MODEL G9860, G9860ZX, G9953, G9953ZX, & G9953ZXF
OWNER'S Manual
(For models manufactured since 09/11)
Copyright ?? NOVEMBER, 2008 By Grizzly Industrial, Inc., REVISED OCTOBER, 2011 (BL)
Warning: No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape Or form without the written approval of Grizzly Industrial, inc.
#TS11249 printed IN TAIWAN
This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators.
Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal
The owner of this machine/tool is solely responsible for its safe use. This responsibility includes but is not limited to proper installation in a safe environment, personnel training and usage authorization, proper inspection and maintenance, manual availability and compre- hension, application of safety devices, cutting/sanding/grinding tool integrity, and the usage of personal protective equipment.
The manufacturer will not be held liable for injury or property damage from negligence, improper training, machine modifications or misuse.
Manual Accuracy
LZVgZegdjYidd[[Zgi]^hbVcjVal^i]ndjgcZl bVX]^cZ LZkZ bVYZ ZkZgn Z[[dgi id WZ ZmVXi l^i] i]Z ^chigjXi^dch! heZX^[^XVi^dch! YgVl^c\h! VcY e]did\gVe]h d[ i]Z bVX]^cZ lZ jhZY l]Zc lg^i^c\i]^hbVcjVa#=dlZkZg!hdbZi^bZhlZhi^aa bV`ZVcdXXVh^dcVab^hiV`Z#
6ahd!dl^c\iddjgeda^Xnd[Xdci^cjdjh^begdkZ" bZci!your machine may not exactly match the manual#>[ndj[^cYi]^hidWZi]ZXVhZ!VcYi]ZY^[" [ZgZcXZWZilZZci]ZbVcjVaVcYbVX]^cZaZVkZh ndj ^c YdjWi! X]ZX` djg lZWh^iZ [dg i]Z aViZhi bVcjVajeYViZdgXVaaiZX]c^XVahjeedgi[dg]Zae#
7Z[dgZXVaa^c\![^cYi]ZbVcj[VXijgZYViZd[ndjg bVX]^cZWnadd`^c\Vii]ZYViZhiVbeZY^cidi]Z bVX]^cZ >9 aVWZa hZZ WZadl# I]^h l^aa ]Zae jh YZiZgb^cZ ^[ i]Z bVcjVa kZgh^dc ndj gZXZ^kZY bViX]Zhi]ZbVcj[VXijgZYViZd[ndjgbVX]^cZ#
;dgndjgXdckZc^ZcXZ!lZedhiVaaVkV^aVWaZbVc" jVahVcYbVcjVajeYViZh[dg[gZZdcdjglZWh^iZ d[ bVX]^cZ l^aa WZ gZ[aZXiZY ^c i]ZhZ YdXjbZcih VhhddcVhi]ZnVgZXdbeaZiZ#
Contact Info
LZ hiVcY WZ]^cY djg bVX]^cZh# >[ ndj ]VkZ
Vcn fjZhi^dch dg cZZY ]Zae! jhZ i]Z ^c[dgbVi^dc WZadlidXdciVXijh#7Z[dgZXdciVXi^c\!eaZVhZ\Zi i]Z hZg^Va cjbWZg VcY bVcj[VXijgZ YViZ d[ ndjg bVX]^cZ#I]^hl^aa]Zaejh]Zaendj[VhiZg#
<g^ooanIZX]c^XVaHjeedgi &'%(AnXdb^c\BVaa8^gXaZ BjcXn!E6&,,*+ E]dcZ/*,%*)+".++( :bV^a/iZX]hjeedgi5\g^ooan#Xdb
LZlVcindjg[ZZYWVX`dci]^hbVcjVa#L]ViY^Y ndj a^`Z VWdji ^i4 L]ZgZ XdjaY ^i WZ ^begdkZY4 EaZVhZiV`ZV[Zlb^cjiZhid\^kZjh[ZZYWVX`#
<g^ooan9dXjbZciVi^dcBVcV\Zg E#D#7dm'%+.
Machine Description
A jointer is used to flatten the face or edge of a workpiece, which is required when properly ???squaring up??? a workpiece for later construction or jointing. A jointer can also cut bevels and other specialized cuts with various jigs or fixtures.
A typical cut on a jointer is made by firmly holding a workpiece against the infeed table and fence, then moving the workpiece over the cutterhead while using the fence as a guide. As the workpiece moves over the cutterhead, the knives or cutters make many shallow cuts that ???shave??? off the sur- face of the workpiece. Since only a small amount of the workpiece is removed during a jointer cut, most jointer cuts are repeated many times to yield a desired result.
Figure 1. Model G9860/G9860ZX identification.
A.Outfeed Table
C.Cutterhead Guard
D.Fence Controls (refer to Fence Controls on Page 25 for detailed Information)
E.Control Panel (refer to Control Panel on Page 24 for detailed information).
F.Infeed Table
G.Depth of Cut Scale & Pointer
H.Infeed Table Handwheel & Lock
I.Outfeed Table Handwheel & Lock
Model Specification Comparison
Figure 2. Model specification comparison chart.
For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating this Machine
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of impor- tance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures.
DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY.6alVnhY^h" XdccZXi bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg hjeean WZ[dgZ hZg" k^X^c\! VY_jhi^c\! dg X]Vc\^c\ Xjii^c\ iddah W^ih! WaVYZh! XjiiZgh! ZiX## BV`Z hjgZ hl^iX] ^h ^c D;; edh^i^dcWZ[dgZgZXdccZXi^c\idVkd^YVcjcZmeZXi" ZYdgjc^ciZci^dcVahiVgi#
APPROVED OPERATION. JcigV^cZY deZgVidgh XVc WZ hZg^djhan ]jgi Wn bVX]^cZgn# Dcan Vaadl igV^cZY dg egdeZgan hjeZgk^hZY eZdeaZ id jhZ bVX]^cZ# L]Zc bVX]^cZ ^h cdi WZ^c\ jhZY! Y^h" XdccZXi edlZg! gZbdkZ hl^iX] `Znh! dg adX`"dji bVX]^cZidegZkZcijcVji]dg^oZYjhZ ZheZX^Vaan VgdjcYX]^aYgZc#BV`Zldg`h]de`^Yegdd[
DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. 9d cdi jhZ bVX]^cZgn ^c lZi dg gV^cn adXVi^dch! XajiiZgZY VgZVh!VgdjcY[aVbbVWaZh!dg^cYVg`VgZVh#@ZZe ldg`VgZVXaZVc!Ygn!VcYlZaa"a^\]iZY#
ONLY USE AS INTENDED. Dcan jhZ bVX]^cZ [dg ^ih ^ciZcYZY ejgedhZ# CZkZg bdY^[n bVX]^cZ [dgVejgedhZcdi^ciZcYZYWni]ZbVcj[VXijgZg
USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.8dchjai i]^hdlcZg??hbVcjVadgi]ZbVcj[VXijgZg[dggZX" dbbZcYZY VXXZhhdg^Zh# Jh^c\ ^begdeZg VXXZh" hdg^Zhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[hZg^djh^c_jgn#
REMOVE ADJUSTING TOOLS. CZkZg aZVkZ VY_jhibZciiddah!X]jX``Znh!lgZcX]Zh!ZiX#^cdg dcbVX]^cZ ZheZX^VaancZVgbdk^c\eVgih#KZg^[n gZbdkVaWZ[dgZhiVgi^c\
SECURING WORKPIECE. L]Zc gZfj^gZY! jhZ XaVbehdgk^hZhidhZXjgZldg`e^ZXZ#6hZXjgZY ldg`e^ZXZegdiZXih]VcYhVcY[gZZhWdi]d[i]Zb iddeZgViZi]ZbVX]^cZ#
FEED DIRECTION.JcaZhhdi]Zgl^hZcdiZY![ZZY ldg` V\V^chi i]Z gdiVi^dc d[ WaVYZh dg XjiiZgh# ;ZZY^c\^ci]ZhVbZY^gZXi^dcd[gdiVi^dcbVnejaa ndjg]VcY^cidi]ZXji#
FORCING MACHINERY.9dcdi[dgXZbVX]^cZ# >i l^aa Yd i]Z _dW hV[Zg VcY WZiiZg Vi i]Z gViZ [dg l]^X]^ilVhYZh^\cZY#
GUARDS & COVERS. <jVgYh VcY XdkZgh XVc egdiZXi ndj [gdb VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] bdk^c\ eVgih dg [an^c\ YZWg^h# BV`Z hjgZ i]Zn VgZ egde" Zgan^chiVaaZY!jcYVbV\ZY!VcYldg`^c\XdggZXian WZ[dgZjh^c\bVX]^cZ#
NEVER STAND ON MACHINE.HZg^djh^c_jgndg VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] Xjii^c\ idda bVn dXXjg ^[ bVX]^cZ^hi^eeZY#BVX]^cZbVnWZYVbV\ZY#
STABLE MACHINE. JcZmeZXiZYbdkZbZciYjg" ^c\ deZgVi^dch \gZVian ^cXgZVhZh g^h` d[ ^c_jgn dg adhh d[ Xdcigda# 7Z[dgZ hiVgi^c\! kZg^[n bVX]^cZh VgZhiVWaZVcYbdW^aZWVhZ^[jhZY^hadX`ZY#
AWKWARD POSITIONS. @ZZe egdeZg [ddi^c\ VcYWVaVcXZViVaai^bZhl]ZcdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ# 9dcdidkZggZVX]6kd^YVl`lVgY]VcYedh^i^dch i]Vi bV`Z ldg`e^ZXZ Xdcigda Y^[[^Xjai dg ^cXgZVhZ i]Zg^h`d[VXX^YZciVa^c_jgn#
bVX]^cZgjcc^c\l]^aZjcViiZcYZY#IjgcbVX]^cZ OFFVcYZchjgZVaabdk^c\eVgihXdbeaZiZanhide WZ[dgZlVa`^c\VlVn#
MAINTAIN WITH CARE.;daadlVaabV^ciZcVcXZ ^chigjXi^dch VcY ajWg^XVi^dc hX]ZYjaZh id `ZZe bVX]^cZ^c\ddYldg`^c\XdcY^i^dc#6c^begdeZgan bV^ciV^cZYbVX]^cZ^cXgZVhZhg^h`d[^c_jgn#
CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. GZ\jaVgan ^cheZXi bVX]^cZ [dg YVbV\ZY eVgih! addhZ Wdaih! b^h" VY_jhiZY dg b^h"Va^\cZY eVgih! W^cY^c\! dg Vcn di]Zg XdcY^i^dch i]Vi bVn V[[ZXi hV[Z deZgVi^dc# 6alVnhgZeV^gdggZeaVXZYVbV\ZYdgb^h"VY_jhi" ZYeVgihWZ[dgZdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ#
^c\ XdgY"XdccZXiZY bVX]^cZh [gdb edlZg! \gVW VcYejaai]Zeaj\ CDIi]ZXdgY#Ejaa^c\i]ZXdgY bVn YVbV\Z i]Z l^gZh ^ch^YZ# 9d cdi ]VcYaZ XdgY$eaj\l^i]lZi]VcYh#6kd^YXdgYYVbV\ZWn `ZZe^c\^iVlVn[gdb]ZViZYhjg[VXZh!]^\]igV[[^X VgZVh!]Vgh]X]Zb^XVah!VcYlZi$YVbeadXVi^dch#
EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ Vi Vcn i^bZ ndj VgZ ZmeZg^ZcX^c\ Y^[[^Xjai^Zh eZg[dgb^c\ i]Z ^ciZcYZY deZgVi^dc! hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ 8dciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa Hjeedgi 9ZeVgibZci Vi *,%*)+".++(#
Additional Safety Instructions for Jointers
JOINTER KICKBACK. "Kickback" is when the workpiece is thrown off the jointer table by the force of the cutterhead. Always use push blocks and safety glasses to reduce the likelihood of injury from ???kickback.??? If you do not understand what kickback is, or how it occurs, DO NOT oper- ate this machine!
OUTFEED TABLE ALIGNMENT. Keep the top surface of the outfeed table parallel and even with the knives at top dead center (the highest point during rotation) to reduce the risk of kickback and personal injuries.
PUSH BLOCKS. Always use push blocks when using this machine. Never pass your hands direct- ly over the cutterhead without a push block.
WORKPIECE SUPPORT. Adequately support- ing the workpiece at all times while cutting is critical for making safe cuts and avoiding injury. Never attempt to make a cut with an unstable workpiece.
USING GOOD STOCK. Jointing safety begins with your lumber. Inspect your stock carefully before you feed it over the cutterhead. Never joint a board that has loose knots, nails, or staples. If you have any doubts about the stability or struc- tural integrity of your stock, DO NOT joint it!
KICKBACK ZONE. The "kickback zone" is the path that is in line with the tables. Never stand or allow others to stand in this area during opera- tion.
MAXIMUM CUTTING DEPTH. The maximum cutting depth for one pass is 5???16". Never attempt any single cut deeper!
JOINTING WITH THE GRAIN. Jointing against the grain or jointing end grain is dangerous and could produce chatter or excessive chip out. Always joint with the grain.
GUARDS IN PLACE. All operations must be per- formed with the cutterhead guard in place.
PROPER CUTTING. When cutting, always keep the workpiece moving toward the outfeed table until the workpiece has passed completely over the cutterhead. Never back the work toward the infeed table.
SAFE KNIFE PROJECTION. Knives should never be set in the cutterhead so they project more than 1???8" (0.125") from the cutterhead body. Knives that project from the cutterhead too far may come loose during operation, may become damaged, or may damage the cutterhead.
Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. If normal safety pre- cautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious per- sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results.
VW^a^inVcYegdm^b^ind[i]ZgZfj^gZYedlZghjeean X^gXj^i# >[ Vc Zm^hi^c\ X^gXj^i YdZh cdi bZZi i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih[dgi]^hbVX]^cZ!VcZlX^gXj^ibjhi WZ ^chiVaaZY# Id b^c^b^oZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZaZXigdXj" i^dc![^gZ!dgZfj^ebZciYVbV\Z!^chiVaaVi^dcldg` VcYZaZXig^XVal^g^c\bjhiWZYdcZWnVfjVa^[^ZY ZaZXig^X^Vc^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaVeea^XVWaZXdYZh VcYhiVcYVgYh#
Electrocution, fire, or equipment damage may occur if machine is not correctly grounded and connected to the power supply.
I]Z [jaa"adVY XjggZci gVi^c\ ^h i]Z VbeZgV\Z V bVX]^cZYgVlhVi&%%d[i]ZgViZYdjiejiedlZg# Dc bVX]^cZh l^i] bjai^eaZ bdidgh! i]^h ^h i]Z VbeZgV\ZYgVlcWni]ZaVg\Zhibdidgdghjbd[Vaa bdidghVcYZaZXig^XVaYZk^XZhi]Vib^\]ideZgViZ VidcZi^bZYjg^c\cdgbVadeZgVi^dch#
I]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZci^hcdii]ZbVm^bjbVbdjci d[Vbehi]Vii]ZbVX]^cZl^aaYgVl#>[i]ZbVX]^cZ ^hdkZgadVYZY!^il^aaYgVlVYY^i^dcVaVbehWZndcY i]Z[jaa"adVYgVi^c\#
>[i]ZbVX]^cZ^hdkZgadVYZY[dgVhj[[^X^ZciaZc\i] d[i^bZ!YVbV\Z!dkZg]ZVi^c\!dg[^gZbVngZhjai ZheZX^Vaan ^[ XdccZXiZY id Vc jcYZgh^oZY X^gXj^i# IdgZYjXZi]Zg^h`d[i]ZhZ]VoVgYh!Vkd^YdkZg" adVY^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc VcY bV`Z hjgZ^i^hXdccZXiZYidVedlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi bZZihi]ZgZfj^gZbZcih^ci]Z[daadl^c\hZXi^dc#
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Circuit Information
6 edlZg hjeean X^gXj^i ^cXajYZh Vaa ZaZXig^XVa
Zfj^ebZciWZilZZci]ZWgZV`ZgWdmdg[jhZeVcZa ^ci]ZWj^aY^c\VcYi]ZbVX]^cZ#I]ZedlZghje" eanX^gXj^ijhZY[dgi]^hbVX]^cZbjhiWZh^oZYid hV[Zan]VcYaZi]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZciYgVlc[gdbi]Z bVX]^cZ [dg Vc ZmiZcYZY eZg^dY d[ i^bZ# >[ i]^h bVX]^cZ ^h XdccZXiZY id V X^gXj^i egdiZXiZY Wn [jhZh!jhZVi^bZYZaVn[jhZbVg`ZY9#
For your own safety and protection of property, consult a qualified electrician if you are unsure about wiring practices or electrical codes in your area.
Note: The circuit requirements listed in this man- ual apply to a dedicated
Circuit Requirements for G9860/ G9860ZX
Figure 3. Typical
Figure 4. Typical
G9953ZXF Circuit Requirements for 220V Operation
I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h egZl^gZY id deZgViZ dc V ''%K edlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi]VhVkZg^[^ZY\gdjcYVcY bZZihi]Z[daadl^c\gZfj^gZbZcih/
Connection......Hardwire with Locking Switch
G9953ZXF Circuit Requirements for 440V Operation
I]^h bVX]^cZ XVc WZ XdckZgiZY id deZgViZ dc V
))%KedlZghjeeangZ[ZgidVoltage Conversion ^chigjXi^dchi]Vi]VhVkZg^[^ZY\gdjcYVcYbZZih i]Z[daadl^c\gZfj^gZbZcih/
Connection......Hardwire with Locking Switch
6eZgbVcZcianXdccZXiZY]VgYl^gZYedlZghje" ean^hine^XVaan^chiVaaZYl^i]l^gZhgjcc^c\i]gdj\] bdjciZY VcY hZXjgZY XdcYj^i# 6 Y^hXdccZXi^c\ bZVch! hjX] Vh V adX`^c\ hl^iX] hZZ [daadl^c\ Figure! bjhi WZ egdk^YZY id Vaadl i]Z bVX]^cZ id WZ Y^hXdccZXiZY ^hdaViZY [gdb i]Z edlZg hjeean l]Zc gZfj^gZY# I]^h ^chiVaaVi^dc bjhi WZ eZg[dgbZYWnVcZaZXig^X^Vc^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]Vaa Veea^XVWaZZaZXig^XVaXdYZhVcYdgY^cVcXZh#
Figure 5. Typical setup of a permanently connected machine.
Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual.
Note: The circuit requirements listed in this man- ual apply to a dedicated
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Grounding Requirements
I]^h bVX]^cZ BJHI WZ \gdjcYZY# >c i]Z ZkZci d[XZgiV^cbVa[jcXi^dchdgWgZV`Ydlch!\gdjcY^c\ gZYjXZhi]Zg^h`d[ZaZXig^Xh]dX`Wnegdk^Y^c\V eVi]d[aZVhigZh^hiVcXZ[dgZaZXig^XXjggZci#
No adapter is available or should be used with this machine. If the machine must be reconnected for use on a different type of electric circuit, the reconnection should be made by qualified service personnel; and after reconnection, the machine must com- ply with all local codes and ordinances.
>begdeZgXdccZXi^dcd[i]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZ XVc gZhjai ^c V g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX`# I]Z l^gZl^i]\gZZc^chjaVi^dcl^i]dgl^i]djinZaadl hig^eZh^hi]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#>[gZeV^g dggZeaVXZbZcid[i]ZedlZgXdgYdgeaj\^hcZX" ZhhVgn!YdcdiXdccZXii]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZidVa^kZXjggZciXVggn^c\iZgb^cVa#
8]ZX`l^i]VfjVa^[^ZYZaZXig^X^VcdghZgk^XZeZg" hdccZa^[ndjYdcdijcYZghiVcYi]ZhZ\gdjcY^c\ gZfj^gZbZcih!dg^[ndjVgZ^cYdjWiVWdjil]Zi]Zg i]Z idda ^h egdeZgan \gdjcYZY# >[ ndj ZkZg cdi^XZ i]ViVXdgYdgeaj\^hYVbV\ZYdgldgc!Y^hXdc" cZXi^i[gdbedlZg!VcY^bbZY^ViZangZeaVXZ^il^i] VcZldcZ#
Extension Cords (G9860, G9860ZX,
G9953, & G9953ZX Only)
LZ Yd cdi gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# >[ ndj bjhi jhZ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY!dcanjhZ^i^[VWhdajiZancZXZhhVgnVcYdcan dcViZbedgVgnWVh^h#
:miZch^dc XdgYh XVjhZ kdaiV\Z Ygde! l]^X] bVn YVbV\ZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcihVcYh]dgiZcbdidg a^[Z#KdaiV\ZYgde^cXgZVhZhVhi]ZZmiZch^dcXdgY h^oZ\Zihadc\ZgVcYi]Z\Vj\Zh^oZ\ZihhbVaaZg ]^\]Zg\Vj\ZcjbWZgh^cY^XViZhbVaaZgh^oZh#
6cnZmiZch^dcXdgYjhZYl^i]i]^hbVX]^cZbjhi XdciV^c V \gdjcY l^gZ! bViX] i]Z gZfj^gZY eaj\ VcY gZXZeiVXaZ! VcY bZZi i]Z [daadl^c\ gZfj^gZ" bZcih/
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Model G9953ZXF
440V Conversion
To operate your jointer with 440V power, you must: 1) replace the magnetic switch contactor, 2) replace the overload relay, 3) replace the power lamp and ON button light bulbs, 4)
Refer to Page 52 for the full 440V Wiring Diagram.
You MUST disconnect the machine from the power source before beginning any of the following 440V conversion procedures to avoid serious personal injury or death by electro- cution.
Replacing Contactor & Overload
2.Remove the control panel from the electrical pedestal to access the contactor and over- load relay.
3.Replace the existing contactor and overload relay with those from the 440V Conversion Kit (Part Number P9953ZXF042) (refer to Pages 51??? 52 for detailed illustrations), then set the overload relay load dial to 7, as shown in Figure 6 on the next page.
Figure 6. 440V overload relay set at 7 amps.
4.Replace the control panel before connecting the jointer to power.
Replacing Control Panel Light Bulbs
2.Remove the control panel from the electrical pedestal to access the rear of the power lamp and ON button assemblies (see Figure 7).
Button Assembly
Lock Latch
Figure 7. Accessing the light bulb from the rear of the control panel.
3.Use a small, flat screwdriver to move the power lamp assembly lock latch to the left, as shown in Figure 7, pull the assembly loose from the panel, then replace the light bulb.
5.Repeat Steps
Rewiring Motor
2.Remove the rear motor access panel, then remove the motor wiring junction box cover.
3.Configure the terminal jumpers as shown in
Figure 8.
Figure 8. Illustration of motor wired for 440V operation.
4.Replace the motor junction box cover and access panel before connecting the jointer to power.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
This machine presents serious injury hazards to untrained users. Read through this entire manu- al to become familiar with the controls and opera- tions before starting the machine!
Wear safety glasses dur- ing the entire setup pro- cess!
The Extreme Series Jointer is a heavy machine. Serious per- sonal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment rated for at least 1500 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Needed for Setup
Read through the entire SETUP section to under- stand the procedures and items required to cor- rectly move, place, and assemble your machine.
The following are needed to complete the setup process, but are not included with your machine:
At Least 1
???Safety Glasses........................................
1 Pair per Person
???Metal Floor Shims...................................
As Needed
???Floor Mounting Hardware........................
As Needed
???Cleaning Solvent & Shop Rags...............
As Needed
Your machine was carefully packaged for safe transportation. Remove the packaging materials from around your machine and inspect it. If you discover the machine is damaged, please imme- diately call Customer Service at (570)
Save the containers and all packing materials for possible inspection by the carrier or its agent.
Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult.
When you are completely satisfied with the condi- tion of your shipment, inventory the contents.
The following is a description of the main compo- nents shipped with your machine. Lay the compo- nents out to inventory them.
Note: If you can't find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or examine the packaging materials carefully. Occasionally we
The unpainted surfaces are coated with a waxy oil to prevent corrosion during shipment. Remove this protective coating with a solvent cleaner or degreaser, such as shown in Figure 10. For thorough cleaning, some parts must be removed.
For optimum performance, clean all moving parts or sliding contact surfaces. Avoid chlo-
Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. DO NOT use these products to clean the machinery.
Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Minimize your risk by only using these products in a well ventilated area.
Great products for removing shipping grease.
Figure 10. Cleaner/degreasers available from Grizzly.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Site Considerations
Floor Load
Refer to the Model Specification Comparison chart on Page 5 for the weight and footprint speci- fications of your machine. Some residential floors may require additional reinforcement to support both the machine and operator.
Placement Location
Consider existing and anticipated needs, size of material to be processed through each machine, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your new machine. See Figures
Figure 11. Minimum working clearances.
Figure 12. Minimum working clearances by model.
Children and visitors may be seriously injured if unsuper- vised around this machine. Lock entrances to the shop or disable start switch or power connection to prevent unsupervised use.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Mounting to Shop Floor
Although not required, we recommend that you mount your new machine to the floor. Because this is an optional step and floor materials may vary, floor mounting hardware is not included. Generally, you can either bolt your machine to the floor or mount it on machine mounts. Both options are described below. Whichever option you choose, it is necessary to level your machine with a precision level.
Bolting to Concrete Floors
Anchor studs and lag shield anchors with lag bolts (Figure 13) are two popular methods for anchor- ing an object to a concrete floor. We suggest you research the many options and methods for mounting your machine and choose the best that fits your specific application.
Anchor studs are stronger and more per- manent alternatives to lag shield anchors; however, they will stick out of the floor, which may cause a tripping hazard if you decide to move your machine.
Anchor Studs
Lag Shield & Bolt
Figure 13. Typical fasteners for mounting to concrete floors.
Using Machine Mounts
Using machine mounts, shown in Figure 14, gives the advantage of fast leveling and vibration reduc- tion. The large size of the foot pads distributes the weight of the machine to reduce strain on the floor.
Figure 14. Machine mount example.
We strongly recommend securing your machine to the floor if it is hardwired to the power source. Consult with your electrician to ensure compliance with local codes.
Moving &
Assembling Jointer
Your Extreme Series Jointer is a heavy machine. Serious per- sonal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment rated for at least 1500 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.
Moving & Placing Jointer
1.Review the Power Supply section beginning on Page 9 and Mounting to Shop Floor on
Page 15, then prepare the permanent loca- tion for your jointer.
2.Remove the top and sides of the shipping crate, then place the small items aside in a safe location.
3.Remove the four
x 4
Figure 15. Installing control panel pedestal.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Make sure the straps do not touch the con- trol panel pedestal in the next step. Also, make sure they stay under the base and do not slip to the infeed or outfeed tables to avoid damaging the machine.
4.Position the lifting straps under the ends of the cast iron base, as shown in Figure 16, then secure them to the power lifting equip- ment.
Figure 16. Lifting straps properly positioned.
5.Tension the lifting straps with the forklift to make sure they stay in place, then unbolt the jointer from the shipping pallet.
6.With assistance to steady the load, raise the jointer just enough to clear the shipping pallet and any floor obstacles, then move it to the prepared location.
Note: In the next step, use shims between the base mounting points and the floor to avoid warping or cracking the cast iron.
7.As you mount the jointer to the floor, use the precision level to make sure the table is level from
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Note: Before the jointer was shipped from the factory, the infeed table was fully raised and the stop bolt was threaded up against the bot- tom of it to safely secure it during transit.
To prevent damaging the table elevation gearing, you MUST adjust the position of the infeed stop bolt to the operating position before attempting to lower the infeed table.
To prevent damage to the table elevation gearing, NEVER force the table handwheels if you feel resistance. Check the positions of the stop bolts or for obstructions.
8.Loosen the jam nut (see Figure 17) on the infeed stop bolt, then unthread the stop bolt until the distance from the top of the bolt and the bottom of the infeed table is the same as the maximum depth of cut specified for your jointer (refer to the Model Specification Comparison chart for your model on Page 5).
Stop Bolt
Jam Nut
Figure 17. Infeed table stop bolt (viewed from underneath the table).
Installing Fence (G9860/G960ZX)
1.Remove the motor access panel on the back of the machine.
2.Remove the cap screws and lock wash- ers that are
Figure 18.
Fence Support
Figure 18. Installing the fence support.
3.Align the keyway underneath the fence sup- port key (see Figure 19), then place the fence assembly on top of the support.
Fence Support Key
Figure 19. Fence support key.
4.Slide the flat washer onto the fence lock shaft, insert the shaft into the hole on the top of the fence assembly and through the slot of the support.
5.To secure the fence assembly, thread the
Fence Lock
Figure 20. Installing the fence lock.
Installing Fence (G9953/G9953ZX/
1.Remove the six
2.With assistance, place the fence assembly onto the fence base support.
Figure 21. Fence assembly installed.
3.Secure the fence assembly with the six cap screws and lock washers removed in
Step 1.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
The cutterhead guard is a critical safety feature of this jointer. You MUST install and verify its operation before using the jointer! Failure to properly install this guard will greatly increase the risk of serious personal injury.
To adjust the cutterhead guard tension:
2.Loosen the lock knob shown in Figure 22 that secures the cutterhead guard shaft.
Figure 22. Installing the cutterhead guard.
3.Install the guard shaft into the mounting hole, then tighten the lock knob.
4.Lock the fence out of the way toward the back, then test the return tension of the guard by swinging it counterclockwise and releas- ing it.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
The outfeed table height MUST be even with the knives/cutters when they are at
If the outfeed table is set too low, the workpiece will have increased snipe. If the outfeed table is set too high, the workpiece will hit the edge of the outfeed table and increase the risk of kickback.
To set the outfeed table height:
2.Models G9860 & G9860ZX: Remove the cutterhead guard, fence assembly, and rear motor access cover to access the cutterhead pulley.
Models G9953, G9953ZX, & G9953ZXF:
Remove the cutterhead guard and fence assembly, then open the rear cutterhead cover to access the cutterhead pulley.
Cutterhead knives and inserts are extremely sharp and can quickly slice your hands or fin- gers. ALWAYS wear heavy leather gloves when han- dling these cutters to avoid personal injury.
3. Place the straightedge on the center of the outfeed table and over the cutterhead, then use the cutterhead pulley to rotate the cutterhead until the cutter edge is at the top-
Figure 23. Cutter edge at
Note: On the
Figure 24. Cutterhead lock pin engaged.
4.When the outfeed table height is correctly set and the cutter is at the top of its rotation, the cutter edge will just touch the straightedge without lifting it.
Note: Use the cutterhead pulley to rock the cutterhead
5.Loosen the outfeed table lock and rotate the handwheel until the cutter edge just touches the straightedge when at TDC, then tighten the table lock.
The outfeed table MUST be even with the cutter edges to reduce the risk of kickback and to help ensure good cutting results.
Tip: Some advanced woodworkers have found that they can virtually eliminate snipe by set- ting the outfeed table in the following manner: Perform Steps
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
6.Loosen the jam nut and adjust the outfeed stop bolt underneath the table so that it just touches the bottom of the tables, as shown in Figure 25, then
Note: When adjusted to the correct outfeed table height, use the stop bolt for a conve- nient method of ensuring the outfeed table is set at the proper height.
Stop Bolt
Jam Nut
Figure 25. Table stop bolt (viewed from underneath the table).
DO NOT operate your jointer without an ade- quate dust collection system. This machine creates substantial amounts of wood dust while operating. Failure to use a dust collec- tion system can result in short and
Recommended CFM at Dust Port: 400 CFM
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must consider these variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,
(2) hose type and length between the dust col- lector and the machine, (3) number of branches or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining how to cal- culate these variables is beyond the scope of this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection
To connect a dust collection hose:
1.Fit a 4" dust hose over the dust port, as shown in Figure 26, then secure it in place with a hose clamp.
Dust Port
Figure 26. Dust hose attached to dust port.
2.Tug the hose to make sure it does not come off. Note: A tight fit is necessary for proper performance.
Once the assembly is complete, test run your machine to make sure it runs properly and is ready for regular operation. The test run consists of verifying the following: 1) The motor powers up and runs correctly, 2) the stop button safety feature works correctly, and, if equipped, 3) the cutterhead brake works properly.
If, during the test run, you cannot easily locate the source of an unusual noise or vibration, stop using the machine immediately, then review
Troubleshooting on Page 36.
If you cannot find a remedy, contact our Tech Support at (570)
Before starting the jointer, make sure you have performed the preceding assembly and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and are familiar with the various functions and safety features on this machine. Failure to follow this warning could result in serious personal injury or even death!
To test run the machine:
1.Make sure you understand the safety instruc- tions at the beginning of the manual and that the machine is set up properly.
2.Make sure all tools and objects used during setup are cleared away from the machine.
3.Push the stop button in, then twist it clock- wise so it pops out. When the stop button pops out, the switch is reset and ready for operation (see Figures
OFF Button
Figure 27. Resetting the stop button.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Figure 28. Control panel.
4.Verify that the outfeed table height is properly set (refer to Setting Outfeed Table Height on Page 19).
5.Connect the machine to the power source.
6.Verify that the machine is operating correctly by pushing the ON button.
7.If equipped on your jointer, rotate the cutterhead brake handle to stop the machine and cutterhead.
8.Model G9953ZXF Only: Press the stop but- ton to turn the machine OFF and observe the cutterhead rotation.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
9.If not already done, use the stop button to turn the machine OFF.
10.WITHOUT resetting the stop switch, press the ON button. The machine should not start.
For your convenience, the adjustments listed below have been performed at the factory and no further setup is required to operate your machine.
However, because of the many variables involved with shipping, we recommend that you at least verify the following adjustments to ensure the best possible results from your new machine.
Factory adjustments that should be verified:
???Table Parallelism (Page 44).
???Model G9860 & G9953 Knife Height (Page 39).
To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations.
Damage to your eyes, lungs, and ears could result from using this machine without proper protective gear. Always wear safety glasses, a respirator, and hearing protection when operating this machine.
Loose hair, clothing, or
jewelry could get caught
in machinery and cause
serious personal injury.
Keep these items away from moving parts at all times to reduce this risk.
Basic Controls
Refer to Figures
Control Panel
Figure 29. Control panel.
Power Lamp: Lights when the machine is con- nected to power.
Stop Button: Turns the motor OFF. This button does NOT disconnect the machine from power!
ON Button: Turns the motor ON. The stop button must be reset before this button will work.
Table Controls
Depth of Cut Scale
& Pointer
Figure 30. Table controls.
Depth of Cut Scale & Pointer: Indicates the amount of workpiece surface that will be removed. Marked in 1???16" increments.
Infeed & Outfeed Handwheels & Locks:
Raises and lowers the respective table. Rotate the handwheels clockwise to raise and coun- terclockwise to lower the table. Tighten the lock knob in the center of the handwheel to secure the setting.
Fence Controls
Figure 31. Fence controls (Model G9860 and G9860ZX).
Fence Lock: Locks the fence assembly in place.
Fence Tilt Handle: Tilts the fence when the tilt lock is loose.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Figure 32. Fence controls (Models G9953, G9953ZX, and G9953ZXF).
Fence Tilt Lock: Locks the fence tilt angle in place when tightened.
Fence Stops: Provide positive stops for the fence at 90?? and 45??
Fence Adjustment Handwheel (Model G9953/ G9953ZX/G9953ZXF): Moves the fence forward and back when rotated.
Cutterhead Brake (G9953/G9953ZX/
G9953ZXF Only)
Brake Handle
Figure 33. Cutterhead brake.
Cutterhead Brake: Turns the machine OFF and brings the cutterhead to a rapid stop when the handle is rotated.
stock inspection
Stock Inspection &
Follow these rules when choosing and joint- ing stock:
???DO NOT joint or surface place stock that contains large or loose knots. Injury to the operator or damage to the workpiece can occur if a knot becomes dislodged during the cutting operation.
???Jointing and surface planing with the grain is safer for the operator and pro- duces a better finish. Cutting against the grain increases the likelihood of kickback and workpiece
Note: If the grain changes direction along the edge of the workpiece, decrease the depth of cut and make additional passes.
Figure 34. Proper grain alignment with the cutterhead.
???Only process natural wood fiber through your jointer. Your jointer is designed to cut only natural wood stock. Attempting to pro- cess any other synthetic or natural material will damage the cutterhead and cause injury hazards for the operator.
???Scrape all glue off the workpiece before jointing. Glue deposits on the workpiece, hard or soft, will gum up the cutterhead and produce poor results.
???Remove foreign objects from the workpiece. Make sure that any stock you
process with the jointer is clean and free of dirt, nails, staples, tiny rocks or any other foreign objects, that could damage the cutterhead. These particles could also cause a spark as they strike the cutterhead and cre- ate a fire hazard.
Note: Wood stacked on a concrete or dirt surface can have small pieces of concrete or stone pressed into the surface.
???Make sure all stock is sufficiently dried before jointing. Wood with a moisture con- tent over 20% will cause unnecessary wear on the cutters and poor cutting results. Excess moisture can also hasten rust and corrosion.
???Make sure your workpiece exceeds the minimum dimension requirements, as shown in Figure 35, before processing it through the jointer, or the workpiece may break or kick back during the operation.
Figure 35. Minimum stock dimensions for the jointer.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Before turning the jointer ON, make sure the outfeed table height is properly set (refer to Page 19 for detailed instructions) to avoid workpiece kickback and to ensure good results. Kickback of the workpiece could cause serious personal injury!
Squaring Stock
Squaring stock involves four steps performed in the following order:
1.Surface Plane on the Jointer: The concave face of the workpiece is surface planed flat with the jointer (see Figure 36).
Figure 36. Surface planing on the jointer.
2.Surface Plane on a Thickness Planer:
The opposite face of the workpiece is sur- face planed flat with a thickness planer (see
Figure 37).
Figure 37. Surface planing on a thickness planer.
3.Edge Joint on the Jointer: The concave edge of the workpiece is jointed flat with the jointer (see Figure 38).
Figure 38. Edge jointing on the jointer.
4.Rip Cut on a Table Saw: The jointed edge of the workpiece is placed against the table saw fence and the opposite edge is cut off (see Figure 39).
Figure 39. Rip cutting on a table saw.
Making adjustments to the jointer while the machine is ON greatly increases the risk to the operator from the rotating cutterhead. ALWAYS make sure the jointer is OFF and disconnected from power before performing adjustments, maintenance, or service on the machine!
Surface Planning
The purpose of surface planing on the jointer is to make one face of the workpiece flat (see Figures
If you are not experienced with a jointer, set the depth of cut to 0" and practice feeding the workpiece across the tables as described for each of the jointing proce- dures. This process will better prepare you for the actual operation.
Figure 40. Example of surface planing with the jointer.
Figure 41. Illustration of surface planing results.
To surface plane the workpiece on the joint- er:
2.Make sure you read and follow the Safety Instructions beginning on Page 6 and the Stock Inspection & Requirement rules beginning on Page 26.
3.Verify that the outfeed table height is properly set (refer to Setting Outfeed Table Height on Page 19).
4.Set the depth of cut for your operation and the fence to 90??.
Note: We suggest a 1???32" depth of cut for sur- face planing, and a more shallow depth for hardwood species or for wide stock.
5.If your workpiece is cupped or warped, place it so the concave side is face down on the infeed table.
6.Connect the jointer to power and turn it ON.
Failure to use push blocks when surface planing could result in your hands contact- ing the rotating cutterhead, which will cause serious personal injury. ALWAYS use push blocks when surface planing on the jointer!
the fence with firm pressure, then feed the workpiece over the cutterhead.
Note: When your leading hand comes within 4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up and place it on the workpiece portion that is on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down- ward pressure with the leading hand while feeding, then repeat the same action with your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" to the cutterhead.
8.Repeat Step 7 until the entire workpiece sur- face is flat.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Edge Jointing
The purpose of edge jointing is to produce a finished,
Figure 42. Example of edge jointing operation.
Figure 43. Illustration of edge jointing results.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
To edge joint on the jointer:
2.Make sure you read and follow the Safety Instructions beginning on Page 6 and the Stock Inspection & Requirement rules beginning on Page 26.
3.Verify that the outfeed table height is properly set (refer to Setting Outfeed Table Height on Page 19).
4.Set the depth of cut for your operation and the fence to 90??.
Note: We suggest
5.If your workpiece is cupped or warped, place it so the concave side is face down on the infeed table.
6.Connect the jointer to power and turn it ON.
the fence with firm pressure, then feed the workpiece over the cutterhead.
Note: When your leading hand comes within 4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up and place it on the workpiece portion that is on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down- ward pressure with the leading hand while feeding, then repeat the same action with your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" to the cutterhead.
8.Repeat Step 7 until the entire workpiece edge is flat.
Bevel Cutting
The purpose of bevel cutting on the jointer is to cut a specific angle of the workpiece edge (see
Your jointer has fence stops that can be set at 90?? or 45??. If your operation requires a different angle, the fence can be locked in place anywhere between these angles.
Figure 44. Fence setup for a bevel cut of 45??.
Figure 45. Illustration of bevel cutting results.
To bevel cut on the jointer:
2.Make sure you read and follow the Safety Instructions beginning on Page 6 and the Stock Inspection & Requirement rules beginning on Page 26.
3.Verify that the outfeed table height is properly set (refer to Setting Outfeed Table Height on Page 19).
4.Set the depth of cut for your operation and the fence to the required angle.
Note: We suggest
5.If your workpiece is cupped or warped, place it so the concave side is face down on the infeed table.
6.Connect the jointer to power and turn it ON.
the fence with firm pressure, then feed the workpiece over the cutterhead.
Note: When your leading hand comes within 4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up and place it on the workpiece portion that is on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down- ward pressure with the leading hand while feeding, then repeat the same action with your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" to the cutterhead.
8.Repeat Step 7 until the bevel cut is satisfac- tory.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Smooth running with less vibration and noise than solid belts. The Power Twist??
Figure 46. H9815 Power Twist??
These indexable carbide inserts can be rotated to provide four factory sharp edges before replace- ment. 14mm x 14mm x 2mm.
(Includes 4 Holders & Knife Inserts)
Inserts (Set of 4)
(Includes 4 Holders & Knife Inserts)
Inserts (Set of 4)
Install a
Figure 48.
These industrial power feeders feature 4 speeds forward or reverse, X Y Z adjustable, and three synthetic rubber rollers. 220V.
Figure 47. Carbide indexable insert for the spiral cutterheads.
Figure 49. 1 HP Power Feeder.
Figure 50. Eye protection assortment.
Wood and other types of dust can cause severe respiratory damage. If you work around dust every- day, a
Figure 51.
Figure 52. Recommended products for protect- ing unpainted cast iron/steel part on machinery.
Cyclone action sepa- rates the heavy dust particles from the fine particles and drops them into the 35 gal- lon steel drum. Any remaining fine dust travels past the impel- ler and is then trapped by a cartridge filter made of
air movement and a clear plastic bag collect the fine cake that shakes off the filter. Casters mount- ed to the drum also make disposal of the larger chips and dust as easy as it gets. Other features include: TEFC Class "F"
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.
For optimum performance from your machine, follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any specific instructions given in this section.
Daily Maintenance:
???Check for loose mounting bolts.
???Check/replace/sharpen damaged or dull cut- ters.
???Check/repair/replace worn or damaged wires.
???Check/resolve any other unsafe condition.
???Clean the tables and exterior of machine.
Every 40 Hours of Operation:
???Check for
???Clean/vacuum dust buildup from inside the cabinet and off the motor.
???Lubricate the pivot points of the fence assem- bly (Page 34).
???Lubricate the cutterhead bearing blocks (Page 34).
Every 160 Hours of Operation:
???Lubricate the table elevation gears and leadscrew (Page 34).
Note: This maintenance schedule is based on average usage. Adjust the maintenance schedule to match your actual usage to keep your jointer running smoothly and to protect your investment.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Cleaning &
Use a brush and shop vacuum to remove chips and debris from the jointer. Wipe the tables clean after every
Remove any rust from the unpainted cast iron surfaces of your jointer, then treat them with regular applications of products such as G96?? Gun Treatment, SLIPIT??, or Boeshield??
Section 5: Accessories on Page 32 for more details).
Other than lubrication points covered in this sec- tion, all other bearings are internally lubricated and sealed at the factory. Simply leave them alone unless they need to be replaced.
An essential step for lubrication is cleaning the components before lubricating them. This idea is critical because dust and chips build up on lubricated components and make the them hard to move. Simply adding more grease to the com- ponents with
Clean the components in this section with an oil/ grease solvent or mineral spirits. Make sure the surfaces are dry before applying additional lubri- cant.
Fence Assembly Pivot Points
The fence assembly has many
Cutterhead Bearing Blocks
The cutterhead bearing blocks are located on either end of the cutterhead (refer to Cutterhead Breakdown on Pages 54 & 61 for detailed illus- trations). The grease fitting for the front bearing block is accessed through a hole in the front table cover. To access the grease fitting for the back bearing block, you must remove the fence.
Clean debris and grime from the grease fitting and the surrounding area, then use a grease pump to add lubricant.
Table Elevation Gears & Leadscrew
Remove the rear motor access cover to access the elevation gears for the infeed and outfeed tables (see Figure 54). Use shop rags, a stiff brush, and mineral spirits to clean away the built- up grime from the gears and elevation leadscrew, then brush on a thin coat of lubricant to these parts.
Figure 54. Table elevation gears and leadscrew.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
When a
2.Remove the rear access motor cover to access the
Motor Pulley
Figure 55.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
3.Loosen the two motor mounting bolts, then, with assistance, raise or lower the motor assembly until there is the proper tension on the
Note: The
Figure 56.
Figure 56. The correct amount of
4.When you have properly tensioned the
To replace the
2.Remove the rear access motor cover, then loosen the motor mounting bolts.
3.With assistance, raise the motor assembly up until you can roll the
4.Replace the
Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section to fix or adjust your machine if a problem devel- ops. If you need replacement parts or you are unsure of your repair skills, then feel free to call our Technical Support at (570)
Motor & Electrical
Infeed Table Stop
The infeed table has a stop bolt that can be set to limit the how much the infeed table can be low- ered (see Figure 57). We recommend that this stop bolt be set for the recommended maximum depth of cut specified for your jointer.
Stop Bolt
Jam Nut
Figure 57. Table stop bolt (viewed from underneath the table).
Cutterhead Inserts
The spiral cutterhead is equipped with indexable carbide inserts that can be rotated to reveal any one of their four cutting edges. If one edge of the insert becomes dull or damaged, simply rotate it 90?? to reveal a fresh cutting edge, as shown in
Figure 58.
Figure 58. Insert rotating sequence.
2.Put on heavy leather gloves to protect your fingers and hands.
3.Remove any sawdust or debris from the head of the insert, Torx screw, and the surrounding area.
4.Remove the Torx screw and the insert, then clean all dust and debris from both parts and the pocket they were removed from.
Note: Proper cleaning of the insert, Torx screw, and the cutterhead pocket is critical to achieving a smooth finish. Dirt or dust trapped between the insert and cutterhead will slightly raise the insert, and make noticeable marks on your workpiece the next time you cut.
Tip: Use
5.Replace the insert so that a fresh cutting edge faces outward.
6.Lubricate the Torx screw threads with a small amount of light machine oil, wipe the excess off, and torque the screw to
Note: If you use the included air pressure torque wrench, refer to the detailed instruc- tions on the next page for its use.
7.Position the straightedge on the outfeed table and over the insert to make sure that it is installed correctly and at the same height as the other inserts.
Air Pressure Torque
To fully tighten the Torx screws with the included air pressure torque wrench:
1.Insert a Torx bit into the collet of the wrench.
2.Make sure the pressure gauge is fully thread- ed onto the wrench, as shown in Figure 59.
Figure 59. Components of the air pressure torque wrench.
3.Add two drops of pneumatic tool oil to the incoming valve of the wrench to keep the internal components lubricated.
4.Connect the wrench to a source of 90 PSI air pressure, then use the adjustment knob of the pressure gauge to initially set the air pressure to 20 PSI on the gauge.
5.Set the direction switch for clockwise rotation and the setting dial to 2.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
6.While carefully holding the insert in position, insert the bit into the Torx screw and press the operation lever to seat the insert. Repeat this step with all remaining inserts.
7`. Adjust the air pressure to 40 PSI, then fully tighten the Torx screw to a final torque setting of approximately
Cutterhead Knives
If your jointer has a
There are several methods for setting the knives. The Jointer Pal?? included with your jointer is simple to use and is designed to hold the knives at the correct setting while you secure them. If you choose to use the Jointer Pal??, follow the instruc- tions that are included with it.
The straightedge method is described below and produces the same results as the Jointer Pal??. This method uses a
7aVX`A^cZhGZegZhZci HigV^\]iZY\ZEdh^i^dch ;gdbDkZg]ZVYK^Zl
Figure 60. Checking knife height with a straightedge.
Note: Since the height of the knives is set from the outfeed table height, the next step is crucial to correctly adjusting the knives.
2.Make sure the outfeed table is parallel to the cutterhead body and the table height is correct (refer to Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism on Page 44 for detailed instruc- tions).
Cutterhead knives are extremely sharp and can quickly slice your hands or fingers. ALWAYS wear heavy leather gloves when handling these cut- ters to avoid personal injury.
3.Remove the cutterhead guard, fence assem- bly, and rear motor access cover to access the cutterhead pulley.
4.Use the cutterhead pulley to rotate the cutterhead and gain access to one of the knives, then lock the cutterhead in place with the cutterhead lock pin (refer to Page 20 for detailed instructions).
5.Turn the cutterhead gib bolts clockwise, start- ing in the middle, then alternating back and forth until the gib is loose (see Figure 61).
Figure 61. Knife correctly positioned in the cutterhead.
6.Carefully remove the knife and gib.
7.If the knife is dull or damaged, replace it with a new one.
8.Clean the knife, gib, and inside the cutterhead slot to remove all the pitch or sawdust. Coat the knife and gib with a metal protectant (refer to Page 32), then fit the gib back into the cutterhead with the knife.
9. Make sure the beveled side of the knife is against the cutterhead, as shown in
Figure 61.
10.Position the straightedge on the outfeed table and over one end of the knife, then use magnets or an assistant to make sure the straightedge stays in full contact with the outfeed table along its full length.
11.Insert the 3mm hex wrench through the access holes in the cutterhead, then rotate the jack screws to raise or lower the knife (see Figure 62). When the knife is set correctly, it will just touch the bottom of the straightedge without lifting it.
Jack Screw
Access Hole
Figure 62. Jack screw access hole.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
12.Rotate all of the gib bolts counterclockwise just enough so the gib holds the knife in place.
13.Repeat Steps
14.Rotate the cutterhead to the first knife you started with.
15.Slightly tighten all the gib bolts, starting in the middle and working your way to the ends by alternating left and right, as illustrated in Figure 63. Repeat this step with the rest of the knives.
Figure 63. Knife gib bolt tightening sequence.
16.Repeat Step 15.
17.Repeat Step 15 again, but final tighten each gib bolt.
18.Replace the motor access cover, the fence assembly, and the cutterhead guard.
Setting Fence Stops
The fence stops simplify the task of setting the fence to 90?? and 45?? (135??).
2.Loosen the fence tilt lock and the jam nut on the 90?? stop, then back off the set screw (see
Figure 64).
Tilt Lock
45?? Stop
90?? Stop
Figure 64. Fence stop controls.
3.Place the machinist's square flat on the outfeed table fairly close to the cutterhead, as shown in Figure 65, adjust the fence to the square, then tighten the fence tilt lock to secure the setting.
Figure 65. Setting the fence to 90?? (cutterhead guard moved away for clarity).
4.Adjust the 90?? set screw until it just touches the tilting arm, then
To set the 45?? fence stop:
2.Loosen the fence tilt lock and the jam nut on the 45?? stop, then back off the set screw (see Figure 64 on the previous page).
3.Place the bevel square set at 135?? flat against the outfeed table close to the cutterhead, as shown in Figure 66, adjust the fence to match the angled face of the square, then re- tighten the tilt lock.
Figure 66. Setting the fence to 45?? (135??), with the cutterhead guard removed for clarity.
4.Adjust the 45?? set screw until it just touches the tilting arm, then
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
Models G9953, G9953ZX, G9953ZXF
2.Loosen the tilt lock and the 90?? stop jam nut, then back off the stop bolt (see Figure 67).
90?? Stop
Tilt Lock
45?? Stop
Figure 67. Fence tilting controls.
3.Place the machinist's square flat on the outfeed table fairly close to the cutterhead, as shown in Figure 65, adjust the fence to the square, then tighten the fence tilt lock to secure the setting.
4.Tighten the stop bolt toward the fence assem- bly until it becomes snug, then
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
To set the 45?? fence stop:
2.Loosen the tilt lock and the 45?? stop jam nut, then back off the stop bolt (see Figure 67).
3.Place the bevel square set at 135?? flat against the outfeed table close to the cutterhead, as shown in Figure 66, adjust the fence to match the angled face of the square, then re- tighten the tilt lock.
4.Tighten the stop bolt toward the fence assem- bly until it becomes snug, then
Adjusting Table
The tables of your jointer MUST be parallel with the cutterhead and each other (see Figure 68) to ensure good cutting results and to reduce the risk of workpiece kickback.
7aVX`A^cZhGZegZhZci HigV^\]iZY\ZEdh^i^dch ;gdbDkZg]ZVYK^Zl
Figure 68. Illustration of table parallelism concept.
Adjusting table parallelism is a task of precision, time, and patience. Fortunately, this is considered a permanent adjustment that should not need to be repeated for the life of the machine.
Due to the complex nature of this task, we recom- mend that you carefully
Note: Typically, a tolerance of ???0.005" or less in parallelism between the tables is considered acceptable.
When adjusting table parallelism, you must do the following: 1) Properly adjust the outfeed table height and parallelism in relation to the cutterhead, and 2) adjust the infeed table parallel to the outfeed table.
Note: If your jointer uses a
Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism
Cutterhead knives and inserts are extremely sharp and can quickly slice your hands or fin- gers. ALWAYS wear heavy leather gloves when han- dling these cutters to avoid personal injury.
2.Models G9860 & G9860ZX: Remove the cutterhead guard, fence assembly, and rear motor access cover to access the cutterhead pulley.
Models G9953, G9953ZX, & G9953ZXF:
Remove the cutterhead guard and fence assembly, then open the rear cutterhead cover to access the cutterhead pulley.
Note: The cutterhead pulley is used in the following steps to rotate the cutterhead.
3.Lower the outfeed table stop bolt and loosen the table lock so that they do not interfere with adjustments.
4.Make sure the precision straightedge and the table surface are free of debris, then place the straightedge on the back of the outfeed table and across the cutterhead.
Note: In the following steps, the process of checking the outfeed table for the cor- rect height above the cutterhead is different between
Spiral Cutterhead: The outfeed table is at the correct height above the cutterhead when an insert is at the
Figure 69. Checking the outfeed table for the correct height above the cutterhead.
5.If the outfeed table surface is not at the right height, use the handwheel to bring the table to the correct height above the cutterhead, then tighten the table lock to secure the set- ting.
6.To check the outfeed table parallelism with the cutterhead body, place the straightedge on the front of the table and measure the height above the cutterhead, as instructed in
Step 4.
Step 12.
7.Remove the front table cover to expose the table adjustment bolts, as shown in
Figure 70.
Note: For Models G9953, G9953ZX, and G9953ZXF, you will need to remove the brake handle and hub before removing the cover.
Figure 70. Front table cover removed to expose the table adjustment bolts.
8. Loosen the cap screw in the center of the outfeed table adjustment bolt three full turns, then loosen the set screw that is directly underneath the adjustment bolt (see
Figure 71).
Note: Both of these screws are used to lock the adjustment bolt in place.
6Y_jhibZci 7dai
8Ve HXgZl
Stop Bolt
Figure 71. Illustration of the table adjustment bolt components.
Note: The goal of the next step is to bring the outfeed table parallel to the cutterhead body from
9.The adjustment bolt shaft is
Jam Nut
Figure 72. Outfeed table stop bolt (viewed from underneath the table).
13.When the Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism procedure is successfully com- pleted, proceed to Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism.
Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism
1.Make sure that all steps in the Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism procedure have been successfully completed and that the jointer is still disconnected from power.
2.Make sure the table surfaces and the preci- sion straightedge are free from any debris that would interfere with taking measurements, then place the straightedge equally over the back of the outfeed and infeed tables.
Note: Make sure the straightedge is not in contact with a knife or insert.
Extreme Series Jointer (Mfg. Since 9/11)
3.With the use of a magnet or an assistant, make sure that the straightedge stays flat against the full length of its contact with the outfeed table during the following steps.
4.Use the handwheel to adjust the infeed table as close as possible to the straightedge, then look closely for any gaps between the infeed table and the straightedge. Repeat this pro- cess on the front of the infeed table.
Note: To access the table adjustment bolts on the back side of the infeed table, remove the back table cover.
5.Use the same process you performed in Step 9 on Page 46 to raise or lower the left or right end of the infeed table to eliminate the gaps. Adjust the adjustment bolts equally on each side for the targeted end of the table, one after the other, in very small increments (see
Figure 73).
Figure 73. Locations of the infeed table adjustment bolts.
6.Repeat Steps
7.If the table adjustment cap and set screws are loose,
8.Loosen the screw that secures the depth of cut pointer (see Figure 74), adjust the pointer to "0", then
Figure 74. Depth of cut scale and pointer.
9.If your jointer uses a
Adjusting/Replacing Cutterhead Knives subsection on Page 39.
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Wiring Safety Instructions
MODIFICATIONS. BdY^[n^c\ i]Z l^g^c\ WZndcY l]Vi^hh]dlc^ci]ZY^V\gVbbVnaZVYidjcegZ" Y^XiVWaZ gZhjaih! ^cXajY^c\ hZg^djh ^c_jgn dg [^gZ# I]^h^cXajYZhi]Z^chiVaaVi^dcd[jcVeegdkZYV[iZg" bVg`ZieVgih#
WIRE CONNECTIONS. 6aa XdccZXi^dch bjhi WZ i^\]i id egZkZci l^gZh [gdb addhZc^c\ Yjg^c\ bVX]^cZ deZgVi^dc# 9djWaZ"X]ZX` Vaa l^gZh Y^h" XdccZXiZYdgXdccZXiZYYjg^c\Vcnl^g^c\iVh`id ZchjgZi^\]iXdccZXi^dch#
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CAPACITORS/INVERTERS. HdbZ XVeVX^idgh VcYedlZg^ckZgiZghhidgZVcZaZXig^XVaX]Vg\Z[dg je id &% b^cjiZh V[iZg WZ^c\ Y^hXdccZXiZY [gdb i]Z edlZg hdjgXZ# Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ WZ^c\ h]dX`ZY!lV^iViaZVhii]^hadc\WZ[dgZldg`^c\dc XVeVX^idgh#
EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ndjVgZZmeZ" g^ZcX^c\Y^[[^Xjai^ZhjcYZghiVcY^c\i]Z^c[dgbVi^dc ^cXajYZY ^c i]^h hZXi^dc! XdciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa HjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++(#
The photos and diagrams included in this section are best viewed in color. You can view these pages in color at
G9860 & G9860ZX Wiring Diagram
2 Control Panel
3 4
Disconnect power before working on wiring.
(As Recommended)
G9953 & G9953ZX Wiring Diagram
2 Control Panel
2 Control Panel
2 Control Panel
(As Recommended)
G9860/G9860ZX Cabinet Breakdown
& Parts List
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G9860 Cutterhead & Motor Parts List
G9860ZX Cutterhead & Motor Parts List
G9860/G9860ZX Fence Breakdown
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G9860 Fence Parts List
G9860ZX Fence Parts List
G9860/G9860ZX Table Breakdown
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G9860/G9860ZX Handwheel Breakdown
& Parts List
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G9953/G9953ZX/G9953ZXF Fence Parts List
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Breakdown Table G9953/G9953ZX/G9953ZXF
G9953/G9953ZX/G9953ZXF Table Parts List
G9953/G9953ZX/G9953ZXF Handwheel
Breakdown & Parts List
G9953/G9953ZX/G9953ZXF Motor
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G9953/G9953ZX Motor Parts List
G9953ZXF Motor Parts List
Label Placement
* Not Shown
Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again. Contact Grizzly at (800)
The following information is given on a voluntary basis. It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of course, all information is strictly confidential.
10. 8dbbZcih/ _____________________________________________________________________
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