Returns the date of the most recent power calibration.

CALibration:POWer:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies whether or not the calibration power data is applied. Amplitude accuracy is only specified with power calibration ON.

CALibration:POWer:VALue <param>


Specifies the power to be used for calibration. Default units are set by the

UNITs:POWer command.

CALibration:POWer:WAVelength <numeric_value>[M|UM|NM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Specifies the wavelength of the signal used for the amplitude calibration.


Presets the calibration of the instrument to factory-calibrated values. This cancels the effect of any previous CALibration:POWer or CALibration:WAVe- length.

CALibration:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies if the calibration data is applied or not. Amplitude accuracy and wavelength accuracy are only specified when calibration is ON. The response value is the logical AND of CALibration:POWer:STATe? and CALibra- tion:WAVelength:STATe?.


Remote Operation

CALibration Subsystem Commands


Performs a wavelength calibration. If the wavelength measured on the input signal differs more than ??2.5 nm from the value specified in the CALibra- tion:WAVelength:VALue command, the calibration is aborted.


Returns the date of the most recent wavelength calibration.


Performs a wavelength calibration using the wavelength of the marker as the reference. If the wavelength of the marker differs more than ??2.5 nm from the value specified in the CALibration:WAVelength:VALue command, the calibra- tion is aborted. If this marker is not ON, this command generates a ???Settings conflict??? error.

CALibration:WAVelength:STATe OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies whether or not the calibration wavelength data is applied. Wave- length accuracy is only specified with wavelength calibration ON.

CALibration:WAVelength:VALue <param>[M|UM|NM|A]


Specifies the wavelength for calibration. Default units for the parameter are meters.



Specifies whether or not autozeroing is enabled. Autozeroing measures and compensates for the dark current of the photodetector for improved ampli- tude accuracy. The ONCE parameter causes the dark current to be measured one time, and then the resulting correction is applied to all subsequent mea- surements. Autozeroing ON causes the dark current to be measured between sweeps, and then the resulting correction is applied to the next sweep.


Remote Operation

DISPlay Subsystem Commands

DISPlay Subsystem Commands

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:ANNotation[:ALL] ON|OFF|0|1


Turns the screen annotation ON or OFF. Affects only the X-axis and Y-axis labeling and labeling within the graticule.


Erases all text on the display resulting from previous use of the DISPlay[:WIN- Dow[1]]:TEXT:DATA command.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TEXT:DATA <string>|<data_block>


Writes text on the display in the Title area. Use the <data_block> parameter to send extended ASCII characters such as control codes and symbols.


Finds the largest input signal using trace A and sets the span and vertical scale to display that signal. This command performs the same function as the front- panel Auto-Meas key.

The following defines the instrument state settings altered by Auto Measure. State settings that are not listed are not altered.

Because many instrument state setting are altered, it is recommended you use this command only to find unknown signals. It is not recommend this com- mand be used in the middle of a measurement routine.


Remote Operation

DISPlay Subsystem Commands


Remote Operation

DISPlay Subsystem Commands

For each marker, except marker 1:

Marker 1 is identical, except when the final span is non-zero as follows:



Changes the DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:ALL:SCALe:AUTO command to find the input signal closest to the marker and set span and vertical scale to view that signal.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:ALL[:SCALe][:AUTO]:OPTimize OFF|ON|0|1


Changes the DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:ALL:SCALe:AUTO command to opti- mize sensitivity after finding the input signal. Also sets single sweep mode.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:GRATicule:GRID[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the graticule ON or OFF.



Turns the trace display ON or OFF. Specifying any trace other than the ones listed will generate an ???Illegal parameter value??? error.


Remote Operation

DISPlay Subsystem Commands

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:X[:SCALe]:AUTO:SPAN <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM]


Specifies the final span after a DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:ALL:SCALe:AUTO command.



Specifies whether the final span after a DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:ALL: SCALe: AUTO command should be set automatically, based on properties of the mea- sured signal.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO:PDIVision <numeric_value>[DB]


Specifies the final vertical scale after performing a DISPlay:WIN-

Dow:TRACe:ALL:SCALe:AUTO command.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:AUTO:PDIVision:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies whether the final vertical scale after a DISPlay:WIN- Dow:TRACe:ALL:SCALe:AUTO command should be adjusted automatically, based on signal properties. Y1 refers to the left (power) scale, and Y2 refers to the right (ratio) scale.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:LINear OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies whether the vertical scale is in linear units or in log units. Y1 refers to the left (power) scale, and Y2 refers to the right (ratio) scale.


Remote Operation

DISPlay Subsystem Commands

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric_value>[DB]


Specifies the dB per division of the vertical scale. Y1 refers to the left (power) scale, and Y2 refers to the right (ratio) scale.

The maximum value for the vertical scale is 20 dB per division for the power scale or the ratio scale. The minimum value is 0.01 dB per division. The Preset value is 10 dB per divi- sion.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2][:SCALe]:RLEVel <numeric_value>[DBM|W|UW|NW|MW|DB]


Specifies the power value of the reference level. Default units are set by the UNIT:POWer command for Y1 and the UNIT:RATio command for Y2.

The maximum value for the power reference level is the equivalent of +300 dBm. The minimum value is ???300 dBm. The Preset value for the power reference level is 0 dBm.

The maximum value for the ratio reference level is 270 dB. The minimum value is

???330 dB. The Preset value for the ratio reference level is 0 dB.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[1|2}[:SCALe]:RPOSition <numeric value>


Selects the position at which the reference level is displayed. The top and bot- tom graticule lines correspond to 10 and 0, respectively. The default is 9.

DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:SPACing LINear|LOGarithmic


Specifies the scaling of the vertical axis as logarithmic or linear. In LOG scale, the scale in dB per division is specified by the DISPlay[:WINDow[1]]:TRACe :Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision command.


Remote Operation

FORMat Subsystem Commands

FORMat Subsystem Commands



Specifies the trace data format used during data transfer via HP-IB. This com- mand affects data transfers for the TRACe[:DATA] subsystem. The ASCII for- mat is a comma-separated list of numbers. The REAL format is a definite- length block of 64-bit floating-point binary numbers. The definite-length block is defined by IEEE 488.2: a "#" character, followed by one digit (in ASCII) specifying the number of length bytes to follow, followed by the length (in ASCII), followed by length bytes of binary data. The binary data is a sequence of 8-byte (64-bit) floating point numbers.


Remote Operation

HCOPy Subsystem Commands

HCOPy Subsystem Commands


Returns the currently defined printer output as an indefinite length block. After removing the #0 prefix and newline suffix, this block can be saved by the controller and sent directly to a suitable printer.

HCOPy:DESTination ???SYSTem:COMMunicate:INTernal???|???SYStem:COMMunicate:CENtronics???


Selects the I/O port for hard copy output. This affects subsequent presses of the Print key and the HCOPy[:IMMediate] command.


The entire screen is output to the port defined by the HCOPy:DESTination command. This is equivalent to pressing the Print key.


Remote Operation

INITiate Subsystem Commands

INITiate Subsystem Commands

INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies repeat or single sweep.


Initiates a new measurement sweep.


Remote Operation

MEMory Subsystem Commands

MEMory Subsystem Commands


Returns extended state information as an indefinite length block.


Remote Operation

MMEMory Subsystem Commands

MMEMory Subsystem Commands

MMEMory:CATalog? [INTernal|FLOPpy]

Lists all files in the current directory. The return data will be formatted as:

<mem_used>,<mem_free> {,<file listing>}

Each <file listing> indicates the name, type, and size of one file in the direc- tory list:


MMEMory:DATA <file_name>,<data_block>

MMEMory:DATA? <file_name>

Stores <data_block> in the memory location <file_name>. The query response is the <data_block> stored in <file_name>, where <data_block> is an indefi- nite block.

MMEMory:DELete <file_name> [,INTernal|FLOPpy]

Deletes the specified file.

MMEMory:INITialize [FLOPpy]

Formats a disk in the instrument???s 3.5 inch disk drive.


Loads the specified trace from mass storage.

MMEMory:STORe:TRACe TRA|TRB|TRC|TRD|TRE|TRF,<file_name> [,INTernal|FLOPpy]

Stores the specified trace to mass storage.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A]


Sets the resolution bandwidth. Available resolution bandwidths are 10 nm, 5 nm, 2 nm, 1 nm, and either 0.07 nm or 0.06 nm. The narrowest resolution bandwidth in 0.7 nm on the HP 86140A and 86143A. It is 0.06 nm on the HP 86142A and 86145A.

In the AUTO coupled setting, the resolution bandwidth is controlled by the chosen wave- length span and the value set for [SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio.

[SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1


Couples the resolution bandwidth to the wavelength span. SENSe:BAND- width:AUTO ON sets the resolution bandwidth to span ??? resolution band- width ratio.

The Preset state of the resolution bandwidth coupling is AUTO.

[SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio <numeric_value>


Specifies the ratio of the resolution bandwidth to the span. This parameter is multiplied by the span width to determine the automatic setting of the resolu- tion bandwidth. The default ratio is .01.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo <numeric_value> [HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Specifies the bandwidth of the post-detection video filter. The minimum value for the video bandwidth is 0.1 Hz. The maximum value is the lesser between 3 kHz and the bandwidth of the currently selected transimpedance amplifier. Available choices move in a 1, 3, 10 sequence.



The [SENSe:]BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo:AUTO command enables and disables automatic coupling of the video bandwidth.

Video bandwidth filtering occurs after detection of the light. In the autocou- pled mode, the video bandwidth has an extremely wide range. This allows the optical spectrum analyzer to avoid unnecessary filtering that would reduce the sweep speed more than required.

Normally, the video bandwidth is coupled to the sensitivity. Manually entering a video bandwidth breaks this coupling. The video bandwidth can be manually set from 100 MHz to 3 kHz, or the bandwidth of the currently selected tran- simpedance amplifier, whichever is less.

The following functions affect video bandwidth:

???Changing the sensitivity value.

???Changing the reference level.

???Turning autoranging ON or OFF.

The range of video bandwidth available in Auto mode is much greater than can be set manually from the front panel. A lower value of video bandwidth requires a longer sweep time. Because of the interdependence between the video bandwidth and sensitivity, it is recommended that either the sensitivity or the video bandwidth be changed, whichever is the most important to the measurement task being performed.

Because of the interdependence of sensitivity and video bandwidth, these parameters cannot be set individually. If one of the parameters is set manually, the other is forced into Auto coupled mode and set by the instrument. Set either the desired sensitivity or the desired video bandwidth, depending on which parameter is most important to the current measurement task.

The Preset state of the video bandwidth coupling is AUTO.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands



Turns the spectrum analyzer chop mode ON or OFF. Chop mode increases dynamic range for long sweep times by subtracting ambient light.

[SENSe:]CORRection:RVELocity:MEDium AIR|VACuum


Determines whether the wavelengths used and displayed are referenced to air or vacuum.



Specifies the spectrum analyzer grating order mode. When ON, allows the instrument to select the best reflection order for the wavelength range. When OFF causes the instrument to use the first-order reflection, regardless of the wavelength.



Turns the automatic ranging feature ON or OFF. For improved dynamic range, automatic ranging changes the input range during the sweep.


It is recommended this function be in AUTO mode.



Locks the transimpedance amplifier to the currently selected range.

[SENSe:]POWer[:DC]:RANGe:LOWer <numeric_value>[DBM|W|UW|NM|MW]


Specifies the desired value for sensitivity. Default units are set by the

UNITs:POWer command.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

The maximum value for Sensitivity is +300 dBm. The minimum value is the value that causes the sweep time to become 1000 seconds, and is an attribute of each individual optical spectrum analyzer. The minimum value will always be less than the values for sensitivity shown in the Specifications section of the User???s Guide.



Turns the automatic setting of sensitivity ON or OFF. Specifying a value for sen- sitivity with the [SENSe]POWer[:DC]:RANGe:LOWer command will turn Auto


[SENSe:]SWEep:POINts <numeric_value>


Sets the number of the data points acquired during a sweep. The minimum number of data points is three and the maximum is 10001.

[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME <numeric_value>[US|MS|S]


Specifies the time in which the spectrum analyzer sweeps the displayed wave- length range.



When this function is ON, the sweep time is coupled to the trace length and the span.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]CENTer <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Specifies the center wavelength. The start and stop wavelength and, if neces- sary, the span are adjusted so that:


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands



Center = Stop ??? -------------""""


With Wavelength Limit Off, the minimum value for the Center Wavelength is nominally 350.1 nm. The maximum value is 1999.9 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths ref- erenced in air or vacuum.

With Wavelength Limit On, the minimum value for the Center Wavelength is nominally 600.1 nm. The maximum value is 1699.9 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths ref- erenced in air or vacuum.

The Preset value for Wavelength Limit is On. The Preset value for Center Wavelength is 1150 nm.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]CENTer:STEP:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1


When ON, the step size is automatic. When OFF, the step size is fixed. The value is set by the [SENSe:][WAVelength:]CENTer:STEP[:INCRement] com- mand.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]CENTer:STEP[:INCRement] <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A]


Specifies the center wavelength step size.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]LIMit OFF|ON|0|1


Specifies whether the span is limited to the specified range of 600 to 1700 nm.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]OFFSet <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A]


Specifies the wavelength offset. This is the offset between the measured wavelength and the displayed wavelength.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]SPAN <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A]


Specifies the wavelength span. The start and stop wavelength and, if neces- sary, the center wavelength are adjusted so that:

Span = 2( Center ??? Start)


Span = 2( Stop ??? Center)

The minimum value for Wavelength Span is 0.2 nm.

With Wavelength Limit Off, the maximum value for Wavelength Span is 1650 nm.

With Wavelength Limit On, the maximum value for Wavelength Span is 1100 nm.

The Preset value for Wavelength Limit is On. The Preset value for Wavelength Span is 1100 nm.


Sets the wavelength span of the spectrum analyzer to full span.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]SRANge:LOWer <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Sets the lower limit for the wavelength sweep range. Setting this value when SENSe:WAVelength:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn SENSe:WAVelength:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the wavelength sweep range is the same range used for the total power integration, the trace mean range, and the marker search range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges.

Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

Default units for the parameter are meters. Frequency units are allowed.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]SRANge[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1


Turns the wavelength sweep range ON or OFF. When the sweep range is ON, the instrument will only sweep between the upper and lower sweep range limits. There is a single range controlling the total power integration, the trace mean calculation, the marker search range, and the wavelength sweep range, but there are four independent state settings for limiting the total power integra- tion, the trace mean, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep to the range. If all four states for the total power integration, the trace mean, the marker search, and the wavelength sweep range are OFF, setting SENSe:WAVelength:SRANge:STATe to ON, will initialize

Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]SRANge:UPPer <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Sets the upper limit for the wavelength sweep range. Setting this value when SENSe:WAVelength:SRANge:STATe is OFF will automatically turn SENSe:WAVelength:SRANge:STATe ON. The range used for the wavelength sweep range is the same range used for the total power integration, the trace mean range and the marker search range. Changing the range with this com- mand will change all four ranges.

Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a ???Settings conflict??? error. Default units for the parameter are meters. Fre- quency units are allowed.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]STARt <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Specifies the start wavelength. The center wavelength and span are adjusted so that:


Start = Center ??? -------------




Stop = Center + -------------


If the instrument is in zero span, this command sets the center wavelength to the value specified.

With Wavelength Limit Off, the minimum value for the Start Wavelength is nominally 350 nm. The maximum value is 1999.8 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer- enced in air or vacuum.

With Wavelength Limit On, the minimum value for the Start Wavelength is nominally 600 nm. The maximum value is 1699.8 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer- enced in air or vacuum.

The Preset value for Wavelength Limit is On. The Preset value for Start Wavelength is 600 nm.


Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]STOP <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]


Specifies the stop wavelength. The center wavelength and span are adjusted so that:


Start = Center ??? -------------




Stop = Center + -------------


If the instrument is in zero span, this command sets the center wavelength to the value specified.

With Wavelength Limit Off, the minimum value for the Stop Wavelength is nominally 350.2 nm. The maximum value is 2000 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer- enced in air or vacuum.

With Wavelength Limit On, the minimum value for the Stop Wavelength is nominally 600.2 nm. The maximum value is 1700 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer- enced in air or vacuum.

The Preset value for Wavelength Limit is On. The Preset value for Stop Wavelength is 1700 nm.


Remote Operation

SOURce[n] Subsystem Commands

SOURce[n] Subsystem Commands

SOURce[n]:PULSe:DCYCle <numeric_value>


Sets the duty cycle of the sync output. This is equivalent to the

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:OUTPut:PULSe:DCYCle command.

SOURce[n]:PULSe:WIDTh <numeric_value>[S|MS|US|NS]


Sets the pulse width of the sync output. This is equivalent to the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:OUTPut:PULSe:WIDTh command.


Remote Operation

STATus Subsystem Commands

STATus Subsystem Commands


Queries the contents of the operation condition register.

STATus:OPERation:ENABle <int_value>


Sets or queries the contents of the operation enable register.


Queries the contents of the operation event register. This query reads the con- tents of the register and then clears it.

STATus:OPERation:NTRansition <int_value>


Sets or queries the contents of the operation negative transition register.

STATus:OPERation:PTRansition <int_value>


Sets or queries the contents of the operation positive transition register.


Clears the event registers and sets all bits in the enable registers.


Queries the contents of the questionable condition register.


Remote Operation

STATus Subsystem Commands

STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <int_value>


Sets or queries the contents of the questionable enable register.


Queries the contents of the questionable event register and then clears it.


Remote Operation

SYSTem Subsystem Commands

SYSTem Subsystem Commands


Queries the date of the real-time clock of the optical spectrum analyzer.


Queries the earliest entry in the error queue, thus deleting it. The *CLS com- mand clears the error queue.


Returns a list of all commands and queries implemented by the instrument.



Selects the state of the optical spectrum analyzer when it is turned on.


Performs an instrument preset, setting the instrument to a known state. See page 3-5 for a complete list of the preset conditions.


Queries the time of the real-time clock of the spectrum analyzer.


Remote Operation

SYSTem Subsystem Commands


Returns the time zone used by the real-time clock of the spectrum analyzer.

The time zone must be one of the following:


Returns the version of SCPI with which it is compatible.


Remote Operation

TRACe Subsystem Commands

TRACe Subsystem Commands


Returns the start value for the X-axis data for the trace. The X-axis data will be evenly spaced points from STARt to STOP. The number of points is deter- mined by the TRACe:POINts setting.


This command sets the start and stop values for the X-axis data for the trace and sets the X-axis type to TIME. The first <numeric_value> corresponds to the start, and the second corresponds to the stop. If the stop value is greater than the start value, a ???Data out of range??? error will be generated. The X-axis data will be evenly spaced points from start to stop. The number of points is determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If the trace has an expression defined, this expression will be cleared when changing the X-axis start/stop.

Changing the X-axis data in a trace used in an expression (CALCulate:MATH:EXPRession) by another trace may cause an error in the expression if the X-axis data in the operands of the expression no longer match.


This query reads the X-axis type for the trace. The X-axis will be WAV for a trace acquired in a normal span, or TIME for a trace acquired in zero span.

The trace names defined for the instrument are: TRA, TRB, TRC, TRD, TRE, and TRF. Specifying any other will generate an ???Illegal parameter value??? error.


Remote Operation

TRACe Subsystem Commands



Sets the start and stop values for the X-axis data for the trace. The first <numeric_value> corresponds to the start, and the second corresponds to the stop. If the stop value is a shorter wavelength than the start value, a ???Data out of range??? error will be generated. The X-axis data will be evenly spaced points from start to stop. The number of points is determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If the trace has an expression defined, this expression will be cleared when the X-axis start/stop is changed.

Changing the X-axis data in a trace used in an expression (CALCulate:MATH:EXPRession) by another trace may cause an error in the expression if the X-axis data in the operands of the expression no longer match.


Returns the stop value for the X-axis data for the trace. The X-axis data will be evenly spaced points from STARt to STOP. The number of points is deter- mined by the TRACe:POINts setting.


Returns the Y-axis data points for the trace. The units are determined by the definition of the trace. The trace data format used in the command is deter- mined by the FORMat subsystem.


Remote Operation

TRACe Subsystem Commands

TRACe[:DATA][:Y][:POWer] TRA|TRB|TRC|TRD|TRE|TRF,<data_block>


Sets the Y-axis data points for the trace. The number of Y-axis data points is determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If a single numeric value is given, all of the Y-axis data points will be set to that value. If more than one value is sent, the trace length will be set to the number of values sent.

This command should be used where trace data represents power. The trace data format to be used with this command is determined by the FORMat sub- system.



Sets the Y-axis data points for the trace. The number of Y-axis data points is determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If a single numeric value is given, all the Y-axis data points will be set to that value. If more than one value is sent, the trace length will be set to the number of values sent.

This command should be used when the trace data represents a power ratio (unitless number). The trace data format to be used with this command is determined by the FORMat subsystem.



Exchanges both the X-axis and Y-axis data of the two traces. The only trace pairs that can be exchanged are TRA with any trace, and TRB with TRC. Spec- ifying any other trace will generate an ???Illegal parameter value??? error.

The TRACe:FEED:CONTrol of the two traces is set to NEVer before the data is exchanged. Both X-axis and Y-axis data will be exchanged. After the data is exchanged, the TRACe:FEED:CONTrol of the two traces is left at NEVer.

Changing the X-axis data in a trace used in an expression (CALCulate:MATH:EXPRession) may cause an error in the expression if the X-axis data in the operands of the expression no longer match.


Remote Operation

TRACe Subsystem Commands



Controls how often the specified trace accepts new data. Setting the TRACe:FEED:CONTrol command to ALWays will allow the trace to always accept new data whenever data is available from the FEED. This is equivalent to turning on the trace update from the front panel.

Setting the TRACe:FEED:CONTrol command to NEVer will cause no new data to be fed into the trace. This is equivalent to turning off the trace update from the front panel.

When switching from NEVer to ALWays, all the valid data from the data source is immediately copied into the trace. If, for example:

???the instrument is in single sweep mode.

???TRA has SENSe:DATA as the FEED and NEVer as the FEED:CONTrol.

???SENSe:DATA contains valid measurement data

Setting the TRACe:FEED:CONTrol command from NEVer to ALWays for TRA will immediately copy the SENSe:DATA into trace A. If the instrument was in continuous sweep mode, and a sweep was in progress, setting the CONTrol command from NEVer to ALWays would immediately copy all the valid SENSe:DATA for the partial sweep.

TRACe:POINts TRA|TRB|TRC|TRD|TRE|TRF,<numeric_value>


Sets the number of data points to be used in the trace. Use only for download- ing data with trace subsystem commands. Use SENSe:SWEep:POINts for changing the measurement trace length. Refer to ???[SENSe:]SWEep:POINts <numeric_value>??? on page 4-84.


Remote Operation

TRIGger Subsystem Commands

TRIGger Subsystem Commands

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay <numeric_value>[S|MS|US|NS]


Specifies the trigger delay used to start a measurement.



Controls the ADC trigger output. When OFF the signal will be a TTL LOW. When ON the signal will be a TTL HIGH. When AUTO is specified the signal will go HIGH before the sampling interval of the detector and go LOW after the sampling interval of the detector.

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:OUTPut:PULSe:DCYCle <numeric_value>


Sets the duty cycle of the sync output. This is equivalent to the

SOURce[n]:PULSe:DCYCle command.

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:OUTPut:PULSe:WIDTh <numeric_value>[S|MS|US|NS]


Sets the pulse width of the sync output. This is equivalent to the

SOURce[n]:PULSe:WIDTh command.

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative|EITHer


Specifies the polarity of triggering used to start a measurement. Specifying the slope sets the trigger source to INTernal.


Remote Operation

TRIGger Subsystem Commands

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate|EXTernal|INTernal


Specifies the source, or type, of triggering used to start a measurement. Set- ting the source to anything other than INTernal sets the slope to EITHer.


Remote Operation

UNIT Subsystem Commands

UNIT Subsystem Commands



Specifies the amplitude units for the input, output, and display of the active window and sets the UNIT:RATio units to the corresponding setting.



Specifies units for the input and output of values that represent power ratios. These commands are:





This command also sets UNIT:POWer to the corresponding setting.


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

The following table provides a list of the HP 71450 series commands and the SCPI equivalent commands for the HP 86140 series analyzers.

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (1 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (2 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (3 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (4 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (5 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (6 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (7 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (8 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (9 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (10 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (11 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents

Table 4-8. HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Commands (12 of 12)


Remote Operation

HP 71450 Series Commands to HP 86140 Series Equivalents



Overview 5-2

Error Reporting Behavior 5-4

Status Listings

Status Listings




Status Listings


The following table lists the error numbers and their definitions.


Status Listings

Error Reporting Behavior

Error Reporting Behavior

Errors are displayed in an on-screen dialog box. To continue operation, the user must acknowledge the error by pressing a button.

Status errors are displayed with a descriptive line in the lower-left corner of the graticule. Immediately press the System key below the display, and then press the Help softkey to the right of the display to display more information. A softkey menu is displayed that includes, Show Critical Errors, Show HW Errors, Show Warnings, and Show Notices. If there are any errors, warnings or notices, one or more of these keys are enabled. Press the key to display a more complete description of the condition causing the message.

Warnings and notices are displayed in a status line at the bottom of the screen. They are cleared when any front-panel key, other than the System key, is pressed, or they will clear automatically after a few seconds. To view warnings and notices, press the front-panel System key, the Help softkey and then the Show Warnings or Show Notices softkey. UNCAL is displayed as red text in the lower-right corner of the graticule. It is only displayed when a condition exists that can lead to an inaccurate measurement. There are cases when valid mea- surements can be made while an UNCAL condition exists, but the operator should use caution.


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

SCPI-Defined Errors

These error messages and descriptions were copied from the SCPI 1997 Vol- ume 2: Command reference. The sentences enclosed in brackets ???[ ]??? are copied from the error descriptions in the SCPI reference. References are also made to IEEE 488.2 sections for further clarification of events.

Not all the available SCPI error messages were utilized in the optical spectrum analyzer. Only those pertinent to the instrument were implemented.

Note that some of the error messages do not contain descriptions or help mes- sages. These error numbers are reserved for future expansion. This document is subject to further change and development.

Standards related information

Further information on the Standard Commands for Programmable Instru- ments (SCPI) standard is available from the SCPI consortium.


Fred Bode, Executive Director

SCPI Consortium

8380 Hercules Drive, Suite P3

La Mesa, CA 91942

Phone: (619) 697-8790

FAX: (619) 697-5955

CompuServe Number: 76516,254

For more detailed information on the IEEE 488.2 Standard, order a reference copy.


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 East 47th Street

New York, New York 10017-2394

Standard SCPI errors (???1 to ???999)

All positive numbers are instrument-dependent. All negative numbers are reserved by the SCPI standard with certain standard error/event codes described in this document. The value, zero, is also reserved to indicate that no error or event has occurred.

Error/event numbers

The system-defined error/event numbers are chosen on an enumerated (???1 of N???) basis. The SCPI-defined error/event numbers and the <error/event description> portions of the full queue item are listed here. The first error/ event described in each class (for example, ???100, ???200, ???300, ???400) is a ???generic??? error. In selecting the proper Error/event number to report, more specific error/event codes are preferred, and the generic error/event is used only if the others are inappropriate.

Command errors

An <error/event number> in the range [???199 , ???100] indicates that an IEEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the instrument???s parser. The

occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the command error bit (bit 5) in the event status register (IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set.

One of the following events has occurred:

???An IEEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the parser. That is, a control- ler-to-device message was received which is in violation of the IEEE 488.2 stan- dard. Possible violations include a data element which violates the device


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

listening formats or whose type is unacceptable to the device.

???An unrecognized header was received. Unrecognized headers include incorrect device-specific headers and incorrect or unimplemented IEEE 488.2 common commands.

???A Group Execute Trigger (GET) was entered into the input buffer inside of an IEEE 488.2 <PROGRAM MESSAGE>.

Events that generate command errors shall not generate execution errors, device-specific errors, or query errors; see the other error definitions in this chapter.

Table 5-1. Command Errors (1 of 4)


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

Table 5-1. Command Errors (2 of 4)



Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

Table 5-1. Command Errors (4 of 4)


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

Execution errors

An <error/event number> in the range [???299 , ???200] indicates that an error has been detected by the instrument???s execution control block. The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the execution error bit (bit 4) in the event status register (IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set.

One of the following events has occurred:

???A <PROGRAM DATA> element following a header was evaluated by the device as outside of its legal input range or is otherwise inconsistent with the device???s capabilities.

???A valid program message could not be properly executed due to some device condition.

Execution errors shall be reported by the device after rounding and expres- sion evaluation operations have taken place. Rounding a numeric data ele- ment, for example, shall not be reported as an execution error. Events that generate execution errors shall not generate Command Errors, device-specific errors, or Query Errors; see the other error definitions in this section.

Table 5-2. Execution Errors (1 of 3)


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

Table 5-2. Execution Errors (2 of 3)


Device-specific errors

An <error/event number> in the range [???399, ???300] or [1, 32767] indicates the instrument has detected an error which is not a command error, a query error, or an execution error; some device operations did not properly complete, pos- sibly due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition. These codes are also used for self-test response errors. The occurrence of any error in this class should cause the device-specific error bit (bit 3) in the event status reg- ister (IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set. The meaning of positive error codes is device-dependent and may be enumerated or bit mapped; the <error message> string for positive error codes is not defined by SCPI and available to the device designer. Note that the string is not optional; if the designer does not wish to implement a string for a particular error, the null string should be sent (for example, 42,??????). The occurrence of any error in this class should cause the device-specific error bit (bit 3) in the event status register (IEEE


Status Listings

SCPI-Defined Errors

488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set. Events that generate device-specific errors shall not generate command errors, execution errors, or query errors; see the other error definitions in this section.

Table 5-3. Device-Specific Errors

Query errors

An <error/event number> in the range [???499, ???400] indicates that the output queue control of the instrument has detected a problem with the message exchange protocol described in IEEE 488.2, chapter 6. The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the query error bit (bit 2) in the event status reg- ister (IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set. These errors correspond to mes- sage exchange protocol errors described in IEEE 488.2, section 6.5.

One of the following is true:

???An attempt is being made to read data from the output queue when no output is either present or pending.

???Data in the output queue has been lost.

Events that generate query errors will not generate command errors, execu- tion errors, or device-specific errors; see the other error definitions in this sec- tion.


errors. This code indicates only that a Query Error as defined in IEEE 488.2, and 6.3 has occurred.]


Status Listings

OSA Notices

OSA Notices

System control-related error messages or warnings

The OSA system changed a setting and generated a warning that the opera- tion was performed.

Table 5-5. System Control Errors or Warnings


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (1 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (2 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (3 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (4 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (5 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (6 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (7 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (8 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (9 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (10 of 11)


Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (11 of 11)


Status Listings

Application-Specific Warnings

Application-Specific Warnings

Table 5-7. Application-Specific Warnings (1 of 6)



Status Listings

Application-Specific Warnings

Table 5-7. Application-Specific Warnings (3 of 6)



Status Listings

Application-Specific Warnings

Table 5-7. Application-Specific Warnings (5 of 6)



Status Listings

OSA Status Errors

OSA Status Errors

Table 5-8. OSA Status Errors


Status Listings

OSA Errors

OSA Errors

Table 5-9. OSA Errors (1 of 2)


Status Listings

OSA Errors

Table 5-9. OSA Errors (2 of 2)


Status Listings

Firmware Errors

Firmware Errors

Table 5-10. Firmware Errors


Status Listings

Firmware Errors



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements 6-10 Returning the Instrument for Service 6-21 Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices 6-24



Options and Accessories

Options and Accessories

Table 6-1. Options and Accessories (1 of 2)

Certificate of Calibration (included)

Alternative Connector Interface:



Options and Accessories

Table 6-1. Options and Accessories (2 of 2)

a.Contact your local field representative for availability.

b.Always use HP paper. Use of other thermal paper may degrade image quality and damage the printer head.

c.HP N1031A BenchLink software allows transfer of measurement results over an HP-IB interface to a PC for the purposes of archiving, printing and further analysis.



AC Line-Power Cords

AC Line-Power Cords


*Part number shown for plug is the industry identifier for the plug only. Number shown for cable is the HP part number for the complete cable including the plug.


*Part number shown for plug is the industry identifier for the plug only. Number shown for cable is the HP part number for the complete cable including the plug.



Front-Panel Fiber-Optic Adapters

Front-Panel Fiber-Optic Adapters



Printer Head Cleaning Procedure

Printer Head Cleaning Procedure


Lint from normal use of the printer may eventually collect on the printer head and degrade print quality. Use the procedure provided in this section to clean the printer head.

This servicing procedure is for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform this procedure unless you are qualified to do so.


Static-safe Work


Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy the printer. Therefore, this procedure must always be performed at a static-safe work station.

Figure 6-1 on page 6-8 shows an example of a static-safe work station using conductive table and floor mats and wrist and heel straps. To ensure user safety, the static-safe accessories must provide at least 1 M??? of isolation from ground. Refer to Table 6-2 for information on ordering static-safe accessories.

Table 6-2. Static-Safe Accessories





Printer Head Cleaning Procedure

Figure 6-1. Example of a static-safe workstation

1Turn off the HP 86140-series optical spectrum analyzer, and remove the line power cord.

2Place the instrument at a static-safe work station as described in the introduction to this procedure.

3Use a coin or screwdriver to open the printer door that is located on the top of the instrument.

Avoid dropping the coin or screwdriver, used to open the printer door, into the printer assembly.

4Lift up the paper latch as shown in the following diagram, and remove the paper.



Printer Head Cleaning Procedure

5Unscrew the retaining screw that secures the sheet-metal cover that protects the printer head from electrostatic discharge. Slide the sheet-metal cover towards the retaining screw and then lift it straight up to remove.

6Lift the printer head lever to the vertical position. Then, tilt the lever towards the instrument???s rear panel to rotate the printer head up.

7Clean the printer head using a cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol.

8After the printer head has thoroughly dried, use the printer head lever to return the printer head to its original position.

9Replace and secure the sheet-metal cover for the printer head.

10Replace the printer paper, and close the printer access door.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Cleaning Connections for Accurate


Advances in measurement capabilities make connectors and connection tech- niques more important than ever. Damage to the connectors on calibration and verification devices, test ports, cables, and other devices can increase downtime and expense.

Refer to ???Cleaning Optical Connectors??? on page 6-17 for suggestions which will help you get the best performance from your connectors.

Many times an instrument must be serviced to replace a damaged connector. Thousands of dollars and hours, or even days, of lost time can be avoided if better care is given to the fiber-optic connector. Observing the simple precau- tions presented in this section can help you avoid this expense. This section also contains a brief list of tips for caring for electrical connections.

What you???ll find in this section



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Choosing the Right Connector

A critical, but often overlooked, factor in making a good lightwave measure- ment is the selection and care of the fiber-optic connector. The differences in connector types are mainly in the mechanical assembly that holds the ferrule in position against another identical ferrule. Connectors also vary in the pol- ish, curve, and concentricity of the core within the cladding. Mating one style of cable to another requires an adapter. Hewlett-Packard offers adapters for most instruments to allow testing with many different cables.

The system tolerance for reflection and insertion loss must be known when selecting a connector from the wide variety currently available. Some items to consider when selecting a connector are:

???How much insertion loss can be allowed?

???Will the connector need to make multiple connections? Some connectors are better than others, and some are very poor for making repeated connections.

???What is the reflection tolerance? Can the system take reflection degradation?

???Is an instrument-grade connector with a precision core alignment required?

???Is repeatability tolerance for reflection and loss important? Do your specifica- tions take repeatability uncertainty into account?

???Will a connector degrade the return loss too much, or will a fusion splice be re- quired? For example, many DFB lasers cannot operate with reflections from connectors. Often as much as 90 dB isolation is needed.

Over the last few years the FC/PC style connector has emerged as the most popular connector for fiber-optic applications. While not the highest perform- ing connector, it represents a good compromise between performance, reli- ability, and cost. If properly maintained and cleaned, this connector can withstand many repeated connections.

However, many instrument specifications require tighter tolerances than most connectors, including the FC/PC can deliver. These instruments cannot toler- ate connectors with the large non-concentricities of the fiber common with ceramic style ferrules. When tighter alignment is required, HP instruments typically use a connector such as the Diamond HMS-10, which has concentric tolerances within a few tenths of a micron. HP then uses a special universal adapter which allow other cable types to mate with this precision connector.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Universal adapters to Diamond HMS_10.

The HMS-10 encases the fiber within a soft nickel silver (CuNiZn) center which is surrounded by a tough tungsten carbide casing, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Staking Groove (Fixing oper.)

Secondary Staking (Active C entering)

Nic kel Silver (Cu/Ni/Zn) (Soft center)

Tungsten Carbide

(Hard Case)

125 um Fiber (Centered to about

0.2 microns)

Figure 6-2. Cross-section of the Diamond HMS-10 connector.

The nickel silver allows an active centering process that permits the glass fiber to be moved to the desired position. This process first stakes the nickel silver to fix the fiber in a near-center position., then uses a post-active staking to shift the fiber into the desired position within 0.2 ??? m. This process, plus the keyed axis, allows very precise core-to-core alignments. This connector is found on most HP lightwave instruments.

The soft core, while allowing precise centering, is also the chief liability of this connector. The soft material is easily damaged. Care must be taken to mini- mize excessive scratching and wear. While minor wear is not a problem if the glass face is not affected, scratches or grit can cause the glass fiber to move out of alignment. Also, if unkeyed connectors are used, the nickel silver can be pushed onto the glass surface. Scratches, fiber movement, or glass contamina- tion will cause loss of signal and increased reflections, resulting in poor return loss



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Inspecting Connectors

Because fiber-optic connectors are susceptible to damage that is not immedi- ately obvious to the naked eye, bad measurements can be made without the user even being aware of a connector problem. Although microscopic exami- nation and return loss measurements are the best way to ensure good connec- tions, they are not always practical. An awareness of potential problems, along with good cleaning practices, can ensure that optimum connector perfor- mance is maintained. With glass-to-glass interfaces, it is clear that any degra- dation of a ferrule or fiber endface, any stray particles, or finger oil on the endface, can have a significant effect on connector performance. Many times an instrument must be serviced to replace a damaged connector when thou- sands of dollars and lost time could have been avoided if better care were given to the fiber-optic connector.

Figure 6-3 is a close-up micrograph of a clean cable endface. In contrast, Figure 6-4 shows a connector endface that was either not cleaned, or not properly cleaned. Material is smeared and ground into the endface causing light scattering and poor reflection. Not only is the precision polish lost, but this action can grind off the glass face and destroy the connector.

Figure 6-3. A clean and problem-free connector



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Figure 6-4. A dirty endface from poor cleaning

Repeated connections made without removing loose particles, or using improper cleaning tools can lead to physical damage of the glass fiber endface, as shown in Figure 6-4. When severe, the damage on one connector end can be transferred to another good connector that comes in contact with it.

Figure 6-5. A damaged fiber end from using an improper cleaning procedure

The cure for these problems is disciplined connector care. as described in the following list and in ???Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements??? on page 6-10.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements


Use the following guidelines to achieve the best possible performance when making measurements on a fiber-optic system:

???Keep connectors covered when not in use.

???Use dry connections whenever possible.

???Never use metal or sharp objects to clean the connector and never scrape the connector.

???Avoid matching gel and oils.

While these often work well on first insertion, they are great dirt magnets. The oil or gel grabs and holds grit that is then ground into the fiber endface. Also, some early gels were designed for use with the FC, non-contacting connec- tors, using small glass spheres. When used with contacting connectors, these glass balls can scratch and pit the fiber. If an index matching gel or oil must be used, apply it to a freshly cleaned connector, make the measurement, and then immediately clean it off. Never use a gel for longer-term connections and never use it to improve a damaged connector. The gel can mask the extent of damage and continued use of a damaged fiber can transfer damage to the instrument.

???When inserting a fiber-optic cable into a connector or adapter, gently insert it in as straight a line as possible. Make sure the fiber end does not touch the out- side of the mating connector or adapter. Tipping and inserting at an angle can scrape material off the inside of the connector or even break the inside sleeve of connectors made with ceramic material.

???Avoid over tightening connections.

Unlike common electrical connections, tighter is not better. The purpose of the connector is to bring the endfaces of two fibers together. Once they touch, tightening only causes a greater force to be applied to the delicate endfaces. With some connectors, the end can set itself off-axis with a tight connection, due to the curved face, resulting in misalignment and excessive return loss. Many measurements are actually improved by backing off the connector pres- sure. Also, if a piece of grit does happen to get by the cleaning procedure, the tighter connection is more likely to damage the glass. Tighten the connectors just until the two fibers touch.

???Keep connections covered when not in use.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

???Use fusion splices on the more permanent critical nodes. Choose the best con- nector possible. Replace connecting cables regularly. Frequently measure the return loss of the connector to check for degradation, and clean every connec- tor, every time.

All connectors should be treated like the high-quality lens of a good camera. The weak link in instrument and system reliability is often the inappropriate use and care of the connector. Because current connectors are so easy to use, there tends to be reduced vigilance in connector care and cleaning. It takes only one missed cleaning for a piece of grit to permanently damage the glass and ruin the connector.

Measuring insertion loss and return loss

Consistent measurements with your lightwave equipment are a good indica- tion that you have good connections. Since return loss and insertion loss are key factors in determining optical performance they can be used to determine connector degradation. A smooth, polished fiber end should produce a good return loss measurement. The quality of the polish establishes the difference between the ???PC??? (physical contact) and the ???Super PC??? connectors. Most connectors today are physical contact which make glass-to-glass connections, therefore it is critical that the area around the glass core be clean and free of scratches. Although the major area of a connector, excluding the glass, may show scratches and wear, if the glass has maintained its polished smoothness, the connector can still provide a good low level return loss connection.

If you test your cables and accessories for insertion loss and return loss upon receipt, and retain the measured data for comparison, in the future you will be able to tell if any degradation has occurred. Typical values are less than 0.5 dB of loss, and sometimes as little as 0.1 dB of loss with high performance con- nectors. Return loss is a measure of reflection: the less reflections the better. The larger the return loss, the smaller the reflection. The most physically con- tacting connectors have return losses better than 50 dB, although 30 to 40 dB is more common.





Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Visual inspection of fiber ends

Visual inspection of fiber ends can be helpful. Contamination or imperfections on the cable end can be detected, as well as cracks or chips in the fiber itself. Use a microscope with 100?? to 200?? magnification to inspect the entire end face for contamination, raised metal, or dents in the metal as well as any other imperfections. Inspect the fiber for cracks and chips. Visible imperfections not touching the fiber core may not affect performance, unless the imperfections keep the fibers from contacting.

Cleaning Optical Connectors

The connectors on the instrument are not easily cleaned. Before connecting cables to the lightwave instrument, it is very important they are cleaned following the procedures in this section.

The procedures in this section provide the proper steps for cleaning fiber- optic cables and HP universal adapters. The initial cleaning, using alcohol as a solvent, gently removes any grit and oil. If a caked-on layer of material is still present, this can happen if the beryllium-copper sides of the ferrule retainer get scraped and deposited on the end of the fiber during insertion of the cable, a second cleaning should be performed. It is not uncommon for a cable or con- nector to require more than one cleaning.

Hewlett-Packard strongly recommends that index matching compounds not be applied to their instruments and accessories. Some compounds, such as gels, may be difficult to remove and can contain damaging particulates. If you think the use of such compounds is necessary, refer to the compound manufacturer for information on application and cleaning procedures.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

Table 6-3. Cleaning Accessories

Table 6-4. Dust Caps Available for Lightwave Instruments

1Apply pure isopropyl alcohol to a clean lint-free cotton swab or lens paper.

2Clean the ferrules and other parts of the connector while avoiding the end of the fiber.

3Apply isopropyl alcohol to a new clean lint-free cotton swab or lens paper.

4Clean the fiber end with the swab or lens paper.

Do not scrub during this initial cleaning because grit can be caught in the swab and become a gouging element.



Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements

5Immediately dry the fiber end with a clean, dry, lint-free cotton swab or lens paper.

6Blow across the connector end face from a distance of 6 to 8 inches using filtered, dry, compressed air. Aim the compressed air at a shallow angle to the fiber end face.

Nitrogen gas or compressed dust remover can also be used.

7As soon as the connector is dry, connect or cover it for later use.

If the performance after the initial cleaning seems poor, try cleaning the con- nector again. Often a second cleaning will restore proper performance. The second cleaning should be more arduous, with a scrubbing action.

Cleaning an adapter

The fiber-optic input and output connectors on many HP instruments employ a universal adapter such as those shown in the following picture. These adapt- ers allow you to connect the instrument to different types of fiber-optic cables.

Figure 6-6. Universal adapters

1Apply isopropyl alcohol to a clean foam swab.

Cotton swabs can be used as long as no cotton fibers remain after cleaning. The foam swabs listed in the introduction to this section are small enough to fit into adapters.

Although foam swabs can leave filmy deposits, these deposits are very thin, and the risk of other contamination buildup on the inside of the adapters greatly outweighs the risk of contamination by foam swabs.

2Clean the adapter with the foam swab.




Returning the Instrument for Service

Returning the Instrument for Service

The instructions in this section show you how to properly package the instru- ment for return to a Hewlett-Packard service office. For a list of offices, refer to ???Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices??? on page 6-24.

If the instrument is still under warranty or is covered by an HP maintenance contract, it will be repaired under the terms of the warranty or contract (the warranty is at the front of this manual). If the instrument is no longer under warranty or is not covered by an HP maintenance plan, Hewlett-Packard will notify you of the cost of the repair after examining the unit.

When an instrument is returned to a Hewlett-Packard service office for servic- ing, it must be adequately packaged and have a complete description of the failure symptoms attached.

When describing the failure, please be as specific as possible about the nature of the problem. Include copies of additional failure information (such as the instrument failure settings, data related to instrument failure, and error mes- sages) along with the original cal data disks and the instrument being returned.

Please notify the service office before returning your instrument for service. Any special arrangements for the instrument can be discussed at this time. This will help the HP service office repair and return your instrument as quickly as possible.

Preparing the instrument for shipping

1Write a complete description of the failure and attach it to the instrument. Include any specific performance details related to the problem. The following





Returning the Instrument for Service

information should be returned with the instrument.

???Type of service required.

???Date instrument was returned for repair.

???Description of the problem:

???Whether problem is constant or intermittent.

???Whether instrument is temperature-sensitive.

???Whether instrument is vibration-sensitive.

???Instrument settings required to reproduce the problem.

???Performance data.

???Company name and return address.

???Name and phone number of technical contact person.

???Model number of returned instrument.

???Full serial number of returned instrument.

???List of any accessories returned with instrument.

???The original cal data disks.

2Cover all front or rear-panel connectors that were originally covered when you first received the instrument.

Cover electrical connectors to protect sensitive components from electrostatic damage. Cover optical connectors to protect them from damage due to physical contact or dust.

Instrument damage can result from using packaging materials other than the original materials. Never use styrene pellets as packaging material. They do not adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from shifting in the carton.

They may also cause instrument damage by generating static electricity.

3Pack the instrument in the original shipping containers. Original materials are available through any Hewlett-Packard office. Or, use the following guidelines:

???Wrap the instrument in antistatic plastic to reduce the possibility of damage caused by electrostatic discharge.

???For instruments weighing less than 54 kg (120 lb), use a double-walled, cor- rugated cardboard carton of 159 kg (350 lb) test strength.

???The carton must be large enough to allow approximately 7 cm (3 inches) on all sides of the instrument for packing material, and strong enough to accom- modate the weight of the instrument.

???Surround the equipment with approximately 7 cm (3 inches) of packing ma- terial, to protect the instrument and prevent it from moving in the carton. If packing foam is not available, the best alternative is S.D-240 Air Cap??? from



Returning the Instrument for Service

Sealed Air Corporation (Commerce, California 90001). Air Cap looks like a plastic sheet filled with air bubbles. Use the pink (antistatic) Air Cap??? to reduce static electricity. Wrapping the instrument several times in this ma- terial will protect the instrument and prevent it from moving in the carton.

4Seal the carton with strong nylon adhesive tape.

5Mark the carton ???FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE???.

6Retain copies of all shipping papers.



Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices

Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices

Before returning an instrument for service, call the HP Instrument Support Center at (800) 403-0801.

Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices (1 of 2)


Hewlett-Packard Company 19320 Pruneridge Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 U.S.A. (800) 752-0900



Hewlett-Packard Taiwan 8th Floor, H-P Building 337 Fu Hsing North Road Taipei, Taiwan

(886 2) 712-0404



Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices



Specifications and Regulatory


Specifications and Regulatory Information

Specifications and Regulatory Information

Specifications and Regulatory Information

This chapter contains specifications and characteristics for HP 86140 series optical spectrum analyzers.

The specifications in this chapter apply to all functions autocoupled over the temperature range 0?? C to +55?? C and relative humidity < 95% (unless other- wise noted). All specifications apply after the instrument???s temperature has been stabilized after 1 hour continuous operation and the auto-align routine has been run. Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply without USER CAL.

Calibration Cycle This instrument requires periodic verification of performance. The instrument should have a complete verification of specifications at least once every two years.


Specifications and Regulatory Information

Definition of Terms

Definition of Terms

Characteristics The distinction between specifications and characteristics is described as fol- and specifications lows:



Specifications and Regulatory Information




Specifications and Regulatory Information




Specifications and Regulatory Information


a.With applied input fiber 9/125 ??? m.

b.Temperature range 20?? to 30?? C.

c.Resolution of 10 nm is available in first order only.

d.Sensitivity is defined as signal value >6 ?? RMS noise value.

e.Temperature range 0?? to 30?? C.

f.For resolution ??? 0.1 nm.

g.Excluding amplitude errors at low power levels due to noise.

h.Between 1350 nm and 1420 nm absorption of light by atmospheric moisture affects flatness.

i.For resolution ??? 0.2 nm.

j.At room temperature.

k.Excluding multiple order grating response.

l.Depends on the quality of the attached connector.


Specifications and Regulatory Information


General Specifications

a. Floppy disk and printer operating temperature range 0?? C to 45?? C.

Option 004/005 EELED Sources


Specifications and Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information

???Laser Classification: This product contains an FDA Laser Class I (IEC Laser Class 1) laser.

???This product complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11.

Notice for Germany: Noise Declaration


Specifications and Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information


Specifications and Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information




absolute accuracy, 7-3 ac line-power cords, 6-4 accessories, 6-2

connecting, 1-5 static-safe, 6-7

accuracy absolute/differential, 7-3 amplitude, 3-2


area, moving, 3-47 function area assist, 3-44

marker, automatic measurement, 3-54 marker, setting, 3-23

trace, setting, 3-23, 3-57

Active Marker.... softkey, 3-23, 3-26???3-27 Active Trace.... softkey, 3-23, 3-57 adapters, fiber-optic, 6-6

ADC trigger softkeys, 3-19

adding parameters in commands, 4-8 address. See HP-IB address

Adv Service Functions.... softkey, 3-50 Advanced Line Mkr Functions.... softkey, 3-29 alignment

automatic, 2-3, 2-20, 3-2???3-3 multi-point, 3-52

All Math Off softkey, 3-59 amplitude

accuracy, 3-2

calibration. See power calibration units, setting, 3-12

vertical scale, 3-9 Amplitude functions

amplitude settings, 3-11 display mode, 3-10

peak to reference level, 3-11 reference level, 3-9 sensitivity, 3-10

vertical amplitude scale, 3-9 Amplitude menu, 2-12, 3-8 Amplitude Setup... softkey, 3-11 Appl???s key, 2-3

Applications menu, 2-10, 2-13 applications, accessing, 2-3 auto

chop mode, setting, 3-13 ranging, setting, 3-12

zero, setting, 3-12

Auto Align key, 2-3, 2-21, 3-3 Auto Meas key, 2-3, 2-21, 3-4

Auto Measure Setup.... softkey, 3-53 automatic

alignment, 2-3, 2-20, 3-2???3-3 measurement, 3-4, 3-53

automeasure, defaults, 3-53 Averaging.... softkey, 3-60


backup internal memory, 3-39 Backup/Restore Menu.... softkey, 3-39 bandwidth marker, 2-22

interpolation, setting, 3-32 units, setting, 3-31

Bandwidth not found message, 3-24 Bandwidth/Sweep functions

ADC trigger, 3-19 external trigger, 3-19 gated trigger, 3-18 internal trigger, 3-18 repeat sweep, 3-17 resolution bandwidth, 3-15 single sweep, 3-17

sweep time, 3-16 synchronous output, 3-20 trigger delay, 3-20

video bandwidth, 3-15 Bandwidth/Sweep menu, 2-14, 3-14


CALCulate subsystem commands, 4-45 calibration, 3-45

amplitude See calibration, power cycle, 7-2

date, viewing, 3-13 power, 3-13, 3-44???3-45

wavelength, 3-45???3-46, 3-63 CALibration subsystem commands, 4-68 Calibration.... softkey, 3-44

care of fiber optics, iii, 1-9

case sensitivity in commands, 4-7 catalog file, selecting, 3-37 center wavelength, 3-62

with markers, 3-24




error messages

Bandwidth not found, 3-24 settings conflict, 4-9

Exchange Menu.... softkey, 3-59 EXT TRIG IN connector, 3-19 External softkey, 3-19

external trigger, 3-19



power calibration date, 3-45 preset, setting, 3-49

wavelength calibration date, 3-46 Factory Preset (IP) softkey, 3-49 Fast Meas RECALL softkey, 3-39 Fast Meas SAVE softkey, 3-39 fiber optics

adapters, 6-6 care of, iii, 1-9 connecting, 1-9

connectors, covering, 6-22 file deletion, 3-38

File menu, 2-10 filename

entering, 3-36 saving, 3-36

firmware revision, displaying, 3-42 firmware, upgrading, 3-50 flatness, 7-4

floppy disk

deleting a file, 3-38 recalling data, 3-37 saving data, 3-36

FORMat subsystem commands, 4-76 front panel

fiber-optic adapters, 6-6 functions/remote commands, 4-31 HP 86140/2, 2-4

HP 86143/5, 2-6 keys, 3-3 lockout, 4-4 menus, 3-7 overview, 2-2 power switch, 1-8 tutorial, 2-20

function area assist, 3-44 FWHM resolution, 7-3



Gated softkey, 3-18 gated trigger, 3-18 graphics data, saving, 3-35

grating order mode, setting, 3-51 Grating Order softkey, 3-51


HCOPy subsystem commands, 4-77 Help.... softkey, 3-42

Hold <trace> softkey, 3-58

HP 86140/2 front and rear panels, 2-4 HP 86143/5 front and rear panels, 2-6 HP logo, displaying, 3-43

HP-IB address, changing/default, 3-55, 4-4


IEC Publication 1010, iii IEEE 488.2 standard, 4-2

index-matching compounds, 6-17 INITiate subsystem commands, 4-78 INPUT connector, iii, 1-9

insertion loss, connectors, 6-16 instrument

addressing over HP-IB, 4-4 changing settings, 2-2 checking the shipment, 1-3 positioning, 1-4

powering up, 1-8 returning for service, 6-21

integrate between line markers, 3-30 Integrate Limit softkey, 3-30 integration, trace, 3-28

internal memory, 3-37 backup/restore, 3-39 deleting a file, 3-38 saving data, 3-36

Internal softkey, 3-18 internal trigger, 3-18

interpolation, normal/delta marker, 3-31 isopropyl alcohol, 6-18


laser classification, 7-10

Line Marker Menu.... softkey, 3-28





OPTICAL INPUT connector, 2-3 optimize sensitivity, 3-54 options, 6-2

Options menu, 2-10


Backup Utility screen, 3-39 display, 2-8

Restore Utility screen, 3-39 State information panel, 3-47

OSA Extended State.... softkey, 3-53 OSA State.... softkey, 3-47


queue, 4-10, 4-15 synchronous, 3-20

overview of the front panel, 2-2 OVR SWEEP annotation, 3-17


package contents, 1-3 packaging for shipment, 6-22 panels, setup, 3-65

parameters, adding command, 4-8 peak excursion, setting, 3-32 peak search

end of each sweep, setting, 3-33 performing, 2-21, 3-25

using markers, 3-24

PEAK SEARCH softkey, 3-24???3-25 Peak to CENTER softkey, 3-63 Peak to REF LEVEL softkey, 3-11 peak wavelength, center, 3-63 Perform Calibration.... softkey, 3-45 pit excursion, setting, 3-32

Pit Search softkey, 3-26

pit search, performing, 3-26 polarization dependence, 7-4 positioning the instrument, 1-4 power

cords, 6-4 requirements, 1-7 switch, 1-8

Power Cal Setup.... softkey, 3-44 power calibration

amplitude, setting, 3-45 date, 3-13, 3-45 performing, 3-44 setting, 3-13

Power On State softkey, 3-48 Preset key, 3-5, 3-55, 4-4 preset, factory, 3-49

Print key, 2-22, 3-6 printer

changing the paper, 2-23 connecting, 1-6

head cleaning, 6-7 setup, 3-44

Printer Setup.... softkey, 3-44 printing

display, 2-22

OSA State panel, 3-47 product information, 1-10 programming

command trees, 4-37 commands, 4-42???4-101 commands, SCPI, 4-2, 4-102

programming examples, 4-16???4-29 bandwidth, 4-19

initialization/simple measurement, 4-17 locating the largest signal, 4-18 max/min amplitude values, 4-21 max/min values over time, 4-23 monitoring the status registers, 4-29 returning trace data, 4-24

total power measurement, 4-28 trace normalization, 4-26


queries, 4-10 queues, 4-15


rear panel

HP 86140/2, 2-4

HP 86143/5, 2-6 recall data, 3-37

Recall Menu.... softkey, 3-37 REF annotation, 3-9 reference level, 3-9???3-12

with markers, 3-25 Reference Level softkey, 3-9 regulatory information, 7-10 Remote annotation, 4-4

remote commands/front panel functions, 4-31



remote interface automatic alignment, 3-3

automatic measurement, 3-4 Remote Setup.... softkey, 3-55 repeat sweep, 3-17

Repeat Sweep softkey, 3-17 repeatability, tuning, 7-3 reproducibility, 7-3

Res BW softkey, 3-15 resolution

bandwidth, 3-15 FWHM, 7-3

restore internal memory, 3-39 Restore Utility screen, 3-39 return loss, connectors, 6-16 returning data, 4-10 Revision.... softkey, 3-42


safety information, iii Save Menu.... softkey, 3-35 Save/Recall functions

deleting a file, 3-38

internal memory backup/restore, 3-39 recalling data, 3-37

recalling in Fast Recall mode, 3-39 saving data, 3-35

saving in Fast Save mode, 3-39 selecting a catalog file, 3-37

Save/Recall menu, 3-34 scale fidelity, 7-4 Scale/Div softkey, 3-9 SCPI commands

equivalent to HP 71450 command, 4-102 standard, 4-2

search between line markers, 3-29 Search Limit softkey, 3-29

Search Mode.... softkey, 3-25 Select softkey, 3-65

semicolon, use in commands, 4-7 sending common commands, 4-8 SENSe subsystem commands, 4-81 sensitivity, 3-10, 7-4

optimizing, 3-54

See also sweep time, video bandwidth Sensitivity softkey, 3-10

service, 6-21

Service Menu.... softkey, 3-48 Set HPIB Address softkey, 3-55 Set Time/Date.... softkey, 3-48 Set Title.... softkey, 3-42

settings conflict error message, 4-9 Setup key, 4-4

Setup panel overview, 3-65

shipment, checking package content, 1-3 shipping procedure, 6-21

short form commands, 4-7

Show Notices/Errors/Warnings softkeys, 3-42 signal source, setting, 3-46

Single Sweep softkey, 3-17 softkey panels, 2-11???2-19 software applications, 2-3

SOURce subsystem commands, 4-90 source, single, 3-46

Span softkey, 3-62

span, wavelength, 3-54, 3-62 specifications, 7-2???7-9

Start WL softkey, 3-62 start/stop wavelength, 3-62 static-safe

accessories, 6-7 workstation, 6-8

STATus subsystem commands, 4-91 step size, wavelength, 3-64

Stop WL softkey, 3-62 swabs, cotton, 6-18 sweep

between line markers, 3-29 cycle time, 7-4

indicator light, 3-17 rate, maximum, 7-4 repeat, 3-17

Sweep Limit softkey, 3-29 sweep time, 3-16

See also sensitivity, video bandwidth Sweep Time softkey, 3-16

Synch Out softkey, 3-20 synchronous output, 3-20 syntax rules, 4-6???4-10 System functions

active area, moving, 3-47 adding a title, 3-42 automeasure defaults, 3-53 changing the display, 3-43 displaying firmware revision, 3-42



displaying notices/errors/warnings, 3-42 factory preset (IP), 3-49

grating order mode, 3-51 HP-IB address, 3-55

multi-point alignment, 3-52 OSA Extended State panel, 3-53 OSA State panel, 3-47

power calibration, 3-44 power-on state, 3-48 printer setup, 3-44

set time/date, 3-48 TransZ 2 - 3 Lock, 3-52

wavelength calibration, 3-45 wavelength limits, setting, 3-51 zero the instrument, 3-50

System menu, 2-17, 3-40

SYSTem subsystem commands, 4-93



displaying, 3-43 setting, 3-48

title, displaying, 3-42 trace

active, setting, 3-57 display, 3-57 integration, 3-28 recall data, 3-37 save data, 3-35 updating, 3-57

Trace Integ softkey, 3-28 Trace Math.... softkey, 3-58

TRACe subsystem commands, 4-95 Traces functions

active trace, 3-23, 3-57 averaging, 3-60 displaying the trace, 3-57 hold trace, 3-58

math functions, 3-59 math trace defaults, 3-58 update trace, 3-57

X- and Y-axis data, 3-59 Traces menu, 2-18, 3-56 TransZ 2-3 Lock softkey, 3-52 trigger

delay, 3-20 external, 3-19

gated, 3-18 internal, 3-18

Trigger Delay softkey, 3-20 Trigger Mode.... softkey, 3-18 TRIGger subsystem commands, 4-99 TTL-compatible signal, 3-19

tuning repeatability, 7-3 tutorial, getting started, 2-20


UNIT subsystem commands, 4-101 units, wavelength, 3-63

Update <trace> softkey, 3-57 upgrading the firmware, 3-50 uppercase letters in commands, 4-7 user

power cal date, 3-13

wavelength calibration date, 3-46 Utility screen, 3-39



amplitude scale, 3-9 scale, setting, 3-54 video bandwidth, 3-15

See also sensitivity, sweep time Video BW softkey, 3-15

View <trace> softkey, 3-57


warnings, displaying, 3-42 wavelength

calibration, 3-63 calibration date, 3-46 calibration, performing, 3-45

calibration, setting values, 3-45 default settings, 2-3

limits, setting, 3-51 line markers, 3-28 offset, 3-63

peak, 3-63 referenced value, 3-46 setting cal source, 3-46 span, 3-62

span, setting, 3-54



start/stop, 3-62 step size, 3-64 units, 3-63

Wavelength Cal Setup.... softkey, 3-45 Wavelength functions

center wavelength, 3-62

centering the peak wavelength, 3-63 default settings, 3-63

span, 3-62

start wavelength, 3-62 stop wavelength, 3-62

Wavelength Limit softkey, 3-51 Wavelength Line Mkr softkey, 3-28 Wavelength menu, 2-19, 3-61 Wavelength Setup.... softkey, 3-63 web site information, 1-10

white space characters in commands, 4-8 wire bail, positioning, 1-4


X-axis trace data, 3-59


Y-axis trace data, 3-59


ZERO NOW softkey, 3-13, 3-51 Zero Now softkey, 3-50

zero span, 3-62

zeroing the instrument, 3-50
