Figure 1. Model G4571 magnetic switch.
1 HP 220V Motor
IMPORTANT: This magnetic switch toggles a motor ON and OFF, and helps provide thermal overload pro- tection for the motor if the operating temperature gradually increases due to heavy work loads. The thermal overload relay inside is not designed to cut power in the event of a sudden motor overload or stall. To help protect a motor from this type of overload, the power supply circuit must be properly sized for the
OPERATION: When pushed, the green ON button on the outside cover of the magnetic switch allows cur- rent to flow to the magnetic coil, which pulls the contactor closed. The main current then passes through the thermal overload relay to the motor. If the motor begins to overheat, the relay breaks the magnetic field, which opens the contactor and cuts current to the motor. The red OFF button manually breaks the magnetic field, which opens the contactor and disconnects the current to the motor.
Parts Breakdown
Copyright ?? JANUARY, 2008 By Grizzly Industrial, Inc., REVISED JUNE, 2010 (TS)
Warning: No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape
Or form without the written approval of Grizzly Industrial, inc.
#CR10353 printed in TAIWAN