. Thank you for purchasing a Canon product.
Speedlite Transmitter
The transmitting range is about 12 to 1 5 meters / 39.4 to 49.2 ft indoors and 8 to 10 meters / 26.2 to 32.8 ft outdoors. With Type A cameras
This Instructions booklet assume t h a t a Type A cam- era is used with the
With Type H cameras (EOS cameras except 'I'ype A models), the
FE lock
Flash exposure compensation
Manual flash (Flash output set with Speedlite)
With the
slave P ~ O U D S .modeline flash firing. and linkage- of
A F - a s k t dea'm to a r e a k .
C ???
The CE Mark is a Directive cunformity mark of the European Community (ECl
This digital apparatus does not exceed t h e Class B limits for radio noise emissions frnrn digital appara- tus a s set out in the
Specifications ........................................................................................................................35
All t h e operation instructions in this booklet assume t h a t the
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. peration is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference receivcd, including interlilrence that may cause undesired operation.
Do not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the instructions. If such changt.s or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to conlply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 16the FCC Rules. These limits arc designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantec that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
1. Nomenclature
2. Readying the
(I) Installing the Battery
Use one l i t h i u m 2CR5 b a t t e r y (sold separately).
1Slide the battery compartment cover as shown by the arrow and remove.
Install the battery in the orien- tation shown in the compart- ment.
Install the battery compart- ment cover to close the battery compartment.
About the battery
If t h e b a t t e r y c o n t a c t s a r e soiled, improper electrical con- t a c t m a y r e s u l t . Before installing the battery, wipe the battery contacts with a clean cloth.
When to replace the battery Replace the battery if it takes 30 sec. o r longer for t h e red pilot l a m p to light a f t e r you s e t t h e main switch to < I > or < HOLD >.
(2)Attachment to the Camera
Push in the
a's hot shoe.
Slide t h e shoe lock slider a s shown by the arrow. (The lock pin protrudes to lock t h e ST- E2 onto the camera.)
To remove the
Readvine the
The hot shoe on t h e EOS 650, EOS 620, EOS 750, a n d EOS 850 will not couple w i t h t h e lock pin. The
(3) Turning On the Power
When transmission is possible, 2 the pilot lamp lights in red and the 5 icon lights in the camera
1Turn the main switch to < I >.
The main switch has the follow- ing three positions:
<0 > : Turns of'f'the powcr.
<I > : Turns on the powrr.
<H LD > : T h e s e t t i n g s which were set a t the I switch position arc frozen. All transmitter con- trols exccpt t h e t e s t trtinsmis- sion button a r e disabled. This prevents inadvertant alteration of transmitter settings.
0 When the 5 icon lights in the camera viewfinder, it indicates that the
Q If t h e
With a Type A camera (EOS- 3, EOS Elan IIIIIE, EOS 50/50E, EOS 500NIRebel G, EOS IX. EOS IX7IIX Lite) equipped with
3.Readying the 550EX (Slave Setting)
(4)Channel Setting(1) Slave settingIPower on (2) Channel setting
To prevent wireless signals from being transmitted to unrelated S p e e d l i t e 55OEX u n i t s i n t h e vicinity, you can set a channel dif- ferent from the one used by the unrelated Speedlite 550EX units. One of four channels can be set. T h e ST - E2 ( m a s t e r ) and s l a v e Speedlite(s) must be set to t h e same channel No.
P r e s s t h e < CH. > button a n d select the desired channel.
Each time the button is pressed the channel indicator changes 1
T h e S T - E 2 a n d S p e e d l i t e 5 5 0 E X m u s t be set to the same channel No
S e t t h e w i r e l e s s selector t o 1 < SLAVE >. H e r e i n a R e r , a S p e e d l i t e 5 5 0 E X s e t to t h i s
mode will be called a "slave."
The zoom setting is set automat- ically to (a c7'lmm. T h i s can be overridden manually.
2 Set the slave's main switch to < I > or < SE > to turn it on.
When t h e Speedlite is ready t o fire, the
E a c h t i m e you p r e s s t h e < SEL/SET > button, the blink- ing display changes in the fol-
2 While is blinking, press t h e < + z or < - > butlon to select the same channel No. as the
0 If t h e 550EX's channel No. is d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e S T - E 2 ' s c h a n n e l No., w i r e l e s s t r a n s - mission will not work.
4. Basic Wireless
3 press t h e < SEL/SET, b u t t o n to regster the channel N ~(the,
d i s p l a y s t o p s b l i n k i n g a n d stays on).
After t h e
For explanatory purposes, t h e
(I) Positioning of
Attach t h e slave to t h e mini s t a n d (equipped with tripod socket) which comes with t h e 550EX.
Turn t h e Speedlite's body (bounce feature) so t h a t t h e slave sensor fhccs toward t h c
Indoors, the slave position need not be so precise since the light will also bounce off the walls.
After positioning t h e c a m e r a a n d slaves, be s u r e to t e s t t h e wirclrss control before taking a picture.
Do not place any obstructions between t h e
Basic Wireless
(2) Camera operation
Set the camera for normal flash operation.
0 With the
(3)Checking the
pilot lamp and slave- ready status
to <IioLD> prevent the 'lash ratio control lamp from light- ing inadvertantly.
Check that the
When the slave is ready to fire, its
P r e s s t h e S T - E 2 ' s pilot l a m p (which also functions a s a t e s t transmission button).
If everything is OK, slavc A will fire
followed by slave R ( a t 1/64 output). If the slave(s)docs not fire, reposi-
tion the slave's angle or distance toward the
0When t h e
Basic Wireless
(5)Taking the picture and flash confirmation
W h e n y o u p r e s s t h e s h u t t e r b u t - t o n c o n ~ p l e t e l ya, w i r r l c s s s i g n a l i s t r a n s m i t t e d t o t h e s l a v e , t h e n t h e s l a v e f i r e s a p r e f l a s h a n d t h e n t h e m a i n f l a s h w h e n t h e p i c t u r e is
t a k e n .
The subject's flash cxposurc reading is obtained with t h e preflash a n d used to s e t t h e main flash output. Wireless flash photography is there- by executed with a n optimum flash ou1put.
When t h e correct flash exposure is obtained, t h e
closer to t h e s u b j e c t a n d r e p e a t steps (2)to ( 5 ) .
With the
page 32.
The slave must be properly positioned to receive t h e wireless transmission.
After t h e picture is t a k e n . the slave's operation result is displayed on t h e slave's display panel.
I f t h e s l a v e i s in t h e S E (Save Energy) mode, press- ing t h e
U n d e r
be emitted by the camera.
The slave's
44 To prevent overheating, limit t h e n u m b e r of consecutive wireless transmissions to 50. After 50 consecutive wireless transmissions, allow the
45. Wireless
T h e r e a r e t w o t y p e s of wireless
a< RATIO > O F F : All slaves fire the same flash output.
Q)< RATIO > ON: Slaves are given a n ID, e i t h e r A o r B. T h e f l a s h ratio is then set for each ID.
The flash ratio can be set only when
the camera is an
The flash ratio cannot be set with an EOS Elan IVIIE, EOS 50/5OE, EOS Rebel G/500N, EOS IX or EOS K71X Lite.
a By c h a n g i n g t h e d i s t a n c e between t h e subject a n d slaves, the lighting balance (flash ratio) can be changed accordingly.
Two or more slaves can be
With the
As a n e x a m p l e , t w o s l a v e s a r e used here, one positioned on t h e left a n d t h e other on t h e right of the subject.
All t h e s l a v e s s e t a t t h e s a m e c h a n n e l fire a t t h e s a m e o u t p u t controlled by
Thc operation ~rooedureis thc same a s with wireless
0 With the
In t h e sample flash s e t u p shown below, t h e lighting on t h e left will be b r i g h t e r t h a n on t h e r i g h t of t h e subject.
In t h e example shown for "Multi- F l a s h w i t h a U n i f o r m F l a s h O u t p u t , " t h e l i g h t i n g b a l a n c e (flash ratio) was adjusted by plac- i n g t h e s l a v e s a t d i f f e r e n t d i s - t a n c e s t o t h e s u b j e c t . However, with
T h e f l a s h r a t i o c a n bc a d j u s t e d from 8:l to 1 a n d from 1 to 118 in
15ni / 49.2ft
(1) Setting the Slave ID
With the wireless control of multi- ple slaves, you can set the flash ratio and specify the main flash and fill flash by assigning a slave ID. There are three IDS:A, B, and C. The
Set the slave ID to A for the slave on the left of the camera. and to B for the slave on the right of the camera.
Press t h e slave's < SEL/SET > button to select < > .
2 Press the <+ > or < - > but- ton to set the slave ID to <A>.
3 Press t h e < SELISET > button to register the slave ID. (The slave I D stops blinking a n d stays on.)
4 Follow the same procedure for the other slave to set the slave ID to <B>.
0 If the slave's ID is set to C, it cannot he controlled by thc ST-
E2. Be sure to set the slave ID 7rn5s to A or B.
T h e r e is no limit a s t o t h e number of slaves t h a t can be used. S e t t h e slave ID for all the slaves to either A or B.
About Slave Group
All slaves s e t to the same ID a r e controlled a s one group.
Shown below is a g r o u p of t h r e e slaves whose ID is A. They will be controlled as a single slave group A.
(2) Setting the A:B Flash Ratio
The flash ratio between slave A and slave B can be set to specify the main flash and fill flash. The flash ratio can be set from 8:l to 1and from 1 to 1:8 in
(3)Camera and Slave
Position the
Check t h a t t h e
T h c f l a s h r a t i o control l a m p lights in red, and the respective flash ratio indicator lights.
The flash ratios for the unmarked indica- tors ( are shown in parentheses below.
Press the < 4 > or < b > but- ton to select the desired flash ratio.
0If the main switch has been set t o < I >, t h e b u t t o n s will not work. S e t t h e main switch to
< HOLD >.
The modeling flash can be fired to see the lighting effects before the picture is taken.
(4)Follow the basic proce- dure for wireless
6. Applications
Even with a wireless
Wireless F E lock
Flash exposure compensation Flash exposure compensation can be set with the camera.
Wlrelchs manual flash
Wireless manual flash can be fired - by settlng the slave to
or manual flash Wlreless repeating flash
W i r e l e s s r e p e a t i n g f l a s h c a n be used when the slave has been set to
F o r d e t a l l s , s e e t h e 5.50EXts Instruct~ons
After setting t h e wireless single- or
After setting t h e wireless single- o r multi
39:\ I / The
S u b j e c t to change without noticc,.
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