TRACER CH532 Chiller controller User guide
General information
These Installation Operation and Maintenance instructions are given as a guide to good practice in the installation,
Warranty is based on the general terms and conditions of the constructor. The warranty is void if the equipment is modified or repaired without the written approval of the constructor, if the operating limits are exceeded, or if the control system or the electrical wiring is modified.
Damage due to misuse, lack of maintenance, or failure to comply with the manufacturer???s instructions, is not covered by the warranty obligation.
If the user does not conform to the rules of ???Maintenance???, it may entail cancellation of warranty and liabilities by the constructor.
When the unit arrives on site, check it has not been damaged in any way during transport. If damage is observed, or even merely suspected, notify the carrier within 24 hours by registered letter. Notify the local Trane Sales office at the same time. The unit should be totally inspected within 3 days of delivery. If damage is observed, notify the last carrier by registered letter and notify the local sales office.
General information
About this manual
Cautions appear at appropriate places in this instruction manual. Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine require that you follow them carefully. The constructor assumes no liability for installations or servicing performed by unqualified personnel.
TRACER CH532 Presentation
Important note: This document describes all the functions available on TRACER CH532 with software version 2.0 and explains how to program it.
Certain parameters must only be modified by qualified personnel. Before changing any parameter, always check that the change does not affect the good and safe operation of the equipment. Operation must always stay in the catalogued limits.
6 buttons (2) to (7)
Figure 1 - TRACER CH532 user interface
Prg Esc
5 6 7
2. Alarm button:
Used for displaying or manually resetting the alarms. The red LED lights up , when at least one alarm has been detected.
3. Prg Program button:
Allows the various operating parameters to be set (safety parameters, thresholds).
4. Esc Escape button:
Allows the return to default display
5.6. Downward and Upward
Allows management of currently displayed screen and setting of values of control parameters
7 Validation button
Allows to move from line to line in the currently displayed screen and to confirm the set data.
Hardware architecture
Figure 2 - TRACER CH532 inputs and
Prg Esc
Hardware architecture
Table 1 - TRACER CH532 General description
Hardware architecture
Table 2 - Inputs and output summary list
Hardware architecture
TRACER CH532 offers customer the possibility to use inputs or outputs in order to:
-use an external water setpoint reset using an analog input (refer to figure 3)
-use an auxiliary setpoint
-connect a remote on/off of the unit or a circuit
-reset faults
-connect a remote Cooling/Heating switch
-return a circuit fault
Note: External water setpoint
Based on a external signal input, it will be possible to offset the active setpoint from 0??C to 20??C. This function can be used in conjunction with the automatic setpoint reset function.
Figure 3
1.Leaving water temperature setpoint
2.Minimum value
3.Maximum value
4.Reset = 20??C
5.Active setpoint
Table 3: Customer Inputs and output summary list
AI: Analog Input
DI: Digital Input
DO: Digital Output
Starting/stopping the unit
Once the unit is powered on (main disconnect switch closed) TRACER CH532 returns to the following display:
Line 2 gives current date and time Line 3 gives current leaving water temperature
Line 4 gives the unit status:
OFF BY KEYB = Local stop UNIT ON = Unit running
Pressing Esc from any screen will return to this screen.
1. Starting the unit:
2.Following screen will be displayed:
Status Unit
4.Press or
to change from ???N??? to ???Y???
5.Press . Following screen will be displayed:
2.Stopping the unit
1.Press Esc to exit from any menu and return to default display.
2.Press for 3 seconds unit will stop, and following screen will be displayed:
Unit Switched Off
3. Press Esc to return to default display
Note: In case of power failure unit will restart in the state (operating mode, setpoints???) it was in before the power failure and default screen will be displayed.
TRACER CH532 allows the user to access 4 menus to display or adjust operation parameters:
??????Data display??? menu - This menu allows the user to visualize all operation parameters:
-Water and air temperatures
-Refrigerant pressures
-Saturated refrigerant temperatures
-Compressors status
-Compressor running hours
-Number of compressors starts
-Unit operating mode
-Compressors failures counters
??????Settings??? menu - This menu is password protected. It allows access to the settings of:
-Offset of cooling and heating setpoints
-Unit operation validation
-Customer inputs and outputs
??????Clock??? menu - This menu is password protected. It allows access to the settings of:
-Day of the week, hour, date
-Daily or weekly program
-Hourly zone program
??????Configuration??? menu - This menu is password protected. It allows to adjust or change:
-Unit definition
-Compressors timers
-High pressure control
-Dead band, antifreeze and heater setpoints
-Type of sensors and transducers
-Operation protections
-Cooling mode limitations
-Defrost parameters
-Compressor alarms
Accessing the menus
From any screen displayed, press
Esc , TRACER CH532 will then display the following screen:
Data Display
1. or
allow the cursor to move from line to line thus selecting one of the 4 menus.
Note: The selection is displayed in capital characters
2.Once one line is selected, press to validate the choice.
3.Pressing Esc will exit the menu selection mode and return to default display.
Display menu: ???Data display???
From the menu screen, select ???Data Display??? then press
Pressing or
will allow navigation from screen 1 to 8 as shown hereafter:
The menu is looped making it possible to scroll from the first item in the menu to the last item.
1. Water and air temperatures Lvg Wat Temp = Leaving water temperature
Ret Wat Temp = Entering water temperature
Amb Temp = Ambient air temperature
Active StP = Active water setpoint
2. Refrigerant pressures
HP ckt1 = Condensing Pressure circuit 1
HP ckt2 = Condensing Pressure circuit 2 (dual circuit units only) LP ckt1 = Evaporating Pressure circuit 1
LP ckt2 = Evaporating Pressure circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
3. Refrigerant saturated temperatures
Sat Temp CDS1 = Condensing temperature circuit 1
Sat Temp CDS2 = Condensing temperature circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
Sat Temp EVP1 = Evaporating temperature circuit 1
Sat Temp EVP2 = Evaporating temperature circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
Legend for screens 4,5 and 6: Cmp A1 = Compressor A/circuit 1 Cmp B1/C1 = Compressor B and C/circuit 1
Cmp A2 = Compressor A/circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
Cmp B2/C2 = Compressor B and C/circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
4. Compressors status
Possible Status:
Off = Compressor stopped On = Compressor running
Rec.On = Compressor will start after
Rec.Off = Compressor will stop after
5. Compressors running time Hrs indicates the number of full
hours compressor has been working since its first start.
6. Number of compressors starts
Starts indicates the number of compressor starts since first
7. Operating mode
Mode = Running mode
-Cooling = Cold water production
-Heating = Hot water production
(Reversible chillers only)
Stp Local 07.0??C
-Stp = Current setpoint
-Local = Source of Setpoint Local = Cooling or heating setpoint defined locally Extern = Auxiliary setpoint or operating mode by external contact
Auto = setpoint by the automatic reset or the daily/weekly program Remote = Setpoint by supervisor
Ckt1/Ckt 2 = Operational circuits
-Enable = Circuit is operational
-Disable = Circuit is not operational
8.Compressors failures counters
This menu indicates the number of compressors failure regardless of the history.
Customer settings menu: ???Settings???
From the menu screen, select
???Settings??? then press . Following screen will appear:
User password
Enter password:???0000??? and cursor will move to first field of password. Pressing
will change the value from 0 to 9999. Keeping pressure on
will move the numbers fast.
Press to confirm password.
Pressing will allow navigation from screen 1 to 5 as shown hereafter:
1. Setpoints
To access one of the parameters
Cooling Stp = Cold water setpoint
Enable = Auxiliary setpoint validated Disable = Auxiliary setpoint non- validated
. Automatic cooling and heating mode setpoints reset
TRACER CH532 offers the possibility to offset cold and/or hot water setpoints according to ambient air temperature.
The automatic setpoint reset program will allow you to change the water temperature setpoint (cooling and heating mode) with the ambient temperature. This function can be used in conjunction with the external setpoint reset function.
Figure 4
2 temperature 3
1.Leaving water temperature setpoint
2.Starting point
3.Ending point
4.Reset delta
5.Active set point
Below the reset starting point, the water temperature setpoint will be the normal setting. Between the starting and ending point the setpoint will vary proportionally with the ambient temperature. After the ending point, the setpoint will stay at its maximum or minimum value.
2.1 Cooling mode setpoint reset
To access one of the parameters
Cold Water Reset: Ambient temperature based cold water setpoint offset
Y = Enabled
N = Disabled (factory setting) Start Point: Starting point
End Point: Ending point
- factory setting: 30??C)
Reset Delta: Reset amplitude
15??C - factory setting: 10??C)
3. Heating mode setpoint reset (Reversible chillers only)
To access one of the parameters
Hot Water Reset: Ambient temperature based hot water setpoint offset
Y = Enabled
N = Disabled (Factory setting) Start Point: Starting point
End Point: Ending point
Reset Delta: Reset amplitude
Customer settings menu: ???Settings???
4. Operating mode
To access one of the parameters
Comp seq: Compressor sequencing
Mode: Operating mode Cooling: Cold water
production (default factory setting)
Heating: Hot water production (Reversible chillers only)
Extern: (external control) Note: When switching from cooling to heating mode or from heating to cooling mode, unit will stop for 15 s before restarting.
To allow chiller waterflow rate adjustment disable circuit 1 and 2,
The Auto sequence intend to have equivalent numbers of starts and stops and an equivalent number of compressor working hours. The compressor start order will prioritize the compressors which have the least number of working hours. Ckt1/2: Circuit 1/2 operation
Enable: circuit operational
Disable: circuit non- operational
Note: It is possible to disable both circuit 1 and 2. Water pump will be kept in operation
5. Customer Inputs and Outputs
Ana. Input External setpoint reset Y = Enabled
N = Disabled
Pump Timer: Time between unit stop (by keyboard or external contact) and stop of the pump
(1 to 10 min - factory setting = 1 min)
6. Customer outputs configuration
then start the unit.
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Analog Input: Signal type
0..10V (factory setting)
0..1V 0..20mA 4..20mA
Note: the total amplitude corresponds to reset delta of +20??C between 0%(0V,OA or 4 mA) and 100% (10V,1V, or 20 mA)
Default I/O: (NO9 / NO11)
This output will be used to give an information about the circuit status: A configuration parameter will allow to choose between the following three indications concerning this circuit:
ALL: All alarms (manual and automatic reset)
ALL But LA: All alarms but without Low Ambient alarm MR only: Manual reset alarms only (factory setting)
Status output: (NO10)
Add Heat: indicate an additionnal heat demand Unit State Send data telling that at least one compressor is ON
(factory setting)
Customer settings menu: ???Settings???
7. Remote Mode
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Chiller control Mode:
Local: Setpoints are entered on the module. Orders sent from the BMS are not taken into account.
Remote: Orders sent from the BMS are taken into account.
Clock Setting menu: ???Clock???
From the menu screen, select
???Clock??? then press . Following screen will appear:
User password
Enter default password:???0000??? (factory set)
Press and cursor will move to first field of password. Pressing
will increment the value from 0 to 9999. Keeping pressure on
will move the numbers fast. Press
to confirm password.
Pressing or
will allow navigation from screen 1 to 3 as shown hereafter:
1. Clock setting
To access one of the 4 parameters displayed, press and change value
Mon: Monday (factory setting)
Tue: Tuesday
Wed: Wednesday
Thu: Thursday
Fri: Friday
Sat: Saturday
Sun: Sunday
Hour: Time (hours/minutes)
Date: Date setting (day/month/year)
2. ON/OFF program type
When enabled, this program will control the unit operation (On/Off). This program will allow the user to:
-Make a choice between the daily and/or the weekly operation
-Define the operational days and hours
-Define the operating setpoints for each mode (cooling and heating)
The operating mode selected by the operator or by the external control will be taken into account. Example:
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Weekly: Weekly program
Y: Enabled
N: Disabled (factory setting)
Daily: Daily program
Y: Enabled
N: Disabled (factory setting)
Clock Setting menu: ???Clock???
2.1 Weekly program
To access one of the parameters
Start: Starting day
Stop: Ending day
2.2 Daily program
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Start: Start time
Stop: Stop time
3. Hourly Zone
The Daily/weekly program will allow you to define the cooling mode and heating mode setpoints. It will be possible to define within a day, four operating zones with different setpoint as follows:
To validate hourly zone program, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by
Hourly zone
Disable: No program
Enable: Program used
3.1 Defining Zones
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Start: Beginning Time
Cooling StP: Cooling mode setpoint
Heating StP: Heating mode setpoint - Reversible chillers only (20 to 60??C factory setting: 45??C)
Press or
to reach zones 2,3 and 4. Proceed the same way as above for programming parameters.
Note: The automatic or external setpoint compensation or the external setpoint will change the standard setpoint only but will not affect the setpoints defined for the hourly zones 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Unit configuration menu: ???Configuration???
From the menu screen, select ???Configuration??? then press . Following screen will appear:
User password
Enter default password:???0000???
Press and cursor will move to first field of password. Pressing
will increment the value from 0 to 9999. Keeping pressure on
will move the numbers fast. Press
to confirm password.
Pressing or
will allow navigation from screen 1 to 11 as shown hereafter:
1. Unit definition
To access one of the 4 parameters
Figure 5 - Single pump operation
Note: figures 5 to 8, Unit Off means that the unit is stopped by keyboard or by an external contact
Figure 6 - Dual pump operation
Pump 1
Pump 2
Unit Type: Unit type
Chiller: Cooling only
Heat pump: Reversible chiller Refrg: Refrigerant R407C, R134a, R410A or R22
Fans/ckt: Number of fans per circuit: 1, 2, or 3
Note: Setting number of fans at 0, will stop all the fans, but will allow the compressors to run before being stopped by HP switch.
Water Pump: Water pump type Single: Single pump control Dual: Dual pump control
Note: Pump operation
The water pumps can be single or dual. A timer is used to delay the pump shut down in normal operating conditions. The timer is reset at each unit start.
When twin pumps are used, a pump switch will occur at each start and also in case of fault on the pump in operation.
Figure 7 - Single pump protection
Pump protection- input
Pump protection- output
Unit stopped (manual reset)
Unit configuration menu: ???Configuration???
Figure 8 - Dual pump protection
* refer to ???alarms??? section for meaning of message
Unit configuration menu: ???Configuration???
2. Compressors timers
To access one of the parameters
ACC 1st Start: Short cycle compressor at first start (0 to 60 min - factory setting: 2min)
3. HP Control
To access one of the parameters
Fan Control: Fan type:
1 speed: 1 Speed fan
2 speed: 2 Speed fan
Invert: Inverter
Fan Ctrl StP: Fan control setpoint
(10 to 30 bar - factory setting: 15 bar)
Dead band Fan: Fans regulation dead band (2 to 8 bar - factory setting: 5 bar)
4. Control dead bands
To access one of the parameters
Dead band Cmp: Compressors regulation dead band around water temperature (0.4 to 8.0??C - factory setting: 3.0??C)
AntiFreeze: Cold water temperature limit
Heater: Evaporator heater setpoint according to ambient air temperature (0 to 10??C - factory setting: 3??C)
5. Winter Freeze Protection
Chilled water high limit: (15 to 25??C: factory setting 15??C)
Water pump cycle OFF: (5 to 15 min: factory setting 10min)
Winter Freeeze protection with pump:
No ??? Heater or Ethylene
Glycol Required
Yes ??? Ctrl Pump Required
Unit configuration menu: ???Configuration???
6. Sensors and transducers
To access one of the parameters
Temp probe: Sensor type: NTC (factory setting)
Press probe: Pressure transducer:
0..10V 0..1V 0..20mA
4..20mA (factory setting) Min Press: Pressure at 0V, 0mA or 4 mA
Max Press: Pressure at 10V, 1V or 20 mA (16 to 50 bar - factory setting: 30bar)
7. Operation limits
To access one of the parameters
LP (Sat Temp): Low evaporating pressure limit
Timer LP: Low pressure fault timer after compressor start (0 to 300 s - factory setting: 60s)
HP Cool StP: High pressure limit in cooling mode (15 to 40 bar - factory setting: 28 bar)
HP Heat StP: High pressure limit in heating mode (15 to 40 bar - factory setting: 28 bar)
8. Analog Output (for speed inverter) Note: This screen is displayed only if ???Invert??? has been selected in the HP control menu (refer to ??3)
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
(11 to 40 bar - factory setting: 16 bar)
Unit configuration menu: ???Configuration???
9. Operating limits (cooling)
Low ambient temperature limitation:
On: (factory setting) Low ambiant limited
Off: Low ambient temperature not limited
Low ambient limit:
Chilled water high limitation:
On: High water temperature limited (factory setting)
Off: High water temperature not limited
Chilled water high limit: 10 to 20 ??C: Factory setting 15??C
10. Defrost demand setpoint
Low ambient heating:
Setpoint at minimum ambient: 1 to 30??C, (factory setting 10??C)
Maximum ambient:
Setpoint at maximum ambient: 1 to 30??C, (factory setting 22??C)
11. Defrost cycle termination
To access one of the parameters
Term StP: Defrost termination setpoint (10 to 30bar - factory setting: 20 bar)
Drying time: Drying time (5 to 30
seconds - factory setting: 12s)
Max Defrost: Maximum defrost time (5 to 30 minutes - factory setting:
7 min)
Min cycle: Minimum time between defrost cycle (15 to 60min - factory setting: 25 min)
Note: Dual circuits have two independent refrigerant circuits. Defrost cycle will only occur on the circuit that needs it. The other circuit will continue its normal operation if required.
12. Compressor alarm
To access one of the parameters displayed, press and change value using
. Confirm the value by pressing
Compressor alarm
00000 h
Default parameters?
Compressor alarm: Operating hours for a warning (0 to 999000 hours by 1000 hours)
Setting compressor alarm at 000000 h will disable the function.
Note: Total operating hours = compressor running hours + 3 x compressor starts
Default parameters?: Set the default parameters
Y: Reset all parameters
N: Keep all parameters
Note: When resetting, all parameters programmed on site will be definitively lost. Only factory default set parameters will be kept. Full configuration of the unit will have to be checked.
1. Alarms display and Resetting
A fault on a unit will be shown through the user interface or through 2 digital outputs, one for each refrigerant circuit.
The alarms are divided into 3 categories:
-Warning. Shows that something is wrong on the unit but unit can be kept in operation. A message is displayed on the user interface screen. These messages are not recorded in the history list.
-Fault with automatic reset: when the cause of the fault disappears, the fault is cancelled and unit operation will return to normal. The messages displayed on the user interface screen disappear but are recorded in the history list of faults. The fault is relayed through the digital output if I/O parameter is set to show a circuit fault.
-Fault with manual reset: when the cause of the fault disappears, a manual reset is required to restart the unit. The messages displayed on the user interface screen disappear and are recorded in the history list of faults. The fault is relayed through the digital output if I/O parameter is set to show a circuit fault.
Should an alarm occur, will be lit in red.
Pressing once will display the alarm message (refer to table 4 for possible messages)
When alarm message is displayed
press to reset the default if necessary.
2. Alarms history
200 events can be recorded by TRACER CH532. Each record will give the fault description, the reset type, the order and the day and time of occurrence.
Maintaining for 5 seconds give will access to the last event recorded.
Then using allows the user to view the complete history. (refer to table 5 for possible messages)
Table 4 - Status, warnings and alarm messages
(**)When the unit is shut down after a waterflow alarm for more than 1 minute, it is necessary to switch the unit Off and On again to reset the fault. The fault will automatically reset if the water pump is still running.
Table 5 - History events record
LonTalk?? option
The Lon interface uses an Echelon
This channel is characterized by the following main features:
???It consists of up to 60 nodes on a single network segment
???Data rate : 78 125 kbps
???Maximum distance : 1400 meters
???Recommended topology : daisy chain with double end terminator
(105 ohms)
For futher details, refer to the official documentation LonWorks??
These documents and additional information are available on the internet site
Figure 9
1.Connection to the Tracer CH532
2.Terminal block to the LonWorks?? network (GND,A,B)
3.Service pin
4.Green status LED
5.Red service LED
To activate the service pin, simply short circuit the two pins for a moment using the tip of a screwdriver or similar tool. The service pin is available only in the node installation phase. When the pin is activated, the node sends a broadcast message in the LonWorks?? containing the necessary information in order to be identified.
LonTalk?? option
LED meaning and function
Green Status LED
(1)By sending a request, you can request the controller???s green status LED to blink (???wink???), a notification that the controller received the signal and is communicating.
Red Service LED
Object details
Figure 10
Chiller Controller 8040
Mandatory network variables
Note: BAS intergrators requiring .xif file need to contact their local sales representative.
Other optional network variables are not supported.
LonTalk?? option
(m) = mandatory
(o) = optional
LonTalk?? option
Cable characteristics
Level 4 cable may be used with
The following specifications can be used by cable suppliers to identify a compliant Level 4 cable.
Specifications apply to shield or unshielded 22AWG (0.65mm2) cable
Worst pair to pair near end crosstalk (dB) minimum. Values are shown for information only. The minimum NEXT coupling loss for any pair combination at room temperature is to be greater than the value determined using the formula NEXT (F MHz)>NEXT
For the
It is recommended to use shielded cable if high amplitude modulation noise exist or transient protection is required.
Safety recommendations
To avoid accidents and damage, the following recommendations should be observed during maintenance and service visits:
1.The maximum allowable pressures for system leak testing on low and high pressure side are given in the chapter ???Installation???. Always provide a pressure regulator.
2.Disconnect the main supply before any servicing on the unit.
3.Service work on the refrigeration system and the electrical system should be carried out only by qualified and experienced personnel.
Maintenance contract
It is strongly recommended that you sign a maintenance contract with your local Service Agency. This contract provides regular maintenance of your installation by a specialist in our equipment. Regular maintenance ensures that any malfunction is detected and corrected in good time and minimizes the possibility that serious damage will occur. Finally, regular maintenance ensures the maximum operating life of your equipment. We would remind you that failure to respect these installation and maintenance instructions may result in immediate cancellation of the warranty.
The equipment described in this manual is the result of many years of research and continuous development. To assist you in obtaining the best use of it and maintaining it in perfect operating condition over a long period of time, the manufacturer has at your disposal a refrigeration and air conditioning service school. The principal aim of this is to give operators and technicians a better knowledge of the equipment they are using, or that is under their charge. Emphasis is particularly given to the importance of periodic checks on the unit operating parameters as well as on preventive maintenance, which reduces the cost of owning the unit by avoiding serious and costly breakdown.
The manufacturer has a policy of continuous product improvement, and reserves the right to alter any details of the products at any time without notice.
This publication is a general guide to install, use and properly maintain our products. The information given may be different from the specification for a particular country or for a specific order. In this event, please refer to your nearest office.
For additional information, contact:
Distributor/Installer stamp
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Only qualified technicians should perform the installation and servicing of equipment referred to in this publication.