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]f ~.WU&wI???tunderstand something




C~msumerAfftiirs GE Appkmccs AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225

VVrite dolvlli the model and serial numbers.

You*11findthemon a labellocated insidetheovenon the leftside. Sccpage4.

Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthatcamewith youroven.Beforesendingin this card, pieasewritethesenumbers here:

Model Number

Serial Number

tJse these numbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyouroven.

HJW. UWeived

a &mWed 0%???Wi???le00

Immediatelycontactthe dealer(or builder)that soldyouthe oven.

save time and !HBOEFMYJL lR$kWE???you Ireqwst


Checkthe ProblemSolveron page 15.It Iistscausesof minor operatingproblemsthat youcan correctyourself.

when You&t YiR.lwoven



Warmingflr???13&siingtile 2X!$QEHe

I?mkmgi???xiUSCd theown without xkquate ve~=tilaticmcan be h,azardc)us.

@Ix] TMMuse Waisr on gr&3sa fires. Flame in!Q%%?ncan be snlothered by completely &Mlg door and turning OVEN TEhlP to OFF*

QDo not WWeflammable materials in an oven.

@Do not M Cooting grW3M? or ???otherflammable materials accumulate in or near the Well.

* Do not use oven for a storage area.

@Stand away from the oven when opening oven door. The hot air or steam which escapes can ca!useburns to hmMk5face aMM9reye%

a Keep Wen free frwmgrease??? buildup.

e Place oven shelvesin desired position Wh&?oven is $00].

@Pulling out shelf to the $k?lf stop is a Conveniencein lifting heavyRMdSIt. isalso8 pmution against burns from touching hot surfaces of the???door on???oven


@AhwysMmove broilerpm fumbroilercol~partmentas MH.m$3syoufinishbroiling.

Chase leftin the pan can catch fire if ovenis used without removingthe grease from the broikx pan.

???=}y~en$ broiling?if meatistoo

dme totheflme9 thefatmay ignite.Trimexcessfattoprevent excessiveflare-ups.

@Make sure broilerpm ish. placecorrectlyto reducethe possibilityofgreasefires.

@If you should km! a gww fire in the broiler pan9turnoff oven,andkeepdrawerclosedto containfireuntilit burnsout.

e clean only!pWslistedinthis use andcareBook.

a KeepO???vel???ndean $Imdfreeof

accumulations d greaseOF

spilloven Wtich mayignite.

e Dolft WN?aluminum foil anywhere in the oven except as described in this book. Misuse could result in a fire hazard or damageto the range.

@DQn9theat unopened food Conbiners in the oven. Imwsslw

could build up ad. the Conbiner could bwst Causing am injury.

a use dy glass mdm???are that is Feconlmemded for use in gas


e~y~~nusing Coo!fing OF ImMing bags in. owm9 follow

the rnarmfactunx???sdirections.

~ Read66???H???M!Problemsdwr??? onpageE d thisbook

e Don9tattempttoi-wpahG4r

repkx! my partd yew??? ???4Yw!n

Udessit isspecifically

recommendedin???this. bwlk.AH otherservicings!mkl bereferred to a qualifiedtechnician.


???-. .








Automaticovenher ad clock



TheMinuteTimerhasbeen combinedwiththeovenclock.Use it to timeall yourprecisecooking operations.You???llrecognizeit as thepointerwhichis differentin colorthanthe clockhands.

Minutesare markedup to 60 on the centerringof theclock.

???I???oset theMinuteTimer,turn the knobto the left, withoutpushingin,

. untilthepointerreachesthenumber ofminutesyouwantto time.

ModelJGKC16GEH $

TheMinuteTimeris the largedial to thelefiof the digitalclock. Use it to timeall yourprecisecooking operations.This dialalso changes thedigitalclock.

TOset the MinuteThner,turn thecenterknobclockwise,without pushingin, untilthepointerreaches thenumberof minutesyouwantto time(upto 60).

At the end of the timeset on eitherMinuteTimer9a buzzer soundsto MByoutimeis up. Turn fheknob,withoutpushingin, until thepointerreachesOFF and the buzzerstops.


Toset the (Hock,pushtheknobin and turn the clockhandsto the rightto the correcttime.Then let the knoboutandcontinueturning to OFF.


Toset theClock,pushin thecenter knobofthe MinuteTimerand turn the knobin eitherdirectionto set the digitalclocknumeralsto the correcttime. (Aftersettingthe clock, let the knobout andturn the MinuteTimerpointerto OFF.)


This Timerwillautomaticallystart and stopyourovenfor you.Here???s whatyoudo:

L Makesurebothyourovenclock andtheSTARTdialshowthecorrect timeof day.Whenthe STARTknob ispushedinandturned,itwill???pop??? intoplacewhenthe time shownon the ovenclockis reached.

2.Setthe STARTcontrol.Push in and turnthe STARTknobto the timeyouwanttheovento turn itself on. (Ifyouwantit to startcooking immediately,do notset the Start time.)

3.Setthe SIXIPcontrol.Pushin and turn the STOPknobto thetime

youwantthe ovento turn itselfoff.

Note:Theremustbeat leasta half hourdifferencebetweentheSTART and SKIP dialsfortheautomatic controlto work.

4.Set theOVENSETknobto


5.Setthe OVENTEMPknobto the desiredcookingtemperature.

Nowtheovenwillturn itselfon immediatelyor at a later Starttime thatyouset, cookatthe temperature youselectedand turn itselfoffat the Stoptimeyouselected.

After takingfoodoutof the oven, be sureto turn theOVENTEMP controlto off and theOVENSET knobto the MAN. OVENsetting whereit shouldbe keptfor normal ovenuse.




Theovenandbroilerburnerscm yourovertare lightedhy electric ignitioneliminatingthe needfor standingpilotlightswithconstantly burningflame.




DURINGAN ELECTRICAL POWERFAILURE.Resumption of electricalpowerwhenOVEN TEMPcontrolis in anyposition otherthan OFF willresultin automaticignitionof the oven burnerandcouldcausesevere burnsif, at the time,youwere attemptingto lightthe burnerwith a match.

TO~@ ~~~Ove~ Burner

llmn the OVENTEMP knobto the desiredtemperature.The burner shouldignitewithin60 seconds.


Anair adjustmentshutterfor the ovenburnerregulatesthe flowofair tothe flame.

Removethe broilerpan and rack, pullthe broilercompartmentdrawer outto the ???stop???positionor remove thebroilercornp&tmentshelfand you???llfindthe shutteragainstthe backwallof thecompartment.

screwand rotatetheshutterto ailow moreor lessair intotheburnertube as needed.

When the rightamountof air flow%intothe lmrner,the flame shouldbe steady,withapproximate]y l-inchblueconesandshouldnot extendoutoverthebaffleedges.


1. Lookat thecontrol.Besureyou understandhowto set itproperly.

2.Checkthe insideof the oven. Lookat the shelves.Practice removingand replacingthem whilethe ovenis cool.

3.Readthe informationandtips on the followingpages.

4.Keepthisbookhandywhereyou can referto it???especiallyduring the first fewweeksof getting acquaintedwithyouroven.

(hen TemperatureControl

The OVENTEMPcontrolis locatedon the upperovencontrol panel.

The shelvesare designedwith stop-locksso whenplacedcorrectly on the shelfsupports,theywillstop beforecomingcompletelyout of the ovenand willnot tilt whenyou are removingfoodor placingfood on them.

Whenplacingcookwareon a shelf, pullthe shelfout to the ???stop??? position.Placethe cookwareon the shelf, then slidethe shelfback intothe oven.This willeliminate reachingintothe hotoven.

Toremovethe shelvesfromtheoven ??? for cleaning,pulloutto stop

position,lift upon frontand pull ??? ~ &emout. -


The ovenhas fourshelfsumorts- A (bottom),B, C and D (t&). Shelf positionsfor cookingare suggested on Bakingand Roastingpages.


3\ /



I adjustment shutter

3-???()adjust the fhvvof air to the burner,loosenthePhillipshead

Simplyturn the knobto the desired cookingtemperatures,whichare markedin 25???F.incrementson the dial. It willnormallytake30 to 60 secondsbeforethe flamecomeson.

Afterthe ovenreachesthe selected temperature,theovenburnercycles off completely,thenon witha full flameto keepthe oventemperature controlled.


As yourovenheatsup, the temperaturechangeof the air in the ovenmaycausewater dropletsto formon the door glass. Topreventthis, open the ovendoor for the first minute of ovenheat-upto let the moist air out.

oven Light

Use switchon controlpanelto turn lighton and off.






1. Posi\kmthe shelfor shelvesin theoven.


TIWWknobto desiredtempmawre. Preheatovenforat least 10minutes if preheatingis necessary.

3. Placefoodin ovenon center of shelf. Allowat leastan inch

betweenedgeof bakewareandoven wallor adjacentcookware.

If cookingcmIwoshelvesat the sametime, piaceshelvesabout4 inchesapart andstaggerfoodon them.

4. Checkfoodfordonenessat minimumtimeon recipe.Cook longerif necessary.Switchoff heatand removefood.



Preheatingis veryimportantwhen usingtemperaturesbelow225???F. andwhenbakingfoodssuchas biscuits,cookie~,cakesandother pastries.

Preheatingis notnecessarywhen roastingor forlong-timecookingof wholemeals.


Mostbakingis doneon the second shelfposition(B)fromthe bottom. ,

V/henbakingthreeor four items, usetwoshelvespositionedon the secondand fourthsetsof supports (B& D) from bottomof oven.

Bakeangelfoodcakeson firstshelf position(A) frombottomof oven.

Baking mps

@Followa testedrecipeand meawretheingredientscarefully. [fyouareusinga packagemix, followlabeldirections.

s Ifmoistureisnoticeableontile

frontoftheovenorontheoven windowwhenfirstturningonthe oven,leavetheovendoorajarfora fewminutesor untiltheoveniswmno

@Donotopentheovendoorduring a bakingoperation-heatwillbelost andthebakingtimemightneedto beextended.Thiscouldcausepoor bakingresults.Ifyoumustopenthe door,openitpartially-only 3 or4 inches???andcloseitasquicklyas possible.

*Donotdisturbtie heatcirculation

intheovenwiththeuseofaluminum foil.If foilis used,placea small sheetof it, about10by 12inchesat themost,on a lowershelfseveral inchesbelowthefood.Donotplace foilontheovenbottom.

Comon BakingProblems andPossibleSolutions



~Oventoofill; avoidovercrowding. *Edgesofcrusttoothin. @Incorrectbakingtemperature.



sufficientlybeforefi~lingpieshell. ~Fillingmaybe toothinorjuicy.

~Fillingallowedto standinpieshell beforebaking.(Fillpie shellsand bakeimmediately.) @Ingredientsandpropermeasuring affectthequalityofthecrust.Usea testedrecipeandgoodtechnique. Makesurethereareno tinyholesor tearsin a bottomcrust. ???Patching??? a piecrustcouldcausesoaking.

Pie f???diingrunsover

~Topandbottomcrustnotwell sealedtogether. @Edgesofpiecrustnotbuiltup




Pastryis tough;crustnotflaky

@Toomuchhandling. ~Fattoosofior cutintoofine.

Rolldoughlightlyandhandleas littleaspossible.


Cakeriseshigherm me side

~Batterspreadunevcrdyinpan. @oven shelvesnotlevel,




oOventemperaturetoohigh. ~Battertoothick,followrecipe or exactpackagedirections.

* Checkforpropershelfposition. @Chwkpansizecakd forinrecipe.



~Toomuchshortening,sugaror liquid.

a Checkleaveningagent,baking powderor bakingsodatoassure freshness.Makea habitto note expirationdatesofpackaged ingredients. ~Cakenotbakedlongenoughor at incorrecttemperature.

*If addingoiltoa cakemix,make certaintheoilisthetypeand amountspecified.

Crustis hard @Checktemperature.


Cakehassoggylayerorstreaks at bottom

e Underminingingredients.

e Shorteningtoosoftforproper


e TOOmuchliquid.


Doughycenter;heavycruston surface

e Checktemperature.

e Checkshelfposition.

e FO11OWbakinginstructions carefullyasgiveninreliablerecipe or onconveniencefoodpackage. e Flatcookiesheetswillgivemore

evenbakingresults.Don???tovercrowd foodsona bakingsheet. ~Conveniencefoodsusedbeyond


Browningmorenoticeableon oneside

~Ovendoornotclosedproperly, checkgasketseal. @Checkshelfposition.





Bting Guide


L Preheating isvery important wiwnusingtemperaturesbelow

225???F.and when bakingfoods suchas biscuits,cookies,cakes andotherpastries.Preheatthe ovenfor at least 15minutes.

Preheatingis notnecessarywhen roastingor for long-timecooking of wholemeals.



Biscuits(%-in.thick) ShinyCookieSheet




Roastingis cookingby dry heat. Tendermeator poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,which shouldbe lowand steady,keep spatteringto a minimum.When roasting,it is notnecessaryto sear, baste,cover,or add waterto your meat. Roastingis easy,just follow thesesteps:

Step L Positionovenshelfat secondfrombottomposition(B)for smallsizeroast (3 to 5 lbs.) andat bottomposition(A) for larger roasts.


Step2: Checkweightof roas~. Placemeatfat-side-upor poultry breast-side-upon roastingrack in a shallowpan. Themeltingfatwill bastethe meat. Selecta panas closeto the sizeof meatas possible. (Broilerpan withrack is a good pan for this.)

Step3: lbrn OVENTEMPcontrol to desiredtemperature.Checkthe RoastingGuidefor temperatures andapproximatecookingtimes.

Step4:Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhilestandingafter beingremovedfromthe oven.For rare or mediuminternaldoneness, if meatis to stand 10to 20 minutes whilemakinggravyor foreasier carving,youmaywishto remove meatfromovenjust beforeit is done.If no standingis planned, cookmeatto suggested temperature

Rozen Roask

Frozenroastsof beef,pork, lamb,etc., can be startedwithout thawing,butallow10to 25 minutes per poundadditionaltime (10 minutesper poundfor roastsunder 5 pounds,moretimefor larger roasts).

Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness. Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbe cookedsuccessfullywithout thawing.Followdirectionsgiven on packer???slabel.

*Forbonelessrolledroastsover6-inches thick,add5 to 10mirmtesper lb. to times givenabove.


Chickenor Duck






Broilingis cookingfoodbydirect heatfromabovethe food.Your rangehasa convenientcompartment belowthe ovenfor broiling.It also hasa speciallydesignedbroilerpan andrack thatallowdrippingfatto drainawayfromthe foodsandbe

keptawayfromthehighheatof tie gasfl~.eo

Distancefromtheheat sourcemay bechangedbypositioningthebroiler panand rack on oneof threeshelf positionsin thebroilercompartment???



A(bottomof broilercompartment),

B(middle)andC (top).

Both the ovenand broiler

compartmentdoorsshouldbe ciosedduringbroiling.


L If meathas fator gristlenearthe edge,cut verticalslashesthroughit about2 inchesapart, but don???tcut intomeat. Werecommendthatyou trimfatto preventexcessive smoking,leavinga layerabout l/8-inchthick.

2.Removebroilerpan and rack frombroilercompartmentand placefoodon rack.

3.Pullout broilerdraweror broiler shelfand positionbroilerpan in compartmentPlacingfoodcloserto. flameincreasesexteriorbrowning

of food,but also increases spatteringand thepossibilityof fats andmeatjuices igniting.

4. Closebroilerdoorand, for most foods,turn OVENTEMP knobto BROIL.Exceptionsare chicken andhamwhichare broiledat a lowersettingin order to cookfood throughbeforeoverbrowningit.

5. Tbrnmost foodsonce during cooking;(theexceptionis thinffllets offish;oil one side,placethat side downonbroilerrackandcookwithout turninguntildone).Timefoodsfor aboutone-halfthetotalcooking time,turn food, thencontinueto cookto preferreddoneness.

sausages, bratwurst

Spaceevenly.Upto 8 patties takeaboutsametime.

Steakslessthan l-in. cook throughbeforebrowning. Panfryingis recommended.



Reducetimesabout5-10rein, per sideforcut-upchicken. Brusheachsidewithmelted butter.Broilwithskinsidedown firstandbroilwithdoorclosed.

Spaceevenly.PlaceEnglish muffinscut-side-upandbrush withbutterif desired.

Cutthroughbackofshell,spread open.Brushwithmeltedbutter beforeandafter halftime.

Handleandturnverycarefully. Brushwithlemonbutterbefore andduringcookingif desired.

Preheatbroilerto increase browning.


for 1%-in.thickor homecured,



If desired,splitsausagesinhalf lengthwise;cut into5 to 6-in.





6. TurnOVENTEMP knobto OFF.Removebroilerpan from compartmentand servefood immediatelyLeavepan. outside

compartmentto cool.10



Thespecialcoatingis notused on ovenshelves.Shelvesshouldbe cleanedoutsidetheoven,to avoid damageto the specialcoating.

Donotscrapetheporoussurface witha knifeorspatula???-theycould permanentlydamagethe finish.

special care of


(hen Interior


Yourovenhasa Continuous- Cleaninginteriorthatcleansitself whilecooking.Theinsideof the

oven???top,sides,andback???is finishedwitha specialcoating whichcannotbe cleanedin the usualmannerwithsoap,detergents, commercialovencleaners,coarse abrasivepadsor coarsebrushes.

??? Useof suchcleanersand/orthe use ofovensprayswillcausepermanent damage.

The specialcoatingis a porous ceramicmaterialwhichis dark in colorand feelsslightlyroughto the touch.If magnified,the surface wouldappearas peaks,valleys,and sub-surface???tunnels?This rough finishtendsto preventgrease spattersfromforminglittlebeads or dropletswhichrun downthe sidewallsof a hard-surfaceoven linerleavingunsightlystreaksthat requirehandcleaning.Instead, ~~henspatterhitstheporousfinish it isdispersedandis partially absorbed.This spreadingaction increasesthe exposureof oven soilto heatedair, andmakesit somewhatlessnoticeable.

Soilmaynotdisappearcompk%ely andat sometime afterextended usage,stainsmayappearwhich carmotbe removed.

The special!coatingworksbestOn

smallmmmts ofspatter.It does


~aa ~~peci~lly sugars,eggor dairy ~<~~???mixtures.


ContinuowAkming Oven:

1. Let ovenpartscoolbefore handling.It is recommendedthat rubberglovesbe wornwhen cleaningovenpartsmanually.


3.Soilvisibilitymaybe reducedby operatingthe ovenat 450???F.Close the doorandturn OVENTEMP knobto 450??F.Timeforat least4 hours.Repeatedcyclesmaybe necessarybeforeimprovementin appearanceis apparent.







4. If a spilloveror heavysoiling occurson the poroussurface,as soonas practicalaftertheovenhas cooled,removeas muchof the soil as possibleusinga smallamountof waterand a stiffbristlenylon brush. Whenusingwater,use it sparinglyand changeit frequently, keepingit as cleanas possible,and be sureto blotit up withpaper towels,cloths,or sponges.Do not rubor scrubwithpapertowels, clothsor sponges,sincetheywill leaveunsightlylinton theoven finish.If waterleavesa whitering on the finishas it dries, applywater againandblotitwitha cleansponge, startingat the edgeof the ring and workingtowardthe center.

Do not use soap, detergent, commercialovencleaner,silicone ovensprays,coarsesteelpadsor coarsebrusheson the porous surface.Theseproductswill spot, clog,andmar the poroussurface and reduceits abilityto work.

Porcelain(hen hterior

Withpropercare,theporcelain enamelwallswillretaintheirgood- -lookingfinishformanyyears.

Soapandwaterwillnormally dothejob. Heavyspatteringor spilloversmayrequirecleaning witha mildabrasivecleanser.Soapy, wetpadsmayalsobeused.Donot allowfd spillswitha highsugaror acidcontent(suchasmilk,tomatoes, sauerkraut,fruitjuicesor piefilling) toremainonthesurfhce.Theymay causea dullspotevenaftercleaning.

Householdammoniamaymakethe cleaningjob easier.P!ace1/2cupina shallowglassor potterycontainerin a coldovenovernightTheammonia. fumeswillhelploosentheburned-on greaseandfood.

If necessary,youmayusea caustic cleaner.Followthepackage directions.

Cautionsaboutusing spray-onovencleaners:


is sprayed.

6Donotsprayontheelectrical controlsandswitches(onmodelsso equipped)becauseitcouldcausea shortcircuitandresultin sparking or fire.

e DO not allow a film fromthe

cleanertobuilduponthetempemture sensingbulb???itcouldcausethe oventoheatimproperly.(Thebulb is locatedatthetopoftheoven.) Carefullywipethebulbcleanafter eachovencleaning,beingcareful nottomovethebulbas a changein itspositioncouldaffecthowthe ovenbakes.

~Donotsprayanyovencleaner ontheovendoor,handlesor any exteriorsurfaceoftheoven,wood or paintedsurfaces.Thecleanercan damagethesesurfaces.




mmF- ???.



(contitlued mst pqe)




Tkwovendoor is removableto makecleaningtheoveneasier.

Toremovethedoor,open it a few inchesto the specialstop position thatwillholdthedooropen. Grasp firmlyon eachsideand lift thedoor straightup and offthe hinges.(IMe to thelargeamountof insulation andtheconstructionof the door,it is heavy).

Note: Be carefulnotto placehands betweenthe springhingeandthe ovendoor frame.The hingecould snapbackand pinchfingers.

Washwithhot, soapywater.For stubbornspots,usea solutionof ammoniaand water.Do not immersethe doorin water.

TOreplace the door, positionslots in bottomof dooroverthe hinges thatare in the ???out???position.Then lowerthe door slowlyand evenly overbothhingesat the sametime. If hingessnapbackagainsttheoven frame,pullthemback?ut.

ModelJGKC16GEHalso hasa removablebroilercompartment doorwhichmaybe removedfor cleaning.


The raisedsectionof theoven bottomis removableforcleaning. Takeit outof theovenandyoucan applyeffectivecleanersto clean up excessivespilloversor remove baked-onsoil???cleanersthatshould neverbe usednearthespecial porousceramicoveninterior.

To removetheovenbottom:

L Removetheovenshelves.


2. Liftupwhrdon shelfsupports. Swingbottomof supportstoward centerof ovenand remove.

3. Removethetwoknurledhold- downscrewsat eachfrontcorner. If screwsare tootightto removeby hand, use a screwdriver.

4. Placeyourfingersin the slotsin the bottomand lift up the front edgeof the ovenbottomuntilit is clear of the ovenfrontframe.

5. Pullthe bottomforwardandout of theoven.keepingthe rearof the ovenbottomglidingon thebottom of thelowestshelfglide.Thiskeeps itfromcatchingontheburnerigniter shield.Toreplacethe bottom,just reversethisprocedure,makkigsure thetwotabson therear of theoven bottomgo intotheslotsat the rear.

Theovenbottomhas a porcelain enamelfinish.Tomakecleaning easier,protecttheovenbottom fromexcessivespillovers.This is particularlyimportantwhenbaking a fruitpieor otherfoodswithhigh acidcontent.Hotfruit fillingsor foodsthatare acidin contentsuch as milk,tomatoor sauerkraut,and sauceswith vinegaror lemon juice,maycausepittinganddamage to theporcelainenamelsurface.

Toprotectthe ovenbottomsurface, placea pieceofaluminumfoil slightlylargerthanthe bakingdish or smallcookiesheeton a lower rackor underthebakingdishto catchanyboilovers.It shouldnot completelycoverthe rack as this wouldcauseunevenheat in the oven.Aluminumfoilshouldnot be placedon theovenbottom.

If a spilloverdoesoccuron the ovenbottom,allowthe ovento cool first. Youcan cleanthe bottomwith soapandwater,a mildabrasive cleanser,soap-filledabrasivepads, or causticovencleanerfollowing manufacturer???sdirections.

Whenapplyingovencleaner, be carefulnotto getit on the countertop,floor,continuous- cleaningovenpartsor anyother surface.

Note:Porcelainovendoor linerand ovenbottommaybe cleanedwith a commercialovencleaner.They mustbe removedandcleanedaway fromthe oventopreventdamageto the continuous-cleaningovenliner.


.-?????? ovenSheh???es

OVenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith a mildabrasivecleanserfollowing manufacturer???sdirections.After cleaning,rinsetheshelveswithclean water and dry witha dry cloth.TO rernovc heavy,burned-onsoil,soapy metalpads maybe used following manufkcturer>sdirections.After scrubbing,washwithsoapywater,

rinse and dry.

Broiler Rn & Wck

After broiling, remove the broiler raclc and carefully pour off the grease. Wash and rinse the pan and rack in hot, soapy water.

If food has burned on, sprinkle the broiler rack while hot with

detergent and cover with wet paper

towelsor a dish cloth. That way, burned-onfoodswillsoak loose whilethe meal is beingserved.

Donotstorea soiledbroilerpan andrackin theovenor broiler compartment.

SOven LightBulb


Beforereplacing any light bulb, disconnect electric power to the range at the main fuse or circuit breakerpanel. Letthe bulbcool completelybeforeremovingit. Do nottoucha hotbulbwith a damp cioth???thebulbwillbreak.

Thelightbulb in yourovenis locatedin the upperright corner. Reachin and unscrewit aller taking precautionsmentionedabove. Replaceit with a high-temperature appliancebulb of the same wattage.



Thetemperaturecontrolin your newovenhasbeencarefullyadjusted to provideaccuratetemperatures. However,if thisovenhas replaced oneyouhaveusedforseveralyears, youmaynoticea differencein the degreeof browningor the length oftimerequiredwhenusingyour favoriterecipes.Oventemperature controlshavea tendencyto ???drift??? overa periodof yearsandsince thisdrift is verygradual,it is not readilynoticed.Therefore,you mayhavebecomeaccustomedto yourpreviousovenwhichmay haveprovideda higheror lower temperaturethanyouselected.

Beforeattemptingto havethe temperatureof yournewoven changed,be sureyouhavefollowed the bakingtimeandtemperatureof the recipecarefhlly.Then, after youhaveusedtheovena fewtimes andyoufeelthe ovenis toohot

or toocool, thereis a simple adjustmentyoucanmakeyourself on the OVENTEMPknob.

Pullthe knoboff thecontrolshaft andlookat the backside.There is a discin the centerof theknobskirt witha seriesof notcheson theimer edgenextto the knobshafl.Oneof thesenotchesis positionedovera pointeron thesideoftheknobshaft.

Note position of pointer to notches before adjustment

~ .+fl???;l $!h /


???\\ +&. h & ,???/ %? W

Notewhichnotchthepointeris locatedin. Tbmakean adjustment, carefullyloosen(approximately oneturn), butdo notcompletely removethe twoscrewsthatholdthe skirtto the knob.Holdthe knobin one handand withtheotherhand carefullytiltthe skirtuntilthenotch in thediscclearsthepointeron the knobshaft.

Tomisethe oventemperature,turn the dial in thedirectionofthe arrowfor ???Raise~???Tolowerthe temperature,turn thedial in the directionof arrowfor ???Lower~??? Eachnotchwillchangetheoven temperatureapproximately25??E

Wesuggestthatyoumakethe adjustmentonenotchfromthe originalsettingandcheckoven performancebeforemakingany additionaladjustments.

Afterthe adjustmentis made,make surethepointeron theknobshaft is alignedwiththenotchin thedisc. Press skirtandknobtogetherand retightenscrewssotheyare snug, butbe carefulnotto overtighten.

Re-installknobon rangeand checkperformance.Note:After an adjustmenthasbeenmadethe ???Off??? and ???Broil???positionswill not lineup withtheindicatormark on the controlpanelas they previouslydid. Thiscondition

is normalandwill notcreate a problem.


Clemiw Guide

NW: Let rangeptiriscoolbeforeckxming.


Wash,rinse,andthenpolishwitha drycloth.DONCYI???USEsteelwool,abrasives, ammonia,acids,or commercialovencleanemwhichmaydamagethefinish.

Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel.If acidsshould spillontherangewhileitishot,useadrypapertowelor clothto wipeuprightaway. Whenthesurfiicehascooled,washandrinse, I% otherspills,suchasfatsmatterings,etc., washwithsoapandwaterwhencooledandthenrinse.IWishwithdrycloth.

Usea mildsolutionofsoapandwater.Donotuseanyharshabrasivesor cleaningpowders whichmayscratchor marsurface.

Tocleanovendoor;removebyopeninga fewinchesandgraspingdoorat sides.Liftdoor upandawayfromhinges.Cleanwithanyandall mentionedmaterials.Replaceby graspingdoorat sidesandliningupdoorwithhinges.Pushdoorfirmlyintoplace.

*Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices, andbastingmaterialscontainingacidsmaycausediscoloration.Spilloversshouldbeblottedupimmediately,withcare beingtakennottotouchanyhotportionoftheoven.Whenthesurfaceis cool, cleanandrinse.

??? --???.




-- ??????-??????-??? --???.??? -.

. . . . . .










* Hug cm rangeis notmnpkkly . insertedintothe outletreceptacle. @(3rcuit breakerin househas beentripped,or fusehasbeenblown. =(hm controlsare riotproperlyset.

~Lightbulbis Io(x.

~Mb is defective.lleplace. @Switchwhichoperatesovenlightis bro???ken~all. for service.

~OVEFJT~Mp knobnot set at 131U31L13roilerwillnotoperateif. OVEN TEMP knobis turnedpastBROIL.

* Foodis beingcookedon hotpan. @Utensilsare notsuitedfor broiling.

@OVENSET knobnotset on AUTO.OVENwhenusingAutomaticOven Timer.

~ OVENTEMP knobnotset correctly.

@Shelfpositionis incorrect.CheckRoastingandBakingpages.

*Ovenshelfis notlevel.

*Wrongcookwareis beingused.Whenroasting,pan is toosmail.

*Foiltentnotusedwhenneededto SIOWdownbrowningduringroasting.

~Be sureovenventductis notblockedor covered.

If YouNeedservice



Saveproof of original purchase date such as your sales slip or cancelled check to establish warranty period.


For one year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and service labor in your home to repair or replace anypartof the range that fails

because of a manufacturing defect.

WHATISNo-rCOVEREDe Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product.

Read your Use and Care material.

If you then have any questions about operating the product, please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below, or call, toll free:

GE Answer Center??? 800.626.2000

consumer information service

@improper installation.

If you have an installation problem, contact your dealer or installer. You are responsible for providing adequate electrical, gas, exhausting and other connecting facilities.

This warranty is extended tO

the original purchaser and any - succeeding owner for products purchased for ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii and Washington, D.C.In Alaska the warranty is the same except that it is LIMITED because you must pay to ship the product to the service shop or for the service technician???s travel costs to your home.

All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized Customer Care@ servicers during normal working hours.

Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory fa; GENERAL ELECTRIC COfvlPANYj





e Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.

@Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose or used commercially.

e Damage to product caused by accident, fire, floods or acts of God.



Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state, To know what your legal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state???s Attorney General.


Warrantor: General Electric Company

H further help is needed concerning this warrahty, write:

Manager???-ConsumerAffairs, GE Appliances, Louisville, KY 40225

Part NO.164D1352P225

iPub. No. 49-4993

PIN 56(3S118P12 I



